HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-11-30, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1944 HENSALL Mrs. Thos. Consitt Passes-- health is greatly improved. I In Memoriam A former well-known resident of . The villagers will regret to learn - Hensall' to Have Election for Reeve. Hensall, Mrs. Thos. Consitt, passed that Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Orr, who Mr, .Fred Smallacornbe is oppos- away at the home of her daughter, with their familysummer at their . D'AWSON—In loving memory el my dear husband Robert Dawson, who passed ing Reeve R. E. Shaddick for the .Mrs. Clarence' Parke, on Monday in cottage here each year, suffered the away ono year ago, Dec. srd, 1043. aeeveship of Hensall. The election is her 79th year. She was formerly loss. -of their son-in-law, Dr. Burt, .4 wonderful memol9, dearer than gold. to be on. Monday, Dec. 4th, The janet Forsyth. She had been ill only husband of Kathleen. Orr. Dr.. Burt • ORpnr husband w nae worth always can never be told. council was elected` by acclamation: a short time. Surviving are two I leaves to mourn his loss, his mother, Lcved and resrieated. wherever he N. Alvin W. Kerslake, Edward Fink, daughters, Mrs, Robin McAllister 1 wife and two children. Dr. Burt was Toa happy life: came a auddsn end. Howard Hyde and Melvin Moir. and Mrs. Clarence Parke, and one one of the victims of -the plane crash He died an he e leve everyone'sby t t friend, School trustees, Joseph Flynn, Geo. fromun- near Calgary during the past week ami; Russell, of Hillsgreen. The £ R. Hess,,Laird Mickle. P.U.C., Chas,i Card of Thanks sial will be held on Wednesday end. Moore, acclam, the Home of Mr• and Mrs. Robin I Mrs, R. Pepper of Warren Baugh- 1 McAllister. Burial in Bayfield sem- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson, . The family of the late Mr. William' Observes 92nd Birthday— etery. I storekeeper here, is enjoying a visit Finlay desire to express their many Mrs. Catharine Baker observed FosterMisof London s eat the Mr, Lorne with heritpa daughter, isanis accompanied thanks to all those who helped in any Miss Jean Foster and Lorneparents and her 92nd birthday, at the home ofp Carol Ann.way and for the many floral tributes; her son-in-law and daughter, Mx. and with their parents Mr, and Mrs. A. ' Fred Weston visited his family Rev. Reba Hern and Mrs. E. Stelck, Mrs. John Pfau on Saturday, Noy Foster, 1 over the week end. i organist, and those who loaned cars, 96th Mrs. Baker was formerly Ca- Mrs. Gordon L. Munn of London Mr. William Elliott has returned and helped at the house. tharine Gates and was born in l it• visited over the weekend with her to the village after a sojourn in ener where she lived for a number parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Munn. :Kitchener. Card of Thanks ch Mr. and Mrs. Geo Chambers aha 1 A reception was held during the of years. She also lied ensall. She week at the welcoming the The family of Mrs. Francis Murphy brook before coming to H family of St, Catherines visited with , rectory.g to s her usual good health, assists friends in and around town over the new Anglican minister r eat his £ew' forthemanysiinld sincere expressionstrof enjoy house- Miss Maggie Reid p her daughter with the daily week -end. p I days -hi Clinton the guest of Mr, and sympathy during their recent sad hold duties and spends hours braid - London, Murray Munn of the R.C.A. Mrs. R. Reid. Mr. Reid is still very bereavement. ing mats, a favorite pastime. She London, spent the week -end here ill. has a family of two sons, Leo Baker, with his mother Mrs. Munn and alsoCard of Thanks ME and Mrs. W. B. Cross: Nominations were held in the "Windsor; William Baker, Goderich' Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Schwalm town hall on Friday evening. one daughter, Mrs. John Pfaff, re are nineteen grandchildren and family of Stratford were week Mr. Jack Cameron,. Mr. J. 