HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-11-23, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1944
Prices that make your purse happy — Thursday, Nov, 23 till Nov. 23
Quick Quaker Oats, large 34 pkg. 19c
Palmolive Beauty • 2 bars 11c,
Aylmer Dehydrated Beans with Sauce. Quick Cooking,
Reg. 10c tin; this Sale: 3 -5 -oz, tins 15o
Sani White Toilet Tissue, 3 large rolls 19c
Orange & Grapefruit Marmalade 29c
24 OZ, JAR 2 Coupons
17 tin... 310
Hawe's Lenon Oil
Nugget Shoe Polish
Princess Flakes
Blue Boy Coffee
Keen's Mustard
Chan Floor Wax
Turpentine -
Sunlight Soap •
6 oz. bottle 15c
12 oz, bottle 25c
tin 12c
large pkg. 252
1# bag 35c
14# tin 27c
1# tin 59c
12 oz. bottle 25c
3 bars 19c
Old English Scratch Cover Polish 4 oz. bottle 25c
Peril Dehydrated Dog Food
Mazda Electric Light Bulbs
2 pkgs. 22c
25 - 40-60 Watt each 150
1-Iedluud's Assorted Meat Spreads 7 oz. tin 210
Jiffy Whip
1 oz. bottle 1Se
Loganberry Jam, 24 Fluid oz. jar 3 coupons 37c
Junket Powders , .... 2 pkgs, 23c
Robin Hood Products
Every Package Guaranteed
We have Flour 98s, 2 -Is. Ts
Rolled Oats, 5 lb bags, 3 111 bags
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables In season
Ross J. S roal
Art Fright
‘)e 01_0
�N�M kkpe
�" P` ORDS .�
McKillop Federation
of Agriculture
at 8.30 p.m.
Motion Pictures frons the
National Film. Board will be
shown by Harvey C. Johnston
of Blyth.
['l'ii Lar\'1:, LOVE. LOVE -Oil MAYBE
1,'-, ,Dazs v'hot [nee d,,, .. One ardent
aiu ralt,.,l ht± :w-t.ti,prds face with
pn :.in
1,Y. -and Won her. Putt 3110 ,n a dee:
Cellar. a Tall : enep lnch•.d a tent outside
I I cr 1 I t 11 I t her, Read about
the edd things for dot., in The American
1\..-ddy with this Sunday's (Nov, 261 issue of
The Detrol Sunday Tittles,
Mash: by Les Pryer & His Orchestra
Admission 35c. Lunch served
Magic's Orange -Raisin. Biscuits
2 cubs sifted flour 4 tbsbns. sbortening
4 teaspoons Mask 35 cup raisins
Baking Powder 1 tbspn. orange rind „
tsjn . salt 1 egg
2 tbsjms. sugar 4 cup milk
Sift dry ingredients together. Cut in
shortening until well mixed: Add rai-
sins and orange rind: Beat egg slightly
in measuring cup and add milk to make
} cup. Add to first mixture. Roll out
about M -inch ,flick; cut with floured
biscuit cutter: Place on greased pan.
Bake in hot oven (475°F.) about 12
minutes: Makes 16.
Your guarantee of Successful Baking.
;'- srq'r- vt
Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect
those present vita
Mrs. Kenneth Johns read. "The Least
• of These.-' Miss '.Hocking ,favored.
nth a iano rostrum
ental An interesting article, was read
by Mrs. R. E. Pooley, Minutes of the
last meeting were read and adopted.
The next meeting will be held at the
home of ilir. and Mrs. Freeman
Horne with Mrs. Alvin Pym and
Mrs. Alvin Cooper to prepare the
program. Business was dealt with,
after which Mr. R: 'E. Pooley took
charge of the election of officers for
the coming year. Results were as
follows: Presidents, Miss Ruth Skin-
ner and Mr, Kenneth Johns; 1st vice
pies., Mrs: Harold Bell; 2nd vice
Pres., Mrs, Garnet Johns; secretary,
Mrs. Gilbert Johns; tr'eas„ Mrs,
Franklin Skinner; pianist, Miss
Hocking; knitting' convener, Mrs.
Delmer Skinner; inspection commit-
tee, Mrs. P. Murch, Mrs. G. Davis,
layette committee, Mr's, Enos Herd-
man, Mrs. Alvin Pym, Mrs, Clifton
Brock, Miss Bessie Johns. Auditors,
Messrs. Wm. Johns and R. E, Pooley.
Meeting closed with singing "Abide.
with Me," and prayer by . Mr. Chas.
On Sunday morning' the service
was sponsored by the W.M.S. Rev.
Reba Hem of Varna gave a splendid
missionary address. A ladies' choir
led the singing and Mrs, Ed, Johns
and Mrs. Harold Bell sang a solo. A
very generous offering was received,
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns and
Grace were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Venner in Exeter.
