HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-02-01, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1945 TIDE SEAFORTH NEWS s,,.. . STO Superior 'lops — 9'or Thu15« 2y, February '1 till Wed, Pen. S Clark's Mushroom Soup, 2 - 10 oz. tins 17c 1lilicrest Shortening, the better kind 1 lb. carton ilo i\Asc.lue3, Lhe new cereal 2 pkgs. 25c NewpolL Fluffs, Tumbler Jaen S qt. bag 220 No. 1 Round Grain Rice, `2 lbs. 21 c Mother Jacksons Jiffy Pie Crust Hillcrest Toilet Tissue 'Van Camp's Pre -Cooked Beans Royal York Coffee Pkg, 25c 3 lge. Rolls 250 3 • 12 oz, pkgs. 150 1 Lb. bag 43c Fancy Quality Tomato Juice 20 2 tins 1 9c 02. TINS Glenwood Diced Beets or Carrit5 Ruby Cauued Peas Stol key's Tomato Sour Choiee Quality Canned Pumpkin 2 - 20 oz. tins 25e 2 - 20 oz, this 25c 3 • 10 oz. tins 25c 25 oz. tin 14c Catelli's Macaroni or Spaghetti 16 OZ. PKG. Oc Grapennts Grapenut Flakes. 0rapenut Flakes Aylmer Plain Queen OIives pkg. 17e small ploy,. 1.Ie large pkg. 150 6 o2. bottle 19c Fry's Pure Breakfast Cocoa Y2 lb. tin 19c I lb. sic Putin .or Iodized Salt 2 Ige- 2 ll. cartons I 1<' hale 1. Pnw i.rs, =1, -sorted T<'1acc;ns- ) pkg.. .:.r pis:. ;Hie 011'sk'mhlina$. ad.c 1lr;i 51a on:.. vour.1100 8110AT or Durham Cornstarch pkg. 10c Raisins, C'srrant.o, Dates, Figs, I vap. Apples, Fresh Vege- tab1es..Fruits, tree, in linlitecl quail] hies CANNED (loons now in good supply. Ask for prices on Case lots Ross J. Sproat Art Wright PHONE 8 PHONE 77 IJependd ole for'Three eryerations ,BORN 0113BIiNGS---To Mi.. and Mrs. Warren Gibbitigs on°Friday, 'Jany. 26tH, a daughter, in Clinton Hospital, OTTLUTZEN—At Scott. Memorial Hos- pital on Jan, 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gulutzen, Walton, a sots, (Harry Mac), NICHOLSON — At Scott; Memorial Hospital, on .Ian. 231h; to Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson, a daughter. ORACLIt--At Scott Memorial Respt- tat. on brit, 290- to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Drager, Seaforth, a daugh- ter. WAKEFIELD—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wakefield are happy to anliounce the birth of their son Robert Charles, at Victoria Hospital, Lon, don, on Friday, January 26th, 1945. 1191 VJ a 151E G1(a16TitN Scravcs MoNrraa t I n s va ns- onwl ,r,w,n: Quint ia,adlelli sor,n, s- You will find yourself one of the best informed persons in your community when you read The Christian Science Monitor regularly. You will find fresh, new viewpoints, fuller, richer understanding of world affairs truthful, accurate,, unbiaacd news. \Vrlte forsample copies today, or send for ane• month trial subscription. •, rars= tam *00 caa .ma rum= ,8.w .,am om= azm nn Ina= en. C.0101 ; �n '•:1 'too Christian Samna Publishing Bedell,5/ 1 enc, Norway &tract, naslon 11, SOos. E n Please nand tree. sample copies of The Pleeso send a ons rnannr Mi0l ua ,,y.. I 1 4J Ohrietlan. Balance Monitor Inoludlng a' ❑ tlo, to The Christian er,enc, Monitor . l .NARfip5 of your Weelrly Magazineflection, for \shish I enclose ...,,o.,.,.. ,..SI ADDRESS !Wow run arm 0.2.),Seletat weet rmam rag. mann mom noon a.m. A '*5 N-IMAL DEAD or DISABLED Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks.Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED 22 TOWN TOPICS cash balance of $407,62, The president extended her thanks to all for the tela given during the year and also to es- the executive for their unity and no - 6, operation which aided greatly in mak- ing the year successful, M1. •Gerald Llolland was then asked to takethe chair. He moved a vote ofthanks and S' appreciation to the officers and , -to those who gave their assistance to r- this worthy cause It was moved by Mrs. William Stapleton and seconded by Mrs, William Curtin that all the officers oC 1944 be returned to office. Several committees and conveners for each were formed. The result of the meeting is as follows: Hon, Pres,. Rev. Dr. J. 13. Ffoulkes, president Mrs. T. G. Butters, vice