HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-02-15, Page 6FIRST SKI PATROL t... Trudging through deep snow amid fairyland scenery, an expert skier leads 'first Allied ski patrol organized to overcome snow-covered terrain on 9th Army front in Germany. How To Lower Living Standard One point uiatle this year by Mr. A. N. Mitchell, president Canada Life Assurance Co. which if com- prehended widely enough, would save Canada oceans of grief and let us get on with the job of build- ing soundly for a better Canada for all Canadians is this: "It is time to realize that re- ginlentation ultimately destroys not only individual opportunity and freedom, bttt leads the hobbled peoples finally into lower standards of living. Assumption of power over the lives and actions of their fellow -citizens by a politically ag- gressive few in the name of the • state — call it Fascism, Nazism, Socialism, Collectivism, State Con- trol, Planned F.cmlomy, or what have you — must always lead to some form of autocracy and much lessened individual freedom. The so-called planners must have power to force complinnee with their orders, if their plans are to be ef- fective. No Socialist -planned ec- onomy can operate without eaoh citizen yielding the planners his previous rights of choice decision and. action." U. S. Rice Crop In 1040 the United. States acre- age of rice was 52 per cent more than the average of the preceding 10 years, and the production 48 per cent store, You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO �. 4Cvery Room with l0sI(h, Show.:, er and relephnne, 0 Single $2.50 up— Double, $0.60 up. • God Toad, Dining elle 000c - Ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel, RA. 4130 Don't �Suffer—' t WAIT !FOR RELVEF F�+OIN1 AD —ACHES —COLDS GRIPPE PERIODIC PAINS YOU CAN HAVE IT IN 7 MINUTES with this Grand Prescription Remedy or Money Book Turks Grant Allies Use Of Dardanelles Authoritative British quarters said last week that Turkey had granted permission to the Allies to ship supplies to Russia via the Dardanelles, thus eliminating the long haul of the old Persian Gulf supply route. Turkey recently broke diplomatic relations with Japan, sending the last official Axis listening post out of the country and depriving the enemy of bases for Japanese agents who night report on the move- ment of Allied supplies through the Straits bewteen the Mediterranean and Black Seas, PASIEk $WRLL ED ACl �kSTF "` YOU GET EVERY ATOM of the flavor and goodness • in Maxwell House' Coffee because it is "Radiant Roasted". Every coffee bean is roasted thoroughly —all through! For Eczema -- kin Troubles Make up your mind today that real aha goingtget• well. your to Jn a any good drug store and get an original bottle of Mcone's Emerald 011—It lasts many days becauseit is highly concentrated. The very first application will give you relief—the itching of Ito soma is quickly stopped—eruptions dry up and scale oft 1n it very few days. The same Is true of Itching Toes and Feet. Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum and other skin troubles. Remember that Moone's Emerald OIl 1s a clean, powerful, penetrat- ing Antiseptic 011 that does not stain or leave a greasy residue. Complete eattsfactlon or money back. 1 D . /-MO Relievethatcough NOW before it be- comes serious. Lymoid Cough Syrup weeny acts instantly torobeve distressing cold and bronchial symptoms in cha- dren and ndulte. eTAu nnuoO!aOO to , ��45e OR" SINATOROE BYSOF LYMOIDS TrCHECKED i 18F . i>'r a ✓iffy Or Money Back For quick relief from Itching caused by eceents; athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and otheritch!o conditions use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. 