HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-01-25, Page 7KANDY V TTS Kids are kids the world over. These grass -skirted native children of the Caroline Islands eagerly hold out their hands for the candy which a Navy nurse is distributing. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Powder Trap It seems that science has in- vented a new risk for the thief and the housebreaker — a fluorescent powder which is invisible int day- light or under ordinary lighting but shows up clearly under violet rays, is being used by British pollee. The powder was used as a trap which caught a cigarette thief in Edinburgh and sent itim to jail. Cigarettes were the bait and the bait was •covered with this pow- der, which was found on his cloth- ing and his conviction followed al- though there was no other evidence against hinm. A. police official explained that except in fairly substantial quan- tities the powder is invisible to the naked eye. "But" he added, "under the violet ray a person whose suit is ;sprinkled with it will have the appearance almost of a baker. What with fingerprints, invisible light rays that set off alarms, blood tests and all the modern parapher- nalia of the crime detector, and now this new invisible powder to trap the wary thief into his undoing, Indy the way of the transgressor I . hard. The honest bltrglnr would ''be better off to get transgressor hard work. Mexico contains breeding grounds for millions of parrots, which natives value highly as food, SUCCESSFUL PARTIES result when you serve Maxwell House. This de- licious coffee stimulates and cheers. Ws a choice blend of rare, extra -flavor Latin-American coffees— the finest obtainable. Now Ease COLO... SORE THROAT PAIN. Aspirin Relieves Pain Almost Immediately, Drop an Aspirin Tablet in a glass of. Water. See if Start todissolve almost instantly. Within two. seconds it begins ,to disintegrate, and this :tame speed is duplicated in your stomach. Thus, you get relief almost at once! Aspirin is sofast, so effective—above- ell,. so dependable, that millions of Canadians have come toswear by it. Get Aspirin today: Follow these simple directions: For pain due fa SORE THROAT: Crush 3 tablet. in 34 elan of water. gergie deeply. COLDS.. 4 HEADACHES: Take two Aspirin tablets with: full .glees -,of,water. NEURALGIA ... NEURITIS: Take two tablet. with ,glase-of water. -„ NEW REDUCED PRICE'S PocketBox of -12 now 1a. 'Eunomy'Boflle of 24 now 19c family .Oe of 100.... , now 79. AsPRI N The Bayer cross n each it;Mot 'i1 'ycur gucruetee that it's Atpktn Money For War Money For Peace Government Spending Of Mo- ney After The War Discussed By Maclean's Magazine A lot of Canadians seen to be convinced that everybody's future can be made secure by unlimited government spending, and that after the war the ,Government is going to have unlimited money to spend. They say, "Look at aur . enor- mous war expenditures. If the Government can find all the stoney it needs for purposes of destruc- tion, it certainly ran do it for the purpose of peace." The simple truth is that a gov- ernment hasn't any money of its own, * * * \Vhat it spends is the money it gets froni yott and other Canadians, by taxes and borrowing, and what it gets by way of customs anti other similar forms of revenue. After the war the Government could continue 4o spend at the present rate only if its income were at the same level. Individuals and businesses would have to pay taxes .at the same rate they now pay, and lend the sante sums as they are lending through Victory Bonds, war savings certificates, etc. To avoid depressions and want utast Canadians would willingly pay and lend. But their ability to do so would depend on them cant- ing the sante-autotint as they earn under war conditions, Production would have to be as great as it now. So would our markets. * * * The difficulty is that war pro- duction is vastly different from peace production. So much of it is exploded, sunk or quickly worn out that there isn't any comparison. \Var provides aninsatiable, quick market wherein price is no object. In'peacetime-markets are not insa- tiable and price is very much an .object. !'here are 'people who say that ea government doesn't need to borrow or tax heavily; that it can "create" stoney, It can. But •money is worth only what it can buy. And if a state creates more than a certain ratio of money the result is the sante as happened in Germany af- ter