ares. Mrs. M. Nagle, secretary Mrs, . A, M. Looby, treasurer, Mrs. IH, CCommitCommit- tees and conveners: Icor Logan town- ship, Mr. J. Meagher; MCKillop town- ship,, Mr. Wllliann Flanagan; Hibbert township (west), Mr, Martin Feeney; kitbbert township (east) Me. Fergus l 1,nnin; Dublin 112 (village) r. William Curtin; salvage, Mr. Gerald Holland; Yarn, Mrs. Joseph Oill sewing Mrs, John Meagher, Mrs. Frank .Evans, Mrs. J. Malcolm, Mrs. 2, Morrison, Miss Helen Dantzel', Mrs. William Flanagan Quills, Mrs. T.Butters, Mrs 141. Nagle, Mrs A. M Looby, Mrs C. Malone, Mrs, .1. Carpenter, Mrs, D. McConnell, Mrs William Stapleton, Mrs. William Curtin, Mrs. Geo, Holland, Ml's. C, Evans, Mrs. William Smith, Mrs, Janres Elliott. Auditors, Mrs. Chas. Malorie, Miss Kathleen Stapleton, The meeting closed with the ual10110I antiwin, 1 &Liss Betty Matthews of Kitchen spent the week end with her parent Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matthews. Mrs. Geo. Elliott and son, of Tor, onto, visited her `another, -.Mas. Jeal Sutherland. Pte,` Scott Kerr of Camp Ippe wash Is home on leave owing to i11 Flight Sergt, Keith Dale, recently posted to Mount Hope as a staff pilot, spent the week end 'at the home: of his parents, Mr. and Mi's. Orville Dale. LAC. Richard Box, RCAF., St. Thomas, 'spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. Miss Helen Smith was a week end visitor with friends in London. Sergi. Keith Sharpe, RCAF., St; Thomas, spent the: week end with friends in town. Miss Agnes Hartman, Wallace - burg, was a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hart- man, over the' week end. Mr. David Bolton, Waterloo, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Bolton. Mr. Stephen Manley, London, spent the week end with relatives. Miss Carmel Riley, Galt, was a week end visitor at the home of Mr and Ml's. Joln1 Hothanl, Misses Mary and Helen Devereaux of London visited over the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Devereaux. • Flight Lieut, Aldie Eckert, RCAF., left on Monday for Moncton, N.B., after spending the past month with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. M, Eckert. • Mr. and Ml's. George Lowery, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Case and Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Kling were in Goderieh. ,an Monday attending the Lowery. McEwen wedding. Miss Rona Warren, Strathroy, was a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Devereaux over the week end, Misses Kay Klinkhamnler and Nelcy Desborough, Detroit, were week end guests at the home of Mr, and NIrs. C. P. Sills. Miss Betty Bannon spent the week end with her sister, Miss Loretto Bannon in London. Cecil Adams, . RCNVR„ Halifax, N.S., is spending his furlough with his parents, Mn and Mrs, Fred Adams. Miss Isabel Lowery, Brussels, spent the week end with her par- ents, M•r, and Mrs. George Lowery. Miss Margaret McIver, Reg.N„ has returned to Kitchener after spending the past month's vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver. Miss Edith Roney visited on Sunday at the home of her grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert RoneY of Mitchell, who celebrated their diamond wedding on Saturday. DUBLIN The funeral of Joseph A. lolurra5 was held at St. Colulnban Church Friday moaning at 10.80. Requiem FIigh Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father O'Drowski. A large group of relatives and friends attended the funeral. The pall bearers were, John Louis Malone, Peter Hicknell, Janes Carlin, John Daly, Joseph Ryan 'and ICenneth Stewart, Those attending the funeral from a distance were: Mr, and Mr's. Leo McKay of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McI{ay and Mary of Galt, Mr, and Mrs. Steve MclCay of Galt, W. J. McKay of Schaum- mer, Archie Lamont of Toronto, In- terment took place in St. Columban cemetery. Nliss Catherine Burns has re- turned Home from Detroit rafter visiting her sister