0. 0. PRESCRIPTION.' Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms Intense itching. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. 0, D. PRESCRIPTION. WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM quickly relieves soreness, stiff aetlf and other aliments caused by exposure to weather conditions Aches and pains disappear with one application 101101 WIRED E1109109* 18 t Ili vl del. tbm YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM ROT RASHES It you suffer from hot flashes, )weak, nervous irritable feelings, are a bit blue at ttmeo-duo to the tune - 'tonal "middle -ago" period peculiar to women=try Lydia 17, Plnkham'O Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It Relps nature! Follow r label directions. Worth trying) 1.YD0A E. ati,iO0 G52P00N BROWNIES AID WAR EFFORT These earnest little 3rownies are 'threading needles for the Red Cross. Thousands of Brownies and Girl Guides have been busily engaged assisting in the war effort since the outbreak of hostilities. VOICE OF THE PRESS MAY HAVE T:Q -f+` King Peter of Yte9 a5rla may change his mind- about opposing establishment of 0 regency until such time as his country's affairs can be settled. If he doesn't, he may have to change his crown — for hat, — Brantford Expositor THOSE WOLVEti Largegray wolves are said to be invading many .communities in Ontario this winter. Probably selling mining stocks to innocent lambs, — Toronto Saturday Night, FAMOUS LAST WORDS "Well, if he won't dim his head- lights, T won't dim miner — St. Thomas Tithes -Journal, TAKE YOUR CHOICE Yoti can either cut a niche for yourself in the world, or .chisel it, -- Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph. TRUSTING SOULS Thepedestrian trusts the .autoist and the autoist trusts the pedes- trian and in the end the doctor has to trust the patient, — Chatham News. ACCOUNTANTS a AUDITORS INCOME TAX REPORTS COM - piste Bookkeeping Services, Small or Large Businesses. Travel any- where.- - Albert Brett & Co.. 8 Wellington St. E.,: Toronto, Ont. ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX Service. Will go to any town. No account too small. Walter G. Boyd 31 Salem Avenue, Toronto. LOm- bard 0861. DAILY CRICKS moo Do0ICs voun OnummR ORDER YOUR 1945 CHIC1i.8 NOW, and not, be disappointed. All chlcke are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 26 oz. eggs or better, Barred Rocks mixed 312.00 per 100, White Leghorns mixed 011.00 per 101i Burred Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100. white Leghorn Pullets 022.00 pet 100, white Rocks mixed 016.00 per 100, whits Rock Pullete 924.00.. -per 100, Brown Leghorns. mixed 013.00 per 100. Brown Leg- horn pullets 524.00 per 100. Wo guarantee 100% live delivery, I atchery, Chance paid 1 m _ f ntario.CRYC IUJRONJ)ALE CHICKS HIGH QUALITY AT REASONABLE prices. A11 chicks Sacked by Pedigreed tested stock and from 26 oz. eggs from Special Mated Flocks. Price Mixed Chicks—Barred Rocks, $12.50 per 100; Sussex X New Hemp. Pure Sussex and Rocky X Now Hemp. $18.00 per 1D0; Large Type Leghorns, Sussex X Leg- horne and Rook X Leghorns $12.26 .per 100. All Heavy Breed Cockerels 56.00 Per 100; Bock X Leghorn and Sussex X Leghorn Cockerels $3.60 per 100; Leghorn Cockerels 51.50 per 100. 