the last war and what is hap- pening in China today — an in: Elation that completely wrecks a nation'seconomy. • Power trains of •eight cars, cap. able of generating power for a community eff 75,000 now are being built for the United Nations to supply devastated areas. RHEUMATIC Aches and Pains If just one bottle of Ru -Met does not shOsv you the quick, easy tVay to- get real relief from rheumatic aches andpains, it costs you noth- ing. I)un't suffer longer; try nu.. Me today and If you are not plensed with the results, your money will be refunded by any drug store, Title isa generous offer to all rheumatic sufferers. for common ordinary sore t troat RI O, nil 16 SOLDIER POY Chinese boys start their soldier- ing at an early age. ' This - 10 - year -old youngster, carrying a heavy pack: and wearing regu- lation uniform, was photographed as he boarded a plane with a China -bound division at Airstrip in Mtitkyina, Burma, Mistake 'Made When Farms Added To List "If Canadians wake up some day to find themselves in the complete and rigid grip of socialism they cannot complain they weren't warned," says The Financial Post. "The CCF National Convention in Afontreal certainly, were frank re- garding their ultimate objective, \vhieb is the complete socialist re- volution. — taking over by govern- ment of all business, big and lit - tie," CCF stands for out and out So- cialism, and out and out Socialism means the taking over by govern- ment of big business and small bu- siness, and farms as well, The CCP leaders find that when they added farms to what would be State pro- perty they started something they wished that they never had touch- ed, but it is too late now to retreat. -- Pembroke Standard -Observer, • Here is a clinically -proven, two- way treatment for colds! Take ALLERGI-TABS to "blitz" that. "drip"—relieve congestion and dis- comfort within: an hour. ALLERGI- TABS combine fast -acting medi- cinal ingredients with Vitamin C. One or two tablets will prove how effective they are! Take VITAVAX to speed recovery, inceeasevitatityand buildimmunity to future colds. VITAVAX combines Cold Vaccine (specially prepared to combat common cold bacteria) with richly concentrated Vitamins A, Bl, C and D. Remember :. ALLERGI-TABS for, speedy relief from colds; VITAVAX to build immunity to colds. Ask your druggist. Roberts Biological Laboratory, Toronto. - cea !lieu CHECKED 74% WI -or Mn Money Back r For quick relief from i tchtng caused by eczema, etblete'e foot, scabies, pimples and otheri tolling conditions, use euro. cooling, medicated, .liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and. stainless, Soothes, comforts and quickly, calms intones itching. Don't sutler. Ask your druggist today for 0. R. D. PRESCRIPTION. WILMA CAMPH®RATEiD MUSTARD CREAM is eoothheg to lima feet that have been through b cold, bard day's tramp, relieving pain, stiffness and aching muscles. Try It to•ntght for read MINN MEOW NEM ane ne tle,.e to, tete HEAD COLD? Get- quick reliefs Just smear. NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Breath-: ing passages open right away. NOSTROLINE soothes, lubricates. ' disinfects,' helps make and keep your nose healthy. Brings comfort swiftly. Convenient. Pleasant. For adults -and children.. 50c—alt druggists. ' N tSTR LI E1 CLIFTON BRISTOL. ENGLAND If' you suffer MONTHLY 1 FEMALE PA`! N You who suffer such pain with tired, nervous Irritable weak feelings—due to functional monthly disturbances —should try`Lydia B. Plnleham's' Vegetable Compound to reiteve•suoh symptoms Plnkham s Compound nm rs NA'TSE. Thousands upon thousands have t'eported 'benent. Follow. ]abet, directions. irD@R E. PIttt n4' fitt'S'com do `mra VOICE er$ THE 11 FOR "SOFT" PEACE PEOPLE. Investigators find that in Lith- uenia, the Germans during their oc- cupation of the country killed 166,- 000 prisoners, and 300,000 civilians. Bear this in hand, ye who -believe, that Germany should be given a "soft" peace. —Chatham News MIDDLE BEST SPOT The world will be safer, it is claimed, if the Germans are con- fined to the other side of the Rhine. (Ir would you feel more secure if they were confined to the middle of the Rhine? NO REWARD Hollywood has paid half a mil- lion for "Life With Father." Mothers often put up with the old bear for that long and get nothing, —Ottawa Citizen —o— 'BEAUTY UNADORNED' Another reason why romance lasted longer in the old days was that a bride looked much the sante after washing her face, —Guelph Mercury V-3 A Zurich despatch of the Ex- change Telegraph said recently that Nazi propagandists are spread- ing rumors in Switzerland that the Germans now are using the V-8 on the Western Front, describing it as a weapon capable of freezing all persons within 150 yards of its ex- plosion, ACCOUNTANTS & AVAITOII$ INCOME 'TAX RY'POILTS COM - pieta Bookkeeping Services, Small .or Large Businesssa. Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Cc. 8 Wellington St. IEJ., Toronto, Ont. RAJIY„CRICKS RAsg CRICKS - 5000 BREEDERS' ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CFnCICS NOW and get sour chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring in. Breeder Hatcheries are always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your Order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex, Large Type Leghorns, Sussex X New Humps., Sussex X Leghorns, Rook X Leghorns, Rock X .New Haines.Barred Rocks: Sendfor large illustrated Catalogue and Price List, . Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Qnt, 100 CHICKS FREE WITH leVERY UTt'L.EB U11 100 PUL - lel ehiolcs, we give 100 ['tee chicks tour choice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred Hock pul- lets $19'96 per 100. White Rock Pullets $24.95 per 100, Brown Ma- her') Pullets -024.95 per 100. Alt chicks sold backed by high egg Pedigreed stook. $1,00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 10145 live delivery, bent Hatch- ery. Chatham, Ontario, DANISH BROWN LEGBORNS hfIX- ed00 cents. Pullets 35c, Barred Rocks mixed 14lec. Pullets-n25c. Large English White Leghorn mixed 12c, Pullets.2Gc. All stock bloodtestod, bred to lay and high quality. Cocheanc's P o u l t r' Farm, Rldgetown, Ontario. 51.00 BOOKS YOUIt ORDER ORDER 50011 1946 C1.1LCKS NOW, and not be disappointed. All chialisare from guaranteed- test- ed stock,. and frdm 25 as eggs or better, Barred Rocks mixed 612.110 per 100, While Leghorne mixed $11.00 per 106 Barred Rock Pullets $19.00 - per 100, white Leghorn 'Pullets 022.50 per 100, ' white Rocas mixed 515.00 per tfO, white Rook Pullets $24.00 pet 100, (drown leghorns mixed 913.90 per 100. Brown leg - horn pullets $2.4.00 per 100. We guuruntee 100% live delivery, balance .paid C.U.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. BUYING CRICICS IN MANY CASES '. is much 111c buying "st pig in a poke” you can't see the blood line. It Is difficult even by .the closest examination to tell wheth- er •L chick has Inherited health, livability, stamina, vigor, resist- ance to disease, high egg produc- tion etc. Your success and profit fromyour ehtcic investment la - largely dependent upon the skill, experience and integrity of the breeder or hatehorymon, also Ma willingness to stand behind every chick he sells. Top Notch Chick- erlcs, hatch only Government Ap- proved p- breeders cha,nds We stando behind the chicles we sell. For January you can purchase these high quality chicles at the following prices. Non -Sexed, White Leg - horns 510.95, Barred Reeks $11.45. 00% Pallets, White Leghorns $23,05, Barred Rocks $19:96. Send tor. early Pricelist and catalogue.' Top Notch CHickeries, Guelph, Ontario. • WE CAN GIVIO YOU PROMPT DE - livery of chicks, or book your order for later delivery: Good. delivery dates are available, but It's wise to order now. Wide choice breeds, hybrids. It you've the equipment, get itworming for you with .l,utuat•y-February chicks, and catch the higher priced markets for eggs and cockerels -Belly Hatchery, 111) Sohn. N., Hamilton, Qni, ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND' YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for nest spring when mou ixed tv$12.110ant them, Per 100,rt whiteIgt horns mixed 911.00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.00 per 1011. white leghorn pullets $22,00 per 100. Heavy Breed tris. 0e.00 per 100. Leghorn Cltls $2,00 per 100. Att chicks lunched from 20 oz. eggs or better end from special mnlerl flocks. Guaranteed 100la live delWory. 41.00 books your order. belanee C.OrD Rainbow Hatchery, Cha -them. Ontario. '. 015 ruing CIRCE5 OUR FOUNDATION ST(('R 1S registered and pedigreed birds, Nothing better to Cenndn. (,Order now Prices for mixed beby chicks• mules and females: Rnr. red Rocks, 912:00 per henel nes; White Leghorns. Si1,001 4Vltlte Rorlss, $10.00; Brown Le horns. 