Mas, Mary O'Rourke. Gnr,• Norval Parker of London spent theweek end at the home of Mrs. Philip Kenny. Miss Mary McGrath, Reg. N. London, with her parents My, and Mfrs. P. J. McGrath, Miss Marion Meagher of London, with her parents Mm. and Mrs. John Meagher, Mr, and Mrs. Rowe and daughter of Stratford With Mr, and Mrs. Frank Donnelly. Mr. Michael McCarthy is visiting relatives in Detroit. S. A. William Hanley of St. Hya- cinthe, Quebec, is visiting friends in Dublin, Gni'.' Norval Parker has returned to London after his 2C day furlough and has to report at Wolsely Bar- racks on Feb, 1. The third annual meeting_ of the Dublin War Services was held in the t"mllinnnl3on Reboot on Monday even- ing, ,Tan, 29, with 23 members present. 'Phe president Mars. T. G. 13utIers opened the ninelutg, .The 588.,121107 Mrs. A, 11I. Looby gave a rletniled ail - count 03 the yen• and the amount of work accomplished. The treasurer 12r. id. Corman gave the financial statement. The ergo lliza.tion was well supported locally, also by Hibbert and Logan townships and the receipts bl- inded many donations. The total re -1 eipt for the year was $1147.45, and he expenditures 8738,36, leaving a' r DR. FRANK NEAL Continued ,`root Page One the velemunity. He gave ton years of valuable service on the I3oard of Edtt- ealion and 221105 fes two years is its charirman. As a former member of the hiwanis Club he was greatly intm- esied in its 01111d welfare i,trt' and although Or. deal was not: the type who Nroriaiuls his Bryn-vdlenco,. boys 111.1 OAS l O'011i:110111t I its` yr':n'c 11e- cer.a,:i 11;•1,1 front 111111 22212'•11 1'110111mi. i1r•ta to tit tllwm.'ives an ihel 1itev 8.„11111 110 111011 lin11 emen 1' ii 11'11 50.'11 ter se tia,a tt-?•r,i i-, 1' 1111.2 h.^caauc• 1'.11•;,;,.:'. Etre was also ,lei'ply in his church and served 011 1.1:111y offirint hoards. Ho Wil$ a 11..,;: ,1 staunch supporter of his 011111 -ter. In sports 11r. Neal for years never Missed a rugby game that Peterbor- ough Collegiate team played.. and by other ways he was a staunch supporter of the boys. He will be remembered through the tro- phy which he donated to mark the champion team in rugby of the Cen- tral Ontario Secondary Schools As• sociation. His life's work was in Peterbor• ough and although his passing will cause many heart throbs and sad- ness, he will go down in the history of Peterboro as a Great Physician and Friend of 'Man. KIPPEN The W.M.S. meeting was held at the hone of Mrs, Allan Johnston and was opened by the singing of the national anthem, After the worship period conducted by Mas. W. W. Cooperethe minutes of the previous meeting were react and adopted. The business period included arranging the meetings for the raining year in the homes offered hy the member's 31 ems of interest were read hy Mao Alexander and Mrs, Johnstone. Then 1 the fourth chapter of the study book entitled West of the Date Line was summarized and given by Mrs. Alex McMurtl'ie. -A duct by lobs, E. Butt and Ml's. John Anderson . followed, and after the_ conclusion of the meet ing tea and sandwiches were served by Circle 1. Mrs. Harold Jones is home from hospital and feeling more fit again. The church service on Sunday first will be conducted by the minis- ter who will preach on the Church- man who was the Victim of Circum- stances, the third in the series on Four New Testament Churchmen, Mr, John C. Doig of Washington spent a week visiting recently with his mother and sister and other friends around the village, Mr's, Wm, Kyle spent the week end with friends in Detroit, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Br'oadfoot en- tertained a large number of their intimate friends to a social evening recently which was very muds en- joyed by all present. Mt'. and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth have returned hone after spending the past two months visiting with friends in Western Canada. HULLETT ' On Monday evening the farm for- um croup on the 