HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-12-14, Page 101.1.11111 llllll 151.11, 1.11‘,..44 tttt1n1,nlip,"InI,I,I1,n1111,10, "Peace aril Goodwill" is the theme sublime, That gladdens each heart at. Christmastime, seuw e eaf rth HURON C O U N T Y'S L E. A D I •N G N E W 8 P A P. E R ,111,11,10,0,1M ll llll 11111t t„1111,t„11, I t t, t, n„11hilts t, l61 l l 1, l„IM May peace, with you at this season abide, And goodwill make glad your Christmastide,. ititittitto llllll J tttttnn. tttt1 Illdtln., Itttt tttlitt111tHnnr WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 57, No. 60 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1944 Services Arranged For Week of Prayer The Seaforth and District Minis- terial Association met in the St. Thomas' rectory, Seaforth, on Mon- day at 2 p.m. The following members were present: Revs, Gilbert,, Work- man, Patton, Williams, Hogg, Cap- tain Sims and Lieutenant Major. Dr. Hogg and Lieutenant Major were given a warm welcome to the association. The Rev. R. Si. Williams gave a discussive paper on "The Church and The New Order." Meetings for the week of prayer were arranged as follows: ' Mon., Jan. Sth-St, Thomas' Church, Rev. R. H. Williams. Tues., Jan. 9th, The, Salvation Army, Dr.. Hogg. Wed., Jan. 10th, Egmondville Church, The Salvation Army. Thurs., Jan. llth, Northside Unit- ed Church, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert. Friday, Jan. 12th, First Presby terian Church, Rev. H. V. Workman. Offerings from the services of the Week of Prayer to be given to The British Foreign Bible Society. Meet ing was closed in prayer by Lieuten- ant Major and Dr, Hogg. BURN COKE FOR NEXT WiNTER AND BE ASSURED OF YOUR 100% SUPPLY NOW E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 10 a.rn., Sunday School. 11 a.m., "The Good Gifts of God." 7 p.m., Lantern Slides. Come, learn of our church's endeavor. Thurs. 7,45, Prayer service. Welcome to these services. • John A. Stewart Retires From Business A three-way business change takes Mace in Seaforth on Dec, 18th, whereby John A. Stewart has sold his blacksmith shop on Main street to John Gallop, who is moving his garage business there from across the corner, Mr, Gallop has sold his modern cement block building to Ken Campbell who will move his electric welding and machine shop from John street. The sale of the Stewart 'black- smith shop brings to a close a busi- ness which has been carried on con- tinuously in Seaforth for about eighty-two years, having been handed dowir from father to son. For over. thirty years the late Alexander' Stewart was in the blacksinithing business in Seaforth, building up a good trade, and was succeeded by his son, Mr. J. A. Stewart, in 1892, Before .the introduction of mass fac- tory production, this establishment used to snake a lot of new wagons, buggies and carts, but gradually quit that branch of business and de- voted their time to horse -shoeing and repairing. The late Sylvester Allen learned the trade with iylr. Stewart and worked with hint for a number of years. Although Mr. Stewart is seventy- nine years of age and retiring from active business, he still enjoys good health, He •is a former Mayor of Seaforth and served on the town council for a number of years. Mr. Gallop intends .0 install his gas pumps on the vacant lot at the north side of the' building, with a convenient covered driveway. Egmondviile United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,B.D. 10.30 a.m., Sunday School. 11.30 a.m., "Not Waiting to be Good." 7 pun. "Christ's Achievements." Anglican Third Sunday in Advent. ' St. Thomas', Seaforth: 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., Morning prayer, "The Interpreter," 2 p.m., Girls' Bible Class. 7 pan„ Evening Prayer, `'Chris- tian Stewardship." St. Mary's, Dublin: 2.30, Sunday School; 3, Church service, "Chris- tian Stewardship." The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A., at all services. Golden Wedding At Varna on Dec. 19th On Tuesday, December nth, Mr, and Mrs. John Rathwell will cele- brate their Golden Wedding anniv- Mrs. Workman closed the meeting ersary at the home of their son, Mr. by prayer. Fred Rathwell, and will be pleased to The nominating report is as fol - receive their friends during the after- lows: Hon, Pres., Mrs. Workman; noon. 