HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-01-18, Page 7• k PACNE? • An Instantine tablet brings QUICK RELIEF! Fort quick relief from headache pain, just take an Instantine tablet with a • glass of water. Chances are you'll di - cover as thousands have done, that prescription -type Instantine is a modern way to fast relief from head- ache pain. Instantine works in three ways to bring prompt relief: . 1. Speedily eases pain. ' 2. Prolongs relief from pain. 3. Reduces "depressed feeling." Gives mild, stimulating "lift." Instantine never pampers pain. It's specially compounded to give quick relief. Try it to relieve muscular ache or pain, and for the discomfort you feel when a cold gets you down. All drug- ' stores have Instantine. 12 tablets 250.. e product of The Boyer Co., Ltd. Ford To Produce A Post -War Car vv At Pre -War Price At least some of the private enterprises of the United States, realize that the survival of private enterpris1,. depends upon vigorous competitiot and the lowest pos- sible sellintorice of goods, says the Winnipeg Free Press. The Ford .\ Company announces that, despite sidvanced costs during the war yea s, it will produce a new and th, 'roughly modern car at pre-war rices when peace comes. This nnouncement denies the general -pectation that cars must sell at gher prices after the war becatts manufacturing costs are higher,r against higher costs stands igrased efficiency and its full uses. Mr. C. E. Wilson, president of General Electric announces that when his firm -goes back to civilian production its good will sell at pre-war prices, 'despite all the in- creased costs of operation. Other manufacturers in the same line have been suggesting that their goods must advance from 10 to 35 percent in price, Mr. Wilson sees no such necessity, and he proposes to maintain his present wage level. He can do both he evidently be- lieves, by handing on to the con- sumer and the wage earner the benefits of mass production and improved techniques. Easy Way to Relieve RHEUMATIC- \ Aches and Pains Here is a simple, easy way to get yeller from the agony of swollen, rheumatic joints and muscular aelles 'and pains. Go to any drug store and get a. bottle of leu -Ma, rf you are not pleased with the help it gives you -go get your money back. 'This Is a generous offer yell enn not ford to Ignore, ' Poultices of Mecca elieve psin, brine out come heals quickly, no scse 25c, 35e, 50c, $1.00, Skin Eruptions Here is a clean, stainless, pene- trating. antiseptic oil that brings speedy relief from the itching, and diecom fort, Not only does this healing anti- septic oil promote rapid and healthy healing in .open soree and wounds but bolls and simple ulcers are also relieved. In skin *affections the itching of Eczema le quickly stormed, Funnies --skin eruptions dry up and scale off' In a very few days The same is true of l3arbeee Itch, Salt Rheum, Itching Toesand Feet and othe.r in- flammatory skin disorders. You can obtain Moone's Emerald • Oil in the original bottle at any modern drug etore. Satisfaction or nioney becks ,,-,1•-sivvvv‘v., WI LLIAMS • CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM ,v when weed entity forehead andenhated Though the nose, relieves head. aches andibreaks up head colds Gives prompt relief and prevents fertile, eomplicationse ANN 1e010015 MUSEIGitaie 1111el tea ow BIG PUSH ON THE TRUNK LINE Using his head in a big way, Karunavathi, Indian work elephant, helps Allied soldiers move a 2600 -pound electric refrigerator into the Post Exchange of the Southeast Asia Command headquarters. Karunavathi's pay for the job was a quarter stalk of bananas and bread. VOICE OF THE PRESS GOD'S COUNTRY? Commonly we do not sufficiently realize that this continent is the only considerable land area in all the world that has not -experienced the actual visitation Of enemy armed forces. - -Stratford I3ea con -Herald -0- NOTICE The Globe and Mail did not ap- pear on the day after the great storm. We suggest an amended publication notice: "Published every • lawful morning except awful morning!' • -Toronto Saturday Night AND THEY'RE NOT HATS The milliner who said the current- ly styled women's hats are "pretty much alike" is wrong on three counts, viz: They aren't pretty, theyaren't much, and they aren't alike. -Kitchener Record -0- DOES HER BEST An old-fashioned wife is one who still thinks part of her job is darning her husband socks and trying to mend his ways. -Guelph Mercury "CASE" GOES TO COURT Stratfoi d man who stole a watch was let go