HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-11-23, Page 2More men smoke Picobac than any other Pipe Tobacco in Canada DrChase's Nerve Food OTTAWA REPORTS That Canada May Be Called On To Ship Wheat To India And The Middle East Prospects of short wheat sup- plies due to drought in Australia may result in Canada being called on to make shipments to India and the Middle East and to other countries accustomed to import from Australia, a survey of the world wheat situation made at Ot- tawa indicates. Australia is faced with the prospect of the smallest wheat crop since 1910, Argentina, also a large wheat -producing counry, has lowered wheat pros- pects too front lack of rain, and it is estimated that there may not be more than enough to provide for domestic needs in that country from this year's harvest. * * * The present system of rationing new farm machinery 'and equip- ment will be continued until sup- plies are more nearly in line with demands. H. H Bloom, adminis- trator of farm machinery, says that although the supply for Can- ada in 1945 will equal in tonnage about 102% of the 1940 available supply, it is not sufficient to meet the apparent consumer demand. To help keep present equipment in operation there is no limit on the production of repair parts. * * * This year's tobacco crop is esti- mated at 100,000,000 pounds, the second largest ever grown in Can- ada, and if the estimate is correct, is nearly 148 pounds of tobacco for every 100 pounds grown in 1943. Most x ' it will find its way into cigarettes of which more than 11,- 000,000,000 were consumed in the Dominion last year. * * 4 The second Congress of Russian - Canadians has pledged itself to raise $100,000 during December to bay seeds to be sent to Russia for spring planting. • * * The French mission in Ottawa and the Canadian mission in Paris have peen raised to the status of embassy following agreement be - The Stronger Sex, Not The Weaker Man's inability to understand women is largely biological, com- ments Time Magazine. The more scientists study the question, the more fundamental differences they find between Wren and women. Girl babies are generally born five to nine days sooner than boys; they teethe and talk earlier; their bones harden sooner; they have fewer red corpuscles and a faster pulse; they are more emo- tional (more active thyroid glands); they mature more rapid- ly. A girl'sleeps more than a boy, needs less food, has a lower meta- bolism rate, is warmer in Winter (because of better insulation) and cooler in Summer. Woman is also the stronger sex. Though her muscular strength is only half that of a man, she is a mucn more efficient organism for survival. Who Would Want A Policeman's Job? If he's neat, he's conceited. If he's careless, he's a bunt. If he's pleasant, he's a flirt. If he's brief, he's a grouch, If he hurries, he overlooks things. If he takes his time, he's lazy. If you get pinched, he had it in for you, If he's ener- getic, he's trying to make a record. If he's deliberate he's too slow to catch 'a cold, If you strike him, he's a coward. If he strikes you back, he's a bully. If he outwits you, he's a sneak. If You see him first, he's a bonehead. If he ]flakes a good catch, he's lucky. If he misses it he's a situp. If he gets promoted, he's got pull, If he doesn't, ah, what's the use?. tween the two governments, Count Jean Marie Francois de Haute- clocque has been appointed first French ambassador, to Canada. General Vanier, now in Paris, will shortly present his credentials as Ambassador to General de Gaulle, president of the Provisional Government of France, "SLIPPY" JUST A MONGREL . . .BUT "Slippy" was picked up by a Canadian gun crew during the Can- adian advance through Belgium. He is now mascot for the battery and loved by all. Onr. 0, D. Bracken, Montreal, , poses the pet for a Canadian. Army cameraman. WILL PRESIDE Soviet scientific and medical ac- tivities which have excited the interest and admiration not only of the professional men, but of the populations at large of the United ations will be discussed at the nadian-Soviet Friendship Con- gress which opened Nov, 17 in To. ,onto; Ont. Dr, H. B. Speakman. director Ontario. Research Found- ation, is the chairman. It's Just A Good Old Navy Custom The old naval custom of calling everyone - by his last name was all right when the Royal Navy' was an all-male affair, but things are different now that women are enlisting as auxiliaries. There was some eyebrow lift- ing :recently when a group of grizzled naval officers on 'inspec- tion heard a chief petty officer