HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-12-28, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1944 DON'T FORGET THE Holiday Dance! FRIDAY, DEC. 29 chorus of welcome by the school :was followed by recitations of welcome by Billie Fin k, Norman Hyde, Jimmie $aynham,, Ray McKenzie and Shirley Bel]. Song of welcome by Maly and Margaret Campbell, song "Away in a Manger" by beginners. Recitations by Jimmie. Orr, Bobbie Barnham, Billie At Henson Town Hall Kerslake and Gladys Moir, "I Love My Rooster" sung by four boys. Solo Spousm'ed by Kippen_East `'omen's by Shirley Bell, "Jack Frost." "Star Play by Mrs. Simpson's pupils. :Institute r Chorus "Christmas Eve" by Mrs. Orr s class, Solo "White Christmas", Lila Moir. "Ring around a Rosy" by beginners and Keith Volland and Ewen McEwen. Recitations by Iien Cilnpbeil, Gerald Bell, Donald Bell, HENSALL Joyce Pilaff, Mary Campbell and Lola Murcloch's Orchestra Luuch Counter. Admission 50c. Mrs. Hannah Workman spent the week end at the home of her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton at Dublin, Mrs, Gordon T. Munn of London and N.S. Helen Munn of Trenton vis- ited over the holiday with their par- ents, Mr. and Mr's. Robt. Munn. Miss Helen McNaughton of Tor- onto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mc- Naughton. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Farquhar and Graham visited recently with Mrs. Farquhar's mother, Mrs. Bowden in Exeter. Miss Ruth Brook, R.N., of Toron- to, spent the holiday with her par- ents, Rev. R. A. and Mrs. Brook. Mr. Jack Stacey of Detroit visited, recently with relatives and friends. Visitors over the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Parkins were Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn and Mrs. Klopp of London and Cpl. Wilfred Klopp of Woodstock. Mr. Roy MacLaren of London spent Christmas at his home here With Mrs. MacLaren and Donald. Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer and Patsy visited with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas- Steer in Mt. Brydges and also with Mrs. Gertrude Brazier and .hiss Dorothy Brazier in London, Pte. Wesley Jones of the RCOC., of London spent the Christmas holi- days here with Mrs. Jones, Patsy and Larry. Mr, Arthur Dinnin of Toronto spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dinnin. Miss Ellen Fremlin spent Christ- mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Fremlin in Clinton. Miss Barbara Michie is spending the holidays at the hone of her par- ents, arents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Michie at Brussels. Miss June Brandon is holidaying at her home at Bayfield, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd of, Toronto visited recently with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Smillie. LAC, H. J. Walker of Deseronto spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. 'Stanley Mitchell and Patsy. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Case spent the week end in London with Mr. and Mrs. Hennessy. Miss Goldie Cross, R.N.. of Tor- onto, is spending Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross. Miss Edna Walsh and Audrey spent the week end in Blyth. The annual Sunday School concert of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday evening with a very large attendance. Mr. W. R. David- son, superintendent of the school, was chairman and opened the program with a brief address. The opening •Volland. Chorus "Spying on Santa," Mrs, Baynham's class. "A little Girl's Dream", song by Lois Henderson and Gladys 'Moir; reading, Jim Mustard. "Jacob's Ladder" number by senior pupils. Christmas lullaby by little girls. Christmas Emblem by six girls. Mr. Orr favored with a saxophone solo entitled Silent Night, A number, "Market Maids and Grocery Clerks" by senior pupils. Piano solo by Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, BRODHAGEN On Monday evening the Brod- hagen School concert was held with a large crowd. The program consis- ted of dialogs, songs, dances and cantatas. Santa Claus distributed candy and oranges and gifts. The teacher, Miss Mildred Murray, was presented with a wall mirror from the pupils. Dancing followed with music supplied by Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Miller. On Thursday afternoon the Nur- sery Department had a Christmas party in St. Peter's Lutheran Church. A program of songs and recitation by the wee ones. Candy and oranges were distributed. On Sunday evening, Christmas Eve, the annual Christmas Concert was held in St. Peter's Lutheran Church. The Patriotic Society held their monthly meeting on Thursday after - tors of thanks were read from Mer- vin Leonhardt R.C.A.F., B.C., and ter of thanks was read from J. G. Griffith of the Royal Navy, England, for a ditty bag. A quilt was completed. The paper salvage drive held in October amounted to $6.60. The Brodhagen Patriotic Society received the following letter from a sailor in the Royal Navy for a Ditty Bag received from the Society in November, at that time the Soci- ety sent 12 bags to the