The Seaforth News, 1945-03-15, Page 1`•-H U R O N COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER
WHOLE S11R}ES, VOL. 68, No, 10
Phone 84
81 a year
On Friday evening last about 90
friends and neighbors gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Haney to honour them on the occas
Sion of their 25th wedding anniver-
sary, which was Saturday, March 10.'
Cardsand dancing were enjoyed.
During the evening Mr. and Mrs,
Haney received a telephone call
from their second eldest con, Clare,
who is in the Royal. Canadian Navy
stationed at Halifax.
After lunch Mr. and Mrs. Haney
were called to the floor and Mrs.
Paul Doig read a short address.
Messrs. Harry Chesney, Victor Lee
and Raymond Nott presented then
with a chest of silver flatware and
end table and ash tray. Mr.- Haney
- made h very fitting and humorous
The address: "To Mr. and Mrs.
Haney. We're gathered here this ev- i
ening, To spend .a little time, In re-
miniscing of the day, When Matt
• said, "You are .mine." It's twenty-
five years to the day And good years
they have been, Tho' for the sun-
shine of. each day: There falls a little
rain. But when in future you look
back, And -think of these past years,
We hone they'll bring a smile or
two To compensate ,for tears. Now
tohelpyou think of all your friends,;.
Ancl neighbor's gathered here, . We
ask you to accept these gifts, Which '
cone from hearts sincere.—Signed,
your friends and neighbors."
Maple Syrup
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
11 a.m, The Sacrament of The
Lord's Supper will be observed.
2.30- p.m: Sunday School
7 p.m. The Rugged Cross and
The Rugged Christian.
Thursday, 8 p.m. Precommunion
Service. .
'Welcome - to these services.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B A ,B D
10.30 a.m., Sunday School. --
11.30 a.m. "Loyalty to Christ's
7 p.m. "The Reward of Good
March 18th. "Passion Sunday."
St. Thomas', Seaforth:
10 a.m,: Sunday School..
11 a.m. Morning Prayer. "The
2 p.m. Bible Class.
7 P.M. Evening Prayer: "The Iniqu-
ity of Us A11.
St. Mary's, Dublin: 130 'Sunday
School, 3, Church Service; "The
Wednesday, March 21st. Week -night
service at 8 p.m, St. Thomas' Church.
'hector, Rev. C Is, L. Gilbert, B.A.
First 'Presbyterian Church,
Minister, Rev. Richard II, Williams,
10 a•m. The Sunday School' will
11 ELM. and 7 p.m. Public Worship:
The minister: will preach.
Thursday Evening at, S: The NIid
week servicefollowed by Communi-
• cants Class.
Mr. and Mrs., Malcolm McKellar,
Seaforth, announce the engagement
of their slaughter, Mary Margaret, to
Rev, .Riebard Hugh Williams, son of
Rev. and Mrs. •1-1. R. Williams, Alvin -
sten, the marriage to take place in
Seaforth Presbyterian. Church April 3.
The Happy War Workers
March Report —
The Happy War Workers Club held
thein; March sleeting at the home of
Mrs. Albert Cla.zier on Thursclay,
March 1. The meeting opened with
tate club singing "Blest; Be the Tie"
which was followed by the Club creed,
which was followed by the Lord's 1
Prayer. A letter of thanks for the
club's remembrance during her re-'' ,
'cent illness as read train Mrs. Chris
Dale, followed by the Secretary's re -1
port. During the afternoon •a quilt was ;
quilted, after `which a delicious lunch
Was served by Group 1. The meeting
closed' by singing "God Save The
King,"' Articles handed h were as
follows: Quilt lining donated by Mrs,
Arnold Jamieson quilt top donated
by Mrs. Clifford .Glazier; 7 dresses
(3 size 8, 1 size G, 2 size 16, 1 size 18),
1- lady's apron, 6 ors. socks, 12 quilt
blocke,•1 full layette; collection $1.15;
Rower' fund .39,
Last week we said .we would give The regular March meeting of the Official word was 1•eceivecl here
you e. line on how clic drive was climber conl!was Mouday ld in eveninge Present
' council on Suiiclay that Flying Oil ter, Van
shaping syr, as compared to last aDgn,ond •Robert Bell, son of Mr'; and
year's. Mayor Jno. J. Clint Reeve J. r, Daly, Keating,Mrs. Earle Bell of • Se'aforth;. and
A' no doubt knew our quota 'Councillors, J. D. F. S4 Sills, husband 'of the 'former Miss Helen
has been set at $5,500, and that we I. Hudson, R. G. Parke, N. Hubert. Jane Hamilton, of Toronto, was kill
have set a fighting objective oe Minutes of the last meeting Were ed on active service overseas , on.
