HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-11-09, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1944 W A i I -O N The >'.P,W. meeting will be held s•le on atthe hotite.of 121reJ'os,Bc c) Wed., Nov, 15th 'tit 2 ,p m. The roll call is 'What 'i Am Thankful For The topic is "What land of peace would make good world peace," to be given by Mrs, Hazelwood, Word has' been received here of the death of Isabel Menzies; widow of the late Robert Menzies of Hudson Bay Junction, Sask,,. and sister of Mrs. Wm. Johnston of Blyth and Walter Davidson, Walton. The play. "One In A Million," was pres- ented by the Young People of Dull's LT -tilted Church on Friday evening last In commun- ity hallbefore a large audience. Each' chat'-' actor' was well chosen and did their part well, under the director, , RevR. O. Unzle- wnod. At timeof writing they luneQuite a. number of places booked. Chose taking part in It are Mr. and Mrs. Dong Lawless, Ross. 1. awiess. Iva and Dong. Fraser, Marjorie Hackwell. ell Wm. and Kathleen Leming. After it c play on Friday evening they were rr n ,uuryl nt the home or Mrs. W. '0. Bennett. Friends were sorry 10 hear or Pte..' Don Murray being reported missing. We hope it (nal tarn out the is a prisoner.. MI's, S. M. Humphries nod 'Bobby have bean .'peldilig the past week with her inoth- ei' and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bennett who' recently took possession or the McFadzenn; home on the 170h. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watson or London spent the week end' with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett. 0 ,n 6ieolle (WD.) R.0.A,B., of Camp Borden, spent the week end with Mr. i"nd'. A Few Drops Up Each Nostril Quickly Relieve Stuffiness ofCatarrh Specialized Medication Works Fast Right Where Trouble Is! Soothing relief from stuffy, painful distress of acute catarrh comes fast as Va-tro-nol spreads through the nose, reduces swollen membranes—soothes irritation, relieves congestion, helps flush out cold -clogged nasal `a passages. Makes breathing easier— t" try it! Follow directions in package. MAGIC'S CARAMEL CURLS 3 cups sifted flour 1 egp It tspn. salt Vs cup milk 4 tbspns. shortening 1/ cup brown sugar 4 spns. Magi Baking any kind, raisins Sift dry ingredients together. Cut in shortening until mixed. Beat egg slightly in measuring cup; add milk to make o/, cup; add to first mixture. Roll out IA -Inch thick; sprinklewithbrown sugar pplec nuts.. Roll enfor well-greasedamus lnpans. Bake in moderato oven (375°P.) about 30 minutes. Makes 18. MADE1NCANADA FOR FINER TEXTURE... DELICIOUS FLAVOR Answer: Borden's Ice Cream! Yes, this delicious treat everyone likes so much is chock full of body-building pro- teins, health -guarding minerals and vita- mins! A grand energy food! Even an average serving gives you a large measure of these vital food elements every- one needs. Enjoy Borden's creamy smoo-ooth Brick or Mel-O-rol Ice Cream as often as you can. If your dealer cannot supply you every time you call, it's because our armed forces require so much of this nourishing food. Look for the Borden's Ice Cream sign. "IF IT'S BORDEN'S, IT'S GOT TO BE GOOD" THE BORDEN COMPANY LIMITED. Mrs. Roy Bennett. Don't forget the "White. Elephcurt" euchre 10 nod' or the Red Cross on Friday, Nov. 24. Tho Overseas Box C nal n tLcb. reports hav- ing l ant 25 hoes recently to.\Vainer ' com- munity boys overseas. Funmelal statement Is as fellows: Donation from tlnnco $43, mn hand $54.61, frau .previous soldiers ' gift 11)02 $2.59, ',proceeds Bron 'tickets sold on Pig 9150,95, bingo, 938.30, lunch- eountet $15.- 50. 