Navy League, - Just a few lines to express any appreciation for the very welcome ditty bag I received to -day. All the articles inside will come in extreme- ly useful and its .the small things that we usually forget to purchase ashore. For instance, in my bag was a tube of toothpaste of which I was just about out, and I had no means of getting any. Thanks to you and your society that has now been rem- edied. That has been just one article mentioned and as I use the others I shall remember•the kindness of you and your society m Brodhagen. After those have gone I'll always have the bag with the name- of Brod- hagen to remind me of my visit to Canada. Please convey to your So- ciety my great pleasure for the work it is doing and to you all Thanks a .ZZZZZZZZZZ =M, • • • 0 •0 i ••• ••0 =ass XXX Ontario's TWENTY MILLION DOLLAR CO-OPERATIVE A Hundred Thousand Dollars Savings For Farmer Patrons This Year 1944 Achievements 1. Launched new "Co-op Mix" Feed program in conjunction with Affiliated Co-ops. 2. Organized provinolal pool for the marketing of poultry and poultry products and assisted loeals to develop modern processing plants. 3. Helped maintain production of Ontario livestock and Live- stock products last winter by moving many trainloads of feed grain from Western Canada. 4.^Acquired control of assembly and distribution of Co-op menu teetered Universal Milker. 8. littered manufacture of shingles in BA. through National Co-operatives Incorporated.. 6. Developed research laboratory for -maintaining high stan- dards of Co-op produeta and extending new postwar services. 7. Arranged purchasing Affiliation Agreements now signed with over a hundred local co-operatives. 8. Increased auditing service, covering forty Affiliates. 9. Introduced new finance program with issue of Preferred and Common Stock, and arranged with, Affiliates for plowing back of wholesale patronage returns into Common Stock. 19, Established service In organizing local co-operatives and assisted with thirty-eight new charters. „ s1LTleVuu�a•- THE hr0li11iiU?ioum�— UNITED FARMERS. CO-OPERATIVE c . LTD. HEAD- OFFICE: DUKE AND GEORGE STS. - TORONTO, ONTARIO This Is the Record of Farmers Co-operative -Co. with Which Is Affiliated ^'^ • • • • • f • • • • • • 1 •• •• • •e orth Farmers Co-operative Card of Thanks Mrs. Wm. H. Pepper and Family wish to acknowledge with sincere ap- preciation eciation the many kind acts and expressions of sympathy extended by friends and neighbours during their recent sad bereavement, and to espec- ially thank Rev. Atkinson, Mrs. Jno, R. Murdoch and the choir, also those who so kindly sent floral tributes and offered the use of then' cars. TO THANK YOU I wish to express lay sincere thanks to all My neighbors and friends, for the wonderful fruits, cards and letters to me while I was in the Seaforth Scott Memorial Hospital and in Lon- don St. Joseph Hospital, Glen Rose ELECTION CARD To The Electors of the Town of Seaforth Having again offered my services as Councillor I solicit your vote and influence on Jan, lot, For the past eight years it has been my privilege to serve you as Council- lor and Reeve and during that time I have endeavored to promote the interests of every ratepayer with. efficiency and economy. May 1945 bring to 'each and every one only true Happiness and Pros- perity. MERTON A. REID ELECTION CARD To the Electors of Seaforth: Your Vote is Valuable Use it — Elect I SAAC • HUDSON To Your Council. You get Capable, Efficient Representation ELECTION CARD To The Electors of the Town- ship of McKillop Having qualified for the office of Reeve, I wish to take this opportunity of thanking the citizens of McKillop Township for your confidence, and for the co-operation shown me during the time I have been on the council and as reeve. Your continued support during the coining election would be greatly appreciated. Wishing one and all a Very Happy and Prosperous 'New Year, with the hope that, by every one doing our part, the yeas' 1945 may see the end of the war and peace once more restored to the world. N. R. DORRANCE ELECTION CARD To the Electors of McKillop: I solicit your vote in the election for Council in McKillop Twp„ of Monday, Jan. 1st. Wishing you the compliments of the Season. ALBERT HARRISON ELECTION CARD To The Electors of McKillop: I am running for Councilor In McKiliop Township for 1945 and solicit the support of the voters. Wishing you the Compliments of the Season, Yours sincerely, FRANK KIRKBY Auction Sale Of Furniture- on Saturday, Jan. 6th, at., 1 o'clock sharp. • nor ). T hen'' e tie furni- ture of the late Mrs. Backer, Brus- sels, consisting of electric radio, electric hotplates, electric toasters, electric washing machine and a full line of furniture. This sale will be held at the barn of the late John Galbraith, Main street, Brussels. Sale will be under cover if necessary, Cleve Baelter, Executor. Lewis'Rowland, Auctioneer. Auction Sale To be held in Brussels on Friday, Jan. 12tH at 1 p.m, sharp, of. Furni- ture and barn equipment. Mrs. Roomy, Proprietress, Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer. Robt. Patrick, Clerk. Ed