HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-02-01, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
The Secretary, Mrs. Nelson Reid Tyndall 3, Lorne Finlayson 2,
also. gave a resume of the Associa- EGMONDVILLE - Ruh Vincen
tion's activities during the year, the 3, Mrs, Lillico 7.
mein items being the redecoratng BLYTH-Ernest Toll 6,
of the church and the sending of DUBLIN -Thos, Butters 4, .Kath-
Walton Red Cross " boxes to the boys and girls from the leen Stapleton, 111
The January' meeting of the Wal church who are in the armed forces. St. CO'Ll'MBAN- Jack Mclvor
ton Red Cross was held on 23rd in The report of the young people's o'
the community hall, The following Union was givenby, Mrs. D. Lawless: Mitchell -Harold Stroskoff 7.
annual reports were given by the Much credit was given to the young London -Norma Cook 3.
conveners. Hospital supplies (Mrs. people fox their con ribntion' of
A. Reid), dressing gowns- 11, bed . Staff in charge ,of clinic :Doctors
jackets 19, pyjamas 42, abdominal 3200.00 toward the redecorating F. J. Burrows, J, Gorwill and De'. E.
bandages 15, h.w.b, covers 21, hand- fund and 3100.00 toward the put- A. McMaster. kerchiefs 106, babies': nighties 8, chasing of Choir gowns. Shirley Nurses: Mrs. E. Bell,Mas. J. Me-
, 10, pillow cases 14, ladies' Bennett gave the report of the
nighties 19, bed socks 41, doctor': Millan, Mrs, F. Bragger, Airs Dong -
boots 20, senitary pads 30, personal Gleaner \Mission' Baud which iitdicat las, Miss M. Dunn, Mrs. Slattery,
urnnerty bags 35, diapers 25. Quilt ' ed that the Band had been active Mrs- H. Jackson, Miss Jamieson,
report (Mrs. Humphries), tops made during the yeah•. Mrs. F. 'Wilson gave
25, tops donated 4. quilts donated the report of the W.M.S. which Mrs, d. Thompson, Mas. Rowland,
for bombed civilians 1, quilts quilted showed that the Society had a very Mrs. B, Shaw, Mts. A. A. Moore,
95, quilts came in ready for Sea- successful year, having exceeded its Airs. F. Wing,1V1i's D. 'Wilson, Mrs,
forth 24, total quilts for Seaforth 59, 'allocation of 3400.00 by over $5U, B Sylces.
Value 3114.50. Quilts donated to The secretary, Mrs. Robt. .1McMich-
make money 9. British Civilian mel. outlined the work clone during Assistants: Miss Mary Hays, Mac.
clothing report (Mrs; Fingland) the year which included many worth B, Milliken,
Baby's 8, boys Boats 17, boys con- While activities. The choir report, Refreshment Committee :Mrs. F. J.
biliatious 40, girls' combinations 12, given by Mrs. Harvey Brown, show- Becheley 141rs; H. R. Scott, Mrs. W.
rompers 24. diapers 25, ladies' ed that choir gowns had been bought
bloomers 21. ladies nighties 95. lad- during the year, The Missionary and Hay, Miss • J. McLean Mas, J, Bar -
res dresses 7 Tidies coats o TCnitt- Maintenance report was given show- von, Mr's. J. A. Munn. Mrs, J. W.
Mg repo `
rt (Mrs H'tzlewood) 9 pr inn' almost 3100,00 increase, over Free,
n's service cocks, last rear, Rev. Hazlewood gave the
seamesock . l' pr
1 lir_ Secretary: lira. G. Troutbeek.
