HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-03-29, Page 4THE;SEAFORTH NEWS S. -11.-‘1,t t. i Snow4on Bros., Publisher WALTON The. March meeting of St. George's ,Augiican Women's Guild anti W.A. was held at the hoine of the president, Mrs. Win. Humphries on Thursday, March 22 at 3 p.m. There was a fine attendance of mem- bers and guests from Walton United Church and Brussels St. John's Church. The meeting opened with a hymn, followed by the reading of Psalm 82and prayer by the Rector, Rev. M. F. 'Oldham, Mrs. Bert And- erson read the minutes of the Feb- ruary meeting, The roll call was an- swered by the name of a spring flower. The copper fund Was received. -ant an apron shower was held. Mrs. M. F. Oldham gave a splendid and instructive paper on the History and. Aims of the W.A., and the great missionary work this organization accomplishes. Piano instrumentals were given by Miss Marilyn Bolger, and Miss Emma Sanderson. Rev. M. P. and Mrs. Oldham gave a piano duet. The ladies spent part of the afternoon at quilting. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Stewart Humphries served a vary tasty and delicious supper. A very pleasant meeting was held. There was an attendance of 34 people. Revs. H. C, Wilson, S. Kerr and M. F. Oldham met in Brussels public library on March 22nd at 8 p.m. and made plans for the Victory Day ser- vice. Whenever the news of victory comes on that day a special com- munity service will be held at 8 pan, in Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, Rev. S. Kerr, pastor of the church will be in charge. Rev. H. C. Wilson of the United Church will assist in the service and the sermon will be given by Rev. M. F. Oldham of St. John's Anglican Church. A massed choir of all choirs of the vil- lage will be led by MIr. L. D. Thomp- son, organist Melville Church. It is anticipated that between S00 and 1000 people will take part in this service. The Brussels council will plan a civic celebration for after the service. Huron Deanery A.V.P.A. Lenten serif, .. and rally was held in St John's An_litin rhtu(Brussels, eIc on Fttida\ Met ,rd at 4 p.m. with an attendance of over sixty. Pet. M. F. Oldham. Deanery .A.i .P. A. c11an1 r I • re the sermon, and Rev. G. Noires et' C m a ,,, and Rev. W. H. NOTICE I will issue Radio Lic'ensec as nallal this year. Also will be issued for use at George D. Felgnsnn's Hardware Store. JOHN EARLE Radio Snp,rrvisor and Issuer :,f Radio Li.'rn.ses for Huron -Perth Dunbar of Goderich conducted - the srrlice, The anthem, "Now the Day is0Nei' was given by eight girls of. the choir. After the service a pro- gramme and social period was held in the S,S, room. Miss Anne Carroll, B.A., of the Brussels High School staff, addressed the Young People on Christian Work Among the Students. 1t was decided to hold the annual picnic in Goderich in July. Lunch was served by the Brussels branch. It was a very inspiring Lent rally, Miss Kathleen Roe, Seaforth, spent the ,reek' end at her hoose. Mx. Jas. Bishop has returned from North Bay, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Anderson in. Hamilton. NIrs. 12. Sundercock has returned. to her hone in Walton. Mrs. F. Wilson and Mrs. W. J. Humphries at 'Hamilton. Miss Dorothy Bolton at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Bolton of lvlclCinop. HARLOCK The March meeting of Burns' Church Ladies' Aid, W.M.S. and Red Cross was held Tuesday afternoon, March 27, in Burns' Church. Mrs. Nelson Lear returned home Monday of last week after spending the week end in 'Toronto with her sister, Mrs. and Mr. Jaynes Scott and family and with her daughter, Miss Doris Lear and other friends in Hamilton. Mrs. Lear's mother, Mrs. Sinton McVittie, accompanied her to Toronto and is at present holidaying with Mr. anis Mrs. Scott. The Misses Dorothy and Marie Lydiatt holidayed last week end with their schoolmate, Niiss Jessie Watt, Harry and June Lear and John Pollard spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leo Watt. We are pleased to know that Mrs. Tack McEwin.Q returned home from Seaforth hospital Friday of last week 'Ind hope she will soon be feeling stronger. Miss Helen Lear took an active nart at the trousseau tea party held last Saturday afternoon, Mar. 24th • t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Snell, neer l ondeshoro, in honor of their daughter Betty, bride-to-be this e.,eek. We join in wishing the young •ttlone: life of health, s al i - nese and prosperity. incl—1, a Persons, wito recently rlienose,l of his farm to Jr. Leslie i', a 1 1' holding a sale of his imple- emej etc., on Wednesday afternoon of thie week. 