HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-03-08, Page 6Scot Outscotched We hope no Scot will get mad at us, as we don't vouch for the yarn, through it comes from the hitherto reliable Emerson Journal[ "A blood transfusion was needed by a lady in a hospital and a brawny Scot volunteered. She paid bins $25 'for the first pint aiid $12 for the sec- ond.. The third time, she had so much Scotch blood in her she just thanked him.' -Ottawa Citizen RHEUMATISM Iias been definitely cured by an innepenalve home treatment. Send one dollar fur formula and full in- structions to: ALEX WILKIE, 766 Dufrerin St., Toronto, Canada. eIfev i\av"writl�s..e Neuralgia Pain Aspirin Eases Pain Almost linmediaiely WhyAspfrin works so fast Instantly! Yes, the moment you drop an Aspirin Tablet in a glass of water it begins to dis- integrate. And that same quick action takes place 3n your stomach Thus; you get relief almost instantly. .,3 i. Aspirin has proved itself through generations to be quick; effective; above all; dependable. That's why, Canadians have coma to rely on this famous analgesic for relief from pain due to headache, neuralgia or neuritis.' So protect yourself from needless misery. Just get a box of genuine Aspirin at your druggist'a today and follow simple directions. ^rfj`,tr °�•' NEW REDUCED PRICES �3l,: t. Pooled: Box of 12` now 18. Economy Bottle of 24COW 291 fomily dm of 100 - w 79t 115n0 er. SPIRIN The Sayer cross on each tablet le your guarantee that It's Aspidr HARNESS & COLLARS Partners Attention - Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Steep Leather Goods dealer. Tho goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories - Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, gorse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only. by: SAMUEL TREES Ca, LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 'Wellington St. E., Toronto: RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS Accept This Generous Offer! Any drug store will return your money, if one bottle of Ru -Me. does not give you relief (t'on, rheumatic aches and pains,sore, swollen and painful Joints. No matter how long You have suffered, you must get re- lief or no pay." Try Ru -Ma and be convinced. Accept this generous offer now. • Specialized ,Staff Ready To Handle Repatriation Job The first of 2,000 specialized workers their 'number may rise to 10,000 - are being concentrated on Germany's borders ready to handle the greatest repatriation problem in history, UNRRA of- ficials have disclosed, The problem is that of return- ing home some 12,000,000 Euro- pean' nationals taken into Germa- ny. So great is the task, one UN- RRA official said, that one .train every hour would be needed _ to move all the displaced persons within 18 months. That is impos- sible, and it niay require two to - three years to complete the re- patriation. Assembly areas will be estab- lished at certain points in occu- pied Germany, and displaced per- sons will be brought to them for identification and questioning. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TonowTo j ® Every Room with hath, Show- er and 'Telephone. Single, 92.00 ep- Double, $0.50 up. gr Good Food, Dining and Dnnc. Ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel RA, 4135 RUB OUT THAT COLD WITH- i,r i. \' ",dd Ear -stems -LOOK an.L %PEEL BEA'Tl,TER ETOMIN EL33 VITAMIN B-COMPI,EX Liquid & Tnblet Form OGD AT ALL DRUG STORES STUFFY NOSE? Nose plugged up? Head cold threaten- ing? Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Feel clogged mucous loosen, stuffiness vanish, breathing passages come clear. Relief is instant. NOSTROLINE deers head, atopy discharge, relieves catarrh, head colds. Convenient. Pleasant. Adults and children. 50o -all druggists. .