$7;000. East year we reached ap- react and confirmed. March 0th. He Servedwith the Royal.
proximately $0,700. Ota' territory Public School Trustees Ross Say Canadian Air Force. From recent
is subdayided, same as last year. We auge and Bev. Christie were present letters received from him it was
shall give. you percentage gains (so as a delegation from the, Board. They gathered he had been posted for
far there are no losses) from divi-• pointed out the dark school yard is duty at a base in France.
sions that may be said to be cam • being used as a parking Place for cars- . FO. Bell Was 24 years of ;age last
pleted, though' odd contributions no ` as night and the evidence of improper month and was married in Deem -
doubt continue to come in; 1 conduct often found in the yard next ber,•1942. 1 -Te went overseas in No -
McKillop 2nd and 3rd con,, west morning are bad influences from,vember, 1944, after having' joined
end, 'K per cent. gain: which the school children ought the service in December, 1940, and
Boshart factory, staff,and manage--, protected, Additional street lights training at Trenton, Victoriaville,
nest, 150 per cent: gain. Get that ! were requested. Que., Moncton, N.B„ and Stanley,
Huron Road West dnot quite com- 1 Mr. E. G. Boswell' and Mr. F. S. N.S. He graduated as a pilot officer
piece) 12 per cent. gain. Savauge interviewed the council 1'e at Moncton, N.B., in 1942, and later
the golf course, ,disclosing that an
Bell Foundry, 12 per cent. gain. offer had been made to served as a member of ` the Ferry
Egmondville, which made the re- purchase the Ce toond at Rockcliffe and Toronto.
cord gain last year, has just toppedoff°thetlocay wliGoll Club.oh might He the loss He took a. special course on 4Iefor
the same figures, many •contributors A letter from the publicity com• to aircraft at Hebert, ' N.S., before
also taking part in Boshart's big inittee. of the County. of Huron was going overseas,
smash through. read and the Reeve and Clerk were Van" Bell was born in Seaforth
Here are the collectors ;,(bless named a committee to act re same. and received his education at Sea -
them all) : T. M. Eckert,_ Jos. Scott, The county is preparing a booklet for forth public school and collegiate
J. M. Scott, J. F. Scott, Merton A. distribution overseas among prospect_ institute. He was popularly known
Reid, W. E. Southgate, G. M. Fusee, ive newcomers to the country. throughout the community and was
R. MacLean.1. McCloy, Thos. Rob A letter from the Dept. of Planning
insou, 1VI. Finnigan,' W. J. Finnigan. and Development, Province of Ont- well known as an athlete, playing
both hockey and football for school
We, all of us, thank an those who arm, was read. No postwar projects and town teams.
.have participated in these results, are contemplated at the present time. Besides his wife and a 14 -month
They are. indeed heartening anti will A letter from the hand Fireworks Co. old daughter, and his parents; one
prove a real incentive to the entire re victory day fireworks was flied. sister, Miss Fergus Bell, a student at
•district. Council were of the opinion that a the University of Western Ontario,
Our fighting objective of $7,000 noisy celebration .would not'meat London, survives.
and our real objective "Keep the with public favor. -
Red Cross Up There Beside Our Councilim, Frank Sills, chairman, of 'RE-ELECTED DIRECTOR
Boys!" will each be attained,— the property committee, outlined the TORONTO MUTUAL LIFE
plans and actions inregards to dump-
ing facilities and .this' committee was
authorized to proceed as outlined.
HONORED BY CLUB About two acres of land along, the Insurance Company at the annual
south bank of the river, east of the meeting; on March 12th,
Thursdayn afternoon, Marg 3th, I bridge, will be purchased and fenced Charles G. Dynes, K.C., of Hamil-
members of the Happy War Workers' and rules will be drawn up to govern ton, in his presidential address to
a sur , clump{ng..lhe entire cost of the, pro-, the meeting said:
.club (Huron Road West), paid1 lett will, not exceed $200.00, including
to Mrs. :insurance is the heart and
nide Hallett, to presentl heac Mwitinana, fencing, he said, which will mean a soup "Life :the .individual opportunity
little remembrance before she leaves' considerable saving to the town over systom and its consequent personal
a. period of Years - •,
thelcomrletelytsu surprised sedMacDiarnd was ldpeech-1 Mayor Chuff said he had been asked
sOur responsibilities forpolicyholders 1 to invite the whole council to a meed' selves and their dependents; and not
lesseThenten afternoonbwasrs `spent in so- d in on ing on Friday night re the proposed'' selves a: with confidence 'face the
community Pty hall.
