HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-04-05, Page 7TABLE TAUS Smooth, Glassy BTOWn 13radVy Gravy 'rain make Or tear a cook's reputation, just as it can make or near a meal. actually, too; the achievement of a rich, velvety pro- duct is (mite a simple feat. For gravy makers, however, w h o aren't up to all the tricks of the trade, the Consumer Section of the Dominion Department of Ag- riculture offers two rules, which, if followed -Pill result in glossy gravy, free -from -lumps, the pride T any housewife. Two Rules Rule number one deals with the proper blending of the flour and fat. They should be well blended, and the "flour browned before the liquid is added. Remenmber . . . the gravy won't brown after the liquid is added. Rule nuniber two is concerned with addiicg and blending the liquid. It may be water, meat or chicken stock, liquor trom canned or cooked vegetables, milk or to- mato juice. Whatever it is, the liquid should he cold when added to the fat -flour mixture, Also, it should be added gradually and the Mixture stirred constantly during the operation. Gravy should not be made too far in advance of serving, other- wise it will dry out, become thick and pasty and form a scum • on top Which is difficult to blend back smoothly into the gravy. For late - to -dinner members of the family, keep the gravy hot in the top of a double boiler, closely covered. Pan Gravy Add 2 or 3 tablespoons boiling water to frying or broiler pan used in cooking steak. Stir well to loos- en particles adhering to pan. Sea- son as desired and serve on steak. Brown Gravy g cup fat (drippings from roast) y cup flour 2 cups cold liquid (water or meat or vegetable stock) Salt and pepper to taste Always make gravy in the pan in which the meat was cooked. When meat is done, remove from pan to a hot platter and keep warns in oven with heat off or hi warm- ing oven, Pour off excess fat leav- ing / cup in pan. Add flotir and cook, stirring constantly, until flour becomes brown but not burned. Remove pan from direct heat and add cold liquid. Return to low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until gravy boils and thickens. Season to taste. Makes 2 cups gravy: You Will Enjoy Staying At . The ST. REGIS HOTEL ronoxmo • Every )teem with Seth, Shorn er and telephone, fe Single, $2,i1e up— Doodle, Sn.rro 1P. p Ggml tenon, rltnlne and fleec- ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton TeL RA. 4135 /e=ach;os ee4e 1VFIEN you suffer from aching, aggra- vating musculaepain, ggra-vatingmusculaapain, you want quick relief. An Instantine tablet taken with water, will usually bring this relief. And Instantine's help doesn't stop here, because this prescription -type medicine is specially compounded to give triple -action relief these ways: I. Speedily eases pain. 2. Prolongs relief from pain. 3. Reduces "depressed feeling." -Gives mild, stimulating "lift." Instantine quickly relieves headache pain, too. And you can rely on it for prompt aid in fighting oft the die- eomfori that comes with a cold. AB drugstores. 12 tablets 25l. F Fistrifine e product of The Buyel Co., Ltd. ISSUE 14-1045 1..w- .. �'-..�\. .,, :\fib. , .a ,a\ .x:,;� ,., .a' ��'.,�\�?:`..�u „�`��p.>���`". aa`o ...�`m ...•i$9v�..v���..e Jade By MARY IMLAY TAYLOR CHAPTER :XVI Ile took .her 'in leis arms again and kissed her solemnly. "It's goodby," he said firmly. "I won't take :you. At least, I'm man enough not to ruin your life— because I love you. ft's goodby, Pam!" She could not speak; she let him go, but she stood 'still, tears blinding her. Iie would not take her to fight his battle, there was a tumult ism her heart, she wanted to run after him to tell him she would face anything for hint, but he didn't want her to got The hot blood rushed to her face; then she remembered the angtciah in his eyes—and he was going! She stood holding her breath, listening to his footsteps going away down the long hall and, at last, the closing of the door. If there was something that she could do; wasn't there some- thing? Suddenly her heart leaped —the jade god! She would make Burleson tell her everything he len ew. * * * She went softly across the hall. She wanted to be sure that Lan- don had gone before she went back .to the library. There wag a stir in the rooms beyond and then Aunt Lynn's voice, cold and crisp, freezing someone out. Pant hid herself from them, trying to slip by, but site could not shut her • cess. "Pm sorry, I knew your mother,. Archie," Mrs. Lynn said icily, "but I can't pardon this." She was freezing Landon ontl He mumbled sontething about Teddy Banks, and not being bite - self. "If you mean you'd been drink- ing—that only makes it worse," she replied sharply. "As for Banks —you know what I think! I told the servants long ago not to ad- mit hint again," "And now I'm hi for that, too, I suppose!" Landon cried. "When I tried to undo it, too," "You'll have to pardon a wom- an who knew your mother, for speaking the truth, Archie," slte retorted suavely. "You sec, I'm not stere that your way of undo, ing it was—much better!" l:Ie stammered more apologies and her icy voice trickled back at him "He's done!