HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-01-18, Page 4THE+ ,SEAFORTH NEWS THE SEAT OltTI-1 NEWS Snowdon Bros„ Publishers' WALTON The WM,S. held : their January meeting with the new president, Mrs. Schade presiding. Hyams 508 and. 509 were sung to open the meeting followed by prayer, Rev. Hazlewood Conducted the installation of officers for both the W.M.S. and W.A. He stressed the need of both auxiliaries and congratulated then on the good work that is being done by them. He then led in prayer. The annual re- port was given and the minutesread, There were twelve ladies present. Mrs. Bennett gave the treasurer's. report and it showed that 5436.25 was sent to the Presbyterial treas- urer. The Walton group have charge of the February meeting. The wor- ship service, "The Church in the Phillipines," was taken by the Mc- Killop group under the leadership of Mrs. Marshall with Mrs. Reid, Mrs. McMichael and Mrs. Coutts 'tak- ing part. Meeting 'closed by singing hymn 252 and the Lord's prayer. The W.A. followed the W.M.S meeting with Mrs, Bennett presiding. Hymn 571 was sung and Mrs. Hazle- 1 Wood read the scripture. Psalm 737 was read. Mrs. Reid gave the min-. Utes and annual report. The treasur- er's report was then given. letters of thanks were read from some of the boys overseas that received their Christmas boxes. It was decided to hold the annual meeting in the after- noon. Lunch will be served. Meeting closed by singing hymn 361 and re- peating the Mizpah benediction. The annual congregational meet- ing of Duff's United Church will be held on Monday afternoon, January 22nd in the Sunday School room of the church. There will be a program and lunch will be served after the meeting. Next Sunday will be Missionary Sunday in the Sunday School, lan- tern slides will be shown on Africa. The Sunday School will begin at 10.30. The annual meeting of the Walton Red Cross Unit will be held on Tues- day, January 23rd. Mrs. Orr of Goderich is visiting at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. W. j. Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bewley of Petrolia visited at his home, 8th line Morris, Mrs. Wm. `Kearney at the home of her daughter. in Hibbert. BRODHAGEN Two beautiful bouquets of cut flowers were placed on the altar of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sun- day morning in' memory of late Sgt. Donald Dittmer of the R.C.A.F., who gave his life on active service over- seas in June, who would have been 24 years of age on Feb, 16th. The flowers were from his mother, Mrs, Mary Dittmer. Annual meeting of the Brodhagen Patriotic. Society was held at the • home of Mrs. M. Beuermann and opened with a hymn, Psalm and prayer by Mrs, Schultz. The treas- urer's report showed. a balance of 8110,29 on hand. The program com- mittee raised the fine sant of 5220.- 67 220:67 during the year. It was decided to donate 810 to Mitchell Blood Do- nor's Clinic. The officers for 1945: Pres., Mrs. D. Hinz; vice pros., Mrs. C. Ahrens; sec., Mrs. W. Riehl; treas., Mrs. L. G. Rock; assoc, sec., Mrs, S. Smyth. Program committee, Mrs. Fred Herbert, convener; Mrs. 'M. Dietz, Mrs. M. Beuermann, Mrs. R. Sholdice, Mrs. W. Ahrens, Mrs. S. Smyth; buying committee, Mrs, John Amstein, Mrs. C. Ahrens, assis- tants, Mrs. Rev. Schultz, Mrs.. W. Querengesser; packing committee, Mrs. R, Sholdice, Mrs. W, L. Quer- engesser, Mrs, J, L. Bennewies; yarn, Mrs. Eli Rapiers, Mrs. George Mogk; distributing sec., Mrs. W. L. Querengesser• A duet by Mrs. Geo. Mogk and Mrs. Schultz was much enjoyed. Mrs. M. Dietz invited the ladies to her home for the Feb. 8th' meeting with quilting and Mrs. M. Beuermann invited the ladies and husbands to her home for a crokin- ole party next Friday evening. Ten letters were read. The meeting clos- ed with God Save the King. A Bain- ty lunch whs served by Mrs. Heuer- . mann. 3 men's service scarfs, 2 chil- dren's scarfs, 2 pr. children's pyj- amas, 1 crib quilt, 3 sleeveless sweat- ers, 14 quilts, 1 comforter, 2 ladies' night gowns, 5 skirts, 1 gown, 1 pr.. knitted gloves, 1 girls pullover,; 1 infants knitted cape, 1 child's dress, 12 ditty bags. ".Jimmy, I wish you'd learn better table manners. You're a regular little pig at the table." Deep silence on .Jimmy's part. So father, in order to impress him more, added; "I say, Jim, do you know what a pig is ?". "Yes, dad," replied • Jimmy meekly, "It's a hog's little boy." Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25c PRESBYTERIAL W.M.S. C'onthui,,l From Pngo Ono ialways sufficient for all oar needs. In time of trouble and sorrow He is near to us ' and when we . are weak and discouraged we can rely on Him for strength. Realizing our need for Gods help, and trusting in His prom- ise to romise,to be "a very present help in every time of need," we can go for- ward without fear,to face the duties' and responsibilities of the coating year, Reports of the year's activities were given .by the department sec- retaries andwere most encouraging. In the absence of Miss L. Jedcell of Exeter, the home helpers' report was given by the secretary, showing a membership of 207 and contribu- tions amounting to $273.99. Mrs. G. MacEwan of Goderich read the report of the literature and library secretary. Books were on. display at the January and executive meetings, and the fall rally. Sales for the year amounted to $41.77. In the library department many books and magazines had been sent to the different camps, and these were greatly appreciated. , The life membership secretary, Mrs, G. Walker of Hensall, reported a splendid year in this department. One honorary membership certifi- cate, one in memoriam. nineteen life memberships and twenty-three jun- ior memberships And seal: made a total of $715, almost double the amount of last year. In a discussion on raising' money for life memberships the following methods were su-ggested: Talent mo- ney. mite boxes. birthday box, ba- zaar, rummage sale. play, and serv- ing meals at a banquet. The report of Mr's, F. Ross of Auburn, Glad Tidings secretary, showed 307 subscriptions for the year; an increase of five, Mrs. C, Hudson of Hensall, wel- come and welfare secretary, report- ed 1046 calls made on sick and shut- in members, 45 letters written and cards and 'flowers sent which have brightened many a dreary day. The supply secretary, Miss A. Macdonald of Goderich, reported that $147 was contributed for sup- plies, and that quilts and Christmas gifts had been received for the bale. This year's bale is to be to an In- dian reserve and quilts, baby clothes, and Christmas gifts will be most needed. The Presbyterial treasurer, Mrs. J. B. 'Russell of Seaforth, reported that 53110.96 had been contributed, and she was pleased to announce that this was 5310 above the alloca- tion. A letter was read asking consid- eration for a post-war plan for Syn- odical representation in the various Provinces. This would call for three boards in Ontario, instead of one large Provincial society and Huron would be included in the Synod of Hamilton and London, There was some discussion on the n6ace thanksgiving fund; the meet- ing then adjourned, and lunch was served by the Clinton ladies. Afternoon Session The afternoon session opened by the singin,r of a hymn, followed by the Lord's prayer. The Mission Band secretary, Mrs - D. J. bane of Clinton, reported splendid work done by the leaders during the year: A considerable amount of handwork was done hy' the boys and girls; one Band sent a box of toys and other articles to the Rocky Mountain Hospital; another put on a fine concert and had a sale of the articles made by the boys and girls. The greatest need at the pres- ent time is for more Mission Band leaders. Mrs. A. D. McEwan of Hensall, Y.W. and C.G.I.T, secretary. report- ed one young women's auxiliary do- ing fine work, Osie new C,G,I.T. was formed, making a total of five for the coming year. Toys and scrap - hooks have been made, A number of girls went to Kintail camp in July. Others are assisting in Sunday school, and in the junior choir, and presented an operetta to raise funds for the work of the C.G,I.T. The re- cording secretary reported eleven senior auxiliaries in the Presbyter- ial, one young women's auxiliary, five girls' groups, three mission bands, and twenty home helpers. Two executive 'meetings were held, and- thhe fall rally was held in Aub- urn. One diamond jubilee was cele- brated, by the senior auxiliary of Goderich, There has been closer co-operation' between the various branches of, the work, and dila has been helpful, to all concerned. Eighteen guest speak- er's have brought new inspiration to the societies, and if each member will do her part faithfully, by pray- er and loyal service, the work will prosper. The 'reports were received .and adopted, and. ,an invitation was ex- tended by the Goderich auxiliaries to holcl the fall rally in 'Goderich when the diamond jubilee of the Presby terial will be celebrated, This invita- tion 'inc'accepted. A letter was read concerning the possibility of having Miss Lily Mac- Arthur of Toronto come to Hurori to meet with Mission 'Banti leaders, ,and it was decided that the early part of \Iay would be most convenient. The president 'spoke of the pass ing of faithful members daring the year, and expressed the sympathy of all the noernbers to those who had been bereaved, The allocation of $2,935 was 're- ceived and accepted and Mrs. W. Freeman of Seaforth took the chair for the election of officers and con- ducted the installation ceremony. Officers Elected Mt's: Gordon Bisset brought in the report of the nominating committee and the following officers were elect- ed: President, Mrs. W. J. Thompson, Seaforth; 1st vice