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The Seaforth News, 1945-03-08, Page 4
THE SEAPORTH NEWS THE SEAFORTH NEWSMCKILLOP Sn wdon Bros. Pub ishera a i 'Spring must be here" 1 our boys riding on bicycles on a coup- try ro'icl is surely a sign that Mas uerade Dance Spring' is not fat off. 4 M. and 'qrs. Gordon Muegge Walton Comrn.uliity Hail and family' were Sunday • visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Iloegy. FRIDAY, MARCH 9 . 111r. and Mrs, Henry Weiterser • spent Sunday with their son, Wit. Prizes for Ladies & Geels Character Leslie Weitersen and Mrs. Waiter- costumes, aitercostumes, Ladies and Ueuts Comi(• sen at Brodhagen. costume, and Best Couple either Mr.. and. Mrs. Ed Regale and Character or Comte. family of 1 2th 'McKillop were Sun- Music by. Ken Wiibee's Orchestra day visitors at the home of Mr, and Owing to the Junior Red 'Cross ,Mrs. Charles Eggert. 1'eneerl and Dance on Wed, March MI's. 'Gordon :Kleber of Seaforth 21,-r. there will be no dance in the was. a Sunday. visitor with her Hall on the Friday evening of that parents Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hoegy. v, , k. Mr, Harold Deitz and Mr. Henry 'Deigel of Galt spent the weekend WALTON with their parents; Mr. and Mrs, F,meison Rock -and children of MMonkton Mr, and Mrs. Death of Mrs. John Rowland— Andy Atcheson and family, Mrs The funeral of the late Mrs, John Mary Rock of Stratford, Mr. and Rowland was held on Saturday, Mar. Mrs, Louis Dillon and family of 3rd from the hone of her son, Mr. Logan were Sunday visitors with Lewis Rowland, Brussels, to St. Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Rock., Michael's R.C. Church, Blyth, where Quite a number from this line Requiem High Mass was celebrated attended the funeral of Mrs. D. J. by the pastor, Rev. Father McDon 'Reilly last week. aid, St. Michael's choir supplied the People in this vicinity were music assisted by Mrs. P. Speak, who l,lecsetl to hear the telephone ring was soloist; with Miss E. Ryan at the after a silence of 10 days. It re - console. Mrs. Rowland's maiden anindedone of the days when there Ilarlle tt S Mary Rytui, daughter of were no phones. the late Mr, and Mrs. R. Ryan, She Mos; Ernest Eliigson recently s born at Walton and spent her t the weekend with her son THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1945 CROMARTY I BAYFIELD i The rivor ice has broken up and s The regular meeting of the Wo- moving down the river. No treat rush men's Missionary Society \vas held is expected this Spring. The lake tee: in the'basetnent of the church on is showing Signs of breaking' and new Thursday afternoon with .the press- iirg out which seems to indicate early tient. in the chair and Mrs. L. Sors- harbor opening and -spring weather. I dahl at the piano; The scripture les- Miss Maude Stirling returned home son was read by Mrs; J. Hamilton, Saturday alter a three months, trip' and Mrs. Thos, Scott and Mrs. R. J, through 'iVesteru Cauada. • Scott led in prayer. Mrs. Lloyd Sera- i . The WouionsCouunittee of the Red doll read an excellect paper' on Cross uiet at the home of Mrs.` James prayer. The study book chapter was Peiguson to plan further work. 1' react by Mrs, Wni. Harper. The meet- • \\rorcl came to the village this week, ing closed with prayer by Mr's, Ed- of the dealer of Mrs. Gallaher of Ring-' gar Allen. ston, sister of the late Dr. Volume, Mrs. Bessio MacDonald broke loci Mr, Louis McLeod leaves this week l arm close to the miss in a fall and for Bort l Dover 101' the opri ig lisping, will be unable to resume her' work o Mrs. Churchward and son, London,1: I nursing for some [[Inc. spent the week' end at their cottage Mr. airci Nlis. Kemp and. family