'How- The Eyre family wish to express The and and Mr. Geo. Blair are the in- their thanks to neighbors and friends and eight great grandchildren, end visitors with Mrs. Violet corning village trustees. No other for the many kind expressions of The Wohelo Class of the United Schwalm and Mr. and Mrs. Robt, nominees accepted nominations. sympathy on the occasion of the Church is sponsoring a social even- McKenzie. P death of Mrs. Silas Eyre; and for ing in the Sunday school room on Mrs, Wilfred Klopp of London Mr. William Ferguson served eight dea•f tributes and for the loan r Wednesday, Dec. 6th at 8.15 p•m• spent the week -end with her parents years as chairman of the trustees of the village but will retire at the end cars. In addition to 'the splendid Program Mr and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. of the year. FOR SALE planned, Mr. J. M. Scott of Seaforth Mr. and Mrs, John MacBeath of Friends of Mrs. Atkinson will re- I 16 young Shropshire E sheep. John -will present motion picture films. Kipper have moved ase the dwelling gist to learn she is still ill at her L. Malone, Seaforth R. R. 3, Phone they recently purchased from the Flier Home-- Howard estate and are getting nicely home here. j 64r4, Dublin central. PIGS FOR SALE STANLEY I 14 York chunks weighing about fifty A double reception was held in the pounds. Apply Joseph Hickey, North town hall, Ba Main St„ Seaforth. Bayfield, on Friday, last P.O. George Sangster, D.F.C., ar- settled. rived home from overseas, having Mrs. Jean Manson returned- home received leave after a yearand a from the hospital on Saturday and is half of.service. He is a son of Mrs. mach improved following her recent Jas. Sangster, is 21 years of age and operation. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew NOTICE is the first Hensall boy to win the , E'Ir. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake, Joan Rau of Stanley and Mr. and Mrs:' I Licensed sewing machine meek D.F.C. Be has forty operational and Billie and Mrs. D. Walks spent flights to Wilfred Rau of Colborne. The even -anis, repair an makes. 13 years exp. his credit and is having a the week -end with relatives in De- ing was spent in dancing to the Workmanship guaranteed. Apply at months leave at his home here. troit. Nomination Bayfield Valley Five Orchestra. Be- I Geo. Gill's poob•oom. Reception To Be Held for Soldiers— The lorofor Reeve and fore refreshments the young couples • FOR SALE Following a nomination meeting Councillors for the village of Hensall were called to " the platform and' in the town hall, •range , on Friday was held on Friday Nov. 24th at 7 Miss Jean Dunn read * i Large used scales suitable for farm. evening, it was arranged to hold a p.m. as follows: For Reeve—F. W. askingthem to accept this short addressmiscan- Roddy MacLean, Egniondville. Phone reception in the town hall for the Smallecombe by Wilson 'Allen and eons hower and as a token of the 064x13. soldiers who have returned home Howard Hyde; R. E. Shaddick by E. good wishes of their many friends FOR SALE from overseas. This will be held in Fink and A. W. Kerslake; Ed. Fink d neighbors in this district. On I About 100 White Leghorn chickens near future. by A. Kerslake and J. Parins; A. W. the very !Kerslake by E. Willard and W. Hess. behalf of themselves and their brides ready to lay. Also three calves. Mr. James Moir Dies— ' For Councillors — James Parkins the bridegrooms extended their Lorne Webster, phone 835r2, Sea - A former resident of this district by E. Fink and A. Kerslake; Alvin thanks in a few well chosen words. I forth. Kerslake by E. Fink and Smalle- Mr. Ken Strand spent the week FOR 'BALE FOR SALE passed away after a brief illness at conrbe; Edward Fink by F. Smalle- end at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. I Heater STOVEd as new,Rcheap. Must 1'h h,P• gas engine, also a 12" oat Watson Reid Snowflake, Man, Born in Usbolne Combe and AKerslake; Howard Len Talbot, be taken before 11 a.m. Friday. Mr. roller, both in workingorder. township in 1862 he married Agnes Hyde by E. Fink and F. Smalle- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker and 'Norris, Sperling street. Apply H. N. Finlay, Zurich, Phone REAL ESTATE Fairburn of Tuckersmith and went conrbe; R. J. Middleton by G. W. sons, Billy and Bobby, spent the 83x8; Zurich. AND INSURANCE AGENCY to Snowflake, Man„ where they Heas and F. Smallecombe; Melvin week end in Mitchell. Notice To Creditors FARM FOR - SALE farmed for many years before retic- Moir by R. E. Kerslake and H. Hyde: Mrs. E. Featherstone of London Iso nares goon clay loam, all under cut- (8ucceeeore to Jemee Watson) ing. Last year they celebrated their F. W. Smallecombe by H. Hyde and spent the week end in Bayfield. In the Estate of Annie Felly, de- tivatlon extent 12 acres o£ bush. Well drained' (MAINSUcc fly., toBEAFORTH, ONT. diamond wedding anniversary Sur - M. Russell. Mrs. Harold King of Sarnia spent and fenced. Bank barn on stone foundation, viving are his widow, three sons For School Trustees—E. L. Mickle the week end with her mother, Mrs. ceased. All creditors and •others eso�s81hnlnr bale gait underneath with cement et.AB kin west Inetesnc risks effect- farmed three