HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-01-11, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1945 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Superior offers Good Values, Thursday, January ii. till Jan. 17 Canada Brand. Cornstarch, per pkg. Grape Jam, 24 fluid oz. 2 coupons Van Camp's Pre Cooked -Beans 3 — 12 OZ. PKGS. Bee Hive Corn Syrup 5 lb. tin 57c 2 LB, TIN — 25c New Pack Canned Pilchards, tall can ...17c Hillcrest Toilet Tissue 3 large rolls 25c Nutr•inr Baby Cereal 9 oz. pkg.-29c; 13 M. pkg. 49c Keen's Mustard, 4'oz. tin -27c; 3 oz, tin 49c Silvo Silver Polish, small bottle --15o; large bottle 23e Clark's Asparagus or Mushroom Soup .- 2-10 oz. tins 19c Superior Baking Powder, 1/-, lb, tin -13c; 1 lb. tin 236 Nabob Cottee ..... 1 11) bag 45c Aunt Jemima Pancake Fleur per pkg. 17e Junket Powders 2 pkgs. 2,3c Carnation Mills —. Best for babies Stokely's Tomato Soup 2 — 10 oz. tins 17c Grapenuts Glenwood Diced Beets or Carrots 2 — 20 oz. tins 25c Libby's Prepared Mustard Neilson's Cocoa, 16 lb. tin—loc; Aero Paste Floor. Wax Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate 9c 29c 15c per pkg. 18c 0 oz. jar 20 1 lb. tin 29c 1 lb. tin 25c lb. pkg. 210 Maple Syrup, Honey, All Minds Jams, Raisins, Cu rants, Dates, Evaporated Apples, Canned Pumpkin, Etc. quantities limited FRESH EVERY WEEK 3 ib Box 5 lb Bag 80 .lb Sack PORRIDGE! PANCAKES! MUWe141S! EASY RECIPES ON PACKAGE Per package ... Ross 1.Spr uat Art Wright PHONE 8 PHONE 77 Only of Meat 1 Cup IN THIS Delicious Chicken Puff 034 cups flour 2 teaspoons Magic Baking Powder 34 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 cup milk 1 cup chicken, cutifine 2 teaspoons scraped onion h. cup grated raw carrot 2 tablespoons melted butter or chicken fat 134 cups chicken gravy Sift together flour,baking powder and salt; add beaten egg yolks and milk. Md chicken, onion, grated carrot and melted fat and mix well. Fold In stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake in greased baking dish in hot oven at 425°F. for about 26 minutes. Servo with hot chicken gravy. 6 servings. MADE IN CANADA BAYFIELD New year celebrations hereabouts were reunions of families and mostly spent at hone firesides. `The day following Christmas a local Red Cross dance was held, and New Year's night the Orange Lodge gave a dance in the town hall. Pro- ceeds from both dances go toward War efforts. Both dances were well attended considering the stormy weather, and -were enjoyable tune- tions for the village and surrounding district these dances have become Bruch looked for annual events. A highly respected resident in the person of Doctor David Volume, pass- ed away Saturday evening and Was laid to rest in the Bayfield Cemetery' Monday afternoon, a brief service be- ing held at his late residence and a public service in the Presbyterian Church when citizens, friends and re- latives attended in large numbers to pay their last respects to this worthy citizen. For while Dr. Volume had only resided in the village four years he had made many friends and the sympathy of everyone will be extend- ed to. Mrs. Volume who is lett to mourn his demise. Relatives flew from the' 'West to reach Bayfield in time for the obsequies. He leaves to mourn his passing three sisters and several nieces and nephews. Many baiitiful floral offerings gave evidence of much sympathy and high regard. Miss Donna. Thom returned to To. Polito after having spent the holidays at the home of her parents; Mn and Mrs. Malcolm Thom, • Despite the stormy weather and drifted roads, Hayfield is fortunate in having uninterrupted service: baker, butchers and milk supply, Mise Doris McBwen spent the holi- day week with Mr. and Mrs. Little at Little. Inn. • HULLETT The Farm Forum of S.S. #1, Hal- lett. resumed then' weekly meetings on Monday, Jan. 3111, after the holi- days, with a full attendance, at the home of 117r, and Mrs. Arnold Jamie- son. The meeting opened with the ;rifling of 0 Canada with Mrs, Bert Irwin at the piano. The discussions were led by ` Arnold Jamieson, the forum secretary, after which a social time with contests, music and lunch, was enjoyed by. all. The next meeting will be held at the home of iv1I'. and Mrs. Bert Irwin, when Mrs. Fred Pepper will be the leader,, Want and For Salle Ads, 3 weeks 50c ANIM ALS DI AABLErD Quickly removed in dean sanitary trucks, Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED TOWN TOPICS The Catholic Women's League will hold their annual St, Patrick's supper this year on March 17th. Mrs, Hugh Dearly of Maynootli;is visiting her father, Mr. Thomas. Lane this week, C.S.M. Lionel Fortune, London, visited this week with Mrs, Fortune. Pte. lCenneth Forbes has returned to St. John, N.B,, after spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Forbes, Misses Margaret and Louise 'Case were week end visitors at the home. of their. sister, Sgt, and Mrs, Joseph Marinelli, Clinton. Mrs. Harry Seltzer, .Hamilton, was a guestthis week at the hone of her', parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shines. Miss Marion Milliken had the mis- fortune to fall and fracture her left arm. Mrs. Fletcher Ritchie and (laugh- ter Marilyn are guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knight. • Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Crouch and daughter-in-law, Mrs, Wm: Crouch, left Tuesday morning for the Old Country to make theirfuture home. Mr. and Mrs. Crouch left Belgium at the time of the German invasion and he has beep manager of the Hesky Flax Products Limited at Seaforth for the past two years and the fam- ily made many friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Knight receiv- ed word this week that their eldest son, Mr, Horace Knight, suffered severe head injuries while on police duty at Malton airport, Mr. Grant Fraser, Waterloo, spent. the week end with Mrs. Fraser and family. Mr. Joseph Hagan, Henson, was a guest at the home of his brother, Mr. Charles Hagan and Mrs. Hagan this week. Mr. Jahn Oldfield attended a short course at Guelph Agricultural College last week: iiIr. John Hillebrecht is attending lin, Win, Hoegy, Wm. Anderson, Peter McCowan, Chas,_Kleber, W, G. MeSpadden, Percy Taylor, Henry Bennewies; Fence viewers, James Nolan, William O'Reilly, William Boyd, Jos. McLaughlin, William Shannon, R. W. Campbell, Thos. Mc- Millan, Zack McSpadden. Sheep va- luators, Frank Beuermann, R. C. Dodds, Henry Weitersen. Building inspectors, Wm• Beattie, Wm. Sona- erville, Member Board of Health, Jerry O'Hara. LEGISLATIVE GRANTS Continues. From. Page One after the new grant scheme goes into operation and fewer special grants 'toward the teaching of Special sub- jects will be necessary. Every school board will be expected to provide a full programme of stuudies with botb. obligatory and optional subjects in eluded and with ample equipment for use by teacher and phpils..- The new scheme will make. un- necessary the grant on accommoda- tion and equipment shared equally! by the government and the county.l The school boards will be compen- sated through the new grant which ! covers 50% or more of school opera- tion costs. This niay apply also to transportation costs and fifth classes. The new grants will be paid by cheque directly Pram the Provincial Treasury to the local se-1cuetavy-' treasurer of each school board. Since all expenditures are subject to approval before grants can be as- sured, there should be the closest uaclerstandiugand co-operation be- tween the school board and the inspector, The Department officials hope that the drat accomplishment in 1945 will be a major reduction in local school rates, and then a very moderate use of the increased grants toward more and better equipment and improved school buildings and grounds. STANLEY Guelph College this week D' R b' Di -R "-Once Each Year Yo } guy Chicks On them you pin your hopes for 365 Days Therefore buy wisely and -well — Buy the Best The odds are in your favor when you buy Scott's R.O.P. Sired Barred Rock Chicks or Red Rock Hybrids Barred Rock hens prated to,Imparted Massachusetts Red Cockerels Remember you are making your year's big investment Early orders get preferred deliveries SC' T T'S F CURT. FARM Phone 851 - 32 Seaforth, Ont. CONSTANCE Death of Mrs, Richard Anderson Death came suddenly on Friday morning. January 5111, 00 Mrs. Rich- ard Anderson at her late home near Constance. Mrs. Anderson, one of the districts' oldest and most esteemed residents, passed away after a three weeks' illness and her death is deep- ly mourned by the many who knew o tnson— hes so well. The deceased, younger Holiday visitors at the home of Mrs. E. Ritchie were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ritchie and family of St. Marys and Mrs. F. Ritchie and dau- the scene of a charming wedding, February, 1879• Surviving areg two The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, E. Robinson, Stanley Township, on Philip Reed, was born August 31st. Monday,Januarylst at 10 a.m., was o56, in ance a Township, and came to Constance after her mania a ht ghter of London.when their only daughter Helen daughters and two sons, Mrs. Joseph Mr, Angus Brown of Toronto May, became the bride of William H. Brown of Toronto, Mrs. J. H. was a visitor with •his arents Mr.Snell, Clinton, Mr. J. C, Anderson of P Earl, 'son ,of Mr. and Mrs. David Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Brown, Tuckersmith, Dignan, Hensall, Ontario. Rev- Oliver Anderson at home. The eldest Miss Belle Ballantyne has returned •Reba Hern officiated. The bridal ,son, Robert Reed Anderson, deceased, after visiting her niece in London. Mrs. Mae Dorrance has gone to spend the winter with her daughter, MrS. M. H. McI{,enzie at Oshawa. Miss Mabel Whiteman of Kippen spent a few days last week at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Aik- enhead, Mr. J. H. Hillen of the staff of the Kingston Collegiate and Vocational Institute, has returned after spend- ing the holiday at his home. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Finnigan have received word from their son P.O. Gordon Finnigan, informing them of his promotion to Plying Officer. Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Broadfoot music was played byMrs. Elmer passed away July 4tlr, 1926, ht Swett p yCurrent, Saskatcheivau. and the late Keyes of Varna, who sang, "0 Per- Mr. Richard Anderson, husband of feet Love," preceding the ceremony the deceased, also passed on, June and "I Love You Truly" during the 3rd, 1918. Seven granticaniklren deeply signing of the register. I mourn her loss, Mr. David Anderson g g g of Toronto, Mi, Francis Harding of The attractive young bride- enter- Montreal, Mt Girvin nderson Mas• ed the living room on the arm of her Pei Eric Anderson, IVfa Miitorr Bloivn• father and stood beneath an arch of cite London, Mrs. Robert Welsh of Eay- held NL's• Robert \\ hate of McAllen, pink and white roses and Old English. Texss, U.S,A„ 5nd Iwo great grand• Ivy, with Canyon blue satin side-chnklreii: Nliss Arancy Edna Brown, drapes, For her wedding the bride I London, and Miss Citherinc \\ cash, jBavfleld, The funeral was held from chose a floor -length gown of ivory I her hUe horse oa Monday arii'i' oilmen. brocaded satin with sweetheart neck llJanuttt;v 8th. when the service Was line and tiny covered buttons down cx+nducted by h=•r nuntvter. rho Rev. \4', J. Talton of raven ('hurch' \\'in - the front of the long bodice. She throe. Singing was rendered by 111': wore a three-quarter length tulle veil n! i J rittnn and Mrs 13. Stephenson arranged from a feather headdress ^t' I 'ida;inre. Irael'Ieeli wit, macre in of Hamilton have returned to their and carried a cascade bouquet of mariland 1 Ili It 1', m ta,ry, the patl- home after spending a few days with Peerless red roses. The bride's only pall- bearers. . helm, M s a 1 (•has. ,o H,, the former's mother, Mrs. A. G. ornament was ai Au-tI .,ex, r liihi•1 Jamieson Har- Broadfoot of Egmondville, gold ]leant -shaped ver Taylor. \\'illinin Jewitt and Prank g locket, gift of the gfooln. I Phillip,, Tb, Ilowet bearers we r,• The bridesmaid, Miss Gladys Wale A,le sa .- R""(1)11'11, t 1'. 110, Solna ttr ST.THOMAS, CHURCH GUILD I del non J,i>., Rt, -pens m arta .,em •s The annual meeting of the Ladies' 1ne' of Grand Bend, wore a floor. 1 ,lana .c Guild of St, Thomas' Church was length gowns of white sheer crepe "Hew swe i t. to si,,ap where held on Wednesday of this week at and wore a halo of white flowers in all is pi ace. the Rectory. Owing to the storm her hair and carried a cascade bon_ 1 where sniuw• c.unnt many members were absent. Mrs. gnet of white ivory carnations and reach the breast, McG'ivin, the president, was in Where all life's idle charge. Rev, Mr. Gilbert opened the wh to pom-pom chrysanthemums. thi•obbings cease, meeting with New Year's prayers The groom was attended by the And pain is lulled to rest !" for the parish, the armed forces, and bride's only brother, Douglas Robin - the Lord s prayer. Ver y encouraging son.The bride's mother wore a HURON ROAD WEST reports were read from the various black sheer flowered crepe dress and committees after which Mr. Gilbert conducted the election of officers for a corsage of pink Vergenia canna- "Happy War Workers Report" I 1945: Hon. Pres„ Mrs. C. Holmes; tions, The groom's mother wore a The regular meeting of the "Hap 'Pres., Mrs, G. McGavin; 1st vice blue dress and a corsage of pink car py War Workers Club" was held at Pres., Mrs. Oldfield; 2nd vice Pres.,nations. For the wedding trip the the home of Mrs, ,Ray Jamieson, bride wore a pearl grey dress trim- med with black sequins and a fushia. hat with black accessores. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McClinchey and family spent a few days last week with friends in Detroit, return- ing home on Saturday., Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McClinchey and family spent a few days last week with friends in Detroit, return- ing home on Saturday. Mrs. Colbert; secty., Mrs. South- gate; treas., Mrs. Ada. Reid, Nom- inated- to Board of Management, Mrs. Reid. The meeting was closed with the benediction after which re- freshments were enjoyed by all. McKILLOP COUNCIL NAMES OFFICIALS FOR 1945 The township council of McKillop held their statutory .meeting in Sea- forth on Monday when routine busi- ness was carried out. The subject of township snowplowing was discussed and it was decided if equipment can be found available to go into the question more fully. The following officials were ap- pointed for 1945: Clerk and Treas- urer, reas urer, J. M. Eckert; auditors,. Mon- teith & Monteith; school attendance officer, John Leeming; drainage in- spector,. Clarence Regele; weed in- spector, Albert Harrison; medical of- ficer of health, Dr. Gorwill; assessor, James Hogg; road' superintendent, Wni. J. Manley; Patrolmen„ John E. Murray, Henry Kleber, James Mc- Quaid, Geo. Leonhardt, Joe Murray, Calvin Hillen, T. Scott, Thos. Hack - well, Stewart Dolmage, Russell Bar- rows, Joe Hugill, Vincent Lane, Can Eckert, Jos. L. Ryan, Finlay . Mc- Kercher, William Herr, P. McLaugh- lin, R. C. Dodds,Wm. Somerville, Sats Bolton, Robt. McMichael. Poundkeepers, John Walsh, Jos, Car- KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Bernard' Keys of Varna and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Par- sons of Chiselhurst spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jones. Mi'. and Mrs. Cecil Dilling of London spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Wna. Alexander, Miss •Isabel Alexander has return- ed to Toronto after spending the holidays with her parents, My. and. Mrs. Wm. Alexander, Pte. Arnold Gackstetter of Yar- mouth, Nova Scotia, spent last week with Mrs. Gackstetter at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Haney. Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter; who spent the past two, weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney, returned to St. Thomas, on Saturday. , Mr. H. McMurtrie who underwent an operation in -Clinton hospital a few weeks sago, returned to his home on Saturday. • Owing t`o bad weather only nine membersand One visitor were pre- sent. The meeting opened by repeat- ing the club creed. "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" was sung follow- ed by "The' Lord's Prayer." The min- utes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A letter from Mrs. Pea cock of appreciation of the Club's : work was read, followed by the Treasurer's report. The roll call was answered by "What you got for Christmas." Collection amounted to $4.35 plus flower fund of 440, making a total Of, $4,79. A list of articles turn- ed in fel' the year 1944 was read as t follows: 12 quilts, 8 p1'. sleepers, 271 dresses (all sizes), 3 afghans, 25 9r.' socks ,2 pr. bookies, 7 skirts, 1 blouse, 2'coats, 2 boy's suits, 4 sweaters, 6 nightgowns, 2 pr, rompers, 3 pr. pan- ties, 5 crib quilts, 7 towels and 2 wash cloths, 2 pr. pillow cases, 1 pr. gloves, 3 handkerchiefs; 3 layettes, each containing 12 diapers. 2 shirts. 2 pr. stockings, 1 wrapper, 1 di'ees, 2 nightgowns, box baby powder, baby soap, 1 blanket, 1 quilt, rubber pants, safety pins, 1 sweater, 1 pr. booties, 2 'helmets, 2 bands, 1 towel, 1 lady's nightgown. The -meetingclosed by singing "God Save the King," The February meeting will be held et the home of Mrs, George Glazier on Feb- ruary 1st, A full attendance is re- quested. — O.M.H.A. — AT SEAFORTH 8 P. M. SHARP EXETER VS. SEAFORTH HOCKEY FANS — We pre- sent for your approval, one of the smartest teen -apse hockey teams that ever wore a Seaforth uniform. See this game and you'll see the Group Champs in action. They're good ! You'll Like Them! Don't Miss It Children tic, :'•u foals Alhh'ic Association r,snssenam- . z-zerznegr BORN Mrs. William 7,iary Fi !hb,rtin.g4 bvnpp in ann,nu e0 the birth of h l ; n- li 1 ,0 iris \I ! i • at. 1L,:pu 11, liitrhrt='r, on unreal-, (311' .Ler nary, 1945, 110Y045—At Scott Memorial hospital on Jan. 511,, 10 1111', and Mrs, :Ed Hayes, Tuckersmitlt, a son MIILADY - At Scott Memorial I-Ios- pital, on Jan. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. I,thvard Melady, St., Columban, a daughter (Jean Marie). HOUGART—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Jan. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggart, Londesboro R,R.L, a daughter. SUTHERLAND — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jan. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. s. ' William Sutherland, Sea - forth, a son. FORTUNE — At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Jan. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Fortune, a daughter (still- born), McKILLOP The McKillop farm forum, No, 4 square, met at the hone of Mr. Rus- sell Dorrance on Tuesday' evening. Mr, Dorrance was chairman and Mrs. Dorrance was in charge of the re- creational part. Lunch was served and the meeting closed with God Save The King. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. John Gordon on Monday evening, Jan. 15. Send us the names of your visitors. Euchre & Dance Winthrop Hall THURS., JAN. 11 Under Auspices of Community Over- seas Box Committee. Proceeds for our Soldiers' Cotnforts Lorne Mueller Orchestra Good prizes, also lucky door prize. Admission 350. Lunch served