tial chat and singing of a few of Mrs♦ M,•, Parke,: chairman of the Pile ` ,Et Lias aTwhole.othrou ch Government
Ma.cDiarmid's favorite songs, after. and Water committee, reported con. age cies, should atone for their ir-
whieh Mrs, Albert
GlMrs. nM nebanf cerning 'requests of the fire brigade.' responsibility, lity,, laziness o• thr]ftless-
ofthe club,.presentedI og nozzle ordered and an additional p ,+
mid with a lovely pair of wall plaques 100 feet of hose secured. The com-' thriftless-
consisting of various kinds of frutts.I mittee was authorized to purchase a' Business force in 1944 was
'The following address
aMreadIac-1ladder if 'a suitable one can be ob. 888' in91943 compared to $12,475, -
'Mrs. H. .V. y ta.ined.
Diarmkl. We the members of the, Mr.' Daly, chairman of the Street
Happy War. Workers Club have gath-, Committee, discussed the streets, and
e•ed her's this afternoon to express' the committee was instructed to make HOCKEY
our sinceregratitude foryour until-
a survey of the streets and report'. to
ing work of the past in our club; and Council about necessary work, I SEAFORTH MIDGETS
our regrets of losing you as a neigh -1 Collection of arrears of taxes was: DEFEAT WINGHAM
bor and fellow -worker. We want to 1 discussed. I Seaforth defeated Wingham here
assure sued in that you are going o for, Motion, Keating -Hudson, that the Saturday night in a Western Ont.
miss deiner ourwillingwork,.but for your Bannd be granted the usual $300 for Midget Hockey League fixture, win -
friendly smile. An atmosphere of. 1045 and an additional $60 for the sing the series by, 11-o and will
good viii and co-operation is ere by'
purchase of music and the repairing :meet Listowel this week in the
at instruments,
everyone in your ,presence. We know Councillor Sills told In an informal xt rserie game Wing+ham, winners rof
that your new home will afford you, talk of a•township road policy he had • the first ny 3-1, nth not snood
many privileges and confoi•ts which found in New York State on a visit m this game until the third period
you are well deserving of. We hope in 1939, showing how the municipality, when Kress and Ernest tallied.
you will
beable il the toattend
want toour, had modernized their 100 miles of for Bthe locals inn the e cifirst 1perioht c d
meetingsroad system b eliminatingditches, period and
assure you that you will be a most moving ba.ek Boles to the fence line in the second Lane ' sco-ed two,
welcome guest. We would like yon to and the result was a wide, safe road, 1 Beattie and Strong one each. In
o0cept. our this little giy ft ase above expression ta reducing accidents, getting rid of the last period, Beattie bagged two
meats. Signed; Mrs. Ruth Holland, weeds, anti in winter giving the snow tied alas Lone; Betweencthem
plows a chalice to mash the snow well d e accounted foreight
President, on behalf of the :Floppy back from the •road. The cost had goals.
War Workers Club; been about $500 a mile and the muni- Kress, Edgar and Sell .were best
Mrs. MacHlarmid very suitably ex- cipality had confor Wingham; and Swan in the Sea -
pressed her appreciation and a lovely it;luch 6165100 it well worth forth net played a clever game. •
AnJolly was a ijFellow" d y allas sung as the The Finance Committee reported 1 Wingham — Goal, Johnston; cole-
as follows: D. H. Wilson,. fence, ?lackey, Ben anger; for
members were leaving. etc salary, wards, Kress, Edgar, Seli. Subs,
o , $7Z03; R.. Shines; salary, fence,
Stainton, Ernest, Bten-
$25.00; J, Currie, salary; $95.00; non, ITarcourt, WiId.
NORTHSIDE W.M.S. J. Cummings, salary, $91;,00; 3.