on suspended sent- ence. And if that doesn't wind up his criminal career he'll be run down again. -Ottawa Citizen UNPOUCHED Unfeeling mother of Cuddles, 2% - month -old kangaroo in the Sacra- mento Calif., zoo, tossed her out of the maternal pouch and left her to shift •for herself. But cuddles is happy, having been taken into the home of zoo director Anthony Spencer. Above, Mrs. Spencer feeds the warmly sweatered baby. ........................... I , t, AstoundinghDisclosures Ins , W y Hurnamty Suffer ' From Disease. ,-Send for eirealar Redloh Publishing Co. 315 Vietiola Ave. - Windeor, OM. STUFFY NOSE? Nose plugged up? Head cold threaten- ing? Just smear , NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Feel clogged mucous loosen, stuffiness vanish, breathing passages come clear. Relief is instant. NOSTROLINE clears head, stops discharge, relieves catarrh, head colds. Convenient. Pleasant, Adults and children. 50c -all druggists. CISTROLINE' ctifiON, ilittsT0i. ENGLAND 1•1.1113111=11111•Mlle An Airman's Creed For all emotions that are tense and strong And utmost knowledge. I have lived for these, Lived deep, and let the lesser things- live along. The everlasting hills, the lakes, the trees. Who'd give their thousand years to sing this song Of life, and nian's high sensibili- ties. Which I unto the face of death can sing - • 0 Death, thou poor and disap- pointed thing' --- Strike if thou wilt,and soon; strike breast add brow, For I have lived; and thou cans't rob me now Only of some long life that rie'er has been. The life that I have lived, so full, so keen. Is mine; I bold it firm beneath thy blow .And dying, take it with me where I go. (Published in Contact, Nation- al Magazine of the Royal New Zealand Air Foce,) The King's Horses Return To London The King's horses have returned to Old London Town and the good citizens hailed it as a victory omen. that the King's men wouldn't, be far behind, The teain of four stately bays stopped people short when they pranced from Buckingham Pal, acc news after a five-year ab- sence 031 the Royal farm at Win- dsor. On the first outing, the bays - Rodney, Chesterfield, Bald- win and Felix --walked to Hyde Park corner, eyed buses and traf- fic suspiciously when they danced across into Hyde Park, then set- tled down to a steady trot through Kensington and Knightsbridge. Head coachman Fred Mcllveen and his two postillions will act as Royal messengers, as a gasoline - saving measure, while exereiting the horses, The diamond was first used for drilling purposes in 1844, when a Swiss engineer invented ,tlie dia- mond drill -bit, Headac Nothing 15 30000 depres- sing than headaches .. Why suffer?...Lambly's will give instant relief. Lambry's isgood for ear. VA. ache, toothache, pains in 7/# back, stomach, bowels. /lead! HEADACHE POWDERS_ 14 take delivery eerly you Can save WHAT SCIENCE IS- DOING Tractor Seat A special coil spring, and a shock absorber, is the basis of a new suspension -type tractor seat which will take all the jolts out of riding the farm tractor over rough plowed land and ease the work of the driv- er. It may perhaps, decrease the high degret of kidney and skeletal disorders among farmers . blamed on the all -day -long tractor jarr- ing. The new tractor seat was de- veloped in Chicago by an automo- tive equipment company, which developed and has Made Lhousands of seats for war tanks. fne coil spring is placed directly under the driver's seat, and the triple -action hydratlic shock absorber at the rear, The absorber is similar to those commony used in automo- biles. Together the two devices give stability that enables tbe rider to stay level while the tractor bobs over rough ground, The construe, tion of ,the new device is simple and inexpensive, and it can be in-. stalled on all makes of tractors. It can also be applied to truck seats. U. K. Has Coldest Christmas Since 1872 Now it can be told that Christ- mas, 1944, was Britain's coldest since 1872, the date that systematic temperature readings were begun. London was the coldest spot, with the reading 12 degrees Fah- rImbeit, but there were record sales of ice cream newly returned to the market after a wartime economy ban, In one restaurant waitresses wearing overcoats told ant the ice cream stock in two hours, 1,167 Fighting Ships In Growing Navy • The largest Navy in the world, fighting the most extended war in history now has 1,167 men-ot- war to carry the battle to the ene- my. And it is still growing. This was reported by the Unit- ed States Navy in a