HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-01-25, Page 8•
Stanley District L.O.L. met hi the
Or sa ge Hall on Monday evening when
the following officers were elected
1945: W.M„ Nelson Reid; D.M., Wat-
son Webster; Chtp., A. E. Erwin.;
Rec. Sec„ Leslie Elliott; Fina Sec.,
Glen Slavin; Treas„ Ben Rathwell;.
Marshall, Orrin Rowson;. tst Lect.,
W. R. Stephenson; 2nd Lect., John
Ostrom, •
The Royal Scarlet Chapter of Sten-
ley niet at Varna on Jan. 15 to elect
the following officers: W.C., Chas.
Gemeinhatdt; D.C., Chas Pilgrim;
Chap., A El, Erwin ' Scribe, John
Ostrom; Treas„ Either Webster; 1st
Lect., Fred McClvrnot; 2nd Lect..
Anson Coleman; 1st Colin:, Watson
Wells tor;2nd Cond.. Lewis Clarke;
Marshall, T. Stinson; Herald, Leslie
Elliott; Sentinel, Geo. Clarke.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per was, administered in the United
Church on Sunday, the pastor, Rev.
R. Hero, in tliarge..
Mrs. Fred McClymont and Master
Bobbie are spending a: few days with
friends in Hensall.
A number oe hockey fans attended
the games in Seaforth and Clinton
last week.
Mr. Douglas Robinson returned to
Victoria hospital for special treat-
ments last week.
The annual meeting- of the Hen-
sall branch of the Red Cross Society
has been set for Tuesday evening'
the 80th in the council chambers at
8 o'clock. There will be ,a review of
the excellent work done during 1944
with the election of officers for 1945
and plans laid for the continuous
and very necessary service rendered
by this Society not only for.the -re-
mainder of the war•but also for the
post war period. A good attendance
is earnestly hoped for.
Hensall rink was the scene of a
gala affair Monday evening 22nd,
when a broomball game between
Hensall volunteer firemen and local
business men was the highlight of
the evening and resulting in a win
for.the business pen of 1-0 and pro-
viding plenty ofj,; thrills and excite-
ment for the large number of spec-
tators in attendtnce, This was -fol-
lowed with skating to music to amp-
lified recorded music in charge 'of
Mr. W. C. Stone. During the course
of the evening a draw for a $5 War
Savings Certificate took place, the
lucky winner being Ed. Little of
Hensall, ticket 168. Proceeds of this
game will be devoted to war work.
Lineup as follows; Firemen, Goal, J.
Parkins; defence, W. Smola, J.
Flynn; E. Fink, C. Passmore, J. Far-
quhar; alternates, R. E. Shaddick,
G. Hess, F. Rayburn, W. Carlile, M. i
Moir, A, W. Kerslake, H. Hyde.
Town --Goal, Ted Oliver; defense, L. ;
Vanni•, M. Farquhar; E. Little, G.
Sangster, J. Sangster: alternates, M.
Sanders, G. Cowan: N. Pfaff, E. L.
Mickle, K. Passmore, W. Fairbairn,
J. Traquair, W. Spencer, R. McKen-
January 29th Chiselhurst will
challenge in a broomball game on the
Hensall rink.
Flt. Lt. Kenneth .Passmore, who
has been awarded the D.F.C. for
bravery, has been. posted at No. 9,
SETS., Centralia, and reported there
on Tuesday.
The Girls' Dance Club are spon-
soring a dance in the town hall on
Wednesday, Jan, 31st. Music by the
Wingham orchestra.
The vestry meeting of St. Paul's
Anglican Church was held on Jan.
21st with Rev. M. A. Bunt, chair-
man. Reports were read from the
treasurer, W. A. report, Guild, Mis-
sion and special account. All showed
a balance on hand. Officers appoint-
ed for 1945 as follows: Mr. J. Hen-
derson, People's Warden; Mr. R. H.
,Middleton, Minister's Warden; Mr.