president, Miss A. M. Toll, Blyth; 2nd vies president, Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, Goderich; 3rd vice president, Mrs, E. Lawson, An - burn; secretary, Miss B. Cailipbell, Seaforth; treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Rus- sell, • Seaforth; Mission Band secre- tary, Mrs, D. J. Lane, Clinton; Y.W. and C.G.I.T. secretary, Mrs, A. D. MeEwan, Hensall; home helpers and student .secretary, Miss L. M. Ink - ell, Exeter; life membership secret- ary. Mrs, G. Walker, Hensall; Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. P. Ross, Auburn; press secretary, Mrs' A. Taylor, Goderich: welcome and wel- fare secretary, Mrs C. Hudson, Hen- sall: supply secretary, Miss A. B. Macdonald, Goderich; exchange, lib- rary and literature secretary. Mrs. G. Bisset, Goderich. On her return to the chair, the president tendered a vote of thanks to the Clinton ladies for their hospi- tality, and the meeting closed with the singing of the doxology, followed by the benediction pronounced ' by Mrs. W. 3'. Thompson, COUNTY COUNCIL Continued Prom Page Ono THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1945 SEAFORTH BLANKS CLINTON MINORS Seaforth defeated Clinton 14-0 in a juvenile M.O.H A. game at the Palace rink here Tuesday night, before a fair crowd. The outstand- ing player of the game was Frank Ellwood, who secured nine goals and one assist. The 'line-ups were; CLINTON—Goal, R Miller; left defence, Frank Fingland. right de- fence, H. Millar; centre, Frank Mc- Donald; left wing, Menzies; right wing, Roy Churchill; alternates, centre, B. Hanley, left wing, C. Hanley; right wing, W, Lee: Jerry Elliott and Bob Morgan, SEAFORTH — Goal, F. Swan; left defence, Frank Ellwood; right defence, R. Strong; centre, Don Strong; left 'wing, Ken Doig; right wing, Don Stewart; alternates, centre, Gordon Wilson; left wing, Neil Beattie; right wing, J, Lane; Don Smith. Penalties — First period, Miller, Clinton; second period, R. Strong, Seaforth; Frank Ellwood, Seaforth; third period, Ken Doig, Seaforth: B. Hanley, Clinton; R. Strong, Sea - forth, Jack Nediger, Clinton, was ref- eree; Alvin Dale, Seaforth, time- keeper; George Hildebrand, Sea- forth, and D. Jacob, Clinton, pen- alty box, inn 111 nnnn11111.nninninI n111 nnannuln, WHY GO TO CHURCH ? nn nnn lllll mnunnnlinnlllllnnnbn annsno nl May we interpret the word church to mean 0 fellowship of believers within the ivinole Christian churi'h, irrespective of either name, locality or denomination. To the above question, every per son has his or her answer. Numbers of people could give au eresting land edifying answer. Pleclominaling numblors do take the clrureh, and what the church stands for, seriously. For this one is truly thankful. In the early Christian centuries the Church stood for. Christ's interests. Apostles, evangelists, deacons and laymen were united in a common goal. viz., to nuke Christ known. At the centre of the church, in the minds and affections of the people was the consciousness of a King -•- a Redeemer -- a Saviour who could save from sin. It was this inborn conviction regarding the reality of Christ's life and death, regarding His resurrection, ascension, and the sub- sequent descent of the Holy Spirit, this conviction that filled them to overflowing and sent them forth as dress stated he could conceive of no higher office than that of allowing men to engage in humanitarian effort, and concluded with the hope, "May you continue_ to be a blessing to your day and generation." Both Judge Costello and Mr. Turner were warmly thanked in mo -1 tions proposed by Reeves Berry and Love and heartily endorsed. An invitation was extended by A, H. Erskine to a banquet to be given by the Goderich Lions Club at Hotel Bedford on Thursday even- ing, when Hon, Dr. Vivian, Ontario Minister of Health, will be the guest speaker. Reeve W. J. Baker was appointed a member of the Criminal Audit Board for 1945. Reeve N. R. Dorrance of McKillop was appointed to the . Good Roads Commission for two years; and W. H. Morritt for tlu'ee years, On motion of Reeve R. J. BOW - man of Brussels and G. Ginn of Goderich Township, Reeves B. W. Tuckey and W. J. Balser were named delegates to a meeting of Huron County Flying Club in Clin- ton this afternoon. - The following were named a striking committee; 7. T. Daly, larown Smyth. Alex Watson, R, E. Shaddicic. and V, D. Falconer. Merl- N. W. :Miller read the cor- r'esuondence, which was referred to various committees to be dealt with during the session, Consideration svgs promised by the Denarntent of Game and Fish- eries of a Iluron County resolution to have Take Huron restocked with whitefish and trout. J. T. Phair, of the Ontario De - pertinent of Health, advised that serious consideration would be given to the suggestion by Huron county council that penicillin be ad- ministered