HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-02-08, Page 8HENSALL Mrs. Frank Ellerton, of Elinor - dine spent several days last week visiting Mr, and Mrs, N. E. Cook, Messrs. Albert and Lloyd Pass- more of Delhi spent the week end with their parents, Mr, anc1 Mrs. John Passmore: ' Miss Barbara Michie spent the week end in Stratford attending the 37th annual EL home at Stratford Normal 'School and also the gradu- ates' reunion banquet in Central Un- ited Church, The Hensall Senior Institute will be held at the home of Mrs, D. Walks and 1VIrs. A. W. Kerslake on Wednesday, Feb. 21st in place of the 14th, Presentation Made— A joint meeting of the Wohelo Class tura Sunday School teachers of the United Church was held on Fri- day evening in the school room of the church. Rev. R. A, Brook acted as chairman. Readings were given by' Mrs, E, A. Munn, vocal numbers by Rev, Brook and Mr. W. 0. Goodwin, piano selection by Miss Greta Lara- mie, a talk on the Blue Willow pat- tern by Miss Annie E. Consitt was much enjoyed. A singsong and spec- ial' remarks by Rev. Brook concluded the program, Mr. Edison Forrest gave the address and Miss Margaret Shepherd presented Mr. and Mrs, Earl Dignan with a set of pyrex ware on behalf of the Wohelo Class while Miss Gladys Luker presented Mr. and Mrs. Dignen with a set of flame ware on behalf of the Sunday School. Earl replied thanking all for gifts. Similar gifts were prepared for presentation to LAC. and Mrs. Uughson (nee Dorothy Dougall) who were unable to be there owing to the road conditions. Games and contests were enjoyed under the direction of Miss Greta Laramie and Miss Mary Goodwin. Refreshments were served. A number of neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clark Sr. last Wednesday in honor of their daughter Ethel, whose marriage took place on Satur- day. A mock wedding which was very amusing was presented by Mrs. Wm, Pepper, Mrs. Glenn Bell and Mrs. M. Traquair, The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and use- ful gifts. Refreshments were served. Ross Corbett has been confined to his room for the past week owing to illness. Born—At Mrs, Saundercock's Nursing Home, Hensall, on Sunday, ,Feb. 4th, to Pte. and Mrs, Jones (nee Mary Little) a son. Mr, and Mrs. John Passmore, of Hensall, received word on Sunday from Ottawa that their youngest son, P.O. Gerald (Mike) Passmore, was reported missing, 'believed killed in action over enemy territory in Eur- ope. Gerald, who was 21, enlisted in the RCAF in 1941 and after his graduation at Uplands, Ottawa, and serving for some time in Alaska, he went overseas last year. Some time ago he was mentioned in the news for outstanding service in a raid when a German railway station and ammunition dump were bombed. Miss Elizabeth Slavin has been con - lined to her room during the past week owing to illness. Mrs. Earl Kaiser returned to her home in Chicago last week after spending e few welts with Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser. Mr. E. L. Mickle matte a business trip to Ottawa last week. Communion service will be held in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sun- day, Feb. 11th, Preparatory service will be held on Friday evening at S. Mr. A. L. Case visited on Sunday with relatives at Ailsa Craig. Mr. Harry Smith, a native of Eng land, died at the hone of his sun Harry Smith, in London, in his 76th year. The deceased came to Canada 38 years ago -and liver here fora num- ber of years before moving to Lon - cion. Mr. Smith was caretaker of the United Church, Hensall, for a number of year's, and following the death of IVirs. Smith he Look up residence with his sons in London. Surviving are three sons, Harry, Alfred end K, E. Smith, all of London. Funeral services were conducted in London last Thurs- clay at 1,31) p.m. by Rev,. Walter Jones of St. Marlys Anglican Church, Interment in Baird's cemetery, Bruce - field. Report of Overseas Boxes Local and !Tirol citizens are to be commended for the hearty support given to the appeal for donations of money for the