A. L. Case, Vestry Clerk; Miss Mary
Fee, Sec,-Treas.; delegate to Synod,
Mr. Lorne Scott, Mr, A. L. Case,
substitute; Mr. H. Lawrence and
Mr. R. H. Middleton, auditors. Miss
Ethel Clark, organist, Mr. W. Otter-
bine, caretaker.
Pte. Wesley Jones, RCOC., Lon-
don, spent the week end at his home
here with Mrs, Jones, Patsy and
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Keyes and
family, of Mitchell, visited recently to South and North Huron Plowmen's
with Mr- and Mrs, Harolmalted Parker. ( Associations, providing they hold e
Ml's, Norman Stanlake received a plowing match in 1945; 8300 to Sal -
cablegram last week from her bus- t vatiou Army; $300 to the Canadianband, Rfllnn. Norman Stanlake, who National Instituto for tits blind; 8200
arrived safely overseas. to the Blue Water Highwuy Assoele-
Miss Mary Hemphill of London
spent the week end with her parents, tion; $25 each to three district Wo-
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill.men's Institutes; $25 to each library
Miss Barbara Shepherd of Clinton and $15 to Lucknow library; $25 to
and Mr. Jack Shepherd of London
visited over the week end with their
parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd.
Miss Barbara Michie spent the
week end visiting with friends in.
Mr. Wm. Slavin of London spent
the week end athis hone here,
Mr, T. C, Joynt returned home Fri-
day after spending. several clays in
Montreal on business.
Word was received here this week
that Flt. Lt. Kenneth Passmore, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, Hen-
sall, has been awarded the DFC. for
bravery, Flt. Lt. Passmore is 23
years of age. was born in Hensel] and
educated in Hensall and Clinton high
school. He enlisted in September
1940, going overseas in July 1943. He
has 30 operational flights to his cre-
dit, and at present has been home on
Word was received 'early in the
week -that Pvt. Lloyd. Reid, a former
Varna boy, ,and son of John Reid of
Detroit and the late Mrs. Reid, had
been reported missing since Dec. 30.
Lloyd went overseas in Nov. 1944
and was serving with the American
3rd Arrmy, On Tuesday night word
came that Lloyd had been killed in
action. He is survived by his wife
and infant son. His father, John
Reid formerly of Stanley; two sis-
ters, Mrs. Grace Austin and Helen,
and one brother Allan, all of Detroit.
At its concluding session on Friday
afternoon Huron County Council en-
dorsed the recommendation of the
executive committee 'to increase the
salaries of Ch•k Norman Miller and
Treasurer B. H. Erskine by $300.00
to -$2,500,00.
The salary of George James, care-
taker, was increased from $1,200 to
$1,3001 that of Miss Evelyn Cooper,
court reporter, to 91,200, and of Miss
Margaret Cooper, stenographer, to
$900, an increase of $200 and 8120
The sessional pay of the county
councillors was raised to $35; and to
$7 per day for committee meetings,
Grants authorized as recommended
by the executive committee were:
$100 to each county Fall Fair; $100
to Wingham Horse Show; $100 each
The annual Red Cross meeting of
the Kippen East Women's Institute
was held at the home of Mrs. Glen
McLean on Friday, Jan. 19, with thir-
ty ladies present. This meeting took
the form of a potluck dinner and
Red Cross quilting, four quilts being
quilted. After dinner the election of
officers took place. President, Mrs,
Mrs. Traquair;
W. Kyle, lst vice, M s. q ua
and vice, Mrs, Workman; sec.-treas.,
Mrs. J. W. McLean; finance commit-
tee, Mrs, E. Butt, Niles'Grace Tre-
meer, Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs. Glen Slavin,
and Mr's, W. Workman; sewing, 'Mrs.
Alex McGregor and Mrs, W. Cole;
quilts, Mrs. Hugh McGregor; knit-
ting, Mrs. W. Doig and Mrs. Work-
man; overseas jam committee, Miss
Grace Tremeer and Mrs. Workman;
box packing committee, Mrs. Jack
Sinclair, Mrs. W. Caldwell, Mrs. Earl
Sproat, Mrs. Ross l3roadfoot, Mrs.
Robert McGregor, Mrs.. W. H. Mc-
Lean, Mrs. Joe McLellan, Mrs. W.
