HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-01-04, Page 4M1
THURSDAY, .JANUARY .4th;- 1945
Snowdon Bros., Publiebert,
The many friends of Mrs, Janes
N. Campbell are sorry to know she
had to be removed' to Scott IVIemo--
ial Hospital by ambulance from
Stara where she has been visiting.
Mrs. Campbell's many friends wish:'
her a speedy recovery.
• On Friday evening Dee. 22, the an-
nual. Sunday School Christmas con-
cert of Duff's United Church was
held in the Sunday School roost. The
nt'bgram consisted of numbers from
the two schools led by Mr, Douglas
Lawless and Mr, Ross Lawless. There
were also numbers from the Sunday
School scholar's directed by the mem-
bers of the program committee. At
the close of the program Santa Claus
arrived and distributed numerous
gifts to the enjoyment of the children
and older people as well.
Christmas services were held 111
Duff's United Church, Dec. 24, morn-
ing and evening. In the morning the
regular service of worship the sub-
ject of the sermon was "Finding
Christ in Christmas." The ehoir sang
an anthem "The Houle of Christmas"
and Mrs, Nelson Rehr and Mrs. Her-
bert Travis sang a duet. In the even-
ing the service took the form of a
sacred dramatic cantata presented by
the choir and members of the Sunday
School and church. The cantata en-
titled "The Carol of Bethlehem" told
the story of the writing of the Hymn.
"0 Little Town of Bethlehem" by
Phillip Btonks. All those taking part
did se in a tine worshipful spirit mak-
ing the evening service .,f leer signi-
The Young People's Union hel5i
their Christmas party on Friday even-
ing. I)ee. 29, in the Sunday School
room. The young people all joined in
playing games for the first part of
the evening. .Test before lunch the
election of ofliters was held resulting
in the following being elected for
1945: President, Mr. William Leem-
ing; Sec.-Treas.. Mrs. Douglas Law-
less; pianist, Miss Elva Sholdice;
assistant, Miss Emma Sanderson;
conveners, Missisionary, Miss Kath-
leen Looming; Citizenship, Bir. Doug-
hlS Lawless; Culture, Miss Mary Sic-
Donrld; Fellowsldp, Miss Marjorie
1 -Tar I well; Rec'r'eation, Mr, Douglas
Fraser. The lunch committee net i ed
a delicious lunch of sandwiches clad
Pie with ice cream, At the close the
C'hrist'mas presents 100re distributed,
Misses Geraldine end Pauline II
.hweu. of Goderich were holiday visit-
ors at the Manse.
A very pleasant Sunday School soc-
ial and programme was 'held o11
Thursday afternoon, Dec, nth, at the
home of Bars. Win. Humphries, for
the Sunday School scholars of St.
Georges Church. A 11(5 programme of
recitations and Christmas songs was
glvou, Santa Claus arrived and clis-
tributed presents, nuts, oranges and
cantly from a gayly decorated tree.
Lunch was served at the close, A
Yeey.pleasant. time was spent.
.?ir. and ML's. Simon McVittie,
,,steeutetl residents of Hullett Twp„
observed the 60th anniversary of
their wedding on Tuesday, Dec. 19.
On Saturday, •December 16111. a host
of friends were given the opportunity
to pay their respects, when a public
reception was held at the house of
their daughter Mrs. Leo Wait. Many
friends called and were received at
the door by Mrs. Watt., and in turn
handed over to another daughter Mrs.
Nelson Lear, who ushered tine tninto
the dining t'o01n where they were
served tea, the waiter's being Misses
-Helen Leat' and Phyllis Shepherd.
WW1 n lutppy time was spent talking.
()NW 11151 hrinI' to this pitblfc
reception u family gathering w:i=
''•'lrl ;it 1,1 0. whet] lt] 1h .evinil Of 50
years ago woe partlilly 1'e•eua,,l'2.
9iiee pla=ced "H. -re
r"mrs cls- brise" and their 1rand-
da.t lin J. Watt it le -red the
couple tufo the drawiug emne which
wae seitably decorated with yellow
elel roiti 1t; ;1;11:s. \'t
J. a 5:n1 Levu
pre -
w1 t, l15.t of rnuistt
ra±l 1 aY l ir,:'rt-. Their
int LL. at-`•., ac ;:Io\ lt[ie:
111;1.l0 the
tare ta-i,+n , 1'v' ly sttulio cann•it
uu In It ,:f f.." faintly. This geStIlr^
Wa.. abler :wpnt•,le,i.l., by a 0-•eba1
achnnwl.'diement of thanks by Mr.3IeVittle ot1 behalf of Bits. McVittie.
and all present. sang "For They are
Jolly Good Fellows," In the evening
dinner was served to fifty guests,
among whom were thi'ee of the orig-
inal wedding patty of 50 years ago,
Bins. Robert Caldwell lir. Cem'ge
.Moon, bout of Londtsboro, and Mr.
