HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-11-30, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1944 THE SEAFORTH NEWS a BIG 9c -19c - 29c SALE Superior Again The Tops in Value — Nov. 30th till Dee. 6 9c ITEMS CATELLI'S SPAGHETTI . ........... 16 oz. pkg. 9c GRAPENUT FLAKES Small pkg. 9c Aylmer Vegetable or Tomato Soup 10 oz. tin 9c French's Prepared. Mustard 6 oz. jar 9e Oxo Cubes Pkg. of 4 cubes 9e Canada Vinegar Spirit, Mall or Cider 12 oz. bottle 90 Elhnar Vanilla Extract 4 oz, bottle 9c Sage or Savory — Glass Shaker Each 90 Charm — cleans everything pkg. 9c 19c ITEMS INGERSOLL MALTED OR RIDEAU CHEESE... .... ..Vi# pkg. 19c ROBIN HOOD QUICK COOKING OATS large 3# pkg. 19c Laing's C.C. Sauce 3 oz. bottle 190 York Devilled Ham Spread 7 oz. tin 19c Camay Soap '3 bars 19c Old Dutch Cleanser 2 tins 19c Aylmer Plain Queen Olives 6 oz. bottle 190 Newport Fluffs with Fruit Glass Free 5# bag 190 Superior Baking Powder 16 oz. tin 19c 29c ITEMS PREM — A Cooked Pork Specialty tin 29c AYLMER FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE 3/20 oz. tins 29c 12gman Meal pkg, 29e Five ve Roses Flour 7# bag 29c Javex 2 bottles 290 Kkovah Health Salts small jar 29c Pard Dehydrated Dog Food 2 pkgs.,290 Pimento Stuffed Olives 6 oz. jar 29e Neiisou's Jersey Cocoa Large 1# tin 200 Robinhood Quick Cooking Oats Large Pkg. 19c Yet Roman Meal Your Breakfast Large Pkg. 29c Every Package Guaranteed YEAR- G.b Tl 1480 Int. Units of VITAMIN B1 ft, every package 1' Ross J. Sproat Art Wright PHONE 8 PHONE 77 New Year's Dance Novelty Dances, Hats, Horns, Etc. MONDAY, JAN. 1 CARDNO'S HALL Murdoch's Orchestra Sponsored by Seaforth W. I. ADMISSION 500 New & Old 'rune N E DUBLIN Under the auspices of the , Sodality FRIDAY, -DEC. 1 Admission 35e Ina Gray Beauty Shoppe Will reopen Friday, Nov. 24th At her residence, Maio St., Egnrontl- ville, at 9.80 a.m. Hour's: 9.30 a.,m, to 6 pm. except Wednesday and Friday. Everting ap- pointments will be taken atter 6 Until 9.30 p.ni. Closed all day Thurs. Phone 663 r 21, Seaforth. INA GRAY Xmas 'Dance in Dublin TUESDAY, DEC. 26 Under auspices of Young Ladies' Sodality Rhythm Boys Band Admission 60c Dancing 9-1.30 Refreshments BORN DEVEREAUX:—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on .Nov. 22nd, 1944,.to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Devereaux, McKillop. 1a son ((Louis John). BENNMWIIES — In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov, 27, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bennewies, a son. NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Tuckersmitlr Council meeting will be betel at 7.30 p.nr. on Saturday, December 2nd. EDWIN CHESNEY, Clerk CROMARTY McKaig—McCulloch A quiet marriage was solemnized by Rev, W. A. 'MacWilliam at the Presbyterian manse, Cromarty, when Lila Beatrice, only daughter of John McCulloch, Cromarty, and the late Mrs. McCulloch. was united in mar- riage to James Calderwood McKaig, eldest soft to 811'S. McKaig, Hibbert Township, and the late Mr. James McKaig. The bride's attendant was Mies Christina McKaig, sister of the bridegroom, and tlie best ran was Iloy McCulloch, brother of the bride, The bride chose a two-piece dress of powder blue crepe. Her only orna- ment was a sunburst of pearls, the gift of the bridegroom. The brides- maid wore a wine crepe dress with . black accessories. The bride carried ' a bouquet of pink roses and white ehrystiiithemums and the brides- maid's bouquet. was pink roses and bronze chrysanthemums: Tho wed- ding dinner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCulloch. Later the couple left for Niagara Palls, the bride going away in a wine crepe dress with black accessories.' They -will reside on the bridegroom's farm in Hibbert Township. WINTHROP The Red Cross' Unit held their meeting and quilting in the school- room of the .church on Tuesday afternoon Nov. 21st., with an attend- ance of 13, Two quilts- were done. Mrs. Betties, vice-president' had charge and opened the meeting with prayer. She read a letter `Appeal to Women of Canada" .for more work- ers. The minutes were read and approved. The treasurer gave a re- port on the 'bake sale and the ban- quet. After all expenses were paid the bake sale and bazaar brought $57.251 the banquet 8181.65. The ladies decided to give a donation of $2:5. to each of the following: Navy League, .Seaforth Legion and Milk to Britain Fund, and the balance of 18163.90 to Seaforth Red Cross, The meeting closed with the National Anthem The annual meeting of the W. A. and W.M.S. will be held at the home of Mrs. Hiram Blanchard on Wed- nesday afternoon Dec. 6th. Will the secretaries and treasurers please be ready with all reports? The nomina- ting committee will present the new slate of officers for 1945 and the in- stallation of such will follow. We hope for a good attendance TOWN TOPICS Mrs. Charles L, Robertson _of Tor- onto visited at the home of her sister Mrs. John L, Devereaux, owing to the death of her mother • Mrs.' Frannie 'Murphy, ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norris, Sparr- ing street, leave Friday ,.for Toronto. They have made many friends -Tin town during the six years 'they nave. resided here. ' Sergeant. George Daly, RCAF., Ayl- mer; spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly. Mr. David ,Bolton, Waterloo,- was a. week end visitor at the home of his parents, Mi. and Mrs. Leonard Bolton. Miss Marjorie Bickell, Toronto,. spent the week end at her home here. Sergeant D'Orlean Sills, RCAF., To- ronto, spent the week enol with Mrs. Sills and relatives. Mr. a.ncl Mrs. Dominic Soalisi, of Woodstock, were week end visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Phillips. Mr. and -Mrs.. Lorne Webster of McKillop will shortly move to town and reside with Mrs. Wilbert Web- ster. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mohr, Mrs, Henry Smith and Mr. and Mre. John Gropp, Milverton, were week end visitors at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith. Miss Betty Matthews, Waterloo, visited with her parents, Mr: and, Mrs. Joseph Matthews, over. the week end, Miss Margaret McKellar, Toronto, visited over the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith and little daughter Patricia Ann, Toronto, visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Regier, over.the week end. Misses Fergus Bell and Joan Mc- Master, students at Western Univer- sity, London, . spout the week end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth left on Wednesday morning on an extended trip to the Pacific coast. Miss Belle Smith is visiting this week in Weston and Toronto. . Mr. William Faulkner, Kitchener, spent tine weer: enol with his mother Mrs. F. Faulkner. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nicholson. Ethel, were week end visitors with relatives in town. De, Friel Stewart, London, spent the week end with his mother Mrs. 'Charles Stewart. -Mr. Grant Fraser, Waterloo, spent the week end with Mrs. Fraser and family. Mr: and Mrs. Scott Burchill, Perth, ant., visited the Misses Brine on Friday. Pte. Kenneth Eaton, Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Eaton. Mrs. Westcort has received a cable that Mrs. D. W. Cook and baby have arrived safely in England. Mrs. Cook is the wife of Sgt. Cook, formerly of the Clinton radio school and they resided in Seaforth for three years. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wolfe and child- ren of Stratford, and Sgt. J. Walker Hart of London, with Mrs. Margaret Hart, George street. Mrs. David Grieve is spending a couple of weeks with Dr. and Mrs. Grieve and LAC. David Grieve of Up lands, spent the week end here. LETTERS OF THANKS Continued From Page One To the Canadian Legion, Seaforth —A few short lines to express my thanks and appreciation for 300 cig- arettes which. I received today (Oct1 30th.) As you all will understand we are in Holland and are not look- ing.forward to a very luxurious Christmas but we are all hoping for the next one to see us all home again. Thank you for your kindness and I wish the Legion one and all, 0 very Merry Christmas. GNR. HURRAY S. DOIG. Writing from Vancouver, Sig. .Andy Bell, of the Navy, writes—Re- ceived your gift of fags last week, very delighted to get them indeed, Smokes are getting rather bard to get and we all enjoyed them very much, Have seen some of the Sea- forth boys around, namely, Orville Hildebrand, Neville McMillan. used to see Orville quite often but not so much now. Having a good time here. We do not see much of the sun brit sure see lots of rain and it is not hard finding enough water to have a bath in. Thanking your kind mem- bers of your Branch for the cigar- ettes, ANDY BELL. Dear Friends,—It gives' me great pleasure to write and say "Hello" and at the same time let you know that your 300 smokes reached their destination in record time. A pack- age of Canadian smokes is a gift that we deeply appreciate. They are so different from the Limey brands that quite frequently, one hears: "I wouldn't exchange one of these for two of those other so and so's." This camp is tops, why we even get ice cream weekly and have all the sources of recreation necessary to keep the boys happy. The only thing we lack is roast chicken but 1 am sure we can do without it for a while longer. The weather is not the best here at this time of year. Today we are having a bit of snow for a change, but I can assure you that it will .not amount to much in the way of. drifts. Thanks again for the snakes and hope to see you all be- fore the endof thenext year. SDR. C. E. ARMSTRONG; Thanks were also received from Cfn, K. P. MacKenzie and Sps'. D. A. Coutts. KIPPEN EAST The December meeting of the Kip -1 pen East Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregor on Wednesday afternoon, Dec.l 6, at 2.30. The roll call will be My Favorite Christmas quotation, AI paper, Christmas Customs in 'Other Lamle, will be given by Mrs, Thos. Kay. Visitors are cordially invited. • Want and For Sale ads, 3 weeks 50e. WINTHROP The Helping Hand Mission Band will hold their annual meeting in the basement of the church on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 2nd at 1 o'clock, Don't forget to' come to the Christ- mas concert in Winthrop hall on Friday Dec. 15th.•at 8.30 p.m, The concert is being given by the pupils of Winthrop school in aid of Junior' Red Cross work. Sgt. Pilot G. W. Hutchings of Three Rivers, Quebec, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Earl' Hawley last week. Mrs. Inglis of Acton visited with her brother Mr. E. Haase and her Mother, Mrs. Haase, Her mother re- turned to Acton with her Saturday. We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. Oscar Cuthill which occurred in Victoria Hospital, London, Mon- day, Nov. 27th, Mrs. Cuthill had been in poor health for the past six weeks and had been seriously 111 for three weeks. Sh had been in the hos• pita) since Nov. 5th, Mrs. Cuthill's maiden name was Rowena May Prid sermon, "Behold Thy Ring Cometh." and Nettie Blanche Ross, of Fuller- ton township, where she lived until her marriage on Oct. 1, 1927, to Mr. Cuthill, when they moved to lot 30, con. 10, McKillop township where they have since resided. Mrs. Cut- hill was a member of Roy's United Church, Fullerton township, a form- er teacher in .the Sunday 'school, and had been an active member of the young people's and girls' organiza- tions of the church. Surviving be- sides her husband and parents are three brothers, Floyd W. Pridham Kirkton; Ross Y. Pridham, Logan; Harold E. Pridham, Fullerton, and three sisters 1(Ver'na L.) Mrs. Harry Andrew, Plymouth, Mich.; ,(Mildred P.) Mrs. Harry Greasou, London; .(Myrtle L.) Mrs. Edmond Musgrove, Mt. Clemens, Mich. Another sister died in infancy. The body .rested at the Heath funeral home, Mitchell, where a funeral service was held on W es y edii da afternoon. Rev. W. J. Patton, Winthrop, officiated and in- terment was made in Woodland-cem- story,. Mitchell. TUCKERSMITH Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth left on Wednesday for an extended trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs, John McLachlan vis- ited with NIr. and Mrs. 13, Si. Fran- cis in Exeter on Sunday. Mu61i sympathy goes out to the bereaved family of the late Mrs. Sil- as Eyre, also to Mrs. Abe Forsyth and family. Both well known resi- dents of the district who passed away last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Elgie and Thelma were Sunday visitors with Mr. and MTs. Albert Traquair of Exeter. 