HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-12-14, Page 6Death From Wounds Is Greatly Reduced The rate of death from combat wounds in this war has been re- duced to little mare than half what it was in the First Great War, Major General Albert W. Kenner, chief Army Supreme Head quarters medical officer, said re- cently. He said this was accomplished though 55 to 60 percent. of the injuries in this war were due to high explosive artillery and mortar fire, In the First Great War 60 percent, of the casualities were caused by small arms fire. The mortality rate from battle wounds is running, under four percent, cf the total injured. In the last war it was from seven to eight percent. Even among cases which would have been consider- ed hopeless in the last war, many• now are being saved through use of adequate equipment, and be- cause of specialized surgery, the speed of the jeep and the transport plane in moving the wounded back, and the benefits of sulfa drugs and penicillin. During the last war, 60 percent, of the battle casualties developed infection. In this war the rate is less than 10 percent. THE LADY QUITS Outspoken, Virginia -born Lady Astor, above, first woman to sit in British Parliament, will retire at expiration of her current term a year from now, she revealed in London on the 26th anniver- sary of day she first took seat. Churchill 'Settles' That Son -In -Law This is a London story which is being credited to Vic Oliver, who has a sense of humor; Oliver dined with his father-in-law, Win- ston Churchill, "Pop", he asked the Prime Minister who dislikes being addressed as pop, "if you had to be a dictator, which of the 'dictators would you rather be?" . , , "I'd prefer to be Mussolini" said Churchill. . "But why Mus- solini?" asked his son-in-law, 'Mins- solini is the weakest, was the first to succumb and now is alive only by the grace of Hitler." , .. "Mus- solini', said Churchill, "is the only man I know who could have his son-in-law shot and get away with it." 'When In ,Rome' . " A navy officer learned that in Roue it is best to do as the Ro- mans do—and that is to keep hands Off somebody else's fights. He came out of a store in. Rome and found two Italians fighting at the curb, One was big; the other was small. The officer went to the rescue of the small chap and sent the big one on his way. The small fellow ehouted his thanks and ran clown the 5 trc t , c. The off'. Icer1 ' s nil ed with the hap- piness ta t pmess of a man who has dole a good deed, Then an Italian by- stander stepped tip to hint and explained, The big fellow had been r beating up the: small one because the small one was stealing articles from the navy officer's. jeep, City Of Aberdeen Bombed 32 Times "The Granite City" Most Bombed .Area of Scotland Interesting revelations have been made regarding .the bombing of Scotland by the Germans, and it is surprising to learn that the most bombed city is Aberdeen, which has suffered 32 raids, some of them very severe, comments The Strat- ford Beacon -Herald. Next conte the small fishing ports of Fraser- burgh and Peterhead, also in Aber- deenshire with 23 attacks each. No other municipalitiy had more than about one-third as many raids as Aberdeen Edinburgh coming next With 12, although the naval base of Rosyth and the Forth bridige, a few miles away, were among the earliest targets of the war. Glas- gow had 10 raids. * * * It would be interesting to learn why the Germans picked on the city of Aberdeen and the towns of Fraserburgh and Peterhead. 