call: "Conte in her, Honey." He was addressing Mildred Honey, of Highland Creek, ' Ontario, a Wren. The situation was not improved when Miss Honey was transferred to a tactical training centre and found that one of her fellow , Wrens was named Miss Precious. Says her persent commanding officer: - "It's too much. All day it's 'Honey this' and Precious that'. There's a fellow named Darling at this base and if he gets drafted into my department I'm throwing in the sponge." The world's busiest - railway junction is Clapham, on the South ern railway, with 2,600 trains in 24 hours, ITC CHECKED fir a Jiffy -or Money Back For quick relief from itching caused by eczema; athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and othoritching conditions, use pure; cooling, medicated, liquid - D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless, Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense Itching. Don't suffer. Askour druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION.Y Heada t. Nothing ismote depres- sing than headaches... Why suffer?...Lambly's. will give instant relief, Lembly'sisgoodfor eat- ' ache,toothache,painsinI9 back, stomach, bowels. 7est0' LA M B ILY'S HEADACHE POWDERS_ U Good Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles If you suffer agonizing torture from sore, painful, itching piles, here Is a chance to try a simple; home treatment with the promise of a reliable firm to refund the cost if yon are not - satisfied with the results. Simply get a bottle of Hem -Road from .any druggist. This is an in- ternet treatment whose' medics- tion is directed to the removal of the cause' of piles. Hem -Bold is a small tablet, easy and pleaaant to use and plesaing results are quick- ly shown. Itching and soreness' are relieved, pain subsides andas the treatment is continued the swell- ing and inflammation are 'reduced and the sore, painful pile tumors heal over leaving the rectal mem- branes clean and healthy. Get a bottle of Hem-Roid today and, see for yourself` what an easy pleasant way this 1s to 118 yourself of pile. misery, NOTE: The sponsor of this notice le a "reliable firm,, doing business 1n Canada for over 20 years. If you are troubled with more, Itching, painful piles, Rem -Road must help you quickly or fire small purchase price will be gladly. refunded. ALL MIGHT TO55INGAROUND;- Tonight wino. /- make yon Leel: breathless and smothery—causing awful bloatand wake- fulness? Unlock this tight bloat by open- lag up constipation and. releasing ."Locked - is gas. Stow digestion may keep bowels blacked for .days. Mulvency''s B'WELL opens up bowels, aids digestion and releases restful'asleep von feeTry 1•_ fliulveney'snd r DWELfor medicine tonight andsee what It wilt do for von Order large '.t -ounce .bottle from roar druggist WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM whenspread on the forehead and Inhaled through the noSe, relieves. head. aches and breaks up head colds Gives prompt relief and prevents furthe, complicatiOni. ' OAK MEMO 888 011* 1k t Ie da' eve ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS INCOME TAX REPORTS, .complete monthly Bookkeeping Services, small businesses our speclaltY. A. Brett & Company, 8 Wellington Street_ Etat, Toronto, BUSINESS OPPUIf1IINI'1'IES. OPPORTUNITY FOlt M D la L ]7 aged woman for partnership in 187,s 73 Adelaide W. in Ontario. Toronto Box WILT, oaEXCHANGE FOR tt other larger Ontario town 2ad- ,lacent farms of 100 and 150 mires, located. 100 miles east of Toron- to. Highest 'Class buildings 011 both properties. 170 acres. till- pble. Lots of running water. Valued at $12,000. .Bos No. 180, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto: BABY CHICKS. 'EARN $60.00 THE EASY WAY. Estimate the number of White. Beans In an Imperial Quart Jar. First prize $50,00, also 32 other valuable prizes. You may will $60.00 in the contest but ,you are sure of securing good chicks if you order from Tweddle. You aro suron order themearly,f Tv eddiey i0 1944uchicks -satisfied ourr customers and our 1946 chicks will still be better. Don't take our word for it, Read: 19451 our r eelist to Send s say In cont st sheet telling you all about the Yontest als0 Early Booking prlcelist. Laying and ready to lay, pullets for immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. - - {1.00 BOOKS YOUR ORDER ORDERt R be • no1946 disapp anted. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed better. and from 25 mixed rne ��jnnper 100, lixed p$11.00 100,00 per . e Learred Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22,00 per 100, white Rocks mixed $16.00 per 100, white Rock Pullets �nlxed 0 ;13,001 per0100,yn Bro} nh Lrns eg- horn pullets $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City, Hatchery, Chatham,Ontario. DO YOU WANT TOP NOTCH chicks? 02 course you do be- cause you, know- that Top Notch chicks are profit makers. You know that they are Government .Approved from bloodtested breed - ars that are acclaimed for their livability, fast growth and high production. But here's something you don't know until you send forourEarly Booking prlcelist ,(how much you will save by piecing your order early). Send for Early Booking prlcelist to- day. T o p Notch. Chlekeries, Guelph, Ontario. YOU CAN ORDER BRAY CHICKS now and count on prompt ship- ment, and remember Its time to order your January Chicks right now, to get just what you want,. and when, Write for prlcelist. Day Hatchery, 130 J „ ohn St. N 190 ROCK HAMPSHIRE PULLETS, Selling's best, five months, ;1.50 delivered, Gordon Hanna, Route 9, Dunnville, Ontario. - LAYING AND READY TO LAY pullets for immediate dellvery. Barred Rocks New Hanlpshires, White Leghornn and Hybrids. Also booking orders for day old chicles. Send for conteet folder and Early -Booking prlcelist. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus. Ontario. POULTRY KEEPERS BE CERTAIN OF SECURING GOOD, healthy Chicks this coming -Sea- son by placing your order now. Write for 1946 prices on our Gov- ernment Approved Chicks, also catalogue containing the proper brooding and methods used in raising better poultry. • MONKTON POULTRY FARMS Momcton, Ontario ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND. Y013 ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring' when you want them, Barred Rock mixed. $12,00 per 100, white leg - horns mixed $11.00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, white leghorn pullets. 002.00" per 100. Heavy. Breed Oicls. $0.00 per 100. Leghorn Ckla, 02.00 per :.100. All chickshatched from. 20 oz. eggs or better and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed 10050 live delivery. . 01.00 hooks your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, 'Chatham, Ontario. 1D0 .YOU WANT TOP NOTCH Chicks? Of course you do because you -know that Top Notch chicks. are profit makers. You know that they are Government' Ap proved from bloodtested breed- ers that are acclaimed for their. livability, fast growth and high production. But here's something you don't know until you send for our early booking pricellet. (how much you will save by placing your order early). Send for Early Booking prlcelist to- day, Also laying and.. readyto lay pullets for immediate de- livery. Top Notch Chiciceries, Guelph, Ontario. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORLDR OF 100 PUL - let chicks, we give 100 0: ee chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets ;22.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets $19.95 per 100. White Rocic Pullets $24.95 per 100. Brown Leg- horn .Pullets $24,95 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. $1.00 books your order, balance 0.0.13, Guaranteed 1000/0 live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario.. DYEING & CLEANING. HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS. dyeing or. cleaning? Write to:. 118 for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart - melt H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 701- Yongo Street, To- ronto. 87055 SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; -b el ts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2526 Dufferin St., Toronto. ARMY BOOTS NEWLY RECUNDITIUN�ED 1300TS of our armedforces, perfect con- dition,, $1505 -delivered.: Money- back guarantee. State size, send money order, Ruskin -& Co.. Peterborough. Ont. Nervous, Restiess On "CERTAIN DAYS" Of The Month? If functional ,perlodie disturbances make you feel nervous, cranky, high- strung, tired weak and "dragged out" - nt, such times— start at once, try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound to relieve such symptoms. Here's a product that HEIRS NATURE. FolloW label directions. Pinklrani s Compound la toortlt trying/ Made 1n Caned:. LYDIA E. rlre rL.'S a) CRaUf7U FOR SALE FOR SALE, SLEIGHS AND CUT- ters.Shipped anywhere: For in- formation write, Box 22, Brussels, Ont. PE- $Lwnulces,U Russets, ete. delivered. Phone Gerrard .2640 or write.. R. Nettle, R.R. 1, Pickering. SEVERAL LOADS. 