„ Pani thought. "And I'm glad of it—the coward!" e * * Thea Pani slipper past that cur- tain arch and found the little door in the corner; it opened into the library beside the fireplace. It was still in there; her first thought was that there was no one in the room; the shades had not been drawn; a street -lamp garished out- side, the fire ou the hearth was low. Then, beyond the shaded lamp, she Sa)w the outline of her uncles gray head. She thought he was asleep, his eyes were closed, the red streak had faded into ashen gray, he looked ilh It seemed impossible that' hr could be asleep after all that violence! She saw the scattered bits of pol- ished jade cm: the floor, shattered like poor Mark's hope of freedom long ago. She stooped softie and began. ,to pick up the fragmuents, She Ruled the head unhurt, green beard and all, Sud: the distorted mouth gritted up at her, She . had it in her hand when she lifted her eyes again and found Burle- son watching 'her "Throw that thing away, Pain!" he said sharply, * * .* But she did not; she cause near- er, holding out hei' pink palmi with the green head in it. "Miele Herbert, Mark's uncle brought that when they were 'to- gether tor the last time; brought it for you, and he had it when Mark saw him last. FIe gave it tL, you afterwards," she paused, letting her words sink in, but he es.id nothing, only looked intently at her. "Don't you see?" she pleaded, "Ire gave it to you after Mark left him. He was killed after that. You can clear Mark, if you will!" "Oh, can I?" his gray lined face was cruel when he twisted his lips like that! The girl looked steadily at hint with the eyes of youth. "Yes, you can! You umust—" .She tame near- er, "Uncle Herbert, try to re- member—you must! He can't be left litre this—he didn't do it!" * * * Burleson returned her look steadily, Isis grayness seemed to increase, -for the tempest of his anger had left him weak. "Welty are you so sure he didn't do it?" he asked raspingly. She broke at that, suddenly childish and forlorn, "I know—I love hint!" Ile was dumfounded, "Extra- ordinaryl" he said, after a moment. "Yogi young girls now—good Lord, what would your grandmothers have said." "Who cares?" Pain stormed. "We're young—youth has a right to live!" "And age has to clear oat, ch?" his race twisted again into his mocking smile, "If it stands in the way of life— yesl" she cried ere*. "Think of all Mark's lost -fifteen years of youth! It's cruel, it's wicked. Uncle Herbert, you must have known something; there was some- one else; why didn't you say so?" FIe considered her, his head sunk Ietw'een his thin' high shoulders. She was so Splendidly young and so cruel in her youth. "Suppose i suspected," he said slowly, "suppose I didn't know, but it I'd said a word it would have pilled downa fancily, a good wife. sons or daughters, and prnm•ed nothing—perhaps l" "Then you did suspect!" she cried. "You did, and you let Mark go—for sortie old sinner in high place!" "I didn't say that; f said, `sup- pose'," "You meant it! Was any old man worth Mark's splendid youth, Uncle? FIe couldn't be!" "Perhaps his people were. Think of the disg't are," "Think of it? Yes!" she cried, flinging the little green head down, think of what dc's got to face— 'Meek! He won't let me face it with him, Ile refuses to let me do it," "You mean you asked this—this ex -convict tc marry von, Pam?" he cried, sitting rip in finis chair. (To Ile Continued) Hint for Housewife I et laundry on the litre hill not freeze if a Handful of salt is used in time rinse water. NAVY'' MEN IN KHAKI eat Navy men swapped their blue navy uniforms for army khaki, and trained like army troops while preparing for now historic Rhine crossing. "Bluejackets" are shown lined up for drill during training period. • The Bells Of Peace Some day the bells of peace will ring. The wheels of war will .cease to hunt. Free Wren will plough