Bell, Mrs. E. Chipchase, Mrs. W.
Kyle ,and Mrs. Workman; cigarette
and chocolate committee, Mrs. Work-
On Thursday, Feb. 1st, the Kippen
East Women's Institute intend hold-
ing a potluck dinner and Red Cross
quilting at the home of Mrs. Robert
McGregor.. Everyone welcome.
NOTT—At Scott Memorial hospital,
on J,an, 18th, to 1VIr. and Mrs. Elgin
Nott, Hullett, a son, Glenn Edward.
CROWE---At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, to Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Crowe,
Seaforth, on Jan: 23rd, a son (Ern-
est Dean).
HOOD At Scott Memorial Hospital
on Jan. 23rd, to Mr: and Mrs. Nel-
son Hood, Kippen, a. daughter
(Joyce Mae).'
each School Pair; $25 for flowers for
beds around Court House; $500 to the
agricultural.arepresentative, and •$300
to Junior Extension fund; $100 to
the Holstein Club; $40 each to Clif-
ford, Lucknow, and Kirkton Fall
Fairs; $50 to Children's 't\'ar 'Mentor-
lal Hospital; $1,000 to publicity com-
mittee; $50 to Sick Children's Hospi-
tal; $20 fee to Ontario Municipal As-
sociation; $1.000 to Huron County
Library Association; $85 per month
to each Huron county police officer
fbi' car allowance; $200 to Clinton
Spring Show; $700 to each hospital
in the county, to be paid• when their
1944 audit is presented..
Deputy Reeve Attridge asked that.
concurrence be expressed in the reso-
lution of Northumberland and Dur-
ham requesting that a subsidy be
given to towns and villages for road
maintenance the same as is received
by townships, Mr, Attridge pointed
out that this woulel represent a, total
revenue to the urban municipalities
in Huron of $14,250,
The recommendation not to concur,
which was contained in' the legisla-
tive committee's report, and which gpplesauce Gingerbread
has been adopted, was rescinded;- and -
concurrence was accorded the resole- 6 tbsps. shortening, 1/3 cup sugar,
tioJn. B.Reynolds, county jailer,. re.
1 egg, 18 cup molasses, 10¢ cups
53 risoner. in 1944,49 men
and four females. The cost of _daily
rations for each prisoner was 181
cents. There are now three prisoners.
R. 0. Staples, inspector of public
schools in South Huron, in a brief
address suggested to the council
that, when discussing the° public
health prevergtive service, they
guard against losing sight of the
curative aspects.
Seven township school areas are
now established in ' the county.
Members of the boards are grati-
fied with the results, and are ready
to proceed with big' and good
things. The new grants, he said,
are designed. to give equal oppor-
tunity to the children, and are most
needed in secondary education fox
rural areas, There are huge grants
for certain types of rural high
schools. He predicted there would
be forward strides in both health
and education in 1945.
J. K. Kinkead, public school in-
spector for North Huron, said it is
realized that scheols are being
maintained ;ander a handicap
through the failure to secure quali-
fied teachers.
In discussing the. new grants for
education, Mr. Kinkead stated
there was 'no 'information available
as to 'those given tor special sub-
jects, such as music, etc. All the
rural sections' in Huron will receive
50 per cent of the net approved
cost. He spoke of the success
achieved by 'boards of - township
areas; and asked the reeves of mun-
icipalities not having these to place
the matter before their councils,
In Memoriall'1'
In loving memory; of Agries Pearl.
Houghton, who passed away Jan.
24th, 1912
"There is a golden gate beyond,
Through which our clear ones go,
To find that perfect love and peace,
Which. earth cari never know.
And sometimes too the clouds shall
For ue who watch and wait,
When loved ones meet to part no
Inside the golden 'gate,"'
Lovingly remembered by Mo-
ther, Brothers and Sister.
He urged that students be guided
in the gap between their leaving
the elementary schools and the first
year of the secondary schools.