0001)- BU536 horses, nares in foal and farm chunks: Gregg's Machinery Ex- change, 0t11 and Halifax Sta., Re- .gine Sask. _ CATERPILLAR TRACTOR D114;. Snow Plough V type with side W ing; Double Drum Stearn Winch —00.h.p,; Double Mum 'Gasolene winch—$0 1,,p.: Winch with air cooled motor; Universal Joints for Hydraulic Hoists, Richter Truck & Auto Parts, 874 Wellington W., Montreal. _ FOR SALE, REGISTERED IRISH setter puppies,. Domestic and Is. mported 13a . rl�organ, Box 1ntpiOn 74,°dl Bele River, Ont. - REGISTERED .BEAGLE PUPS, 2 litters - whelped Sept. 30 and Aug. 24, 1044. 3 males, 7 females $8115,04 each either sex: cTriple Champion, Benzbest Ple n ma n breeding, Calvin Powless, Ohs- welcen Ont, ,... REGISTERED ISDOX SOUTI3DOWN Yearling Rams, Lambs, and Ewes. Choice quality. Gordon .Allan, R.R. No. 1, Orilila. OUFFOLIC BREEDING. R A M 3, also Yorkshire Gilts farrowing Nov. and Dec. Re g ie t ere d, Churchside, Lunenburg, Ontario. NOVEMBER SALE. ANGORAS, ALT.) ages, reasonable. Elmer Sage, R.R. 2, Galt, Ontario, • TURKEYS FOR SALE BOURBON RED BREEDERS, ALSO Broad Breasted Bronze all from blood tested stock, Toms $12.00. 17. • CtsWells0'Thedtord Ontorder. GENUINE BreederBROAD Bo a STED Bronzement Approved and Banded by O.A.T. B.A., Blood tested, free range. Tome 24 to 28 lbs. ;15.00, Hens $8.00. Order now, December de- livery. Orders taken for 1945 Dunnville, L6e Waitrons, R.R. No. 4,. BROAD BREASTED 13100551030 Turkeys, vigorous, healthy stock. Also Jamesway sectional, hot water incubator, capacity 6500 eggs. We can - still book a few ' orders for Poults, both bronze wa'da,•AR R. ]4, Watford, Ontario. PUREBRED 'WHITE I•IOLLAND turkeys, from blood -tested stock. Young toms weighing 23 lbs„ hens 14 lbs, NOW. Clarke Foley, Southern Acres", Lansdowne, Ontario. HORSEMANSHIP "HOW TO RItEAK. AND TRAIN Horses." A book every farmer and horseman should have. It Is free; no obligation. Simply address ' Beery School of Horsemanship, Dept. 411, 'Pleasant 30011, Ohio. MACHINERY RES'AiUS MACHINERY REPAIRS GENERAL IdACH1N17 SHOP WORK ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING METALLIZING HAVE YOUR WORN SHAFTS AND BUSHINGS MADE LIKE NEW SPRAY METAL PROCESS ALL WORK GUARANTEED Godson Contracting Co., Ltd. Union St., Toronto JUNCTION 7360 ITAIteIS FOIL SALE 114 ACRES, 20 ACRES OF BUSH, 80 acres good tractor land, large bank barn, 2 houses, 1 stone, 1 frame; furnishings optional; '/j miles from the town of Durham, 11 Cawthra Sq., Toronto. 460 ACrtEs RED RIVER VALLEY land, good buildings, electrified, tapped water, suitable for dairy, etc,, i/, mile from town and WWI ed highway, 9 miles from Win- nipeg, Good Investment, 02500. Sold with or without full equip- ment. ]lox 188, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. 225 ACRES ON PAVED HIGH - way, Toronto 14 miles, 5 acres bush, balance tractor land, Ex- cellent dairy or grain farm, bank barn, water instables, imple- ment shed, poultry house, Good. 8 -roomed house, hot water heat- ing, hardwood floor's, hydro, separate house for help, Genuine bargain at less that $100 an acre; illness forces pale.' F. Shier; 210 Lawrence E., Toronto. EVERGREEN FRUIT FA11IL--50- acre fruit farm with 30acres. thrifty productive fruit of all kinds; good buildings, hydro,press pieceure bati,, water system full eline of equipment also, Apply to Clarence Wells, Forest, 14.11, I. - 1JAlit Dll fa5NIN.G LEARN IIA11RDNESSONU Tion Robertson method. Information on request regarding elueses, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 127 Avenue Road, Toronto, 11 AIR GOODS Only firm in Canada manufacturing ladles'. and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively. Write us for particu- 1ars. WI•I/sr]'S 0.18.115 64)01)0. 258 Yoga Si., Toronto, Ontario MEDICAL STOMACI4 AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health In humans, all ages. No one ion- . mune! Why not find out If this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write Muuveney's Remedies, 'Specialists, Toronto 9. DON'T DELAY! IOVLI1Y SUFFIHR- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. FORCONSTIPATION! FOR Er- tective, gentle action take Fer- mol Laxative Tablets. Relieve con- stipation safely; Non -habit form- ing. At your druggist's or send ;1.00 for 2 month's supply, postpaid. Fennel Distributors Box 712, London, Ont. FIG -LAX TABLETS, A POSITIVE corrective for constipation,, slug- gish liver, disordered stomach and bowels,: 26c at dealers, or by write 2Fbg-Laxoxes 6QPiod Products, 5 boxesWood Wood- stock, Ont. • MIE1)ICAL PROVEN 1130M00DY DVE11Y SI1F- terse of Rheumatic Pains or, Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edl'. Munro's Drug Store, 325 101 - gin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. BAUMEERA-FOOT BALM destroys offensive -odor Instantly, 46e bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug St01'e, Ottawa MUSICAL INSTRUl)lENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON ' BUYS, sells, -exchanges MUslool Instru- ments.. 