31.00 per 100 deposit, balance C.O.D. Send your orderto HRONCALE MUCK B. ERY• LONDON, OT,P1'ARIO.A'rCH- BABY CIIICICS 9000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring in. Breeder Hatcheries are always. sold out early. Don't tnlce chances oour orderrdinary NOW Purees Bred lace Sussex, Large Typo Leghorne, Sussex X New Hantps„ Sussex Leghorns, Rock X Leghorns, Itock X New Hatnps, Barred Rocks. Send for large iliustroted Catalogue and. Price List. Lakeview P>outtrY Farm, Wein 13000., Exeter, OnL. BABY CHICKS IIROAD BREASTED SUSSEX COX THOUSANDS AVAILABLE WEE18- 17, if you order at once. Our Broad Breasted Sussex cox bring. top. prices on the market. White skinned, long rounded breasts. Also New Hemp. cox .with fast growth and feathering..� Sussex X Leghorns and Rock X : Leghorne make good ,roasters and grow fast up to 4-6 lbs. You canbuy these for $4,00 per 100. Also -mix- ed heavy cox $6.00 per 100. All from our well-bred healthy, blood .tested breeders. 5000 Breed- ers on ONE plant. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. TWF,DDLE CHICKS ARE TIME tested We've been 19 years In the hatchery business and have Learned one Important thing—that the. customer Is the one who must be satisfied, That's why we value those repeat orders, that keep Doming in and letters like this; Parkhill, Ott. "The 400 chicks I received are doing find and I have only lost one. They are feather- ing' good and without n doubt they are the best chicles T have .. had 1n five years, Arthur 1ticDon- ald." Don't delay' further, send your order at once for I.'weddle dependable chicles. You enn save 1.50 per hundred on not -sexed. chick's, 3,00 per hundred on pul- lets. for February delivery. A1so offer discount of 50c per hundred on non -sexed chicks, 1.00 per hun- dredonpullet chicksit you send your order before Feb. 2811 for del lyel•3 anytime during the hatch- ing season. You can't lone price gcline. Fro nr00000 a raise or de- cline. tie. Frpe catalogue and early booking price list. Tweddla (Mirk Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, 0' 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORDER eg torn 1.1 100 0 pullets (our choice). et let chicks, we give 108 tree chicks 322.96 per 100, barred Rock pul- tete 519 96 per 100. White Rock Pullets t Pullets. 0 024.05 p 100. er wn 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. 01.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery. Chathnm,. Ontario. b ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when k mixedw$12 00t peri 1 Barred, ite Rleg- horns mixed $11.00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets 519.00 per 100, white tegh0rn 'pullets 822.00 per 100. Heavy Breed ails. $6,00 per 100. Leghorn Ckls. 02.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 oz, eggs or better and from epecial mated flocks, Guaranteed 100% live delivery. 01.00 hooks your order, balance C.0.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. TCjSU FARM FOR SUCCESS—When buying chicles for success Yon must buy ehlelcs with breeding, I0 enbill Gy, and withproper care fors profit1 )e certain of Monkton 00production 1117ul? ai m I31'ceders are all Govcrmment In- spected, bonded, and blood -tested. Write for 110.15 prices and Cat- alogue. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS, Monkton, Ontario. BETTER ORDER YOUR LINCOLN Government Approved Chlcke new. New Hampshire, Barred Backs, and New Hampshire X Harrod heavy rite fock rour catalogue and price list. Lincoln Chick Hatch- ar- ines, 2On Race Street, tOffice8l3ox 104. 