'The Granite City" has a popu- lation of 170,000; Peterhead about 14,000 and Fraserburgh 10,000. Aberdeen and Glasgow are each 500 miles front the nearest Ger- man air bases in Holland, and Glasgow is a much more valuable objective from the German point of view than all the Aberdeenshire ports put together, the Clyde being perhaps the greatest shipbuilding centre in the world. The Aber- deenshire ports have shipbuilding yards, anis they also furnish a very large proportion of the mine- sweepers of the country. Being en- tirely built of granite, the city of Aberdeen could stand a good deal of knocking about. * * * The Aberdonians may wonder why the Germans bombed them more than any other area of Scot- land. Maybe they look upon it as a compliment, because it is the headquarters of the toughest of all the Scottish regiments — the Gor- don Highlanders, Animals In Zoo Miss The Children The flying bomb evacuation of children from London has hail a noticeable effect on the zoo. Whereas the crowds of children used to collect to stare at the animals, the animals now rush to get a look at the children, Britain Magazine relates. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO o Every Room with Ile h, Show- er end Telephone. • Single $2.50 no-- Double, o—Double, $3.50 no, • Good Food. Dining and Dane - Ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel, RA. 4135 Headache Noth Mg is more depres• sing than headaches... Why suffer?..,Lambly's will give instant relief. Lambty's is good for ear- ®•r• ache, toothache, pains in back, stomach, bowels.' HEADACHE POWDERS_ is ILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM Rubbed on the neck, throat and chest, clears up theaffected parts, and permits a restful nights sleep Prevents congestion and serious complications 0101Mi 4101111l1t0 Mt1hn 1055, lit f lu d But horn if you suffer MONTHLY IFEMA[E - N You who sutler pain with tired,' nervous irritablea weak feetlings--.due to functional monthly disturbances should Compound I). P relieve sac's Vegetable Compound to relieve su symptoms, Pinkham's Compound ITIMP5 NATURE. Thousands' Upon. thousands have reported benefit. Follow label directions. LYDIA E. PiIIs5nnm'S VOMpop gs COMPOUND I VOICE OF THE PRESS A FOOT -FELT GIFT! A soldier in a foxhole on a Pa- cific island gave his profane vo- cabulary a conmplete workout the othei day when he received as a present from his sweetheart a pair of felt bedroom slippers. — Kitchener Record WEIGHT EXAGGERATED Psychologists are arguing over an Enc'lish irriter's, claim that the human soul weighs about two ounces, In the case of some people we know, that estimate is away too high, — Windsor Star. DECEPTIVE We thought a friend's wife was down totem with a patch over one eye, but it was only her hat. — Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph. `DON'T BE AFRAID, SIS!' • Apparently as jittery in the p esence of a snake as the next woman, this Army nurse, is reassured by the firm grip the Allied soldier takes on her wrist as the pair watch an Indian snake charmer do his stuff in a Bombay street. AGENTS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN IN TOWNS TO handle the sale of 200 guaranteed Products on a part time basis. Very attractive proposition. Par- ticulars, Xmas - Pamphlet, Cat- alogue FREE on request; PAM - ILEX, 1600 .Delorimier, Montreal. AN ULD ESTAJ3LISIIED CFILCn hatchery wants agents Incer- tain localities in Canada to take orders for chicks in your spare time. The commission is good and the chicks are well andfav- ottrab.ly known. Write for full details Box No. 182, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WILL SELL 011 EXCHANGE FOR a business located In Toronto or other larger Ontario town 2 ad- Jacent farms of 100 and 150 acres, located .100 miler east. of Toron- to. .Highest class buildings on both properties. 