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE .A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'SLEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hair- dressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, 'thousands successful. Marvel graduates, America's grsatest. sys- tem.-rllustrated cata]og'ue. tree. Write or call MARVEL IHAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 068 BI.00R W., TORONTO Branches: 44 Ring St. Hamilton, & 74 Rideau. Street, Ottawa. ROTOCRA PMT TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and Printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 250 REPRINTS 8 for 250 FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you wantthis year, but. you can get all the qualityandservice you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO .SERVICE Station .1, Toronto CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN SNAPSHOTS Your negatives make the most dis- tinctive Christmas Cardsyou can get—cards- thatyour friends Well treasure—particularly friends ort active service. Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return -12 attractive, embossed greeting cards with pictures printed on—and envelopes for mailing -all for 09c. Order early. (2 Photos on Calendars for 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Poeta! Terminal A, Toronto A customer at Berwick, N.S., writes us: 'I received the beautiful Christ- mas cards which you printed from my own negatives, and I want you to know how pleased I am with. your wonderful work and prompt service. I will be a regular custom- er of Stair Snapshot Servide from now on." ` Any Size 11011-6 or 8 Exposures. DI VEL01 ED. AEI) PRINTED D 50 3 MOUNTED' D' EN LAitGE,ALII0A 1 v 23e Size 4 v 0" in Beautiful Laser Mott n ts.. You can have -enlargements colour- ed by hand for a 0101011 additional charge. Framed Enlargements 4"- x 6", on ]vory.tlnt mounts, in frames 7" x 9",. Burnished Gold or Silver, Ct,eac- elan Walnut or Black Ebony finish 59e; if enlargement coloured 79e. Print your name and address plain- ly on all orders. PEnsomLL "ELTJAH C 0 MI N 0 BEFORE Christ," wonderful boolc free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. HITLER'S LAST WILL AND Testament! Pig laug'hI novelly roe. Catalog fire e. 14MPIRb1 NOVELTIES,. Poterboro. Ont. PA'TEN'S FETHEItSTUNI.AUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. STAMPS COLLECTOR WILL PAY 310.00 TO $300.00 for postage stamp collec- tion. Write Mums 3.742 Prud- homme Ave., Montreal, AGENTS' WANTED AN OLD ESTABLISHED CHII'20 hatchery wants , agents In cer- tain localities in Canada to take orders for chicks in .0111' spare time. The commission 10 good and the chicles- are well and fav- curelily known, Write fee full details Rex N0. 1.82, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, - W A.N't'I;U SAFES WANTED, IN GUUD CON - Mien. J. & J. 91ylor, Limited,. 145 Front St. E., Toronto. WANTED 1.00 TO 2uu ACRE FARM within ratites. of 20 miles of 'To- ronto with good Heel or strehm. ter. Must be reasonable price. Susie all parties tats in first let - Others neednot reply. Box 080, 73 AOelnide W,. Toronto. MATCHING 191102 \G AN 710) 1,011- 1841 hutch Ma Sensed, Flocks culled and blood-festeo Tree et charge under Duvet tun eat Super- vision. (Mud premien paid, For full details write Box No. 181, 73 Adelaide 10., Toronto. WANT- TO BUY 1'11(;3' ITAIJLI business, general store, lumber- yard and hard Ware, 50.(0(05, or' what have you 3 (live full de- tails first letter. Box 15.8, 73 Ade- laide W„ Toronto. PONIES WANTED 9,2 :1N12 ' 10,2: hands young mares well broken preferred. E. Wheeler, 10.11. 2,. Agincourt, - D0111 5'1IC 1i1;L1•-WANPED WANTED (17017 OR WOMAN 9'O• assist ,n Ugh!: cooking and housework. aeueri ed couple with child of five. Fine hone. All modern iin pro vemen Ls House heated with gas Very choice position. Will pat tranaporli lien 00Toronto and pay eve ry good wages. 4\'rl t0 Nlls. Wnea taro ft, 22.2 Strathalltin Blvd,; 1oron to.. !Atm 13E8,1 WA Nil 1]11 EX PERI DN CDD FAflaIIHAND,. single, any nationality, under 401 Years of age,- Good 'home and wages, Apply Mr. Rob Roe. 13oN- manville, Ont. ATTENTION — TRAPPERS, LUVI-• berman, farmers, a marvelous. se- cret to snare foxes, five • times, luckier than traps. Address Louie, Roy, Estcourt, Que. ISSUE 48-1944