HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-03-15, Page 8• ►•o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 i THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1945 Euchre Dance! FRIDAY MAR. 16 Hensall Town Hall Sponsored by the Local L.O.L. Proceeds for War Work Lunch provided by Kippen East: W.I. ADMISSION 400 EXTRA -Centrally Pipe Brand concert Prov 9 to 9, before the euchre. Everybody carne and hear this last performance of -the 'Band. bore. . - .. LAST Euchre & Dance OF THE SEASON HENSALL TOWN HALL FRIDAY, MAR. 23 At 5,30 Murdoch's Orchestra. Admission 50c Sponsored by Iitppen East WI, Ladles please bring sandwiches HENSALL Murray Munn of the R,C,A.F. Trenton, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Munn also Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Cross, Bride And Groom Honored Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elder were honored at a reception in the Town Hall on Friday evening with about two hundred friends and neigh- bours present. The presentation of a dining -room suite was made. The accompanying address being read by Mr. Ed, Corbett. to which the groom made a fitting reply. Dancing was enjoyed to music by Murdock's Orchestra. Council Meeting The regular meeting of the Vil- lage Council was held on Tuesday at 3 p.m. in the council chambers with all members being present. Minetes of the last meeting read. A. Kerslake and E. Fink that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried.. S. Kyle asked about pumping a well in the country, instructed. to do the same at the usual rates. R. J. Pater- son, Tax Collector, reported as having collected $27.20 in arrears to date. Reeve Shaddick asked about the usual grant for the Spring Seed and Stock Show. H. Hyde—M. Moir•, that we grant the Spring Seed anis Stock Show the usual amount of 560,00, carried, Clerk J. A. Pater- son reported as to the convention held in Toronto by the Rural Muni- cipal Asociation, also. the interview he had with the assistant Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs, re - water -works correspondence, read as follows: Dept. of IVIlnticipal Affairs, Dept, of Public' Welfare, Huron County War Finance Committee, County Clerk, Association of Rural Municipalities, same considered and filed, Carried. Bills and Acounts: Allan Johnston Typewriter repairs $2.00; Provincial Treasurer, Insulin $1.74: F. G. Bonthron Insurance, Rink $25.00; Municipal World Sup- plies $3.00; G. R. Hess, Printing $12.25; F. G. Bonthron, postage $5.00; W. R. Davidson, coal,'- rink $11.46, hall $13.69, total 525.15; 1 G. M. Case, coal, rink $12.95; Huron; Farmer's Co -Operative, coal, hall! 58.30; G. M. Case, team. S.R. 01.50;, 3. Phaff, labour $1.75: W. Dabus, I do $1.75; T. Richardson aro $1,75 G. Schwaln do 01.75; W. Seale labour .70; R. Todd do .70; I. Kyle, salary 373.80; Hensall School Board current expenses 51000.; N. Jones, labour 01.80; R. Todd do $1.40; W. Dabus do 51.40; J. Phaff do 02.50; T. Richardson do $42.80; Hensall • Hydro Hall $13.72; J. A. Paterson expenses, Toronto 515.00; R. 'E. Shaddick do 515.00; M. Moir do 515.00; A. Kerslake do 515.00; H. Hyde do $15.00; E. Fink do 31.5.00; Spring Seed and Stock Show Grant $60.00; Total $1398.51—L A. Paterson, Clerk. AUCTION SALE 14ir. Harold Jackson has been in- gtructed to sell by public auction on Lot 15, Parr Line, Stanley Township, ono mile south of Varna, on Thiu'sda3', March 29, at 12:30 sharp:. I•IOR2F,S—Black mato, 8 years old ; bay more, 9 years old; chestnut colt, rising'3 broke), PUREBRED CATTLE Electors Ensign ?6605.3-, mole, red, 2' years old , Dunston Lavinia 4th 2845522-, female, dal. man, 7 Years old due to freshen in April Crimson Dawn -204500-, female. - roan, (I years old, calf at foot; Morning Plower 456557-, Ted male, .roar, 6. years old due to freshen in April; Orlmson Marigold -322008-, female, red, 2years old, due to freshen , Tilly Crim- son Molly -325040-, female, roan, 20 months old ;..2 yearling- heifers, eligible for registra- tion (vaccinated). Red cow, 4 years old,' due' to freshen in Match red cote, 8' years old, due to' freshen March 15th; block co rising 4 yen doe to free,, June l0thq bluk cow, 4 yews old/ calf at foot; bleak coy rising 4 years, due to freshen in October ; blue cos rising 4 years, doe to freshen in. November; red cow, 4 years .old due to freshen November 100111 grey cow, 4 years. -milking • red heifer, duct to freshen in April; heifer, rising two years! 