HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-04-05, Page 4THE SEAII'ORTH NEWS
Snowdon . Bros.. Pubnahare
A Holy Week service was held in
St. GeorgesChurch on Wed, at 8
p.m. The Rector, Rev. M. F. Oldham
was in charge •ancl conducted a ser-
-vice in keeping for Holy Week,
preaching on the Crucifixion, of our
Lord as recorded in chapter 15 of
St. •Mark's Gospel, On Easter Sun-
day service was held in St, George's
•Church at 1.30 p.m. with a good
attendance. The Holy Communion
was celebrated and the Easter ser'
mon was given on chapter 16 of St.
Mark's Gospel. The choir gave the
anthem "'He Suffered, Bled and
Died Alone." Miss Emma Sanderson
was organist. The Easter offering
amounted to $23, Service hi St.
George's Church on Sunday, April
Sth at 4 p.m. and on April 16th at
1.30 p.mn, S.S. on April Sth at 3.30
and on April 15th at 2,30 p.nc, The
children's Lent Missionary Offering
was received on Easter Sunday,
Miss Beth Murdoch end Mr. John
Y. Bews. of Hamilton, Mrs. W. P.
Golden, NIr. J, S. McNeil and Mr, and
Mrs. Earl Anderson of SL Thomas.
were Easter guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Murdoch,
Misses Ruth Scott and June Mur-
doch are spendhrg their Easter vaca-
tion in Hamilton and Burlington.
On March 23rd the Queen visited
at No. 17 Canadian General Hospl-
tal in England where Lt. Nursing
Sister Hazel Haugh Inas been station-
ed since going overseas fifteen
months ago. After visiting the differ-
ent wards, tea was served. Nursing
Sister Hazel Haugh had the honour
of presenting the Queen with .a bou-
quet of flowers.
Mr. John Holmen after spending
five years overseas has returned
home. He spent the week end with
his mother, Mrs. Alice Helmer.
Easter visitors here were Miss Ina
Scott, Miss Margaret Aikenhead,
Miss Doris Dutot and Mrs. E. For-
rest of London. Miss Janet Watson
of Blackstock is visiting with her
parents, Mr. R. P. Watson.
Mr; and Mrs. Webster McNaugh-
ton and son Daviel spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Haugh.
MTS. Carman Haugh, Marlene, Pe-
ter and Roger and Mrs 3. McIntosh
and Jean, !iiargaret and David spent
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Communion service was observed
here at the morning service last Sun-
day. At preparatory service the pre-
vious Friday evening eleven were re-
ceived into the church, viz., Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Allan by certificate from
Egmondville, Mr. Cameron Henry,
from Kindersley, Sask.; by ,confes-
sion of faith, Ruth Scott, Madeline
Wilson, Blanche Zapfe, Betty Wool-
ley, Ross Dilling, Frank Aikenhead,
Howard and Jim Allan.
Special Easter music was render-
ed at both morning and evening ser-
vices. In
er-vices..In the morning Mrs. Hender-
son and daughter sang a duet, "Un-
der the Cross of Calvary," a quar-
tette consisting of Mr. J, Horton,
Miss Eva Stackhouse, Mr. J. Cornish
and Miss June Murdoch sang "When
I Survey the Wondrous Cross." Mrs.
Henderson took the solo part of the
anthem at the evening service.
Rev. J. M. and Mrs, Keys and
daughter ]Mildred, of St. Marys, vis-
ited his sister, Mrs. Talbot and Rev.
Atkinson on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H, Wheeler spent
the week end in Stratford.
Mr, and Mrs. H. Zapfe are visiting
in London.
Mr. and Mos, H. F. Berry visited
near Wingham on Sunday.
Group No. 4 of the W.A. are hold-
ing a baking sale in H. F. Berry's
store on Saturday,
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Smith and baby of Exeter
visited Mrs. A. Rohner on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy McMartin of
Toronto visited with their cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Aikenhead and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Henry.
Miss Blanche Zapfe is visiting her
friend, Mies Helen Shapton of Ex-
Arrangements have been made to
hold a public service of Thanksgiv-
ing in the Brucefield United Church
at 3 o'clock on the evening following'
the proclamation of victory in Eur-
ope. All who are within reach are
urged to tome and join in this ser-
The congregation of Brucefield
will join in the service to be broad-
cast from Wingham next Sunday at
11 a.m. over CKNX, under the aus-
-pices of the Presbytery of Huron.
'The speaker is to be the Rt. Rev.
Jesse Arnup, the Moderator of the
United Church of Canada. The
church will be equipped with radio
so that the congregation can join in
all the .program of worship through-
out the whole hour, and hear the ad-
dress of the Moderator,
Mr, and Mrs, A. Seeley of Clinton
called' Easter Sunday on the form
er's sister, Mrs. Austin, who has not
been in her usual goo. d health.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Epps of Clinton
called Sunday on friends in the vill-
Mr, Alvin Elliott of Oshawa paid
a visit to the parental home Satur-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnes and
family of Toronto was renewing as-
auaintances in the village Saturday.