A, Seaforth—Goal $wan•- tlefenee
Wilson, Pension,, $20.00; Thos. l Stron • Smith forwards • Beattie,
The monthly meeting of the Storey, salary, $70.00. �c•eownigs: Lanes Kni riot. -Subs Hubort Doi
Woman's Missionary Auxiliary of The British American Assurance -Go. g a. ' Laudenb c'h,
Northside United Church was held $7.50; General Accident Assurance BMunh, n Coleman, a ,
March 8th. The president 'Mrs. R, Co., $64,00;. A. Mashie $9.75; Pro- •ing t1 Il
Lawson opened the meeting with I vincial Treas. Dept. of 'Health, ! •Piefeee—Nedig'er, Clinton.
hymn 259 in the IIynnnary after'$2.48; Alex. Bayes, $93,75; F. R. SEAFORTH,LEAGUE
which Mrs. Lawson led in prayer, l Boyes, $18.75; Thonpson's Boole ; PLAY-OFF KNOTTED
The minutes of the • last meeting Store, 23.79; Public Utility Comm„ 1 I:n th.e semi-final play-off,' the
were read by Mrs,. Porteous - and .$37.77; Seaforth I-Iigh School, first of the home and home Sones
were adopted. A special collection . 00.00; Dunlop Tire & Rubber- of the ,Seeforth Industrial Hockey
was taken up by Mrs. Barron which Goods Co., $170.00; Wn1. Nlontgon,- League were played with Boshart's
was to buy yarn for knitting to be' ery, $2.50; John -Henderson, $9.50; t int Niill 8-8, while Duncan's
sent in the hale hi June, The Treas ! L. Vain Mill, $4.00; Jos. Storey, C1rrg1 a 8 -goal lead over Dublin by
•urer's report was given by Mrs. 1 $4.50; Salvation Army Horne, $25.; 7.4
Finlayson. Mrs. Finlayson also gave D. H. •Wilson, Ration Board, $95.00, The .first game witnessed by an
a reading on Christian Steward-, •enthusiastic crowd; was nip and
ship. Mrs. Rev. Koine gave a very HIGH CLASS HOLSTEIN COMES tuck from start to finish, with
interesting temperance .reading, The TO,HURON COUNTY neither team having the edge. Score
sell call ryas taken by the secretary;' 113y periods, 4-4, 6.5 for the Mill,
.Mrs. Porteous, Circle 2 reported , Two Clinton breeders, Leslie Jervis a ,8.
five visits nacre ' during the month. and Willis Van ISgmond, have pm-, asci the im 1 score S
]3osha, A. Goal. C. Doig; defence,
The meeting continued with Circle 3 chased a young 'sire, Woodvale Sov' AlbrecJlt A. Doi'- centre, llrl+act-
in charge of tho . program Mrs.., ereign Rag Apple Dekol from 0,,e Gil dein; nv nes, R: Doig, Hilclebrancl,
Workman as Captain. Hymn 526 Wood of Ilclertan This bull sired subs E. Boshart, L. Boshart, Gem
was' sang followed with -prayer by by the, all -Canadian two-year-old for nel'I.:
Mrs. Workman. The scriptural ].914 &1oltvic Reg Apple 'Sovereign, 1 n' ,defence, 1Iu-
readings were read by Mrs. J. Fin -and ;out of Bessie Pabst Dekol Sue, Mi11--.Goa , Swa , ,.l
].ayson, Mrs, `MGQua.ig, Mrs. McPhee. who made a Junior two-year-01d'honior bent, Reeves; centre, Mcsubs,
Chow, Logan, L. Dale, subs,
The study on the church in Burma list r ecoriP of 15,575 iris, of milk and Chassel, P, O'Connor, Philipps,
was taken by Mrs. Workman, with 614 lbs, Pat. (Honor hst among five
segnla1 offering was taken up by The sire Montvic Rag Apple Sover-Kruse.
Miss Summerville assisting. The highest R..0.P, records In .1101' class.) Referee=Russell Holmes, -•»
Mrs, R. Lawson and .Miss. Lawrence. oign combined with Mortvic Rag The second game saw Duncan's
The meeting closed with hymn. 182 Apple Marksman to make it the all- have a slight edge over Dublin by
with ,The Lord's Prayer, in Unison. Canadian produce of claim for Montvic
period scores of . 3-2, 5-2; 7 4. But
Rage Apple 00111106,, Ahbekerk 'who the ever -pressing a br-Deaten sextet
• BROTHER hoods' the word's three nim fought sanely and threatened many
R9THER 'INJURED es a day tunes.