0 steers (265-1000 lbs) 0 heifers (800.900 lbs.) ; 6 Yearling steers, 1 yearling heifer; 1 baby beef : 3. onkel (Herd - T.13, tested and nngoth'e to the blood Mot.) PIGS -R. pigs (190 700.) ; 1 young mw, due April 26th. SHEEP -1 Leicester' .ram, 2. years old ; 5. Leicester' ewes. IMPLEMENTS—McCormick Deering binder. 7 -foot cut; side delivery rake, good condition McCormick Deering mower, 5 foot. eat; hay rake; hard roller; McCormick Deering bean stuffier and harvester (new)';' 2 sets diamond! harrows, 3 and 4 section 7 two -furrow plow; 1 potato: plow; Farman (A) Tractor with pulley .(new) ; scuffle•' and puller attachment for tractor; McCormick Deering 2 -furrow tractor plow. Orew); 1 set spring tootle drag harrows; 1 new rubber tired wagon (good: tires), 4 -wheel brakes; .hay rack; steel. tire). wagon; 1 horse culfler-1 set .sleighs (new) ; buggy: cutter; •DeLavai Imam Separator, No, 13; fanning mill ;sling ropes; hay fork: rope and pulleys; 1 stock loader; quantity o; plank; 100 bus, cull beans (Man)' 1 bent' cooker (wood) ; 1. electric stove, good working order-; 1 good colony house, 15 by 12; .cos/. brooder. stove (new) ; i root pulper ; sob double harness; 0 collates; 15 bushels seed beans; 1 wnulmiil and pump brew head); 11 steel gnsohne drum and pump; ensilage.' turnips; apples; and other mrtides too nume emus to mention. Terms cash. Everything to be sold as Pru. Prieto' has given up farming and is lenges' do beekeeping, the farm being renter!. Harold Jackson. Anel : E. P. Chosney Clerk ; JOHN OSTROM. Proprietor', Auction Sale 01 Fan nt ,0(nck , Implements, Herold Jorksnn, Auctioneer, has been instructed le -nil by int auction al. Lot in, Concession 5, 'Morris Two., on Saturday. March 24 at 1 Pant HOUSES--Cene'nl purpose :mere 0 year') old, supposed M he in foal ; general 51m'pnre” mare 6 yen - old colt 2 years old. P700- n sows, supposed to be In p(5; 1 sow. with litter et foot ; 99 (+hunks ; 1 regist- olei ing, CA'I"rLE -Registered Holstein cow, 6 years old. •'r(eye Correct Dtrtchlnnd' on R.O.P., stood third ns ,r 2 -year-old, with. 444. pounds fat from 10,000 lbs. milk, bred m, Oct. 27 1 Hnl.steia rev, 1 years old. due 1n May; 1 linls(ein mw. 7 years old, dam 50 April ; 1 Holstein cow. 9 yem•s old. dye iApril ; 7 jersey cow. 5, years old, due in 'sillyo' 1 A,'rq shire ecu a years 074, due in Aprn; 1 iTol+ sten env years old, due In. April ; Ti-71;nistein heifer: 2 years old, supposed to 7w. eel(; 1 Holstein heifer, 2 ycm's, supposed. to he hr calf; 1 Holstein belle: 2 years old, mpoosed m be in calf: '1 Jersey-HnlsteM heifer', sui'nosed to he in calf ; 2 Holstein vearding heifers; 1 Jersey -Holstein yeaolinol heifer: 1 Holstein bu1L rising 2 years old; 1 Durham bull, 2 years old. 10 of these caws and heifers bare been vnecinote7, e57PLRMENTS Massey-Hairia '1111, 11. hoe : .2 -furrow R.c,g plow; sat sleighs ; with Oal. rack: 1 H.0, et•eam espatatm', 100- 1,, ra0)00(5 1 n quantity. 5f eneks ; about 1 tons of he t sat 011 1 team harness 1 3 horse enllnrst Atlnd(o temp, '. Absolutely no restive as the forni is rented, 1 Terms cash. RORT. WALLACE. Prop, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale TENDERS WANTED Township of Tuekersmith Sealed tenders will be received by the Township of Tuckersmith up to Saturday, April 7th at 2 p.m. for the following: (11 Tender to supply tractor.pow- er, 40 horse power or more, and belt to operate crusher to .crush 4,000 yards or more. Tender to include operator and one' additional man. ' A certified cheque for 0100 inust accompany tenders, cheques to be Tett-oiled to tenders not accepted, Details of operation as to pits, etc., will he supplied by application to clerk. (2) Tender to truck gravel from crusher to roads: Tender's to . state flat rate up to five miles and a rate per yard mile over five miles. Details will be supplied upon application to 1 Clerk. E. T3DS�iDY t , . P. C, Clerk. TENDERS WANTED Township of Tuekersmith Sealed tenders will be received -by the Township of Tuckersnrith up to Saturday, Mar, 1.7th, 1945, at 8 p.1n. forr the following: Tender to supply Rubber. Tired Tractor, 40 h.p. or more, to 'haul grader 10 ft. blade. Tender to be at an hourly rate. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. FOR SALE A gander for sale, or would ex- change for a goose. .Apply to phone 24r25, Dublin. Rudolph Fischel. Lot :37 no 7th concession, (lnden'ich Two., r, mile north of .Rayfield Rood, 0 miles (loot of CiIntm. Friday, March 23rd, of 12.30 71.m, HORSES --Ray team geldings; Clyde mare. CATTLE --Rate rowr, f, years old, ohne time of sale ; led mw, 9 years old, Fresh one month ; Hereford caw 4 Years old. fresh 2 meths ; Hereford heifer freshened m De- cember; roan caw 7 yearn ctrl, freoltt Iio1- stein cow 4 yews old, ffenh 1 month; 1 black heifer freshened in January ; ('00(1 heifer freshened in Tanunry; red raw .4 years old, due tMoy 1s1; white mw, 6 years old, doe time of sale; Holstein cow, 5 years old, fresh 1 month ; roar cow. 6. years old fresh 1 month ; 0 160706ord steers, 000 Itis,; 5 Dur- ham heifers, 300 lbs.; 6 Hereford yearling Leers ; 7 Hereford and Durham yearling heifers ; 7 little calves. PIC,S --9 chunks around 00 los. ; saw duo Mar 15th young sow clue Meg 1st. HENS --109 hybrid pullets, IMPLEMENTS S --'1. 14. binder•, 6 ft, cut ; Deering mower; Bissell discs 14 plate' (nearly new); M. 16 drill, 11 hoe; oultivntor; Cock butt hay rake 2. -furrow Oliver muffler with bean harvester ;2 walking seu((lers; McD walking plough; New Idea rubber tire wagon (nearly ae ) ; gravel box ; 4 . section har- rows; set sleighs (nearly new) ; cutter; gang plough; hay. rack, 10 feet; stock rack ; fan - ,ling mill et settles set heavy harness ; sot light :borne. 'heelbarrow; patsvnl cream %narrates' hay fork, two 100-10 milk eons; eloettic brooder tnev) ; 4- range shelters, new; girl's bicycle; lel sings; whinnle(.roes; acct! 'yokes, fm•ke, lumber•, etc, Chicken hoppers, table, 6 ldtehen choirAY, GRAIN -10 Mnte'hey: sorgham in stooks ; 400 bus, Etta): oats and hurley, - Terms cosh, No reserve AS hill"; is. sold. GLADSTONE 011I00, Pron. ; Herold Jackson, And.; E. P. Chesney, Clerk, Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and hnplements, On Lot. 0, Con. 7, Stanley Twp.. 2 miles north of l(tllsereen and 3 miles south of Varna, on Thursday, Ma1'ch. 22, conmenciag at 1 p.m. HORSES -1 t°sy more 5 years old ; 1 toy. Mare 0 yeat•s'olt ; 1 filly using 1 year old. CATTLE Roan con fresh ; roan cow due in April • Ten ey ct w fresh ; blue r01n coni due in May, red eon fret; spotty cow fresh; rnarr bei7,' ristno 2 You old: red boder rising 2 yea's old ; red ltelL.t rt§ing 1 year old 2 men heifers , ,song 1 .year old ; 5 eroall calves. PIGS --1 Yorkshire brood sow due the first of May. GRAIN & HAY -150 bushels of Imported Banner Oats 105 bushels of Mixed Crain. 8 tons of mired hay. IMPLEMENTS -- Ideal low down steel wagon new ; 16 -ft. Oat rook, new: mane]•° pteatler, new ; MrCormick Deering her loader, new with truck ; Massey -Harris 11 - fertiliser drill as good as nett,; gre1001 box; Mosley -Harris spring tooth' cultivator, rev' i Massey -Harris binder 6 -ft. cut :in good working order; 0.ft. Massey Harris mgwerl nearly. new; Monsey 'Harris been scelflor with hullo' combined; hay fork;_ 2-fart»tV disc 'plow in -throw disc; 2 walking prow's 1. 2 riding plows; 3 -foot coulter, packer, new 4-soetlon harrows;. 