Mrs. J. Brock of Granton was at
Mr. Clifton Brock's during the week
Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Whyte and Mr,
and Mrs, ,T, M. Scott are in Montreal
this week: attending the Poultry In.
dnstry's ;Educational Exhibition in the
Mon nt Royal Hotel, sponsored by the
Quebec Poultry Industry committee.
Mrs, Conrad Eckert Sr. left last
week for Detroit where she will
spend the winter Months..
Mr's. Ralph McFadden ailcl children
spent the week end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
MacDonald, Stratford,'
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Salisbury have
Moved into the residence ,on Jarvis
Street recently ,vacated by Mrs.
Malcolm McLeod.
Misses Mai'y and Helen Devereaux,
London, spent the week end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs, John
Miss Frances Fortune, R.N., Kitch-
ener, visited lust week with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Leo Foi'lthie.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bart and son
Kenneth spent the week end in
Messrs. Cyril Snowdon and Oswald
Snowdon spent the week end at Nia-
gara Falls.
Messrs. Wren, Will and Harry
Eyre, of Sarnia, were here this week
attending tine funeral of their
another, Mrs. S. Eyre:
Mr. and Mrs. Squire Iio'dman and
Helen of Centralia visited with Mr.
and Mr's. Wnt. Bradshaw on Sunday.
The Misses Gladys and Doris Brod-
hagen of Seaforth visited their par-
ents near Mitchell over the week end.
Miss .Tosephine Edge has returned
Home after spending the past tlu'ee
weeks in Toronto, Port Huron and
LAC. Richard Box of St. Thomas
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Box, over the week end. •
Miss Mary McFadden of Toronto
and Mr. Joseph M. Purcell, RCAF..
Claresholnt, Alberta, spent the week
enol with Mr. and Mrs. John Nigh.
Mics Edna Eckert, Loudon, with
lien parents, 112r. and Mrs. J. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moylan and
daughter Denise, Kitchener. visited
ilh friends in town on Sunday.
Sgt. Jack Drover, RCAF., is spend -
Ing a few weeps with iris 'parents,
Ili', and Mrs. John Drover, after
serving overseas.
Mr. Arnold \Vesteett, of Toronto,
spent the week end with Mrs. \Vest-
rott and fancily.
Dr. Friel Stewart, London, visited
311 i
with his ! t mother Mrs, Charles r s
o':er the week end.
Mr. Janes Nash has returned this
week from a harvest trip to the west,
• nd a visit to his sister, Mrs. George
West, in Victoria, B.C.
Miss Lucille Burns, London, spent
the week end at her hone here. ,
Mrs. J. R. Burns spent Saturday
in London.
Miss Lorretto Bannon, London,
spent the week end with her mother
Mrs. Ellen Bannon.
Mrs. William Byrne and daughter
Rosemary has returned to Detroit,
after spending the past week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fortune.
Miss Marguerite Westcott, nurse -
in -training in Hamilton General Hos-
pital, spent the week end at her
hone here.
Miss Lomeli Looby, R.N., Goderich,
visited with her sister, Mrs. Clar-
ence Trott and Mr. Trott, over the
week end.
Mrs. C. F'. L. Gilbert is visiting in
Toronto this week.
Pte. Ken Eaton of RCITC., London,
spent the week end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton, Ken ex-
pects to prove to Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Brachnock, Gorrie.
were guests at the home of Mit end
Mrs. H. R. Spence on Sunday. •
Mrs. Walter Eaton is able to be up
again after an attach of pneumonia.
The W.M.S. and W.A. 'met at the
hone of Mrs. P. Murch on Wednes-
day afternoon of last week with 25
members present. Mrs, Franklin
Skinner had charge of the meeting,
Mrs. Will Johns read the Scripture
lesson. Mrs. Franklin Skinner and
Mrs. Will Elford gave responsive
readings from the Missionary Mon-
thly. Mrs. (Rev.) Mair led, prayer. A
duet was rendered by Mrs. Ed. Johns
and Mac. Harold Bell, "Some of
These Days." The introduction to
the study book was given by Mrs.
Harry Ford. Mrs. Franklin Skinner
offered prayer, Business was dealt
with after which Mrs, (Rev.) Mair
took charge, of the election of offic-
ers for the coming ",year. Result was
as follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs. R. D.
Hunter; Pres., Mrs. R. E. Pooley;
Vice Pres„ Mrs. Everett Skinner;
Treas., Mrs. Will Johns; Rec. Sec.,
MI's, Newton Clarke; Assist., Mrs.
Squire Herdman; Corr. Sec., Mrs. W.
Dickey; pianists, Mrs. H. Ford, Mrs.
D. Skinner, Mrs. F. Skinner, Mrs. F.
Horne. Literature and Press . sec.,
Mrs. H. Ford; Supply sec., Mrs.