Mr, .and Mts. E. Geddes of Setiforrh visited with Mrs. Wm. Houghton nal- spent Sunday with Mrs 1 Ferguson family. LAC. Fred WTestbn is spendinga Burton Macdouald has had his egg few days at his house here . NO.Miczerra grading machine ut veal to the Citizens of hayfield will regret to O'Brien stole at Stuffy which he las learn that Miss Josephine Stirling had'1 move nu plans, t 1 family ilv hu, r The rat t pnpoliasel• flit utisforlttne"to fall on friday lash eventu•ally to Htafi'x to. live. sustaining a hip fracture The best willies of all go t0 Miss Stirling for a satisfactory and speedy recovery. T THEATRE E Seaforth NOW SHOWING — TWO FIATURI➢S Betty Rhodes Johnnie Johnston "You Can't Ration Love" ALSO— Jimmy Lydon'. Olive Blakeney "Henry Aldrich -- Boy Scout. A fast moving laugh packed attraction -'-'MONDAY, TUESDAY,.WEDNESDAY laying Berlin's "This Is The Army" in Technicolor George Murphy - Joan Leslie —A musical filled with songs & laughter NEXT THURSDAY,' FRIDAY, SATURDAY Bob Rope • Paulette Goddard — "GHOST BREAKERS" A drama. packed with thrills Coming — "T'T-IP DOUGI•IGII1LS"`' q p VARNA (Captain Charles Ferguson of the Miss Doris Clark has been the L.14.A. Coast Guard is visiting at the - guest of Mi', and Mrs. Russell Allan home of his brother. Mr, and Mrs, Wm of Seaforth for a few days this Ferguson. week. Mrs. David Volume returned hem.> LAW Gerrie Snaith of the PC \F. i after xi . nding a few days in SIM.- from frat� front Lachine, Que., spent a 48 hour ford. leave with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. The death occurred at his hone of was a span J. F. Smith. 1 hayfield's oldest resident .Andrew life in that vicinity. Of a kindl3'i.AC Oscal Ell{ sus and Mrs. Ellis- At the time of writing we ere McGregor, after a long illness, He disposition, she was aloyal citizen son and infant daughter at Bitch-: sorry to report Mr, Iugs is still in the was born al (Jodi -rich township in and to know her was to love her. c-ner. LAC Oscar Elligson was trans- hospital, and nit improving as his 1802 and came 10 Bayfield 33 years Mr. and Mrs. Rowland were married fared to Nova Scotia. • ittauy friends would wish hint to int age, He issurvived by a daughter, in St. Ambrose Church, Brussels, on messes Manny Benneweis, Nor prove. Miss Maud McGregor and a sun. 11.1- Feb. 1 Rth, 181)5 by the late RevFr, ,.;,,n Eggert and Wilfred Deigel • Mr. 'mid Mrs. Mc•Aeh recently en be.t Mt, regnr, 01' Bayfield, and a 0ie- Kennedy. About one month ago, ,,rent from Friday to Monday at ;toyed a lemon pie. mace Role a real Ii Tauet.lticl)onald of V'iud- iir Rowland was taken ill and in r 11t and Kitchener. i nutr grown lemon the fruit weigh sot, His ,oris. the fernier r Marlgaret I spite of all that loving; care and kind Mr. and .Mrs Jerry Doerr and., ed s nz. and prods cad two thirds cep Currie, died forty years ago. sloe passed peace- . I', { enndat' with friends in of juice. Rat this- if • o,t c•:01. , nursing could do ,r . ..nen . , . full away, fortified by the sacra- "ostoclt. IMr. Mc do cif ut \\"nrgtt:on ,.ailed oai 'pent; of her holy religion by the Messrs Harvev Koehler of Brant- , iris cousin, ,lir. ,tae. Stephenson Tae, - hands of her pastor. I.ev. Father tori ^nd Mr. Wilbur Hoegy of Galt ;clay. McDonald. Besides her husband she pent S,tndav on our line. , The euchre r and ttic•, i,our Wait ,• is su.hell Ir two sons, Normand ,T,..., rharles Eggert recently en- it the t\ C C. 1st Mairli n s a 'el • and Lewis: also by three brothers reitnr,.ed the ladies on fins hue to son and two sisters. Hor eldest, Jos- <, ,rtzilcin2 bee, circ paid the sum one sacrifice in World War I The pallbearers were -' neighbors. Lome mne Roe. Harvey Mc- DUBLIN Clure, Herb Manning, Thomas Ry- ,. Joseph Ryan, T- 1, Miller. 