7(0. bob sleighs,; logging ehams ; whippletrees; neelcyokes; set of slinri LOST ropes; stook rack; set of single harness sett of heavg harness; 4 horse collate, and other Will the party who picked up three Rotolo:, Isco 010001;00to mention, sacks of oats north of 'Walton on Terms cash. Wednesday afternoon, leave thorn at ArthurWehnr. AueL h, E, 'Weida, Clerk. Lawrenco Ryan, Walton, or Jos. MRS', PEARL J. LO;yn, Proprietress, Ryan, Brussels. FOR SALE Galore Barley, smooth awn var- iety, grown from a cross with 0.A.C, 21 and Nobarb at the 0.A.C. A heavy yielder.. Alaska Oats. A, B. Bell, R.R. 2, Kippen, phone , 93r2, Hensall: FOR SALE • A young Durham bull, serviceable n.lt•,r't^y McGovin,'Pho1e 8421.15 2 -YEAR-OLD BOAR 0111 ; is a e.o0d breeding hog. 1 sec - dap soon. 10 pigs 7 Deka 010 ^nn T411VS071. - , FOR SALE Eleven pigs ready to wean. Apply Peter Readmaat,. North Main - street, ,5eelorth, A quantity of Cedar Posts for sale. Soseplt M.Storey, Clinton, '90or3, FOR SALE A few electric radios in Al condi- tion, Phone S51r31. WANTED Purebred Yorkshire or Tamworth boar State" age and price. K. Mc- Pherson, , Dublin. Phone . evenings 17r24, Clearing Auction Sale 04 farm Stock: and Implements., Mr. Har- old Jaelcson has been instructed to sen by Public Auction or Monday, March 26th, at Lot 10, Con. 2, Hallett Two., 5 miles west of Seaforth, and )i mile north, at 12 o'clock: HORSES — Grey filly rising' 4 years oltl; Belgian filly, 3 years old; 'dirk filly, .rising 3 years. CATTLE-7ilereford cow with calf at foot; Hereford cow due June 10th ; Durham cow due May 1st; Durham cow due time of sale; Durham. cot' bond Jim,. 22nd; 1 Polled Here- ford bull, 15 months old; 10 Hereford & Durham cattle 1 year old; 1 calf 1 month old. P109-1 sow with litter at foot; York soft' true April -3rd ; York sow due May. 12; 8. York chunks 3 mouths old, ' POULTRY -75 Leghorn hens. IMPLEMENTS — Massey Harris binder;. Massey Farris mower 6 ft. cut; sulky rake, hay loader, 13 -hoe M.H. seed drill with newt spring teeth; spring tooth cultivator; now disc harrow ; 3 -section harrows, steel roller 4 bent seufNer and puller; hand Muffler, rid- ing plow, 2 walking, plows, Wheelbarrow fanning miIl, set 5000 ib scales with rack, set of sleighs,farm wagon, hay, 'rack 16-I0.,1 gravel box, .stock rack, wagon, bus, DeLavai cream separator with motor, bog erste, 2S -ft, extension- ladder, Huron pig trough, root pulper, chickenfeeders, number of. barrels,chicken shelter,.2 log bunks, shish scraper,( grindstone, crosscut saw, stoneboat, quan- tity of lumber and plonk, 3. bunches ahingleg, 1 sprayer, new steel water' trough, lined! water trough, :iron kettles, quantity of cedatl posts, chop boa, set of heavy double blocrq' w•hilfletrecs, neelcyokes, .sling rope, chainsf grain sifter, pea hnrvestel', 2 sets back band harness, set of-brOechlrrg harness, set off stops, number of horse collars, forks, shovels, .hone blankets, grass seeder, HAY & GRAIN 5 tons of hays 100 bul• fall wheat; 126 bus. mLeed grain, 8 bust seed beats HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Pandora range. box stave, glass cupboard, 6 kitchen chairs, sewing table, flour bins, 240 1b scales, 2 lanterns, wardrobe, 2 work stands, work bench, 2 toilet sets, quantity dishes Bo kitchen utensil:., etc. - Terms cash. DIALCOLM McDERMID, Proprietor, Harold Jackson, Auct. ; E. P. Chesney. clerk. Auction Sate 141r. Harold Jackson has, been in- structed to sell by public autltion in I'Iensall on Friday, March 16th, the properly of the late Mrs. Helen 1410- Cullle o0 Richmond street north;_ at 12.30 o'clock, the following: Stucco liouse, 13/4 story, on Lot 15, Richmond street, and adjoining lot 24, Wilson Survey, in the Village of Hensall. On the property is good well and garage. Chattels -2 bedroom suites, bed springs, mattresses, studio couch nearly new; occasional chair, nearly new; kitchen chairs, 2 rocking chairs, dining room table, 3 small tables, fall leaf table, tapestry