William liron'n of HulIolt,. Others
who werepresent at the wedding,
am( who 10511.0 1111111110 to be present
for this occasion asion were -Miss Jean
Fh.tntilton, Air, Robert Calchvell,`Lon-
deshuro, Mrs. Hugh 1 emsay, Walton,
and two Meters of Mrs. McVittie,
Mts. D. Kerr, Toronto, and Mrs.
Moon, Stevensville, 01 d two
brothers, Duncan and 'rhomnas ,Tohn-
0105, Walton. The .table WES-laid ivitl\
a lace cloth, decorated With" gold
candles, and -centred with a three-
storey wedding cake, decorated with
gold leaves. A toast to the bride and
groom of 51) years ,ago was proposed
by hlr. Jamey McCool, of Londesbm'o,
and responded to by Mr.McVittie.
Mr. George McVittie, of Londesboro,
proposed the toast to The King. Mr.
and Mrs, McVittie well the receipt -
mita of 111511y lovely gilts, messages
of congratulations, telegrams, and
telephone calls. Mr. McVittie is a
charter member of Blyth I.0;0,F. No.
1(10, and three members of the lodge,
M'essrs: J. A. Gray, 5.'11. Dobbyn and
0. It. Augustine, "celled cluing the af-
ternoon to present hits with a suit-
able gill. Mr. McVittie has been for
many years closely assoelatocl with
municipal matters in Bullets Town-
ship being assessor of the town2hip
for many years. Bolas are membeirs of
Burns Milted Church, and Mrs. Mc-
Vittie has been an active worker in
the W.M.S. and other societies. Mr.
:McVittie WES born 77 years ago, a
son of the late Simon McVittie and
Janet Waters, Mrs. McVittie, who is
a 'laughter of the late Thos. Johnston
and Jessie Buchanan, is 70 years old.
They wore married en December 19,
1854. by the 'Rev. Forrest, of Walton,
The ceremony tool: place ,on the 17th
euncession of Grey township, Innned-
iatcly following their marriage they
took up residence on the farm now
occupied by their son laelleud, on the
12th concession of Hullett. Fifteen
years ago they moved to the old Mc-
Vittte homestetul on the 11th con,
The union was blessed with a fam-
ily of five children, four of whom
are living, one son, Keliand; Jessie,
Mrs. Leo Watt; Olive, Mrs. Nelson
Lear, all of Hullett; and Janet, Mrs.
James Scott, Toronto. One son, Dun-
can, died h years ago,. There are
also 12 grand -children. Mrs. Scott
of Toronto, was the only member of
the immediate family not able to be
present for the occasion.
Both Mr. and Mrs. McVittie are
`enjoying reasonably good health, Mr.
.McVittie demonstrated this fact by
Performing his favourite dance, an
old time Jersey, accompanied by his
daughter, Mrs. Leo Watt.
A host of friends throughout this
community will join in extending
heartiest congratulations, and the
sincere wish that they niay be spared
many more happy years together.
Large miniber. of RAF. and FS:1AF. Dakota aircraft have been used ,
to fly men and supplies in the Mediterranean theatre. Picture ,shows the
RAF ensign flying on an airfield as Dakotas'arrive with men and supplies.
Flying Bomb Site In France. — As they 'advanced into the Pas de
Calais area in Prance, British troops calve upon many of the Germans'
flying bomb launching sites. This picture is of a site which was never
Completed, the Germans being forced to abandon completion of the 'work ,
and make a hasty withdrawal.
The Tucicersmith Ladies' Club
will meet next Wednesday, Jan, 10,
at the house of Mrs, Howard Johns.
The -roll call will be answered with
suggestions for the roll calls for the
Miss Donelda. Adams, who spent
the Christmaseholidays with her par-
ents,',Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams, bus
resumed her 'duties on the staff of
tate Clinton public school.
The Constance 'school dill not re-
open on Wednesday as the teacher
was unable to get back after the
holidays owing to the storm.
In Clinton there were about 750
votes cast out of approximately 1,-
200 on the voter's list. The election
brought about the return of former
mayor A. 5, McMurray. Ho headed
the council in 1941, 1942 and 1943.
-George Nott is a new member. Re-
sults of the voting were: for reeve:
Victor D. Falconer, 366, elected;
William II. Lobb, 273, Melvin Crich,
98; for. council: Ernie Brown, 459,
A. 5. McMurray, 438, George W.
Nott, 338, John R. Butler, 323,
Albert Shaddick, 260, Nelson W.
Trewartha, 214, all elected and
Clifford Epps, 253, Harry Corey,
263, James Chowen, 199.
Stephen Township
Edwin Lippert is a new member
on the Stephen Towwnship counceil
as a result of yesterday's voting.
I In the four -man race Herman Powe
`was defeated. The results follow:
Arthur Amy, 200, Nelson Shenk,
238, Edwin' Lippert, 192 and Het'-
1 man Powe 184,
1 Hay Township i
I William Haugh, who has been in
1 the Hay township council for 11 '
years defeated Roland ' Geiger, a
member of the council for eight
years yesterday in the reeveship
contest. The former polled 321
votes to the latter's 294. Mr. Haugh
succeeds George -Armstrong who
retired. About half the Grey voters i
exercised their franchise.
Reeve Alex Alexander was re-
elected in Grey township when he
polled 331 votes to John 112eNab's
225. In the council campaign the re-
sults were 1 • Clifford Rowland, 410,
George MoDonald, 313, Bert John-
ston, 306, all being elected and
Thomas Ward, 227.
1945 Huron Council
•Goderich (reeve)
W. J. Baker
'(deputy) W. C. Attridge
Wingham Richard Shaddick
Blyth W. H. Morritt
Exeter Benson W. Tuckey
Ashfield Albert Frayne
Colborne Alex Watson
Goderich twp. Geo, Ginn
Grey (reeve) Alex Alexander
(deputy) Stanley Machan
Hay Wm. Haugh
Howick (reeve) D. L. Weir
(deputy) John Winter'
TTuhett John Armstrong
'Al "oT.ill on N. P. Dorrance
Cecil Wheeler
Stanley John Pepper
Stephen (reeve) Alonzo McCann
(deputy) Thomas Love
Titeltersmith Arthur Nicholson
Tnrnhelry H. Moffatt
T,Tsborne ' - Hugh Berry
12. Wawanosh .........J D. Beecroft
W. Wawanosh .:... .._... Brown ...Smyth
Clinton Victor D, Falconer
Brussels R. J. Bowman
Seaforth John F. Daly
Bette Davis Claude Rains
"Mr. Slceffington"
A book -of -the -Month becomes the Picture of the Year
Deanna Durbin's great dramatic role
"Christmas Holiday"
with Gene Kelly
The longest laughs in town ai'e here
"Hail the Conquering Hero"
Eddie Bracken. Ella Raines
Coming — :Double Feature
"The Hour Before the Dawn"
"Hi Diddle Diddle"
The serious minded young lady was
returning home from her first aid class
when she saw a man lying face clown
on the sidewalk. His head was cradled
on one arm MIA the other was twisted
under Bits, Without a moment's hesi-
talion she got down and started to
apply her newly learned lesson..
"Lady," said the victim after a few
moments, "I don't know what you're
doing, but please stop tickling sue.
f'nt trying to hold a lantern for this
fellow clown the Inanhole.
The Young People's Society met in
the basement of the church, with
Hazel ' Hamilton presiding. Donald
Scott read the 121st Psalm. James
Scott led in prayer. Hazel Hamilton
read an article on resolutions and
James Scott gave the topic on the
challenge .of today. The meeting
closed with a hymn and the Lord's
Mr, and Mrs. John Kemp and fam-
ily, Mitchell, with Mrs. Houghton,
A reunion was held at the hone of
Mo, and Mrs. William Hamilton on
New Year's day when all members of
the family were 'present.
Mr. and. Mrs: Wadsworth and son
Cameron, London, with •Rev, and
Mrs. MacWilltam.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lammond anti
daughter Isabel with Mr, and Mrs.
Lloyd Sorsdahl and family.
Allen McLean, ,Filinore, Man„ with
his daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdaltl and
her husband.
Lorne Wessman with -friends in
Helen and Irene Kemp, Mitchell,
with Mrs. William Houghton and
Angus McKaig and his sister, Miss
Chi'idtina McKaig, have moved into.
the village from the Yarm.
Mr. and Mrs. .Tames - Scott cele-
brated their 57th wedding anniversary
at their home on Dec, 8 when a few
immediate relatives were present.
Picture shows Rifleman W. Varely of Ipswich hi Italy, with
clasp knife in his tenth, primes a bomb for a P.I.T.:1nlprtar,
Picture shows an R.A.F. Lancaster dropping its deadly cargo
through clouds on to a flying bomb site in western Europe.
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