'Past Pres., Miss Fennell; Pres Mrs. Bechely; 1st Vice, Mrs, Christie; Will Hold New Year 2nd vice, Mrs. Goudie; 3rd vice, Mrs. Mae Lane Auxiliary N'arnes 1945 Officers , The •Women's Missionary Society of Northside United Church were Christmas guests of the Mae Lane Auxiliary which held their Decem- ber meeting on Friday. The base- ment of the church was attractively decorated for the occasion by the decorating committee. An added attraction was the White Gift Christmas tree around which were numerous gifts donated by the Mao Lane members to be sent shortly to the hospital at Gypsomville. Mrs. Christie, first vice president, opened the meeting by reading a poem, "Is My Heart Prepared for Christmas." After a hymn, prayers were offered by Miss Abbie Seip and Mrs. Goudie. After the national anthem, Mrs. Bechely, Auxiliary president, wel- comed the visitors and members. The minutes of the November meet- ing were read' by the secretary, Miss Emily Lester. Annual reports were given by the various secretaries he which they reported a very suc- cessful year. The Auxiliary has 46 members with an average attendance of 38, Mrs. Moffatt, Captain of Circle 4, then took the chair and a hymn was followed with prayer by Mrs. H. Snell. Mrs. Hugh Thompson read the Scripture lesson, A beauti- fully rendered solo, "Gesu Bambino" was sung by Miss Lois Whitney, ac- companied on the piano by Mrs. James Stewart. An appropriate Christmas story, "The Last Word" by VanDyke, was ably given by Miss Winnie Savauge, and was much en- joyed. After a hymn, the Mizpah benedictionwas repeated in unison. Carol singing led -by Miss Mabel Turnbull, was enjoyed by all. A social hour then followed during which a delicious lunch was served by the social committee. A very pleasant evening was brought .to a close by singing "Blest Be the Tie That Bipds,"after which First Presbyterian Church Rev. Richard H. Williams, 13.A, 10 a.m., The Sunday School will meet, The children are asked to bring their White Gifts. 11 a.m.-Morning• worship. Series on Christian Doctrine: (8) "`The Church of Christ" 7 p.m. -Evening worship. Texts that have made great Christians. Annual Christmas Concert of the Sunday School will 4eke laceon at 8 Wednesday, p.m. All members and friends are invited. A pant'ot your Wood can save a wounded service man. Thousands of donors are needed. Call Red Cross Blood Donor Service. Ross Savauge; Rec. Sec., Mrs John- ' Treasurer, ht Service a c. a. A. ri ht g sten, C rr, sea., Mr W g, Treasurer Maxine Baynes; assist. On New Year's Eve, Sunday, Dec. Tress,,. Vera Mole; Christian Stew- 31st, tew 31st, there will be a "Midnight" ser- ardship Sec., Miss W. Savauge; vice in St. Thomas' Church, Sea- Temp. Sec., Mrs. Baker; Missionary forth, commencing at 11.30 p;en. Monthly, Mrs. Chamberlain; Baby The general public will be made Band, Mrs. Keith Webster: Litera- cordially welcome at this service. ture See., Mrs. Norman Knight; Further details will be announced Flower convener, Mrs, Kaiser; Press during the previous week. • Sec Laura Mole- assist Mrs Lorne Spr. Coutts Sends Nazi Souvenirs The family received some interest- ing souvenirs this week from Spr. D. A. Soutts, oldest son of. Mr. and Mrs. John Coutts, of Seaforth, who is serving with the Royal Canadian Engineers in Holland and Belgium. There are two pairs of powerful Ger- man field glasses, a huge Nazi swas- tika banner and a German purse fill- ed with paper Money and currency of France, Belgium., Holland and the Reich. These things were found in a captured house and make a very fine Mid valuable collection. Spr. Coutts has been in the fighting on the con- tinent since the start of the invasion. An odd fact about this German ban- ner is that the swastika appears on only one side of the flag, which pos- sibly has been used in a field head- quarters. The emblem is in black and white in a circle on a scarlet back- ground. Seaforth Navy League Acknowledges Donations The Seaforth Branch of the Navy League of Canada acknow- ledge with grateful thanks the fol- lowing contributions to the very es- sential work of the League in pro- viding comforts for the personnel of the Navy and Merchant Marine, Seaforth Salvage Committee, $64.70; Winthrop Red Cross Mrs. E. Toll, treas., $25.00; No Surren- der Club, Mrs. Annie Watson, treas., $90.00. Total $179.70.