rug 9x12, linoleum rug 9x12, 2' trunks, rayon curtains and drapes, oil paintings, cushions, needlepoint, household linens, quilts & pillows. quilt box, 2 dresser lamps, toilet set, mantel clock, alarm clock,' collection of curios, scatter !rugs, lace table cloth, 2 china tea sets, silver. trey, silver tea pot, quantity dishes, knives & forks, cooking utensils, Que- bec heater, 2 burner coal oil stove, electric iron, electric !tot plate, lawn mower nearly new; oil can, ase and pails, ga1'den. tools, one fernery, quan- tity of wood. Terms --Chattels cash, Real Estate, IOG on day of sale and balance in 30 days. Reserve hid, Immediate pos- session can be given. Further terns & conditions of sale will be 'made known on clay of sale, or may be had from the undersigned. John A. Dalrymple, Executor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney. Clerk, Clearing Auction Sale Grass Farm, Farm Stock and Implements. —Mr; Harold Jackson has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot .28, Con. 1, Stanley Township, 3 miles south of Clinton, on No, 4 Highway, on MONDAY, • MARCH 1010. Salo commences at 12.30 sharp on both days, IMPLEMENTS,—Two Massey.Harris bin- ders, 1 7 -foot cut and one 6 -foot cut; hay. loader, Bnernationnl ; mower, Massey-Harils 6 -ft. tut ; sidle delivery, International ; 2 Frost and Wood dump rakes and 1 Massey - Harris dump rake, manure -spreader, Cock- slmtt; McCormick -Deering spring tooth cul- tivator, nearly new; Massey -Harris spring tooth cultivator; Frost and Wood' disc, 16 - plate out -throw ; set harrows, 4 sections,. drill, McCormick -Deering, 13 -hole ; 2 harrow carts, berm stuffier, Planet Jr. ; 2 walking Plows; Oliver riding plow; International riding plow, used for plowing alfalfa sod; cutting box, Coleman ; -1 sax -inch grinder, Fleury ; set weighing settles, 2000 tbs.; bag truck ; Horn wagon ; .truck wagon; _ 16 -foot Rockwent sliding rack; bench: sleigh, nem, shooing cutter; rubber tired buggy;. fann- ing mill ; International cream separator, nearly new; wheelbarrow root pnlper; bone cutter,; blacksmith drill blacksmith forge; anvil; 2 sets Learn harness; number collars; sit single harness, quantity of mixed hay, 8 bushels timothy seed, quantity of hemlock lu nber ; also cmmntity of maple limber • In- ternational gasoline engine.. 27j0 h p inter- national nter- naticnal gasoline ergine, 3 h.p, ; half h.p. gasoline engine;; steel gasoline drum;. gaso- line pump, rave-WOY pump; whiffletrees; neelcyokes; shovels; chains, and 'other art- icles too numerous to mention. Also screw incl:.; one block and tackle ;manilla hay fork rola: and pulleys t 100 -gallon kettle; 10 iron fence posts, quantity of cedar posts; 1.0 a n- chm' poets 0 ft.; onantity of 2 -inch pipe. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 'look stove chest of drawers; bedroom suite;' 2 rockers; 2 -kitchen chairs;. 0 arm chair; Axminster lalg, 12x14; churn, Daisy No. 2; washing. machine wringer lambs;..hanging lmnp0; barrels palls; strainer 2 feather ticks; 1 large Ref:Motor. clock; teal oil :stove. .anti. other articles. PROPERTY: Fifty. acres Grass Land, East one-half of Lot 31, Concession 2, Stan- ley Township. No. 1 water supplied by spring. TU.F,SDAY,. MARCH 20th IHORSES: Bay horse, 0 years old, end. 1 Bay horse 5 years old; aged horse. CATTLE Red cow, 6 years old, bred. 3 months ; red .cow,,, 7 vem'a .0191, clue Apr. 19 ; roar - cow, 4 yea's old, clue Mny 6th ;. Groan row; 6 years old ; red heifer rising 3 years, bred two months ; red cow 0 years old, with telt at• foot; rod cow 7 years old, due May 8th; roan .COW (1 yearsold due 241;h ,Tame; blue cow, 5 3,e010 old, due Sept. 25th; tad COW, 5 years old', due 23rd April s --roan- caw 0 years old, due Anvil 30th; roan cow, 6 years old, calf-. al; foot; !rink cow[, 5.: yean:s "Id. to valve time of sale; roan cow,- 7 Yeats old, due 24th of -Jan ; roan COW, carrying frlyt calf 2 heifers rising 2' years; 2' red n i7e1s rising 2` yen) s Old; roar, helfcr rising 2 - Years old; red heifer ` rising 2 -year's- old; d. steer, 1 year. 014 ; .black' steer, 2 years old ;; block steer 3 years old ; 13 calves rising, year old 1, 1. Durham bull rising 3 years old. SHEEP: Twenty brooding. ewes due to n.only in April ; 1, ram and 1 Collie clog 2 yearsr.. old, 11!1LMS; On. property,. 