Hensall boys who are serving overseas. These boxes, fifty in number, were packed by the Wo mn's Institute, the War Service com- mittee, the Girls' Dance club and kind friends on Wednesday afternon:, Jan. 31st. The fact that a great many folks throughout the village and district gladly gave of their sugar rations made possible the provision of delici- ous home-made candy and divinity fudge, this splendid work being ac- complished 'by the following: Mrs, Thos. Sherritt, Mrs, R. Elgin, Miss Ellis, Ml's.. Norminton, Mr s. J. Mac- Donald and Marguerite, Mrs. Sound- V.o; r�+iri's, THE SEAFORTH NEWS NINMSOMMIIIMMONIMR \�.cr AF w Dro.s tip Each Nostril Quickly Relieve Stuffiness of Catrrh Specialized Medication Works Fast -- Right Where Trouble Is! Soothing relief from stuffy, painful distress of acute catarrh comes fast as Va-tro-nol spreads through the nose, reduces swollen membranes—soothes irritation, relieves congestion, helps flush out cold -clogged nasal V'/1�RS passages. Makes breathing easier— try it! Follow directions in package. VA-TRO'NOL ercock, Mrs, P. McNaughton, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Stephenson, Mrs. Manus, Mrs. J. Paterson, Mrs. E. Shaddick, Mrs. Meidinger and Miss Gladys Luker. Others contributed a tempting assortment of cookies and shortbread, while still others donated necessary supplies such as corn syrup, and but- ter, Besides the candy and cookies each parcel had 'tobaccos, razor blades, gum bars, soups, stationery, cheese, chocolate, tooth brush, tooth paste, peanuts tomato juice Milk, sandwich spread, oxo, face cloth, kleenex. Mr. Geo. rollick donated prayer sheets for each box. Included in the total of fifty were two ladies' Parcels, one for Cpl. Helen Bell, and one for N.S. Lieut. Marion Dougall. All shipping charges were borne by the war service committee. All postal work in connection with these boxes such as addressing, declaring, is most capably managed by Mr. F. G. Bon- thron, postmaster, and his assistant, Miss Margaret Johnston. St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hen - sail, was the scene of a quiet but lovely mid -winter wedding Saturday, February 3rd, at 3 p.m., when Ethel Louise Clark, church organist, and daughter of Air. and Mrs. Louis Clark Sr. of Iiippen, became the bride of Pte. Francis Leith Forrest, of London, son of Mr. and Mrs, George Forrest, Begot, Manitoba. Rev. M. A. limit, rector of Trivia Memorial church, Exeter, and St. Paul's Church, Hensall performed the ceremony. The bride was lovely in a floor -length gown of white rayon chiffon, neckline exquisite with em- broidery and self flowers, long bishop sleeves, and finger-tip veil. She wore a white gold locket with a regimental crest, gift of the groom, and her bri- dal bouquet were pink and white car- nations, and fern. The bride was at- tended by her sister, Mrs. Gordon Wren, of Iiippen, as matron of honor, gowned in a two piece crepe dress in Chinese blue, with matching hat. Mr. Charles Forrest of Hensall, brother of the groom, was best reran: For their wedding trip to Brantford and Toronto, the bride changed to a two- piece wine crepe dress, over which was worn a teal blue Goat with matching hat, and accessories in black. Upon the return from their wedding trip the bride will reside in Hensall, while the groom will return to his station at London. HURON ROAD WEST Happy War Workers The February meeting of the "Hap- py War Workers Club" was ltelcl at ' the home of Mi's, George Glazier on Feb. 1. The meeting opened by sing- ing "Jesus Lover of My Soul" which was followed by the Lor'd's prayer and the Club creed, The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A. letter of thanks for cigar- ettes was read from E,R.A. H. V. Heeley, followed by the treasurer's report. During the afternoon a quilt was quilted, alter which a lovely lunch was served by Group 1, A love- ly "Crazy Work" quilt top was hand- ed in to the club by Mrs, Shep. Dale and Mrs, Toni Smith. We wish to take this opportunity to thank our many members who are unable to attend our meetings