HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-12-28, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1944 THE SEAFORTI--I NEWS llP�Ri� isTOIb! To Our Customers and Friends.' Our Management and Staff extend personal Greetings and good tidings to you in the New Year 1945. With the world still aflame with war and suffering, this time honored Yuletide message might seem ironic, but it still remains the yearned -for goal of millions,— "Peace on earth, to men good will" We thank you for your consideration and tolerance you have extended to us in these difficult tines. :Please be assured we appreciate it and that we shall continue to exert every effort to give you the best possible service that is in our power to give. Again— WISHING- yYOU�AI HAPPY NEW YEAR A FEW SUGGESTIONS Canned Peas 2/20 oz. tins 23c Sunlight Soap, 2 bars - 11c Nabob Coffee, 1 TU bag 45c Chicken Haddie, Thistle Brand; per tin 29c Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Candies, Ginger Alec. Oranges, arc mostly available at otir Stores PHONE E3 PHONE 77 'ai 1.t `t rago.M' .p'e-i GREETINGS+ In the friendly spirit of the Holiday Season, with sincere wishes for Happiness and Good Fortune throughout the New Year BOX FURNITURE STORE ' 4?1w c,(5ir' a t a° :•wr'r'd.04el 11 M TOWN TOPICS i Mrs, A. D. Armstrong is spending the holidays with her daughter, Mrs.' Willoeks, at Ripley. ' Mrs., James Kerr is -visiting friends in Toronto, Mrs, ,(Dr,) Douglas, Ian and Pet- er, Jaynes. street, were Christmas vis - 'hen, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' W. L. Whyte. LAC, David Grieve, of Uplands 'is a New Year's visitor with his par Ants. "Rev. R. H. Williams spent Christ- mas with his parents, Rev. and Mrs, Williams, Alvinstou. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Beattie, Mrs, Whitney and Lois were Woodstock visitors on Wednesday. I Miss Florence Laidlaw of. Toronto is.a holiday visitor at her home. Mr? and Mrs. Richard Peiffer of Detroit spent the Christmas holidays with. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth, returning home Monday afternoon. Mr. Merton A. • Reid and Miss Al- ice Reid spent the holiday In Hol- stein and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown and fa- mily spent Christmas with her bro- ther, Mr. and Mrs, Horton McDou- gall and family, Hibbert township, Mr. Ross Rennie and his aunt, Miss Dougall, of Toronto. spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie, returning to the' city ,on Tuesday. LAC. J. L. Hotham of Toronto spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan 'Cooper and Douglas of K.ippen spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham, Mr. C. E. Laithwaite and sons, Ar- nold and Edward of Goderich spent Christmas with Mr, and ' Mrs. John Hotham: - Misses Margaret and Evelyn Mur- ray of Toronto spent the holiday week end with Mis, James Murray. Miss Joyce Ilugill is spending a week's holidays with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs Fergus Wright of Frampton. Mr. Harvey Hambley and Miss ?Tera Hambley, of •Staffa, visited their aunts, the Misses Florence and 'ds Cooper. lir- Henry Hoggarth is in Scott Temorial Hospital in a cast as a re- tult of n recent injury to his back, Miss Lucille Burns of London is s +ending Christmas week with her parents, - 1 Miss Janet Baker of St. Cathar- ines is spending the week at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Baker and Mrs Muriel Clarke of Mitchell spent Christmas with Mr 'and Mrs, Albert Baker. s vox Regardless of world conditions, one thing remains unchanged: Our message of Good will and Good Cheer. And so to our tunny' IriCnds and business associates, we extend IIEAR;TIFST SEASON'S GREETINGS WATSON & REID ltf. A. REID, .PROP. GENERAL INSTJRANCE Phone 51.1 39,4 wataet0Q, L e„ DUBLIN Miss Mary Dorsey, London, Mrs. Lucy Woods and. Miss Helen O'Reil- ly, Kitchener, with Mrs. Louis .Dor- sey, Sgt. Frank Krauskopf and Mrs. I(:rauskop£, Ottawa, with Mrs. Louis Krauskopf. Misses Mary and Margaret Atkin- son, Toronto,. and Miss Genevieve Atkinson, Rntkora, with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. Miss Ethelyn O''Hearn, Goderioh, with her parents, Mi. and Mrs. Ed. O'Hearn. Misses Angela O'Reilly, Kathar- ine Woods and Helen Flanagan, of Stratford Normal, at their respective homes. Joseph Evans and Mary Evans of Windsor, and 0.9. Frank Evans of St. Hyacinthe, Que, with their mo- ther, Mrss. Katharine Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Henderson and Gerald Feeney, London, with Mr. and Mrs, Mack Feeney. Miss Mary Margaret Ryan, Ot- tawa, and Miss Teresa Ryan, Lon- don, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Pat Ryan. Miss Margaret McLaughlin, Sea - forth, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mc- Laughlin. Misses Margaret, Cecelia and Ed- ith Krauskopf, Kitchener, with their parents, Mr. Lind 'Mrs, Albert Kraus - Mies Mary Brnxer,• Chicago, with Mrs, Elizabeth Merger and other relatives. Miss Mary McGrath, Reg.N., Lon- don, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGrath. Miss Bernice Manley, Reg. N., of Kitchener, and Stephen atanley, of. London, with their. parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. 