HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-11-16, Page 2Helps Check'. Colds Qukkly You can often check a cold quickly,;.' if you follow these instructions. Just as soon as you feel the cold com- ing on and experience headache, pains in the back or limbs, soreness through the body, take a Paradol tablet, a good big' drink of hot lemonade or ginger tea and go to bed. The Paradol affords almost immed- iate relief from the pains and aches and helps you to get off to sleep. The dose may be repeated, if necessary, accord- ing to the directions. If there is sore- ness of the 'throat, gargle ; with two Paradol tablets dissolved in water. Just try Paradol the next time you have a cold and we believe that you will be well pleased. Paradol does not disap- point. OTTAWA REPORTS That Canada Will Ship Shell Eggs To Britain This Winter In addition to dried eggs, Britain will now take all the A large and A medium shell eggs that can be shipped during the fall and winter and 40% of the over-all surplus of the next 12 months. The price paid by the Special Products Board for fresh eggs for export Will net the shipper the same as for eggs for drying. Provision for export costs was made in the price agreed on with the British Ministry of Food. Egg and poultry officials at Ottawa advise this should not mean a further expan- sion of the poultry industry, but a new effort to obtain maximum production from existing flocks. They also point out that many months' production at a fair price is more remunerative than high prices for a short period and un- certain prices for the rest of -the year. * ' * Policy for the Royal Canadian Navy regarding demobilization and reallocation of personnel for the war in the Pacific has been out- lined by the Director of Naval per- sonnel. On the defeat of Germany it is anticipated that a "first in, first out" plan will be applied to those wanting release, provided their services can be spared,` The ad- vantages to be gained by those who will serve in the Far East, stressed by naval headquarters, are that as 'a seaman's length of ser- vice increases, so do his war gratuity, bonus and rehabilitation grant. also those proceeding to the Far East will be granted leave be- fore they go. * * * Anyone found guilty of enclosing matches or lighter fluid in over- seas parcels in future will be pro- secuted, the Postmaster -General stated this week. These were found in a numiier of parcels being re- packed after damage caused by fire in a ship at Saint John, N.B., when a total of 245 out of 13,154 bags of overseas mail were des- troyed or damaged, despite re- peated warnings that it is illegal 4o send either matches or lighter fluid. * * Farmers should ordernextsea- son's fertilizer now and take de- Itrery as soon as possible to be sure of supplies, the fertilizer ad- ministrator warns. Payment of freight subventions on fertilizers is still In effect. SAY dy Staying at FORD HOTELS Modern, iksproof, Camtnisole boy Miles as IOW as 150 no higher than2U per person FOR MAD sr P05515, w,ae 101DNDnn CO. Montnol 1250 to S315 per person, No. higher! 400 lovely p sillli pgFgF �iiii Montreal Toronto and the LORD ELGIN inOttawa IW -'_I, jzlW _ rooms. with radio! How London Food Shops `Carried On' Colonel Llewellin, Minister of Food, speaking in London this Food, speaking in London not long ago, revealed secrets of the food front under the recent flying bomb attacks. He told how 1,200 food shops were seriously damaged in London. And he- gave instances of the "carry on" pluck- shown by the shopkeepers and their staffs and by everybody else handling the rations. This was the Ministry's task: In London alone they had to feed, every day, the equivalent of nearly 600 Army divisions. They had to bake and distribute one and a half million loaves. Londoners used three million pints of milk a day, and some 12 million pounds of sugar and nearly nine million pounds of meat. The Bookshelf... The Building Of JALNA , By MAZO DE 'LA ROCHE In 1927 an unknown Canadian writer won the Atlantic's $70,000 Prize with her novel, Janna. With The. Building Of Jaina,rMazo de la , Roche has now written nine books about the Whiteoak family, books which have established her as Canada's leading novelist. In her new novel; Miss .de la Roche goes back to the year 1850. She shows us Adeline, the impul- sive, passionate young bride with her Irish temper and her blazing - loyalty; she shows us handsome Captain Whiteoak who sold his commission in the Hussars in or- der to migrate `to the superb vir- gin country on the shore of Lake Ontario. Here is a story which breathes With the spaciousness and beauty of -uncut Canada. Here are the skating parties and the swimming, and here are the mos- quitoes, big as dragons. "Here are the jealousies, the fierce attach- ments, the tart- and unexpected humour which possess -those who come within. range of the White - oaks. For the Janna devotee, The Building Of Jalna is°the cornerstone book of the series, the missing chapter in the family saga, and the best story of them all. The Building Of Jalna ... By Mazo de la Roche . The Mac- millan Company of Canada . . Price $2.75. . PRESENTATION TO MONTGOMERY His Majesty the King presented the Field Marshal's baton (A) to Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery at a fornial ceremony at Buckingham Palace. The 23 inch long wooden baton is covered with 18 lions and is tipped with 18 carat gold. (B) The inscription on the base, while (C) shows the gold figure of St. George and the Dragon. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Power Saw Shades of Jean Batiste and Black Jack Macdonald and the old woodsmen of the Ottawa and the Rideau and the Muskoka bush! What's become of us? The Leth- bridge Herald demands. Those knights of the saw and blade who hewed mightily and' fought lustily during the Winter cutting season and the Spring log run are being pushed into the background and their fame for- gotten, made but a memory by what? By a mechanical jig -saw that a Lilliputian could handle, if you please, A firm in Vancouver has invent- ed what is called a power chain saw which w can be driven by a small gasoline, electricity if it is available, or by compressed air. The saw blade is held against the standing tree, the power turned on and a blade with teeth running around the circumference at the rate of 2,000 feet per minute bites into the log with a speed that would make Jean and -Black Jack gasp. Again science has triumphed over muscle and the lumberman's job is in the sissy .category. The triumph extends tends to a one -man- power saw built for the pulp in- dustry which Is operated by a 134 horsepower gasoline engine and a chain speed of 825 feet per minute, which w just about puts the bucksaw in the same category at the cradle in • the harvest field and the ox team on the plow. • National character is the core of national strength. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS • housands of slightly Used popular dance, selections to choose from. TIOtor or Brunewlck 30c - Columbia 26c"-- Decca or Bluebird. 20c. Special Attention .given to mall orders. When ordering, give name or orchestras. Waar7'E FOR. PARTICTJLARS VIGNEUX BROS. Automatic Phonographs 990 BAY STREET, TORONTO 1 Reich Weather 'Made In America' What does the weatherman have in store for the Western Front? Rain, mutt and cold mean handi- caps for fighting men and fighting machines. Bad weather hinders ground and air operations, can af- fect th. fortunes of war by dis- rupting military schedules. On the side of the Allies is the important fact that much of Ger- many's weather is not "made In Germany." In large part it is ruled by the winds blowing westward over the Atlantic, and it can be known before it reaches the Reich, says a buliet't of the National Geo- graphic Society. Weather stations In the United States and in Green- land and Iceland keep the Allies