Harold worked for the late George
Beatty nine years ago.
Little Miss Lorna Heard of Strat-
ford is spending the holidays at the
home of her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs, M. Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heard and fa-
mily were renewing acquaintanees
in and around this district in Easter
Dr, Harvey and Mrs. Reid of Tor-
onto, accompanied by their two dau-
ghters..were holiday guests with the
former's mother, Mrs. M. Reid.
The monthly meeting .of the twp.
Council met in the Ball .Monday.
Mr, and Mrs, Joe eoultice of Lan-
doll spent the week end in the vill-
LAW, Gertie Smith, RCAF., of
Lachine, spent the week end at the
parental Home,
Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Price and
son, Seaforth, and Misses Margaret
and Edith Krauskopf, Iitchener,
with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Krauskopf.
.Sgt,• John Morrisson and Janes
Morrisson with their parents, Mr,
and Mrs, James Morrisson,
Gerald 'Feeney, London, with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Feeney.
Mr, and Mrs. D. Monaghan and
sons, Mitchell, and Miss Genevieve
McCarthy. Toronto, with Mr. and
firs. Michael McCarthy.
Miss Jean Burns, Galt, with her
parents; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burns.
Mr. and Mrs, Mac Atkin, Detroit,
and Norval Parker, London, at the
hone of Mrs. Philip Kenny.
Frank McGrath, Kitchener, with
his mother, Mrs, Mary McGrath.
Miss Ally Looby, Toronto, and
Louis Looby, at their home.
Miss Ethelyn O'Hearn, Goderieh,
with her parents, Itrr. and Mrs, Ed-
ward °'Hearn.
Miss Mary Dorsey; London, with
her mother, Mrs. Agnes Dorsey.
Miss Helen Flanagan and Miss
Catherine Woods, Normal school
students, at their respective homes.
Miss Mary Ellen Murray, Kings-
bridge, with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Murray.
Mrs. Frank Stapleton, London,
with Mr. and NIrs. William Staple-
Miss Margaret Holland, Toronto,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Holland.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Gorman and Ella
Louise, in Hamilton.
Mr. and b'Irs, Joseph Kostick in
MissDorothy Donnelly, Goderich,
at her home here,
Miss Helen Ryan, Chatham, with
Mo, and Mrs Mathew Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Neill and
family. Windsor, with llr. and NIrs,
James Delaney.
Sgt. John Nagle with Mr, and
Mrs. Edward O'Hearn,
Mrs Mary Evans and Joseph
Evans, Windsor, at their home Isere.
I it: Sgt. and Mrs. James Acky-
roid and children with Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph O'Rourke.
The•inany friends of Miss Cather-
ine Burns will he sorry to hear she
is ill at Scott Memorial Hospital;
OS. Frank Evans of St. Hyacinthe
Quebec, witit-his mother, Mrs. Kath-
erine Evans.
Mr. Phil Rhynas of Toronto and
his fancily spent the Easter week
end with his mother, Mrs, Oliver W.
Miss Alice Druin, Miss M. Wolf-
enden, Miss Adele Fernette of De-
troit spent the Easter holidays at
their cottages in the village.
Miss Jessie Metcalfe was an Eas-
ter visitor at her hone here.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Thom, De-
troit, spent the week end in the vil-
Word was received in the village
this week of the death of a member
of one of Bayfield's pioneer families
in the person of Mrs. William H.
Hubbard, formerly Lena Roth, who
spent her early life in the village.
Mr, Charles Roth of Brantford is the
surviving member of her family,
The remains of the late Mrs. Hub-
bard were entombed in Mount Hope
mausoleum, Brantford Tuesday af-
ternoon. Rev. W. B. Craw, minister .
of Zion United Church. conducted
the service. boss. Hubbard had for
some year's made her hone in Wash-
ington, D.C., but of late years has
been with her brother in Brantford.
S.O. Margaret Ferguson, RCAF.,
Toronto, and Mrs. Fred Stein were
holiday visitors with Mr, anti Mrs."
Wm. Ferguson.
Mr, Borden Clark was a visitor in
the village.
Commercial fishing is now in pro-
gress and the catches are fine.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jowett return-
ed to their home this week after
mending the winter in Caledonia.
Mrs. Poth, Caledonia, is spending
the Easter vacation with Mr.. and
Mrs. Jowett.
Miss Donna Toms of Toronto was
an Easter visitor with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, M. Toms,
Rev. J. Graham, Mrs. Grahanrand
family of Woodstdck called on their
old friends in the village Monday.