8011 and Sth met at Olin, itonle of . NIrs. Selena' Riley and Mr. and Ml's, Alex. Riley with an attendance of twenty adults and two children, .After the discussion period led by Mr. "Wm. Jewitt, contests and games were enjoyed. The hostesses served et dainty lunch, 011 Sunday iolr, and Mrs. Watson Reid of Blyth, Mr, Win, Lee of Lon- desboro and L.Cpl. Glen .Carter of Chatham visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Carter: Mr. and Mat, Elmer Hugill a-nd sons and Miss Isabel Riley of Clin- ton spent Sunday at the . home of Mrs. Selena Riley. The Farm forum of S.S. 1, :H111lei:t, 71151 041 Mandan Ian 20th, at the home of Mfr. and Ml's. Fred Pepper.: Bert Irwin' gale a talk o11 the pro-' ceedings at the annual convention of the provincial Federation of Agricul- ture held in the Ring Edward, Hotel, „11,11,,,,+,,,,,,,,,,111,,1,,,+,+,,,,,1111,,,,,,.1111 ,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „ ,„,,,,,,,,,,,,n„ ,,,,,,,, „ „ ,„ ,,, ,,,,,„ ,,,,,n,,,,,,,,,,, Scott's Dual - Purpose SHORTHORNS Fully Accredited OUR AIM 25 to produce cattle possessing true Dual 1 g Purpose Characteristics that will maintain milk and butter- fat production in. the highest producing herds. Our entire herd is on R. 0. P, Test. SAXON MAID was leading Canadian mature cow for December with production of 9266 lbs milk, --- 386 lbs fat. PRESENT OFFERING — Eight young bulls of herd heading type and quality. SCOTT Phone 851 - 32 Seaforth, Ont. unuucu1, u,uunnuu, lllllllln,null,l 1111.11.1111,11111111,11111111111111111111101 llllllll 111118 lnn I1111unuuunuunuuuuuuu, SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL Annan -1 Cam nieneeirsient Friday, February 2nd, 1945 --- 8 p.m. SC'HOOL AUDITORIILMI GUEST SPEAKER — DR. W. SHERWOOD FOX President of the University of Western Ontario Musical Numbers — A Play -- Presentation of Awards Cwh:NE11:11, ADMISSION' - 32 C leNTS DR. ..;". J. 1EC YEL it \\Vi,=1ri's to announce that he will c•clntinuto klre 11000111.11 i11' Dentistry after February ist..at itis new Office Eitst of the Seaforth Coiner of West Milian). & Goderich Sts. Phones: Office 135. Res, 184 Toronto, on Dec. Gth and 7111. Mrs. Pepper served a delicious lunch and a social ]lour followed, The next meet- ing will be held at the ]tone of Mr, and Mrs. Noble Holland. BRUCEFiELD Miss Margaret Aikenitead of Lon- don spent a few days the first of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mt's. Fh Aikeuhead. Word was received of the death of Mrs. aim McNeil (nee Grace Murdoch) at her honul'in St. Thomas 011 Friday, Jan, 2litlr. 11r. and 'Mrs, H. Berry, Mr. and Mrs, W. \t' heath and Miss .Juni Murdoch were to St. - Thomas on Sttilday. 'Mrs, Murray Atkinson of Hamil- ton visited at the manse ever the week enol. Mr, Kenneth Scott left for Lon- don last Thursday where he will be in training, The Red C1oas will hold their meeting Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. Cornish, VALENTINE D -A -N -c -E f MONDAY, FEB. 12 ,•IN. THE ARMORIES MURDOCII''S ORCHESTRA Auspices of Seaforth Women's Institute Admission 50c. Draw 101' the Dutch Girl Quilt. Proceeds i'or Overseas Smokes, TUCKERSMITH I'lte Tuelcer'sinith Ladies' Club will meet next 'Wednesday, . February 7th, at the home of Mrs, Austin Matheson. For the holt cah mmer nd to bring, lies -ll babyeacpicteurbe oris earli- ask• est photo and there will be a contest to guess "who's who."' Menrberahlp fees 10 be paid at this meeting, ri — AT SEAFORTH 8.15 P. M. CLINTON ' vs. SEAFORTH Seaforth Hockey Fans! Your support of this team has 'been ,wonderful, RESP IT UP, and they'll win the group for YOU. Adults 35c. Children 15c Seaforth Athletic Association Thet tfor Figure Skating I -- Also SPEED SKATIA — CASH PRIZES — PALACE RINK — SEAFORTH Mk e s\,1 fra, ff Moccasin Dance1 t® 1.311. p.m. Refreshment Booths—Hot Coffee, Hot bogs ADULTS 35c --- CHILDREN 15c SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE (Watch for 311011151' announcements)