8 pis. gloves. 12 sweaters, 17 alter- Session Repotote showing a me Assistants Mrs. F Wrgg, Mrs. E.
native sweaters, 17 alternative caps, bership of 277.A vote of thanks was
1 aero cap; 12
M- aste,
and Mac, Hazlewood C. Beseech) Mrs. E. D.
ribbed helmets. 5 moved to M.
scarves 9 girls' sweaters, 10 toe for their work during the year. Sev- Receptionists Mas, E. H. Close.
raps. .. ,
Treasurer's report (Mrs eral items of business were complet Mrs, J. McTavish, Mrs. J. Beattie.
Coutts), Receipts 194:1: Collections ed, one being the election of Mr, 'W.
SS8.36; danat•nniis 5197 78, sale of J. Bennett to the Board of Stewards
by' next Chrismas this horrible job
will be finished Tpr. A. A. IERR.
Dear Friends: your wel-
come .package Dec. 5th and was
very glad to be sentembeaed at this
time of :year, as it makes it seen)
more like the Christmas season when
packages from hone start arriving.
So far I have been unable to meet
up with any of the boys from home,
but don't expect I Will see any of
them as I am too falx away from
where' they ate, and where they are
is "off limits" to Americans, Winter'
weather is starting to settle in here
now and I am glad of that, as the
frost .will do away with our mud
problems. T will close for now, and
in closing I wish to thank you very
much for remembering hie with
your package. KION BETTLES
Dear Ladies: I received your
lovely parcel yesterday and I must
say,it WAS really quite a treat. I
really can't find words to express
sincere thanks and appreciation,
and also being thought of so often.
I wish. to thank yon very much and I
hope I can make it up some day,
I Dear Mrs. Little: This, I'm afraid,
is going. to be rather shoat. I wish
to express my thanks for the lovely
quilts 5109.80. baking sales and thus filling the place left vacant b) Christmas parcel which I so thank
clzean letters from over -
F f
. \ic a let e
'♦I •. Robt r following win
removal of a The of o g
the e
•in -Project t
1 t
1 P11
lUltch e
0 11
84o q0 from the 1'iomty. During the meet- seas have been received by Mrs.
$96.40 euchre and dance .e,
bal, on betel ,Tan. 1, 1944 914.70 To- in_ number's were given by members Percy Little, convener of the Win
tel. $S9. 9 F.'nencliture.: Seaforth of the various organizations, they in-
Prri f Vo S R52.5.12: accounts paid ''luded a reading by Mrs. W. C. Ben- throp Community Box Committee:
328.90. cash on henrl 850.8.8, Total nett, a solo by Mrs, D. Lawless ac- Dear 'Mrs, Little- I received the
5589.59, eompanied by )Mrs, H, Brown, a duet Christmas parcel which you and the
}n h's, Nelson Reid and ,Mrs. oy the community sent the this evening.
The annual vestry meeting of St.=..,ukve?l aceonnnanied by Mrs. Roy y `
George's Anglican Church was held Bennett. and a trio by Shirley Ben- You will have to excuse my scrib-
on Friday. Jan. 26th in the church at nett. l,iu'ie Bennett and Helen John blimp as my right hand is tied down
8 p.m, The vector, Rev M. F, Old- ;ton " t the close the ladies served or 1 mean bandage up. I got 'it
)lam presided and opened the meet- delicious lunch.
ig With I :1 l';11 122 and prayer. The _. burned. I am in 1.5 C. G, Hospital.
pl1nra es of last year', meeting were BLOOD DONORS CLINIC I ani able to be up and around
read and ria, d. Th rector. Rev. though, How are you 'all? 1 also re-
al, F O'at - e, gave his o r prt: Past-
or:) calls n- t aunbla of fan- Ir sidle of tore y sty x -zero , e Bed a p iris 1 a 1r creel from Aunt
'1'.- ten; r, ),17,r)),.11 t-1 rain "d blocked roach 1 ;02 lith Dale y c '.Biel y, My mail is
I. hd..1 ?e total rum dor n oe e ror'th and community ,t. itin : to get to int now. We had a
,:,• , ,t,; , ; ..1,-e1. ,P,•- to pal . 1 ae t r Pin otoenth clinic. ni . Clu'isnitns dinner here. Thanks a
Ste,:e : f :,u- donors s cable 11 cit, tante Int fot• Ilia parcel; It was hanged
I a1 r re:• o un•
Avow). ?.c azr,.el attendant, � t -e-ry:res 15, w Ludt turn rues, while another
rrc, 111 Tutt
l f S d t le. i,y cutter, another ;Ire) nd a bit lett not bad. I get the
best of care here so do all the boys.