daughters all in the West. by G. W. Hess andd F. Smallecombe; I{• l'arkor of Bayfield. having any claim against Annie Kelly underneatti, detvng rhea 24ft. w 3400. Companies. The Arnold Circle and .Sunbeam Joseph Flynn by G. W. Hess and A. Mr. James Mose of Ripley, Mr. late of the Township of McKillop, in meet silo 1210. x 5500. Frame house with Mission Band of Carmel. Presbyter- Kerslake; G. W. Hess. by A. Ker- and Mrs. Roy Allis of Carlow and the County 00 Huron, who died on insulate brick 7veries fsomnSroonie and4 wiles SEAFORTH CLINIC fan Church are holding a bazaar and slake and E. Fink. Mr. Sam Houston of Bayfield spent or about the 12th day of November, from Walton, 100 robs from school and Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate home cooking sale in the schoolroom For lHlydro 'Commis'sionei' -(Chas. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl 1944, are hereby notified to forward 1 3-4 mhos from Winthrop. Lot 27, nt. zs, of the church on Saturday, Dec. 2nd. Moore by G. W. Hess and F. Smalle- Houston and Madge. ; to the undersigned full particulars con, 10, MMn.RIii411op. Apoly to Zack MaSnaddee, 00 Uhl Clinic is fullynegytp d with. They have a large assortment of Combe. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scotchmere of their claim on or before the 16th WHydroalton, alt through barn ane hones andke handmade articles for sale including Mr. and Mrs, Cooper Forrest of spent the week end in Toronto. day of December, 1944. After the water all through barn, complete and modern ring and or - ,z handsome comforter made by Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dowson'celeb- last mentioned date the assets will up-to-date diaghostic an'd thereuZ�; jj' Hensall arrived. home from a very equipment. L. Baynham's group, it is:on display pleasant visit at Niagara Falls whel•e rated their ninth anniversary on be distributed amongst the parties FOR SALE Dr. F. J. R. Forster,- Spepiallet in in Mr. J. W. Bonthron's store win• they visited Mi -S. Lou Forrest and Thursday, Nov. 23rd. entitled thereto having regard only 7 Room Brick house, 2 lots, Church Diseases of the liter, e, Noe end dow. • her mother and family, also an old to the claims of which notice has St., Bathroom, Furnace, Hydro, Town Throat, will be at the Clinic the first friend, Mr. Harold. Tulsom. been received. Water, Good Barn. Reasonable. Tuesday in every month from 3 to Thomas Harris Passed Away—ST. COLUMBAN • Dated at Mitchell; Ont., this 28th 6 Room Stuccoed house, Egmond- 6 p.m. Mr. Thomas Harris, highly esteem- day of November, 1944. vials. Good well. Priced right for Free well -baby clinic will be held* ed resident of this district, passed SAYFIELD The regtilar meeting of the C.W.L. CLAUDE HORNS; quick sale, on the second and last Thursday in away at his home at Chiselhurst en was held on Nov 12. The president Mitchell, Ont, Solicitor for the i1H_ Storey Frame ]rouse, Main St., every month from 1 to 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. R. Larsen were opened the meeting with prayer and Executors. North. Town Water, Hydro. Priced Friday evening in his 81st year. He P g • was born in Exeter and farmed in entertained i the family on the 00 -reasonable. the minutes of the previous meeting Frame house, Coleman St., patent JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. this district nearly all his life. He easion of their silver wedding anniv read and adopted. Letterso were shingle siding, 3 Pc. Bathroom uP Physician and Surgeon was a valued member of Chiselhurst Fiserv. Many gifts and congratnla• for cigarettes received lucre read Notice shingle toilet downstairs, Furnace, TOWN OF SEAT ORTH United Church, superintendent of tions were extended to Mr. and Mrs, from Sgt. Kale Holland and CO, Hydro. First class basement under In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J the Sunday school for many years, Parker on this occasion. Citizens of Tom Downey. The treasurer's 're- served on the board of stewards and the village will join in wishing them port showed a balance of $127.02, Cl whole house. Aore of land with under ark's Notice of First Posting of did barn 60ft, x 28ft. hydro installed. MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., NI:D:' active in all branches of the church many happy and healthful returns The first vice president, Mrs.g Z. Voters' Lists, 1944, Town of Seaforth, Drilled well on property. Phyelolen and Surgeon work Surviving are his widow, the of their wedding anniversary. Ryan, reported 93 ladies belonging; E. G. CHAMBERLAIN Successor to Dr, W. O. Sproat former Mary Jane Squires, two sons, Mrs. F. Featherston of Londono to the Zeague. It was decided try County of Huron. Insurance & Resl Estate 220 Phone 90 W Seaforth, Percy and Cecil, and two daughters, visited the village over the week end have a drive for new members. A.' Notice is hereby given that T have Mrs. Carl Passmore and Mrs. Milton and was a guest at the silver•wedd- quilting bee was held on Nova 8 -with oornplied with Section 3 of the Vot P�iuire 334. 