170 acres till- able. Lots of running water. Valued at 512,000. Box N0. 186, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. ISAIIY C.11ICKv ' 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORDER OF 100 PUL - let chicles, we give 100 tree chleks ,(our choice), Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets 019 95 per 100. White Rook Pullets Pullets 1224.05 10r. Brown ro100.1 All chicks sold backed by high, egg Pedigreed stock, $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery, Kent Ilatch- er'y, Chatham, Ontario, TH19 PURCHASE OF ,BABY chlcics is an investment. The pur- pose of an investment is to get dividends. If for any reason become iuntlrriftye dds The Poultry Industry cannot afford these losses. They add greatly t0 the cost of pro- duction. Top Noteh chicles are all from Government A p proved bloodtested breeders and. are for early bookiuglivability. ipuce list and catalogue today. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Top Notch Chickerkes, Guelph, Ont, BUY GOVERNMENT APPROVED CHICKS EVERY 1311I910D19R GOVERNMENT banded and blood -Lusted Avoid disappointment by ordering your chlcics early. Write for. 1045 Prices, and catalogue containing the proper brooding and methods used in raising better poultry. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS r:lonkton, Out. 62.00 1100115' YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1945 01010115 NOW. and not be disappointed. All chicles arefrom guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 0E. eggs or better, Barred Rocks mixed 512.00 per 100, White Leghorns mixed 011.05 per 1011. Barred Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed $15,00 per 100, white flock Pullets $24.00 per 100, Brown leghorne mixed $13.00 per. 100, Brown leg- horn pullets 024.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple• City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario, LAYING AND READY TO. LAP Barred R001s0, New Hampshires, White Leghorns and Hybrid pul- lets for immediate delivery. Also booking orders for 1945 chicles. Free eatalogue, TopNotch Chick - cries, Guelph, Ontario. IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT EQUIP- ment to take care of Juneau - February chicks, put it to work, getting your chicks Into produc- tion for the time when prices are goad. But whenever you want your chicks, now o• later, get Hatchery, 1er 30 John N., time, Bray Ont. $50.00 10 NOT TO 7317 SNEEZED at—to win this an easy tray send for Contest folder giving fun de- tails This year when ordering chicks buy livability—not liabil- ity—buy Tweddle Chicks, that's right—Itvabitity — the most im- portant sIvor 195 t stenchicken meddle ("Woksausee Tweddle1e Hatcheries EGOSEGOS-AND MEAT ARM TI116 TW() cash Roll fees of poultry Income, get our calendar and prieelist and learn why our high eggrec- ord, large .bodied birds will' make more money for you, Big Rock Perm. Mille Roches, Ont. Boz W. ORDER Y OUR CI•IiCi{5 NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEE') your chicks fornext spring when you want them. Barred Rock mixed 112.00 per 100, white leg - horns mired 011,011 per 1110 .Bar- while;0ck leghernlats pul etsa0 per 12 .00 peer 1.00. 1leovy Breed Cols, $0.00 Per 100. Leghorn Clcls. $2..60 per 1.00. Alt •chicks hatched from 26 oz. eggs or better and from aperitif mated flocks. Guaranteed 1001 Ilve delivery. 