PIN!, t'elebrarto0 of Hob Connmun- vete,- three miles on horseback and 1 have received only one letter from
ion 13, largest number of communi-
cants in one day 21. Font Roll 5.
Sery •e was held on Holy Thurs., a,
Corporate Communion for Women's
Guild and W.A. Mr. Harry Bolger
presented the financial report. This
was very gratifying, The Rector's
stipend was paid in full, the Synod
assessment and $47 on Missionary
budget. appeal
in full. The report shows a balance
on hand to start the New Year, Mrs.
Wm; Humphries gave the report of
the S.S. Number on roll 13, aver-
age attendance 11, lent offering,
$2,03, spent on S.S. papers and sup-
plies 38.51; Mother's Day offering
52c, Children's Day offering 500;
Huron College Bursary 25e: cash on
hand 33.71. The Women's Guild re-
port given by Mrs. Wm. Humphries
in the absence through illness of the
treasurer, Mrs. Bert Anderson, show-
ed excellent progress by this organ-
ization. 3107.83 was given by the
Guild to the churcli treasurer, A
snlettdid l,al a ,', is on hand to start
the year's work. The annual bazaar
in November brought in 9183,80.
41, c tr n e have been held each month.
111'. Ha; "y T7oluc-r ,ave the• report
of ;sae. W.A Tui,-rc'amization has
suet each Monti). ,ul,l taet. and fulfill-
ed all obi va ' r -. with r a balance of
»):).7!) on hand. Al hearty vote of
thanks was extend.d to Rev. M. F.
and Mrs. Oldham. lira. M. R. Old-
ham and to all the church officials
and officers and members of the or-
ganizations. The following officers
were appointed for 1945: Rector's
warden, Mr. Harry Bolger: People's
warden, Mr. Bert Anderson; vestry
clerk. Mrs, Bert Anderson; lay dele-
gate to Synod, Mr. Harry Bolger;
substitute lay delegate, Mr. Harold
Bolger; auditors, Mr, Wm. Humph-
ries, Mr. George Pollard; Board of
Management, The Wardens, Mr. Win
Humphries, Mr. 'Harold Bolger; Mr,
George Pollard, Mrs, Wm. Humph-
ries, Mrs. Bert Anderson, Mrs. Nor-
man Sanderson; organist, Miss Em-
ma Sanderson: caretaker, Mrs. Nor -
Man Sanderson. The Rector closed
the meeting with the benediction,
Mrs. Edgar Hollinger and son,
Charles, of Hamilton, spent the past
week at the home of her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Pollard. , Wilson 14, Mrs. C. Sutherland, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Travis of E. Stevens, Alice Reid 7, Elsie Mur -
London visited lately at the homes
8f Mr, and Mrs. Harold Seller's and
Mrs. A. E. Travis,
Mrs. Russell Sundercock has been
'visiting relatives near Blyth.
Word has been received by rela-
tives here that Waiter Bewley has
arrived safely overseas,
The Annual Meeting of Duff's
'United Church, Walton, was held
on Monday afternoon, Jan, 22.