informed of what's brewing in the weather caldron; the Germans have had to look to their dwindling num- bers of submarines for reports. Women of U. S. Work on Railroads Two hundred and fifty thousand women are working in the trans- portation industry of the United States, 112,000 of them with Class 1 railroads, says the ,Sault Ste. Marie Star. The other 138,000 are engaged in other forms of trans- portation, such as aviation, truck- ing, buses, trolleys, suburban rail- ways and steamships. CHECKED mr wide,*.. -or Motley ', h Y Ba i;k For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and ether itching Conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D D,. D. PRESCRIPTION. d giiic less gad etalnlee. Soothes, comforts and gGkkiyy calmsinten: today itching. Don't suffer. Ask ybur druggist - today for D. D.D. PRESCRIPTION. rt If you suffer MONTHLY 1 FEMALE-• PAIkH Yon Who suffer Such pain with tired,' nervous irritable weak feelingt-due.' to functional monthly disturbances' -should try�Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such. symptoms. Pink/seta's Compound` Irrara r7AT055 Thousands upon' thousands have reported benefit,' Follow .label directiono._,_,TSBLE LYDIA E. PINI(HAM S+colxrou This Woman Knew Secret And Kept It! One woman knew the secret of the now famoue prefabricated ports which enabled supplies to begin pouring into Normandy on D.Day - and kept it. Pretty, brunette Mrs. Masika Lancaster, wife of an officer and an artist of xceptional'.ability, made the 'origi- nal cardbaard,:nlodels. She took models to parliament recently where she spent the day in the committee roost ex- plaining the ports' 1workings. The models were made by sapppers:'at the war office at the cost of ap- proximately 52,250 but the two ports cost, approximately $112,- 500,000, $112,500,000, or roughly two days' ex- penditure of the war. Mrs. Lancaster and her colle- agues worked six - months to ac- complish their task, ACOU'UNTAN'rs. .5 AUDIT ORS INCOME TAX Rl i'ORTs, complete monthly. Bookkeeping Services. smallbusinesses our specialty. A. Brett & Company, 8 Wellington • Street East, Toronto. RAnY CHICKS POULTRY KEEPERS. BE CERTAIN of SEC'Uitl\Ci GOOD, healthy Chicks this coming- ,Sea- son by placing your order now. Write for 1945 prices on.. our Gov- ernment Approved .Chicks, also catalogue containing the proper brooding and methods used in raising better poultry. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS. Monkton, Ontario WE HAVE A FEW DAYOLDS, available. Also some laying puI- lets.Write for list and. prices. Have you your COPY of the Re- port on Ontario's 1944 Poultry Conference? We'll ..send 1t free. Everypoultryman .needs it -Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Ham- ilton, Ont. FREE RANGE PULLETS LAYING and ready to lay for Immediate delivery. Barred ROcica, New Hampshires, White Leghorns, Hybrids. Also booking day old chicks for 1946 now. Top Notch Chicicerles, .Guelph; Ontario, 51.00 BOOKS YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW, and not be disappointed, A11 chicks arefrom guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixed :$12.00 per 100, white leghorns mixed $11.00 per 100, Barred rock pull- ets $10.00 per 100, white leghorn pullets $24.00 per 100, white rocks mixed $15.00 per 100, white Rock pullets $22.00 per 100, Brown leg - horns mixed 518.00 per 100, Brown leghorn pullets 524.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid O.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. ONLY TWO THINGS ARE SURE, death and. taxes. 'Rut I think we can add another "sure tiring" and that Is the poultry business In the coining year. There are two reasons. for my optimism. First of all we're still shipping eggs and poultry overseas and In large quantities, Secondly there will always be a ready sale for eggs and poultry 1n Canada while employment continues on a high level. Tweddle chicles have been making money for our customers for 20 years. Send for Early Bookingpricclist and tree catalogue today. Also laying and ready to lay indicts for immed- iate delivery. Tweddle Chick I3atcheries Ltd., Fergus, Ontario, ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when. you want them. Barred. Rock mixed 512.00 per 100, white leg - horns mixed 511.00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets 519.00 per 100, 00 tHeavy-Breed pullets 00 per 100, Leghorn Ckls, 52,00 per 100. All chtelca hatched from 26 oz. eggs or better and -front special mated flocics.Guaranteed 100% live delivery, $1.00 books your order, balance :C,O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario, YOUR CHICKS WILL PAY -THE Top Notch Way, Yes and this fall Top Notch Chlckeries are giving .you the opportunity of booking your order early. New -purchasers will be agreeably surprised at the service and of course, old customers do not have to be told that Top Notch stands for the best In chick hatchery standards both as to service and the highest quality chicks. Send for Early Booking pricelist today. You will save money by booking your order early. Also laying pullets for Im- mediate delivery. Top Notch Chlckeries, Guelph, Ontario,. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORDER OF 100 PUL - let chicks, we give 100 tree chicks (our choice), Leghorn. pullets' $22.96 per 100, barred Rock pul- let. 519.90 per 100. White Roelc Pullets $24,95 per 100. Brown leg - horn Pullets $24.96 per 100. All. chicks sold backed by high: egg pedigreed stock. $1.00 boolcs your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live :delivery. I0ent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario, EGGS ARE A GOOD PRICE AND we have the pullets that will shell out the eggs, Barred Rocks, w apLahone nd Hybrids. White and ready to lay. Also booking ord- ers Catalogue. tTweddle ChicksH Free Hatch- eries Ltd., Fergus, Ont• DYEING .0 CLEANING RAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeingor cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H,: Parker's Dye Works Limited. 794 Tonga Street, To- ronto. - FOR SALIC ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, - bought, sold, rebuilt: beltt s, pulleys, brushes, Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2826 Duffer's, St., Toronto. ARMY BOOTS NEWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS of •our armed forces, perfect con- dition, $3.26. delivered. Money- back guarantee. State size, send money order, Ruskin & Co., Peterborough, Ont. NEW HAIR GROWTH, .004 YOUR money back. That is the guaran- tee behind "Luxul", the amazing 'formula for . eliminating dandruff. baldness, falling' and thinning hair:81.50 and $2.76. at all drug- gists -or direct from Luxul Pro- ducts, Windsor, Ont. "FAIRWAY" IT CLEANSI- AS IT WAXESI- AS IT POLiSHES! Quick Efficient Floor Tool! Cana- dian.Patent, Material, workmanship, guaranteed. .Pull directions with each Fairway" only $570 express paid, C.O.D. 463 Gerrard Street, Toronto. POR .SALE. SLEIGHS AND CUT - term. Shipped anywhere. For in- formation write box 22, 137ussels, Ont. FOR SA.L10 51,00 a BUSHEL,BALDWINS, P30- waulces, Russets, etc. -delivered. Phone Gerrard 2640 or .write rt. Nettle, 00.50, 1, Pickering, POULTRY GRITS BUY CANADIAN GRITS AND SAVE 25% and produce better eggs. Price white soluable 98% Calcium Carbonate, and white tnsolunble over 00% Silica. Agents wanted - Send for prices and smnu'es, STINSON REEK SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED 6686 Delorimier Ave„ Montreal, P.Q. WHOLESALE BAKERY, PARRY Sound district, owner retiring, excellent business, property and business complete. 