butterfat record of 20,20S lbs. milk,,,
Mas. Thomas o •containing 1,218 lbs, fat 2 o chola nsTroal, 3. Muir; defence,
M, n s St ley has received 4.3 y cost:' Nicholson Trott; centre, G. Muir;
word that her only brother, Jeremlas Alt Canadian" is the highest award ,n esseal er, Hildebrand. Subs,
Healey, of Windsor, is in the Wind-
possible in the show in Oanacla: wings; M R ,
Ensler., Kerr, Wigg.
sor Hospital with fractured shoulder, 'iDrtblin—Goal, Rowland; defence,
broken leg and broken arum, having ALTERATIONS Wilson Costello • centre, Stapleton;
been struck. by a truck. He ,1s a' wings;' 'Jordan, J. O'Connor, Subs,
Tomer resident of Benunille and Jack's Repair has been increase •
d Costick, Holmes, FeeneSr Doyle,
Goderich district and has lived at the in size this week to allow •o• d s
f r the e1- Kerslake.'
Border Cities the past five years. pension of the harness business, Referee—Russell Holmes.
Chairman Finance Com.
Mr. E. L. Box was re-elected a
director 'of the Toronto Mutual Life
A new and very pretty pattern in English
Dinnerware just arrived. The design is a Floral
Spray with two sprigs of Roses on a delicate
Ivory color body with very neatly embossed edge
and gold band. Very modestly priced at -
95 piece Dinner Set $29.00
67 piece Dinner Set • $21.00
38 piece Breakfast Set $ 9.00
32 piece Breakfast Set $ 7.50
Now on sale
The Gift Shop
Phones: 194 - 10. Opposite Post Office
March 26tH to 30th
Monday, Salvation Army. Hall,
Rev. H. V. Workman.
Tuesday, Anglican Church, Rev.
' A. W. Gardiner.
--Wednesday, Si
Egmondville United
Church, Captain ms.
.Thursday, First Presbyterian
Church, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert.
Good Friday, Northside United
Church, Rev. R. H. Williams.
Services at 8 p.m.
Offering each night for Orphaned
The Yorkshire Breeders of Huron
county formed a Club at a recent
meeting held in the agricultural Of-
fice, Clinton. They plan on holding
a show and sale in conjunction with '
the Clinton spring show which is be-
ing held on Tuesday, June 5th,
Alfred Warner, Bayfield, was el-
ected president of the Club, Alvin
Betties, Bayfield, vice presidents J,
B. Matheson, Agricultural Represen-
tative, Clinton, . secretary -treasurer.
The directors are as follows; Ross
Henry, Lucknow; Wm. Turnbull,
Brussels; J. Powell, Seaforth.
This Club also hopes to promote
club work.
A highly respected resident of
Egmondville passed away on Tues-
day about 11 a.m., in the person of
Mrs. Robert A. Mcllroy, after an
illness of ten days. Her maiden
name was Mary Ann Johnston, and
she was born in Stanley township.
She had been a resident of McKillop
for many years, coning to Egmond-
ville about seven year: ago. Her hus-
band predeceased her in 1901. She
had been a member of St. Thomas'
Anglican Church. Surviving are two
sons and two daughters, John Mc-•
Ilroy, McKillop; Robert Mel'1voy, Ot-
tawa; (Mary) Mrs. :Alfred Brown,
Egmondville; (Bessie) Mrs. John
Gordon, McKillop. Also two broth-
ers and two sister's, J. E. Johnsten,
of Goderich; Thomas Johnston, Bay•
field; Mrs, 3. 13. Graham, Goderich;
Mrs. Thomas Sower•by, Gocler'ich.
Township. Thee are two grand-
children and one great grandchild.
The funeral will take place on
Thursday afternoon, March 15th, at
2 p,ni., from her late residence, to
Maitlanclbenk eenletery, Rev. .4. W.
Gardiner officiating. The pallbearers t
are Gordon Papple, Jack Johnston,
Gordon Orr,' Thos, Sowerby, Reg. f'
Johnston, Fred Middleton.
St. Patrick's Tea and sale of home -
cooking and aprons in the school-
room of the church on Saturday,
l'larch 17th, at 3 p.m.
Miss June Brandon spent the
weekend at her home in Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren and
Don visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Bell and Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne McNaughton.
The regular meeting of the WMS.
of Carmel Presbyterian 'Church was
held in the schoolroom of the church
on Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
Jas. Parkins presiding. The meeting
opened by a' hymn after which Mrs.