Reeve J. Winter, of Howick, in-
quired when the last test had been
made in Huron for bovine tuber- able, Andrew Moore, R.R.3, Seaforth.
eulosis, Reeve G, Frayne, V.S., of
Ashfield, stated he had been advised
that the government could not sup-
ply tuberculin. He felt that quali-
fied veterinary surgeons should be
able to give tests and snake re-
ports. The question was referred to
the agricultural committee.
Dr. Frayne was appointed a dele-
gate to the 0.E.A. convention; as
''For seven cords of hard Maple
body 110)0(1,'74 inches Jong, to be de•
livered to the school house of 5.5,
No. 10, McKillop, . by April 1, 1945,
Tenders to be in by Feb. 2. R. J,,
Pe_tlivck, R. R. 1 Seaforth, See.-Treas.
For S.S. #9, McKillop, for 20 cords,'
maple and beech„ 12" long, to be
delivered on oi:-beloi•e June 1st. Ten-
ders to be in by Feb. 15th. George TI:
Lcnnbardt, Sec,Treas., 18.14.2, Walton.
An electric brooder, 300 chick
size„ used only one season. John T.
Elg'ie, Kippen, Phone 658r31.
Immediately, man for brooder work.
Girl for housework; Dependable mar-
ried couple without family most: suit -
Ten pigs, 7 weeks old. Ed Boyce,
Brucefield: Phone 6251'2.
Ten Jerseys for sale. Four cows
clue in February, three cows, clue in
March, the others in May and June,
ranging in age from two to live years.
recommended by the education com- Phone 340-33, Seaforth. Irvin Tre- -
The County Horne committee'stvartlua. .. l 7 cords 4 ft, body (green) wood,"
recommendations were endorsed as LOST . ' half beech and ball hard maple, or
follows: that an inmate 0f 'the One truck rack between Seaforth 27 cords 14" wood half Bosch and half
County home .be e-fiaminecl by two and Mitchell. Finder please" return to Bard maple: Tender to bo in by 10th
it is proposed to submit estimated FOR SALE
doctors; that as a post-war plan, Paricdale Poultry, Mitchell. Reward,' Feb.D•lames Nolan, Sec.-Treas., S. S.
No, 1 McKillop 1 Logan, R,R,1,
expenditure of $75,000 to provide ublin.
for an addition to the barn, an ad- Eleven little pigs: Also some collie
dition to the house, and the instal- pups for sale. Jack Flannery, phone TENDERS WANTED
]anon of an elevator. 40814, Dublin central. i Tenders wanted for S.S.#4, 1VIc-
Reeve Daly, a member of the ICillop, for 14 inch hard maple .aril
committee, pointed out that the lot- FOR SALE ' beech. ten cords, to be delivered by
A. numubet' of cows in calf. George May 1st, Geo. R. Campbell, Sec:
ter clause was only an estimate for B. Eberhart, Phone 5 on -852. 1 Treas., Seaforth, R.R.1.
a post-war plan. There are a num
Saturday Specials
Royal Purple Poultry Concentrate per 100 ills 4.49
Royal Purple Ilog ToRie & Conditioner 81 lb pkge. 1.76
Royal Purple Stock Conditioner sl/2ib pkge. 1.75
Pratte Cow Tonic 41/2 Ib pkge. 1.50
Kila-Lice for Cattle 2 lb pkge. 55c
Royal Purple Lice Killer pkge. (i0c
2" wide. 1V2" billets
'13.25 Per Set
ber of people in hospitals who
should be accommodated in the
County Home were space available.
The Good Roads Commission sub-
mitted au estimated expenditure of
$1,477,00 for post-war construc-
tion to cover a per=iod of five years.
By-laws covering the business of
the coucil were passed. '
Warden Alex Alexander, after
voicing his thanks for the co-opera-
tion of the council, called on the
new reeves who gave short
speeches before the National An-
them was sung,
The..•County Council named the
following as reforestation conserva-
tion committee: Warden A. Alex-
aiider, J. Armstrong, chairman of the
agricultural committee; J. 13. Mathe-
son, agricultural representative; Geo.
Armstrong and Roland Grain, the Iast
three for a term 0f five years.