`° i OSTROLINEi CLIFTON 8RISTOL ENGLAN4 OINTMENT 4-Bui'ns. Sore's Gels,E1c. Do you suffer .from MONTHLY NERVOUS TENSION - with its week, tired feelings? if functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, tired, restless -at such, times -try Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vege- table Compound to relieve such symp- toms. Pinkham's ConYpound is one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Follow label directions.__ Buy.. today! 6414 � CP ha/reed MEMNO o(y ISSUE 10-1945 MAINBREAK GOLD MINES LIMITED' Located on the main break northeast of Kerr -Addison and Chesterville- Miile5. Map' showing location and information; upon request Mainbreak Gold Mines Limited (Ns 1'crnannl '1,1nb111(y): 330 Bay Street,Suite 209 - TORONTO ADel. 7983 JUMBO WAR EFFORT Even elephants do their bit in the war effort and a big bit it as one of the animals can do the work of five dozen native coolies in loading giant C-46 Commandos, which fly supplies from India. to China over Himalayan "Hump." Above, elephant helps load gasoline drums on one of the giant transports VOICE OF THE fi PRESS CALL FOR ROSIE Stainless steel stockings, are e postwar possibility, says a steel int- , dustry spokesman. Phone the rivet- er - Momi has a runner! - Kitchener Record RAILWAY TRAVEL • Speaking of railroad travel - the more you go the Jnole you stop the war effort, - Guelph Mercury, WRONG LOCATION "Let right prevail. Let party hat- reds die. Let there be unity," said Prince Minister Churchill in Ath- ens. One might almost imagine he was speaking in Canada. - Windsor Star. THE . POPULAR HOSTESS serves Maxwell House ... the superbly flavored coffee -blend 'Willi all the stimulating goodness of fine Latin-American cof- fees. When you buy coffee, say -"Marvell. House". 3 LOW-PRICED STOCKS With E P.:11(nt Profit -Malting. Possibilities YOUNG DAVIDSON Mines (Ilollineer Controlled) • STADACONA 1944 Mines (Ventures Management) LOCHLAND-PERSHING MINES -(J. P. Norrie .Supervision) WESLEY T. DAVIDSON & COMPANY 210 Northern Ontario Bldg., 330 RAY ST., TORONTO. ONT. leLgin 7002 -. Detailed Information on -request ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS INCOME TAX • REPORTS COM- plete lloolekeeptng Services. Small .or: Large Businesses. Travel any - Where. Albert Brett & Co„ 8 Wellington St. E., Toronto. Ont, BEACHES MODEL HOME OVERLOOKING LA110 ONTARIO. Youmay win this 910.000 model home for '$1.00. Write for your shares today..(01:00 each) to Beaches_ Business Men's Associa- tion, Toronto :8. Your receipt will be mailed promptly. Draw to be made May 24th. Proceedsfor war Charities. DA1aV CHICKS' 9000 S0OI:S YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW. and not be disappointed. All chicks arefrom guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 02. eggs or better,.' Barred Rocks mixed 912.00 per 100, White Leghorns 'mixed - $11.00 per 100. Barred Rock Pullets 919,00 per .100, white. Leghorn Pullets 822.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed 016.00 per -100 white Rock Pullets 924.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICICS NOW and get your chicks when you want them,. Orders are pouring in, Breeder Hatcheries are always sold out early. Don't tape chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex, Large Type Leghorns, 'Sussex X New Barnes., Sussex X Leghorns, Rock X Leghorns, Rock X Ramps. Barred Rocks,. Send for large 'illustrated Catalogue and Price List, Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros„ :Exeter, Ont. MONTCTON POULTRY FARM CHICKS FOR SUCCESS -When buying chicks for success you must buy chicks with breeding, livability, and with.. proper care for profit. Monlctoou will be n Poultry tFarin Breeders are all Government in- spected, banded, and blood -tested, t- alogue. for ON1GTON es POULTRY FARMS, bt'onkton, Ontario.. $'R A 0 S A RD'S BLOOD -TESTED. chicks. Wo specialize to - one breed. Hollywood Strain' White Leghorns, largo birds and chalk white eggs. Pullets $20.00 per 100. Mixed $10.00 per. 100. 