review of ship production which showed that in the last year 38,871 new vessels -- 420 of them fighting ships - joined the fleet, boosting the over- all total to 61,045 Navy ships of all types. Panzer Cub Nazi- child snipers are still active, An 11 -year-old German boy, with a man-sized telescopic sight rfile was pulled out of a tree in France. The youth wore a child size hel- • met and a camouflage cape, In- spection of his identification papers revealed his age, - The Maple Leaf. SAFES Protect your ROOKS and CASH from FORE and THIEVES. We have it size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any porpoise. Visit WI. or write for prices, etc. to Dept. W. 0.6c3.TAYLOR -UMITE TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front St. 01., Toronto Eatabliehed 18510 "For Your Healths Sake" write to Peoples "Malnutrition" League 323 Victo4a Avenue Windsor, Ontario BABY CHICKS 'CADY CHICKS 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BooK YOUR 1946 CHICKS NOW and get your efilcics when you want them. Orders are Pouring in. Breeder Butcheries are always sold out early. Don't take chances On ordinary chicke. Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex, Large Type Leghorns, 000003. X. New Blimps., Sussex X Legliorns, Rook X Leghorns, /lock X New Ramps., :Barred Rocks. Send for large illustrated Catalogue and Price Liet. LIIICOVIOIV., Poultry, Perm Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. - 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORDER (le 100 PUL. lot chicks, we give 100 (tee chicks (our chOice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets 119.95 per 100. White Rock Pullets $24.95 per 100. Brown leg - horn Pullets 024.95 per 1(10. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed istock. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 3.00% live delivery., Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario. DANISH, BROWN LOG -HORNS MIX - ed 20 cents, Pullets 35c, Barred Rocks mixed 141ec. Pullets 21. Large English White Leghorn mixed 12c, Pullets 20e. 1111 atock blorgltestecl, bred to lay and high quality. Cochrane's PouItr y. Faxen, Ridgetown, Onterio. 81.00 BOOKS YOUR cannier' ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW. and not be disappointed. All ehicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 20 oz, eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixed 512.00 per 100, White Leghorns mixed 211.00 per 100. Barred Rock Pullets 819.00 per 100. white Leghorn Pullets 522.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed $15.00 per 100, white Rock Pullets $24.00 per 100, Brown leghorns mixed 0.13.00 per 100, Brown leg - 'horn pullets $24.00 per 100, We guarantee l05% live delivery, balance paid C,O.D, Maple City. Hatchery, Chatham. Ontario. - 614111 EARLY CHICK GETS THE worm and the chicks hatched and ordered 0,,w for early delivery are going to "get the worrn" next fall When egg Prices are at their Peak. You can rely on Top Notch chicks --healthy, husky babies r 0 In Government Approved bloodteeted breeders. They'll live and lay for you and don't forget • the liberal discount we are offer- ing for Early Orders for Top Notch chicks. Get the inform- atioe-write today. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for im- mediate delivery. Top Notch ell -ticket -les, Guelph, Ontario. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them. Barred Rock mixed 012.00 per, 100, white leg - horns mixed 011.00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, White ileghorn pullets $22.00 per 100, Heavy Breed Cirls. 06.00 per . 100. Leghorn Ckls. 22.00 per 100. .A11 chicks hatched from 20 oz. eggs or better and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. e1.00 books your order, belance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery. Chatham, Ontario, BARRED ROCK AND NEW HAW - shire, 0.11.0. Flock, Keiniey's Breeder Ditchery, 11,1e. 2, SAULT STE, Maellile, Ont, an mum ourous OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IS registered end pedigreed birds. Nothing better in Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, $12.00 per hundred; White Leghorns, $11,00; White Rocks, $15.00; Brown Leghorns. 013.00, Pellet prices: 13u 1011 Rooks, $19.00; White E.,eghorns, 022.00; White Rocks, $24.00; Brown Leghorns, $24.00. 25 free chicks, our choice, will be given tor each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered. Goddard Chick Hatchery, 13ri- tannia Heights, Ontario. E. ORDER BOOKING DJ'S- count. /f you order your chicks • earig you says 60a per hundred on non -sexed chick', $1.00 per hundred on pullet chicks. If yeti an additional 22.00 per hundred on non -sexed - chicks. $4,00 per CHECKED' hundred on pullet chicks. By talc- _ I ing delivery early yde will not oreNre save money, but you will make extra money. The buyer who tekes early delivery Is gen- erally ,the poultryman that .makes the most money. Send for Muir Booking and Early delivery 'price list, and catalogue today. Also laying* and ready to laY Pullets for imineclinto „delivery. Twiddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Teergus, ' Ontatio, in a Jiffy -or Money Back For quick relief from 13011150 caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and otheritching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly cakes intense itching, Don't stiffer. Ask your druggist codas) for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. ' YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM HOT FLASNES If you suffer from hot flashes, weak, nervous irritable feelings, are 6010 blue at thnes-clue to the func- tional "mlildle,,age" period peculiar to women -try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It helps riaturel Follow label directions, Worth trying! LYDIA E. MADAM'S `42,10141 110 YOUHAVE THE RIGHT EQUIP- ment; get it working ,with Bray early hatched chicks. They get into the better paying marltets tor eggs and poultry later on. • But whntever you want; when- ever delivered, give 00 50,11' OLICIer nOW With breed, quantity, deliv- ery date,. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton Ont, WANTED TO PURCHASE 'ing .eockerels Black Minorcits, Black. Austratorps, New Mune- shires, Barred Rocks and white Legto tne. Also hatching eggs. Apply leox No. 1, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto, gleing full detelle and prices. vt,3.023 1 NOTICE TO POULTRYMEN WE DON'T RECOMMEND THE use of Oyster Shells -Use Can - adieu Pure White Grits, and save 25% and produce better eggs. We offer You White Soluble (98% Calcium Carbonate), and 'White Insoluble (over 90% Silica). Both available for immediate shipment In carload lots or less -Agents wanted -Write for prices and samples. STINSON REED SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED, 5585 DELORIMIER AVENUE, MONTREAL, QUE. DYEING CbtlANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NIP.SDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your Questions. Depart- ne 001 B, Parker's Dye Worke .Lirriited, 791 Youge Street, To- ronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING TECH Robertson method. Information on retplost regarding, classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Aced- eraY, 137 Avenue Road, Torento, FOR SALE HANDY GIPT, PLASTIC CIGAR- ette case, assorted colors in fancY b 03., postege included 21.25, quantity limited, Je EL Beause- Jour, 4557 Pauli -matt Ave., Mon- treal, SNOW PLOUGH, V TYPE WITH side wing, MOUnted On White Truck. Richter Truck & Auto Parts, 874 Wellington St, Mon- treal, Que ELECTRIC moy0Es, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys brushes. Allen Eleetric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 ilaufferin St, To- ronto. FOUR NANNY GOATS, APPLY 37 O'Loane Avenue, Stratford, DAY-OLD WHITE PEKIN DUCK- Mtgs. Available for .March. Write for information. Book early. Ux- Spring Farms, Uxbridge, Ont. FOR SALTI 134 1001031101030134026111.6)050 5 IV AL I, comPurrn PACICING plant, with refrigeration. 17 acres of land with house and other buildings, Will sell as a unit or equipment separately. Box 3, 73 Adelaide 00., Toronto. 2 SETT WATER POWER CUSTOM woollen mill for sale on good river. Must sell Mill or machinery by the 1st of April. Speedsville Woolen 111111 Route 3 Preston. GARAGE, • BLACKSMITH SHOP, Implement Warehouse and equip- ment for sale in central Mani- toba. Box 4, 73 Adelaide 1131,, To- ronto. POULTRY MAN'S SACRIFICII, Look, something new and guar- , anteed, Electric Chicken Picking Machine, Dresses 200 chickens per hour Saves 60% picking nests. Special for cash $150,00. Hanging Racks for chickens, 0 feet long, strong, sturdy, shipped in knocle- ed-clown condition that only re- quires bolting. Del -Mar Farms, 19 Centre E., Richmond Hill, Phone 117J. MODEL, 25 Northwest el -yard shovel -dreg -line combination, re- paired; 210,000. MODEL 105 Northwest shovel-erane combination; fair working con- dition; $5,300. vAozors clam she'll and drag -line buckets, booms, compressors, boilers etc, Engineer Equipment, 890 011E111NWOOD, 'Toronto, Ont. BREEDING STOCK FROM REAL multipliers, Embri en, leuff or Toulouse, $20,00 per trio. Let P. trio of geeme pay your 1945 taxes. Conlin's Goose Farm, Cardinal, Ontario. 