10 per Dent: down, halanno in 20, days, subject to roserdo bid ; Chattels, cash, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 1 7, H. QUIG1rSY, Prop. ; E. P. Chesney, Clerk., FOR SALE A man's double crossbar bicycle in good!. condition, Price 540. "Clips. Cunningham, aE Jack's Repair; DUAL SHORTHORNS P015 SALE Hearers all. 0000, some to calve in late springand early summer ; others younger. :These heifers are from some of our' older eon's that at'apure-bred, but 0001e not regist- ered and are extra heavy, milkers; also one red: bull calf 6 months old from ,n 1liltheac) COW and a., son of Dalt' Messinger. Would ac- cept good steers in exchange, James Is. Scott, highway west. Phone 551+4. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Iinplelnents and Household Furniture, 'The under- signed has received •instrl'tctions to sell by public auction on Lot 13, ' Con. 12, Hibbert Tp., 1 1-4 miles South of Cromarty, Third Lot East,' Wed. March 21. Sale commences at 12 o'clock sharp. ,HOR,SES-1, 5 -year-old Gelding; 1,4 year old Mare; 1, 3 year old 'elding; 1, 3 year old Mare; all good young horses;' one aged horse.' CATTLE -2 Holstein heifers freshened in January; •L Durham cow freshened in December; 3, 5 • year old cows due' in April; 2, 4 year old cows due in June; 1 heifer and calf; 1 young dry cow; 1, 2I FOR SALE year old bull; 5 steers; 8 heifers; 7 -year -ole Durham cow due ,1st Aprt Duto 5 calves, ham bull 18 months old. Charles Dale,�R,R,4,1 'HO'GS-19, pigs around 160 lbs. canton. Phone 616r4, Clinton. FOWL — 2 young geese; 1 LOST gander' around 70 pullets. • 'I A man's large size grey leather glove, SHEEP -4 last year's ewes sup- presumably near Presbyterian Church, Sea - posed to be in lamb. forth. Pinder please leave at Neuss Office, IMPLEMENTS -7 ft. -Frost & Reward. Wood binder, nearly new; 314' ft, TENDERS WANTED M. H. mower, nearly neW; McCor- For the wiring and installation of nick Deering side rake; McC. D. light fixtures in School House of S.S. hay loader; 1 F-12 McC.-'D. tractor #6, Stanley. Plans and specifications row Crop, good as new; 1 two fur- may be seen by getting in touch with row McC. D. tractor plow, nearly the undersigned. Work to be done new; 1 'McC.-D. tractor cultivator, according to specifications. Work to nearly new; 1 horse cultivator; 1 be done in Easter holidays. disc; walking plow; gang plow; Tenders to be in by March 20th, seuftler; set 5 section harrows; 1946. Lowest or any tender not neces- F. & W. disc drill; McC.-D. manure sarily accepted. Apply to Sherlock spreader; turnip seeder; 3-4 wagon, Keyes, SeC:Tress„ S.S. #6, Stanley, nearly new; wagon box; steel. Varna, Ont. truck wagon; hay rack; sleighs cutter; trailer; root pulper; wheel- FOR SALE One good Clyde gelding rising four, barrow; chicken shelters; feelers; set double harness; third set - hay- bay with white legs and face. Phone ness; two ladders; step -ladder; col- 8471' 2• Seaforth, lars; blankets; bells; steel water FOR SALE tank sbabrbags; Shorthorn cows and 'bred heifers, fanningteel mill;troughs; scales; agrels;, truck; for sale. Phone Seaforth central, 658 crosscut saws; bucksaw; forks; r4, R;R,3, Kippen. -Harry Norris. .shovels; whiffletrees; hoes; neck - yokes; chains; cedar posts; two iron FOR SALE kettles; gpantity of "lumber; bind- Three young calves. Apply to Dale er' twine; sling ropes; other ropes; Nixon. 20 gallons feeding syrup; 4 spools barb wire and other wire, and other FOR SALE articles too numerous to mention. GRAIN -20 tons hay; 500 bus. 1 new Royal coal burning brood - grain; 400 ,bus. turnips. — er, 1 new Warner electric brooder HOUSIOHOLI) EFFECTS 3 and a number of fised• electric rocking chairs; 1 arm chair; G brooders, All brooders 500 chick cap - kitchen chairs and table; 1 day bed; acity. 