91.00 books order. Brassard's Hatchery, Aults- ville, Ont. BROAD .ItREASTEI SUSSEX COX THOUSANDS .AVAILABLE . WEEK- ly, i0 you order et once. Our Broad Breasted Sussex cox bring top prices on the ntartcet. White skinned, long rounded breaets. Also New Hemp. cox with fast growth and teathering, Susses X Leghorns' and Rock X Leghorns make. good. - roaster's and grow fast lip to 4-5 lbs. You can buy these for 04,00 per 100. Also mix- ed- heavy cox 06.00 per 100. All from our Well-bred, healthy, blood tested breeders. 5000 Breed- ers. on ONE planta Lakeview Poultry Farni, Wein Bros„ Exeter, Ontario. ORDER YOUR S, -C, WRITE LEO-. .. horn day-old chicks from a breed- er hatchery. Stock blood tested and banded by 0. B. S. Wi1f A, Glazier, Clinton, Ont. 100 CHICKS FRSE WITH EVERS' ()RL1itO CO' 100 PUL - let chicks, we give 100 tree chicks (our choice),. Leghorn. pullets 522.95 per 100, barred Roe; pul- ' lets St11'95 tier 100. White Rorie Pullets. 024,95 per: 100.• All chicks sold backed by High egg pedigreed stock, .$1,00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery, `'Tient 'Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. - tenlyte COII4II:s 0118 FOUNDATION STUcL: 10 registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better -tn Canada, Order now. Prices . for mixed baby chicles, males and females: L'or- rcd Rocks, 512.00 per hundred; White Leghorns, 511,00: white' Rocks, 015.00; Brown Leghorns, '913.00, Pullet prices: Burred Rocks, 500.00; White Leghorns, $22.00; White' Rods, $24,00; Brown Leghorns, 524,00. 25 free chicles, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks• order- ed end. 25 free chicks tor. each 100 day old ' pullets -ordered,' Goddard Chtclt Hatchery, Bri- tannia Sleights. Ontario.:. ' Al - BABY CIiICICS FROM BLOOD - Tested flocks, Barred :Rocks, large type Will In .Leghorns, Barred Rork X White Leghorns, Sussex X New Hampshire, Red X. Rocks, Vh•i le for price lint to A. H. wittier hatchery, Granton, Ont. BABY BRICKS AND POULTS, Barred Flock and While Leghorns from Government approved enol bloodtested stock, ati eggs 'set (rent our own stock. Also White I4oiia nd and Brand Breasted. Bronze Turkey Penlls. Send for price. list, The Wright farm, Brockville, Ont, - THIS WILL BE ANOTHER H'ER BIO year for Poultry raisers. Britain has contracted- for the same amount or eggs as last year, Here at home there's no reasonto ex- pect, a drop in consumptionof either eggs or- poultry meat, so be prepared for a good year, We offer fns February delivery: Light treed cockerels 1.00per hundred; heavy .breed cockerels 3.75 per hundred, non -sexed heavy breeds 11,45, light andmedium breeds 10,45, Send for catalogue. Top. .Notch Chicleeries, - Guelph,. Ontario, BLOOD TESTED I•TY1I11.TD- COCIC- erels,. Ttork-Idampeross. 3c earl) during March. 1000/„ live delivery guaranteed. Phone 502, Stormont Poultry. Farm, Finch, Ont. BART CHICKS WRITE FOR OUR -NEIN 1945 PRICE list on Barred Rock, Red rock, Leghorn and. Legroek chicks.. Liberal .discount on early orders. C. S. Deebank, Moulinette,Ont, R.O.P. SIRI)D LEGI4URN CHECKS, Hatch off every Wednesday. Slat- tery's Poultry farm, Aitona Rd.r R.R.' 2, PICRERING, ONT. TI4E PROOF OF. QUALITY MER- chandise is repeat business. For nineteen years Tweddle Govern- ment Approvedchicks have been the choles of old customers year after year. It will pay to start your chicks early. You will -not only make extra money with early chicks but you will gave stoney 1f you take them in March. Send for March prlcelist today. lane are mailing our 1945 catal- ogues now, if you haven't re- ceived your copy drop us' a line, we will gladly send you one. Ask for our special prises on heavy breed .cockerels. Listen to our radio programme over CKN7: Wingham every Monday morning at 9;30• and every Wednesday evening at 0' p.m. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont NEED WE REMIND YOU MARCH is here? What that means to the poul trylceeper - you know. All months inav be good months but if you want to catch the best market months, order 'hicks now, Most breede and 'crosses. Bray Hatehery, 130 John N., I•Tamilton Ontario, 0141)1:00 YOUR CHICKS NOW AND 1'0Lr ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you wantthem. Barred Rock mixed $12.00 ser 100, white leg - horn mixed 51100 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets 519.00 per 100, white Leghorn pullets 622.00 per 100. heavy Breed Clete. 56.00 per 100, Leghorn Okla. 52.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 20 oz. eggs or better and from .special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100% live delivery.. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham,Ontario. DYEING AND GLEANING HAVE YOU 'ANYTIIING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to Us for information. We are glad to anSWOr' your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's D,ve Works Limited, 791- Yonge Street, To- ronto. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. S\LALr, COUNTRY STORE, PRE- ferably: with Post Office or Gas Stationbutnot essential. full particulars fleet letter. .Box 10, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont. HAIRDRESSING L Is A le N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson "method, Information on request regarding classes, Roberteon's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. FOR SALE. PUPPIES INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION SIRED PEDIGREED REGISTERED AT W.CSTLRN ONTARIO'S LARGEST REGISTERED (2oexa0R RUNNELS CEE HAZE. KENNELS (REGJSTERED) 205 Prnedo Place, Riverside ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, Pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St„ To- ronto, DURNr0RD ICENNELS, COCKER spaniel puppies, red and black. Choice champion registered stock, 703 Giles East, Windsor, Ont A.T STUD; SPRINGER SPANIEL imported England, Beagle hound, Field Trial Winner. Registered, Trent, Valley Kennels. R. 3, Peter. boro, Ontario, IIEREFOLRD, BULLS, REGISTER - ed, coating two, good -type, low set, priced right, Apply A. 1O. Noicco, Manilla, Ont. . ONTAR1O GROWN '2 PURITY 1 Timothy Seed. ;Germination 95%k. 10,2c Ih. Pinkerton, Bags free. ,Sold In unbroken 120- Ib. 'bags only Cash 'With order. Roy'Crumm, Seed Merchant, Pinkerton. ALLOWAY LODGE OFFERS 01101077 ANCGUS BULLS of service- able age. Bred Heifers for Flerd. foundation, D., E. McEwen, R.R. 4, London, Ontario STRAWBERRY - PLANTS, ASPAR- agus, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, ..plums, cherries, grapes, currants; shrubs, hedging,, shade trees, wire tree• guards, Norfolk Nursery, Simcoe, Ontario.' ORDER YOUR PACKAGE BEES, 0R nuclei, now for May delivery. Ros nuclei, now for May delivery, Roseview Apiaries, Ifirwicestone. Ontario, NEW POULTRY PICKING MA- . chine,_,. electric motor, AO cycles. ' Plaits chickens, turkeys, "complete, $250. Bleary Bird Fnrm, Iberville, Que. 2 BEAGLE 100X HOUND PUPS. 5 months ofd, 18" high, good stain, $10.00 each. S. Young; Duke`; St, Bowmanville, Ont. BAY MARL: "ANNE H•ANOVER" 10 vets. fere Koenigs, Mork and. Fiat & jump rarer. Sound condi- tion .9200, \Vni, H, Chemnnde, 958 yellow Ave., Toronto, Gladstone 2585. FOR SALTS REGISTERED, CERTIFIED AND Contmercitil Grain. .and Grass Seed. Price List now ready,. Write, phone or wire for copy Newfield Seed.. and Nursery Farms,Nipawin, Sualta tchews n. , BROODER. STOVES -.USE rum, 011 or kerosene -no wicks, J. S. Reading, 650 Dougall Ave., Wind- sor, Ont, ONE N0. 0 MONITOR CLOVER AND Timothy Seed Cleaning Machine in good condition, complete with 60 Seetions of Screens. 