50500.00. Cole- man & Company, 77 Victoria St„ Toronto.. ANIMAL SNARES, (STEEL CABLE, loch, swivel). Fox $3.00 doz. Coy- ote $4.00 doz. Prepaid. Write for free snaring instructions and cir- culars on Indian trapping meth- ods, snares, lures, etc. Bill Hoff- man, Russell, Mnn, GROCERY BUSINESS,' ALGOMA district, fifteen hundred popula- tion splendid business, pl'opertY and business $3700.00. Stools at cost. Coleman & Co. 77 Victoria Street, Toronto. SEVERAL LOADS GOOD BUSH horses, mates In foal and farm chunks. -Gregg's Machinery Ex- change, 6th and Halifax Sts., Re- gina, Sask, CATERPILLAR TRACTOR DR40 Snow Plough V type with side wing; Double Druni Steam Winch -60 h.p.; Double Drum Gasolene winch -80 h.p.: Winch with air cooled motor: Universal Jpints tor Hydraulic Hoists. Richter Truck & Auto Parts, 874 Wellington W.. Montreal.. FOR SALE REGISTERED COCKER spaniel pups pet and. show stock. Martindale 'Kennels Reg'd., 664 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. CHOICE OXFORD AND-SHROP- ahire Ewes, Apply Tyle Cook, Phone 8511.1 St. Thornes, It R. 8. COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, beauties, Registered, all colors. 253 Briarhill Ave., Toronto. SUF7POLIC BREEDING R A M 5, also Yorkshire Gilts farrowing Nov. and .Dec. Registered, Churchsicle, Lunonbin'g, Ontario. A SICUNT0 TRAPPING TU1001111 Last season I caught and killed 2.4 ekunke without smell or damage to pelts with a trap I .Invented. Complete drawhtga and tnrorm- ation of this trap 52.00. Herman Martin, Box 78, Forgue, Oet. ROBSE]10ANSITIP "HOW TO BREAK ANTI TRAIN Horses.', A book everyfarmer and horseman should have. Tt 1s free; no obligation. Simply address Beery School of 1lorsemnnship, Dent. 411, Pleasant Hill. Ohio,.. FARM MACHINERY FANNING MILL (Kline) SEED Grader, Fanners, highly recom- mend, also screening. Kline Manufacturing, Box 124 Weston,. Ont. MACHINERY REPAIRS MACHINERY REPAIRS GENERAL MACHINE SHOP -WORK ELECTRIC ANT) ACETYLENE WELDING METALLIZING HAVE YOUR WORN SHAFTS AND BUSHINGS MADE LTICE NEW BY TI•IE NEW METAL SPRAY.PROC'ESS ALL WORK GUARANTEED Godson Contracting Co., Ltd. Union St, Toronto JUNCTION 7360 PPA EMS P(111 SALE 188 ACRES, 1 MILL'' WEST OP Rltchener limits. Kitchener -Stret- ford highway. Charles W. Moser, R.R. 4, Kitchener, 114 ACRES, 20 ACRES OF RUSE, 80 acres good tractor Land, large bank barn, 2 houses, 1 stone, 1 frame: furnishings optional: 214 m11es from the town of Durham, 11' Cawthra. Se., Toronto. 100 ACRES, 50 CLEARED, CLAY loam, spring water, 7 rimmed house, good barn, implement shed, telephone and hydro avail- able; 8 miles from highway, 10 Wiwi north of Bracebridge. E. Brlese, Fallcenburg, Ont. •H AIRDICESS1NG LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method Information on request - regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Arad- emy,. 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HAIR GOODS Only firm In Canada manufacturing ladies' and .gentlemen's hair goods. exclusively, Write us for partfeu- 'are. W E'S HR GOOS 258 Tong nSt., Toon o, Ontario 81En1(IAI, ARTHRITIC PAIN? FOR ARTH- ritic Pain take Permol Rheumatic Arthritic Pain Tablets - get positive relief! At your druggist's or send $1.00 today and receive One month's 6upplY postpaid. Fermol Distributors, Box 712, London, Ont. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health In humans, all ages. Ne one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting par- tloulars-Free! Write Mulvenoy's Remedies, Specialists.. Toronto 8. FRUIT JUICES: THE ..PRINCIPAL Ingredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Patna, Neuritis. 335dElgin Ottawa, sP Postpaid Store,0 FIG-LAX TABLETS, A POSITIVE corrective for constipation, slug- gish liver, disordered stomach and bowels.'26e at deniers, or by mall 2 boxes 50c; 6 boxes $1.00; write Fig -Lax Products, Wood- stock, Ont. WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM gives quick relief to back pains, caused by stains or exposure to cold,) preventing rheumatic or muscular lumbagq complications- One application gives results t!alidl 01510005 NCSik1 CRNN: lie r lot 11 doe slop MP1]IOAL BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor 'instantly,. 460 bottle. Ottawa' agent, .Denman Drug Store, Otinwe ' WANTED - EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Krug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Po,stpnid 851.00. 841100045, IN,S'rf Orsnorms r1F.D A. 130DDTNOTON 13UYS, sells, exchnncee rnn.lenl Instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. O1'PORTTINITIES POR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S MCAT/INC'. Sr'T30Oli Great Opportunity. Learn Hair- dressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thouesads successful, Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL. TTATRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 Xing St. Hamilton, & 74 Rideau -Street, Ottawa. DH(ITOr:it A PM TIME TESTED QUALiTY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE BOLT s 25c RPPRTNTS 8 for 25c PTN1.s.0 ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get n31 the films you want this year, but you snit get all the (futility and service you desire by sending your films to IMPT:RTAL PTTO'n0 SlOnVICE Station J. Toronto Pp1RS()NAT. "20T,13AH CO MING PEFfIRE Christ" wonderful- book free, Megiddo Mission, • Rochester 11. N.Y. • PATENTS PETT•IERST)'INTTAT00H & rwirriANY Patent Sol lei toes. Este Wished 1890: 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of 'Tnformat•lon on re- quest. STAMPS 1000 MIXED STAMPS, 25r, SENT with attractive anprnvnls. Regal Stamp Supply, 72 Muir Avenue, Toronto. TANNING .0 '0AX0fER7I1:Y DEER HEA138. WANTED, *1)1 par goodprice for large Buck Heads, long' necks not out up the throat. Write lar particulars, DEER HEADS mounted reasonable prieee, D1010070 HIDES tanned into glove loather. We also buy Deet' Hides. BEAR. HIDES tanned and nada Into IPloor Rugs, and Robes. FOX STEINS & FURS. tnntiocl and made Into Necklileees. OL1) 5110, gra:vst;n CO. 0.T1): 264 Elm Street• Toronto AGENTS WANTED AN OLD ESTARLTSTIED CIi0CIC hn tchery wants agents In cer- tain localities In Canada to take orders for chicles in your spare time. The commission is good and the chicks are well and rev- ourahly known. Write for full details Errs No, 182, 73 Adelaide Wr„ Toronto. STORAGE SPACE wANTGIn I HAVE A LONDON l.'TRM \I'TTO desires- 20 to 20,000 sgno ro fret Or dry storage sneee. within 30 miles of London. What have volt to offer? 1V -rite Pert Weir & Son, Realtors, 1004 Dundee 'St„ Lon- don. - W A TOT I':D FUNERAL COACH, LATI! MODEL, good condition and tires. Reas- onable. Box 188, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, SAFES WANTED, f 1 0 N- A TED TN ,. 1 -0 G U ditton. ,T. .0 J. 'rnvto -. TAmiled 146 !wont St. E., Toronto. ' DATES 350-1,000 QTS i)AILY. Give fullest part lcuiars, Includ- ing price. Box 814,:. 78 Adelaide W, Toronto. • , SMALL N.OUSE, SOME LAND, '1'0 - von to thirty miles reasonable. Tens 073, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto. OLD BOOKS - MAGAZINES PRE -0470 UNITED STATES OR English pubiicetions wanted. Jokes, true -type detective. magic, spicy; privately printed, London Life, -Calgary Eye Openers, 0110 thing unusual In hoops 01" mag- azines. highest prices paid hn- med(n telt', Write listing titles to Box 178, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. WANTED 100 TO 200 ACRE FARM }vltl1111 radius of 20 miles Of To- ronto with good river or stream. ter. Must be reasonable Price. State all particulars In first let - Others need not reply. tOox- 180, 78 Adelaide 4V.. Toronto. HATCHING EGGS WANCIOT) FOR 1545 he telt Ing season, - llocka culled and blood-teeted free o,t charge snider Government Super- vision. Good premlam paid, For full details write .box No. 181, 73 Adelaide W., Tar•orto, ' FARM HELP 1' VOAN tEn ENT E TR I E N C D C PA RM E A ND, single, any nationality, under 60 Years o8 age. Good hone and wages. Apply Mr, Rob Roy. Rew- rite nviile, Ont. EMPLOYMENT WANTED 1,'ARMER, PAST MIDDLE AGE,. wishing employment -yearly with docentn-yen,'-ol100010,- boS'.with wnlcome, to.. te. -Can telco , charge. Bandy manon .any form,. consider 'honest people only. Box 185, 73, Adelaide W.,, Toronto.