3, Manley. Victor Feeney, Kitchener, with his parents, Mr. , and Mrs: • Martin Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kostek, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster in Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Gar Smith in Ham- ilton. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Smith and Frank Smith in Kippen. Miss Mary Beale in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. H. Corman and dau- ghter Ella Louise in Hamilton. Miss Doris Flanagan, London, and Joseph Flanagan, Kitchener, With their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flanagan. Michael McLoughlin underwent an appendectomy in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, ELIMVILLE Mrs, Jol'in Brock of Granton spent the holidays at the home of her son, Mn Clifton Brock. anti Mrs. Lloyd Johns and Patsy were visitors with Mrs, John Bannerman in St. Marys on Christ- mas Day. The members of the choir enjoyed a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Johns on Tuesday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner and family spent Christmas Day at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, I€enneth Johns on Tuesday evening of this week. Mrs, Franklin 'n Mr, and M Skt ner and family spent Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Ford near Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs Harry Ford and Gor- don, Mrs, W, H, Dickey and Mary were Sunday visitors at the home of Ma and Mrs, Newman Baker near W ellburn. Sgt. and Ma's. Harry Murcls and children of Woodstock spent the week end with .Mr. and Mrs. P. Murch, Mr, and Mrs. Willi Johns, Misses Dorothy, Etholene .and Eilene spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Ed. Johns in Exeter, • Miss Joy Whitlock of St. Thomas is visiting with -relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs, Hilson Whiteford of Ingersoll were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Herd- man, Me, Howard Pym of Melton was a recent visitor at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Vonner, Rod- ger and Murray, also Mr. and Mrs. Glenn I•lell and family of Chiselhurst were Christmas Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns, Mrs. Eric Garscadden of Kingston anent several days daring the holi- days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Miner's. It Shouldn't Happen In 1945 Stabbed by a rabbit. Drowned on a rooftop, Conked by a pair of bro- gans because clerk wanted exercise. Will the gremlins and pixies who worked -overtime in 1944 repeat in 1945? Read "It Shouldn't Happen in 1945", in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (Dec.31) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Gnr: Bert McClure of Sussex, N.B., spent Christmas week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McClure. Mr.` and Mrs, Wm. McClure and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storey and family and Miss Belle McClure were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Carter on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Devereaux, Port Hope, Mr, Edward Devereaux; and Miss Alice Devereaux, Toronto, were holiday guests at the home of their mother, Mrs, Margaret Dever- eaux. My. and Mrs. Leo Joynt, Guelph and Miss Ruth Joynt, Preston, spent Christmas at the home of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joynt. Miss Rose Dorsey, Toronto, is spending the Christmas holidays at Iter home here. Miss Helen O'Reilly, Kitchener, end Mr. and Mrs. James O'Reilly, of Niagara Falls, spent Christmas at the Home of .Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'Reilly. Mr. and Mrs, George MacDonald said daughters, Miss Jean MaoDon- ald, Stratford, and Miss Mary Mac- Donald, Tillsonburg, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph McFadden over Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anent and dews -liter, Toronto, spent Christmas at the home of the former's par- ents, lir, and Mrs. W. Ament. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, snent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Troland Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lindsay and daughter Sheila, Toronto, and Miss Gladys' Thompson, Niagara Falls, spent the holiday at the home of Mrs. J. B. Thompson. Mrs. S. Flett and blaster ,Tames Higgins visited with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chesney, Toronto, over Christmas, Mrs. E. C. Barrett and family, of Hamilton, are guests at the home of Mt and Mrs. Louis Eberhart. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Weiland are visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Enzensberger raid children, Detroit, were Christ- mas visitors at the home of the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills. Sgt. Merle Dunlop, Ottawa, Miss Zetta Dunlop, Kitchener, . and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Greene, Stratford, were. Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop. Misses Mary •McIver', Toronto,' Margaret Melver, Kitchener, and Teresa McIver, London, are spend - Mr the holiday week with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Muir and fa- mily, Mr. Bert Muir and Mrs. John bistir, Sr„ .spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Bal- four, Galt. Miss Laura McMillan, Toronto. is a holiday Quest at the home of her nnotiiei', Mrs. W. F. McMillan. Miss Grace Krauter, Toronto. anent Christmas at the home of NIr, end Mrs. Angus McQuaig, Miss Ria Hills. Toronto, spent the holiday at her home here. Mies Mat'a'aret McKellar, Toronto, spent the Christmas holidays at the home of her parents, Mr, and.11'[t's. M, McKellar, Pav Lieut, Helen Mcl(erchet', R.C.N.V.'R.. St. J4,vachinthe, Que,, visited at the home of her parents, 'Air, and Mrs, Finlay McKetcher over the holiday. Misses Joan McMaster, Dorothy Smith and Fergus Bell, London, are spending the holiday season at their homes here. Mrs. William Barber spent Christ- mas with her mother, Mrs. Whatton in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Kling and daughter Marilyn were Christrnas visitors with relatives in Hamilton, Mrs. Neville and daughter, Miss Mary Neville, Sarnia, were Christ- mas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs ,J. Ms McMillan. Misses Rita Duncan, Cornwall, Mary Duncan, r London, and the Misses Laverty, Stratford, were guests over the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Duncan, Miss Clara' Gilbert, Toronto, Mr. .Stephen Gilbert, London, and Stoker Harry Gilbert, RCNVR., Cornwallis, N.S., .spent the holiday with their parents, Rev, and Mrs. C. F. L. Gilbert. Mrs. Donald S. McLean Red Lake,. is a guest at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnstone. Mr. Carmen Whitmore, London,. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. Whitmore. Mr: and Mrs, Clarence Trott and Ann were visitor's at the home of Mr's, L. J. Looby, Dublin, over Christi mas, Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Sealisi, of Woodstock, .spent Chsistmas at the home of her, parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Phillips. LAC. Thomas Cliff, Lachine, Que., spent Cnristmas at. the home of his father Mi'. A, F, C1ufi: Corporal Kenneth Cornish, RCAF', left Tuesday for Davidson, Sask., accompanied by .Mrs. Cornish. Mrs. Rose Cotter and daughters, Mary Ann and Patsy, Detroit, were Christmas visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr: and Mrs. N. Dunn, Messrs, Cyril and Oswald Snow- don spent the Christmas week end with their aunt, Mrs. A, P. Twidale, Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGeoch spent Christmas in Toronto, - _ 111r. and Mrs. E. Lorne Fox are spending the holidays at Kingston. Mrs. Thhotson and daughter, Mrs O. Hildebrand. spent Christmas with f is-,tl5 itt Ridgeway. Mir. and Mrs. 7. L. Slattery ate visiting nt Marmara. Mr. and Ma's. W. A. Langford of London spent Christmas with Mr. and. Mrs. W. R. Shaw._ KIPPED Kippen stores have taken a new move in the right direction. Com mencing Tan, lst, stores will close at six o'clock every night except Satur- day, Mrs. Isaac Sarrot is spending a week in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Mellis were visitors at St. Thomas for Christmas, Jim McClymont is confined to his home these days suffering from cold and its consequences. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup - Per will be dispensed in the church on Sunday morning first. Hugh McMurtrie is not so well this week having developed a slight attack of pleurisy. Mr. Wm. Ivison is spending the Christmas vacation with friends in Toronto. Mr..and Mrs. Wiling of London spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alexander. Miss Gwen Cooper of Toronto is spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr. Wm, Sproat of London is spending a week's vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Mellis spent a few days with friends in St, Thomas over the week end. Mrs; Will: Sinclair of the village is not enjoying the best of health and her friends