1R. Cramm, I'inlcerton, Ont. LUMBERMEN - L 0 G SCALES, handy ,calculator, 25 cents post- paid. The Outlook, Middleton, Nova Scotia, •REGTSTERED NO. 1 DING 001,11 SEAL 1TV11RT7) SEED CORN 85 TO 120 DAY MATURITIES, VAR- leties suitable for both ensilage and grain also a full line of Seed Oats. Write for price net. The . Ring Grain & Seed Co., Pain Court, Ont. TWELVE EXIHIBITION. DAHLIAS, $2.00 delivered. American and European varieties. List ready. Marley McCombs, Fonthill, Ont. QUILTING PATCHES COTTONS OR SILKS 13Y POUND. Make Taney silk '.petal Cushions from Satin Patches, colors Pink, White, Blue. 11001 Remnants suitable for Boys' knee pants. La- dies' handbags, children's skirts etc Also unbleached cotton. Pub - lox Sales, 877 Parliament Street Toronto. MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE OF 1000 HORSES 1000 Exhibition Darns, R@gttj1,y Sask. Orli 11, 12, 13, 1045 All 'farm failed, well brolcen and ih fine condition. Some tine saddle horses and drivers, plan now to attend. O:IIAR CHAIMB, Sale Mgr. Box 352, Regina, Sask. ATTENTION FARMERS WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINm of new and .used Pipe and 'Fit- tings, Steel Stable Posts, Boiler Tubes, Rails, Plates, Structural Steel Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, B e 1 t 1 11 g, Machinery, Boilers, Tanks eta. We can save you money. Samuel Bleratock & Sons, 205 Palmer Ave., ICltcheger, Ont FARMS FOR SALE 98500 BRIMLEY RD. SCARBOR- ough Township, 0 miles from To- ronto, 24 acres good garden land modern stable, frame house witk six large rooms, hardwood floors. running water in house and stable, heavy wiring In both, about 1 acre of good orchard,. TORONTO CITY REALTY, 2330 Danforth Ave,, Toronto, Ont. 200 ACRES, 53 .'MILES EAST OF Dundalk, on -county road, 186 acres under cultivation, over 60 -acres ready for crop, good build- ings, cement stabling water in barn, good house with furnace, farm well fenced, possession any Mee. WILIIERT GREEN,DUN- DALIC, R. 4, or Cieo,' uncan, Auctioneer, Dundalk, 190 ACRES MOREL OR T.LSS wren or withotlt stook and to rat im- plements, dwelling house, etc, Township of Lotgueuil. Prescott Count:• -1 mile from Town, School, Church, electricity, rim nine water. Apply John B. Woods,Solicitor, Iintvkesbury, Ont, MEDICAL STOMACH AND 'THREAD W011M1l often are the cause of 111 -health In humans, all ages. No one im mune! Why not find outit this is your trouble? Intereat:ng par. ticulnrs-Free) Write etulveney'a Remedies. Specialists, Toronto 3, GOOD ADVICE! leVh1RY SUFFER er' of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's 1)rug- Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51,00: D •At'ML"E11A FOOT BALM i)E- stroys offensive odor instantly, 45e bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, ITS' 1'MPORT,ANT - EVERY Sur- ferer of Rheumatic -Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Ilunro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin, ()Howe. Postpaid $1,00. 13IUSTCAL INSTRUMENTS 'FRED A. 1000DING1 oN BUYS. sells; .exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 'Church, 'Toronto 2. (,IPPOn rt7NPi'TE3 POR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN' CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Creat Opportunity,', Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates, Americas greatest SYS - tem. T1lestrated catalogue free. Write or. call. MARVEL 13AJL0Ri7SS0NG SCHOOLS 058 BLOOR". W.. TORONTO Branches: 44 'King -St, Hamilton, - 3, 74 131denn Street. Ottawa. ((1' l'(1.'TTINI'1'IES STEN & WO9TION ' ALC ' SHORTHAND. PURCHASE. the , honks turd -train yourself in, 10 weeks Free' folder illustrates this easy nys,tem, Cassnn Systems, Toren to, 01,101011 TO IN, ICN I'OIt$ AN. (2110101t 1't LIV 9114Y 1N: vi45"fe Islet of Inventions and 0111 Intor- mol.lo.r, sent tree, The nnmsny CO3. Registered. Patent Atto'hnevs, 27.3 Rank Street, Ottawa, Canada. I cnsnNAL N.0W DISC01 LIIiY, TESTED, SAVES 45°, gasoline, guaranteed. Send stamped envelope for information. S, Brodie, Vilna, Alta. RIGPITEOUSNESS, JUSTICE AND peace, God willestablish them soon! Write for free copy, "The Kingdom of God, What Is It?"