Parkins led in prayer. The roll call
was answered by "Peace" as a text
word. The Scripture was read by
Mrs. Sangster after which Mrs, Lo-
gan led in prayer. The topic on "Op-
ening the Gateway" was ably taken
by Mrs. Parkins and was most inter-
esting. Mrs. Workman presided over
the business period.
Seed Show—
The South Huron Agricultural So-
ciety held its annual seed show in
the town hall; Hensall, on Friday af-
ternoon with a good attendance.
Prof. J. Laughland of the O.A.C.,
Guelph, judged the entries and gave
an address in which he mentioned
some of the new varieties of grain
such as Ajax and Beaver ,oats, Gal-
ore Barley and some of the hybrid
corn strains. Long term pastures
were also discussed. Winners are
as follows: Late oats, W. R. Dougall,
Hensall; Harry Fuss, Zurich. Early
Oats—Newton Clark, Woodham;
Lorne Chapman, A. W. Shirray, Geo.
Armstrong, Hensall, Beans --.W, R.
Dougall, Lorne Chapman, Hensall.
Red Clover, W. F. Alexander, Lorne
Luker, W. R. Dougall, Hensall Fall
Wheat, -W. R. Douglas, Newton
Clark, Woodham, Harry Fuss, Zur-
ich. Barley, W. R. Dougall, Harry
Fuss, A. W. Shirlay, Lorne Chap-
man. Potatoes, Roy McDonald, Cro-
marty. W. R. Dougall; Lorne Chap-
man, Hensall. Sweepstake winner,
W. R. Dougall, Hensall, The show
was in charge of Geo. ,Armstrong,
president, and W. R. Dougall, secre-
The Arnold Circle of Cat•mel_Pres-
byte:ian Church are holding a St.
Patricks tea and sale of home bak-
ing and aprons in the schoolrom of
the church on Saturday, March 17 at
3 p.m.
The Metropolitan United Church
choir of London are giving a num-
rale in the ;United: Church, Hensall,
on Friday evening, March 10th at
8.15 under the auspices of the local
Red .Cross Society.
Mr. Thos. Rosser of London spent
the week end with his uncle, ISIsr, A.
L, Case.
Airs, Geo. Cowen 15 eonfined to St.
Josetih's Hospital. London, where
she is receiving treatment.
I bliss Jean .1'IcQueen is visiting at
the hcine of her -inter and brother-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Don Rigby in
Miss Fayme Logan, who has spent
the past few months in London, re- 1
turned to her ]lone here.
Mrs. Fred Smallaconrbe has been
visiting for the past two weeks in
Detroit and Windsor.
Mi'. and Mrs. Jack Hailey and
daughter Jacqueline of Detroit sneut
Mr. and 151,'s. B= Sholdiee spent
Sunday with Mr. end Mrs. A. Pater-
Mr. and :tits. T. H. Wheeler spent
he week end in Stratford.&
Pte. Nen Scott of: Chatham was a
week end visitor at his'home here.
Mis, M, 10. Swan is visiting in
Hamilton. .
Donald McDonald of the RCAF,
Who hos been for some time in Man
the week end with 111'. and Mrs.
A. W. Kerslake and Mrs. D. Walks.
A very enjoyable time was spent
at the home of Mrs. Dow on Friday
evening when the neighbors gather
ed for social time prior to Mrs.
Dow's departure :for St. Mary's
where she will make her home with
her niece and nephew,. Mr. and Mrs.
Harris. During the evening Mr, Geo.
Smile read an address expressing
sincere regret that the community
and church would suffer a great loss
when Mrs. Dow moves. Miss Hannah
Craig presented Mrs. ,Dew with a
fountain pen and stationery set.
Mrs. Dow, taken by surprise, ex-
pressed her thanks i11 a few well
.Chosen words, Lunch was served.
The Arnold Circle 'of Cannel
Presbyterian Church are holding a
itoba and Mrs: McDonald spent a
few days with friends here before
reporting at'Kelton,
We are glad to report that Mr.Bill Pepper has been able to 'return
home from the hospital
The many friends of Mr. John Mc::
Ewen are gladto see hint looking so
Mrs. Moody and Mrs. M. ,Mcken-
zie. spent a couple 'of days with
friends in Egmondville: "
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Dalrymple attend-
ed the 25th wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Balfour on Satur-
day :evening."
Farms who have tapped, their
trees. report .the sap. Is x111111 ,g well
this week,.Shortage of help may affect
the production of syrup thib year.