the fertile fields; The thunder of the guns be dumb, Once more will happy children play And sleep, uictroubled., safe in bed; No terror fly by night or day! No fear of bombers overhead! ' Yet, grass will grow on countless graves, Marked by plain crosses row on row — On men who gave their very all, , That love and beauty we might know. And, though the bells of peace may ring — Stil1, mangled bodies, wracked writh pain, And sightless eyes, will 'dumbly plead — "Let not mw torment be in vain." In unknown 'places, noisome, dark, In swamps, in sands, in restless sea, Lie amen who sacrified life's chance — That you and I might still be free. * * * What kind of world will we then make -- Full Full of ideals for which they died? Or, will we grow stiff-necked again, In hatred, greed and haughty pride? Will trade and conquest be our God? Will we still seek the highest seat? Then surely war will scourge once more And make destruction all complete. Shall we not bravely see that they, Our flesh mid blood, strove not in vain, And build a World on right, not night, When bells of peace ring out again? — T. B. Gleave. War Or No War Bride Wears White he story of British opportunism never contained a more astonshing chapter of "recovered situations" than time one which British women have written in wartime clothing. Many a proud husband has gone off to work, prouder still, in a tine shirt made of the kitchen cur- tains. Most husbands wear Joseph's coats of may colors, the heroic last stand of five other shirts. There was a wedding the other day at which the bride's family and all the wedding guests in the know beamed on the bride with more than customary interest, for she was radiantly beauitful in the family tablecloth—the best danmask tablecloth snstarehed and made over Advice to Mothers Don't be alarmed if your little daughter thinks she is smarter than you arc She may be right. :i�r• atttcr`�3lfce%a This 12, or 16 -in, crocheted square is a boon to honientalecrs. Use'sin- gly for plate doily, tray cover; or, joined, for cloths, scarfs, spreads. Your favorite pineapple design in a new 14 or 10 -inch square, depend- ing on cotton used. Pattern 051 has crochet directions for square. Send twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this -pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Room 471, 73 Adelaide St„ West, Toronto. Print plainly pat- tern number, your name and and address. w r,i liiEAT-SL EAT -SLEEP - LOOK %PE•E 5ETYER! k ?Ala- VITAMIN COMPLEX LfeulA \ Ih,irtel Poen, $QT �.Arpl c DRUG oreaRES Quality You'll Enjoy TEA CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM By Gwendoline P. Clarke * s * Last Thursday my baby chicks were supposed. to atrive on the morning train. I met the train and waited eargcriy near the baggage car—but alas there were no little Chicks. I could hardly believe it I thought the 'trainman must have overlooked them, however the train moved on, and 1, per- force, went home, minus the chicks. Naturaly I thought the shipper had missed the train and that he would either phone or deliver them in person. Noon came elle there were no chickensand no telephone call. So then I called "long distance" myself. The hatchery -man would hardiy believe me when I said the little biddies had not arrived. "But I took then to time station at six o'clock this morning," be said. "Did you put them on the train ,,ourself?" I inquired. "Weil, no, but I gave them to the shipping agent. If you will wait a minute I will make inquiries and ring you back." In a short while that is what he did—and told nle the chickens had been shipped all right but on the wrong train! They had gone to To- ronto. In all probability they would be sent dove on "the Peanut" that evening. My poor little chicks—shut up in boxes and shunted around from one place to another. What will they be like when I get them, I won- dered. * * * At 7,30 I was at the station again and this time, so were the chickens. I opened the box with considerable trepidation and found not dead and dying chicks—but 150 lively, chipping little balls of black fluff, as warm and happy as you please, Joy riding must have agreed with them as I have since lost only two. Now, of course, 1 spend quite a lot of time running back and forth tc the brooder house—mainly to see that it doesn't get too hot. The Sun is so warns and bright ttlese early ,pring days. It is no hardship looking after baby chicks. I love to sit on time iced bag and watch- them grow. Yes, watch them! Honestly, they seen to sprnut wings