15001 sAT,n COUNTRY GENERAL STORE Includes clean stock (at' invoice price), egg, feed olid garage bus- iness. First class money gm:icier, situated in (1)) 00 tsta tiding farm- ing community. Buildings In ex- cellent condition, dwelling at- taell ed. Entire lnyout can be pm - chased reesonnbly. Owner selling owing to 111 health. Exclustive List ing SCOTT' CRANE CO. 110 Ontario St. Stratford BAUMEEICA POOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 460 bottle, Ottawa agent -Denman . Drug Store. Ottawa., ' SAT/SPY YOURSELF - EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try lateen's Rem- edy. Sold only Mum•os 'Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 031051A011 AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health in humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting pate ticulars-Pree! Write Muiveney's Remedies, Specie lists. 1010,110 3 IT'S PROVEN -EVER -a strrFEE- or of Rheurna tie Pains or Neur- itis should try Dleon'e Remedy, Sold only Munro'l Drug Store, 290 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid '$1.00. MUSICA.L INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchangee magical instrU- rnents..111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIES 'eon womEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hair- dressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. Americaie greatest sys- tem. Illustrated eataloguo tree. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hatnilton. & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OPPER TO EvEEY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The leameay, Co., Registered Patent Attorneys 278 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. INVENTORS GET THESE HELPS FREE /OVERTONE WITH A COOD IDEA should promptly Secure the illus- trated ' Booklet "Fortunes from Inventions," and the handsome form "Record of your Invention." Get them today-Pree-from W. Irwin Hasitett, 53 Queen Street, Ottawa, PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH 00 COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PERSONAL "ELTJAH 1231 MING BEFORE Christ," wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 1/, THE IMMOIll'AL SOUL -DIVINE plan,or human speculation? Whatever your view, you will want to read the booklet. "A Clergyman on the Immortality of the Soul." Por free copy write, Christadelphian Gospel Proclom- ation, 310 North Linsmore Cres- cent, Toronto 6. PH OTO C. fi A POT TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your Ohne Properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS- 25s REPRINTS 8 ror 2.5c FINEST ENLARGINie SDI( ViCE You may not get 011 the films you want this yeur. but , you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO 030110 3(190 Station J, Toronto SPECIAL PRICES ON C01,0111.3U AND FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements 4e11" in Beau- tiful easel mounts, 3 for 20c, 101 -101 -- ed in Gold, Sliver, Circasetan Walnut Or B10011 Ebony fin kith trainee, on Ivory milt. Tee", 69e each. If coloured 79c ench, ANY SIZE ROLL, 6 or 8 exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTP,D 25e Get prompt mail service on (111111)y work at low cost, Satisfied cm tem- ers all over Caneda will tell you that Star Snapshot Service does the best work, DON'T TAKE ft I SE.S WITH YOUR FILMS snanthoto Can never be lake.; egaln. Send your rolls to Canade's largeet and finest finishing studio - STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Roe 129. Postal Terminal A. Toronto Print Your Name and Addl.-ass. ',Minty on All .Orders, 1020,1' AVANTA.:1,) GOOD STRONG 1301:, int ELDERLY man for general work on delta, farm. Apply A. L. Seebeak, White - vale, Ont. WANTED HAY & STRAW - WAN TEID 131' RAll, 00 ('3031210, - ICelle5, Peed & Seed Co., 780 Doe- ercourt :Road, Toronto. BASSWOOD LOGS OP VENEER qualitY. Will talte eer- centage ofelm, The Oire 0111e Basket Co. Limited, 00110111e, ()et WA NTED-LA.Relle FARee TleA 0 - tor with four -furrow plow and heavy-duty discs; fou,' -row cul- tivator, two -rely corn 11311110. Send full pniticula A. A. Hplbeek, I, Kingsville Ont. 305011.1. 1350370 «.1', 1-3, horSepolver, 230 volts. Dee.; a100 ll(-llorepower, hese. 550 volts0 25 cycle seuievel cage 111 9- 100,3,• Robertson llrothers, Toni jelifeey, 103 Queen St la, Toronto. ISSUE 3-1040 • dgen