'h. and Mrs. Audrey Knox and 1,' m'sv rl last week to the farm owned by Mr, and firs. Thomas Nrdei but which the fernier is work - year. We wish them every WINTHROP 111-, F. \Ttlsrrni-", who has snout --int-o• with her brnlher-hi-law. retnrns this w,^egr to iter hone in Mount C'L•Mens. \1 i rh igen, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1945 1'H h The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavell Church, Winthrop, will hold their Easter thankoffering meeting on Wednesday, April 4th in the school room of the church. NIrs Patton will be the guest speaker. A cordial invi- tation,is extended to The Helping T-Iand Mission Band of Cavell Church, Winthrop, held their regularmeeting on Saturday Mal, 24th, Call to worship was react by president, Donald McClure. Dor- een or•- e n Hogg read the Scripture after Eich Ross McClure read a prayer, followed by the offering and res- ponse, Roll call showed 29 members present. The 'study was taken by NIrs. Wnt. Dodds. The Helping Hand Mission Band will hold their Easter thankoffering meeting' in the schoolroom of the church, Friday, April Gbh at 2 p,m. Mrs. H. Kirkby of Walton will be guest speaker. TUCKERSMITH Mr. Harry Chesney was in Toronto last week attending the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Abe Chesney. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Pepper of Nia- gara Falls were Isere attending the Hay -McLean wedding on Saturday. I Mrs, Elmer Jones of Hamilton at the home of her brother iMr. Ernest l Ross. Mr. Ross McKay of Hlilsbulg at the horns of his brother Mr. Oliver' McKay KIPPEN EAST The Farm Forum of -Circuit 651 held their closing meeting of the season at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander on Monday evening of this week. These meetings have been well attended throughout the winter 4n spite of storms and very bad roads. They were looked forward. to each week eagerly by those at- tending and proved both beneficial and helpful. The discussion periods were well threshed out and some fine points brought to the fore. The meet- ing had a 05. per cent attendance and (closed each week with a social time. .\ picnic is -being arrangedfor biter in the season. The members feel that apart from the educational and agri- ,.nitutal standpoint it has promoted a greater social eo t' t in the corn - inanity. nits BRODHAGEN Querengesser-Case — The Marriage lookplace in London. England. on Saturday. Feb. 17, 1945, at 2 o'clock, of Miss Hilda Ellen Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. Case, 34 fateptvali' ave.. Wembley, London, England, to Private Iloward John .Zug' rengesser. of the Canadian Postal Corps• only son of Mr. and Mrs, Win. L..-Queritngesser of l3roilhagen, Ont. The ceremony was performed to St. James' Church, Alperton, England, with Rev, R. J. Bartlett, O.C.F., offic- iating clergyman. The church was de. (orated 111 spring flowers, The organ - let was Mr. Ti. V. Loydell of Green - Compared with the cost of other commodi- ties ommodi ties, electricity is cheaper than ever in Canada today. While average commodity prices. have now risen more than 18% over the 1935- 1939 average, the cost of ,electricity has actually dropped. • Report by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, December 4, 1944, says: "Reductions in electricity rates during the last year have provided a stabilizing influence upon the general cost of living index", On this date: Cost of living was up 18.9% Cost of food was up 30.8% Cost of fuel was up 8.1% Cost of electricity stood at 91.4% =a- drop of 8.1% Through the support that Ontario people have given their Hydro System, this Province now enjoys electricity,,at rates that compare favorably with the lowest in the world. Greater use brings lower cost. With the coming of peace, much power now being used or wa production will be availabJe to bring increased benefits to homes and farms. Plan now for greater use of. Hydro service. THE ilYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO 5' • tard, Middlesex, Eng. Bridal nlnsie, "0 Perfect Love" and "Lead us Iloav- only ]rather Load Us." The bride giv- en away by her brother Mr. L.•Case,: looked charming in her: gown of white cloque; floor length andtrain, with nom. length veil of white tittle trimmed with white sequins, Lace and headdress of -tulle and shall white leaves: She Carried pink carnations, pink tulips and fern entwined with white tulle. Fier bridesmaids were Miss Lillian Case, sister of the bride, and Mae Vera' Strubbs, both of Went- bley, London, 'England. Bath dressed in lavender blue crepe, floor length dresses with three quarter length sleeves and high neckline with head dresses of veiling to match. They car- ried sheaves of daltodils and fern. The best man- was Private Carmen Mogk of Brodha:gen, Ont., with the C15nadian Ariny, Overseas. The ushers wide two brothers of the bride, LAC, R. A, Case of the RAF,, and A/G F. S. Case, RNVR. The bride's mother was dressed inblack crepe camel hair coat and black accessories with cor- sage of pink carnations. The wedding breakfast took place at the bride's hone decorated with spring flowers and pink and white decorations and 'a three tier wedding Dake. The assist- ants were Mrs. G. Fender, Mrs, E. Fisher and Mrs. W. Bennett. 