hope to see lie), around again as usual shortly, Season s ti Greetings 10 All Our Friends and Customers SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM, Seaforth ELIMVILLE The Christmas meeting of the W: M. S. and W.A. was held at Mrs.' R. E. Pooiey`s on Wednesday of last week. Despite disagreeable weather thirty-seven ladies and eighteen chit- risen were present. This was also the annual )3aby I3ancl meeting. Mr's. Lewis Johns, Baby Nand Supt., pre- sided over the meeting and opened with call to worship and singing hymn 64, "0 come let us worship After which minutes were read and toll vaned Por both societies, business was dealt with and program contin- ued trout missiontr'y. enontitiy, "A u 'h au 13'ic.ndslu t' servine t+it]t .idle, Blatt itot lstt,' 1tl to titlt were Mt's, its ct,natl ti's. WS lliottl tlte. IIiilieri 11 seise. ..,i s. Aa'illi. ins, II + i+:+•et ;+n t 1tj•::, 1''d atthnt.<. tit 11,111 1' .311.1111f-9 it,d tit 1 ncl, hesirl leader Mrs. Lewis Jahns,Ti',',,,,,,,,"„nu, oT ca mils at it'tet-ill's nodi raj, very enjoyable service. 31?--,,iL'ti, , Heywood ntn' t pre eeiu„ solo at the close. Mrs. Ford, 1 retiring Presid \ t• t•.tis,• ,i new words in tribal to our late Honorary President, Sirs, It. D. Hunter, also thanked the ladies for :their co-operation dining her t.ernt. of - officer The meeting closed with singing "Lord of the Lands” and benediction. Lite mem- bership certificates for the Baby Band were in'esented to five children, Robert Woods, Sherdan Penitale, In Goderich — Mt'. Robert McMillan of Seaforth, for years a prominent farmer, horse and cattle dealer, is a guest at the British Exchange Hotel and plans to spend at least part of the winter hero. Il or quite a number of years he has been wintering in Florida, in cocoaaty Mill two elderly friends of lite Senforfh district, bat, now both have p,.,"l on .tad at itis age, cialttt ven. it c, ds not feel like making tit" tip ,h t •. Back twenty McMullan asp i t li i'.l".O. and later for tie. 1 ••, ,,, 1 myth' hold 16, 1,r11 , 1' 'WO onrise t t,:n••11.-,•.-,.1).f.i 015111. Itin sn Leonard Hawkins, Dianne Johns and Ruth Howe. Santa Claus arrived on the scene and presented the children with, gifts,an exchange of gifts was -also made among the ladies and boxes were packed for shin -ins. A 10 cent lunch was served by the com- mittee in charge. BORN LAITH'i1• ATTIt1 —Mr. and Mrs, 0. E. Lititltisaite (nee Madeline Hotham) are happy to announce the arrival of a son on Dec, 24th, 1044, at the) Alexandria Marine and General; Hospital, Cotl meth ; mother and. baby line. _ 11.1....: Two Dances Looby's Hall DUBLIN Friday, nee. 29 The Rhythntatt'es • AND evi Year's ;;,1 4-3 12.05 -- ('lir Cordon and Ars Sand 00 v,.,, ou. o ma,nnn.m"11"11n, not ty ,Dance in Dublin TUESDAY, JAN. 2 Rhythm Boys Band Admission 50c Dancing 9-1.30 Refreshments New Year's Dance Novelty Dances, Hats, Horns, Etc, MONDAY, JAN. 1 CARDNO'S HALL Murdoch's Orchestra Sponsored by Seaforth W. I. ADMISSION 50e The eine wil be mode for the Dutch Girl Quilt Euchre & Dance WINTHROP HALL THURS., DEC. 28 Under Auspices of Community Over- seas Bos C'ounntiiter.. Proceeds eeds for our Soldiers' Comforts Lorne Mueller Orchestra Good prizes. also lucky door prize. Admission 355c. Lunch Servet] No more privacy than a goldfish While bringing its policyholders all the advantages of competitive business, life in- surance "lives in a glass house'. It has no more privacy than a goldfish. Complete details of its operations are available to policyholders and the public at large, in the 700 -page Annual Report of the Dominion Superintendent of Insurance, and in Pro- vincial Reports. Under the laws enacted at Confederation and constantly broadened and improved dur- ing the past 75 years, policyholders enjoy the double protection of both Dominion and Provincial supervision, They receive full information about the life insurance business in Canada: its investments, its policy funds, its contingency reserves, the volume of pro- tection which it provides and, in fact, the whole detail of its operations. No other industry in Canada is under such continuous and experienced supervision. Life insurance is the outstanding business' example of private management under gov- ernment supervision in the public interest, Within this democratic pattern, the faith that Canadians have in their life insurance has been vindicated through wars, epidemics, panics and depressions. Within this pattern, the interests of four million Canadian policy- holders are safeguarded. It is good citizenship to own LIFE INSURANCE A Message from the Life Insurance Companies in Canada 4.9448. 1 1 4 4 4 1 J J 4 4 J J 4 4 1 J 4 .w -4 a 4 1 4 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J J 1 .4 4 4 4 -4 4