510.00. Pullet pr law: Purest. Rocks, 510.00: white Leghm'ne, 92000; White. Rusks, $24.00; frown Leghorns 524.00. 25 free ell ccks, our choice, willbe elven for each 200 nixed chicks order- ed and, 25 tree ch iclss for each 100 sle,V old Pullets ordered. Goddardchick lndchery, Bet- te n010 Heights 054.0 sin, A DOLLAR 11 SAVEDD IS A DOL L,AI1 learned. You can snvo 50e per hundred on ilnn-soxe(1 eh icks, $1,00 per hundred on pullet chicks providing youorder en rty, Yon canalso save up to $2.00 per hundred - on. iron -sexed chicks, $1:00 perhundred on pullet chicks,. providing you take early delivery. Early' hatched chicks bray's make the most mnn•'.y for the poultrymen, the pullets' come into lay when egg prices are highest and the cockerels hit the merhet when meet: pricesare nt their best. Order your chicks today, take delivery .early end be sure end order 'T iv e d d.l a Chicks,- Twaddle shlclss arc dependable, tills is our 20155 yenr stipnlying good rhicka. Free cntsslogue and early_ delivery. plicelisl Aleo'Iny- Inc end restO' fn Uny pullets for - immedi.rto deli\erJ'. ]wedd Le Chirlr Hatcheries Limited, Fergus. Ontario., , .DAILY CSt500cS WANTED TO PURCHASE -BREED- ing cockerels Black Minoroas, Black Australorps, New Hamp- ahlres, Barred Rocks -and White Leghorns. Also hatching eggs. App1Y Box No. 1, 73 A.delaide W.. Toronto, giving full details and prices. !BARRED ROCS. AND NEW RAMP - shire, O.B.S. Flock, ICenney's Breeder Hatchery, R.R. 2, SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. NOTICE TO POULTRYMEN WE DON'T RECOMMEND THE use of Oyster Shells—else Can- adian Pure White Grits, and save 25% and -produce better. eggs. We offer you White Soluble (80% Calcium Carbonate), and White Insoluble (over '99 Silica), Both available for Immediate shipment in carload lots or less—Agents wanted—Write for prices and samples, STINSON REEB SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED, 5585 DELORIMIER AVENUE, MONTREAL, QUE. DYEING M CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS, dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. 4Ve. are .glad to answer Your questions. Depart- ment H, Partner's Dye Works Limited. 791 Tonga. Street, To- ronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. information on request regarding classes.. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy.. 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED, ' bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys trrushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., To- ronto. PUREBRED FOXB:OUND WITH Inc foxes to her credit. Bluetick breed. Black and white with an excellent voice. Price $40,00. Marks Hatt, Kingston, Nova Scotia. HARLEQUIN DANIS PUPS, FOUR months old, nicely spotted. Don- ald Cowing., R.R. No. 1, l.Iespeler. RABI3ITS, GRAY AND WHITE New Zealand 3unlors -$2.00, also adult bucks. M. G. Bell, R.R. 4, Kingston, Ont, REGISTERED AIN G TJ S BULLS, Choice Quality, from our champion bull. Price $150.00 and up. Emke Brothers, Elmwood, Ontario. GARAGE, BLACIiSMITit SHOP, Implement Warehouse and equip- meet for sale in central Mani- toba. Box 4, 73 Adelaide W., To- ronto, POULTRY MAN'S SACRIFICIE, Look, something new and guar- anteed, Electric Chicken Picking Machine. Dresses 200 chickens per hour, Saves 60% picking costs. Special for cash $150,00. Hanging Racks. for chickens, 6 feet :long, strong, sturdy -shipped In knock- ed -down condition that only -'re- (mires bolting. Del -Mar. Farms, 19 Centre E., Richmond ;j3)ll, Phone.. 1171. T 11117 C KING TRANSPORTATION. Well established bnstnese, in the county of Abitibi ttnd Temiseam- ingue, located in Rottman, Que., 5 trucics, garage 85 s 40, room fortrucks, storage space on 2nd doer; trot waterheating sys- tem, Will ae11 at fair price for cash. Apply by latter to Noranda, Que. Box 386, Noranda, Que. SAWMILL CARRIAGE, NEW, light, complete motors, arbors, vises, berms, tingles.. etc. Beech- wood Machinery Ottawa, Ont. MEDICAL • RA ill! HERR.A PODT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly. 45c hottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. EVERY SU1i'EERER 01r R01.1013 - Matic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's 'Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Poet - paid 51.00. STOMACH AND '51-1RE,AD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health In humans,. all egos. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? lnterest•ng par- ticulars --greet Write Nluiveney's Remedies. Specialists. Tnronto it FRUIT JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL ingredients ln Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains. Neuritis. Sols! only Munro'e Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid -$1.00. _ 61l'RI11A I, INSTR I:';1I H/NTS FRED A. 110 DDIN(;TUN BUYS, ' • sells, exchnngee mu'tealinstru• meets. 111 Church, Toronto 2, 01"1!(1N7"1'NITpIBS 51055 W001ptN BE A HAIRI)IsESSIR JOIN CANADA'S I 1411111'' SoF5511,11 .(;rept Opportunity Lanett Hair- dressing - Piensnni diitnified pate Sion, hood wages. thousands eeeeessfel. Marcel grad rn tee. Amerlrn s tree test v.-• tent, Il lu!•irnted ra to l"e no a free Write or enll MARVCI. 2141 IthR17rS1\tl: tit'T'11 rt1 458 81.111111 1t Vsssti)N'ft) .. Brnnl'Ire: 41 ilii '•1 It:,nili005 & 74 itldee tt til el l,' x.151000 OFFER TO. INVENTORS AN OFFERTO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay, Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273. Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. ' INVENTORS GET THESE HELPS FREE EVERTORS) WITH A GOOD IDEA should promptly secure the illus- trated Booklet Fortune from Inventions," and the handsome form. Record of your Invention' Get them today—Free—from 1V. Irwin. Baskett, 53 Queen Street, Ottawa. PATENTS FIOTHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solieitora, Established 1898: 14 Icing West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PERSONAL 'ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ," wonderful - book free. Megiddo 'Mission, Rochester. 11, N.Y. THE CHURCH FORGOT. GOD'S teachings. Read 'A Minister's Reasons for Leaving His Church." Free copy from Christadeiphian Gospel Proclamation, 309 North Ltnamore Cres„ Toronto 8. HOTOGSAPI9T TME TESTED ,QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 15o FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the flimsyou want this year. but you can get all the quality and service you desir0 by sending your dime to IMPERIAL PR:OTO 5 050 5 5 01 2 Station 1, Toronto DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CAN'T HE TAKEN AGAII( Get finer "snaps" at lower cost -1 Prompt Mail Service. Send your film rolls to. Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed.. This is Canada's largest finishing stu- dio. serving customers all over .Canada. You'll like our work, too. Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c Praising Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Windsor, 'Ont.. writes: I suppose ft's hard to give your usual quick service' with help so hard to get, but as long as you turn out such fine pictures, I'll wait—if 1 have to wait 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c Size 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts' Enlargements. 4,6" on ivory tinted mounts; 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Ebony, finish frames, 69e each. if enlarge. -went colored, 79c each, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120. Postal Terminal A, '!'pomp Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders., STAMPS . COLLECTOR WILL PAY 110.00 TO $300,00 for postage sharp e011ec- tion, Write Munn, 2.142 Pt'ud- lromme Ave. Montreal, ATTENTION: TRA l'rr11S TRAPPERS CATCH 40 TO 50 PDX, minir, weasel etc. monthly by using my all purpose lure. 51,05 bottle. Fax and mini: sets 280. ' Guaranteed results. gee wino r, McDonald's Corners, Ont. HF. !' WANTED ED .L 7 WANTED, W0M4.N FOR HOUSE - work, farm of highway two miles from Guelph. Modern house, hy- dra Apply Mrs. George IClhl, R.R. 6, Guelph, Ont: ii RELIABLE EXPERIENCE' 1,3 single or married man wanted, be- tween 17 and 00 years of age, or woman with 005 or 100n with slaughter over 17. hydro, good buildings, dual-purpose Short- horns. Wellington County, state salary. Box a, 73 Adelaide \V„ Toronto. WANTED LTNO.TYPE'WANTED, No. `. OR.8 Mede!, give full particulars to Wilson Publishing Co., 73 -Me--- !aide St. \V., Toronto. BOUSE5CDT0PER 10015 MAN - AND - boy on small farm.- Pair wages, goodhome for right party, State age. experience. to Bee 187, Vien- na, Ont-, , HAY & STRAW WANTED BY 0A10. OR TRUCK. ICeltey Feed '& Seed Co.. 780 Dov- ; ercourt Road, Toronto, McCORMTCIC-D1'1F1R3NG TRACTOR 0155 Tandem Disk, good, 10.20' would do, Allister Damm, Route 2, Ayton, Ont. POWER PAPER CUTTER, 11..51) Stitcher, Pertarato. 00 r o n s4. Printine', 1100. St. Lawrence„Mon-: trent, Que.,- ' .ISSUE 4-1945 - • 1 4 4 1 3