The Misses Laidlaw of Seaforth
called on friends in the village on
Mr. R. Stevens and family of Lon-
don spent Easter at their home,
Mr. E. Bauer of Kitchener has
been spending a few days at his
summer home.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Fowlie and Mr, L.
Fowlie of London and Mr, end Mrs.
Koehler of Zurich were guests of
their sisters, Misses F. ani] E. Fowlie
Many friends were pleased to see
Mr, A. Maxwell able to he about
again after his recent severe illness.
Many are looking forward to the
annual masquerade dance sponsored
by the Agricultural Society in the
town hall on Wednesday evening, •
Mo. Milton Moore of Toronto
i''pent the week enol with his brother,
Mr, Win. Moore:
Mrs. Scott Kerr of Braiitfcrd vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Grim-
oldby and hors, lien Betties on Mon-
day last,'
bir. and Mrs. Dave Wright, of De-
troit spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Wilson and Mrs..
Thos. Pollard.
Mrs. Wm, Logan, Mrs. Lesie Nat -
tel and Miss Evelyn Sinclair of
Blyth spent Sunday with Mr. and
• Mins. Leo Stephenson.
Mr, Kazincir Skorecki spent a few
days with friends in 'Hamilton.
Little Bobby Betties of Winthrop
is spending a week with Mi'. and
Mrs, Robt. Grimoldby.
George McIlwain is spending the
Easter holidays with relatives at
Mr. and lobs, Charles Dexter spent
Monday afternoon at the home of
114r. Joseph Yungblutt.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Jewitt and fa-
mily and Miss Ferne Dexter and Mrs.
John Sanderson spent Monday after-
noon at the home of Mr. Guy Cun-
ningham, Auburn.
A special Easter of the W.M.S.
was held on Friday afternoon, Mar.
30th, in the schoolroom of the church
with Mrs. Wm. Britton in charge.
Theme, no man liveth unto himself.
The call to worship, "Open the Win-
dows of your wandering heart to
God's supreme creation make it
Yours. Give to all the hearts your ;
ample store. Prayer by Mrs. Peter
T.indsay and Mrs. Britton, Mrs, Dave
Millson gave the Scripture lessen.
Reading by' Mrs. James Ilugill. A
reading •by Mrs. Ernest Adams,
Reading by Miss Edith Britton. A
solo by Mrs. Lindsay, "Wounded for
Me." A chapter of the study book
was given by Mrs. Dave Millson,
Mrs. Wm. Britton gavea few
thoughts on Easter. Mrs. Ernest
Adams closed the meeting with
BUUCK—In Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, on April 1st, to Mr. and Mrs.
Reuben Buuck, Dublin, a son,
DENNIS.—In Scott Memorial Hosp-
ital, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Den-
en nix a daughter, on April 1st 1
CLARK.—In Scott Memorial. Hospi-
tal, on April 1, to Mr, and Mrs.
Melvin Clark, a son ff
CAMPBELL.—In Scott Memorial
Hospital, on April 4, to Mr. and
Mrs, Wm. G. Campbell, a son.
FARQUHAR—Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey
Farquhar (nee Grace Snell) wish
to announce the birth of their.
daughter, Gail Diane, at Mrs. God -
bolt's Hospital, Exeter, on Thurs-
day, March 29th.
A very pleasant evening was spent
at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, Mal-
colm McDermid on Friday evening
when 32 members of the Dale fam-
ily gathered and presented them
with two lovely ship wheel lamps
made by Allison Dale. The, evening
was spent in dancing and a singsong.
Lunch was served and then Mr. and
Mrs. McDermid were seated and the
address was read by Mrs. George
Cunningham and the lamps were
nrese,tted by Mise Beverley Harding
and boaster Larry Smith. Three
,members were unable to be present.
These were L.Cpl. Thomas Smith of
Italy, Spr. Reg. Smith of England,
Pte, Jack Harding, London.
Mt', and Mrs. Frank Sc'lnerbazth of
Trenton with Mr. and Mrs, Aug,
Mr, ' and Mrs. John Bielefeldt and
family of Port Elgin with Mr, and
firs, Chas, Rock. •
Miss' Audrey Innes of Woodstock
and bit'. Irvin Hinz of Tavistock
with Mrs. Wm. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kreasler of
Stratford and Mr. and Mrs, Fred
Schultz and family of Kitchener
with 1VIr. and Mrs. W. L. Querenges
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Geiger and fa-
mily, Gerrie,, with Mr. and Mrs. Mer-
vin Miller,
1110. and Mrs. Roy Doerr and fam-
ily of Auburn with Mr. and Mrs.
Harrold Mogk.
On Monday, April 2nd, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Carter, of Londesboro,
reached their nifty -sixth wedding an-
niversary. On Sunday Mia and Mrs,'.