1'lw ,d,,,:c Yrit",1 of lir Ellen Misses Dorothy McClure and Bet- 'i1 Ir can will h,• soot to hear Il is tv Quinn and Mr. Harvey McClure ill I,t s„„,,, Jlentiti l He shit rl spent Sunday afternoon at the home Garth, and 01, -hi h, r u sp, ecic r oit 'ry. of ill, and Mrs. Wm. 14IeClure, M,Fr•uno Osborne of ,t. Thomas Miss Kathleen Roe spent the . aced Mrse Marion.Meagher of London week end at her home. with their parents, lir. and Alm John • Mr. Norman Sanderson returned Meagher. • front 11100111 and British Col- hiss Margaret Ktansknpf al Strut - Mrs.• last weep, ford with her father Mn Leo I{raus- Mrs. Wm. Walsh and little Baugh- impf, ter Sharon returned to their home in Miss Eileen Jordan et Louden with Hamilton after spending a few days lien parents, Mr. alai. Mrs, Joseph at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jordan. Humphries and other friends. Miss Cecilia Eckert of Stratford at Oslo. and Mrs. Herb Travis of Lon- her home.don with relatives. files Agnes McGrath of Waterloo Mrs:, Ida McTaggart with relatives thwith her mother, MOS. Mary McGrath. in Toe , Miss Catherine Woods of Stratford MMr. George Iinechtel, from the Normal with her parents, Mr. and West, formerly of McKillop, with re- Mrs. Patrick Woods. Wives and Mrs. J n' Mrs, Catherine McDermott and. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, ore, d left for Miss Mary Ryan of Toronto are in their home in Raymore, Sask., on town due to the illness of their sister Monday. Mrs. Ellen Flanagan, Miss Ethelyn O'Hearu of Goderich spent the week end at the home of BAYFIELD her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Edward The Hensall Women's Institute O'Hearn' will meet at the home of Mrs. Ziobt, Miss Teresa Ryan of London spent Elgie, Kippen, on Wed., Mar. 14, the week end at her home. with Miss Greta Laramie co -hostess. Miss Genevieve Atkinson of Kin - The motto will be -taken by Mrs. Al- kola with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. bert Shirray. The roll call is to be Joseph Atic{sisals. answered with hints for thrift. The a'liss Rose Burns spent the week demonstration will be taken by Mrs. end in Gait. with her sister Miss Jean Russel Broderick, Current events by Burns. Mrs. Redden and the special speaker Mr, yard Mrs, 11 Monaghan anis sons of Mitchell with Mr: and Mrs. Michael will be firs. W. B. Cross, on 'Foods, McCarthy Fads and Fallacies:" This will be the home economics meeting. - Mrs, Gordon Love, well known resident of the Parr line, slipped on BRUCEFIELD- the ice on Saturday and fractured Varna Defeats Brucefield her leg. She, was removed to Clinton In 3.2 Victory hospital for treatment. Varna handed Brueefleld a 3-2 de - Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton feat 00 a recent evening, • 01 the spent the week end in Toronto visit- grtieefteld rink. The game proved to Mg with their daughters, Misses be ri close one from siert to finish. Helen and Mae McNaughton. The first period ended with a' 1-1 Mrs. Steer and. Patsy are spending score with b-Iayter searing for Varna a few clays this week visiting her and Aldwincltle for Brucefleld, In the - mother, Mrs. Gertrude Brazier in second period McDonald scored for. London. t Brueefield, making it 2.1, then Hay - Miss Margaret Kercher of London ter ticked in Armstrong's pass, tieing spent a few days last week with her it up 2.2. The last few minutes of the parents, Mr•. and Mrs. Herb Kercher. game squelched the hopes of the The Sunbeam Mission Band met fighting Brucefield boys when Hayter in the schoolroom of Carmel Presby- scored the third goal for Varna. which terian Church on Sunday With the decided the winning team. 