HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-02-22, Page 2'Way SSpeciall WAR STAMPS -25 aty o r GROCEla 111 IIE rc`�°:: ::Yid• u•,\; .. �,. �,,. r a .� � :, .ham �:c�?.•t�+.,tA��'... '�. :.��. d. .:�'.. .., Tie Jade Cod By MARY IMLAY TAYLOR .. ��i, ���., �� o Via., �,. �.. ��• r w �., �., �.. \, a1 CHAPTER X "Not so deep," Teddy asured him affably: '+I got five hundred out of ,Landon on a wager, got it cold!" and he laughed uproarious- ly, suddenly recalling Landon's rage at subsequent events. Fosdick sae ung his chair around and eyed him viciously: "You're a young reprobate," he observed dry- ly, "what was the wager about?" I didn't know Landon could afford to lose that much." "Lose it?" Banks laughed again. REWARD PROMISED if you serve Maxwell House Coffee to your family to. night. They'll just love you for it! Comes in an All Purpose Grind which suits any type of coffee maker. Here's triple -acting spee fly relief from MUSCULAR PAIN Dog's be miserable. Don't suffer another minute from muscular ache or pain. To got quidk relief. all you need do in rromy cases, is take a fast - acting Ins sntine tablet Ino tontine goes to wen iro enis el c.ing in thrx ways tei give you comfort: 1. Speedily eases pain. 2. Prolongs relief from pain. 3. Reduees "depressed feeling." Gives mild. stimulating "lift." And,you'll ' rad Ins tontines fast action equally effective in relieving the dis- comfort which often comas with a cold or sore throat. All drugstores have Instantine, 12 tablets ?Se. mils product of The Boyer Co., Ltd. "He did more than that — he burnt five hundred dollars, up in a rage—" 'Fosdick who valued money and had had to work for it, stared hard at young Banks. "He's drunk," he decided, frowning at him darkly. But Teddy, enjoying his own joke at Landon's expense explained. He explained in detail, even to the fight in the -smoking -room and the holocaust of the money. "Mrs. Lynn had frozen me out. She's down on me and I vowed I'd get even. I have! She's invited the fellow in and had hint to dinner. And now," he gurgled with mirth, "Landon's black with rage because he's making love to Pamela Rod- ney! Landon's dead set that way himself, and he can't do a thing -- not not a baUy thing! Mrs. Lynn would fire him if she found out he'd brought a fellow in out of the street,you know; he might have been a whitewing, anything, on a wager!" Fosdick, who had listened in sheer astonishment, found the key to Pam and Mark in the tearoorn. He knew at once how the girl had been fooled. He reddened to his scanty gray hair; he ought to have told Burleson yesterday! x * v "You deserve a thrashing, you young reprobate!" he said to Ted- dy Banks, with the candor of an old man who had been a friend of Teddy's grandfather and guardian of the Banks stoney fo thirty odd years. "You and Landon both de- serve to be sent up for disorderly conduct! You've done a pretty piece of work between you. You don't happen to know the man you in- troduced into Btu'leson's house, to Lis sister-in-law and his niece, do you? Of course not! i, o,1 picked up a ratan in the street and Landon palmed him off can ahem as a friend of his! That's the idea — a friend of his and yours, too?" Teddy laughed comfortably. "Not on your life! I don't conte into ft; Idrs. Lynn had stat me out. It's up to Landon" "L'p to Landon Yes:" thun- dered the old lawyer, striking his fist on his desk, "but it's up to you, too, because you made the RHEUMATIC Aches and Pains If just one bottle of Ru -Mas does not show you the quick, easy way to get real relief from rheumatic aches and pains, it costs you noth- ing. DRu- Ma today suffer longer: you are' not pleased with the results, your money will be refunded by any drug store, This Is a generous offer to all rheumatic Sllf fevers. Row You Cu Get Quick Relief From Sore, Painful Piles 2c the ot ty w . 1.7 the!: _ore, y tr ea= na Lo,_ tem, oa yi•+i a der wt.; cor- rect the zause your p.Lts., Tie:asttis free. da can baled' a..._ the ease7.1 trouble is correct- ed.