Murch; Temp. sec., Mrs; F. Brock;
Systematic Giving sec., Mrs. W.
Horne; Baby Band sec„ Mrs. Lewis
Tnhns; Community Friendship sec.,
Mr's. itlurch; assistants, Mrs. A.
Pvm, Mrs. G. Davis, Mrs. 3. Bailey,
Mrs. S. Hunter, Mrs. B. Williams,
Miss. Mthly sec., Mrs. J. Coward;
114, B. leaders, Mrs. A. Pym, Mrs, W.
Routly and Mrs. A. Cooper.
The W.A. officers were also ap-
pointed as follows: Pres., Mrs. W.
Routly; 1st vice prey., Mrs. F. Skin-
ner; treas„ Ruth Skinner; Rec,-see.,
Mrs. Garnet Johns, The December
.,,eeting will be held on Dec, 13th at
the . home of Mrs. Pooley. Mrs, 0,
Stephen and Mrs, Lewis Johns will
be in charge.
Mrs, Will Bradshaw of. Seaforth
visited at Mr. John Herdrnan's the
•end of last week.
4 isn+iltingwas held in the church
basement on Monday.
Mrs. Jackson Woods spent a few
days in London last week.
Mrs. Harry Ford was in St. Thom-
as several days this week.
The local Red Cross unit met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Johns on Tuesday evening of last'
"eek with 18 present. Mrs. Harold
Bell read the Scripture lesson, An
article was.•read by Mac. Gilbert
Johns. A singsong was enjoyed.
Starting early in the New Yesr, • the
ramify Herald and Weekly Star will feature
1 hilarious Western tole, "Useless Cowboy",
by Alan LeMay. Based on 0 ease of mistaken
identity that involves young Melody Jones in
host of adventures, including the eluding of
posse, the solving of n mystery and Ole
elimination of a killer, this story is shortly
to be mode into a movie, starring Gary
Family Herald fiction -- both serial and
short story --has been of o high order during
the current, year, the recon series of Will It.
Bird stories being particularly appreciated by
Because of its rich stony content, its val-
uable free service departments and its prneti-
e:(t usefulness as a herrn and home guide, the
family Herald and Weekly Star is becoming
increasingly popular as a Christi -nits gift.
Special Gift Rates make it a thrifty war
tlma present. and the colorful, lavishly -
illustrated Christmas issue, now in course of
preparation, lends it seasonable touch to 0
gift of Year-long usefulness.
Ina Gray Beauty
Will reopen Friday, Nov. 24th
At her residence, Main St., Egnnoncl-
ville, at 9.30 a.m.
Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. except
Wednesday and Friday. Evening ap-
pointments will be taken after 6
until 9.30 p.m. Closed all day Thurs.
Phone 663 r 21, Seaforth
I, lealielealllllllllillllnlllllllllalllltelleatal l lleatllllllanal,llmlllla Arial IIIIItealana I milia aporia lllr
A. Ca Chi icetena Feeds
Manufacturers of unexcelled feeds for poultry producers who
believe that the best quality feeds alwaysprove to be thecheapest in
the long run. Fill your hoppers -- to fill yoab nests,
O.A.C. Choiceteria Lay Mash; 32% Concentrate to mix with home
grown grains; Oyster. shell; Semi-solid Buttermilk, also Fattening
Pellets, Calf Meal, Dairy Concentrate, for sale at
Se t's idtry F rm
J. M. Scott
Phone 851- 32, Seaforth
lllll 111111,111.11,11111.1
Yes ! There's a SRORT4CE
In November, especially,
there's a seasonal shortage
of bottles and cartons!
Naturally this tends to slow
up deliveries from plant to
store during the holiday
season. So ... please, return
your empties promptly to
your nearest Brewers'
Retail Store ... they can be
used over and over again.
We Can Buy Our Way Into a Breadline!
\\ \ I000P
is a meek little word that covers a multitude of suffering
only through profiting by past mistakes...will we suffer less! Remember how in
the last warfolks"blew their money. Needless spending caused prices to rise ...
so that by i918,the
you buy today for 89ccos01,85then; while baby's coat
compared to a limilar coat at
today, This was inflation and all
too soon it was followed by the inevitable depression l r; , That's why
our government is determined to prevent inflation now... why there are price
ceilings and other anti-inflationary measures to hold the cost of living down and
keep our dollar value high. And YOU help prevent a future depression and keep your
dollars high in value,.., every time you pass up a needless luxury
invest your money wisely
... and avoid black market spending.,
• e .•
I promise to give niy support to keeping the cost
of liviog down. I will buy only what I need. I
will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell-
ing goods or services. I will pay' off old debts,
save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and
War Savings Certificates. And I will support
taxes which help lower the cost of living.
to help reveal the dangers that iodation represents for all the people of the Nation