26 IrMIEE 0R50009 OUR FOUNDATION STUCK 18 registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better In Canada, Order now. Prices for ,mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- rett Rocks, 012,00 per hundred;. White Leghorns, '51.1.00; White Rocks, $15.00; Brown. Leghorne, 81$.00, Pullet prices: Barred Rocks, $19.00;. White Leghorns, 325,00; White Rocks, $24.00; Brown Leghorns, 524.00, 25 free chicles, our choice, wilt be given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 26 free chteke for enc) 100 day old pullets ordered Goddard Chick Hatchery.. BO. tannin heights, Ontario, BRAY HATCHERY CAN GIVE YOU February delivery on chicks and cockerels In these breeds and crosses—B.R., W.L., N.H., L.S, N.H. x L.S., N.R, x B.R. Thy will catch the extra markets for you. Order now, even for later delivery. Bray Hatchery, 180 John St. N., -Hamilton, Ont. HOW TO SAVE MONEY ON CHICK purchases. Have you said to your- selfNext year I'm going to buy my chicks earlier and take ad- SendiaforothohTopearly No cdiscount". Ichicke les' circular and catalogue telling you how youcan save money on your 0 Top Chickeriea,GGuelph, chicks. Notch Ontario. R.O.P.. SIRED LEGHORN CHICK8, Hatch off .every Wednesday. Slat- tery's Poultry Farm, Altona Rd., R.R. 2, PICKERING, ONT. ORDERYks OUR. 1946 A pRED ROC Canadian and American contests since 1928. Second high Barred Rock pen 1944 Illinois State Con- test.Greenfio Ccular. Argue Urquhart, "600 BREI:D3I0S-13L00D TESTED 1300K YOUR 19455 CRICKS NOW. High quality at reasonable prices. AL1 breeders culled, Inspected, banded and approved by Canadian Baby Chicle inspectors. Pure Sus- sex mixed 14c, Sussex X New Humps. mixed 13'4c, White ',W- hores, Rock X Leghorns and Se000x X Leghorns mixed 18e. Heavy Breed -Cockerels 6c, Sussex X Leghorn and Rock X Leghorn Coekcrels 4c, 100% Live delivery guaranteed. 51.00 per 100 books your order. Balance C.O.D. ROSE- LAWN 7T FARMS & Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SMALL COUNTRY STORE, PRE- ferebly with :Post Office or Gas Station but not essential. Full paox 10 1Adtelaide St. W, Torolara first letter. nto, Ont. 73 FOIL SALE SAWMILL CARRIAGE, NEW, light, complete, motors, arbors, vises, beams, angles, etc. Boca - wood Machinery, Ottawa, Ont. 22 H,P. STEAM TRACTION EN - gine for sale,,locomotive - type boiler, 160 1b. pre 4ktre, good run- ning condition. Et* -8, 78 Adelaide W.. Toronto. Onf ALLOWAY LODGE OFFERS CHOICE ANGUS BULLS of service- able age, grandsons of Blackbird Bandolier of Page, D. E. McEwen, R.R. 4, London, Ontario LUMBERMEN.— L 0 Gi SCALPS, handy calculator, 26 cents post- paid. The Outlook, Middleton, Nova Scotia, BEAUTIFUL AUTW-' 'rom COMFORTERS 0MFOOrl materials. A'D g 31:85. Your wool carded 250 lb., washing 20 lb. Quick service. Virgin wool batts $1.15 lb. Wool Carding Machines 914.96, Spin- ning Wheels 913.96. Ask for cat- alogue. Slfton Wool Products, • Box 123, .Slfton, Manitoba, TOWN 1N 00011 FARMING DTS- trict to establish welding -bus- iness and email machine shop. L. Fraser, 18 'Wanstead Ave.; To- ronto, Ont.. DYEING} AND AVECLEANING''. 14 1200 ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or. cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are—glad to answer your questions. Depart - ment a rt- nlDye Works Limited, 791 rouge Sree To- ronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 1.37 Avenue Road, Toronto. 0011 SALE' '... PUPPIES TNTEBNATIONAL CHAMPION SIRED PEDIGREED -ATREGISTERED WDSTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST RIOGLSTERED COCKER KENNELS CEE HAZE KENNELS (REOISTERTOD) 200 Preedo Place, Riverside I11bought., ICMOTORS, ,NEWSn S uI1 NEW, P, 1c's brushes. Allen Electric Com - pony Ltd.,2320 Dufferin 80., To- ronto. FOR SALE STALLIONS FR0111 Yearlings up. All horses old en- ough eligible for premhuno. A10o morale Pe'chcrons. John Sanders, St. Thomes. Ontario. AMERICAN BULL TERRIER PI1P- ple0, United Kennel Club regis- tered. R, N. Phillips, 1037 Shaw, Toronto, Ont. ' GA13A110, SERVICE STATION, Grocery Business, Highway 15. Opportunity for returned man. Eulpment, stock, adjoining