HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-11-23, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS T'HURS'DAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1944 HENSALL Mrs, Gordon T. Munn of London spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R Mann. Keith Buchanan of the R.C.A.P Trenton, spent the week end here with Mrs. Buchman and relatives. Miss Norma 'Cool: of Western University, London, spent the week -end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mr. Ed. Berry of Windsor visited recently with his mother Mrs. Ann Berry. The many friends of Mrs. 11, Walks regret to hear she has been confined to her room owing to illness. 9,1r. J. W. Ortwein has been confined to his room during the past week owing to illness. Gordon Campbell -returned home following an operation in St. Jdseph s Hospital, Lon- don, and is improving in health. The Wohelo Class met In the school -room h U it d Church on Friday evening with Mise Gladys Luker presiding„ The meeting, opened by sing1Rg "It :came upon a Midnight Clear" followed by prayer by Ross Forrest.' and the Lord' 1 i nyer. The ninotes, Roll Call and collection were taken. Miss Mary Geed - man rend the scripture, Matt. 3, -1-17. The devotional was taken by Miss Elva McQueen. The topic on "Co-operation" was ably taken 1, Edison Porrest. Arrangements far a social evening to -he held Dec. lith were trade. Miss Gladys Luker favored With a piano solo. The meeting closed by singing 'r God Save The Bing" and the Benediction. A sdcial hour fol- lowed, The Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church are holding a bosaar and tea in the school roam of the church on Saturday, Deo, 2nd et 3 p.,n. Aprons, towels, novelties and many other useful articles will be for sale. Plan to attend the bazaar and solve the prob- lem of your chrietmos gilts. The Sunbeam Mission Band are also having a special booth 1 and have a veinier assortment of articles, Council Meeting A statutory meeting of the village eoun- oil was held on Wednesday at 8 p.m. 10 the Council Chamberwith all members being present. Minutes of the previous meeting rend. Fink and Smallecoinbe: that the min- utes be adopted as read. carried. The treasur- er presented the mania] report from Novem- ber 15-1943 to November 15-1944, Parkins and Kerslake that the treasurer's repot he adopted' es read. Correspondence read as"fol- t, ws: Mr. Wm. Petty, Old Aga' Pensions Commission, Judge T. M. Costello, D. E. Holmes, Dept. of Public Welfare. Same con- sidered and filed. Bills' and accounts: La France Ltd., 513.50; J. A. Patterson, freight, 50c, Hay township Koehler Drain assess- nenta$350, Total $304. Smallacombe and Fink, That bills and 'accounts as read' be paid. Kerslake and Sm,llaoombe, that we now adjourn to meet Dee, .6th. Carried. The financial statement follows: Receipts, Current taxes $9075, prepay taxes $1840, 1. S- Between the At S of ye, and P lig% %E EO NEO(T� O - ! 4•rseavtoe,�` � � You'll be proud to wear this badge of service i � Was In *rites: 0th°w ed ani 4 AIt oR asas st uck ., l he 1 Was r to are but Was brOnr ship ashore. Six hours ,was g°�� aIoost. had rani bio ght Blood'T sfus on:.. altogether � detewe n e today to god Cr given life be enough 1° << 11t a'Blood 3i . today b we my W • tC5 'Will bele nest dthebtgg or tit eJ®ll.®0IR fear O Ouch these tne>the/ uhf have ggest 4401.1r1, greatme.SOn' for ut pO on bhpre are let to ver. your soaletexcept o give njenla second battlests Tiley es sL pecover. 1s the ?voter your arteries live," e had a chance *rites: r1t6`' ' Station the/ volun ptCthan our last lours truly a good big rivefst for or leaving ts, n ourshia aay'� • thin drive Wall all I bawith me teered. as that was thing, 13.H0R5 HEEDED 4 , DIAN RED CROSS NEXT CLINIC AT SEAFORTH, THURS., DEC. 21ST tax arrears $1036.11, school $4098, non 'res- ident. taxes. 