for the splendid work they are handing in from time to time. Work handed 01 at the meeting. was as follows: 1 quilt, 1 ladies' dress, 1 child's dress, 4 ins. children's sleepers, 1 pr. child's panties, 1 pr• socks, and several layette articles. Collection amounted to $2,06 and flower fund .31, making a total of $2;37. Owing to bad weather only nine members and four visitors were Pre- sent, The March meeting will be held at tite home 0f Mrs. Albert Glazier Mareb. lst. All members please try to attend. Buried At Seaforth The body of Mrs. Charlotte Tart, St, Marys, formerly of Blanshard •unc McKillop townships, who died in the Stratford' General Hospital on Saturday night, was laid to rest in Maitlandbank cemetery, Seaforth,. following a service held at the S. Ross Marriott Funeral Houle in St T, Laing and were approved, The treasurer's report was also given. The principal item 'of business was' the renewal of a subscription of a monthly publication to the men ,of the congregation who are overseas. A work committee was appointed for • the coining year, The meeting closed With prayer by Mrs. Scott. . Card of Thanks My heartfelt thanks to all my friends for their many kind acts, Lizzie Shannon, Lot 20, Con. 8, Ma- li -Mop, n,11..1, Dublin. Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks to Rev, 180'. Workman, .lir. McMaster and 'Hospital. Staff and friends for their calls and wonderful fruits and cards, while in Scott Memorial Hos- pital. HENRY HOGGARTl:3, Marys. The pallbearers were John FOR SALE O'Rourke, Newton McMurray, Al-_ 400 -egg Miller incubator, hot water frod Paul, Jonathan Kirkby, Eldon heated, in good condition. E. A. Robinson and and Lionel Kemp. The ing, phone 628i'15, Clinton central. flower bearers were Stewart Mar- riott, David Kemp, Robert Ross and Jack Ross. Rev, W. E. Aldworth officiated, BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hannon and Mrs, Keith McGill of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. George Eickmier. Mr. and Mrs, George 'Young of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. George Young. Mrs. W. L. Querengesser and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and Warren spent several days in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diegel and Mr. and Mrs, George Mogk visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Berry in Hamilton Mr. Frank Dantzer is visiting rel- atives in Windsor, Detroit and Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Prueter and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens, Mr, Henry and Les Wietersen attended the funeral of Mrs. Chas. Rode, the former Bar- bara Wietersen) in Kitchener on Monday. Mrs. Lizzie Morenz returned to Kitchener after spending the past month with her nephew, Jack Prueter. Mrs. John G. Hinz and Wilf Ah- rens visited Mrs, Henry Wesenberg near Cranbrook on Sunday who is confined to her bed with a stroke. Mrs. Chas, Ahrens returned home with then after spending the past week with her mother. The members of the Luther Lea- gue enjoyed a sleighing party on Friday evening, Ross Leonhardt sup- plying the team and sleigh. Rev. and Mrs. Schultz supplied lunch at the church and the rest of the evening was spent in a social way, Due to the quick action of neigh- bors a serious fire was averted when the furnace pipes and chimney caught fire on Sunday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John L. Bennewies. Clarence Seifert of the RCNVR of Halifax is visiting his grandfather, Hy, Bieber Sr„ and other relatives. CROMARTY The regular meeting of the W.M. ' S. of the Cromarty Presbyterian' Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton on Thursday afternoon. The president presided and after the call of worship and a hymn, the Scripture lesson was read by the president. The Glad Tidings prayer by Mrs. T. Laing followed, The ' secretary's report and the treasur el"s report were read and adopted. Arrangements were made on the invitation of the W.M.S. of Staffa Unitech Church to observe the World Day of Prayer in Staffa church on Feb. 1G. A paper on "Courage," was read by Mrs. Cliff Miller. Mrs. MacWilliam read a paper on "Hungarian Work in Can- ada," The Lord's prayer followed prayer by the president. Ladies Ai Meets The Ladies Aicl Society held their regular tneeting • with Mrs. T. L. Scott presiding, The meeting opened with a hymn. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. BULL FOR SALE Purebred Shorthorn bull, 2'h yrs. old. Matt Haney, Phone 662r11, Sea- 0orth, FOR SALE A Holstein heifer coming 3 years old, clue to freshen Feb. 14th. Apply to R. D. Bell, Hensall, Phone 92.13. FOR SALE • White Emden gander for sale. Apply at The News, FOR SALE One black Holstein cow, due to freshen March 29th: Wan. Howe, phone 837r3, Seaforth. FOR SALE One dark red Shorthorn bull, 10 months old, eligible for registration. Apply to John Sinclair, phone 6571' 41, Seaforth central. FOR SALE Light sleigh for sale. Apply at Bushie's blacksmith shop, Seaforth. • WANTED - Wanted to purchase a cottage in Seaforth, East side pr'eferr'ed. Apply to J. H. Quigley, Clinton, R.R. 5, FOR SALE An ' electric broader stove, 350 chick size, in good condition, Arnold Keys,' Varna. FOR SALE A number of young pigs. Apply to Mrs. James Murray, R,R.1, Seaforth. Phone 8521'24, FARM FOR SALE i 150 acres, Lot 27, and N. half of lot 26, Con. 4, Tuckersmith, L.R,S. Good buildings,cement silo, never failing water supply. Good state of cultivation. If not sold will be rented. Wm. Fotheringham, Seaforth, R.R.3. Phone 628r11. Fertilizer Grass Seed & Seed Corn Orders for above should be in as soon as possible anti be sure .Of delivery. CO - OP & SHUR-GAIN FFJEDS made daily Western Grain & Chop Peanut oil .Meat Cod Liver Oil Feeding, Molasses Oyster Shell & Llmesheil. Finn's Minerals & Tonics Reduced Iron Rex Wheat Germ Oil Cooper's DRI-KIL Universal! Milking Machines & Parts Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Phone 9 Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. -- Mr. Harold Jackson has been instructed to sellby public auc- tion on lot 20,• con. 8, McKillop, 11/4 miles east of Winthrop (plowed road), on Tuesday, Feb. 13th, the following: The Farm, consisting of 100 acres with 2 -storey brick house and bank barn. This farm is good clay loam, well located and is all in grass. Horses—Team Clyde mares 1500 lbs. Cattle—Red Durham cow, 5: yrs. olcl, bred 6 weeks; roan Durham heifer 2 yrs., to calf in May; red Durham cow, 6 years olcl, supposed to calf in May; older cow dark red, supposed to calf in June; light roan Durham cow 4 years old supposed to calf in June; light roan Durham cow 6 yrs, old, supposed to calf in June; Clark roan Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, due to calf time of sale; red Durham cow 4 years old with calf at foot; light roan Durham cow, 4 yrs. olcl with calf at foot; gray Durham cow 7 yrs, old bred 6 weeks; 5 year olcl light roan Durham bull, herd sire; 18 months old light roan Dur- ham bull;' red Durham 1 year old heifer; red Durham bull calf, three months old; reel Durham heifer calf 3 months old. This is one of the hest herds of Durham cattle in Huron county.. Implements — McCormick -Deer- ing binder,. 6 ft, cut, good as new; New Idea manure spreader, cultiva- tor with grain box, set sloop sleighs, new; International hay loader in No. 1 shape, good 3-4 wagon, hay rack with slide, wagon box 'with stock rack, new; walking plow, fanning mill, 3 -section harrows, dump rake, New idea mower 6 ft. out, fiat sleigh rack, 2 wheelbarrows, set team work harness, set' team collars, odd collars, set single harness new, robe, 30 to. 40 tons choice maxed hay, root pulper, '3 bunches shingles. In case of stormy weather sale will be held under cover. Terms on farm, 10 per cent down, balance M. 30 days. Terms on chat- tels,' cash.' Lizzie Shannon, Prop,; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1945 rmassoniceeirialMAIIMMIMI SATURDAY — CASH 8&'CARRY Carnation Milk, 6 tall tins with coupons Red Rose Tea, per pound Mother Parker's Orange Pekoe Tea, lb, Daly Grange Orange Pekoe Tea, lb. Campbell's