'rhe lines president, Miss Pearl McLeod pre- ' were: Varna —Goal, Oben; defense, siding. After the opening exercises Johnston, Armstrong, Hayter; for- • a review and prayer was given by wards, Hayter,. Stephenson, Peck; Mrs. Jas. Parkins. The 'text, motto sups., Robinson, McRinley, Robinson. and prayer was followed by a duet Brucefield—Goal, Thompson; defense, by Nancy Ann and Rose' Passmore, ' Aldwinckle, Caldwell, Collins; fer- accompanied by Mrs. Baynham on wards, Alchvinckle, McDonald, Must- the piano. The worship theme by the aid; subs, Graham, Dining, Taylor. president and minutes, was •followed Referee: Gordon Mustard. by roll call answered by the name of a disciple. The offering was received CONSTANCE and dedicated. Mrs. Baynham con - Mr. and Mrs, Walter Scott and Mr. ducted a Bible quiz, The tempteur ey and Mrs Lorne ,Lawson spent Mon - hymn was followed by psy day in Stratford. . exercises by. Chinese and Canadian Mrs. Earl Lawson returned recent - children. The meeting closed with a ly from visiting her daughter Miss hymn and prayer by Pearl McLeod, Doris Lawson and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. A sacred conceit by the Metrapel Rugby in Chatham, also Mr. arid Mrs. itan United Church choi*• of London, W. G. cMillan in 'London, comprising 35 voices,' will be pies M rile (lonelaneq unit of the Red ented in the United Church on Fri - Cross met in the. 9e11001 ream of the - day, March 16th at 8.15 under the church Iasi. Thursday afternoon and auspices of the local 'Red Cross Soo -A quoted. truce quilts. iety. Mrs, Geo. Bete, soprano; A. The regular meeting of Clic W. A. i1. Oultram. tenor, Mrs. Froward and \V,M.S, will be held on Thursday, Ferguson, Contralto, Wilfred Revd -„,,,..,ell SCh. man, baritone. Program will festnre suecess. c ss. k r irises r. t es s el lo.,'. o his Hnili birthday i.. tthatci _le and spent a. very rt c user tble aright in the stall His 1'ntnds tome he n y 1. spared to enjoy many mor of they t 1110 Proceeds at the door nmo0rit eel to Mod. Collins orchestra furnished the music, The club win sponsor an- other euchre et'• dance in the hall ou Tuesday, Mar. 1310. Keep this crate open and tell your friends to come. and bring their friends and enjoy a good time. There will be a lunch counter and good music„ Proceeds to be used for overseas boys. Our first Robin Red Breast arrived the belt, when we were not looking for hint until 10th. Guess he came on the flyer and diel he cheer -up in the morning, Miss Mao I, Smith, 13,A -,11.T.. of London, has been sitceessfml fir pas,,. ing her examination with an' honor ',Minding in R.T. (Registered Teehno- reeelvieg her specialist h eni.i.;,log„ and becomes a member c of the Canadian Society of laboratory technologists, After com- pleting her studies In Zurich Continu- 1 ion '~.pool. Miss Snaith attended .ni Collegiate Institute for three tents, graduating in 1938, and for advanced education entered Western lrniversify the came 3,e01, on a- four year bachelor of arts degree in home economics. Graduating from Western and Drescia Hall in Jtwc. 1842 she immediately entered Victoria' Hospi- tal, Loudon, to commence her duties in the profession of medical technol- ogy, •and where she is at present engaged. Miss Smith is the only dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Smith, publishers of the Zurich Herald. hicks With talk of possible pleat rationing this summer, clue to the tremendous demand for food • from the EurOpeall :countries, poultry meat will have all -unlimited market this . year. We have • some Barred Rock and Hybrid X 'Rock cockerels two weeks old, also a number of, clay old cockerels each week now. March is the month to start off these cockerels. • Order today S©tVs P”'�� 3,i3 Phone 851 - 32 Seaforth, Ont. €9 .. arm-.�..,u�,.� •���.��.��,., _ .. s t6 r°Tse'giet9"410.1. W2R RA'aWA4'0E'f('ti 614'*0IVI 'tAIVI Pd5i'SZ4MMtel9W.S'~0 4 LEGION DANCE v C ��"jam' A IN THE ARMORIES SATURDAY, MARCH 17TH 9 p.m. KEN WILBEE & HIS ORCHESTRA With Irish Songs by Jas. T. Scott Sponsored by Seaforth Branch 156, Canadian Legion B.E.S,L. PROCEEDS FOR SMOKES FUND double trio of laden.') and a double mixed quartette. Please keep the BRODHAGEN date open and .support this worthy Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hinz and Mr. cause, and Mrs. Wm. Jacob spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Mathers and Mrs. MCKI"LLOP John Koch of Tavistock, The McKillop Farm Forum was Mr. and Mrs. Aug, Hillebrecht held at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. and Pearl attended the :funeral 'ser 'Russell Doc'ranca on Monday, Mar. vice of Mrs. Stager at Preston 00 ! 5, with a good attendance. The sub- Monday. iect was Producing for Consumer Mr. Manuel Beuermaun is attend- I Needs. Mr. Kenneth Stewart was ing the Threshers' Convention in chairman. Stanley: Dorrance had the London, reereati on or the evening, The Mrs. Wnt, Riehl Sr.. of Mitchell., next meeting will be held at the with 1VIr and Mrs, Wm, S. Riehl, , home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp- Mrs. Wnr. S. Riehl is confined to bell, on March 12. Lunch was her bed with .a heart condition.' served and the meeting closed by Mr. Robert Rock of Waterloo singing God Save The King. spent the week end at his home. T H CAN A DI A N W A Y 0 L I F E . . . A Chance to Go Fishin' ... ES, and the right to go fishin' ... ' 'IVES, right to enjoy the simple, pleasant things of life! Picnics by the river—week-end trips in the old family jalopy—these are some of the things that your boy is fighting for today! And he won't be able to enjoy those things, unless we at hone fight for him against inflation—unless we make sure when he gets back his dollar will be worth a dollar. To protect his dollar, we must realize NOW the dangers of careless, unnecessary buying! We must buy only what we need—never' buy two where one will do! We must not evade rationing or price control, or • deal with black markets. If we break the rules; our country—the country he's fighting for—will start on that spiral of prices known as inflation! Remember! Every time ONE of us breaks ONE of these rules, we're lowering the value, of our soldier's dollar. We're helping to shoot prices sky-high . and sky-high prices mean inflation. The value of every dollar in Canada goes down, and when the men overseas come back their dollar might buy only a quarter's worth of goods! We can prevent inflation! We can give our fighting man his "right to go fishin' ", if we make sure his dollar will be worth a dollar, when he comes home. We can't give back to him his lost years, or his lost youth. But if we keep up• the fight against inflation, he can look forward to pleasant, satisfying living — 'the Canadian way of life! Published by TI•Ilt BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO). to reveal, the dange of.iniiatiom. Make this Pledge Today!' 1 pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation: By obAervtng rationing 'and avolding black markets in any shape or forte, By respecting price controls and other. anti-inflation measures, and re- fraining from careless and amines. - sary buying. I will not buy two. where one will do, nor will I buy a "new" where an "old" will do. By 'buying Victory Bonds and War Savings Stamps, supporting tax- ' ation, and abiding by all such measures which will lower the cost of living and help keep prices at e normal level.