under my yery eyes. n * * In between attending to chickens and collecting for the Red Cross, Partner and i have made two trips to Hamilton — it having become necessary for Partner to have a check-up et the clinic. These old soldiers, * * * On our first visit to the clink we were very interested in the efficiency we found in every de- partment. Partner's name was called five- minutes ahead ' time. A nurse tool, hiui to the doctor's own waiting roost. From there to the consulting ron, the laboratory, consulting room, the laboratory, office, back to the first one, and finally out to the mair office where accounts were tabulated and paid. The complete round took exactly two hours with hardly a minute wasted. The "chief doctor, as he questioned Partner, wrote down ell the particulars, and as each page was filled it was pegged outside his office' door, From there it was whisked away as if by magic, taken to some secret sanctum, where the rough copy later appeared in the forte of typed cards forfamere- fercnce. The efficieney and quiet dignity which prevailed throughout the entire building was something; to admire, and certainly gave Part- ner confidence hi whatever -pro ntouneenment might result from his visit. British Farmers' Exclusive Problem Canadian farmers do not have all the problems in the world, comments the Brandon Sun. There are some exclusive ones in Great Britain just now. Kent. is the most bombed coucty in England, Hell's Corner in fact. Here is a classi- fied advertisement from a Kentish paper of recent date: "Farmers in Hollingbourne Ru- ral District—Bulldozer now work- ing area. Anyone wanting bomb craters filled apply Moy, Halfway ' Farm, Kingsnorth Ashford. Phone Ashford 584," Men Are Working To Exhaustion Chronic fatigue and nervous ex- haustion are getting men down ciowa in health and down in resistance to sold and other ailments. Itis high time for a build hp with Dr. Chase's NERVE FOOD, the Vitamin Bi tonic, It will help to steady your nerves and help you to. sleep better. It will help you to digest your food and to regain energy and vigor. Ask for the new econ- omy size bottle of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food 60s.-60ots. 150s-41,50 Nothing is more depres- sing than headaches;.. Why suffer?.,.Lamb!y's l' will give instant relief. Larrmbl'y' s isgood for ear- ache, arache, toothache, pains in back, stomach, bowels.' Head/ HEADAC11#E POWDERS_ 14 How You Can Get Quick Relief FIVEEI Sore, Painful Piles Most people seem to think the on- e:; way to get relief from their sore, painrul plies Is by local treatment. Local treatment may give tempor- ary relief from thee if -chine hut you can easily see why such treat• Ment wit not cor- rect the cause of your pli.es,. No fasting free dem from pile can be had utiles* the cause of tbl- trouble is correct.. ed. Piles are due to inlestlna causes so the best wayto get last.np relief Is to tree; them internalii with a medicine LIk1- finem.rtaid. Sleet -Bold is a formula that her been used for over 10 Years by thou• wands of pile suh- ferers It is e ;mall, highly eon• centratecd tablet. easy .and pleas- ant to use. This isms l I'roro loon Aioael cleverly c o nm Sounded tablet torn -1111A directs its ted lend action to relief of the oonges'l.nl (hrll Is the real copse of your piles. Hem-I4nid pi emotes free, ea,,y and cot fir Ul)le towel moven1 er is, quickly relieves Itching. Irritation and soreness and Mimi-. Mies be,fer brood circulation In the lower bowel With gond: blood sir. ruiailon in the Inw'r. hnivrl Iilr-posiN •oo noshing 4'iry, li r. rinc.. painful pile tumors soon heat over leavinp the sensitive rectal inem- brenes clean and healthy. We invite yeti to trY Hent -Reid and lel it prove itself. You can metro your test, In the privacy of your own home. NO COST if you are not,convnlced tllas, 4hds Is an. minnalegly easy and surprisingly enactive method of treating your circ, nailtih,l piles. flet n pn k age or IJain-gold to- day from a n v. drug store and, use it as directed for JUST Ic1Vls p.APSAt Abe end Of that time. It .Yatt are not 'ab s o l u t e l y sure 'Hem -Sold Is the nicest. - cleanest And 11509!' effective a 11 e treatment iOL/ ever tried re- -turn the unused pardon' 01 the .packel1 to Sour, diuggiat and he will promptly re- fund vnur moiley- NoTp: .9'bls genereen' offer 1* harked by i reliable Lira, doing bus- hrleKs in Canada for a good many year% (4e111, Cin Id en ilk I help year Il 1111ri1,r11 ,lure lily,-.eUNily and pleas ud�l;r o= ,Iris tniatpie, entry text