HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-11-09, Page 8• 1• THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1944 HENSALL The United Church W.M.S. eittortnined the Mission Circle members to a delicious pat luck -supper in the schoolroom of the church 00 ruday evening at 0.80. Following this, Mrs. 13000.) Brook, president; of the W.M.S. called upon Mrs.. Howardblyde, president of the Mission.. Circle, who presided over the Program. Scripture was read by Miss Ecbut Saundercock, devotional reading by Gladys Luker. Mrs. Hadden. and Mrs. 'Hess favored with vocal duets, Lantern slides were shown, the scriptbeing read by .Mrs, P. McNnagh- • tan. Miss Gladys Luker gave a piano solo. Mrs. Brooks moved a vote of thanks to the Circle for providing the Program. Mier. and Mrs, Roy Flears of Dorchester, Mrs. S. N1. Barbour of Ottawa and Herbert Hog -nerds of London Visited recently with their .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tats. Moggnrth. ;Rev. R. A. Brook eondneted services in the United Church on Sunday. The evening ser- vice was a service of song. Miss Greta Lam- mte, A.T.C,hI., presided at the console mrd Miss Gladys Luker et the piano. The num- hers played were 'Ave Maria." "In a Mon- astery Garden," and "I Have Sighed to Rest Me," Miss Bolen Moir and Mrs. L. Baynhan were hostess for the Arnold Circle on Mon- day evening. Mrs. Melvin Moir, president, presided' over the program which commenc- ed by hymn and prayer by Mrs', Bnynhmn. Scripture wns read by Mrs. Milton Laing, The topic was taken by Mrs. Roy Bell. Mrs. Norman St.notnke gave a leading, Tho girl friends of Miss Lorean Martin, a bride of last week, gave her n miscellaneous shower et her home on Wednesday evening when she wns the recipient of many beauti- ful mut useful gifts. Miss Jean MacDonald Presided over the interesting program which commenced with a sing -song followed by a vocal solo by Miss Jennie Jolly. Mrs. Ed. Chalipel gave a humorous rending. Piano solo by Miss Virginia McCltitehey. Thegifts were presented to the bride in a beautifully decor - mad basket by Misses Audrey Mackay and Leitn Kinsman. The recon ponying address was read by Miss Margaret Treiry, Misses Jean Wright and Jennie Jolly assisted the bride in unwrapping the. gifts often which the bride onvo. ruing thanks. The girls dis- played the trousseau, linens, china and gi,ts. Miss eenry Kinsmen conducted a contest which was followed by a delicious lynch. Mrs. Catharine Hedden left on Saturday for St. Catharines where she will spend the winter months. • Mao. R. H. Middleton visited recently with relatives in Toronto. Misses Lois Plum and Norma Cook of the Mr, cul. Mrs, Leslie Adams and family of London aid Mr's. Corney visited - an Snndny with Mor. and Mrs. rack Corbett. 'The Hallowe'en frolic sponsored by the girl's dance club was n decided success. The music wns supplied by Russ Lansing's- orch- estra of London. The eostunies were judged by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sherritt,. Alvin Tiers - lake and Miss Katie Scott. Following ere the prise a•innere: Gents comic, R. H, Middleton, Geo. Hess; ladies' comic, Miss 8. Cook, -Miss Edna Sauulderroeic ; character costumes— Mts. R MneLtren and Miss -Margaret Glenn (Maggie mel Jiggs; ladies' second, Doris Buchanan; gents tad, i1 Sailor Boy; Fancy, ladies first, 'Mrs. Ryehnoan gents first, Mrs. Lee Jory ; ladles 211d, Miss Hamilton; gents. Miss Drake. STRAYED A Hereford Heifer strayed to my premises, Lot 31, Coli, 11, McKillop, about the middle of July. Owner may have same by proving property and STOCK FOR SALE • 2 purebred Shorthorn bulls, 13 and 11 months old, red colour. 2 four year old caws with heifer calves at, foot. and 2 eight- yenr' old cows clue in November, all good milke0s, have, been hand minced, herd fully accredited. 15 hogs :bout 50 lbs. each, 10 suckers' rends to wean. choice Yorkshires from this strain have been getting 80 per cent, Grade- A hogs, A red honn gelding 2 yr. old weighingabout 1400 lbs., 1 blue 'roan gelding 1 year old, lull brothers sired by a Belgian horse. N. R. Dorrauel lot 22, Con. 5, Metillop,. R.R. No, 5, Seaforth, Phone 839111. FOR SALE 11 pare -bred York gigs, 8 weeks old, 1 brown collie dog, 1 yr. old. Apply E. Habki>•k, 846r13, Seaforth central. A.Iso 1 new nail box.. FOR SALE 75 Barred Roek bullets, laying, ]'hone 55r2, Dublin. paying expenses. Apply to James POR SALE Hogg, Phone 846 r 24, Seaforth roar sows due soon, also six young cattle for sale. Apply to 0. Workman, Phone 77r11, Young Hereford cow around 000 lbs. Any- }Ions°all central. STRAYED Western University London, spent the week one ]snowing its whereabouts Please phone end nt the home of the lottar"s parents, IvanEd. Pryce, 504-23, Seaforth central. I and Mrs. N. E. Cook. WANTED Man for farm, 00111• round position, Box 127. The' Seafdrtb News. HOW ABOUT YOU? When V Day dawns will YOU be able to say "1 did all I could." Are. you buying all the Victory Bonds you can ? Canadian soldiers, unsurpassed by ANY fighting men in the world — will be in 'there, fighting at the finish. Don't let it be said, that the citizens of Seaforth, Tuckersmith, McKillop and Hullett, did not back them up to the limit. Our soldiers will go that extra mile — AND MORE. There is Still Time for buy THAT Y..s Y O i1 to EXTRA BOND Huron County ;National War Finance Committee STRAYED To the premises of Clarence Montgommy, a yeasrling roar steer. Phone. 041r31, Sea - forth central. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects. Fred W. Ahrens, auc- tioneer, has received instructions from .the undersigned proprietor to sell by public nuc - tion at Lot 27, Conn, 5, Township of Hibbert, Shy miles south of Dublin, then 3 miles west, on FRIDAY, NOV. 17th, sale to commence at 12.30 o'clock sharp, the following: HORSES -1 Belgian mare, 8 yrs., with foal by her side, 0 months old, and supposed to he in foal again. 1 Belgian mare 8 yrs. old ; 1 Belgian gelding 2 yrs. old. C:AT'l'LE-1 Durham coy due Dec. 27th; 1 roan Durham cow due Jan. 5, 1 roan Dur- ', hnm cow clue May 21, 1 red Durham cow due _ Tune 20, 1 roan Durham cow due Apr. 27, 1 red Durham heifer fresh withcalf by her . side 1 Durham farow cow, 1 Durham heifer a yrs. old, 1 roan Durham bull 0 yrs. old, 7 Durham summer calves. HOGS. -1 Yorkshire sow with 11 pigs by Iter side 4 weeks old, 11 chunks about 75 lbs. POULTRY—About 75 spring Leghorn pul- Ilets, about 40 Barred Rock hens 1 yr, old. IMPLEMENTS.—M.H. binder 7 ft. eut, M.H. mower - ft. cut, M.H. cultivator with seed box attachment, M.H. stay loader, Noxnn seed drill, steel land roller, set sleighs, 2 furrow gang plow, walking ploy, dump rake, set of 3 section iron harrows, harrow cart, i truck wagon, 1 3-4 wagon, Lester 10" plate, i main grinder, grain oat roller, buggy, cut- ter, hay rack with one man rack, fanning 0 chicken shelters, colony house 8x12, DeLaaval cream separator, grindstone, 100 ft. snow fence, 2 gas drums, bay forks, hay fork i rope, sling chair, chicken fountains and feeders, sugar kettle, root pulpa•, lime spreader, binder lifters. j 1IA. RNESS—Set of double harness, set of single harness, odd collars, chains, shovels, spades, hoes and a number of other articles too numerous to mention. FEED—About 110 bus. early marvel seed eats, 900 bats. Vanguard seed oats; about 2 tons of mixed grain, about 20 tots of good mixed hay. FURNITURE --Bedroom suite, consisting of bed, dresser end stand, coal oil stove with oven, mrd a large quantity of other furniture and small articles too numerous to mention. FARM—Consisting of 100 acres more or less, 00 acres being west half lot 27, con. 5, frame house, bank barn with straw shed. implement shed, convenient to school, also :ie acres front half lot 27, con. 4, I•Iibbert. ell seeded, never failing spring well. Will be sold separate or together. Perms of Farms will be made known at day of sale, if not sold before, and sold sub- .iee:, to a reserve bid. No reserve as the proprietor is giving up fntming owing to ill health, Auctioneer's de- cision final in ease of call disputes, Terms of chattelscash. JOSEPH ATIKINSON, Prop.; Fred MI, Ahrens, Auctioneer. i l'Ics remain ignorant about V.D. is to endanger not only your own health, but that of