HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-04-05, Page 1'ri-rE LIBRARY. The harvest oL the years awaits you .herb, Hulled .with slow toil,and heaped with bloody sweat. The truths that men have diedto bring to light Aro laid beforeyouin these tiuiet hnito. Upon theseshelves your eager- hands shall find' H U R O N C O U N T Y'S L E ADI N G NEWSPAFSER WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 68, No, 14 Seaforth District Exceeds Red Cross Quota With the close of the •campaign we are able to announce that the quota of $5,500 asked for by Prov- . ]neral headquarters has been exceed- ed by 2314 per cent., reaching $6,800 ' approximately, This tops the prev• - ions high of last year by $100. In' spite of the obvious fact that the heaviest drain on Red Cross (the . prisoner of war parcels project, 55 per cent) is rapidly being reduced and in Europe, is likely soon to be eliminated . entirely, you did not slacken in your support. As the Ontario and Canadian quotas have also been exceeded, this we think will be accepted by Cana- dian Red Cross as an endorsement of their work. And now a personal note. May I be permitted to thank all who shar- ed in the drive, conveners, canvass- ers, donors, and particularly Mr, Me-. Millan of the Provincial SavingsOf- fice for his indispensable services in receiving and tabulating the canvas - sera' returns. All displayed a cheer- ful loyalty to the Great Canadian Red Cross Society which made, for me, the work of the campaign a real pleasure. For this I am truly grate- ful. Again. to all, thanks. —J, C. 14IaeKenzie, Chairman Fin- ance Committee. ate coal's). •THE SOLID FUEL FOR SO)JD COMFORT E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. "Radio Hook -Up" of Huron' Presbytery from CKNX Wingham. Worship service lecl from Wingham Unite,i Church. Address by the Mod- erator of the United Church of Can-' ada, Right Reverend Jesse H. Arnup,' B.A.,B.D. 7 p.m. Regular evening worship.. Subject, "Our Shield Against Despair", ' Monday 8 pan., the W.M.S. Auxili- aries '!hank -Offering. Guest speaker, Mrs. W. I. Carroll, Mitchell. Welcome to these services.' Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B A ,B D • 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., Radio Service, CIiNX, 920 k. Rev. Jesse H. Arnup, B.A.,D.D., Moderator of the United Church of Canada. - I 7 p.nr., "The Love of God to All Who Are Needy." First Presbyterian Church 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m, "The Sequel to Easter." 7 p,m. "The Ideology of Two Young Men." The Rev. Dr. Hogg will preach et both services, Anglican .April 8th: First Sunday after Easter. St. Thomas', Seaforth: 10 a.m., Sunday School. i1—Morning' Prayer and Sermon, lst of series on "The Church." '7 p.m,—Evening Prayer and ser- mon, "The Lord's- Day." St. Mary's, Dublin: 2.30, Sunday School. 3, Holy Communion and sermon. Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A. RECEIVE $5,200 ON NEW -GRANT At the regular March meeting of the Seaforth High School Board last week, the first payment of $5,200 was received on the new ,educational grant from the Provincial Govern- ment. The resignation of Miss E. M. Lester, effective at the end of the school year, was accepted with regret. TO HOLD JOINT MEETING A joint meeting of the W.M.S. and the Mae Lane Auxiliary will be held in the basement of Northside United Church on Monday evening, April 9th at 8 o'clock. The guest speaker will be Mrs. W. I. Carroll of Mitchell. TO GRADUATE The graduation exercises of Vic- toria Hospital, London, willbe held on April 20. Included in the class are Lois McGavin, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McGavin, Stratford, and Miss Helen Moffat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Moffat, Seaforth. • W,1. TO MEET The Seaforth Women's Institute will meet on Tuesday, -April' 10th, at 2.30 p.tn. at the home of Mrs. Harry- Chesney, The roll call will, be the paying of. fees. Will all converter's of standing committees please see .that their reports are at this meeting. All members please come ,and bring a new member. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Theresa. Maloney of Seaforth announces the engagement of her sec- ond (laughter, Mary Theresa, to Mr. Armand Bedour•, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bedour of Zurich, :the wedding to take place in April. WILLIAMS,McKELLAR First Presbyterian Church, Sea - forth, was the scene of the wedding on Tuesday, April 3rd, at 3 p.m. of Mary Margaret McKellar, slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McKellar of Seaforth, and Rev. Richard Hugh Williams, son of Rev. and Mrs. H. R. Williams, of Alvinston. Rev. 11. R. Williams, father of the groom, offic- iated, assisted by Rev. Richard Stew- art of Goderich. The wedding music was played by Mrs. M. R. Rennie, organist, and Mrs. Lloyd Graham of Lindsay, cousin of the bride, was so- loist. She sang the Lord's prayer as the bride's mother entered the church, and "Where'er You Walk," during the signing of the register. The bride was given in marriage by her father. The bride wore a Queen Ann 'floor length gown of ivory imported lace, over antique satin, with shoulder epaulettes and bouffant skirt, Her headdress was in Queen Ann style with three-quarter length veil. Her flowers were of red roses and white sweet peas. The maid of honour, Miss Isabel McKellar, sister of the bride, wore an ice .blue gown of satin with appli- qued net overskirt and Queen Ann headdress of -blue forget-me-nots. The bridesmaid was Miss Martha Allen of Wallaceburg, who wore shrimp coloured satin with net over- skirt verskirt and Queen Ann headdress of shrimp net and forget-me-nots. Her flowers were a cascade of snapdrag- on and iris. The flower girl was Miss Sandra McKellar, niece of the bride, dressed in white georgette with ruching, and headdress was a flower wreath of pink and blue rose- buds and carried a nosegay of rose- buds and forget-me-nots. The groom• sinan was Pilot Officer Hugh Wil- liams, brother of the bridegroom. The ushers were Mr. Gordon McKel- lar, brother of the bride, and P.O. Donald Scott. The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, when 85 guests were present. Mrs. Gray of Palmerston and Mrs. (Rev,) Stewart of Goderich poured tea. The four - tier wedding cake was made by the. bride's grandmother, Mrs. J. Carter, who is in her 84th year. Also an honored guest present was the groom's maternal grandmother who is in her 84th year. The bride travelled in a gabardine suit of raspberry shade with navy accessories and corsage of gardenias. Rev. and Mrs. Williams will reside in Seaforth where the groom is minis, ter of First Presbyterian Church. Among the guests were Mrs. Ed- win Front and Miss Maty Gordon of Forest; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Black, Toronto Miss Laurine Weber, Strat- ford; Miss Flora. Donaldson, Miss Beulah Scott, Miss Evelyn Stuart, of Palmerston; Mrs. O. J, Rowe, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilk- er, London; Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Baker of Baden; Mr. and Mrs. T. Black, Miss Peart, Toronto; Miss Keeler, of Mitchell; Rev, and Mrs. Moynan, of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Bissett, Goderich; Miss Joyce Bradhagen, of Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray, Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. E. Code, Alvinston, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoist, Palmerston; Mrs. Gee, Lindsay; Mrs. W. White, Toronto. PROPERTY CHANGE The property of Mr. Nelson Doug- las, now of Waterloo, Ont., and sit- uated in Egmondville, has -been sold through the office of E. C. Chamber- lain to Mr, Cecil J. Webster of Lon- don, Ont., and will be occupied by Mr. Webster's mother and father who have been living on the Allan farm in Tuckersmith'. The lows-to=open dltnrers as yob imluel.ed;.- The torch 00 iwadi,. , u,v and huletter < lamlin, 'rho E.. lot rt to Plot your eruursr heyoud the s(;n•c Thee ehur� 'tu :df the t•,hytinthe -ill t houvht.. Iters• you shall meet the men who:,e names are Carved - ::Deep -hewn forever on the rocks of Time. You shell he 'guests of all_ the 'greatest minds. .Josephine Powell Beaty. SEAH'ORTEI, 'ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1945 • Threshing and Mowing Radio Hook -Up Of ' In Month of March United Churches of Huron Various early spring records have been made in the lash couple of weeks, many of which may not be t'epeated fa a lifetime. Another record to add to the long list, was made on Thursday evening. :March 20th, when Mr. George Clarke mowed some of the lawn at St, Thomas' Church. And here's another record, John A. McKenzie, of Seaforth. who operates 200 acres in Tuckersmith township, commences] the threshing season on Good Friday, when Reeve Arthur Nicholson threshed oats and beans at the Mckenzie farm on lot 8, con. 4. it really is a two-way rec- ord, for besides doing his threshing while other farmers were starting their seeding, if is the first March threshing which Reeve Nicholson has ever clone. HENRY B. EDGE A prominent resident and busi- ness than of Seaforth in the person of Mr. Henry B. Edge, passed away on Tuesday at his hone in the Royal Apartments, following an illness of several weeks. stir. Edge was a native of England, having been born at Bristol in 1870 and as a boy came to Seaforth where he had resided for seventy-two years. For many years he was associated with the building and construction industry and hard- ware business and