D. R. McKenzie of Lncl:now, Mr.
Hugh Campbell of Walton and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack ICellar of McKillop met
with then at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs. George Carter. Mrs. Writ, Carter
returned with her daughter Irene, to •
spend a holiday at their home near
Master Reggie Hesselwood, son of
Mr. and Mrs, John Hesselwood, tutdc
erwent a tonsil operation in Seaforth
and Inas returned to his hone.
Miss Anne Kintner of Waterloo
spent Easter Sunday with her sister,
Mrs. Joseph Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Muegge and
family or seaior'th, spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Ed Regole,
Mr. Joseph Thornton is spending a
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
George Kistner, of Waterloo,
Miss T-Ielen Robertson of St. Cath-
arines, spent a week with Miss Ethel
b'Ir. Laurie Stephen of Mallon was
home over the week end.
Mrs. Ed Johns, Cpl, and Mrs. May-
nard Margisou of Exeter visited lest
Sunday in the vicinity.
lir. Billy Brock of Crumlin, MISS
Grace Brock of Gall, spent Easter
week end with relatives here,
Mrs. Reg, McDonald and Barbara
of Exeter visited atMr. E. Skinner's
for Easter,
Miss Florence Bell, R.N.. was hone
over the week end,
The Easter Sunday •morning ser-
vise was well attended. Rev. Mair
Preached an appropriate sermon and
the choir sang two Easter numbers.
The progressive euchre and crokin-
George Formby "Much Too Shy"
George goes to Art school and starts a riot !
Richard Greene Anna Neagle rf
"Yellow Canary
This woman hated the lie .she lived --and the hate followed her
ALSO— Maria Moutez Jon I4all
"Cobra Wonsan" In Technicolor
Primeval priestess of a temple of Terror --- as quick to kiss as to kill
Linda Darnell "Sweet and Low -Down." Lynn sari
Benny Goodman & his hand
Mao— Stan Laurel "Big ff Oliver Hardy'
"The Keys Of The Kingdom"
Nominating Convention
Will be held in the
Town Hall, Hensall
Will be the guest speaker
President Sec.-Treas. South Huron Liberals
ole held at the school Thursday night law Mrs, Victor Beeley, and Mr. and
sponsored by the local Red Cross was Mrs. Noble Holland.
deeicleclmuch sueesso£pie, Iivaially,sandncwiches A clelieiand • Mr. Noble Holland is still malting
electric brooders,
coffee was sold. A quilt was sold by
clutch auction bringing $16,50, Over
$S1 was taken in altogether; atter
paying expenses the balance will be
used for overseas boxes for 0111 local SPRING CLEANED
Mr, and Mrs, Malcolm McDermid
moved to Seaforth this week, where
they have leased an apartment.
Mr. Dick Noble has sold his far
to Mr. Weekes, who comes from the
west, Mr. Noble will move to Clinton
this week.
Mrs. Heeley has returned to Tor-
onto after visiting her daughter in
BatA, Oil Products
Phil Presant
r{��� c' gie' i
r J r;"'w �; ..
This Spring switch to B -A's
sensational new 5 -point -process
MGH VACUUM Distillation , Furfural
Process .. , M. E. K, So/vent ., . Catalytic
Clay (part of this plant is shown above)
these are each important steps in the
famous Clarkson 5 -point -process which
makes the purest, most efficient lubri-
cating oil known. Then comes the unique
5th step—the stepthat"alloys" the -oil
against oxidation; just as ironis alloyed
against rust to make stainless steel.
This step means that Peerless Motor
Oil will stay on the job longer, keep
engines cleaner„ cut the repair costs
This year don't delay! Get your spring change -over early,
before that dirty worn-out oil in your car causes serious damage!
And when you change, switch to Peerless, B -A's new, Canadian
made, 5 -point -process oil that's "alloyed" to prevent its fouling
your car's engine ... to help keep your repair costs down!,
It is particularly important; when
most of us are driving cars which
have already given abnormal service,
that we give the engine every pos-
sible chance. Only by so doing can
we hope to get through the driving
season without trouble. That's why
it's so important to know how Peerless
Motor Oil does a better job.
Here in a nutshell is the reason:
From selected lubricating crude oils,
B -A eliminates everything except the
purest, "oiliest" lubricating fractions.
Then, by a special process, Peerless
Motor Oil is "alloyed" againstdecorn-
position under the heat and pressure
it meets in the engine of your car! For
longer, safer car life switch now to
13-A Peerless Motor Oil!
—products like Peerless—changenowto AT THE. SIGN OF THE BIG B -A
your British American Oil Dealer.
"ARM TRACTORS need proper lubricating
oil even more than cars and trucks.
Because "it's alloyed" Peerless Motor
Oil keeps tractor engines in better shape!
TIME NOW TO replace old, worn-out winter
grade oil with B -A Peerless. Motor Oil.
Delay may be dieasfro',usl Drive is
tomorrow to the sign of the .big .:B -Al.'