1 lounge; 1 writing desk; 1 coal oil 1 set double team harness; 1 Mas - heater; 2 hanging lamps; other sey'Harris team cultivator, wide and lamps; dishes; sealers; crocks; narrow teeth, 1 iron well pump and quilts; and other numerous articles. three-inch cylinder. Terms—CASH. Positively no re- All these articles are in excellent serve as the 'proprietor has sold the condition. farm. WM. J. KAY, Prop., Wm. E. SUNNYVALE POULTRY FARM Nairn, Auctioneeer. 1 Andrew A. Moore, Prop. Auction Sale • Saturday Cash Specials .MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, lb. bag CREAM STYLE GOLDEN CORN, 2 tills. TOMATO SOUP, 3 tins , , . , ROBERTS COUGH SYRUP, bottle BECKLEY'S :COUGH SYIR•CP . . , .. .... 40c and 76c WAMPOLIO'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER' OIL 1.00'. Ole 2So 35c- National Hog Concentrate,': 40% ..., per cwt. 3.25 W. J. FINNIGAN JACK'S REPAIR Hame Straps MADE BY JACK PRICED FROM .25 to .45 each CATTLE WANTED • Of Farm Stock and Implements, For grass, for the season, Good N o to sell by public auction on Lot 34, Walton R,R.2. Phone 16 on 831. Con, 3, L.R.S. Tuekersmith, 11/4 pules FARM FOR SALE east & 1. mile north of Brueefleld, on 150 acres, Lot 27, and N. half of Thursday, March 22nd, at one p.m. 'lot 26, Con. 4, 1 uc]'ersmith, LR 5 Horses — Grey mare aged 15, bay spring creek. Apply to Isaac McGavin, Mr Ii Jackson has been instructed mare aged 13, general purpose horse, Good buildings, cement silo, never - good single, or doable, I failing water supply. Good state of Ga7tle--Red cow freshened 3 .weeks, cultivation, If not sold will be a•ented. ted heifer freshened 2 weeks, Here' ford cow freshened two weeks, Here-', Wm. Fotheringharn, Seaforth, R.R.3. ford cow due at time of sale, red cow Phone 6281-11, due April 26th, white cow (farrow); milking, 2 yearling steers, 3 heifers 2 years old, 1 steer 2 years - old, 3 small calves. • Poultry -125 Barred & White Rock pullets (laying 65/). Implements—Massey Harris hinder 6 ft. cut, Massey -Harris mower, 6 ft. cat; Massey Harris manure spreader in first class condition, Massey Har- ris rake 10 ft.; Massey Harris culti- vator, Massey Harris 11 hoe grain chill; Massey Harris bean cultivator with bean puller attachment, 3 drumr laud roller, one wooden drum roller, Deering disc harrow.. autotrac with Chev 0 cylinder engine, also governor & pulley for belt work, track wagon nearly new, 14 ft. flay rack, set 3 section harrows, set of sleighs, fan- ning' Mill with sieves & pulley at- tachment, t tachment, emery grinder mounted on frame, 1% yards gravel box, open buggy, piano box cutter, single horse scuffle'', 2 cream separators, one near- ly new, straw cart, steel water trough, grindstone, 25 gal. gasoline chant, 2 oak barrels, 2 steel barrels, 2 !tog troughs, 80 sacks, Renfrew 2000 Ib. scales, wheelbarrow, 30 good cedar posts, walking plow, gang plow, single furrow riding plow, 100lbs. COin1 king mineral, sling ropes, bay. rope & rlt whiffletrees fo& doubletrees, Heel: yokes, sprayer, and many other small articles !usually 0011nd' on a farm. Harness -2 sets back band Mimes, 1 set single harness, G collars, also harness parts & pieces. Grain -400 bus. mixed (oats & barley), 5 bus, clover: seed, 500 lbs. feed beaus, 5 bus. seed beans. Household Milects— Jewel range (tarn] size), made by (Hare Bros., with warming closet & res"ervon ; daisy cluu'n. Everything to be disposed .of as the farm is sold. Terms cash. E, Austin Dining, Proprietor. Harold ',Jackson, Auctioneer. NOTICE All persons desirous of procuring trees for planting this spring are re- quested to, contact the school teacher in your section not later than Ma1'cli 35111. By placing orders in this man- ner there' is nocost to persons desir- ing such trees and they will be de- livered