gratuitously. He pointed out that "at the moment, as you are no doubt aware, penicillin is very limited in its availability. . . The fact that it has a sphere of useful- ness in a number of diseases makes for difficulty On its free distribu- tion." Endorsation is asked by the county of Grey in a resolution re- commending that the rates for in- digent patients in public hospitals be changed to read 52,00 by the municipality plus government grant of 51.00 Per day, The Department of Agriculture wrote advising that a soil survey will not be made at present owing, to shortage of' staff, but it hopes to'- have one made at the end of the war. . .Concurrence was asked by the county of Dufferin in a resolution recommending to, the Department of Agriculture that an embargo on the shipment of cattle be lifted to permit the shipment of surplus cattle to the United States. A resolution read from the county. of Hastings requests the Ontario government to make no more per- manent appointments until the sol- diers overseas return and' have equal opportunity to apply for and obtain these positions. HOCKEY Continued From Page One League Standing:. Won Lost Tied Pts. 1 0, 1" 3 1 0 ' 1 3 0, 1 1 1 Mites 0 1 1 1 Pee-Wees Midgets Cubs Seaforth NOW PLAYING THURS, FRI., SAT. Iry Claire Trevor Albert :Dekker "The Woman Of The Town" A meaty and human drama packed with exeitment MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Fred MacMurray Barbara Stanwyck "Double Indemnity" with Edward G. Robinson This is tops tis melodramatic entertainment NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY TWO FEATURES Joan Davis John Hubbard - In _. "Beautiful But Broke" — Also — "Cowboy Canteen" Coming: Double Bill— "THIS IS THE LIFE" "SECRET WEAPON" fire brands, with a message of re. The Board decided t ' deeming love. At the centre of that do in each of the schools nstall in wpb h Hy - message, was the Presence of a Liv- it is not already installed and the ing, Glorified, Redeeming Christchairman and secretary were auth- Peoplc still go to Chinch. Why ? orized to sign applications for wine Bec'ause.it is the custom ? Because ur behalfon s of the 52,000b00The dere- urer's bond of was ordered our parents went to church ? Because renewed and the salary of the sec.- it is good business ? Answer -- yes areas. was set at $150.00. The trea- auul no. People go to Church because surer' was instructed to pay s per contract. the sal - the. Church is a Divine institution and die due ttepark teacher as it becomes t. stands for the highest interests of It was also decided to grant the num. Mall was. created for worship use of the schools for social func- and can find no lasting• satisfaction frons, and the caretaker an each school to be the responsible- author- ity to keep order and put school in proper order again after the event, and any extra cost incurred thereby to be borne by those responsible for the function. The representative trustee. of each section was appointed the authority for school supplies in their respec- tive schools. The meeting adjourned to meet in Egnondville school on Thursday, March 1st at 8 p.nt. apart from worship. Many within the early church worshipped God with a zeal that could not be withstood --- in a spirit that world match war. People stilt go to church today. People continue to attend Divine ser- vice --- worship Gocl. With what -mot- ive - in what spirit: -- with what measure of abandon of mind, heart and spirit do I, do you, go to church 0 —W. J. P. ENLARGED SCHOOL AREA Continued From Page 1 the Board on matters relative to the school and its 'conduct and manage- ment which was adopted by the Board and the Secretary was instructed to procure the necessary forms and also other necessary supplies for the area. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. 'Nelson Hunkins and daughters, Audrey and Betty, wain) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton; Mrs. T. Macintosh has returned to her lronre here from Toronto; Alex Ram- sey has resumed his duties at Ceu- traiia. Here's the situation: Makers of telephone equipment have been busy on orders of all kinds for the armed services. For them, the time to start reconverting still lies ahead. Even after war needs have been met, these manufac- turers must make a major change -over before they can re- sume normal production of sup- plies for civilian use ... Which (9n'Vcttve Re/ku ce • Buy War Savings Stamps and Certificates Regularly. means that we must continue. to defer manyrequests for telephone service, awaiting the day (we hope it may not be too long delayed!) when materials in adequate vol- ume and skilled manpower again become available. The applica- tions on our waiting list will be filled as promptly and fairly as possible, on a first -come -first- served basis. rov�sy aii%Args * l.Ua2ais H. H. P. JOHNSTON Manager. a.