Council concurred with a resole -
tion from Elgin County asking the
government to take care of losses
caused by wind disasters and emerg-
encies, and in one from Hastings
County requesting the Ontario Gov-
ernment ,to make the no permanent.
appointmnt until soldiers return
from overseas so that they will have
an equal opportunity to apply for
then, as recommended by the legis-
lative committee,
George Feagan, inspector of the
County Hoare, ' stated that 3,900.
quarts of jam and pickles had.been.
made at the institution; $2,400.30 had
been received for unlit; $160 for
calves; $967.37 for hogs. There are 87
The Children's Aid Society report-
ed that in. 1944 there were 67 child-
ren in the care of the society. There
wre 14 nw cases of child protection
investigated, and in this category
there are now 39; and1.5.adoptioris
made. Six war guests' were under the
supervision. of the local branch, three
of whom have returned to their
hoaxes in England and Scotland, 134
investigations were made for the
dependents' board for dependents of
servicemen who require financial or
other assistance.
Superintendent II, Edward and
Mrs. M. Chafee, social 'worker, both
emphasized new duties will be given
the society resulting from the war.
The police Committee reportd that
49,116 miles had been travelled by
county constables, Total investiga-
tions were 1,341.
flour, 1 t baking ng soda, 1 tsp. cin-
namon, le tsp. ginger, 14 tsp. salt,
2/3 cup strained thick applesauce.
Cream together shortening and
sugar. Beat egg, add; add molasses;
mix well. Sift together 3 times, flour,
soda, cinnamon, ginger, salt. Add to
creamed mixture alternately with
applesauce. Bake in greased pan 8"x
8"x2" in electric oven (350 .deg.) 45
minutes. Cool slightly. (If desired,
top with softened cream cheese and
decorate with candied cherries and
Second band piano in good condi-
tion. Apply to R. J. Penick, 11,R. #1,
6 -Room house, Centre St:, Bath
room,; Modern Kitchen, 3 wire service,
Furnace, Garage.
6 -Room house, Main St., Egmondville.
13athr•oom; Combination range, Furn-
ace, Garage & Barn combined.
7 -Room house, Railway St. Bath-
room. Furnace, 3 wire service, Gar-
8 -Room house, Coleman St., Bath-
room, Furnace, hydro, acre land,
splendid bar:n..
Alsoa number of other properties,
Insurance & Real Estate
Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Rea. 220
Federation of
,Tuckersmith. Twp.
will be held in
Monday, Jan. 29th
At 8.30 p.m, featuring motion plc- i
the National Film Board.
program. Everybody wei-
Man for Rawleigh Route which just
became available. Good opportunity
! for willing worker. Apply Rawleigh's,
Detpt.. ML -164-140-A, Montreal.
A '28 Model A truck, Autotrac,
lubber tires, Al condition. Apply to
Fiarvey Hayter, Varna,
tures of
A good
I. O'Leary, Sec.
R. Archibald, Pres.
Will the party who picked up bag WANTED
of chop on side of road at John
Quinlan's, please return. John Seven cords of body hardwood,
Quinlan. 112" long, to. be delivered by April
i 1st to S.S. No. 2, McKillop. Apply
Notice To Creditors Ito Jos. T. Hugill, "Sec.: Treas.
A good set of sleighs with new
113 yd gravel box, will sell together
or separate: also a 1014 inch Visset
grain grinder; also a quantity of
bean straw mixed with cut straw.
Apply to Wilbur Keys, Seaforth,
Phone 656 r 11.
In the Estate of Margaret Bryant.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Margaret Bryant, late
of the Township or McKillop, in the'
County of Huron, Married Woman,'
deceased, who died on or about the
2n0 day of January, 1945, are hereby
notified to send in to the undersigned
on or before the 10th day of February,'
1945. full particulars of their claims. 1
Inlntediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the said'
estate will be distributed arnougst HEREFORD HEIFER
the parties entitled thereto, having Dry after first calf, will be semi -
regard only to claims of which, the
fixed for cash. See her at D. S.
undersigned shall then have notice, ,-„Connor's (side woad). Also York -
to the exclusion of all others, and the shire boar 3 years, Also parts of
undersigned will not be liable to ,any
person •of, whose. claim the undersign-
1028 Essex including 6 new champion
ed shall. not then have notice for the'sltark plugs $1.25, For all apply
assets so distributed . or any part owner, K. B. McPherson, Dublin.
thereof, NOTICE
Dated at Seaforth. this 9th day of Win Bradshaw, your Watkins deal-
er, and also agent for E. D. Smith &
Son, fruit and ornamental nursery
stock, Market street, Seaforth, Ont,
Phone 50.