house, optional. Samuel Gardiner, Tonle- v11.le, Ont, T RIIf C ICING TRANSPORTATION. V 1n the cell es ooh lisped bttelneas county of Abitibi In and Tei , Que 5 tr ,, located in Rwanda, Que„ 6 trucks, .garage 85 x O40, .room for 7 trucks, storage Mutes on and Floor;- hot water heating sys- tem. Will sell at fair price for .cash. Apply by letter to Noranda, Que. Box 380, Noranda, Qile. R19GrSTLertsen NO. 1' `RING GOLD 810.01 117101011) sum) CO1t11 85. TO 120 DAY MATURITIES, VAR - •100110 suitable for both enetlage end 5,100, also n Rill' line of Seed ' Onte \lh•tte 00,' price I1st. Tho tZnlg C. rain C Seed Co., iPalu. Collie, Ont. MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE 1000 HORSES 1000 Exhibition Barns, Regina, Sask. April 11, 12, 13, 1945 All farm raised, well broken and in flue condition. Some tine saddle horses and drivers, plan now to attend. 011IAR CRABS, Sale. Mgr. Box S64, Regtnn, Sank. FARMS FOR SALn 58600 1311IMLEY RD. 8CAR130R- ough TownahiP, 6 miles from To- ronto, 24 acres, good garden land, moern h sixdla'ge rooms, hhardwood floorame hones rs. running Water in house and stable,heavy wiring 1n both, about 1 acre of good orchard, TORONTO CITY REALM, 2880 Danforth Ave„ Toronto, Ont. 100 -ACRE FARM OF FERTILE Boll, well drained, two miles southwest of Stratford, in Downie Township, being lot 12, con. 9. There are 10 acres fall 'wheat, 40 acres plowed, balance seeded. Frame house, hip -roof bank barn, straw shed, silo, drive shed, garage, drilled wll, water 1n stables, litter carrier, hydro, eta. Anybody wanting a high produc- ing farm see this one. Apply to William Strasser, R. 8, Stratford, Ont. 200 ACRES, 81 MILES EAST OF Dundalk, on county road, 186 acres under cultivation, over 50 acres ready for crop, god build- ings, cement stabling water In barn, good house with furnace, farm well fenced, possession any time. WILBERT GREEN DUN- DALK, R. 4, or Geo. Duncan, Auctioneer, Dundalk. 110 ACRES HALF MIL10 SOUTH Ole Kenilworth, 7 miles north of rrthur on pevehigh. ix- oomed brick 800100, la ge bank barn, 33,600. APPLY McMaster and McIotaater, 2859 Dundas St. West, Toronto. MEDICAL 3 tvuRhl. STOMACH AND TREAD often are the cause of ill -health mor in hus, alltin No one lin- mime! - mime! Why not d out if this to your .trouble? interesting par- ticulars—Proal Nrite Mulvaney'' Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. TRY TTI EVERY SUFFERER O Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 855 Elgin, Ot- tawa, Postpaid 3.1.00. BAUM OBRA FOOT BALM destroys Offensive odor Instantly. 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Dr'lg Store, Ottawa, GOOD RP8UITS — EVGRY SUI! - term, from Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis 'should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa, Postpaid 51,00. MACIDNF3II'Y OPPORTUNITIES. DIEN & WOMEN' BECOME t E EGrr II APUEn . TRAIN for wegee to start, NOW, instead of taking course, You buY sel[-teaching books, and rent code dta.chine to train yourself. Free folder. Cris- man Systems, Toronto_ --'l:. SEPAI4ATOlt REPAIRS 17011N DISCS' ARE U5IJAi.l.7 THE first Cream Separator trouble, \3e re -00400 and retie them, when not 105 badly worn, to give the equal of new Disc service, for cue third. to one [twirler the coat. Betel rebolancing also, es well as rel.innitig and refitting of all p arts• Symons' Metalworkers, ROCANVTLr,10, Sn ska tehewal. n111 SI0AL INS.'IR IAITINTS FRED A. t301101N14T0N Y.S.1111 sells, excite ages mll Alen! Instru- ments. 111 C'hurgh,Toronto 2. 