The Seaforth News, 1945-03-01, Page 5'THURSDAYS MARCH 1, 1945
d ST4
BIC 9c 19c 29c SLE
• '1'hursday, March 1, till Man 7 -
9c Items
White Naptha Laundry Soap 2 bars 9cr
P.&G. .
Vegetable or Tomato Soup 10 oz. tin 9c
French's Prepared Mustard 6 oz. jar 9c
Ellmarr Vanilla Extracts 4 et. bottle 9c
Oxo Cubes pkg. of 4 cubes 9c
Grapenuls Flakes S oz. pkg. 90
Champ — the magical cleaner ........... . ............... per pkg. 8e
Brnu9 ick Sardines per tin 9e
Golden 'Fleece Pot,Cleaners each 9c
19c Items
Malted or Rideau Cheese 1/2 lb. pkg. 1 9c
Quick Cooking Oats 3 lb. box 1 9c
Newport Fluffs -- with Fruit. Juice Glass 5 qt.. bag 190
superior Baking Powder 16 oz. tin 19c
Sant White Toilet. Tissue ' 3 rolls 19e
Camay Soap 3 bars 190
Ohl Dutch Cleanser 2 tins 19c
Laing's C.O. Sauce 8 oz. bottle 19c
Plain Queen Olives 6 oz. bottle 190
Readt-Cut Macaront 4 pounds 10c
29c Items
Fancy Quality Chicken Haddie per tin 29c
Prem or Kam per tin 29c
Aylmer Tomato Juice 3 — 20 oz. tins 20c
Orange & Grapefruit Marmalade 24 fluid oz. jar 20e
,Javex Concentrate 2 bottles 290
Neilson's Jersey Cocoa 1 lb. tin 29e
Mitchell's or Allen's Apple Juice 2 — 20 oz. tins 29e -'
Riverbank Choice Red Plums 1 coupon ........2'— 20 oz. tins 29e
per pkg.i
yIr'o+, ENJOY 29c
�' „11
OMI ,;r ROMAN MEAL Robinhood Quick
a y,� iCooking Oats
`les, .< EASY RECIPES 3 lb. box
''YEP' ' ON PACKAGE 19c -
Ross Js Sproat PHONE
Art Wright PHONE
Fire Siren
The Fire Siren will be, sounded ONCE at 7.45
on the evening of the first Tuesday in every month.
This is for the purpose of testing the siren and calling
a Firemen's Meeting.'
Chairman of the Fire a Water Committee
The Young People's Society met
on Sunday evening' in the church
basement with the president, Miss
Hazel Hamilton, presiding. The scrip-
- ture was read by Lloyd Sorsdahl,
Rey. W. A. MacWilliam led in Pray—
er, William Hamilton react a paper
entitled "Have Thy Way," and a
duet was sung by Lloyd Sorsdahl
and Gordon 'Houghton.
The Junior Red -Cross Society of
No. 6 school, the " Cromarty school",
has been creditably active in raising
money for the cause. A. total of $43.-
$43;50 was realized from the sale of
Christmas cards, from part of the
proceeds of their Christmas concert
• and from the sale of Valentines of
their own make, and the money has
been forwarded to headquarters,
Pte. Malcolm Mac1(ellar is home
,from England for thirty days' sick
leave after an attack of tonsillitis
followed by pneumonia.
Mrs. William Houghton is ill at
her horse.
Miss Helen Kemp, Mitchell, with
Mrs,. Houghton and family.
James Scott Sr, in Toronto,
A woman motorist in Sandpoint,
Melte, swerved to a- sudden stop be-
fore the county jail.
"-What's _happening ?" she asked
"We just had an earthquake," ex-
plained a deputy sheriff.
"Oh, thank goodness! I thought I
had a flat tire."
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 26o
Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect
Thanks a million to all those who Want and ThorSale Ads, 1 week35.c '
Mr. Harold Jackson is in - Toronto
this week on business.
Mr. and Ml s, Arnold Scott and fam-
ily visited with friends in Branttord
Over the week end,
Miss Lois Wright, student nurse at
Guelph 'General Hospital, Visited last
week with her parents, Mr. anti Mrs.
1Vi11iarn Wright:
Miss Laura McLellan spent the
week end with friends in Detroit,
Mr. Rri111am 'Bell, Toronto, spent
the week end With his Mother, Mrs.
J. re, Bell,
Mrs, George Hills of Toronto was
the guest • of Mt'. and Mrs. R.. H.
Sproat last week.
Airwoman Vera Hudson, RCAF.,
Fingal, was a week end visitor at
the horse of her sister Mrs. 'Scott
ilabkirk and Mr. Habit rk,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLeod and
family,, Detroit, are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. di J. Box.
Mrs, Douglas and daughter have
returned to Toronto after spending
the past two weeks at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Thomas Sills.
Mr. and Mrs. Williant Neely and
family, Stratford, were guests over
the week end at the horse et Mrs.
Neely's parents, Mr. and Mrs, George
Mr. Donald Scott, Toronto, spent
the week end with his mother, Mrs,
H, R. Scott.
Miss Elizabeth McDonald, Luck -
now, spent the week end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith.
Miss Jean MacDonald, Stratford,
was a week end visitor at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Ralph McFadden
and Mr. McFadden,
Mr. Leslie Hogg, Preston, spent
the twek end with his parents, Mr,
and Airs. William Hogg.
Dr. Friel Stewart, London, was a
week end visitor at the home of his
mother Mrs, Charles Stewart, and Mr.
and Mrs. Patrick McConnell,
Mr. Edward Kinsman, London, was
the guest of Mr, Jack Stevens, over
tete week end.
Mr, and Mrs, Norman. Smith and
daughter Patricia, Toronto, spent the
week end at the home of the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Regier.
Mr, Gerald Burns of Lgntlon spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs, J. J.
Mr. John Burns spent the past week
in London with his daughters, Mrs.
H. J. Tomlinson and Mrs. Bert
Lieut Major, who has been assist-
ing at' the local Salvation Army for
the past four months, is leaving on
Monday for Indian. Head, Sask.
Mr, and Mrs. Leon Bannon were
week end visitors at the home of ]ter
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beninger,
Mrs. Harold Free of Yarmouth, 51,S.,
is a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Free.
Mrs. Duncan McMillan and son,
Port Dover, are guests at the hone of
Mr, and Mrs. Edward Andrews.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAdam,
Stratford, were guests at the home of
Mrs. F. C. Anderson, on Wednesday.
Mr, Harry Pretty underwent an
operation on Saturday nrortting In
Scott Memorial Hospital.
Lance Corporal W. A. Hodgert, of
Nanafnro, B.C,, is spending a short
leave at his home in Tuckersmitli,
•Mrs. Archie McTavish is visiting
her cousln Mrs. McDermid in George -
to wn.
Red Cross Notes
The following is the report of the
world done in February by the Sea -
forth $ranch of the Red Cro,s.
Hospital supplies: 857 bed socks,
102 hot waster bottle covers, ti men's
Br. Civilian Clothing -84 girls'
combinations, 86 diapers, . 19 boys'
sleepers, 10 ladies' nightgowns, 4
boys' coats, 23 girls' panties, 3 rom-
Knitting -73 pairs socks, 6 pairs
seab;oots, 4 navy scarfs, 13 , turtle
neck sweaters, 1 round neck sweat-
er, 41 soakers, 4 toe eaps, 19 pairs
gloves, 16 pairs mitts.
Quilts -4 quilts returned, 5 made
in work room2 quilts donated, 6
tops donated, 4 by-product tops
made. '
The following is a copy of a letter
received by P.O.W. Liaison Officer
Mrs. K. M. McLean: "To P.O.W. Li-
aison 'Officers, Ontario Division, The
Canadian Red Cross Soe,iety. The
International Red Cross is inaugur-
sting a new service to assist families
in Canada (and throughoutthe
world) in obtaining information as
to the present whereabouts of .rela-
tives and friends in Europe with
whom they have lost contact, owing
to war. To accomplish this card
(specimen attached) will be used.
They sheuld be completed by the
enquirers and dropped into the mail;
no postage is required. Branches are
urged to give the widest publicity
possible in their own Branch areas
to this service and contact should be
made with those organizations serv-
ing those of European origin, resi-
dent in Canada. It should be made
clear in all publicity that this card
will not institute a search for rela-
tives or friends, nor is it for the-pur-
:poses of sending messages. Its pur-
pose is to setup a complete registry
in Geneva, of those in Canada with
relatives and friends in Europe, so
'that if similar enquiries reach Gen-
eva from the relatives or friends in
the European-coantries, contact bet-
ween the enquirer in Europe with
the rclatice or friend in Canada may
be established more quickly. Branch-
es -.should requisition their estimated
requirements of these cards from
the divisional office, Stafford Rob-
erts, Commissioner, Ontario Divi-
KIRKBY—At Scott, Memorial Rosin
tai on Feb. 23,., to Mr, and Mrs,
Thomas Birkby, MoKiilop, a dau-
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25e.
81. Columban Hero Returns.
To Hospital—
Pte, Stephen holland, who has re-
cently returned from oyerseas and is
recuperating at the Westminster Hos-
pital in London, spent the week end
with his parents avid family here,
Pte. Joseph Hart of London spent
the Week end at his hone here. •
The tnaay friends of William Dor-
sey are very pleased to see him home
from St. Joseph's Hospital, Loudon,
and is daily improving:
Misses Angela O'Reilly, Patricia
Kale, Isabelle Purcell, of Stratford, at
their homes,
Miss Irene O'Sullivan of St. Clem-
ents•spent a week with her parents.
Mr. Basil O'Reilly and James Atkin-
son. of Kitchener at their homes,
dr. victor Feeney and friend of
Ktchener with his parents. Mr, and
Mi•s. Menlo Feeney.
Spr. Joseph Kraaskopf, R.C.E,, of
Ottawa, with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Nicholas hi•auskopf,
Miss Loretta IIolland and Miss Lil-
lian Mills of Kitchener with Mr, and
Mrs. J. J. Holland,
Mr. Leo Hiicknell of Stratford al his
Milne at Beechwood,
Miss Nellie Doyle, R.N., of Toronto,
and Frank Doyle, RCAF., with their
mother, Mrs, James Doyle,
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald O'Connor ofl
Kitchener and Barry of Toronto with
their parents, Mt', asci Mrs. D. .7. 0'.
Rev. William Nigh, of Texas, and
Brother Baptist of Montreal wore here
attending the funeral of their mother.
Mrs, William Nigh.
Death of Mrs. D, J. O'Reilly—.
The community was saddened to
learn of the death of a highly res-
pected resident, Mrs, Dennis Joseph
O'Reilly, at her home in McKillop
on Monday meriting after a vett'
short illness. The deceased was for-
merly Miss Kathleen Johannah Mc-
Caughey and she was born in Morris
township, coining to McKillop twen-
ty-five years ago upon her marriage
to Mr. O'Reilly on Nov. 17, 1920.
She was the last of her family and is
survived by her husband. Mrs. O'-
Reilly was a member of the C.W.L.
and League of the Sacred Heart.
-The funeral took place on Wednes-
day morning at 19 a.m. at St. Col-
umban Church and interment was m
St. Columban cemetery, Rev. Father
O'Drowski was celebrant and Rev.
Dean Egan of Stratford was present
in the sanctuary. The pallbearers
were Michael Murray, Pete Hick -II -ell,
J. L. Malone, Jos. Maloney, John
Shea, Jas. Carlin, Among those at-
tending the funeral from a distance
were Mr. and Mrs. John T McCau-
ghey, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McCaughey,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCaughey, of
Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blake, of
Brussels; Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Phelan,
Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kelly, of
Blyth; Mr, Thos. Corbett. Clinton;
Mr. Alex. Young, Goderich; Mr. and
Let's Do A Better Job
Help Hold Our Markets.
Better Feeding
By using balanced
Lay Mash such as
0. A. C. Choiceteria
Better Breeding
' ..p
By stock bred for
vigor, growth, meat
qualities, egg
Better Management
House Comfort
J. M. Scott Phone 551- 32, Seaforth
Mrs. Louis McCaughey, London;:
Miss Theresa O'Reilly, London; Miss
Angola O'Reilly, Stratford; Miss
Reta Duffy, Stratford; 1V1r. and Mrs.
Alvin Rau, Drysdale; Mr. and Mrs,
Eldon O'Brien, Clinton; Mrs. Anna
Brant, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John
Nicholson, Kennicott; Mr. and Mrs..
Jos. Ryan, Walton.
W.M.S. -and W.A. will meet on
Wed. Alar. 7th in the schoolroom of
the church. Mrs. Hiram Blanshard,
captain of Circle 1, will have charge
of. the • meeting. -
IVIr, and Mrs. Arnold Scott and.
family spent the week end with 3?r.
and ribs, Ken Harrison of Ilrant-
Sri', and Mrs. Bertram McSpadden
of London and Mrs. Jack McSpadden
of Fort Erie with 1iMr. and Mrs. Zack
Mr. and Mrs. C. Fawley of See,-
fnrih with Mr. and Mrs: Ear( Haw-
ley,. -
Mr. iVlelvin Blanshard Jr. of Mon-
treal epent the week end with a la -
Dance !
Sponsored by the Seaforib Women's
In Seaforth Armories
Novelty Dances, Draw for
Dutch Girl Quilt
Admission 50c. Proceeds for
war work
tives here.
Crokinole party washeld at the
home of Mrs. Little last Thursday
evening. First prizes were won by
Rus Dolmage and Mrs. Rus Dolmage,
consolation prizes went to Les Dol -
mage and Irwin Trewat'the. Lunch
was sei'z'ed by the hostess.-.
Mr. and Mrs. G. McIiwain spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Theron
u,u,,,,1„u,mnu,m,nu,,,.,u„w„m,o„muo,; .11111111,,.,,
Serni - Final
Goals to count
Sat., March 3
7:45 P.M.
• Wherever the great. destroyer, War,
has passed, pain, suffering and sorrow
follow in its wake. Young men on the
battlefield or in hospitals are tormented
by sickness or wounds. Little children,
_mothers, aged people are homeless,
hungry, cold. In every theatre of war,
whole cities lie in ruins. Millions are
suffering the pangs of disease, starvation
and dire want.
So the Red Cross will continue to
reach out a •helping hand. It must heal
and comfort our own sick and wounded.
It must send food, clothing, ,medical
supplies to war-torn lands.
And the Canadian Red Cross will
answer this urgent call. For the Canadian.
Red Cross is you and your friends and
,.you'r neighbors, and all the good folks
up and down this fair Dominion of ours.
You will send help —yes, life itself to
the stricken people of other lands. You
will stand staunchly behind j!orii' Red
Cross, and—GIVE! 1 1 X'rnan n t"h .t:nan
John C . lacKcnizie