-E. C. Bos- well, Chairman, Navy League. Golden Wedding of Hullett Couple Mr. and Mrs. Simon McVittie of Hullett township, who are celebrat- ing their fiftieth wedding anniver- sary, will receive their friends at the home of their daughter and Bon- in -law, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt, from 2 to 4, on Sat., Dec. 16th. RUMIG-SWAN Mildred Irene, daughter of Mr. andlMrs. Henry Swan, Seaforth, and.. Jerome A. Rumig, Goderich, were united in marriage on Saturday, Dec. 9th, at St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Seaforth. Rev. C. F. L. Gil- bert, B.A., officiated. Escorted to thencltar by her brother, K. L. Swan, the bride looked charming in a white sheer gown, fashioned with a sweet- heart neckline and bouffant skirt. Phone 84 81 a year She wore a finger-tip veil with a coronet of orange, blossoms, and Twelve Reeves For 1945 Dale; Com. Friendship convener, carried a bouquet of red Tahsr Mrs. Close • Supply convener, Mrs. roses, white carnations: and hour MRS ROBERT COATES p bower Huron County Council e eat occurred on Fi c y ev- ryce, a ening about 10.30 of a highly res- Weedrnark, Mrs, Bradshaw; Social and gold locket, Miss Helen Swan, pected resident of Seaforth, Isabella convener, Mrs.. Whitney; pianist, St. Thomas, sister of the bride, was i Mary McMichael, wife of the late 'Mr's, Grace Hoggarth; assist„ Mrs. bridesmaid in a blue sheer gown and Robert Ernest Coates, after a short Workman; Circle Captains, Mrs. headdress of blue net. She carried a illness, Mrs. Coates was born in Moffatt, Mrs, Weedmak Mrs Snell bouquet of pink carnations and bon- andMcKillop township on Oct. 28, 1876, i Mr's, James M. Scott. vardaa. Little Sylvia Lott, Stratford, had lived most of her life in I was flower girl, in a' pink taffeta - Seaforth and vicinity, She was a t RED CROSS NOTES frock and carried a tiny bouquet of t SideUnited pink roses and sweet peas. Patrick member of North Cleary, Seaforth, was best man and Church. s Ps survived by her bus-, The Seaforth Branch of the Red the ushers were Clayton Horton and Paan, she is suofived by two sons, Cross Society wishes 1p its mem- Galvin Horton, Stratford, The wedd- ing Coates, of Pickering; Harold bens, utnits and all its tielpers, a Very' ing music was played by George Coates, Montreal; one sister, Mrs, Merry Christmas and Happy New Clarke, Following the ceremony, Ernest Crittenden, Toronto; one year, and may we find everlasting brother, Frank McMichael, Cleve- the wedding dinner was served at Peace on Earth, Goodwill tawarcl land, .Ohio • and four grandchildren, men, in the New Year. the Queen's hotel Where the bride's The funeral service was held at the ` mother received in a blue crepe G. A Whitney chapel Monday, fol -1 Would any who Have sewing or dress with black accessories, and e a lowed by interment in Maitlandbank knitting out please try to complete corsage of red roses, The tables cemetery, Red, H. V. Workman off- and return to the workrooms J'ridey, wore artlsticallyarranged with baby iciated. The pallbearers were 3. H. Dec, 15th," as we Will be closed from mums in a pink and white color Scott, Merton Reid, A. L Porteous, that date until we re -open on Friday, scheme. Misses Doris Srnale, Mad - Dr sd_ Dr Harburn Dr. Burrows, Fred Jan. 5th. Thank you. eline Fortune and June ft ShawToronto la Mrs. o�Mission Band Leaders Mrs.dig. Her only ornament was a blue -- The following have been elected as reeve in the twelve Huron county municipalities which -have held Dec- ember elections: Ashfield -Gilbert Frayne, Colborne -Alex, Watson, Goderich Township -Geo. Ginn. West Wawanosh-Brown Smyth East Wawanosh-J. D. 73eecroft. Turnberry-Harold Moffat, Howiek-Reeve D. L. Weir, Dep- uty Reeve John Winter, Hullett'-Jahn Armstrong. Goderich Town - Reeve W. J. Baker, Deputy Reeve W. C. Att- ridge. Wingham-J. J. Evans. Blyth W. H. Merritt. Hensall-R, E, Shaddiek. The new members of the county council are Reeve Ginn, of Goderich Township; Deputy _Reeve Winter of ed Howick, and Deputy Reeve Attridge and western points the bride loon of Goderich. HARLOCK NEW VOLUNTEERS FOR THE NEXT d Donors B�00 CClinic 1 in WED. DEC.