50 guests were present including 20 members of H.M. Forces (Canadian and Eng- lish). Pte. and Mrs. Qu'erengesser spent their honeymoon at Somerset, England. The bride, travelling in pow- der blue crepe dress, gold pendant and ear rings (gift from groom), fur coat and black accessories, corsage of pink carnations. Oa Palin Sunday 18 catecuntens made their confirmation vows at `St. Peter's, Lutheran Church; the follow- ing are ttie confirmants, Sean Diegel, Leona Smith, Norma Steinbach, Margaret Hinz, Doris Rapien, Milton Vock, Eric Schultz, Carp Vock, Will- ard and Earl Bennewies, Gerald: Beuermaim, Glenn Kistner, Glen Mogk; Kenneth. Simon, Donald Rose, Lawson Jacob, Ralph Gloor, Wilfred Drager. The church was filled to capacity and the altar looked very beautiful with its decoration of cut flowers and potted plants. The farmers busy season has start- ed due o tohe early warm weather; w ta i seeding has commenced. Among the visitors at the hone of Ilr. and Mrs. Geo. Diegel on Sunday for the occasion of their grand - (laughter's, Leona. Smith's contirma- tion, were Mr. and Mrs. Len Leeming, Nol'nra and Ross, of Walton, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Young or Stratford, Mr. and AM's, Leslie Bolton of Walton. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jacob on Sunday were Mr. and Airs. Chas. Mattilies, ,Eileen and Bob, of Tavistock, Mv, and Mrs, Geo. Jacob and Helen of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bauer, Willis and Joyce of Glencoe. ATR r. Seaforth NOW SHOWING — TWO FEATURES Joyce Reynolds atsameof Robert Hutton A comedy of youth in wartime Matinee Good Friday and, Sat.' -2.30 p.nt; MON. TUEB. WEB, TWO FEATURES Paul Lukas "Address Unknown" Gal? EsmondLukas .gives a resounding performance as the German -American who goes to Munich during the revolutionary rise of Hitler to power ALSO— Bob Haynes Lynn Meriedr "Swingtime Blues" • NEXT THURSD:CY FRIDAY, SATURDAY George Formby "Much Too Shy" Kathleen Harrison George goes to Art school and starts a riot ! Coming: "Cobra Woman" "Yellow Canary" HULLETT Mr. Malcolm McDermid held a successful sale on Monday, having sold his farm to Mr. Archie Riley of Constance. Mr. McDermid intends moving to his residence in Seaforth this spring. The pupils of S.S. No. 5, • Hallett held a very successful Red Cross meeting on March 23rd with the president, Jean Gibbings .in the chair. The meeting opened with 0 Canada after which a collection of 33c was taken up. A program of songs, recitations, piano solos and contests followed. Eldon Morritt. then asked the teacher, Miss Snell, if she would be seated on the plat- form. The school bell•began ringing as the children began singing "The Wedding of the Painted Doll.' Dur- ing this, Peter Roy, in airforce suit as groom, and Jayne Mary Snell, at- tired in white dress and trailing veil carrying roses as bride, entered, fol- lowed by Jean Adams who presented the teacher with an old fashioned colonial nosegay. John Peckitt then read the following address which was written up by Mrs. Lansing, a former teacher of Miss Snell. "Dear Miss Snell, We are gathered here this afternoon to convey to you our very best b s wishesapproach- ing for your appxo c ing marriage. We would like to thank you for all your kindness to .1. We all feel that we would like to have a little share in this coming' event, the happiest day in your life. So we ask you to accept this gift from us- and as you use it in your future home, may it ever recall hap- py memories of the time spent with your pupils in your first school at S.S. No. 5, Hullett. It is our sincere wish that Health, Happiness and Prosperity may be in store for you and. your husband -to -be through a long and happy married life togeth- er." Then Doris Gibbings and Barry Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash 'Prices ;paid for Eggs and Poultry - Phone 170-W, Seaforth Lovett entered carrying a lovely white wicker clothes hamper. This was a gift from the pupils to the teacher prior to her marriage to Fly- inglOtficer Fisher this week. Miss Snell thanked the, pupils for the lov- ely surprise and gift. Patsy Peckitt then entered carrying a wedding -cake which was decorated with sil- ver beads and centred with a small bouquet of snowdrpps and enclosed in cellophane with silver seals. A lunch.of cookies and cake was serv- ed by Jayne Mary Snell, Doris Gibb- ings and Patsy Peckitt, Games were enjoyed under the supervision of Jean Gibbings. The meeting closed with many wishes for happiness front the pupils to Miss Snell. All of the pupils showered the bride-to•be with 'confetti and rice. Permanents AT The Sutherland Beauty Shop PHONE 152 Open Every Day Hairdressers: Mrs. Dorothy Sutherland Mrs. Muriel Elliott a7A , e4o6o10 o xe hteyb!eyyaesta lgit2ry,eh ee�dzPoo�hg® +fet1Vjft4tbje�0tpoo ? $ y rt,�iLL'ptt. 141 1ogs bo �400,tcste4 1letsds7oee elsS, d,t0�e „slno0o`I41�tao144. c, 114* aJji•1ah1ee yayles7tr®` j4 IT is quite possible that these civil= ians who occupied ,the telephone booths while the soldier .waited to make his last call home were talking important business. It may even have been war business. But if we all remember to make our telephone calls as brief as possible, then at least there will be no needless waiting by our boys who want so urgently to get their calls through. Long talks tie up vital switching equipment at central. Too often urgent calls must wait because we forget to be brief. Be Considerate .. . Be Brief! tGx re�rrre Se, ce Gw ?mop. ro• Motels H. H. P. JOHNSTON Manager. IMPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND WILEARE, OTTAWA