933.26,' dogs 90, poll taxes 511, licenses 51, hall rent 1458, rink 5141.31, re- bates $297.90; miscellaneous $101.45,' bank balance -$2000.75. Total receipts- 510,708.17.. Expenditures—School ' $8000, county $2022,. street lights "8100, library 5288.57, 'streets 5260,29, salaries $1520.90, town hall 51690,. rink 5293 02, interest 576.07, grants 5108.45, health 5200.05, fire protection 5193.77, print- ing and postage 5161.10• park 53, miscellan- eous 9600.37, cheque outstanding 51,20, banlc- bnl, $2360.45, Total $19705.37;-3. A. Pat- erson, treasurer. The lecture -demonstration bn "Health",. the subject chosen by the Kippen and Hon sell Institutes, is scheduled to take place in the IIensalt town hell on Thursday, Decem- ber 7th in the council chamber. The session wilt bo held :from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. An out- standing speaker has been secured,' this pro- vision being made by the Department. Not only the Kippen and Hensall ' members are urged to attend, but also any other ladies (non-members) who are interested, are cor- dially .invited to be present at this co -opera tive program held under the sponsorship of the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, Women's Institute branch. The ladies are asked to bring light refreshments suitable for a pot luck lunch to be served at the noon hour. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Sanders, Teddie and Freddie, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Iloltman and little daughter at Dashwood Mrs. Catharine Devlin visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett and Mr. and i4lt. Jail: Corbett. Miss .Barbara Michie spent the week end with relatives in London. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ilunkin of Thames Rood visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren and Donald. Mrs. Stewart Rosser and Mrs. Zavits of Denfield Visited their brother-in-law, Mr. A. L. Case, Mr. 1Vm, Foster, who recently underwent an operation in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, for his hand, is improving. Mrs. C. E. Kennedy of St. John's; New- foundland, and Mrs. Stuart Barbour of Ot- tawa, returned to their home after a pleas- ant visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoggalth. 1.G against V.D. is a family affair .. . A laughing couple, dodging showers 11 of rice , , . fireside .. • garden .. chubby babies . , . These are scenes we know and like, be- cause they're part of our lives ... because they spell happiness ... contentment. But we know that these things don't "just happen." They have to be worked for, lived for. Protected, too, becaust if ever-present dangers which may spoil them. Venereal Disease is a spoiler. In a cold, relentless way it can kill infants, rob the home of its breadwinner, cripple, destroy. These are not mere possibilities. THEY HAPPEN ... RIGHT HERE IN CANADA I But, these things should never happen. They can be prevented. - Young men and women can safeguard their future happiness together by making sure before marriage that V.D. will not blight their plans. A medical examination, including a blood test for syphilis, is a protection no couple can afford to pass. up. The expectant mother, too, may know for sure that her baby will be all she dreamed of. Syphilis in the expectant mother rarely - shows outward signs, and it is no respecter of persons. An early check-up by her doctor, including a blood test, is a most essential, yet simple, first step in protecting her baby's health. Nor must the breadwinner -neglect his part, The security of the home depends upon his ability to work regularly and efficiently. Unsuspected syphilis, striking in middle life, may make the head of the home unable to provide for his family. Itis wise to KNOW FOR SURE in time. Industrial medical exam- inations should include a routine confidential blood test. A blood test should not be looked upon as something unusual. It should be regarded for what it is .. a normal safeguard of health, security and happiness. Invest a few minutes of your time in ASSURANCE. For all the facts about VD 'write your Prorindal' Department of Health for the new, free booklet LyierosY oVsR pissdsn^,, Sf,onsore8 by DSMARTMaNT 08 NATIONAL NEAL= AND WELPARS Id further Canada's fighl against VD. 3VW Annual Meeting & Banquet Tuckersmith Federation of Agriculture In Hensall Town Hall THURS., NOV. 30 Dan Stauffer, President of the United Farmers of Ontario, will be guest speaker. Nay O'Leary, Sec. Bob Archibald, Pres. sem. Week End Cash & Carry Specials Y ONTARIO GROWN POTATOES, first quality - 15 pound peck23c VAN CAMP'S PRE-COOKED BEANS - 3 PI zges. hes250 ONIONS, 10 pound bag 29"c1 DARLEY'S HOG & MINERAL TONIC 5 pounce bag 99c NATIONAL HOG CONCENTRATE, 40% per cwt 3.25 KILA-LICE, 2 pound pkge. , 550 - Red Rose Coffee, per ib 43c . W. J. FINNIGAN In Memoriam In loving memory of Charles Regele who died Nov. 25, 1042. "He lived his life, His course was run, He earned his rest. IIis work was done." • —Ever remembered by his wife and Harry. In Memoriam In loving memos of the late Charles Regele, who passed away one year ago, Nov. 25th, 1943. "To those who have n father, Cherish him with case, There will never be another, To fill his vacant chair. We think of you in silence, Your name we often recall, There is nothing left to answer. But your picture on the wall. Friends may think we have forgotten, When at times they see us smile, But they little know the sorrow, Which that smile hides all the while. You arc not forgotten, father, Nor will you ever be." —Lovingly remembered by your son. Mr. and Ml's. Edward Regele, and Grandchildren, Shirley, Peal and Lloyd. FOR SALE I Two part Ayrshire heifers in calf,) to freshen in Dec. and Jan. Also a reg. Shorthorn , bull, 3 years old. Gordon Richardson, Brucefield. Phone. 9551.25, Seaforth central. Card of Thanks The Belly family wish to extend their sin- cere thanks and appreciation to all relatives, friends and neighbors, those who loaned cars, and for the many spiritual bouquets upon the recent bereavement of their mother. STRAYED A Hereford Heifer strayed to lay r n 1 ilio premises, Lot 31, Co 1, Mclt p, about the middle of 9uly. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to James Hogg, Phone 846 r 24, Seaforth F,o1 SALE Nine pigs for sale, ready to wean. Apply to Isaac Rapson, Phone 23r17, Blyth. HEIFER LOST Strayed from Lot 27, Con. 2, - Idib- bert, a roan Hereford heifer, corning 3 years old. Please notify Dan Cronin, St. Columba.n, phone 221.17, Dublin. FOR SALE Some heifers coming in first week in Feb- ruary. Also some large ducks and .geese. Phone 66503, John McCowan. Auction Sale FOR SALE Some young pigs five weeks old, about ready to wean, John McGavin, Tuckersmith, Phone 652r42. FOR SALE A cutter, wool horse blanket, string of bells. Apply to Miss Fowler, 2 miles West of Seaforth on Provincial Highway. FOR SALE Colony house, in good reltai r, sire 10014. Raymond Murray, Seaforth, R.R. #5. Phone G4 r 13, Dublin. FOR SALE Hitchen Stove—Magnet, in good condition. Mrs. N. 11. Smith, 656 r 12. FOR SALE 2 year old Hereford bull. Phone 543 r 33, Seaforth, Earl Mills. Farm Stock and Implements.—Lot 26, 26, Goderich Township, 11,0 miles north of Clin- ton on Base Line, Tuesday, Nov. 28th, at 1 p.m. Horses -1 driving horse 4 years old, broke single or double, 1200 lbs., 1 general purpose filly, 2 years old (Hackney and Percheron), Cattle—Reg. Dual Purpose bull, 4 yrs. old (Kirkness-breed), 1 reg. dual purpose cow,. due Jan. 20 ; 1 reg. dotal purpose heifer, 3 years old, due Jan. 1st; 1 reg. dual purpose heifer, 3' years old, due in March; 1 reg. door purpose heifer, rising 2 years old; 1 Durham cow, due Mara 1st; 1 3 year old heifer, due Mar. pat; 3 Durham steers, 2 years old, 1000 lbs. ;• 6 Durham steers, rising 2 years old, 4 Durham heifers, rising 2 years old. Pigs -2 York sows, due in Dec. and- Jan., 18 chunks 75 lbs. Implements -1 M.H. tractor on rubber, 102 Junior Twin Power ; 2 -furrow M.H. plow. This was a new tractor outfit in Aug, -1944 and has only plowed 35 acres. Terms cash. Harold Jackson; Auctioneer; VICTOR BISBAOK, Prop. No reserve as proprietor is in poor health. FOR SALE 11/' h.p. gas engine, also a 12" oat roller, both in good working order. Apply H. N. Finlay, Zurich, Phone 83r3, Zurich. FOR SALE Two young dual purpose cows, one just freshened and the other due in January; also a 2 year old Percheron colt. Andrew Crozier, phone 6671'22, Seaforth, FEED Poultry, Dairy and Hog Feed made daily Also Concentrates to mix with your own grain Oystershell Limeshell Feeding Morasses Cod Liver Oil Rex Wheat Germ Oil Western Grain, Screenings, Chop and. Millfeeds. 5 X and 3 X B. C. Shingles Hydro Poles and Cedar Posts. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative ` - Phone 9 WANTED TO BUY Second hand piano wanted in goad repair, also a "What Not". Apply Seaforth News. FOR SALE Piggery for sale at Walton with good house and stable, half :sere of land, good garden ground. Cheap for quick sale. Apply to Mrs. N. Sanderson or Harold Jackson. FOR SALE .10 Light Sussex Pulletts starting to lay Phone 534 r 0. E. Haase, Winthrop chopping mill. FOR SALE 35 Ford V-8 Coupe in A 1 shape, five good tires. Phone 23 r 12. Wm. Hooey, R.R. g1, Dublin. LOST A black steer weighing wound S00 lbs.. Disappeared a week ego Wed. night, Anyone knowing whereabouts, notify Harry Caldwell, Phone 657 r 14, Seaforth Contral, FARM FOR SALE 150 ,acres good clay loam, all ander cul- tivation except 12 acres or bush. Well drained and fenced. Bank barn on stone foundation, 66ft. square, stabling underneath with cement floors. Hay barn 3401. square with hen house underneath, driving shed. 24ft. x 34ft. Ce- ment silo 12ft, x 35ft. Frame house with Insulate brick covering, sever rooms and wood shed. Situated 7 miles from Seaforth, 4 miles from Walton, 100 rods from school :and 1 3-4 miles from Winthrop. Lot 27, pt. 28, Con, 10, htcliillop. Apply to Zack McSpadden, Walton, R.R.4. Hydro all through barn and house and water all through barn. McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT, Telephone 174 E. C ' CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. FOR SALE 7 Room Brick house, 2 lots, Church St., B001210om, Furnace, Hydro, Town Water, Good Barn. Reasonable, 6 Room Stuccoed house, Egnlond- ville. Good well. Priced right for quick sale. 11/z Storey Frame house, Main St., North. Town Water, Hydro. Priced reasonable. Frame house, Coleman St., patent shingle siding, 3 Pc. Bathroom up- stairs, toilet downstairs, Furnace, Hydro. First class basement under whole house. Acre of land with splen- did barn 50ft. x 28ft. hydro installed. Drilled well on property. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220 OLD VIRGINIA PIPE TOBACCO It's a real pipe smoker's tobacco FOR SALE 10-20 McCormick Deering tractor, Massey -Harris tractor plow, 2 or 3 bottom. Also a fat ewe. Would ex- change tractor on cattle. Phone 48r9, Brussels. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Vice President, Frank Mc- Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and, Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; .Alex Mo - Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucelleld; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Pruete,,r , Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. PERSONAL ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY GOOD night's sleep without coughing, choking. Mr. Wm, Pearson, Seaforth, says: ?'I' am so thankful to you for your asthma remedy that I would like all people who suffer from asthmato know what it did for me. I suf- fered- for years from choking, difficult breath- ing and ,distress of asthma and no remedy, -helped me to any extent, but your remedy touched the spot at once and gave me ,not. only quick relief, but 'I am now free from all symptoms. A few month's treatment did t." For free information write F. L. HOWEY, 144 Catherine Street South,'', Hamilton. • Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. Ali kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. NOTICE - Wm. Bradshaw, your Watkins deal- er, and also agent for E. D. Smith & Son, fruit and ornamental nursery I stock, Market street, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 50. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and othewvJ up-to-date diaghostic and thereuptic equipment. Dr. F, 3. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Bar, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A, GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr, H. H. Rose' office. Phone 6 J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, -University of Toronto. Late Assistant New fork Ophthalmic and Aural Iastitlite, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Squats throat hospital*, London, Eng. At Commercial 1ote1, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic Gist Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone Z67. G. A. WHITNEY Successor to. Holmes & Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers, Nights and HolidaysPh6one6 119. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent NOTICE Frank Finnigan, your RaWleigh dealer, on' Louisa St„ Seaforth, has a line of products at the house. Phone 53W. - CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large Stock of Modern Memorials on display at our Seaforth Showrooms For the convenience of our_ patrons office will be open on TUESDAYS Open by appointment at any other time. See Dr. Harburn, next door Cunningham & Pryde CIlnton Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 225 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD.: (Essential War Industry)