HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-01-11, Page 1ARGUMENT They tood upon -n little street, Two men o[ dill:m.001 views, DiSMISKIIIR With ill temper's he.tt A bit of mooning news. A pretty child went romping by, WHOLE SERIES, VOL .6S, No, 2 he HURON C O U N TY'S LEADINGNEWSPAPER The trees •aeto red and gold ; acme 011 t dock: - crossed' the northern ek.. Young lover: punt them strolled Nt n•by tin a woe a ginning bird \td ; td !hinge cvuywherc, Jim nn; of them they Bow or heard. \ %chile I hey were bickering there. SIIIAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1945 Phone 84 01 a year BLOOD DONORS CLINIC STATEMENT RE GENERAL ON JANUARY 25TH LEGISLATIVE GRANTS The nineteenth Mobile Bloody Don Mr, J. 21 Kinkead, Inspector of ors Clinic for Seaforth and cbmmun- Schools, Huron North has issued the ity is scheduled for Thursday, Jams- following statement dealing witit the ary 25th. new scheme of General Legislative .An urgent appeal goes out' to men grants, More detailed information re - and women between the ages of 18 gliding the effect iii ;certain town - anti 60 to volunteer. ships will be available at a later date. Our ,wounclecl men are sacrificing Tho school grants payable iu 1945 their lives for its; surelyive can by the .Ontario Government will be sacrifice a. small amount of blood in 50% of the total cost of elementary return to help bringthese boys back and secondary education in the Pro 'to us, We, at home, must be certain wince. About 20% was paid in 1944• that thefighting nien get all the life In the announcement, two main grin - saving plasma' they 'need. ' ciples were emphasized: (1) that the Our December clinic had to be increased " grants , are to be the cancelled due to stormy weather s0 means of lowering the burden at tax - our local committee would like to see ation for school purposes on real the largest clinic ever held in Sea - Property. (2) that they are to enable forth. New donors please get in touch every community to provide for with the secretary, Mrs. G. Trout- every Ontario child as nearly equal SEAFORTH COUNCIL HOLDS TUCKERSMITH COUNCIL INAUGURAL MEETING HOLD MEETING The statutory meeting of, the Town! Tuckersmith Township Couneil Council was Held in the council chamber at 11 am: on Monday, The following members having taken the required declaration of office, took their spats: Mayor, John J. Clint; Reeve, John F. Daly; Councillors, J. E. Keating, M. A. Reid, N. Hubert, L Hudson, R. G. Parke, F. S. Sills. The meeting wa.s opened by prayer by the Rev, Mr, Workman. The standing committees for 1945: Finance Committee, J E. beating, M. A. Reid, F. S. Sills. • Street Committee, 7. F. Daly, J. E. Keating, Isaac Hudson Property Committee, F. S. Sills, met in tate town hall, Seaforth, on Jan. 8th for their inaugural meeting at 11 a.m,, with all members present and Reeve Arthur Nicholson presid- ing. Rev. A. W. Gardiner, of Eg- tnondville United Church, attended and invoked divine guidance upon the deliberations of the council for the' coming year. Tuckersmith Tel- ephone Commissoners R. M. Peck and H. M. Chesney together with Lineman Walter MacBeth waited on council in regard to establishing loc• atiotrs of pole lines of H.E.P.C. .and Telephone System and the clerk was ordered to write H.E.P.C, in regard R. G. Parke, N. Hubert.to securing a copy of agreement bet- Relict Committee, J. F. Daly, M. A. ween the two parties on this matter. Reid. F, S. Sills. I Council subscribed to Municipal beck. Phone 93: tor your appointment.Fire es Water Conu'nittee, R. G. World for members and officials for Bble. The .former system was coin Gout of Revision—Mayor', Reeve, to .the Salvation Army. James Love Parke, M. A. Reid. N. Hubert. i ani WiLL MARK FIFTY-FIRST plicated by assiste[l grants, grants. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY for special subjects and detailed cal - Mr, and Mrs. John T: Crawford, culations on attendance; sslarfes, and Jarvis street, will observe their fifty- improvements. This scheme is the first wedding anniversary next Wed- simplest which has been used in 00- nesday, Jan. 17th, and will be at home tarso. All rural school boards will to their many friends afternoon and receive in 1945 an amount equal to evening. They were married at the 50% or more of the school operation home of the bride, 14th concession of costs for the calendar year 1944, McKillop, by Rev. Mr. Musgrove of The assessment of rural sections is Winthrop, ,on January 17th, 1894. f used as a basis for determining the Mr. Crawford is a son of Mr, end percentage of grants payable. Iu Mrs. David Crawford', and his wife, some cases where the assessment is' b much educational opportunity as pos- 194 g' 'and a grant of $25 was matte and Councillors J. E. Beating, R. G, and Arthur Finlayson were appoint - Parke, Isaac Hudson- ed auditors at a. salary of $95 each. First named to be chairman, ;They will audit the books of each Sills -Parke: That this Council ex- school 'section in the township as well tend the Season's greeings to the as the township books and each 1945 Township of Tuckersmith. Comaschool -is expected to pay $10 toward ell with the hope that sane cordial this cost with the exception of the relations which have existed between School Area, which i expected to the two bodies in the past will be pay $20. I continued, W. S. Broadfoot was appointed The adiour'necl meeting 01 the coun- cil was 'held in the council chambers hour while on duty and 7e per mile at 3.16 p.m. with all members pre- for use of car. Robt. Dalrymple was appointed Road Supt., ata wage of the - former 1Vlary Souter, is a dangh_ very low, the grant will a as sent. Letters from tate Ontario Good ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Souter, as 90%. In Huron County, all rural Roads Association and the Ontario 60c Ter hour while on duty and 7c 50 Y of per mile for use of ear outside of cio nsensse all of McKillop. � s 1 0l boards will receive ° Municipal Association were d' d Mr. and Mrs. Crawford lived in their approved costs- Arrears of taxes were considered, township. Dr. E. A. McMaster was appointed Medical Officer of Health southwest Manitoba for .22 years and For urban centres the grants to acrd it was decided to hold a tax sale twenty years ago came to Seaforth, public and separate school boards and ,Harold Jackson was appointed as soon as possible. Request of lire where they have been highly respect- vary according to the population of as member of the Board of Health. The annual meeting of the Seaforth the urban centre, and are apercent- department was left in hands of the Taxes of 1988 and 1941 in the o re Red Cross Society will be held Friday lire and water committee. amounts of $4.95 and $8.00 1espec- t d U 't 1 CI h min star and evening, Jan, 19th, at 8 p.m., In the ed residents. They have one son, William John, of Windsor, who is age of the preceding calendar Year's Reid -Sills, That a list of properties were cancelled and council Library. This will be followed by an married' and has two children. Mr, school operation costs. This percent- be prepared pursuant to taxe sale tively, died Alex Souter; Mill Road, Tuckersmith, age begins at 30 for the largest ordered membership fee of $5.00 executive meeting. t goes as high as 60 proceedings. ' paid to Association of Rural Menial - brother of the bride, was one of the thesmallest "titan centres Few; i t t f otdcials and oth- p and best' wishes to Mr. and Mrs, less than 50% of their 1944 operating officer, and on, town years in the ministry, A actuate f he WE STILL 1AVE IT! (ccl We're proud to tell you that Community Plate is still avail- able at our store — though in limited quantity! We suggest early choosing, 26 s OTI-IER COMMUNITY SERVICES S AVAU(iE S Jeweller and Optometrist Opposite Post Office, Seaforth Government Tax Extra REV. R. W. CRAW DIES AT FERGUS Rev. Thomas Wilson Craw, - ire United sure 3 former pastor of the McKillop Cir- cuit, c ie •at his home at Fergus on Friday night following a heart attack. He was minister of Fergus Presbyterian Church from 1908 to ', and returned to Fergus to live and relief n is retirement after additional $5000 Dominion of Can: again in all history when the com- bonds with the Bank of Comm - RED CROSS NOTES urban centres and g e Bylaw h66-1946, was passed, mak – ing appo u men o alines, The Reeve and Treasurer Up To You guests at the, wedding n years ago. for 5were authorized to hypothecate an 1906 t d Perhaps there will never be a time All join t extending congratulations err their 150 urban centres will receive ars for the town for 1clai rn 1941 o h tlr t ft 4p D. H. Wilson, toren