your family and your community.", Minister of Pensions and National Health. LT'S be quite frank. When you read—as you probably did during the past few months— that more than 300,000 people in Canada have syphilis, what was your reaction? Did you say, "That's too bad; something should be done about it", and then turn to the comic page? Chances are you did. But if that article had told you that Tommy Jones, the lad who used to mow your lawn after school, had syphilis—how- would you have felt about it? Or that the young couple who built that cute house in the next block, had just lost a baby through syphilis ... would that have made you stop and think? Ot, if you suddenly discovered that your Mar - - . No? That couldn't happen? But it can. And it does .. to hundreds of Tommies and Marys every year, right here In Canada. Right in your community. You'll 11,74'2710 never read articles like that, of course, for these are the personal tragedies that people bear in silence, So, when you pick up the paper sometime and read, ' . . , there were 5,000 new VENEREAL DISEASE cases reported in this province last year r ..", rememb'er 1 These are not cold figures. They represent 5,000 heart -breaking , .. heart -aching situations. Yes, VENEREAL DISEASE is a serious problem, It's a problem for parents; for taxpayers; for young people on the thres- hold of life; for everyone. VENEREAL DISEASE need never strike if we all do our part. If we know the facts. If we use these facts to advantage. If we don't shrug our shoulders and say, "This couldn't happen to anyone in my family." You have a duty to your family and the community. LEARN THE FACTS! ,oreini VD ON T Por all the facts abort VD write. your Provincial - Department of Health for the new, free booklet owcr0RT OVER DISEAlie. `5ZCIIOR /FRO /r ✓ n1Att0 ✓ WIMAI • ✓ LLOA8. V MORAL Sponsored by DBPAaTMuNr 00 NATIONAL =AVM AND WBLAARB to further Canada's fight agaldus VD. l-vw Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements, to ,be held on the property of 'Wm. Thuell, N half 28, Con. 7, Morris twp., on Tuesday, Nov. 140. Sale commences at 1 p.m. sharp. CATTLE -1 Vac( cow 0 years old due Feb. 4, 1 white coy 3 years old with calf. et foot, 1 red cow 3 years old, dry; 1 white heifer, 3 years old, fat ; 1 white heifer, 2 years old, fat ; 1 red calf six months old, 1 red steer calf 0 months old, 1 white heifer 1 year old. IMPLEMENTS --1 seed drill Noxon 13 hoe, 1 mower 5 ft. cut F&W, 1 out -throw disc, 1 spring tooth Massey Cultivator, 1 Deering 10 -ft, horse rake, 1 set of 3 section iron har- rows, 1 set of 2 section - • iron harrows, 2 walking ploys Fleury No. 13, 1 gang plow Coct<shutt, 1 miller, 1 steel lend roller 3 drams, 1 buggy. 1 cutter, 1 fanning mill and sieves, 1 set weigh scales 2500 lbs., wagon. colony house Sx10 ft., brooder stove, barrel churn, creat( separntor, stone boat, wheel- barrow, 3 oil drums 10 gal., 25 gal and 40 ^al., set of blocks, pulleys and rope, cow leader and rope. 2 wire grabs, tool chest, n quantity of used tile, set of Buggy shafts, 1?0 set of double harness, set single harness, sop pa, buckets and spites, 3 crowbars, shovels, torics, spoon and spade. lumber, clover scantling, ll 0 Yellow erseed, 40to5bus. of oats, E ban, Household -1 kitchen range, 1 heater end a host of small articles. Everything will be i sold without reserve the proprietor hes sold thehefarm, Terms s ensh. WM. C. THUELL, Prop.: Thos. Miller, Jr., Clerk., Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Baby's bonne -colored pram. Reasonable Price. Apply to Mfrs. Clarence Reid, Phone 1411', Hentsall. FOR SALE Two stoves and several articles of furniture, Walter Murray, Goderich sr, FOR SALE Two part Ayrshire heifers in calf, to freshen in Dec. and Jan. Also a reg. Shorthorn hull, 3 years old. Gordon Richardson. Brucefteld. Phone 0561'25, Seaforth central. FOR SALE A Quebec healer, 2 kitchen stoves, set chisels for Hand carving; may be seen after 5 p.m. Phone 240, Mrs. M. McLeod. FOR SALE A McCltu'y's Sunshine furnace. medium 5020, 111 Al. condition, burns coal or wood. Phone 8471'22, Seaforth, APPLES FOR SALE Spy apples, pica: your own. Quanti- ties suitable for elder. E. A. billing. phone 62S11 5.' Clinton. Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth NOVEMBER MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council chambers, Court house, Goderich, commencing on Tuesday, November 14th, 1044, at 2.00 P.M. Alt accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not Inter than Saturday, Nov- ember 110. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. FOR SALE Frame house, Coleman St., patent shingle siding, 3 Pc. Bathroom up- stairs, toilet downstairs, Furnace, Hydro. First class basement under whole house. Acre of land with splen- did barn 50ft, x 28ft, hydro installed. Drilled well on property. Must be. seen to be appreciated. 11/2 storey frame house, Spar'ling Street, Hydro & 'Town Water. Pos- session Dec. 1st. A. real buy. 11/ Storey Frame house, Main St., North. Town Water, Hydro. Priced reasonable. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220 FEED Poultry, Dairy and Hog Feed made daily Also Concentrates to mix with your own grain Oystershell Limeshell Feeding Molasses Cod Liver Oil Rex Wheat Germ Oil Western Grain, Screenings, Chop and Millfeeds. 5 X and 3 X B. C. Shingles r. Hydro Poles and Cedar Posts. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Phone 9 OLD VIRGINIA PIPE TOBACCO It's a' real pipe -smoker's tobacco es CASH "SPECIALS", SATURDAY ONLY Ontario Grown Potatoes, first quality, 75 1b bag 15 Ib peck Ro ilii od Oats, giantbag ats ' 5 ib . ... . b � Darleys Hog & Mineral Tonic, 5 ib bag g Blue Ribbon Pure Cocoa, 2 lb pkge. Winter Onions, 50 lb bag National Hog Concentrate 40% e r®ss W. J. FINNIGAN 1.19 25c :. 25c 990 38c 1 49 per cwt.03.25 FOR SALE .McConnell & Ha s Small number of good used briI y cks, Fred Walsh, GreenFront Store. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. - Telephone 174 FARM FOR SALE Lot 26 and 27, Con, 4, LRS., Tuck- ersmith, 150 acres, new steel barn, cement silo, two storey House, hen house and garage never failing supply of water, must be sold to close estate of the late D. Fothei'ingham. Reason- able terns. For particulars apply to W. Fothe'ingham, Seaforth, R.l0.3. FOUND Two Durham yearlings strayed to the premises of Gilbert Murray. Phone 231.20, Dublin. FOR SALE Pick your own Spy apples, Also good farm wagon for sale, and hay rack. Frost & Wood gang plow. Fred 'Slavin, phone 541.32, Hensall. Notice To Creditors In the Estnte of WILBERT WEBSTER. All persons having claims against the Estate of Wilbert Webster, late of the Town of Seaforth in the County0 f Huron Mail Courier, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of October, 1044, are hereby noti- fied to send in to the undersigned on or before the 25thday of November, 1944, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date. the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then heve notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the under- signed will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 270 day of October, 1344. MrCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors £o' the Executrices E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday., Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30.p.m. to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Vice President, Frank Mc- Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;w rtha C John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mo - Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefteld; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance --'-I' or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid Notice To Creditors REAL ESTATE in the QUARRI to a1. R'ILI4ELMi[NA air- AND INSURANCE AGENCY All persons having claims against the Estate of Wilhelmina McQuarrie, late of the Village 01 Eguondville, in the County of Heron, Widow. deceased, who died on or, about the 1001 clay of .July, 1044, cue hereby; notified to send in to the undersigned on 1.n• before the 10th day of November, 1944, fell pnrticulnrs of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned del e, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the Pnrties entitled y'i in. n o loins of. thereto, e undersigned regarding g n 11 t c o t the utileisigned shall then others, d the Ln the exclusion of ell others, and the undersigned will nothe liable to any 10e10011 Of n9uasc otnino the undersigned :hell nal then have notice for the assets so distributed or any port thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 20th day of October, 1944. McCONNELL & 7TAYS Sen forth. Ontario. Solicitors for the Amninistrallrrx Notice To Creditors In the Estate of .TAMES YOUNG. All persons having claims ngninst the Estate of James Young, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the; 1th day of October, 1944, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of November, 1044, full parti- culars of their claims. Tmmediatoly after the said last mentioned' date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned willnot be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the 1,0101s so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Senforth this 20th day of Oct- ober, 1944. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor Notice To Creditors In the Estate of ELIZABETH NAGLE Alt persons having, claims against the Estate of Elisabeth Nagle, late of the Village 01 Dulrtin, in the County of Perth,. Widow, deceased. who died on or about the 15th day of October, 1944, are hereby noti- fied to sand in to trio undersigned on or before the 101;11 day of November, 1944, full particulars of thole claims. Immediately often the siiid Inst mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will he distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto; having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have not- ice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not (lien have notice for the assets so distrib- uted or any port thereof. Dated at $ea:forth this 20th day of October, 1044. , M000NNELL & HAYS; Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executers FOR SALE 10-20 McCormick Deering tractor, Massey -Harris tractor plow, 2 or 3 bottom. Also a fat ewe. Would ex- change tractor on battle. Phone 48r9, Brussels. PERSONAL ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY GOOD night's sleep without - coughing, choking. Mr.. Wm. Pearson, Seaforth, says: "I am so thankful to you for .your asthma remedy. that I would like all people who suffer from asthma toknow what it did for me. I suf- fered for years from choking, difficult breath- ing and distress of .asthma andno remedy helped me - to any extent, but your remedy touched the spot at once and gave me not. only quick- relief, but I: am now free from all symptoms. A few month's treatmentdid it." For. free information write F. L. HOWEY, 144. Catherine Street South,, Hamilton. NOTICE Wm. Bradshaw, your Watkins deal- er, and also agent for E. D. Smith & Son, fruit and ornamental nursery1 stock, Market street, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 50, NOTICE Frank Finnigan, your Rawleigh dealer, on Louisa St., Seaforth, has a line of . products atthe house. Phone 53W. (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic equipment. Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of_the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5.1 MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month.: 59 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Successor to Holmes & Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST;, SEAFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119, Nights and Holidays 65 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One M'iillion Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent CEMETERY -MEMORIALS Large Stock of Modern Memorials on display at our Seaforth Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons office will be open on' TUESDAYS Open byappointmentat any other time. See Dr. Harburn, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone. 41 - DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 16. EXETER 286 DARLING & CO: OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry) ad