Township of Tuckersmith
Throat, 11 the Tuckersmith Council a Tuesday in every month from 3 to
quests the co-operation of cat and 5 g,m.
truck owners in seeing. that same Free well -baby clinic,w111 be held
are not parked on roadsides in such on the second and last Thursday in
pevery month from 1 to 2
a ]Wanner as to hinder the work of p•m`
snow -plowing. •
E. P. CIIESNEY, Clerk.
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
SEAFORTH,- ONT. Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build.
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— •
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m, to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7,30 p,m.,to 9 p.m.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Vice President, Frank Me
Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and.
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald; Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Alex Broadtoot,
Seaforth; Chris Clinton;Leonhardt, Born-
holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;.
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mo -
Ewing, Blyth; Hugh " Alexander,.
Watton; George Leitch, Clinton.
' Agents
John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F.
McKercher, Dublin;' J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen• George A. Watt, Blyth.•
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective poet
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates In First -Class
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto,
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptio
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist In
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
troa , w1' be att e Clinic the first
January, 1045. .
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Administrator
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Joseph Nagle.
A11 persons having claims against
the Estate of Joseph Nagle, late of
the 'Township of Hibbert, in the
County of Perth, Farmer, deceased, 1
who died on or about the 5411 clay of,,
January, 1945, are hereby notified to
send in to the undersigned on or be -1
fore the 100 day of February, 1945,
full particulars of their clahns, .
Immediately after the ' said last
mentioned date, the assets of the said
will distributed ' amongst
estate be g
the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to claims of which the
undersigned shall then have notice, to
f all others,and the
the exclusion o
undersigned will not be liable to any
Berson of whose claim the undersign-
ed shall not then have notice for the
assets so distributed or any part)
Dated at Seaforth this Oth day of
January, 1945.
Seaforth, 'Ontario,
Solicitors for the Executor
Grass Seed &
Seed Corn
Orders for above should be in as
soon as possible and be sure of
made daily
Western Grain & Chop,
Peanut Oil Meal
'Cod' Liver 011
Feeding Molasses Molasses
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
it's a real
pipe smoker's
night e' ., sleep without coughing, ehbking.
Mn Wm, Pearsofn, Srth, ve.m wo
thankful tok you or your
eafoasthmwaa remedy
I would like all people who infer from
asthma to know what it did for me. I euf-
fered- for years from 'choking, dlficult breath-
ing and distress ,• of.. asthma and no remody
helped the to .any, extent, .but your remedy
touched the,'spot at once and gave me not
DS only quick relief, but, I am 'now. free. from
all symptoms, A Jew' month's ,,treatment did
It." Foy - free information write.. F. L.
HOWEY,; 144 Catherine Street South,
Hamilton,' ,
Louisayour St., SeaforthasnawIfnehof epter; on
at the house. Phone 58W. products
Oyster Shell & Limeshell 1
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone. 5.1
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr; W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural In,stitute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month, -53 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Teledhone 267. a
Successor to Holmes' & Whitney
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service. Adjustable. Hos-'
Altai Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell.
Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
and Holidays 66
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District' Agent .
Large Stock of Modern
Memorials on display at
our Seaforth Showrooms
For the convenience of our
patrons office will be open on
Open by appointment at any
other time. See Dr. Harburn,
next door
Cunningham & Pryde
Clinton Exeter : Seaforth .
Phone 41
' Finn's,' Minerals & Tonics
Reduced Iron
Rex Wheat Germ 011
Cooper's DRI-Ki.L
(Essential War Industry)
Universal) . Milking Maohines & .Parts
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
Phone 9