- rhes are d e to Intestine reuses to the he way to get Lasting relief is to treat them internally with a medicine lake Hes;-Raid. Hera -Reid is a formula that has Peen used for over NI years by thou- sands at pile suf- ferers. It is -a small, highly eon- e entrated tablet,, e asy and pleas- pAt to use, Title K4eaarly c o tit- pounded tablet formula directs its. medical action to relief of the eongea'ton that is the real cause of your plies. Hear-Roid promotes tree easy and comfortable bowel movrIlerts, quickly relieves itching r.. and soreness and stimu- ''er blood circulation to the :• ei \Vith good blood elr- .,u the lower bowel,. the p`:e zum,rs5 w, aces :t2i:Un' the -e..sit.ve� ... ty_m- ^=s clean and, health_-. - _.''(i'e 'nc1te ycr. to try Heui-P.otd. End :et it pr.—.1 ase Sou car. maks your test d la the Prise -Cy of iyour ern home. NO COST. tI you ars not Ce:c:t el :but. this 15 an amazingly easy _radsurrr.isingZY eine^..sr .ae.had t --re,,u:Tr eatizg z Get park _e nI Hem Fold to- day from a n y drug store - end use It a; directed for JUST s ITR DAVC At the end et that time If you are not ab- solutely sure Hewn Reid Is the nicest cleanest 505 most effective p I 1 a treatment t"cVe<ty.:n st,ad yon ever tried,re- turn the unused Frim bra portton of the package to your druggist .and. be will :promptly re- fund your =Duey. NOTSt This genera Ds otter is backed by -a reliabletarn doing bus- irtess In Gnnndn for a gond mnnr ,rears. Neta -Raid mast help your pale eondttioa eiuirkly. easily and plcnsantly e' tbiv simple, -ermyy text costs ran.. nothing. Try It today. bet; 'you got Landon into it. He', a dumb fool, anywayl Now, I ask you .d*dung Ilan, who's this fel- low? D'y ou lafow now?" Tcekly waved his walking -stick airily, "Search mc!" he said, * * Fosdick leaned over his desk and thrust his gray face forward until the lgilit caught the ugly glitter in his eyes. "171 tell you what you did, jou young idiot you," he said sharply; "you and Landon picked up an ex -convict in the streetand sent hien into a friend's house, sent hint to meet a pure young gu'1 -- an ex -convict, d'you hear?" Teddy _Banks stood gaping in sheer amazement, his mouth open, "Olt, I say!" he gasped, "aren't you putting it on too thick? The fellow's a good looking chap, pret- ty decent sort — looles like a gen- Henan.". Fosdick uttered an inarticulate exclamation. "I know him very well," he said grimly; "I've known hint for years. I knew hint when he was sent up; he was seventeen years old, — e. good looking young chapthen. n He's served hisim t • and he's out. Just the same, he's an ex -convict and you and Landon sponsored him:" * The vdnont in. Fosdick's voice rarried conviction, Banks stared at hint, sobered; he even turned a little pale, "Say!" he lowered his voice ap- prehensively; "n -hat was he up for?" "Murder!" Fosdick shot the word out with such violence that the young ratan jumped. "Murder — killed his old uncle for his stoney; rapped hint over the head in his office and tried to clear himself aferwards and couldn't." Teddy Banks, looked glumly at Fosdick, hardly daring to believe what he had heard.—incredible!— this fellow, this Mark Grant, had murdered his uncle for money! For the first time Banks was seized with qualms of conscience. W'hy didn't they hang him?" he cried suddenly angry at the chance the convict had had to undo them all. it was a beastly shame not to have hung him and prevented it! "Circumstantial evidence," Fos- dick growled; "he got sixteen years. Good conduct !et hint out some nine months earlier. For all that. he's guilty", * Banks groaned "I say — I never thought of such a thing!" he ad- mitted reductantly red with shame. The lawyer nodded gristly. "Of course" not_! But you and Landon pick up a street tramp—a fellow who hadn't a penny of his awn that night. I happen to know that mach; and turn hint loose in a friend's house—to snake love to an innorcnt young girl." the old man stormed. 