clerk a Crawford on this happy occasion. ] h ban centre the per - W. t tax g o t Um • h t oration costs p ' university of torts and supplies made by the hands costs. In urban Fuel BURN OND SHOVELFUL OF COAL WITH FOUR SHOVELFULS OF COKE AND BE SAFE E. L. BOX PHONE 43 W. Awent, assessor an aaS • Oda r Y of Canadian women will be so needed. tentage of school op collector. cite in order to procure lower inter- Toronto • VIr. Craw seated in the paid to the public school board and 5, W. Archibald, town engineer. ' est rakes on required borrowings. Ontario pastorate of Lucknow, Dor- Thele are two ways of looking at it, John Carrie, chief constable and tax E. P. Chesney was `engaged for cheater and Mcl(illop, either a task or a privilege, Which.- to the separate school board is the collector. Surviving besides his widow are same. In Huron County; the town of N. Scolia, fire chief. 1 the combined offices of Clerk, Trees- a son, Rev, Walter Craw, minister ever tvaY yen look at it., there is no Goderich will receive 50% of .the ap- John Cumtininga, sanitary inspector urer, Tax Collector and Relief Ofli of Zion United Church, Brantford, eve! log it off riow. People will suf- GI and inspector under the weed control ter at a salary of $1200 a year, and i Otit.; three daughters, Dr, Helen far really suffer, if supplies for oar proved cost of public and separate act and fruit tree control. " Bylaws confirming all appointments Craw Mitchell, medical missionary, sCheols, all other towns and villages John Cummings, asst. constable p pp j to China; Mrs. Arnold l'fathews, troops and for the destitute people will receive 80%. and street foreman. i were ordered prepared. i North Bay, Ont., and Mrs. John of our Allied' nations do not go for - The grant. scheme continues the Brock, Davis, Duane, auditors. 1 Accounts ordered paid are as fol- Cunningham, Lower Nicol; and a ward, and in the army parlance, "on encouragement of the formation of John Currie, poll and dog and street 1 Gr nt $06 Board of Health ' • oiling tax collector. lows: as , s1 $2 25 stationery printing. postaue, 0 lamer units for rm'a.l school acinniuis- Thos. Storey, scavenger' and pound $13.00; fence viewing costs, $9.00; Mr. Craw was predeceased by 1 . Harburn, member local boards sundry $5,00, 'relief $1'0, iafion'three brothers: Rev. William Craw. of health, board $5.00, election expense $5.00- Petroha: Rev, George Crate, Peter - S. Hanna, W. Morrison, R, Scarlett, borough, and Rev, Alex Craw, To - • ' stetnt, Mrs. Herbert Uren, London, - the double." . Northside United Church i tration. The townships or portions of Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. , .townships of this County wbicll have 2.30 m Sunday School I adopted the township , school area 11 a.m. "The Urgency of Prophecy' road accounts $858.75.—E. P. Ches- ionto. P, t' to receive a 1 fence viewers 7 p n1. "The Spirit, In The Church.. bearer will continue Congregational meeting, Jae. 18th, grant of one mill. on the equalized James Stewart, member public lib- nay, Clerk. nary board. assessment to a maximum annual grant of 5300 per section included in Rev. A. W. Gardiner B.A„B,D. . the Area. 10.30 a,m„ Sunday School The giants to secondary schools 7Xp.n a"S "Self Deception,” fro;" have been greatly increased. This as 7 p.m. Self Excluafon From Happy Relationships." at '8 pan. Mrs, D. Milliken, Member higlr school board. R. Shiner, asst. to clerk and treas 1 urer. Dr, F. J. Burrows, medical officer of Health. Report of finance committee D. H. Wilson, $79.08; R. Shinen, 525; J. A, First .Presbyterian ChurchWilson, pension $20;- J. Currie. $85; Minister, tel Rev. Richaiel H. Williams, tY pupils since high school boards J.' Cummings, 585; Thos: Storey, $70, B.A. are required to deduct all legislative- Regier Transport, 55; Canadian Na-' a.m. The Sunday School will . is from their gross costs in de- tional Railways, $10,30; County of meet glen Huron $106 ,50; Miss Lillie MacPher- meet• ternlining t e son, eg st $ 11 a.m. 8 Public Worship: ''Tiro For- giveness of the county and township councils in 7 p., Public Worship: "The Cold behalf of their county pupils attend-. Egmondvitle United Church Well as being a saving to the urban centres, will lower the cost for coun- lr net cost to be paid by' r� 1 rer '.7,30• W. R, Hayes, snow plowing wgs,, 534.75;" Alex Boy - es, rent of plough, $173.75; Win. Montgomery, 53.50; D. 13, Wilson, re ration board, 546; John Regier, re- bate re wood, 586.97; Re elections: R.O., DRO's., poll clerks„ booths, etc., $65. Church."ing high schools. The Annual Meeting of the Con- Assisted grants will not be required n Monde gregation-will tadce plate o y, January 22, at 8 pan. • - Continued on Page Five Anglican St. Thomas', Seaforth: 10 a.m. Sunday' School and Girls' Bible Class. 11 a.m. Morning prayer, "Deliver- ance to the Captives." 7 p.m. Evening • prayer, "Seeking, Following, Arriving." St. Mary's, Dublin. 2.30 Sunday School. 3, Holy Communion. The Rectdr will .preach. Annual Vestry Meetings: St. Thomas', Seaforth: Monday, Jan, 15th, -S p.m. St. Mary's, Dublin: Tuesday, Jan. 16211, 2.30 p.m. • SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION The following members of the Seaforth and District Ministerial As- sociation met for their January meet- ing at - the Salvation Army: Revs. Workman,Gilbert, Williams, Gardi- ner, Hogg, Captain Sims and Lieuten- ant Major. The next meeting of the Association will be held at Egmond' villa United Manse. on Monday, Feb- ruag 5th, 2 p.m„Rev. Patton to give the ,paper. In the absence of Rev. Patton, Rev. Workman .read a paper on Sermon Preparation .aa (suggested' by Waterhouse and much discussion -followed. ' During the meeting Revs. Workman, and Gardiner and Captain Sims led in prayer, Hockey Schedule for Seaforth Juveniles Tuesday, Jan. 9, Clinton eV -Exeter. Thurs., Jan. 11, Seaforth at Goderich, Friday, Jan. 12, Exeter at Clinton. Tuesday, Jam -16, Clinton at Seaforth. Tuesday, Jan. 16, .Goderich at Exeter. Thurs„ Jan. 18,`Exeter at Goderich. Friday, Jan. 19, Seaforth at Clinton. Tuesday, Jan. 23, Exeter at Seaforth. Tues. Jan. 23, Goderich at. Clinton. Thurs., darn, 26, Clinton at Goderich. Friday, Jam 26, Seaforth at Exeter. Tues., Jan. 30, Goderich at Seaforth - Tues., Jan. 30; Clinton at-Dxeter. Thurs., Feb. 1st, Seaforth at Goderich Friday, Feb. and, Exeter at Clinton. Tuesday, Feb. 6, Clinton at Seaforth. Tuesday, Feb. 6, Goderich at Exeter. Thurs., Feb. 8, Exeter at Goderich. Friday, Feb. 9, ,Seaforth at Clinton. Feb. 13, 'Exeter at Seaforth. Tues., Feb. 13, Goderich at Clinton, Thum .,'Feb . 15, Clinton at Goderich. Friday, ,Feb. 16, Seaforth at Exeter, Tues., Feb. 20, Goderich at Seaforth. Group Play -Offs . let and 3rd Teams. and and 4th Teams. HOMOand Horne games, goals to count. Fina`) -s -Winners of above teams, home and home games, goals' : to tint. In all play off games, the team with highest standing in regular schedule, has choice of rink for first LOCAL BOYS IN LION SQUADRON. OVERSEAS A picture appearing in the Tor- onto Daily Star of Thursday, Jan. 4th, showed the members of the ,C.A.F. Lion squadron overseas. In the group are two local boys, Kelso Adams, on of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams, of Hullett, and Fletcher Whitmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Whitmore, of Tuckersmith. There is also a picture of "Jane,” famed Hal- ifax bomber of the squadron which, has completed sixty operational flightsandwears the D.F.C., won by one of her crew on operations. LITTLE SNOW iN MANITOBA 1Vlr. William Murray, writing from Dauphin, Man„ on Dee, 31st sage; We have no show here yet except enough to whiten the: ground. It lies been a lovely fall and winter so far, although it has been cold for the lest week or 10 days, but clear sunshine most of the time. Christmas eve it went down to .24 below and Christmas day was very cold with a bright sun C. W. L. MEETING The January meeting of the C W L was held at the home of the president,' Mrs, C. P, Sills on Jan. 7th, Mrs. W. Hart read several let- ters etters of thanks from boys overseas for Christmas parcels received, also several greeting carets from member's who have moved elsewhere. Circular letters on citizenship, girl guides, lay 'i retreats, education and Sisters of shine all day and has dropped to 20 below on two or three occasion.% WHAT IS YOUR LIFE ? Service were also read. Prizes will be given to pupils for the best essay and also for the best poster. Mrs, James Nolan, 3rd vice president, re- I i ported on treats supplied to. sick and shut-ins at Christmas time, Miss tt Alice Daly, war services convener, One of the things 'that matter most reported sending 23 boxes to boys in. in this world is how you look :on life. services still in Canada, also cards to 1 Toa bird, life is a song; to a prole, several who had been released. It darkness; to a rose, development; to was also decided to send boxes at a butterfly, enjoyment; an ant, hard Easter to the boys who are still over- work; while to an eagle it is free- seas. Mrs. J. M. McMillan read int- dom; or to a youth, it is unfulfilled cresting notes on the Church ,feasts desire. of January, namely Circumcision, 1 , What is your lifer Jesus said: Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, 1 i "This is life eternal, that they night Feast of the Holy Family, and Epi- 1 know thee the only titre God." phany. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and the meet ing closed with prayers for armed • forces. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE the following members of the St. John Ambulance First Aid Class were successful in passing the examinations,' for certificate and voucher: Mrs, Janet Baker, Mrs. Georgina Campbell, Miss Janet Chaff, Miss Joan Devereaux, Miss Alice Daly, Mrs. Marjorie Hawkins,, Miss Rona, Hutton, Miss Cora Birkby, Miss. Lama Mole, Mrs. Jean Plnd'er, Mrs. Edith Pudner,, Mrs. Ina Scorns, Mrs. Dorothy Shaw, Miss Ruth Shiners,. Miss, Rebecca; Shinen, Mr. E. Albrecht,. Mr. H. Pretty, Mr. Cyril Snowdon, Mr. Oswald Snowdon, Mr. John Stevens, Mr., Albert Whitney. Life is found alone in Jesus, - Only there 'tis offered thee, Offered, without -price or money; 'Tia the gift of God, sent free. —A.73.S• V H A ILTON COKE KE The only Pure Coke obtainable TRY IT N. Guff & Sons HURON SHORT COURSES START NEXT WEEK, Owing to bad weather it ins been necessary to cancel the 'first seven Short Courses in the county, but it is hoped to run thein after the other schedule is completed. Weather per- mitting the schedule is as follows: Goderich Twp., at Clinton on Jan.. 15 and 16; Hullett, at Londesboro, January 16 and 17; McKillop, at Winthrop, January 17 and 18; Tntkersrnith, at Seaforth, Jan. 18 and 19; Usborne, at Elimvilie, Jan. 22 and 23; Stephen, at Crediton, on San. 23 and 24; Hay, at Zurich, Jan. 24 and 25; Stanley, at Varna, Jan, 25 and 2'6th. MRS W. J. DICKSON Mrs, W. J. Dickson. James St.. Seaforth, died Monday after ailing about four years. The departed woman was the former Elizabeth Sanderson, born on the 13th conces- sion of Hullett. She came to reside in Seaforth after her marriage to Jar. Dickson, who predeceased her in 1937. She was a faithful member Church i C of :Northside United hnch and taught a Sunday School class. She also took an active interest in the Seaforth Agricultural Society. Four sisters survive: Mrs. William Skel- ton, Morris township; Mrs, Samuel Forbes, Walton; Mrs. William Tay- lor,. Blyth,, and Mrs. Earl` Enpy, Melbourne; and three brother's: Al- bert Sanderson, Blyth; John and Henry Sanderson, both of Hullett fneral service held a t her l to 1 ome on James St s Wednesday, at 2 p.n. Funeral ser- vices conducted by Rev, H. V. •Work- man, Seaforth, with interment in Brussels cemetery. AIRMAN'S BABY IS YEAR'S. FIRST IN ST. THOMAS The honor of being the first baby born in St. Thomas and Elgin County in 1945 went to Robert George Sharp, son of Sgt A. K. Sharp, of the R.C.A.F., and Mrs. Sharp, 25 Owaissa St., St. Thomas. Sgt. Sharp, proud father of the "earliest arrival," is from Seaforth and is on the staff of the . Flight Engineers' School at Aylmer. He and Mrs. Sharp ha,,e lived in St. Thomas for the last two years. Mrs, Sharp is a Saskatchewan young wo- man. Their little son has been named Robert and George for Mrs. Sharp's two brothers, who have given their lives inthe presentwar Baby Sharp was officially timed at the M.ernorral Hospital in St. Thomas as arriving in this troubled old world at three minutes after the midnight hour, on Jan. 1, 1945. In consequence of that "earliest, arri- ' tial" Baby Sharp and his parents will o ' I receive gifts from a dozen or more 1 St. Thomas stores HENSALL The Horne Nursing Course will be held each Monda9 evening from 8 to 10 p.m. in the council chamber com- mencing on Monday, Jan. 15th, Lad , res of the community register and hear the first lecture. The small reg istration of $1 covers cost of 1rur,5-' ling text book and pin.