There was a good attendance and
the reports from the various organ-
izations were very gratifying. The
meeting opened with a worship ser-
vi%,e eondtneted by the minister Mrs,
F'cd Wilson was appointed secretary
for the meeting and the minutes cof h1PPI?NJo:s McLellan 8, Em
the._,re•, lou . year's meeting were ,tr.r,er Kyle R, Roht. McLachlan fi,
'read. The report of the Committee \° ilnlvi' pee. dfoot 3, Mrs. Tohn
Of Stewards was given by Mr. John woods 1,
Leeming showing bills paid and a WAI TON -Gordon McGavin 7,
substantial balance on hand. The *van Shannon 5, Ruth «McLure 7,
Sunday School report given by Mrs, STAFFA-Frank Stagg 4, Henry
Wesley Hackwell showed a good Harburn 8, Cromarty, Thos, Laing
attendance for the year, one pupil, ' , Ernest Allen' 5, Hazel Hamilton.
Mac Sholdice having attended -45 . .HENSALL---Mrs, Geo, Hess 4,
Sundays out of a possible 50. Mrs. Geo, Hess 7, Mrs, T. S'he itt 6,
John McDonald gave the report of LON'DESBORO - Wm, Dolmage
the W.A. in the absence of the 9, Roy Dolmage 8,
treasurer, Mrs. Walter Davidson. BRUCEFIELD - Mrs. Margaret
one of our ladies walked a mile and
a quarter and then five miles by
sleigh, On quoting Mrs. Cooper,
Nurse Technician in charge, "If
some of our town folic could see the
enthusiasm shown by our rural resi-
dents, and also the keen interest of
soldiers, ers for example at Camp
den, two weeks ago 709 gave their
blood and then went back on man-
oeuvres, (this was the largest clinic
held in one day in Canada -Mrs.
Cooper in charge) our .civilians
would put up a. better effort to
attend our clinics -as the saying
goes if you can't fill his shoes fill.
Inc veins." More blood donors need-
ed for our next clinic.
We had as our distinguished
guest, Mr. Russel T. Kelly, chairman
of the Ontario Blood Donor Ser-
vice, who has been visiting clinics
in this district,
Eight ..urn received their gold
buttons signifying ten donations:
".0 orle:.. Christie, Ross S!avange,
Warden Haney, 11.1:. Cath, Ernest
':' 1pch ise. Walton. Hiram Blanch-
ard, )Calton, Gordon Blanchard,
Walton, Arnold Lamont, R.R; C4t11
'Mother since I've been here, so` I
haven't much news as to how the
rest of the folks are. I hear you are
having a real old time winter back
home, Well I guess I'll sign off for
this time. Thanks again. JOHN
Dear Mrs Little -It is rather
hard to express in writing the
pleasure and excitement one gets
when receiving and opening Christ-
mas parcels. Nevertheless I must
try as I enjoyed your parcel very
much. Will you kindly convey my
sincere thanks to the box committee
and I trust that 1945 will be a sue.
cessful one for yott and that the
ladies of the organization may -con-
tinue their good work. ,ACK HAB-
KIRA,_ Lieut„ Camp Borden.
t Dear Ladies ---I should like to
take this opportunity of thanking
you all for your remembrance of me
at Christmas, T ant sure that if every
recipient appreciates your efforts
as much as I do you'll be well satis-
fied and will continue with your
good work. JOE PATTON, Ottawa.
ruin Edwin Chesney, 12,15, Cath, Dear Mrs. Little: Received the
Others donors with number inch-Dear
yesterday anid sure was glad
cutin;: number of donations are: to get it. We are out for a few days'
SEAFORTH - Marjory Golding
6 D. L. Reid 8, Allan Reid 3, Reg,
Kerslake 9, Frank Smale 4, Gordon
Muir 3, Lillian Southgate 7, Mrs- W.
Hart 6, Jas. A. Stewart 8, Arthur
Golding 6, Helmer Snell '7, T. Al-
brecht 9, Wn. Campbell, Leonard
Bolton 2, Betty Barman 3, Jos.
Rowland, Ralph McFadden 9, Jean
Wright 3, Mrs. 0. Hildebrand 5,
Chas. Reeves 2, Clarence Reith 9, ' out for four or five rests since D -
Mrs, Lena ICelly 7, Shirley Oldfield, Day Some of the boys are playing
Isabel Anderson 5, Dr. J. A: Munn,'1 cards and some are writing, and
Archie Hubert 6, Geo. Johnson 11,' others are sleeping or gone for a
Mrs. F. Smale 3, Alfred Price, D. H. 1 walk, They have started leaves to
-Brussels; it will be a while before I
get mine. They are taking them in
alphabetical order, so I )nave a
while to wait yet. I have been to a
few places in Belgium for the after-
noon, but that isn't very long to
look around. A fellow needs about
two weeks if he had the money,
Thanks for the parcel; the shaving
cream cones. in bandy. I got a box
of chocolate a while ago. I sent the
card that was in them: I don't know
if you got 1tor not, 1` guess SV0
won't know nnyhody when we get
back. everybody hAs changed so
much. 'Helen sent' me a snap of the
kids a while ego and -I hardly knew
511010. Well, I'iI say so long for
this time and hope all are O.K. and
right in the pink, Thanks again for
the parcel. I've only Seen one fellow
from Seaforth snce I came over
here, young Coutts that lived on the
Broome place. ART McOLIIR•E.
Dear Ladies of Winthrop' Qon-
munity Box Committee: I received
your parcel today and I wish to
thank you all very much. It was a
swell parcel with so many .useful
articles -things that are impossible
for us to get over here. 1 hope that
fully received e v ed a few days ago. o,Will
y00 please pats on my thanks to the
rest of the people responsible. I had
just returned from eight days' leave
in which I went to London and saw
all the sights, and I found your par-
cel waiting for use when.I returned.
I assure you it was thoroughly en-
joyed and I thank you again, both
for myself and a few friends with
whom I shared the contents.
Deur Mrs, Little: I received the
t.thal that was sent to axe by the iM310-41°)°93t1W'4 rist aseMTti� 1
1' inti rep Over -Cas Committee and I M
wish to tinutk you all for such a fine
parcel. Everything was in as goofs a
shape as when packed. We are now
stationed in Holland, but have been
doing very little for the past month
as it is so wet, We have plenty of
entertainment -shows every night.
We also have trucks to take us to
town, but there is very little there-
a few dances. It rains here almost
every day, but don't mind it so bad
weare rusher a roof(in a ba •rn)
It is a lot better than under canvas
though. Well I11 have to close,
thanking you again for the parcel.
Winthrop Box Community Com-
mittee and Members of the Com-
inittee: I was very pleased to re-
ceive a parcel from you tonight.
This is the first parcel I have had
since I came overseas. Both my
mother and wife have been sending
parcels, but yours is 'the first re-
ceived, I have been overseas about
three months now and have been
looking forward to getting parcels
for some time. Your parcel was
sent to my address in England. I
have been in Europe proper for
about twa months. I have seen quite py
a lot of Europe since I came over.
NO\1' S1-IO11(1NG -- TWO loltlRTlilirIS
Alan MaiShal - Laraine llny
"Bride By Mistake"
A Smart Roma11(1c Comedy
Gloria Jean Don'aald O'Connor
"When Johnny Comes Marching Home"
Sydney Greenstreet Zachary Scott
"The Mask Of Dimitrios"
A fine melodrama with vividness & a sense of mystery
Next Thur, Fri. Sat. Two Features
"Heavenly Days"
"The Bridge of San Luis Rey"
FORTFOLO Wirth parity
eadt. ids
Quick relief from the sneezy, stuffy distress
of head colds is what you want. So try
Va-tro-nol-a few drops up each nostril -
to soothe irritation, reduce congestion.
You'll welcome the relief that comes)
Va-tro-nol also helps prevent many colds
from developing if used in time. Try its
Follow directions in folder,
ec uty
Close Drops
M/13rks Fast
sign where
fim (, m - i
rest just now.They have 'a Y.M.C.A. '
right near, so we haven't got very
far to go to the shows. We are in '
Holland at the present time, so
there is lots of bog land and water..
There isn't very much to write
about -just the same thing every
day, There isn't much doing these
days, only cleaning up and getting
ready to go again. We have been
ray, Jean Smale, Mrs. Homer Hunt
R.R. SEAFORTH-Douglas Love,
Mrs. D. Nixon 7, Harold Jackson 5,
Francis O'Reilly 2, Andrew Crozier
7, Mrs. Jos. Grumnett 7; Miss Jean
Scott 3, A, A. Moore 5, Harold Rice
9. Mrs. Paul Doig 0, J. Bell 3,
Oliver Dolmage 2, David McLean 8,
Stewart Dolmage 7, John Oldfield,
Dale Nixr,n 9, Vincent Lane 9, Wil
rye,' McQuaid, Frank Reynolds 4,
Ton: Kale 7, Mrs. McT,ean 7, Mrs.
Jaas, T. S: act 9, Evelyn McMichael
Ivy Henderson 7, Jack Drover,
Bruce McLean 7, Jos. A. Lane 2.
Continued ea Page 8
The Most Thrilling Carrie In Years
M N.
7 F
8.15 P.M.
•- VS.
From Clinton Radio School And Seaforth
(One OF The Best Teams To Ever Wear A Seaforth Uniform)
Adults 35c Children 15c
Attention! Canadian Women
If you are a British Subject, between the ages of 18 and 45 and have no
dependent children, you are urgently needed in the
For information, write to:
379 Richmond Street
- w
111111111111wnnnuunuunu"u„umn", ,,,""uu uunuu""n,ow"naw""n,uur,unuunw"u""u,,,un,11uunwuu nu,nn,uuuuuuuuww"unn"nnu,omu,uuu,„run n,
If, like the Rich Mann spoken of in: the Bible
(Luke, ('hop. 18), you die and are buried. and in
Hell yon lift up your eyes, being in torreen(0.
For ':Th,:, LO131) is not :111101( concerning His
promise; " but is long' suffering toward n•. not
will that any should perish, hitt 1:1101. all 01)0,0(4
come to repentance." 11 Peter 2:9
"For 10I) ser lured the world that He (,ave His.
only begotten SON, that whosoever belie ,,elh 111
Iiinr should mat perish, but have everlasting life,"
John 3:18
For "CHRIST JESUS came into the world to
save sinners." 1 Tim. 1:15
You Cannot Say You Are Not A Shiner:
Pop 001) says "As by one man sin entered into
irr e
the work, and death by Sill; such an death passed
upon all nuea, for that all have sinned;'
1'Oi. CANNOT SAY "1 ani doing the best
m• 1 have done nothing worthy of Ilell.":
For O00 sups All otn righloonsnoys. are .as
rag::." Isaiah 114:8
`'u] by wo 1 , of Halal e14110na 1 which we Have
(111110 1,1x1 av•-anallue 10 His merry Ile:saved us,"
- Titus 355
You Cannot Say There le Plenty of Time to
;lett 'chis. Matter:
u. ;1011 says "Behold. NOW is the accepted,
time: 1). bold :NOW is the day o1' salvation,
11 (tori 11:2
You Cannot Say You Have Not Been Warned:
Far Iles silent messenger conlalhninig God's
\ford is your warning anal it may be your last.
Search. Scripture and see If these things are (10..
TTJNE IN: Pilgrims Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday Evening
01d - faihioued Revival ')lour - rebroadcasts on marry stations at various hours
Chas. E. Fuller, P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53, California
lllllllllll 1 lllll 1 llllll II ll 1111 ll 1 lllllnnuuuun, /II/11111//111111111 llllllll11,11 llllll lllllll lllln,au, en lll lllllll l ,panni llll I lll Munn! ,,,,,,u,nnp,minns nuu"unnann.