15-50, donations and bingo '5125.93, "donations from salvage $50.90. Total receipts 5552.02. Expenses---CI0ueiaes,.sent -to 25 boys 225.20, chocolates' sent to 25 boys,l$24,75 .Christmas boxes sent. to 22 boys, $154.08, cream servi- ettes and ticket 111110s $1.00, on hand $180.10. The following is a ,list of contents in each box: 1 plum pudding; 1 'tin Demme butter, 1 lb. chocolates, 1 ton 'soup, 1 tin chicken, 2 tins sandwich spread, 1 tin Kum,3 pkgs. hot chocolates, i1 pocket size collapsible stove, 2 pkgs gum, 2 pkgs. lite savers, 1 lb. fruit cake. We, takethisopportunity 1n thanking. all those who helped make these boxes' Poss- ible, Letters of thanks- have been received from the following Tor boxes of chocolates sent overseas: :Tuck Bennett, Pte. S. M. Humph- ries (France), Tor, W. A, Nichol (France), anti, Wm. ICelley (Italy), Frank. Marshall, Wallnec Shannon, J. M. Johnson, Tor, W. J. Coutts, Mr. ted Mrs. Edgar Hollinger and son,' Charles, of Hamilton, visited last week at .the -home of her parents, Mn and Mrs. C. Pel laud. 517 I•Iarry Coutts of Snskntolrevvmn visited rola tives around Walton lately. He lo. in training nt Bradford. Nits. Jas. Sanderson and sons of near Wlove1er visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bolger on Monday. Mrs. Earl Dow and her daughters, Helen, Maxine and Amy, .visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kearney. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkby have been visiting at Sultan, Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pollard have returned home .after spending several weeks at Ham- ilton. Mrs, Reid of Hullett has been visiting .her sister, Mrs. D. Watson. Mas, Bolton of McKillop at the hone of NIr. and Mrs. W. J. clumphries. VARNA Mrs. Clark is at present with her mother ,n Sarnia who is mite 111. Mr. and Mrs. A. McConnell, in. company with Mr. and Mrs, Lee McConnell anis fam- ily, spent the week end with relatives In Toronto. Mr. and :Are: Giio. Johnston, Parr line: ware Sunday guests at the Immo of Mr. and Mrs. A. lugs. Mr. and Mrs, O'Rourke and. sot Lennard of 13rurelt_id visited Mrs. Wm. Hurt on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Aldingt n spent Sunday with friends in Itihbert Hallowe'en passed oft quietly with n true inneeent prmilzs being played by masquerade. ih 1 homes,me ynung misrlaci misplacing Ments, 0007 tnsgat eats ar 1 signs, one, Mr, James Stephenson Inns disposed of his too Here farm on the Goshen Ilne, Stanley. to Mr, Eekles, of Zurich. Mr, Ernie Pollock has moved his elfeets into the Campbell house in Varna. The W.A. of St. John's Anglican Church mei Thursday at the home of Mrs. M. El- liott. There was a good attendance, naming inns the order of the day, At the close a wholesome dinner was served by the hostess. A miscellaneous shower was held In the hall Tuesday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nfervin Johnston. We wish the young couple bon voyage - through life. Collectors for the British and Foreign Bible Society will be calling on you soon. EGMONIJVILLE The - November meeting of Ilgmondvillc W,M.S. was held in vestry of church on Tuesday, Nov. 7th, along with the W.A. for the purpose of making arrangements -about the boxes for boys in uniform, but still in Canada. Meeting opened with president in chair and by singing it hymn. Roll call res. nook(' to by nine members and 5 visitors. The visiting committee reported four calls on sick or shut ins. 'rho worship service was conducted by Mrs. McMillan. Mrs. J. Wat- son read a prayer from Missionary Monthly. A poem was read b1• Mrs, Paul Doig and a prayer led by Mrs. Noll and Mrs. Keys. Mrs, Gardiner closed the worship service by read- ing it poem. Mrs. Homy McLeod gave a well prepner looks' the red study bookaper of ce haptriits. andclosed with prayer and a hymn. BRODHAGEN Mrs. Inn Baskin of Toronto spent a week with hernrents Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Balc- ones.Dir, Baskin spent Suiuin • at the sane home and Mrs. Baskin accompanied bilin to Toronto. ' Mrs. Politicize 'returnedhone after visiting' hes daughter, Mrs, "Frank Cowiing at Toronto Mr: and Mrs. Alf Dyekmaun of Fort Credit and Mr, and Mrs, Louis Steinbach of.I•feidel- berg with Mr, and. Mrs. .Hein'yICleber Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ilicicnier of Grimsby with Mr, and Nirs,i .Henry E. Diego'. Mr, and Mrs, W. , L. Ruereugesser, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdioe, Gary and Warren, with Mr. and Mrs, Dd. Kressler-: to Stratford on Sunday. 12 ditty bags were packed by the buying and packing, committee of the Patriotic Soc- iety for 'the Navy League, Toronto, ST, COLUMBAN Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray visited then' daughter Mary and Mrs. Green, in Galt, on Sunday, HULLETT.- - ULLETTw.- Mr, Rex. Frost of Toronto will be the guest speaker at the Annual' . Meeting and Banquet of the Hullett Federation of Aglieulture to be held in Londesboro on Nov. 9th, Mr. Frost is well known to most farmers for his radio comments pertaining to farm problems. His address for this meeting will be ''Prospects for Cana- dian Agriculture after the War." This will be well worth hearing,' He is showing some slides on the war and on a trip through Quebec and the Gaspe. The Hullett Federation of Agriculture is to be congratulated on securing an outstanding speaker.. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter and Mrs. William Jewitt spent several days last week with friends in Tor- onto and Kitchener. Mrs. John San- derson returned home with them af- ter spending three months with lel husband in Victoria, B.C. sr:s�es REGENT THEfA�TRESeao Now Showing —THURS. FRI. SAT. TWO FEATURES 11 iehael O'Shea Susan Ila -\\'arch � S 5 "Jack L®ntdoxx" •ALSO. Waly Bowe' Alan Carney "Rookies' in Burma" No let-up in howls ! No let -clown in roars! MONDAY, TUESDAY, 'WEDNESDAY Bing. Crosby Barry Fitzgerald "Going My Way" Dtuiug the shelving of this superb production the first show will start at 7.15, second show 9:40 NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Dick Powell Linda Darnell "It Happened Tomorrow" An ironic, satirical comedy 9 Coming— "LADY LET'S DANCE" ' and "HENRY ALDRICH HAUNTS A HOUSE" csioNsimmenommus DEMONSTRATION A very successful corn picking and trash ploughing demonstration was held on the farm of Mr. Menno Steckle, Zurich, R.R. #2: Approximately 200 farmers were in attendance. The program was arranged by J. B. Matheson, Agricultural Represent- ative for Huron County in co-opera- tion with several farmer: in the dis- triet. Dr. G. P. 2It'Rostie, Professor of Field Husbandry at the O.A.C. gave an address on the growing of Corn. Mr. N. J. Thomas, Soil Spec- ialist at the O:A.C, also spoke on the Relation of Growing Corn to the soil. There was a complete line of corn machinery there, the corn planter, tractor cultivator. After picking the corn a demonstration was held m turning the stalks uncles'. \\'ant and For Sale Ads, 41 week 25c CROMARTY The atnniversary. service which was held on Sunday morning 5,9110 very \yell attended.•Rev. Joseph Taylor of Mansell delivered a very interesting sermon on "The Sin of •Lhibelieve." The choir rendered a fine anthem also two selections by the Mixed Quartette, namely 3Irs. T. L. Scott, -Mrs. Roy McCulloch, Earnest Tem- pleman and Frank Stagg, Lindsay McKellar at his home here. Mrs. John Young of Ingersoll with her aunt, Mrs. M. 13. Currie. Mrs. A. Russell and George Rus- sell, Carlingford, with Mrs. Russell's sister, Ihirs. M. B. Cilrrie, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp and family with Mr. Houghton. ' WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. Jack S,iuires. of Paris spent Sunday. with Mrs. Florae and Mr. E, Haase. Mn and Mrs, Garnet Taylor and children pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Cluru Mrs. John Gillis, Isobel, Bruce and Jackie, spent an few clays at Callingwood and Port McNichol. Bert McClure of Victoria, B.C. is spending n furlough at the home or bis parents, Mr. and hire. Wm. McChire, Mrs. Oscar Cuthill hits been taken to Victoria Hospital, Loudon, where she had a very tion operation, We hope for n speedY recovery. All members and adherents of Cavell 'Un- ited Church are invited to be present at it enngregatioiml .social evening, Thursday, Nov. 10th. Programme. amusements and re- freshments are being planned, A social even- ing- for all, Dlr. and Mrs.. Wilmer. Scottspent a few days with their son, Pte. Elmer Scott In London this week The W.A and W'.,M,S. mel' at the home of Mrs. Archie Somerville on Wednesday after- noon, Nos. 1st, with nn nttenclmmce of 23. Prower by Mrs. R. MacFarlane. Reports of the .Sectional meeting .held at McICillop- Dulf•s were given by Mrs Russell Bolton and Mrs. Bill Montgomery. A nominating com- mittee was appointer) ML's. 11. Alexander, Mrs, W. Somerville, Mrs. C. Dolmage,. Mrs. T.mid id Mrs. R McFarlane A scrotal' will be held in the church- on Nov 00th. Mra W. Church 'captain of Circle 1, took ehango. Scripture reading was given by Mrs. W Somerville A reading wee given 97 Mrs. H. Alexander. Miss Margaret I3abkirk favored with a solo, Does Jesus Cane." Our new study .hook was introduced b5 Mrs. Church and the first chapter explained. KIPPEN. Master Jimmie Lawson visited over bine week end with his grandmother, Mrs W. W. Cooper and family. The W.M S thankoifering meeting ..was, held In the church schoolroom or Wednesday of last week Mrs W. W Cooper presided. After devotional service the speaker for the occasion was Introduced and told of her oak Miss Davies who is now making her home at Clinton, gave an interesting account of how she began svm'k in Oregon and later carried on her work as n deaconess In 0111- 0050. The church service so Sunday Brat will be conducted by the minister Who will preach on Unobserved Sins." An interesting event at the manse lost Saturday was the wedding or Agnes Loren Martin Theyl rete caccomtpaoiliedln1,'ylMira11'Hain- iltmn ami James ICerslake, HULLETT Want and Fos' Sale ads, 3 weeks 50e. • .14M33%•.i0),m :.v:..asdansmeamae REMEMBRANCE AY rove her 1 I th . Remembrance Day services will be field in 'Victoria Park by the Canadian Legion and we Would respectfully ask the merchants and business men of the Town of Seaforth to close their places of business during the hour of 10.30 to 11,30 A.M. of that day and that as many of the citizens as possible attend this service, John J. Cluff, MAYOR Town of Seafort11 'I'he Woolens Missionary Society of Burns (March held their (Weber Meeting at the hams • t' Mrs. George Watt, 'The president, ntr. Shepherd, presided. Roll call' was an- swered by 2d members. 'Che worship service. was tekan by Mrs. Shepherd, Mrs, A. Mc - Ewing and Mrs. Leo Watt and. Our Duty to Our Neighbor by lYfra. Lear and Mrs, K. McVlttie. Mss Gladys telpor Dave a report n the sectinoal tncet105 held in Duff's Church, McKillop, in September. The bolidny bells are to be bonded In 10 the treasurer at the November meeting. Mrs. Monviea invited the Soclely to hold their next' meeting at the manse. Mrs, Roe, leader of Group. - 3, took .hie-. and Miss Ida Leiper favored with a i,n ,k ;.ivenr..by Mrs. TtoC1er the was intereating.eW lclY BORN SCOTT.—At Scott Memorial Hospital, nit Sunday, Nov. 5th, 15.14, to 'Mr. 'anal Mrs, ' Sam J. Scott (nee (iroee Mason), a"daaugh- ter (Lois Bethel.) LANNAN—At St, Michael's Hospi- tal, 'Toronto, on October 24, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs, John Lannon (for- merly Loretto O'Rourke),' a dau- ghter .(;Catharine Mary). Want and For Sale ads, 8 weeks 50c. BILL: Boy, that's what 1- calla letter. JOE: FrOm Your girl? BILL: Nope—from the company. T,1 l .Pa esideu'E of mySoh tvaiiialg Epi. Bus ane here's a of the 2,2pp ane and all the rest Bell employees who joined uta theysay'll looks right ot only thhou he Y 1I have to takeno'1 as though stafstaff if the an le more they're to handle liar Drown thea They're b amu. giving service, top, w credit for scar position an when it conies back, pay When to a We get JOE: Pretty good outfit to Work for, eh, .Biu BILL: T •3 They z'e 0..K, f have lots of Looks as if they t1Sateots work lined u really needed, p ----and p 7'loai. I'll write .nfarj ab ......_ atitaightnow. *Bill is referring to a paragraph in a recent letter from our President to 2,200 Bell employees on war service, which read:— "... I imagine you are more concerned with what conditions will be in the companywhen you re- turn. Already we have done our best to look ahead and plan for the post-war period... Our present estimates indicate that we will need to retain all our employees now on the force; that there will be a job for you and all other Bell employees who retttrn from active service, and that it will, be necessary for us to hire a number of new em- ployees." e% Ani" 'e Sewwe *Buy VJar"Savings -Stamps and Certificates 'Regularly. &Wm? IfIkegs to. ` olds H. H. P. JOHNSTON Manager