` Christadelphian Gospel Proclam- ation, 319 North Ltnsmore Cres., Toronto G. PATENTS ' PatenttyTSSo1 cite a. &Established Booklet of Information on re- quest. - PROTOGItAPIIY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developedand printed 6 014' 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 250 FINEST IONLARGING SERVICE Yon may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality andservice you desire by sending your films, to IMI'ER1AL PROTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto PHOTOGRAPHY FI1.\0 DEVELOPED, 8 PRINTS, one 5 x 7" enlargement, 86c.. Re- prints, including 116, 3c each. Nelson Photo Service, Sault Ste Marie, Ont, TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better piCLur'ea at lowest cost, Don't take chances with your film rolls. You can't take "snaps" over again, PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll - 6 or 8 Exposures L'VELOPED AND PRINTED 25c rysiom,r >) C{'a,p 2,l} a ag�ton says, "I tale been s5fl Itl5 Rime i'o yeti for 4 or -5 yearg, Would not send Own a.nywhere else." SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Alb= With Prints sizes 10-20-127 it 29c .(4e extra) is sent with film roll, SPECIAL PRICES ON • FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25e. Framed on ivory tinted .mats, 7 x 9", in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 690 each. If enlargement colored, 79c each, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print. Name and Address Plainly on Orders. PIANOS IS YOUR PIANO PROBLEM SOLV- ed? It not, write us. Factory-• Mason & Ris01r, 642 Icing St. ss )'Vest, Toronto. SEEDS TRORUGHLY RECLEANED 0011- . ernment graded clover neede,Tim- othy and Cossaelc alfalfa, 'Write for prises. .2. E. Muir, Ceylon, Ontario. BAXTER'S SEEDS, BETTER QUAL- ity and verde. 'Send for Catalogue "We sell everything that grows." 3359 Tonga Street, Toronto. PEELSEEMS ALFALFA, ALSII p1,'RED CLOVER, SWcet Clover, Mixed seeds, Tim- othy and grasses. Wholesale and retail. Write for prices. Peel Seed Growers Co -Operative Limited, Box 1100', Brampton, Ont. GIANT MARIGOLDSI 8 VARIETIES OF 0USTANDING MERIT- Marigold Mammoth Mum, 1944 ALL AMERICA WIN- NER. large incurred yellow flow- ers that rival the popular CHRYS- ANTHIEMUM;.Mayling, named aft - or Madame Muting Kai-Sholc,. in - ,curved petals of rich golden Prim- rose colour; MISSION GIANT GOLDSMLTR, rich golden orange blooms 4 to '5 itches across. One Paeltage of each, ' three in 011 (regular 60c) for 250. Dept. W., 'V. W. Hick & Son Ltd., Lindsay, Ont. WANT e,0 LINOTYPE WANTED, NO, 6 019 8 Model, give' full particulars to Wilson Publishing Co, 73 Ade- laide St. WWW., Toronto. SMALL BUSSNESS WANTED, 990TTI ]lying accommodation,` anywhere' in Ontario, about $800,. Box 12, 73 Adelaide -W., Toronto, Ont.. BALD IdEAD TLM131.ERS, STATIC price, color, sex, Shamrock Lofts', 9 Wiley Ave., Torotnto.. 6, _ ALL RINDS O14 POULTRY WANT - ed, lkve•or dressed. Write M. 1s. Mallon, 83.. ,Tarvis, Toronto. HELP WANTED $G0 PER s'1ONTH FOR .GENERAL Domestic or helper In kitchen of Hospital to live In. When a.ppt'y ins give full particulars. Water- ford Hospital, BON 402, Waler- ford, Ont. YOUNG' WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, good wages,laundry sent out, evenings, two half -days off. Small adult family, Doctor's residence, References. Apply Ad- vertiser, 20•4. Sherbourne St„ To- ronto. CHOICE MAN AROUND DAIRY barn, able to do some milking; good home, 'single man;,' separate house if. married. Donald Arm- strong, Brampton Route. 5. 00024 GENERAL, SMALL 1 -AMI LY, pleasant sul•1'onndinge, good -wages, References required, Kra. Stanley Thmneon, 406 Russell 1 -Till Road, Toren to, $05,00 REG. -NURSE, GENERAL dally,- live In. Doom and Hoard, duties, to ,commence at once. When applying give toll particularsand experience, Waterford Maternity Hospital, Box 402, Waterford, Ont