11,0.0 books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario.: BARY CHICKS 25 FREE CHTCI s 0011 FOUNDATION STOCK I8 registered .and pedigreed birds. Nothing better in Canada. Order 'note._ Prices formixed baby chocks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, $12,00 per. hundred; White Leghorns, $11.00; White Rocks, $15,00; Brown Leghorns, $13.00. Pullet. prices: Barred Books, $19.00; Whiten Leghorns, $22.00; White Rocks, $24.00; Brown Leghorns, $24.00, 25 free chicks, °2°ieciseodreah200 mixed willbe leed and '25 free chicles for each 100 day old pullets ordered. Goddard Chick Hatchery, 13r1 - tan ilia, -Heigh ts, Ontario. DVle1vo .e CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or Cleaning" Write to us for information. We are glad.. to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parkerls Dye Works Limited, 721 Youge Street, To- ronto. FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold rebuilt; belts, pulleys, brushes, Allen Electric Company Ltd., .2326 DufferJn 3L. Toronto, THE SKY WAS MY FRIEND -- poems of the late Mary McCul- lough, 00 cents postpaid. Mrs. G,. A. MrCu llotiglt, Navan. Ontario. CANADIAN GROWN SAGE for sale, 85.11 Per pound. Postage prepaid. Motu ignn's Orchard, Cellar Springs, Ont. A LO1'ELY MAHOGANY R E D Irish Bettor. :slakes an ideal gift for hint and the whole fancily. Pedigreed pus and grown dogs bred from champions, 11. ICiinck, Roseland. WINDSOR TURRET LATHE POR. SALE, 26f -INCH CAPACITY, now operating, 660 Runnymede, Toronto. REGISTERED BEAGLE PTJPS, sm•inger spaniels, a 1 1 ages, promptly shipped; 60 young reg- istered Southtlou'n ewes, good service rants. Peter Porter, Bur - feed, Phone 2$0. Anil) 1I 195, IIOSTONS, COLLIES, Wire Fox, Coelcers, DalmOtions, meant others 4323 St. Dominique, Montreal, P.Q. ITOMB1t Pi (AEONS POR SALE, Pedigreed, 600 -mile birds and youngsters, 05 per pair and up. Clayton Ladd, Auburn, Ontario, PORP ] RABBITS REn LEISH MGIANTS; • Special prices, mature pair 08.00 doe $6.00; six months doe $3.50; burl{, $2.50 four months doe, 0' 50, buck $2.00, Young, good, Grdoes°$Stock, 0 I). 1Smith, MouMature t 1 or For- est,, Ontario, Box 208. .7ERS10)! BULLS FRCill S1'LVEER Medal Ddgeley by Standard Noble Lad, classified very good, by the Silver Medal Sire, Brampton' Tester's Standard 2nd. Reasonably priced. Vaughan Acres Limited, R.R. 2, Maple, Ont, ° BROAD BREASTED BRONZE Turkeys, vigorous. healthy stock Also Jamesway sectional, hot waterincubator, capacity 0500 eggs. We can stili hoop a few orders for Poults, both bronze and white Hollands S. R. Ed- wards, 10,11. 4, Watford. Ontario. TOGO DNBTe aRc PE D 1D9D IiLK- ._.ltg goat, also young and r51$50.00.P- .Conor,..l 'Ile Perrot, (Inc.Q POULTRY GRITS BUY CANADIAN GRITS AND SAVE 20% and produce better eggs, We have availebte for immediate shipment in carload lots or less, white solvable (08%n Calcium, Carbonate 5nd white insolua ble (over 90% .Silica). Agents' want- ed. • Write for prtees and manip- les. STINSON REEB SUPPLY CO., LTD. 5550 Deiori,nler Ave., Montreal, Que, 44 ACR705 BLACK. SAND, .GOOD land. flood building, $3,000. IIaIf, nosh. Mi Ice Rricfnlnsi n, P.R. 5, Tilbury North, • MEDICAL PRACTICE 0608 SALE IN BUSY RURAL t`OM- munity on main highway, not far from Toronto Box 189, 73 Ade- laide W. Toronto. PASTURE MIA PUltl'F—A1 EA LI,A A.Lien trA SF ,t U IN DON'T WAIT. f MAR N' \v Quantity limited secure Your r0- quiramen le while it lusts of hardy, adaptable home grown seed of high purity" and germ - inn Non, positively the -hest peed we linve ever orfe)`etl. C,Iitey No. 1 Government grnt4en seed 37e Per pound hyubrid .v eed 1e corn, Pasture mixtures registered onts, ben ns and pens. We .supplied the On tares Department of Agricul- ture during 1914 with speriel re,* lad chive 000�s. Apply. to W. D. livid, fax 101. Cha thein, Ontario. `Thunderer' Prints 50,000th Daily Issue The Times, of London, last neck" published its 50,000 tdt consecutive issue—never having missed- s day of 'publication since its founding, Jan, 1, 1785: The fasted daily first appeared as the single -sheet Daily Universal and Register when the younger William Pitt was Prince Minister. Three years later, it was re- named The Times as,, as far back as 1820,its editorials .'won for it the nickname of "The Thun- derer, 1t is not published on Sundays, Money For Organizations! 01111111111 org'nn,znt ions. aril sniper selling tic Health tLcn gu a 1 11145 Nutrition Calendars which contain nutrition and vitamin quirts. These calendars in color arc ns attracilVc. as they aro useful and they rcttdl Ot'15 11011111 each. Organizations mal obtain lois of 23 or more at 15 cents each calendar. Por calendars or further infornurtion nv rite REAT'r11 Id9AGUE 01 CANADA, Nutrition Division, 111 .Avenue Toronto 1, 'Ontario,. P015 SALE " BREEDER TURKEYS, NARRA- ansnt and genuine broadbreasted bronze' from -government tested stook. Males up to 26. and 80 lbs, Deoember delivery. Glendon IlfcDonell, Greenfield, Ont. FOR SALE—CLYDESDALE GI11LD- ing and filly rising '8 to 4 years. Apply ,Tolin A. Wallace, R.R. 2, St. Paul's, Ont. FARMS 11.08 SALE. $12,000-100 ACRE FARM, LAKE frontage situated oit.No. 0 High- way near Palmyra, Ont. ,Tiled about every 4 rods to lake. Good buildings and .very good so11. A13ply to Box 2, Glencoe, 'Ont. 175 ACRE FARM. 0 MTLES FROM Exeter, sandy loam. all under cultivation, no waste land, abund- ance water, 70 acres Pall Wheat, Brick house, hydro, telephone, banked barn 70 by 40, 2 concrete silos, poultry house 60 by 40, three floors, capacity 4,000 lay- ing hens, tool abed, 1 acre or - W. 110, Reid 11016 105, ACh th m,. Ontario. FARM FII;LP WANT'ED ATTENTION — TRAPPERS, LUM- barman, farmers, a marvelous se - Bret to snare foxes, flue times luckier than -traps. Address Louie • toy, 'Estcourt, Cue. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson. method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HAIR, GOODS. Only firm In Canada manufacturing ladles' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively. Write us for particu- lars. WFRITE'S f1AIR 0093)5. 258 Youne St., Taranto, Ontario MUSICAL INSTIL U\IENTS FRED A, BODDINGTON BUYS, sells exchanges mueical instru- manta, 111 Church, Toronto 2. a1ACHINERY REPAIRS MACHINERY REPAIRS GENDRAT. MACH1NPk SHOP WORK ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING METALLIZING RAVE YOUR WORN SHAFTS ANNEW BUSHINGS THE NEW NEW Kum Lucia] SPRAY PROCESS ALL WORK GUARANTEED Godson Contracting Co., Ltd. • Union St., Toronto JUNCTION 7365 • TEDICAX, BAIJ'MCI:1{A FOOT BALM destroye offensive odor Instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug. Store. Ottawa. STOMACH IA - I AN n TH RmAD WORMS often aro the cause of ill -health mune! Wl y 101nfind out° r this is your troubles' Interesting pnr- ficulars—Free! Write Muivenev's Remedies, Specialists. Toronto. 3. CONSTIPATION, .BILIOUSNESS, liver trnable, depressed bend - Rohe, quickly relieved with I"Ig- Lax tablets. Keep regular with Fig -Lax, 25c at Druggists. !MAC THIS—EVERY SUFFBJTtER. of Rheumatic PreJaa or Neortiia' should try Dixon's T4emedy, Mun- ro's Drug Store. 385 Elgin, Ot- tawa, Postpaid $1,00. DIXON'S REMEDY—FOR NOO UR- itis and Rhclam tic Pains. Thous- ands satlafi ed. 'Munro's Drug • Store, 335 Elgin, .Ottawa. Pnst- pelt!$1.00. BREPINATON19 I3 EALTI3 SA :PS hositiveiy does relieve Arthritis and Rheumatism. Painful, sw01- len joints reduced- no mall et' how long yon have suffered, Months supply 11..00 postpaid. Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vancouver, B.C, O I' 1, Dive IINI" �� n- 111.\ f 111{ q'OM[lN BE, A 1-IAIRUR'ESSbR JUIN ('A NA I)A$ 1,16811I;V1' Si 'Hi ail. Greet Opportunity, Learn Hair- dressing Pleasant dignified professlon,goon. wages, thnusends successlnl. Marvel gralinn tea. America's greatest sys- tem. illustrated catalogue free. Write or mall MAI?VI11. RAIIDRB5S1NG 853 Rt,1,1111 ITtV }r Tt)tiONTO. rlrnnvhes.' 14 King St, 4 -luau] ton & 74 Rideau Street, "Ottawa. PATENTS B'ETI112RSTONIIAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1800; 14 King' West, Toronto, Booklet of 1'nfo'matton on re- quest, PERSONAL "ELIJAH CUM/ N G 131JFIJRB Megiddo MMi sion, Rochester free, N.Y. HITLER'S LAST WILL AND Testament! Big laugh) novelty 100. Catalog fir o e. EMPIRE NOVELTIES, Peterbore, Ont. PHOTOGRA fell TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films .properly developed and 6 OR a EXP03URJIII ROLLS 20e REPRINTS 8 roe ed26c FINEST ENLARGING SEitVICE You may not get all the films you want this year,but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO sunvIC11 Station J, Toronto STAMPS WANTED, OLD CANADIAN Stamps on envelopes also will b u y collections of Canadian Stamps at good prices. Write now to K. C. Vizzard, Jeweller, Wheatley, Ontario, ACADIAN STAMP CO., BOX 60, Masson, Que, Free. Set 4 l:cua- otfrouYr300n 00 tcdifferentr packet, requesting -approvals, Post free. WE BUY STAMP COLLECTIONS -- best time to sell—good prices pall• Send in for offer, Also .fine stamps on approval. Yorke Starnes. Toronto 1. TANNING & 4,t SIDERMp1r DEER READS WANTED, will pay good price for large Duck heads, long necks not cut up the throat, L+.r- Write for particulars. DEAR HEADS mounted reasonable prices, DEER RIDES tanned Into glove leather. We also buy Deer Illdes,• BEAR H1D1S tanned and made into Floor Rugs, and Robes. PDX-SICTNS & PURS tanned and made Into .Neckpieces, OLIVER SPANNER CO, LTD, 550A Ellet Street, Toronto TRAPPERS' SUPPLIES N191PL:1.' "INVENT.BD AUTOMATIC Snare Trap." The simplest and Lastest trap, anybody can malts it in 10 minutes, can set snare canttuse any kiize nd ordinaryf w'r.Excel- Excel- lent for snow sets. Guaranteed will catch any suspicious animal from bear to weasel. $1.00 for plan and instruction. Peter Zep- nig, Waltham, Quebec. WANTED • PI1013.EST PRICES PAID FUR RAW Furs, Rabble Skins, Ginseng and Golden Seal. Satisfaction rnted. htoller and guar- anteed. 147 Harrison Street, To- ronto. ADVERTISER IS ANXIOUS TO contact any person or -firm who has filed away copies of the To- ronto Sunday 11.51.1d during the Years 1915.and 1916. Advertiser, 200 to ueen St. E. (top- flat) To - SAWMILL PLANER ANIS MATCH- er In good condition, \true giving details. John Lahti, 713 Ontario St., Sudbury, WANTED PUPPIES, ALSO GROWN dogs, Kennels, 100.4 Queen East, Toronto. B.T ACKS141'rIT S ET 01' WANTD+D. for cash In live town. M. Chuck - are, 011 Tecurissetli St., 'Toronto, WANTED PRINCIPAL 1°0R THREE rootteil school, Wnwa, Ontario. Salary $1700.00 per annum. Du- ties to begin ,T1,n o,t 2. Skate. qualifications and Inspector for reference. A. N. McAuley, Sidente,. Ontario. 11.1,f Spl4'WANTED RECTSTI',P.Pn_ NflRRle, •520 PER month roomand bon rd included. 190 graduate mase per month, room mod bnnrd inrluded. Apply 1Vnlm'l'ard Private Eosplta1, 'Waterford. Ont. 0EN1312,\L 1) 1:7'1; Y GRADUATE Re. Nurses, 10 hoax' day, 6 day week: alternating serviee—lav Or night; 090,00. monthly ..with Inn is (mance. Cornwall General T. -fn cal a ,- p Cornwall, l , oat. 530 Carats, A diamond of gem quality, weighing about 530 carats in the. rough was recently found in Sierra Leone, Africa; this is more than twice thesize of any previ- otlsly found in this British Colonial' Empire. ISSUE 51-1944