Tornato Soup, 3 tins Tea -Sisk, per pkge. 59c 69c 79c 79c 25c 31c Royal Purple Calf Meal, per 100 lb. bag W. J. FINNIGAN 4.00 GAUNTLETS Horsehide $1.20 pair Muleskin 1 -finger gauntlets 65c pair AT JACK'S REPAIR FARMS FOR SALE - South half lot 27, con, 4, Hibbert, all seeded to grass, with never -fail- ing spring creek, good pasture farm. Also Lot 27, west half, 5 eon. Hib- beat, with barn 56x35, straw shed 48x52, drive shed, hen house, root cellar in gang way, frame house and kitchen and summer kitchen, 5 acres fall wheat, 20 acres fall plowed, 3 acres bush, balance seeded, both farms well drained and in high state of cultivation, Apply to Joseph At - icinson, Dublin, NOTICE Malting Barley We are now contracting acre- age for the growing of Barley from next season's crop. Fol' further particulars, contact G. T. MICKLE & SONS Hensall, Ontario Telephone 103 TENDERS FOR WOOD' 7 cords 4 It.' body (green) wood, half beech and half hard maple, of 27 cords 14" wood half' beech and half hard maple. Tender to be in by 101.11 Feb, James Nolan, Sec,-Treas., S. S. No. 1 McKillop & Logan, It.R,1, Dublin. FOR SALE Ten Jerseys for sale. Four cows due in February, three cows, tine in March, the other's in May and June. ranging in age from two to five years. Phone 840-33, Seaforth: Irvin Tre- wstl'tha, NOTICE I Wm. Bradshaw, your Watkins deal- er, and also agent for 17, D. Smith & Son, fruit and ornamental nursery etock, Market street, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 60. Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth ..129:94411=1•111751111.. ad THE PICK OF TOBACCO. It DOES taste good in a pipe FOR SALE 0 -Room house, Main St, Egmoudville. Bathroom, Combination range, Furn- ace, Garage & Barn combined. 7 -Roost house, Railway St. Bath- room, Furnace; 3 wire service. Gar- age. 8 -Room house, Coleman St., Bath- room, Farnm-Ice, hydro, acre land, splendid barn. Also a number of other properties. E, 0. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220 'NOTICE Prank Finnigan, your Rawleigh dealer, on: Louisa St., Seaforth, has a line of products': at the house. Phone saw. McConnell & Hays 1 Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. Mcdonnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday L30 p.m. to 5 ,p -m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. • Officers - President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Vice President, Frank Mo. Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank, McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot. Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; 111. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Me Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McIiercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance'. or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above namedofficers. addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST„ SEAFORTH, ONT. A11 kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, MB., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnosticandthereuptic equipment. Dr. F. 3, R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday In every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office: Phone 5 3 MARTIN W. STAPLETON,B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and. Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford, Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Successorto Holmes S. Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos. pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Sun Life. Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over ��llI1 One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large Stock of' Modern Memorials on display at our Seaforth Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons office will be open -on, TUESDAYS Open by appointment at any other time. See Dr. Harburn, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton Exeter Seaforth` Phone 41 DEAD' AND DISABLED ANIMA LS REMOVED PROMPTLY.. PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry)