HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-01-04, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY .4th, 1945 TATE",S iAT'ORTIi NEWS.,. Thrifty Values —Thursday, January 4, till Jan, 10 Orange and Grapefruit Marmalade. 24 OZ. JAR Palmolive Beauty Soap, 2 bars 11 c Catelli's Quick Cooking Spaghetti , 10c 16 OZ. PKG. • Aylmer Vegetable or Tomato Soup 17c 2 10 -oz. TINS Fresh Readicut Macaroni, 2 lbs. 13c No. 1 Round Grain Rice; 2 lbs.' 23c 25c PORRIDGE! PANCAKES! MUFFINS! EASY RECIPES O14 PACKAGE Per package ,.. ...29c Nntrim Baby Cereal, 9 oz pkg, 29c ........ .. , , ...13 oz.pkg. 49c Newport Fluffs, with free ti nbler, S quart bag 250 ' Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin 10c Ovaltin, reed, jar. ... 68c Sana White Toilet Tissue, 4 rolls Aylmer Dehydrated Beans large jar 98c 25c 150 Blue :Boy Coffee 1 ib. bag 35c I.ipion's Noodle Soup Mix habitant Vegetable Soup 2 10 -oz. this .... ........ • .. • • ,190 Libby's Prepared Mustard 6 oz, jar 09c 2 -in -1 Shoe Polish Paste per tin 100 Vita -B Cereal, 1 ib. bag ..10c . 3 ib. bag 26c Acadia Codfish' Plum Jam 3 5 -oz. tins 2 pkgs. 25c is .carton ,....._............. 39c 24 iiaid oz. jar 310 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 93s. Special this week 92.09 ROBIN HOOD ROLLED OATS 5 1b. bags, real fresh 27c rt.. Ross J. Sproat Art Wright PHONE 8 PHONE 77 Save see bake a Delicious. Cake MAGIC Chocolate Gold Cake 3 tbs. butter. Yolks of:3 eggs Sup sugar 134 cups of flour 1 tsp. flavoring extract 34 cup of milk 3 tsp. Magic Baking. Powder Cream butter; add sugar slowly- add eeg yolks which have been beaten until th ck;add rifer Sift together flour and baking powder; nately with milk to ;rat mixture. Bake in two 7" greased layer -cake pans at 375°P. for 20-25 minutes. SUGARLESS' ICING CHOCOLATE FROSTINGa 1 egg white; 35 cup Maple Syrup; 34 tsp. salt;; PI cup Cocoa; 33 tap. vanilPut egg white, maple syrup and salt in top of. double boiler overboiling water and beat with. rotary beater for 4 minutes. em v efroni heatva and fold in cocoa gradually, b and spears over cake. MADE 1N CANADA DANCE' at St. Columban THURS., JAN. 4 Rhythm Boys Band DANCING 9.30 - 1. 11,11,,,.. 11n111111011n,n mol,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,1111m1111111,,,,111111„ NEW BOOKS Continued Prom Page One Pastoral, Shute Hard facts, Spring; Ridin'. the rainbow, Taylor; Building of ,Talisa, DaLaRoche; Boston Adven- ture, Stafford. Non Fiction --' People on our side, ' Snow; In spite of all, Wallace; Part- ners in throe worlds, Duncan, Juvenile — Magie Muggies, Gran- nan; Rabbit hill, Lawson; Jimmie the groceryman, Miller; The olien gate, Seredy; Tall book of nursery tales; Cinderella, Miller;• Dog of war, Downey; When Esther was a little girl, White, • BORN BEATTIE — Mrs. and Mrs. Kenneth Beattie of Walton are happy to an- nounce • the arrival of a daughter Margaret Elaine, on Dec. 21st, 1944, at Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. COYiNE.-At. St. Joseph's Hospital, :Hamilton,. Friday, Dec, 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 1'. Coyne, of Dun- das, a son, Donald Wayne, 'a bro- ther for Joan. 10 Goals of Medicine in 1945 Scientists, searching for new meth- ods to save and prolong human life, hope to sake headline progress. Dr. Mor is Fishbein editor, The Journal of the American Medical Association, tells.. ,in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (Jan. 7) issue .of The Detroit Sunday Times...witat is be Detroit ,Sunday Times—what is be juvenation, DEAD or SIM A AL S ISABLE Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM I STONE SONS LIMITED TOWN TOPICS was a holiday visitor with TRey, H. V. and 11ire, Workman. Flt, Lt. Ardis J. Eckert- (Nay.), Son .of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert, ar- rived home on Thursday last on Ieai from overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hercintan aucl Antos and Herman and Carmen, of Elimville, silent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman and Helen. of Centralia spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw. Mr. Ernest Clarke attended the Junior Boys Parliament held In Ham- ilton amilton last week. Mr. And Mrs, William • Walmsley and son, Niagara Falls, spent New Year's at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Walm- sley, of town, . ' Mr. and Mrs. John Sholdiee, London, were guests atthe home of Mrs. Sliolciice's mother, Mrs. Thomas Elder, over the week end, Mr. Leo Hagan, North Bay, spent Now Year's at the horse •of his father Mr. James' Hagan. , LAC. Harry Earle, RCAF., Rivers, Manitoba, is spending his furlough at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Earle. Mr, and Mrs. George McGaviu and daughters spent New Year's at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGavin, Stratford, Airs. John Card= left last week for Vancouver, RC., to join her husband, who is stationed there. Mr, David Bolton, Waterloo, spent the week enol at his home here. Mr, Robert Dundas of Toronto has. spent a few days of the Christmas vacation with his mother Mrs. W. A. Dundas, , who is recovering nicely after her recent illness. Mr. Percy Hoag of Lncknow spent the holidays at his home here. Miss Marjory Bickell has returned to Toronto after spending Christmas week at her home here. Misses Jean Fraser and Muriel Rivers visited -during the Christmas holidays at the home of the fornter's' sister, Mrs. Reginald Rintoul and Mr. Rintoui, Kitchener. Captain Alvin- Sillery and Mrs. Sill ery, Ottawa, were guests over New Years at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Crich. Mrs, S. McMillan, Stratford, spent the week end at the home of her dau- ghter Mrs. Ed Andrews and Mr. Andrews. Mrs. John Trout Sr. of Stratford is visiting her daughter Mrs. W. J. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry and daughter Elizabeth Ann, Stratford, were New Year's- guests at the home of Mi's, G. T. Turnbull. Pte. Kenneth Forbes, St. John, N.B., is spending leave with his parents, NIr, and Mrs. A. Forbes, in Egmond- vine 1liiss Gladys Thompson has return- ed to Niagara Falls, after spending the past week with her mother Mrs, J. B. Thompson. Lieutenant Stanley Dormice has returned to Winnipeg after visiting. with his mother Mrs. Mae Dorranre. AC. Ross Coutts spent the Now Year's at tie haute of his parents, Mr. Arnold W estcott has returned to Toronto after spending Christmas week with Mrs. Westcott and family. Misses Joan McMaster, Fergus Y,e11, Teresa McIver, Dorothy Smith. and Mary Duncan have returned to London to resume their studios at Western University. Misses Clara Gilbert and Winnifrecl Russell have returned to Toronto Uni- versity after spending the Christmas holidays at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Smith and daughter Patricia Ann, Toronto, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Regier. Miss Maude Keys, nursein train- ing at Stratford, visited her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys, over the weekend. Miss Margaret McIver, R.N., spent the week end with friends in Bitch-, ener, Miss Ruth Joynt has returned to Preston after spending the Christmas and New Year's season with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joynt, Mn Reg Pryce of Hornepayne, Ont.,. has returned to his school after spending the Christmas holidays with his family here. Miss Zetta Dunlop, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop, Miss Marg aret McIver, daughter of M,I, and Mrs. Peter McIver, both of. St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, and Miss Eclna, Eckert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert, St. Joseph's Hospital, London, wet'e among the district gra- duate nurses to receive their Regist- ered Nurse diplomas, following recent) examinations. Mr.. and, Mrs. M. G. Reid and Don- ald, Hamilton, were guests over New Year's at the, hone of Mr. Reid's 'bro..' ;her; Mr. Merton Reid. PO. Donald Scott, RCAF., has re- turned to Toronto after spending the past two weeks at the home of his, mother Mrs. H. R. Scott. Mrs. Homer Collins, Collins Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Balfour and son Cordon of Preston were guests of her brother Mr. Burton Muir, for the holiday, Miss Margaret Smith of Toronto visited her parents Mr. and Mrs, W, D• Smith. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitney on New Year's were 3/61'. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and son Jimmie and Mrs, Miller Sr. of Strat- ford, also Mr. and Mrs. C. Struthers 'and son Percy of Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wigg are at London where Mr, Wigg underwent! on operation last' week. McCONNELL-STEW'ART St. James' Church; Seaforth, was the scene of the wedding of Mary- Jean, aryJean, only daughter of Mrs. Charles Stewart, and the late Mr. Stewart, to Patrick D. McConnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. David. McConnell, of Dublin. Rev. Father T. P. Hussey officiated at the marriage service and the nub tial mass was sung by Rev. Father John McConnell of New York, brother of the groom, also present in the sauc-. tnaiy were Rev. Dr, Ffoulkes, Dub- lin; and Rev. Father Feeney, C.R., of Kitchener. The wedding music was played by Mrs, , Frank Devereaux, ' church oi'gainist and Mr. and Mrs, James Stewart sang during the offer- tory and the signing of the register, Given in marriage by her uncle, Har- ry Stewart, the bride was lovely in her floor -length gown of ivory satin and long pointed sleeves, Her finger- tip veil was of white embroidered net. She carried a white satin prayer book with pearl crucifix embedded in the cover and white satin streamers. As maid of honor, Miss Joan Devereaux wore a floor -length gown of white taffeta, with small crimson velvet bon- net and Matching crimson veil. Her bouquet was of crimson and white carnations. The groomsman was the bride's brother, Dr. Friel Stewart, of St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and the ushers were James Stewart and Dr. Toni Walsh of St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. Following the ceremony a reception for the immediate rela- tives was held at the bride's home, Mrs. Stewart receiving in a gown of, aqua petit point crepe, snatching hat with amethyst velvet trim; amethyst accessories and corsage of roses. The groom's mother wore black crepe with small fuchsia velvet hat and corsage of roses. For travelling, the bride changed to a dress of cherry rose crepe, brown fur coat,"brown accessories and cor- sage of roses. On their return from their honey - Moon, Mr, and Mrs. Patrick D. Mc- Connell will matte their hone in the McMaster Apartments on High street, Seaforth, where the groom is a prom- inent young lawyer, BEECHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. John O'Reilly, of Stratford, and li:. and Mrs. 3oe Moylan and Deeisn, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dalton and family, Ilibbort, visited Ch ihtmits d y with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moyi ui, Mr. Frank Moylan, Scarboro Bluffs, is holidaying at his home here. Cpl. 3. H. Carroll, Centralia, is spending Christmas holidays with Mrs. Carroll and son. Michael at Beechwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Shea Jr. and Mr. Jim Shea spent Christmas with Mrs. Shea's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James O'Reilly, Hibbert. Dr. Leo McKay, Detroit, is visit- ing Mr. and- Mrs. Joe Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O'Hara. Mrs. John Murray spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ma- loney. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Reynolds, of Sarnia, spent Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Carlin. Sgt. Frank Krauskopf and Mrs. Krauskopf of Ottawa' are spending their holidays with his mother, Mrs. Louis Krauskopf. Dublin, and 'Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O'Hara. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray and family spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Joe O'Rourke. Lt. Helen McKerciter, St. Hya- cinthe, Quebec, spent Christmas with C her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Finlay McKercher. Mr. and Mrs. Ennnett Malone and baby Alfred visited over Christmas. with Mrs. John Malone, Sr. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Sorsdahl and fancily, Mr. and Mrs. 'Malcolin Lamond and family, with Mr. and Mrs. Neil La- mond, London. Mr, and Mrs: Percy Adams and son, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace with Mr. and Mrs, John Wallace. Rev. Mr, and Mrs. McWilliam with. their daughter in London, Miss Jean McCulloch of St. Tho Once Each Year You Buy Chicks On them you pin your hopes for 365 Days Therefore buy wisely and well — Buy the Best The odds are in your favor when you buy Scott's R.O.P. Sired Barred Rock Chicks or Red Rock Hybrids Barred Rock hens mated to Imported Massachusetts Red Cockerels Remember you are hailing your year's big investment Early orders get preferred deliveries SC's TT'S POULTRY FARM Phone 851 - 32 Seaforth, Ont. mas with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Roy McCulloch, Mr. Robert Hoggarth of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Lawson and daughter of Buffalo with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Treffery. Mr. and Mrs. B. MacDonald and family with relatives in Brussels. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Aldington of Varna with Mr. and Mrs. T. Alding- ton. Mr. Angus McIiaig and sister Christena with relatives .in Hensall. DUBLIN A highly respected and life-long resident of McKillop township, Mrs. Margaret Walsh, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Andrew Kelly, North Easthope, on Wednesday last following a lingering illness: She was formerly -Miss Margaret Malon- ey, a native of McKillop, and in her 85th year, She was married to the late Michael Walsh about 65 years ago. About 27 years ago they retired from farming and moved to Seaforth where Mr, Walsh died two years lat- er. She was a faithful member of St. Columban Church, the Catholic Women's 7 s ague, and the Propaga- tion of the Faith: Surviving arc one son, John, of M,?iiliop township, and three slaughters, Mrs. Patrick Wil- liams and Mrs, Daniel Williams, of i;e.rt Tosv;'e tin, and ',I s. Andrew Kelly, North T','i•thon ?s oi:e Sir- .. o ter, Mary Anne -Maloney, London, two brothers, William, of Winnipeg, a uh.el, -of i e.ran Township, 01 grandchildren, and 17 great ,grand- children. The funeral was held from the horse of her son, John Walsh, with whom she resided for more than twenty years, on Saturday at 10 aan. at St. Columban Church; Rev. P. J. O'Drowski sang Requiem High Mass, and Mrs. Vincent Lane presided at the organ. Numerous floral and spiritual offerings were in evidence testifying to the esteem in which a beloved citizen was held. The pallbearers were six nephews, Wilfred Maloney, Joseph Maloney, Peter Maloney, Frank Maloney, Wil- liam Maloney and Wilfred Maloney, Kinkora. Interment took place in St. Columban Cemetery, Among those attending the funeral were: Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Kelly, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maloney, Kinkora, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney, Sea - forth. The annual. Christmas concert was held at Manley school, conducted by the popular teacher, Miss Mary Stapleton. The program presented by the pupils included recitations, playlets, and Christmas carols, At the conclusion of the national an- them Santa Claus made an oppor- tune appearance and •°distributed gifts to all the pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Albert ICrauskopf received official word that their son, Gnr, Albert Joseph K'rauskopf, has been injured in action in Holland. Pat Feeney, Niagara Falls, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Leiss and two dau- ghters, Kitchener, with Mrs, Thomas Feeney: Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Price and son, of ,Seaforth, with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Krauskopf. Rev. John McIver, F.M., of St. Marys, and Miss Rita McIver, Tor- onto, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, William Mclver. Edward Molyneaux, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold -Smock .and two daughters, Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs, . Lloyd Etue, and two children, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Etue, Zurich, with ,lir. and Mrs, Thomas J. Moly- neaux, Miss Patricia Kale. Stratford, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph i MissKale. Nell Doyle, Reg, N., Toron- to, with her mother, Mrs. James Doyle. P.O. Gordon Kleinfeldt, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rol- and Kleinfeldt. P,O. Pat O'Rourke, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke. Harry O'Connor, St. Michael's College, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald O'Connor, Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. O'Connor. Miss .Isobel Purcell, Stratford, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Tho- mas Purcell Miss Anne McAleer and nephew, Jackie Blood, Detroit, Mich„ with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conlin and children, Granton, with Mz'. and Mrs John McGrath, Mr. and 14Irs' D. McConnell, Jos- eph McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Car- penter ,ld 'Reil Dr, Ffoulken attend- ed the McConnell -Stewart wa.?cling in Seaforth, Jam,a Rekert, Tnreatn, w°tl, hip mother, I'S, Peter I eke"t. ta7ck Moloeee 1,1 f.tr tford. Sgt. JAI!, * 1, T.or 70,,, with 11.. ti ` ' Hea : ynaam 1 rlr,t99,i. •n'wasr'i, held at the home of .r•, and Alts. Wi?liim Stap- leton on Sunday. bIrs. Frank Staple- ton, .T,ondon, was a guest, Miss Ally Looby, Toronto, with her mother. Miss Margaret Holland, Toronto, Miss Mary Ellen Murray, Chatham, Miss Margaret Krauskopf, Stratford, Miss Marie Dillon, Logan, at their respective homes. Joseph Looby in Toronto. Mr. Peter Dill, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dill. Coughang WHEN A COLD stuffs up the nose, causes mouth breathing throat tickle and night coughing, use this time -tested Vicks treatment that goes to work instantly..- ' 2 ways at once! At bedtime rub good old. Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back. Then watch its PENETRATING STIMULATING action bring relief from distress. It PENETRATES to upper breath- ing passages with soothing medicinal vapors. It STIMULATES chest and back surfaces like a warming, comforting poultice ... and it keeps on working for hours,. even while you sleep—to ease coughing spasms, relieve muscu- lar soreness and tightnessand bring grand comfort! Wry it 00- �night ... tricks VapoRub. }