9eaforth, Ont. Ree. Lavery. A brother, Charles Harris, ing anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, 22 ladies present. Three quilts were err` Lists Act and that I have posted DR. F. J. R. FORSTER of Regina, a sister, MTS. F. Harris, Larsen. completed, one top for which was. up at my office at Seaforth op. the iEye, Ear, Nose and Throat Carndiff, Sask. Funeral service was Miss Jessie Metcalfe, profess or donated by Mrs. F. Jordan and Mrs., 22nd day of November, 1944, the Spence's. Produce Graduate In Medkine, University held Monday at 2.30 p.m. from the English in Wayne University, visited James Doyle: one top by Mrs. Mich -lusts of all persons entitled to vote in of Toronto. Late Aseletant,New Ybrk Chiselhurst United Church. Rev. R. Mrs. William Metcalfe over the U.S, ael Murray and one by Mrs. Jos. ( the said Municipality. at municipal GOVERNMENT REGISTERED Ophthalmic and Aural institute, A. Brook officiated. Burial in Exeter. Thanksgving week end. Eckert. It was arranged to held a elections and that such lists remain EGG GRADING STATION Moorefield's Eye, *nil Golden Square cemetery, Mrs. Spencer Trvine has returned social evening on Friday, Nov, 17th. there for inspection. throat hospitals, London, Eng. 4t Carter of London spent the home after being in the hospital in The third vice president reported I •And I hereby call upon all voters Highest Cash Prices paid for Commercial 12ote1 Sesfortft, t1,d. Mrs. C to take immediate proceedings to Eggs and Poultry Wednesday in eaa month from 2 fo week -end with her parents Mr, and London. Friends of Mrs. Ervine. boxes of fruit sent to members who, have any errors or omissions correct- 4 p,m. Also at 9eaforth Clinic first will bepleased to learn that her were ill. Phone 170-W, Seaforth Mrs. Wm. G. Bellied according to law, the last day for Tuesday is each month. 6$ Waterldo appeal being the y3th nay of Decem- v St., Stratford. Telephone 867. bei, 1944. • D. H. WILSON, Clerk of the Town of Seaforth. SATURDAY CASH & CARRY VALUES First Quality Ontario Potatoes Robinhood Flour, 9_5 Ib bag Robinhood Oats, Giant 5 lb bag Canned Peas, Standard Quality Odex Soap, 4 cakes Lux Soap, 4 cakes 15 ib. peck 19c . 2.69 25c 2 -20 -oz, tins 23c 19c 23c Canada Corn Starch, 2 pkges 19c W. J. FINNIGAN CHISELHURST I McConnell & Hays The November meeting of Chisel- Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. ]oust W.M.S. and W.A. was held in Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Ha�'e the schoolroom of the church on 811AF'ORTH, ONT. Tele hone 174 Tuesday, Nov. 14 with the president, p Mrs. Thomas Brintnell, in the chair.E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Meeting opened with hymn and prayer The Second Division Court and .the roll call was answered by 8 County of Huron members. Rev. Rle A. Brook took Office in the Dominion Bank Build - charge of the election of officers: President, Mrs. Thos. Brintnell; let lag, Seaforth. Office hours:— vice president, Mrs. David Chappel; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 2nd vice president, Mrs. Percy Har- 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m,_ Saturday ria; 3rd vice president, Mrs, Joseph evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. ' Ferguson; rec. sec., Mrs. John Glenn treas,, Rh•s. Carl Stoneman; Christian' L Stewardship and Finance, Mrs. Grant The McKillop Mutual, Ryckman; press and literature, Mrs. Wm. Brintnell; temperance, Mrs. E. Fire Insurance CO. Kinsman; pianist, Mrs. Clayton Hor- HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont, ton, Mrs. Angus Robertson; M,M., Officers Mrs. R. A. McDonald; flower come, President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - Mrs. Calvin Horton, Mrs. Hervey Ja- forth; Vice President, Frank . N - cos*, Mrs. Clarence Coleman. The Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and W.A. officers were also elected pies. Manager, M. A. ReidSaatorth. Mrs. Carl Stoneman, 1st vice pres., Dlreolors, • Mrs. Ed. Chappel; 2nd vice, Mrs. Clay-. W R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank Lon Horton; sec.