'You deserve a drumhead courtntartiai instead of the check I've got here for you," he added, holding out a slip of paper. For the first time in his life, Baltks pocketed a check without a grin of satisfaction. He seized it, picked up his !tat and made for the door. "See here." Fssd:.k cashed after hint, "you tell Latadcit I want to see hila—hear toe?" But Ban!ks was airea, y at the ole vator, He was panting like a man who had beets running, He reached the pavement in tbsse to hail a taxi and fling an address as the driver. z In his excitement he paid the taxi-driver to make better speed. by a side street and cached Lan - don's lodgings in the nick of time; he fount hint just leaving. "Hello, Ted," said he coolly, "I'm going out—got anything co allow to keep me?' You bet your sw se life I have!" Banks seized hint by the arta and drew him away from the door. "You come back to your rooms; I've got someth!a¢g that'Ii knock you cold!" To Be Cm:titued) CotOUR M1$/Cl ALL -FABRIC Trntex DYES GUARANTEED TO DYE EVERY FSSRrhSNCitDTNG tELANESE. NYLOWDUXTYRES .e5 555555' 555151555 05505.5 mex 45-2 BIRD DOG The housing problem offers no worries to these seven pet quail belonging to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Petuya, of San Francisco. They feel quite at home as they roost on their friend—a toy cocker spaniel, also a pet in the Petuya household. CHRONICLES fI CLE 5 of GINGER FARM By Gwendoline P. Clarke • • • • • Here are the answers to a few questions that have come my way from readers of this column: Mrs. C,P.—You were inquiring as to the kind of fuel we use in our furnace. The answer is coal—with the required atnouttt of coke mixed hs. And note this: We have heated the whole house this year—eleven rooms—and" by tlae end of the win- ter we expect we shall have used only one ton more of coal than would have been required by our three stoves, and which would have heated only half the house. And let me tell you we think the comfort and convenience we enjoyed this. winter has well repaid us for that extra ton of coal. So you are un- decided about installing a furnace, Well I could hardly take it on my- self to advise you—so much depends upon the size 'and compactness of yob'. house_ A small house. Ours is •a hot air furnace—with pipes— iu fact there are so many pipes sprouting from the top of it that it looks to sue like a huge permanent wave machine! Of 'course if money - is no object a hot water heating system is just about tops for any kind of house. Since you have pietas, of wood—lucky you!—I ant sure you would find it quite as sat- isfactory as coat for a furnace pro- viding you were advised -bj a good plumber as to the best type of fur- nace to install for that purpose. x * * llfrs, \\, c—I was simply thrill- ed to !sear your son Charlie is on bis way home. I am so happy for you—and for Charlie and his wife and small daughter. Sharon is cer- tainly the sweetest wee thing. I hope you will all have a very- happy and satin ,story- reunion a s J.\\'.—We were pleased to receive your card altiaoug we were puz- zled for Quite awhile as to the Identity of the sender, Finally Part- ner retoga,ised your writing. We still have plenty of snow around here, Young John '.las to hitch up the team every morning to take the milk to the roads—and then goes over for our neighbour's milk cans as wet. Not mucic sense in two teams being harnessed when one can do the 'ob for both. z a t And spetkiog on taking .milk to the road reminds me of a letter I received from my sister in Toronto .a few weeks ago. She wrote of the unpleasantness and inconvenience Of city transportation these winter days. So TITI1Ch snow! Such ruts! And nowt of knowing when the next stthetscao will - come along, And then ,e adds I- isn't •so bad for you people in the country be- cause you a:ways have your horses to get you around!" How Attie the city and eountry people under stand each ether's difficulties! No doubt the going has been pretty tough this whiter eves isa the -city. But at least apartment -dwellers can be reason- ably sue of getting their milk, bread and a dei e e each day, whereas in the ciuttry where roads Tortured man gets help! Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN says Sufferer! "I have used. ALLEN:RC for several months. I could hardly walk on accouot of my knees. But now those pains are relieved I can go like a race horse now," Mort Shepard . Don't be 2 victim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, ion bago or neuritis without ming this simple, Inexpensive :recipe you can min al borne. Two tablespoons of ALLEN?RD,. plass the juice of lemon in a glass of Rater. Your money bark if not entirely satisfied. Just 85t at 211 drug stores Buy ALLETTRU rya -w.. - ISSUE 8-12:5 1 ..i were blooked so completely tl at - even horses couldn't stake he grade, there were plenty of farm folk who never knew when they were getting anything. Perhaps the greatest hardship was not getting mail. It is pretty hard to sit at home isn't it, knowing there may be a letter from that boy of yours waiting at the post office and ab- solutely no way of getting it? TABLE TALKS Desserts—Good But Not Too Rich So perhaps it is just as well that the whipped cream and rich des-' serts have become war casualties. In their place we can have these desserts, from the Consumer Sec- tion of the Department of Agri- culture. Attractive to look at, deli- cious to eat they won't leave your guests in that somnolent condition that spoils the best planned party. LEMON FLUFF 2 tablespoons cornstarch 3 tablespootte flour cup sugar 34 teaspoon salt 34 cup cold milk 134 cups hot milk 2 egg yolks Grated rind and juke of 2 large lemons 2 egg whites Mix cot•nstacch, flour, sot a and salt and blend with the cold milk, Gradually sod- in the hot nti:k and cook in double boiler, stirring con- stantly for about 15 minutes. Beat egg yolks, add grated lepton rind and a little of the hot mixture. Add to remaining mixture in double boiler and cook, stirring, for 8 minutes. Remove from heat and add lepton juice. Fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn into sher- bets or a lightly greased mould and chill before serving. Six servings, COFFEE SPANISH CREAM 1 tablespoon granulated gelatin 54 cup cold coffee 2 egg yolks J4 teaspoon salt 44 cup hot coffee 1 cup hot milk 1 teaspoon vanilla. 2 egg whites 34 cup sugar Soak gelatin in the cold coffee, Beat egg yolks and salt and add. hot coffee and milt, Cook over • oo �e. .t\ WE'RE POINTING STRAIGHT AT YOU IF YOU WANT FAST RELIEF FROM A oughoreoi • Here's what to do. Get a bottle of BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. Takeo few sips. Feel its instant effective action spread ad c through throat,head and bronchial tubes: It starts at oncto loosen up thick chok- ing phlegm, ease the cough, soothe the raw irritated membranes of throat and upper bronchial tract. Don't take chances—take BUCKLEY'S. Canada's largest selling cough and cold remedy. It's different—it's all medication—no syrup—acts faster—goes farther. CK 1EY.' �. M=�•X T Y.RE.� hot water, stirring constantly until thickened enough to coat the spoon. Add gelatin and stir until dissolved. Remove from heat, add vanilla and cool. When the mixture begins to thicken fold in meringue made by. adding the sugar to the stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn into a lightly greased mould or individual sherbets and chill thoroughly. Six servings, Those British Despite all their ! ardahtps and the general expense of carrying on a war, the steady going British people have set up a record of $6,000,000,000 in savings and war bond deposited is Government postofflus. Such a people never care be subdued. —Globe and Mail You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. RI _, iS HO fill. r000s'Io • Every Ruum e..151 11815. Shun- er and t'rlevhnnc, o Single, 52.50 op— Double. p—U uble. 55550 up. O Good rood. gaping and Dime. Int•. NieI1115 Sherbourne al Carlton Tel RA 4135 Carriers on Canada's Water Highway From the head of the Great. Lakes to tate Gulf of St, Lawrence, Canada Steamship Lines, Limited plays all important part 111 Canada's basic economicactivities including the low cost: transportation of grain, iron ore and coal. \ r::• Atm, Canada Steamship lines. Limited First: Motognge Bonds Bion Srrie:: " \" To mature March lath, 11137 Priem To yioldnhnut;t.tO°o Canada S.telnl',hip Lines, Limited pilafs to redeem its existing First Mortgage Bonds on March 1,ith and also the exist- ing 1 rest Mortgage :Bonds of Kingston Elevator Company Limited, which :Bonds may be tendered in payment for' the new issue.. . A I'rospectsis will be gladly furnished upon rootless, 36 in Street $fiat Toronto I Tarp/tone: li7,ein 4321 1.1voilea Wood, Gundy & C'olnj)aasv