0P I'Olt'1'IJNITII:S frost 01,0111 MN OFFER 010 INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY TNVENTOR List of Inventions and full infor- mation sent- free. The Ramsay Co„ Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Tame Street, Ottawa, Canada. PATENTS FEA Patent Solicitors, Established 1850; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING 13FFORE Christ," wonderful book free, Megiddo Mission. Rochester 11, N.Y. SPECULATION WILL NOT DO. Only the truth can satisfy. Only the truth can help. Send for a free copy of the pamphlet, "Is Man Immortal?" Chrlstadelphlon Gospel Proclamation, 319 North Ltnsmore Cres., Toronto 6. PIIOTOGRAPIII' TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films propi erly developed and prnte6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS ale REPR1NT5 8 ror 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICPI want this not yearget , a butil YOU 0011 get all the quality and reby sending your films to de'sIr4 IMT'ERIA' nPJOT0 SERVICE at 135 A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S L LA1)TNC4 SCRO0T. Great Opportunity Tmnrn Baird miming Pleasant dignified prafeeelon, good wages, thousands suevesoflrl, marvel u'radulttee. Amoricu's greatest aye- tem, hies ten ted t'a 1.1110 go frac. Write or call MARVIOt II ATR'Dmoss NO SCHOOLS 568 131:•0011 W., TORONTO Branuhos: 44 Ting SI,, I1,1mlllun ds 74 Rideau Street, Ohl,lwe, DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CAN'T Bt, TANI'N AGAIN Get finer "snaps" at lower cost -- Prompt Prompt Miall Service. Send your Atolmbe rolls todevelopStardaha Snapshot Service printed. '328 1e Canada's largest finishing et . die, serving customers all ovef 0, Canada. You'll like our work, too Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED '250 Praising Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Windsor, Ont, writes: "8 auppose It's hard to give your usual quick service withhelp so hard get,buas t1 outsuchfine pictures. 11 walt-if 7 have to -wait." 8 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c Size 4x6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on Ivory tinted mounts; 7x9" In Gold, Silver, Cir- cassian Walnut or Black :Ebony finish frames, 59c each. Tt enlarge- ment colored, 79e each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal 'Terminal A. Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on on All Orders. SEEDS ALFALFA, CL OVERS . TIMOTHY, OT HY Permanent Pasture Graseee, btil,Sdnvt'seeStore,, Bowmat - villn, Ont, -. WANTED LINOTYPE WANTED, NO. 6 OR 8 ' Model, give full particulars to Wilson Publishing' Co., 73 Ade- laide St. W., Toronto, ACREA0E WANTED. SUITABLE for cam sites, etc., Lake frontage. water, camp sites, 6, 73 Ade - WILL PAY LIBERAL PRICE 01011 Maltese fu InMaltese rs ale1up.Send particulars and photo, If possible. Box. 7, 73 Adelaide 1tr., Toronto, POWER PAPER CUTTER, ALSO Stitcher. Perforator. Co rM na Printing, 1108 St. Lawrence, treal, Que. VV ANT.PD: PROTESTANT SCHOOL Teacher for Junior Grades to com- mence duties September 1946. Ap- ply stn Ling qualifications and mallow expected to 11. P. Stedman, Secretary. Iiewitgama,County Abitibi, Quebec. WANTED p inelLL and DRILL, particulars STATE Douglas Hanson, Dixon Corners,. Ont, 00101,l' WANTED FA00lllAN1) WANTED. FOR MIX - Li ]mining, yearly engagement,. top lenges, start about March lot, 4,10111;)' 1'. A. Martin, Fergus, R. 1. 300 A 17 ft IUON1l';II FOR GENERAL Ylones Ole or helpe0 Inkitchen of .. Basel Int to live I0. When a p1y- ifordh.7Tospitnl,jlL] oxo 402, Water- Water- ford, 001, 001. G6101v. Wt101) 10 0 10 L GHT 11011 ti n',n'k , t'om Portable,smell Toronto hone. Separate 0001n. Two ehlidren, CToot..wages, Inter - listed partyphone cal lect Mayfntr 3202, evening.Ilex 9, 73 Adelaide 31• W., Tnr01)10. (Mt . ISSUE 7--1045