successfully com- pleted many construction contracts both large and small, including build- ing a series of railway stations in Ontario. In recent years Mr. Eclge conducted the Royal Apts. Mr. Edge was a well-read man with broad interests in the finer things of life: He was a.Mason and a member of St. Thomas' Anglican Church, of which he was warden for a number of years, His wife, the former Mar- guerite Belt, passed away in 1925. One son, Ernest W. Edge of Toronto and two daughters, Margaret (Efts. W. W. Main), of Port Nelson, Ont., and Miss Josephine Edge, of town, survive. Also a brother, Jesse Edge, of Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, and three sisters, Miss S. A. Edge, Tor- onto, Miss Frances Edge, California, and Mrs. Wm. Collings, of Sault Ste. Marie. and four grandchildren. A private service will .be held on Thursday at 1.30 p.m. et the .Whit- ney -funeral chapel, followed•by pub - lie service in St. Thomas' Church at (45 p,rn. Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert. wilt officiate and interment will be in Maitlandbank cemetery, Huron Junior Asn. Meets In Toronto on April 11 The Huron County Junior Assn. of Toronto will meet al the Royal York Hotel. Imperial Dining Room, 'Wed- nesday evening, April nth. All I-Iur- onitee are cordially invited. RACES HERE MAY 30 The harness I -acing Season in this district will start al New Hamburg' on May 24th, followed by races at Seaforth on May 30th, ANOTHER LARGE EGG On Monday Mr, Isaac Hudson re- ceived another large egg. This was a White Leghorn egg, measuring 714 by 9•y$ inches and was brought in by Mr. Sid Gemmell of Tucker - smith, who wants to know who can beat' it. - On Sunday hese. at. 11 am., by ar- rangement of Huron Presbytery with CKNR \VIL ghanr, something unique in unifying churches in worship Service will be experienced by lite United churches of Htiron Presbytery and be- yond;.that are equipped with a radio. that they May .share in a worship service originating fn Wingham Unit- ed " Church. The Moderator of the :WiltedChurchof Canada, Right Rev- erend Jesse H. Arnup. B.A.,D.D., will speak to the churches over a wide area. Other leaders sharing inthe service will be Rev. R. C. Copeland, B.A., President of London Confer- ence, Rev, G. G, Burton, M.A.,B.D., Chairmen of Huron Presbytery and the minister of Wingham United Church Rev. W. A. Beecroft, Northside United Church will be equipped that the local congregation may share in the worship and receive the message of the moderator. .Red Cross Notes To the efficient chairman of the Red Cross campaign, the enthusiastic collectors, the generous personal do- nors and organizations, the Regent 'theatre and the press, the Seaforth Branch of the Red Cross express their hearty thanks for having made the recent campaign such an out- standing utstanding success. -- Month's Report: Hospital supplies, 220 bed socks, 46 men's pyjamas, 69 comfort bags, 20 hot water bottle covers, 10 handkerchiefs. Br, Civilian, 226 diapers, 114 girls' bloomers, 30 girls' combina- tions, 6 ladies' nighties, 3 ladies' bloomers, 5 dresses, 5 boys' coats, and from the Kippen W.M.S. a lovely donation of a 45 -piece layette. Quilts: 26 quilts donated, 19 tops donated, 3 by-product tops made, 14 quilts returned, 5 made in work- room. Knitting: 90 pairs socks, 20 pairs gloves, 6 scarfs, 1 round -neck sweat- er, 8 turtleneck sweaters, 6 sea - boots, 31 soakers, 3 ribbed helmets, 7 toques, 1 pair mitts, WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION Group No, 2 of Woman's Associa- tion of Northside United Church was held on Monday evening, April 2nd et the home of Mrs. Ross Savauge. Mrs. !Keith Webster, president of the 'group presided. Mrs. Webster read a poem, "Eight Ways to Kill an Association." The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Miss Vera Mole. Mrs. Roy Lawson, devotional convener, had charge of the program, Mrs, Hay led in prayer and Mrs. Walden then gave an Easter reading and Mrs. Webster conducted an Faster cjuiz. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and the social committee. An enjoyable meeting was brought to a close by singing• the national anthem and repeating the Mizpah benedic- tion. - MINISTERIAL MEETING The Seaforth and ]district 1fi irster- ial meeting will meet at the ht•t, e o' Dr. and Mrs. J. E. flops' on AU"i 1• April 8th. at 2 pan, Paper to ht, given by Captain A. Sims. The rni,-- ister's wives are cordially invit=ri, MOVING TO MITCHITt L. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pullman have sold their residence on Church St. to Mr. L. Tebbutt of Tuckersmith. l •• ill ele,e 1'0 Mitchell, where they have purchased a property. Phone 84 81 a year Both for Q7 A bridal tropciaeh tod do honor to her hand. Perfectly h tee The"Bouquet"for smart women. De- ldot►ea pendable and stylish. 80 -' ' "Rosebud" earrings in sterling silver. , Verysmart. `3'-'A V AUCT's The Pair $60 For that special someone choose this lovely en- semble. FREE INSURANCE AMliffr KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. James Morris and family of Goderich spent the week end with Mrs. J. C. Bell. Miss Gwen Cooper and girl friend of Toronto spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Schilbe vis- ited on Sunday with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson of Elginfield. Miss Isabel Alexander of Toronto is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alexan- der. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith of Guelph visited over the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Cpl. Elgin and Mrs. Johnson and Miss Ida Dayman, of London, visited ori Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Root. Davman• Dr. James Jarrett of New York city, spent Easter with his mother, Mrs. I. Jarrett. LAW. Anna Datum of Manning Depot, Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Damm. - The church service on Sunday first will be under the direction of a rad - 10 in the church and broadcast from Wingham. The congregation will, as far as possible. join in the worship and bear the special message ad- dressed to the congregations of Hur- nn Presbytery by Thr Jesse Arnup, Moderator of the United Church. Mrs, Monteith returned last week to her old home. - Ret Mr; ('handler and Dorothy -„ere.visitor's in the village on Mon- day. Dr. ,Tames ,Tarrott of New York City is spending the Raster vacation with his mother in the village. Mrs, Wm. Kyle was in Detroit for a few clays recently attending the funeral of a relatives. Mr. Tr. McLean of London spent the week end with his parents. kir. Charles Alexander of the vil- rg The Moore -Hatcher Wedding The above is the bridal :pasty of the Meot'e-Hatcher wedding which was solemnized at St John's, Newfodnd'land, recently. The bride was formerly Miss Lillian Hatcher, daughter of William and the late Laura .Hatcher-, of St. John's, Nflcl;, and the groom is Gorr, Jack Moore, Son of Mr. and Mrs. A W. Moore of Seaforth. lage is in Victoria Hospital, London, in a serious condition. WINTHROP Mr. Andrew Montgomery of Brantford, with his family over the weekend. Mrs. John M. Gillies and family are spending Easter week at Colling- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram McSpadden of London with Mr. and Mrs. Zack McSpadden. Donald Eaton of Seaforth is visit- ing with Donald Horne. Mn. Lloyd Stewart with Mr. and Mrs. Will McSpadden. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Maddess of Milverton with Mrs: R. K. Davidson. Pte. R. K. Davidson of Newmarket spent the week end with his family. Mt. and Mrs. George A. McClure i of London spent the week end with relatives here. Mr, and Mrs. George A. McClure of London spent the week end with relatives here. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Squires of Par- is and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morey and family of Hamilton with Mrs. Margaret Horne. McKiLLOP Mr, and Mrs. Win. Koehler and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler visited Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Kechnie at Ros- tock on Good Friday, Mrs. Clarence Barber and child- ren of Sirncoe, was a holiday visitor in this vicinity. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Scherbarth of Trenton visited with friends in this neighborhood over the holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elligson and daughters of Windsor were holiday visitors with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Elligson on the 12th of MoKiliop,, Mr, and Mrs, Fergus Horan enter- tained ntertained members of her - family to supper on Easter day. The occasion ' was the 78th birthday of Mrs. Hor- ' f I • M • Fr l Eckert of Dub- lin. His friends and former neigh- bors here extend best wishes to him. Production is being -aided in the sheep business on our line by quad- ruplets, triplets and twins being born to three ewes on the farm of Mr, Fred Heileman, making nine lambs for three ewes, Triplets were also born on the farm of Mr. Wm, Koeh- ler, ' A number of ladies from this line attended's. quilting bee at the home of Mrs. Reuben Rapien, 12th con. on Tuesday. We ere pleased to see that Mrs. Dan Beuerman is able to be out omni^' her friends again after being confined to her Borne for some time, Citizens of Seaft. rth Are specially requested to volunteer for the next RED CROSS - 113_,Lad.f lonrs Chic Thurs.,Apr. 12 Volunteers from the town have been disappointingly small at the last two • clinics. We. need more localeitizens out fot' this dllpic. Volunteer Now Phone 03