Henderson, Mgr. Everything must be sold as Mrs. Rooney has sold her property, Million. ,Before I' close I would like to add something else. When we received the bags the excitement in the mess sent my -mind back to the days when we searched our stockings on 'Christ- mas morning. —J. G, •Griffiths Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Puschelberg entertained the members of the choir and their families pn the occasion of Mr. Puschelberg's birthday. He was presented with a table lamp. The • evening was spent in singing and playing games, On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. , Chas. Puschelberg celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary, Immedi- ate relatives were present to cele- brate the occasion. " Mrs. Chas. Wolfe had the mis- fortune to fall and fracture her wrist, Pte. Frank Beuermann of Nanai- mo, B.C,, is spending a furlough with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beuermann. Mr. Irwin Hinz who has spent several weeks with his grandmother returned to Tavistock. HULL ETT Mrs. Selena Riley held •Christmas celebration at her home 071 Saturday when she entertained her family' and her many grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Carter, Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, Mrs. Watson Reid, and L.Cpl. Glen ' Carter of Chatham spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McKenzie of Luck- now. LiSTEN T lURS., DEC. 28 to PREMIER GEORGE DREW 10.15 - 10.30 P.M. CKNX FOR SALE • 20 pigs six weeks old. Ten steers around 600 lb. Apply to A. C. Levey, first farm south of Egmondville. FOR SALE A good driving mare, 5 years old. Apply to Boyd Driscoll, R.R. 4, Wal- ton, Phone 842r12, Seaforth central. FOR SALE Three Durham heifers and one Polled Angus heifer due in March. Joseph Hickey, North Main street. aAI'e-rt MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate FOR SALE One purebred York hog with registration papers, four years old, weight 400. Harold Walker, phone 12x13, Dublin. Auction Sale On Tuesday, January 2nd, at 2.30 p.m. sharp, in Brussels, of cutters, sleighs and robes. This is the last sale to be held of these cutters, as it is almost impossible to buy more. Jack Thynne, Proprietor. Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer. NEW YEAR NNW REETI NGS HUDSON'S PRODUCE SEAFORTH NOTICE Starting Jan. lst, 1945, the undersigned Feed Mills will operate on a strictly cash basis, and request the kind co-operation of all their customers. len 104 51 eign W104 MAY CHRTSTIVIAS BRING YOU ITS BRIGHTEST JOYS ITS WARMEST GOOD CHEER AND ITS GREATEST HAPPINESS W. J. FINNIGAN 1-10 5.1n WE WiSH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR - jokl McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, elPatrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays e1 SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 MRS. W. J. THOMPSON J'!Y sly �r 4 JACK'S REPAIR 4 W. J. THOMPSON CHAS. CUNNINGHAM Of Auction Sale Farm Stock and Implements. To be held on the property of Ed Higgins, Lot 8, Concession 14, Grey 'Tp., on. Thursday, January 4th . Sale com- mences at 1 p.m. sharp. Horses — 1 Belgian mare, 7 years old; 1 general purpose mare, 6 years old; 1 Jerry Harvester horse, 9 years old; 1 blood colt; 1 driving mare, S years old. Cattle -4 Durham cows, supposed to be in calf; 1 Holstein cow, sup- posed to be in calf; 1 Jersey cow, due time of sale; 1 Jersey heifer, sup- posed to be in calf; 1 Poll Angus heifer, supposed to be in calf; 3 Poll Angus steers, rising 2 year old; 3 spring calves. Sheep -9 ewes; 1 ram. Pigs -2 sows, 1 sow with litter, 4 chunks, 3 months old, 10 pigs weaned. Harness -2 set of double harness; 1 pair of new bridles; 3 horse collars; 1 set of single harness: Implements -1 Massey -Harris bind- er; 2 cutters, 1 seed thrill, 1 Massey - Harris riding plow, 1 walking plow, 1 hay rake, 1 land drag, 1 snuffler, 1 cultivator, 1 set of harrows, 1 disc, 4 "Section; 1 wagon, 1 hay rack, 1 sot sloop sleigh, 1 wood rack, 1 wagon box,,1 stock rack, 1 pig crate, 1 load- ing rack, 2 wheel barrows, 1 set of scales 2000 lbs.; 1 Massey -Harris cream separator; 1 log boat, 1 stone boat, 1 turnip pulper, 1 corn cutter; 1 extension ladder, 28 Leet; 75 lbs, Corn Ring Mineral; 1 leading iron; 3 pr. 16 ft. of pine rack sills dressed; forks, shovels, chains and other articles. Grain -300 bushels of oats; 500 bushels mixed grain; 15 ton of hay; 500 bushels of turnips. Also a few Household Articles. Terms Cash. There will be offered for sale sub- ject to reserve bid, 50 acres, 51/ Lot 7, Con. 13, Grey Twp., terms made known. day of sale. Ed Higgins, Proprietor. Robt. Patrick, Clerk. Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer. FARM FOR SALE 150 acres good slay loam, nil under cul- tivation except 12 nsres of bush. Well drained and fenced. Bank barn on stone foundation, 66ft. square, stabling underneath with cement floors, Hay barn 84ft. square with hen house underneath, driving shed 24ft. x 84ft. Ce- ment silo 12ft. x 35ft. Frame house with insulate brick covering, seven rooms and wood shed. Situated 7 miles from Seaforth, 4 miles from .Walton, 100 rods from school and 1 3-4 miles from Winthrop, Lot 27, pt. 28, Con. 10; McIIillop. Apply to Zack McSpadden, Walton, R.11,4. Hydro all through barn and house and water all through barn. A Seaforth Farmers Co-operative OVIONIVIANIAANANNARANNOWN Ephriarn Haase, Winthrop William Stapleton, Dublin Clarence Walden FOR SALE 1 Fleury pulper like new; 1 new two -wheel trailer, 4 by 8, with stock rack, good tires. Apply to James Krauskopf, Dublin, phone 21r3. Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF ISABELLA M. COATES. All persons having claims against the Estate of Isabella M. Coates, late of the Town of Seaforth, in ..the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 8th day of December, 1944, are hereby noti- fied to send in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 13th day of January, 1945, full par' ticulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, theassetsof the said estate will be din- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigntd shall not then have notice for the , assets so distributed or any Part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 20111 day of Decem- ber, 1944, i5 McOONNELL. & HAYS, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitorsfor the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS' IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES GRAY, late of the Town ol:' Seaforth, in the Comity of Huron, Physician, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against .the estate of file said James Gray, who died on the 10th day of November, 1944, are hereby re- quire(' tofurnish particulars of the lime duly verified to the undersignedexecutors on or before the 20th day of January, 1045, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to -claims of which notice has been receive(1. DATEI) at Toronto this 15th day of Decemeer, 1944. I George N. Drown . & Malcolm Mel{ellar,. executors, by there_ solicitors, Strathy, Want and For Sale ads, 3 weeks 50e. To onto. , Setterington, 15 Toronto Street, Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth OLD VIRGINIA PIPE TOBACCO It's a real pipe smoker's. tobacco. PERSONAL ASTHMA SUFFERERS —.ENJOY GOOD night's sleep without coughing, choking. Mo. Wm. Pearson, Seaforth, says: "I am so thankful to you for your asthma remedy that I would like all people who suffer from asthma to know what it did for me. I suf- fered for yearnfrom choking, difficult breath - ins and distress of astiinw and no remedy helped me to any extent, but your remedy touched- the spot at once and gave me not onlyquick relief, but I am now free from all symptoms. A few month's treatment did it." For free- information write.. F. L. HOWEY, 144 Catherine.. Street South, Hamilton. NOTI05 Frank•Finnigan, your Raw line dealer, on St., Seaforth, has a line of products at the bonen, Phone MW.. Louisa E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Vice President, Frank Mc- Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and. Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, , Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born. 1 holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; i John L. Malone, Sohiorth; Alex Ma Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R. F. MclCercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective peat offices.. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M,B„ Graduate of 'University of Toronto. The Clinic 1s fully equipped with complete and modern xray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic equipment. Dr. F. J, R. Forster, Specialist In Diseases of the Ear, Frye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the fleet Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday' In every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr, H. H. Ross' office, Phone 5 J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seatorth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, y Har Notre and Throat Graduate In Medicine, Univeraity of Toronto. Late Aseistan;t New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Stivare throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, tpliw,d Wednesday in cool month fo,m 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth 0ifgilc f}f�et Tuesiiay in each month.—§t Waterloo St., Strettord..Telephone 967. G. A. WHITNEY successor to Holmes & Whitney Funeral Director ., MAIN ST., SE/kV:MTH Ambulance Service. Adiuetable Hoa pilar Bed for rent. Agent for Mitch'i1F Nursery Flowers. Phone fig. Nights and Holidays 65 Sun Life Assurance Co: of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large Stock of Modern Memorials on ,display at .our Seaforth Showrooms 'For the convenience, of our patrons offioe will be open on TUESDAYS Open by appointment at any other time. See Dr. Harburn, next door Cunningham & Pryde CIInton Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 15, EXETER 226 ,DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, `.LTD. (Flssential War lnduetryy