1 Messrs. Harry, Wren and Will -Eyre have returned to Sarnia after attending the funeral of their moth- er, the late Mrs. Silas Eyre. The Tuckeremith Ladies Club will meet next Wednesday, Dec. 6th, at the home of Mrs. William Rogerson. The roll call will be answered by, displaying a Christmas gift !yodel from a flour sack for 15 cents. The' year's reports will be given at this meeting. Members are asked to bring in their, sunshine .bags, CROMARTY The Misses Walper of Saskatoon are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Messrs. Angus McKaig, 'B.ill Har- burn' and Mrs. Sorsdahl and children have returned from a two months stay in the west. Mrs. Fisher of Guelph is visiting her brothers, Bert and Russell But- 1111 ii 11111 ii11.111... 11.NW u.111.1111.111111111,11111111.11111111,111u1111u11...m,1.11, u,1,1u.u,1,.bu.11,1111111..ii.... . 0e A C. Choiceteria Feeds E. S. WATT &. SONS -- PALMERSTON Manufacturers of unexcelled feeds for poultry producers who believe that the hest quality feeds always prove to be the cheapest in the long run. Fill your hoppers to fill your nests.' O.A.C. Choloeteria Lay Mash;' 32% Concentrate to mix with home grown grains; Oyster shell; Seml-solid Buttermilk, also Fattening Pellets, Calf Meal, Dairy Concentrate, for sale at Scott's Pou.Itry J. M. Scott Phone 551- 32, Seaforth .1111.11111111111.momm,.om..... 1111111/1111M111111111111111. ,1111.. , 11.111111.1 1111.1111.1..111.,110 m11.,.11111.111.11.. ler. i' A PLAY )lir. and Mi.'s. Calder McIaig have returned from their honeymoon and■ are getting settled on the bride- One In A Million groom's farm on the 12th concess- ion. Presented by Walton Young People's In Northside United Church WED., DEC. 6TH 8 P.M. Admission 35c and 20c Sponsored by Northside Young People • Mrs. Moore of Lindsay is visiting her daughter and son-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mr. and Mr's. C. Chapple of Moose - jaw, who have been visiting relatives in this district have returned to their home this week. Mr, Jas. I(err has returned from a visit in Toronto. 3 Good Reasons Why NO RISK OF STOMACH UPSET FROM DOSING. YOU JUST RUB IT ON WHEN NEEDED, PENETRATES TO UPPER BRONCHIAL TUBES WITH SOOTHING MEDICINAL VAPORS STIMULATES CHEST' AND BACK SURFACES LIKE A WARMING POULTICE Most Young Mothers Use this Way to Relieve Miseries of Children's COLDS Thanks to its effective penetrating -stimulating action (as illustrated), time -tested Vicks VapoRub promptly helps relieve coughing spasms, mus- cular soreness or tightness, con- gestion and irritation in the bronchial tubes! The very moment you rub soothing, vaporizing VapoRub on throat, chest and back at bed- time, it starts to work—and seeps on working for hours as it invites restful sleep. Oftenby morning most of the misery of the cold is gone! Try it. And you'll understand) why the time -proved home rem- edy for relieving miseries of children'- ICKS colds is de- . pendable.... VA PO m' est , °•; "'' You'll Ile proud to wear this badge of service THE ANSWER The answer to this question...for thou- sands of Canada's fighting men...win come from the hearts of volunteer blood donors. in Ontario donations are lagging: 50,000 new donors must be registered immediately if we are to do our share in giving our boys over there a second lease on life. Did you ever talk to a boy, back from active service, whose life has been saved by blood transfusion? 15 UP TO Yogi You ought to t because then, and only then will you realize the full import of this service of mercy. You'll realize what blgod donor service means to out fighung men .. to boys close to you or to your filen: who are taking their chances o.e, there ... for you. Register now 11 , , help bring thaw back alive! This is your chance to help Red cross msinrwie the life Ilse! 400D PONORSaileAfEEDE CANADIAN + REO CPi1°", Next Clinic at Seaforth, Thurs., Dec. 21st 5>2