HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-02-01, Page 2The Jade God By , MARY IMLAY TAYLOR CHAPTER VII Mark. a .wiithis heed on foe1.ack of. his chair, iia to . strike hi for Heknew- that he had never in his ife been ncatne reerdeehen ::at an, ute h hard:red 'sin; he het! 'neer. ce. the ezire car: - ca, area: ci et. te Fere. .. FeSeiele. was title ne -less .._ _f siltnse and Fos- :tekine. af .7.:e.lielns dry Byrne:. _e:. _. vc tee, tall -it ...._'1 little that ens -..:.king 'melte ,heat. ... .. .:cis:— .i'$ rne I See termed tot. ?' ..c a n Relieve Neuritis... Neuralgia Pain esassommorammoor Aspirin Eases Pain Almost linmecliately Wby Aspirin works so for Instantly I Yes; the moment you drop an Aspitin Tablet in a glass ofwater itbg stodes-: let , nate, And that s e qutc action takes place in your sh-e errs Thus, you get relief aimoet is staztly, Aspirin has 'moved itself through ' seal alone to be anti, e:;ect'sve; at,owz all;dependable. 'that's why Canadians have come to rely ma this fantora p Regie rcc relief from pain due to hearinehe, ,ettralgaie once t. -ids. petted S So pr a K- r from needless may. Jus; get a box of gc u os Aspirin at yoer &tintzt's today and totowt �p#e directions. eklir REDUCED PRICES ?ock.t SI. scoasy aeafis of 24. rcu14e Fr er,o?ioo ..} env 74c ASPIR N The Bayer noes ea lath tabl•1 , raw quartette that it's Aspfria_ ed :o leave her alone with his enc - ray; le: ^o;diek do his worst! • * He :eft them standing by the ta- hie the girl trying to make talk, Mainly agitated; the old man's :III. bra:k-clad back.:still squarely ;:n the retreating Offender. -^ra:tg Mark though: vio- t:r; is like giving up — but ice oat: have his c^.._h,:e. Site's got to r knew; : ve beer: teak:' His :sheer+ d d no: blind him te ewe rrocelte. + :h eh:. et.. . a eche a w• hite ' =t• tat ie.- .. Mark. wer.dering ::e feme.d. dere: it was a thine to del - ..e it in sir.:re -east ,t R It 1.1.4ek - revolv- ing the. vestilnele and. ^•lade way tanned the :vel as - L .�haele e .till mered hie Slag P:- nas c.^ .-tet a e et ease, he ote:d see. .. a :kering ed • site up. she sniiled. tr. Ler :yes. .. ..c .ax.. asst :• Mark w..inta .- tap r'G 3r he te bet .. :verly, ensHe tlle rnsita like an nree:3:- ._izrdred -g 'slack's hiked the _ru ..0 ` . :e ar to^• o -•e file : etheuelet ;,te TAF: he eauld see:. a -In.-zee in pts.-. :He de_.: ped user. .. ... - .win- `vded but they _re a re taz:-.d.er all that • She leeked. rap atthan :ser eyes g e sexed. She .. _ her Feedi_k lei. :eau?' They i eked at .each other. Bit- terness at d shame and band rage at the cid lawyer seemed suddenly swept clean away; Mark only knew that he.. toyed Panel "Of canesyou $aw that aome- thEng was—,gong?" She gave hen a sweet, frank look, pitting mat her hand. 'I thought ss he sa—:aura'.•' she cried warm- •- laic :efd her hand close a Moment anti kept. it to help her into the teat. He ct •:d not tel: her there- in the -e ._.oiled at hila front the cay- e:mons depths of the checkered black end yellow ow m..o a er "You're caning ea see, me? Let me see— Inn home tomorrow thereon:. five CLEVER WIVES serve Maxwell House Coffee This choice blend is bong -lit by more people than any other brand of. coffee in the world. The All Purpose Grind suits all types of coffee maker. • 0:r1 + EAT LOOK e.oi %P(E'L BETTER! $ t]v1TAMIN B -COMPLEX 1 TABLETS Sal, ;Sr AL1 DR1/6 STORES ISSUE 5-1943 Spring is just around the corner --make your little '"chickadee" an outfit she'll be proud of: Pattern 4692, pert little frock, jaunty cape. Pattern 4892 comes in chiiden's sizes 2. 4, 6, 5, 19. Size 6, dress, takes ins yards 35 -inch fabric and cape. is yards ee-mills fabric. Sens. e:sty rent_ a29c1 in coins stan: s c::r.not be accepted+ for this patter:: to Roont 421. M Ade- laide S . lire; Ter Print plainly size. . , alhirene, style num!ter. How Can 1? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. Iiciw can i soiten hard wa- ,ter? A. Hard water can be softened with washing soda. Borax is also good. Q. How can. I loosen stubborn windows': A. \Vhen the weather strippiug causes a window so stick, making it difficu:t. to openor close, dip a cloth in hot parafin and rub it along she stripping. it works like magic.• Q. Hciv can I make a remedy for sore throat:. A. Gargle with a warns solution of salt water. Or dissolve. cne tea- pc-nesiul boar of - sulphur in hot milli and sip slowly. O. How can I e:ea ..:Mare' A. Kerosene is art excellent cleaner for tinwaeo. I: :ea vee a brilliant palish. O. How can I remove searched spots from clot: -ting? A. Onion juke will often remove scorched spots from garments, if applied immediately . Q. How can I get chickens, or other fowl, perfectly clean when dressing them? A. Rub them thoroughly with baking soda and then wash off with lukewarm water, The flawaiimt Igands, were built up by voloa...i action t..., a point.. about .i.een fee: below :he level of the sea, • THE BRIDE WORE COTTON Here comes the bride — dressed in 'eyelet -embroidered cor:on with organdy .sleeves which proves once again that cotton isn't used soieiy for frocks and aprons to wear about the house. Alfandri of Montreal designed this number. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON JESUS' CONCERN FOR ALL February Matthew 9:1, 9-15, 13-28 Golden Text. — The- -e a:1 things whateteereerye wonleit::atmen shoold do to you, Ls ye even so to esu, for this in the caw and the prophets. ---M bell The. meet 5e roacntr.t cen- Lone's e consists ci one en - me cr.:y"He e t abate: ch -:ng good and ?eating Previous :o our we find the people prayed that:tees i -.solddepartof their Leiden. Jesus doze r.:z rentein w e.. a he is not warted, and he en- tered into a _::asp and carve te his own ciey. ,f ptssed li ettn wl:o rias. busy i; to employ of the R3:nao w r a cosecng taxes. Only two w_vc were p3ken "ice,:ow trite -and cat hesitation Matt- hew eft all mo follow Jesus. Let us notbea w f ilea with earta;r per, is to hear the ma Take up thy cross and follow me Luke tells us Matthews made him a gree _s; in his house-. Matthew celehrezed this memorable occasion by inviting all his .friends to come and get acquainted with the Lord Jesus Is it not a challenge to us. to tel friends of the Saviour? The Pharisees who were con - sternly watching Jesus asked his disciples why their Master should eat with sinners. Foe anyone to t,.:7s. or sit with sinners who practiced the laws of purification, • an act eicleu:ent. Jesus put • :o silence with the words '-r that be whole need not a p a.. best they that are sick". ten .,.ere are rata; i who eaesider themselves i acle as the pharisees and know ' that t: ey are c#sec, and:miserable. and and blind, and naked-. • :Ga ye and learn" was a rebuke 3. } se who .des themselves in t:.e.r eJ ca:i;;nand knewledge of thei ^incest Teems refers them .o d 6:0. etitere the prophet taeoht that G -cd laved mercy more sterilize.jesc.s gces on to state his p se `\ - to call the rightenes, °- _ sinners • zto repen- ee-. Of ..rase this in.?urled as -A: have sinned and dyne shert of the - ,try- The P e Bad come to eriti- b t eeler came for help • ' . a Jeses. He r cag- • eet -the fart tka: even tleciteh the dela etieht be dead. a teeel, of the Master' d was sofficieet to re- steee hen On His ..ay to where the tm;d # a woman o a i;rilar faith who i;aad been sudierinn for atiar.y years tined the hem. of his gretnent and wee inseantly healed. Arriving ag the 1 n"e of the ruler. thee found that. he girl 2d beer. peonnettncel dead, and a y friends had gathered. When Jen.s mentioned that she Only s eeo .h, they ridiculed hien. God cannot ev.vrIt in an atmosphere of scorn, ant. not until they were put 'wet tied _Teens restore the child to Neenesae - say the news of this t .,a -.:'e *read through*mil tit, - Outstandingly Good CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM By Gwsndoline P. Clarke • • • • •. Last Sa:nrday was such a lovely Gley—a day that ,vas -good to be on: io-seg I announced my inten- tion of walking to town. Partner laughed "You won't walk very far, lee said. -Why not?" I in- quired. "Well, have you forgotten there's a political convention in town today? There will be cars by the dozen on the road!" Sure enough I had hardly left our own gate when I was offered a ride. And I don't mind telling you I was glad to accept it because I was carrying five dozen eggs and -.ready they were much heavier than when I left home: I kristsv my Samaritan driver • a:i — ansi I didn't inquire whet- her - e frac Liberal or Tory -- .1- enongz for me that he was • .enaan and with a young boy alert; re satisfy the proprieties, * * We get to town, and my good - nee,. you wouldn't think there were any bad reads in the country, is. judging by the number of care ion .the street. They were parked n: ene end of town to the ether. Be: I had little time to I 'iturriei•d along, did my eine. had a cup of tea with a sr•.:aid nee ten ready for t . 311',.: as I gest 'hack to Main Street. party satellites were coining away from, the Town Hall, I went _.:o cite of time stores to pick up a Ler pareels and what a kick I gest cut ef watching the passers-by _r...t myhide-out: 5 * 5 Now I wouldn't go so far as to say I coeld. tell which of the peepie .I sawn were Conservatives, The Bookshelf... The Master Of The Mill Frederick Philip Grove The hell:rant Canadian author of Onr Daily Bread has built an ex- 1:en:e:i- skiiiul novel around the widely e careers and cltar- a:tees e three generations of mill, cwee s whose fertenee grew swiftly with the growth of Canada. ;here is :he mean and ruthless foender of the mill around whose g.ain e-lera he town becomes a teeming city: itis son who be- comes a aeeator and whose engin- eer:n; genies the old man uses w : a nod Of thanks: and his gra soy Sir Edmund, third mast- er .. thereared in luxury, ;h eld. they immense power of the .toil with and•: tiler's real- istic enscrerntioesuess. -Mr. Grove uses with telling ease the recollec- tions Of the aging senator, of Sir Edmunds wife, and of an outsider et give a til rounded picture built up in :emelt: the same way as is a stoeyothat one hears by word of mouth about an intriguing situation, niany side', which the people who liven er ti's:eked it never tire of diseessiteg. The Master of the Mill By Frederick Philip Grove . . . The Macmillan Company of Canada . , . Price 33.25. Coughs are dangerous if neglected , , , Get Relief Usually,,, QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY wire COUGH SYRUP AT W DanG6liI's °Se .. LC. -7 cantoratoVb Liberals, or C,C.F, s. But I can assure you it was very obvious which were Conservatives and which were not It was downright comical. Any other Saturday you would see farmers in groups talk- ing as freely and easily as .you please, But not this Saturday. There were groups of men talking —yes—but they were all in their "good' clothes and looking very pleased with themselves, and ob- viously all of one party. P,eseutiy a man in overalls would come along, give the group he was pas- sing a furtive glance, accompanied by an almost imperceptible nod, His nod would be -returned by one equally perfunctory accompanied by a glance at once self-conscious and condescending. It was as good as a play to watch — and the players so unconscious of it all * * * Then began the trek out of to.ra —but I noticed it was only the men its overalls who appeared to be in any hurry. The men who weir "dressed" were apparently loath to leave their buddies. The real climax of this tattle story will come on Monday night when another party cone -maim is being held — and I haven't a doubt the furtive glances and the condescension will thin be in re- verse. Of course it wasn't long before I had to think about getting a ride home. But with whom? •1 really wasn't particular. Far be it from me to criticise or dislike any person on account of his party or creed. I think there is enough room in the wrorld for all of ns. Hon - ever just as I was cunsidering'tak- ing my chance on the opets road, I saw a well-known team routing *along, box sleigh attached. It was our neighbour and a ride home in the open air suited me just fine. Cheese .was made iia some form or other before tate Christian era by Jews, Greeks and Bnusans. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST, 'REGIS HOTEL TUHUNTU livery 1111131„ ttll5 11n1h, Shun. et tint Telephone. A Sf*tile,, 52.(30 no - 1)0115 le, m50 up. p stood a nod, 111uing null Dune, ing Nightl*, Sherbourne at Carlton Tel, RA, 4135 Headache Nothing is more depres- sing than headaches Why sailer?..,Lambly's tel will give instant relief, Lambly's is good to r ram- f oche, toothache,ppaiesu1 back, stomach, bowels..714teeef HEADACHE POWDERS_ tet r ***4 Need COM Re(ieye • Distress t>~ss'er neglect head colds 1 They cart cause much suf- fering. st ilttlo Va tro nog up each nostril Works rant right where trouble is to re- lieve sneezy, stuffy distress or head acids, Soothe�s It- rlttstton, reduces sioe11tng, makes breathing caster. Try its Also helps prevent matey- colds front develop- ing 1r used In time. rollow �directions I iutuldet. UMW OA