to. the school by County tracks, Any person ordering 500 or more trees may have them parceled 171 an individual order. N. W. MILLER,' County Clerk. NOTICE Wnt, Bradshaw, your Watkins deal- er, and also agent for E. D. Smith & Son, fruit and ornamental nursery Stock, Market street, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 50. THE PICK OF TOBACCO It DOES taste good in a pipe FOR SALE SPECIAL — 7 Room Frame 2me house, John St., 3 Pos, Bathroom, Furnace, Ilycbo 3 Wire, Town Water. Combin- ation Barn & Garage. Goad location, a !sal buy, prompt possession. Large Brick house, Market St, Slate Roof, new rented as apartments. A Good investment. 6 -Roost house, Main St., lfgmondville, Batin•ooatl, Combination range, 3111211. ace, Garage & Barn combined. 8-R00121 1101750, Coleman St„ Bath- room, Furnace, hydro, acre- land, splendid barn. Also a number of other properties. 50 Acre Farm„ apuprox, 3 mile from Seaforth on Highway. Make good grass Vann. Priced reasonable, D, c. CHAM1310RLA IN Insurance & Real Estate Phone .334. Seaforth, Oat, Res. 220 Erna Nonce Frank Finnigan, your Rawleigh dealer,. on Louisa St,. Seaforth, has a line ofproducts at the house. Phone 53W. • McConnell & Hays Barrieters, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, I3, Glenn Hays' SIAFORTH, ONT. -Telephone 174. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion. 'Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m, to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Vice President, Frank Mo Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and,' Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. • Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot. Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Barn- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mc- Ewing, o-Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,. Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; . J. F. Prueter,. Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth, Parties desirous to elect insurance, or transact other business, will be' promptly attended to by applications• to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective pot offices. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successor's to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. A11 kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at 'lowest rates in First -Dials Companies, SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr, E. A. McMaster, M,B., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to•date diagnostic and thereupt3 equipment. Dr. F, J. R. Forster, Specialist bDiseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat,' will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday In every month from 3 to 6 p.m.: Free well -baby 'clinic will be Weld on the second and last Thursday hs every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone S J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate In ,Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,' Moorefield's Eye; and. Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng.. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, this'd Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford, Telephone 267, O. A. WHITNEY Successor to Holmes & Whitney Funeral. Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos, pital Bed for rent'Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. . Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Securityfor over One Million Partners H. R. LO GODERICH LONG, District Agent CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large Stock of Modern 1VIemorials 9311 display at our Seaforth Showroom@ For the convenience of our. patrons office will be open on • .TUESDAYS Open by appointment at any other time: See Dr. Harburn, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE :COLLECT SEAFORTH, 15. EXETER 236 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (EssentialWarIndustry)'