- .20 WED., Are Urgently Needed Thousands of our boys will' be spending Christmas on the battle front or at advance Hospital Sta- - tions, where your blood will be needed to replace theirs, spilled for us, that we might enjoy Christ- mas and our way of life. You cannot deny them this life- giving blood plasma, so • urgently needed now. Decide Now To Do This Act of Mercy Volunteers please phone the Sec- retary, MTS. ec-retary,'Mrs. Troutbeck, at 93. This Ad is`Donated By THE SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB Scarlett. MRS. WM. A. RILEY The death. occurred early Monday morning at Clinton hospital, of Mary Jane Hart, beloved wife of William r Alexander Riley, of Dublin, after an illness of three clays. The deceased •, was born in McKillop township on r Aug. '29th, 1908, and was married on May 28, 1928, to Mr, Riley and they lived in Tuckersmith until mov- ing to Dublin five years ago. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hart. She is survived.by her , i husband and two children, Emma ' Marie and William, both at home. Also four brothers, Joseph,. James and Cliff,. of Morris township, and George, of Grey township. The funeral was conducted on Wednesday afternoon from the G. i A. Whitney funeral chapel to Mait- landbank cemetery, Rev. H. V. Workman of North Side United Church officiating. The pallbearers' were Hugh Chesney, Edwin Ches- ney, Harry Chesney,. Harold Rice, Robert Archibald and Martin Klink - hammer. JAMES DEVEREAUX There passed away on Monday, brown coat with le oa ttr, Later, the couple le or ing a winter -white wool dress, a d f f and, Dec. 11th, a lifelong highly esteemed matching hat. Her corsage was of Wedding Anniversary - resident of this district in the per- red roses. On their return they will Mr, and Mrs, Simon McVittie ex - son of Mr. James Devereaux, in his take up residence in Goderich, Out- pact to celebrate their 60th wedding 78th year. Mr. Devereaux had been of -town guests were present from. amriversary on Saturday, being 50 n failing• health for the past two Henson, Clinton and Stratford. 1 years married on Tuesday of this years. He was a son of the late John ! week, the 12th of December. We Devereaux and was born on the ENGAGEMENT I wish to extend congratulations and farm on the Huron Road a mile .east Mr. and ,Mrs. Patrick W411iams,. wish them many more years of wedd- hi Seaforthulrwhere he continued uo St r. andam, announce the engage- 1 ed bliss, school teachers and pupils two tato retiring to Seaforth about meat of their youngest daughter, are at present busy preparing for twenty-four years ago, Mr. Dever- Anne Williams, R,N., Detroit, to eaux was a devout member of St. Pilot Officer Allen Riches, of Brant- their -Christmas concerts. Mrs, Ar - James. Church and the Holy Name ford, Ont„ the marriage to take thur Colson is holding hers in school Society. He is survived by his wife, lace this month, g section No. 6 on Monday evening of who was formerly Miss Kathleen p. brother, Robert, Lennon, also by a ro er, RETURNS FROM OVERSEAS The December issue of the Blue Bell, employees' magazine of the ;Bell Telephone Company, has a photo ; of Gordon 'White; son of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley White of Hamilton, who hoe returned from overseas, having lost a limb. Mr. White was an employee of• the company. His mother is the for- mer Irene Henderson • of Seaforth, daughter of the late William Hender- son, and a cousin of Mrs. John Beat Lie, of town. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Robinson, of Stanley Township, announce the engagement ,of . their only daughter, Helen May, to William Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Dignan, of Hay Township, The marriage to take place quietly early in January. I WINTER COMES and a sister, Elizabeth (Mrs. John ! MGDonald) of Windsor. He Was This district escaped the severe si te' and three storm that swept over southern On - next week. Mrs. Jennie Knox is able to be up again after being laid up with pneumonia. We hopeshe will soon be her usual again. predeceased oy one s r giro on Tuesday, although consider Mr, Thos. Cole has not been very William, Miss Catharine Devereaux, able snow fell here. In Toronto and well of late but better than he was. William, Joha and Daniel: p Mr, and Mrs. Graydon Neal and The funeral will take place on Hamilton and many.other ' to k at throughout lower Ontario business Murray of near Summerhill spent Thursday mornin g at 10 o c e ' Chh, R Father Hus was at a complete standstill for the St. James urc ev. say officiating and interment in St. day. Local highways have been re- James' Cemetery. l opened but me wavy places, and traffic is moving :on all TO HOLD S. S. CONCERT main roads. Snowplows have been The. Sunday ,School of St Thomas' operating on the town streets since Church, Seaforth, will hold its an- Tuesday morning, and the local nual Christmas party on Wednesday, public is keeping their lingers cross - December 20th, at 7,30 p.m. in the ehoping p gs wew whico h bit t receive 'GI* parish hall. A cordial invitation isdeluge extended' to the parents and friends of the province, of the children, and also to children of the rural families of the Church who are not able, ordinarily, to at- tend Sunday School. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riley, Blyth On- tario,, wish to announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter Dorothy Rena Janette, of London, to Pte, Charles. Ivan Hoskin, RCASC., Wolse- ly Barracks,. London, eldest sou- of Mr. and Mrs: `Charles Hoskin, Otta- way Ave" London, Tho marriage will take place hi London, Dec, 23rd. CONSTANCE Constance school, S.S. #3, aro bidd- ing their Christmas tree and concert in the school room on Thursday even- ing, the 14611• The Sunday School are holding their Xmas tree and entertainment on Wednesday, evening, Deo. 20t1m,, in the S.S. room of the clrurcli. .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton have re. ceivo l word that 'their nephew, Clar- ence' "Wilkinson, of Forest, of the RO sF., is Missing after air operations overseas., Sunday with her mother, Mrs, Jen- nie Knox and Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Knox. Mr, and Mrs. Frank McGregor at- tended the funeral of her aunts, Mrs. Moss of near Auburn. We wish to extend sincere sympathy to all the friends. Mr, Wesley Beacom has not been as well of late. We hope he will soon feel stronger. We are very sorry Mr. Watson Reid is at present in Clinton hospi- tal, having undergone an operation. We hope he will soon be o.k. again. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Roe called on lir. Watson Reid in hospital on Monday. HENSALL Mrs. Roderick McKenzie died at her hone in Bruceiield in her 37th year on Thursday. Formerly Margaret McAsh, she was born in Varna, and WAS well known in Hensall, having spent the past several winters with her sister Miss Mary McAsh, Surviv- ing are two daughters, Mrs. James. Phinney of Detroit, and Mrs. J. Rich, arclson, Varna; three sons, Frank, St. Louis, Mo„ Jack, Windsor; Charles, London; three sisters, Mrs, Mun- shave, Detroit, Mrs. Douglas, London, and Mies Mary McAsh, Hansa. Fun- eral service was held from the 'late residence on Saturday at 2 pm. con- ducted by Rev. D.3, Lane of Pres- byterian Church, Clinton, assisted by Rev. R. A. Brook of Hensel United Church. Interment in Baird's ceme- tery, McKILLOP Christmas Tose and Concert, in- clding a 3 -act play, Abigail Goes Haywire, at S.S. 4, McKillop, on Tues- day night, Dec. 19th, commencing at 3.15 sharp. Adults 15c, children free. Mrs, Kenneth Stewart is the. teacher, The ladies of the No Surrender Chub wish to thank all those who helped male their sale a success, and enabled them to raise $90 for the Navy League. iHemilton Coke Clean Burning Class 'A' Winter Fuel PUT IN A SUPPLY NOW