-treas., Mrs. John McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, Glenn. Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born - WANTED' holm; El. J. Trewartha, . Clinton; Girl or Woman wanted for light John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mor housework four room heated apart- Ewing, Blyth; Hugh glexender, ment. Apply in person—rear apart- Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. ment over theatre. Good salary. Apsnts John E. Pepper, Brumfield; R. F. A girl for house work, small tam - WANTED MoKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter ' • Brodhagen; ily Apply at'the News Office. , Parties desiGroeourge s toA. effWectattinsuranBlyth.'ce• FOR SALE or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications Duplex modern 6 lid range, for sale. One horse plow and 1 section of to any of the above named, officers barrows. Mrs. Netzke, Seaforth. offices, addressed to 'their respective pest' 67448 These dimes work their heads off No doubt you've seen dimes worn so thin that you can't see the heads on them. That's what happens when money is really passed around. That's what happens every year to at least two and a half billion dimes that are put into circulation through the life insurance com- panies. These dimes really go to work. They come in the form of premium pay- ments from four million policyholders and if you prefer figuring in folding money, they amount to 250 million dollars. In peacetime these dimes are not idle. They are kept busy through investment in a great variety of local and national undertakings. For the past five years they have been busy in a strictly military sense—backing up our fight- ing men with more than a billion dollars' worth of Victory Bonds. These busy dimes are helping to buy security for you and yours — both in the present and in the future- both at home and abroad. It is good citizenship to own LIFE INSURANCE A Message from the Life Insurance Companies in Canada. Sponsored by Stanley Federa- tion of Agriculture Moving Picture Show at S.S. No. 10 School House, Stanley, on DEC, 4TH AT 2 P.M. For ' Selrooi c' Children of the Township 8.30 P.M. ADULTS Everybody Welcome George Reid, Pres. Elmer Webster, Sec.-Treas. OLD VIRGINIA PIPE TOBACCO It's a real pipe smoker's tobacco Tho Story of 'Spendthrifts De Luxe FOR SALE John Henry Cutler...in an article in The 10-20. McCormick Deering tractor American Weekly with this Sunday's (Dec. g , 3) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times... Massey -Harris tractor plow, 2 Or 3 tells how Aesos's famous $40,000 highball bottom. Also a fat ewe. Wouldex- set the fashion for fabulous characters who . have tossed away fortunes in prodigal change tractor on cattle. Phone 48r9, splurges for the delight of their own Brussels.. strangely thwarted egoee. Get The Detroit Sunday Times. PERSONAL ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY GOOD night a sleep without coughing. choking. Mr, Wm. Pearson, Seaforth, says: "I em so FEED thankfulwould to you for people asthma remedy from I would like il people who suffer from that asthma to know`what it did for me, I suf- fered for years fromchoking, difficult breath- ing and distress of asthma and no remedy Poultry, Dairy and' Hog Feed helped me to any extent, but your remedy made dailytouched the spot at once and gave me not only quick relief, but I am now free from all symptoms. A few month's, treatment did, . it." For free information write F. L. Concentrates to mix with your own-HOWEY, 144 Catherine Street South, graAlson. Hamilton. Oystersheil NOTICE Frank Finnigan, your Rawleigh dealer, on Limeshell' Levine St., Seaforth; has a line of products Feeding Molasses at the house, phone 68W. Cod Liver Oil Rex Wheat Germ Oil Western Grain, Screenings, Cliop and Millfeeds. 5 X and 3 X B. C. Shingles Hydro. Poles and Cetlar Posts. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Phone 9 G. A. WHITNEY' Successor to Holmes & Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell' Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 66 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures. Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent CEMETERY MEMORIALS barge Stock 'of Modern Memorials on display at our Seaforth Showrooms For the convenience .of our patrons office will be open on TUESDAYS Open by appointment at any other time. See Dr. Harburn, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY - PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 16. EXETER 2111 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry)