HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-11-09, Page 38wyy7✓�y "SALAD TEA More men smoke Picobac than any other Pipe Tobacco in Canada OTTAWA REPORTS That The Government Has Made Plans For The Disposal Of Surplus War Materials One of the Government's big problems in disposing of surplus' war materials at the end of hos- tilities Is to keep out of unfair competition with private business and at the same time recover for the taxpayers the best possible cash returns on their investment. Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of Munitions and Reconstruction, in a recent radio address, told of the plans made by his department for the orderly disposal of these goods. Today when all geode are scarce, salable surpluses are being sold through the ordinary trade chan- nels at .existing market prices, but within ceilings set by Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Mr. Howe said that sales would be distributed evenly across Can- ada, and that everything that be- comes available abroad would be (sold there in harmony with other governmnets faced with the same problem. Used and damaged goods would be sold by public auctions or some - similar methods. These would be offered in serail lots with ceilings on bids. Decisions to destroy would be necessary, he said, when certain goods of no nse in peace- time would be expensive to store and guard. As trustee of public goods, the War Assets Corporation in charge of the disposal of surpluses could not give away surpluses to charit- able organizations. He explained further that selling directly to the consumer would not be feasible lett- 4,414,te_ Urn Rei IIiPjijIr �O The Canadians came back. Back to the beaches where so many died. Back to the quiet cemetery where they now lie buried. Through two long years of work- ing and planning, their determi- nation to avenge Dieppe never faltered. Now, with Victory in Europe in sight, Canada's Seventh , Victory Loan is our opportunity to prove That we, like them, know how to sec a job through. Invest in Victory � D �gU �p V I C 0 O fA Y BONDS Oh JPcY'oE w' 69Ir : G" '1 !Vices Seeeke eaPe rs FINNS' PREMIER Canadian Workers And State Socialism Speaking in Montreal a few weeks ago, Mr. C. P. McTague, who knows as much about labor and industrial hatters as any man in this country, said . a thing that Canadian' workers night well ponder.. It was ,that trade unionism 'could "only funetiou in a system of free enterprise. The truth of this is so obvious, the wonder is that some Canadian labor leaders, allying themselves with a frankly socialistic party like the C.C.F., do not seen, to sec it, comments the Ottawa Journal. Under socialism, with the State running everything and controlling everythins, 'workers would be, in effect, the wards of the State. Not. then would they take their orders from their union leaders; they would take thein from the State bureaucrats — from people who would tell them''when to work, where to work, and under what wages they should work, That is what happened under the National Socialism of HITLER; what happened under the particular brand of socialism' under MUS- SOLINI. It is what must happen —If socialism is to function — under State Socalism anywhere. The best of our Tabor' leaders on this continent know this; it has been expressed only recently in words of the utmost clarity by men like WILLIAM GREEN, of the American Federation of Labor. It is time that it became known to some of our C.I.O. ar C.C.L. chieftains here in Canada, with their talk of a C.C.F.-labor alliance. Urho Castren, above, was recently, installed as Finland's new Prime Minister, Former president of the Supreme Administrative Court, he replaces A. V. Hackzell, retired through illness. because a huge selling force in competition with private business would be involved, and this would also hinder reconversion of indus- try and rehabilitation of labor. At the same time, Mr, Howe said, every effort will be made to control prices and to reach the public by the shortest practical route, and speculators will not he given any opportunity in this field. * N, * Five hundred thousand cases of apples juice front Canadian apples, fortified with ,ascorbic acid to bring it on a par with grapefruit in vita. min C content, will be available this winter to Canadians, says a Prices Board announcement, k * 5 Loss in egg production as a re- sult of overcrowding in the laying house may be serious, R. M. Blakely of Dominion Experimental Farms service says it has been proved that returns from 200 hens in a house designed to hold that number of birds may be just as great as from 300 hundred hens in the same build- ing. A minimum of .8% sq. ft. space per bird should be provided. Canadians-44A.ch, What a Queer People" Canadians have their own way of dealing with "the little boys" in the German army, A Canadian war correspondent, found this out when he, met Mr. and Mrs, Camille Peterson, i'ho lived in a village in Belgium dur- ing the German occupation. A Getman baker's boy Who ap- peared to have little liking for life in the Nazi army after its defeat in Normandy, told them: "These Canadians are fanny people." "When we were around Falaise, the Canadians captured one of my friends, a very young friend," said the German youth. "Next day my friend came back, But what had those Canadians done to him? "They had.. cut his trousers off about the knees, even putting a careful hem on the bottoms They had taken away his tunic and dres- sed him in it boy's sport shirt, "Then they gave him a bar of chocolate and a note to our officer saying that Canadians did not fight little boys. A ch, what a queer people." In the First World War tanks were almost eticlusively an Allied weapon. The Germans had -about fifty, only when the war •elided. Easy Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles Hero Is the chance for every per - eon to Canada suffering from sore, Itching, painful piles to try a simple home remedy with the promise of a reliable' firm to refund the cost of the treatment if you are not satisfied with the results, Simply go to - any druggist and get a bottle of Item -Reid and use as directed. Eleni-Roid is an Intern. al treatment, east' and pleasant to use and pleasing results are .quick- ly noticed, Itching and soreness are relieved, pain subsides and as the treatment is continued the sore, painful rtnesrlag irectal tnmbracen and healthy. Get a bottle of Hem - Raid today and see for yourself what aneasy, Pleasant way this is to rid yourself of your pile misery. NOTED: The sponsor or tide noliec to n reilable firm, doing busiaeas In 0 la for over 20 years, If yen are troubled with sore, Itching, painful piles, Sten, -Reid meet help youpric quvill l beogintll3'r the srefundmall ed.eknso WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM applied to the affected parts, 'quickly relieves sprains, soreness • and stiffness Pain disappears and comfort re., time Try it tonight for relief. RIM 050)0010 MUSTARD 5Rlet lie a 516 5 MOM! ITCH CHECKED :,:a✓tt f -or Moneyk Bac For quick relief from itching caused by eczemre athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and etheri tcl,,s conditions use pure. coolie�g6 medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and :painless, Soothes, comforts and quickly calms Intense itching. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for 0. 0. D. PRESCRIPTION. Headac Noth i ng is more depres- sing than headaches... Why suffer?..,Lambly's will give instant relief Lambly'sisgoodfor ear- ache,tootheche,painsin _Mg back, stomach. bowels. ,Mwd LAM' BL s HEADACHE POWDERS, 14 CLEANSE YOUR ystem I a c's quick relief from miserable neerttie. rhea: 'natio, arthritic and lam - Sage pains—Drink water abundantly and rely anon "ItIVELL" herbal remedy as an internal cleanser. As nein and feeer.nnadue• Ing acidsore washed ewer— rain must. go! Reliefmac be felt right nt the start. Tape. Mutvett 's , B'WSLL" regularly 'bofbre retiringand woke up each morning feel. Mg find. Sold by 5.51. 0,050 druggists, 3 rs ACCOUNTANTS R AUDITORS INCOME TAX REPORTS, Complete' ....monthly Bookkeeping Services,. small businesses our apectalty. A. Brett & Company, 8 Wellington Street East, Toronto. ItAIY C111CIes LAYING AND READY TQ LAY pullets, Barred Rscke, WhiteLeg- horns New itampshires, and Hy- brids Crosses et, reasonable prices, Taking orders now for 1945 daY old chicles. Free catalogue and peteel!s L. Tweddle Chick Hatch - cries Limited, Forgus, Ontario. POULTRY KEEPERS - BE CERTAIN OE' SECURING GOOD, healthy Chicks this coming Sea- son byplacing your order now. Write for.. 1946 prices on our Gov- ernment Approved Chicks, oleo , catalogue containing the proper brooding and, methods used In. raising better poultry. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS Monition, Ontario EARLY BOOI1ING DISCOUNT. That'sthebig`' news from Top Notch Chlckeries. That discount for booking your order early and Top Notch quality chicks means more profit - for you. Top Notch ChicksareGovernment .Approved from bloodtested .breeders, that are noted for their Last growth, livability and. high .production. Year after year repeatorders from satisfied purchasers prove that Top Notch- chicks are the chicks for you too. Save money. by booking your order . early. Free catalogue and earlybooking discount. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate de- livery, Top Notch Chlckeries, Guelph, Ontario..: LAYING PULLETS—AND - A FEW dayolds—;tvallable, Write for list and prices. Also somecopies of the Report on Ontarlo'e 1944 Poultry Conference—valuable and instructive reading. Bray Hatch- - .Cry, 130 Sohn SC N., Hamilton, Ont. IT'S NOT TOOEARLY TO ORDER. Tweddle chicks and when you order in advance you have more chance to secure the breed you want and when you want them and what's more Tweddle offers liberal• early booking discounts, as well as an early delivery dis- count. _ Tweddle hatcheries have been your guarantee of first class chicks for 20 years and this Year our chicke will be better than ever. Don't delay send for set- . alogue and 1945 early booking pricelist. You can't. lose, Twaddle prices are guaranteed against a raise or a decline. Also laying pullets for immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario. ;1.00 BOOKS YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW. find not be disappointed, All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz, eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixed 512.00 Per 100, white legltorbs mixed 511.00 per 100, Barred rock pull- ets 510.00 per -100, white leghorn pullets $22.00 per 100, white rocks mixed 515.00 per 100, white Rock pullets $22.00 per 100, Brown leg- horne mired $13.90 per 100, Brown leghorn pullets $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOLT ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you avant them. Barred Rock mixed. 512.00 per 100, white leg- horns mixed 511.00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets 519.00 per 100, white leghorn pullets 522.00 per 100. Heavy Breed' Clete. $0.00 per 100. Leghorn Olds. 52.00 per 109: All chicles hatched from 20 oz. eggs or Netter and trent special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. 5100 hooks your order, balance - C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. OUR PULLETS WILL PROVE profitable producers and you will be pleased with our prices. Can supply laying and ready to lay in Barred Rocks, New Damn - shires. . White Leghorns, IIybrids. Also booking day old chicks for 1945. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chicicerlea, Guelph,, Ontario. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORDER OF 100 PTJL let chicks, we give 300 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets $19.95 per 100. White Rock Pullets 524.95 per 100. Brown leg - horn Pullets 524.90 per 100., 411 chicks sold backed by .high egg pedigreed stook. ;1.00 'boptcs your order, -balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 10051, live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario. & DYEING CLEANING 1\ O N HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your auestlons. Depart•. ment 11, Parker's Dye Werke Limited, 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto. rOR, SAriO _. ELECTRIC R S NEW USED ught,, 1OOTOR sold, rebuilt; � belt bought, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd,. 2320 Diefterin St., Toron to. ARMY BOOTS NEWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS or our armed forces, perfect con- dition, $3.25 delivered. Money- back guarantee, State size, send money order, Ruaicin & Co„ Peterborough, Ont. NO0W HAIR GROWTI'I, 011 YOUR money back. That is the guaran- tee behind 'Luxus", the amazing formula for eliminating dandruff, baldness, falling and thinning hair. $1.50 end 52.75 at all drug-. gists—or direct from Lnxui Pro- ducts, Windsor, Ont. HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment Mecca. Pile Remedy. No. 1 is for Protruding Bleeding Piles, and is sold in Tube, with pipe, for infernal application. Price 75c. Mecca Pile Remedy No, 2 is for External Itching Piles. Sold in Jar, and is for external use only. Price 600. Order -bynumber from your Druggist. YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM: HOT RASES If you ,suffer from hot flashes, weak,, nervous lrrltable feelings, are a bit blue at tunes --due to. the Sync» tonal "middle -age" period peculiar' to women—try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It helps nature/ Follow label directions. Wortlt, trying! LYDIA E. PiNKHAM'S AWN FOIL SALE ANIMAL SNARES, (STEEL CABLE, lode, swivel). Fox 51,00 doz. Coy- ote 54.00 doz. Prepaid. Write for free en'aring Instructions and cir- culars on Indian trapping: meth- ods, snares, lures,. eta B111. Hoff- man,Russell, Man, 51.50 a BUSHEL, BALDWINS,' =PIS Waukes, Russets, etc, - delivered. Phone Gerrard 2040 or write 01. Nettle, R,R, 1, Pickering, POULTRY GRITS. BUY CANADIAN GRITS AND SAVE 25% and produce 'better -eggs, Price white solvable 98% Calcium Carbonate, and white Insoluable over 90%q Silica. Agents wanted— Send for prices and samples. STINSON REEB SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED 6686 Delorlmter Ave., Montreal, P.C. "FAIRWAY"" IT CLEANSI— AS IT WAXESI— AS IT POLISHES! 'Quick Efficient. Floor Tool! Cana- dian Patent, No kneeling! No hard work!- Keene Your floors as you like .:them, using your favourite wax, liquid or paste. Efficient tools make hard work easy. FatrwaY" saves your knees. Material, work- manship, guaranteed. Full direc- tions with each '"Fairway," only $5,75 express paid: FAIRWAY 463 Gerrard Street, Toronto. FOR SALE, . SLEIGHS AND - CUT- ters..Shipped anywhere. For in- formation write Box 22, Brussels, Ont, SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING — FINEST leather and harness preservative. Sliptt also has many household uses 20c up at most grocery, hard- ware and chain stores. A product or Lloyds Laboratories, Toronto. CLEARING AUCTION BALD OF Scotch Shorthorns belonging to McAninch, R.R. 4, Guelph, 6 miles north of Guelph censietifg of 20 females, 4 bulls, Wednesday, November 16111. R. T. Athos, Auc- tioneer. JERSEY COW, JUST FRESH. Apply Id, T. Staeoy, R.R. 1 Port Stanley, Ont. VALL'E'ELEA .F A R NI, OXFORD Down ram lambs and young ewes. 'Clarence R. Wilson, Easton's Corners, Ontario. SEVERAL LOADS GOOD BUSH horses, mares ih teat and .farm chunke. Gregg's Machinery lb," change, 6th and Halifax Sts„ Re- .gina, Sask. BREEDING TURKEYS WAGON Wheel B.B. Bronze weighing up to 33 lbs, at six months. Parent stock personally selected from special matings In Ms, by experts. Thousands of .guaranteed range birds to select from, raised with- out loss, The secret of success Iles in reliable foundation stock. Your selection now from our atocic should pay big dividends. Whaling Turkey Ranch, Moore- field, Ont. CATERPILLAR TRACTOR DR4; Snow Plough V type with side wing; Double Drum Steam Winch 00 h.p : Double Drum Gasolene winch -90 lap.: Winch with air cooled motor; Universal Soffits for Hydraulic Hoists. Eichler Track & Auto Parts, 874 Wellington W. Montreal. FOR SALE REGISTERED COCKER spaniel pups, pet and show stock. Martindale Kennels Reg's., 084. Downie St., Stratford, Ont. FERRETS FOR SALE, ALSO. REG- istered greyhound. 102 Coleridge Ave„ -H0. 7414, Toronto. HORSEMANSHIP "I1OW TO BREAK AND TRAIN Horses," A book every farmer and horseman should have. It le free; no obligation. Simply address. Beery School of Horsemanship, Dept, 411, Pleasant 8:111,Ohio. MA.VIrtNERY RbEI'AIRS _ MACHINERY REPAIRS GENERAL MACHIINE SHOP WORK ELECTRIC ANDACETYLENE WELDING= METALLIZIN G HAVE YOUR WORN SHAFTS AND BUSHINGS MADE LIND NEW 13Y T1IE NEW METAL SPRAY PROCESS ALL WORK GU ARA.NT EED Godson Contracting Co., Ltd. -Union St., Toronto JUNCTION 7360 ('Audis i Olt SALE 193 AC11E2, 1 MILE WEST OF Kitchener limits, leacltener-Strat. ford highway. Charles W. Moser, R.R. 4, Iltehener, 90 ACRES, 11/ MILDS TEST Or Alliston, 2nd lot north of No. 89 Highway; -good buildings. Charles Lowery, RR. 1, Alliston. 114 ACRES, 20 ACRES UP BUSH, 80 acres good tractor land, large bank barn, 2 houses, 1 stone, 1 frame; anrnlsltinge optional; 214 miles from .the town of Durham, 11. Cawthra 55, Toronto. 150 ACRES; GOOD LOAM SOIL, County Durham, near highway, aohool, village, large cleared fields, spring creek, running wat- er in house and stables, cement basements, furnace, Hydro avail- able. Must sell, no help. Stock, implements sold now. N. W. Mc- Gill, Jauelville, Ont. 199 ACR 1SOIL,80 ACRES ACRES, cultivation,GUUD ood house and out -but t dings, two good wells. For full particulars, write Eldon Snowdon, Merrickvllle, Ont. R.R. No. 3. tlAtitnR.SOSSINC. LEARN HAIRDRESSING Tile Robertson method. information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy; 187 Avenue Reed, Toronto, e.1 L1dI CALL RIIUISUVMATIC 1' A 1 N? RELIEVE Rheumatic Pain with Isermol Rheumatic. Arthritic Pain Tablets safe, effective and --sure. At your druggist's or.. send $1.00 ono receive one month'ssupply post- paid. London, O11 emolDistributoes, stns 181EDIC-AL DR. MCLIIOD'S STOMACHIC, THE remedy for indigestion, relieves gnawing pain, coming below the breast -bone few hours after eat- ing', with gas and bloating, $1,26' per bottle postpaid. Dr. McLeod's Stomachic Co., 100 Huron 'St., To- ronto. IT'S PROVEN—EVERY SUFFERER: of. Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should 'try Dixon's -Remedy. Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 336 E1- gin, Ottawa, Postpaid .51.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of 111 -health tn humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out 1f this is your trouble? Interesting par ticulars—Freel Write N):ulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. FIG -LAX TABLETS, A POSITIVE corrective for constipatlon,slug- gieh liver, disordered stomach and bowels. 25c at dealers, or by mall, 2 boxes 50c; 6 boxes $1,00: write Fig -Lax' Products, Wood stock, Ont... SATISFY YOURSELF EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Sold only Mmlro's Drug' Store, 335 Agin, Ottowa. Post- Paid ostpaid 51.00. BAUMEEEA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 45e bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman 'Drug Store, Ottawa. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. I3UDDINGTONBUYS. sells, exchanges musical instru- meats, 111 Church. Toronto 2. OPPOIRTUNITIES FOIL WOMEN— BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHt10L. Great Opportunity, Learn Hair- dressing Pleasant dignified profession. goad wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write ar call MARVEL FATRDRIOSSTNG SCHOOL'S 358 IILOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Ilnmiiton, 74 Rlden.0 Street. Ottnwi. (FOTOcn&MIT TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 223s REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGE:11 "SERVICE You may not .get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you :desire. by sending Your films to IMPERtIAL. PHOTO GER�'OCIO Station 3. Toronto PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your fnvettrite negatives and send to us. We'll return- 12 prints mounted on attractive, embossed greeting cards. with envelopes for mailing, for 89c. The most original greeting cards you can get—the kind your friends will keen—cards 'that men on active service at home and overseas like to get. Order eerie'. (2 Phntagrnphs on Cnlenders. rer 2:ir,) STAR .SNAPSHOT SERVICE lros 1211, Postal Terminal A, Toronto "Your quality in colouring' and de- veloping is excellent;' writes a cus- tomer at Peterborough, Ont„ "and Your service Is prompt and guaran- teed..I am particularly fascinated with the coloured.enlargentents end Christmas cards. Your prices for such quality work are really econ- omical and I appreciate your prompt, reliable service." Any Size Roll -6 or 8. Exposures 33 3Vplr,orrn AND PRINTt`D 250 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 250 Size 4 x 0" in Beautiful reset Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. Framed. Enlnrgentente 4" x 8". on ivory tint mounts, In hennas t x 9", Burnished Gold or Silver, Cireas- sian Walnut or .Black Ebony finish. 59e; 1f enlargement coloured 79e. Print your nerve and address pinin- 1v mt n11 nrrlern. PERSONAL "ELTJAH C 0 M T 1 0 I1ETrr >Rr8 Christ," wonderful.. book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11. N.Y. VATIONTS FETHDRSTONISA'UGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 Icing West, Toronto. Booklet or Information on re- quest. 'IV AATI' MD WANTED TO 11511; ALL KINDS 05 !lard wood and soft wood logs, also small quantity bolts, Write Bogdon & Gross, Furniture Co. Ltd., Walleerton, Ont. SAFES WANTED, 1N GOOD CON- dillon. J. & J. Taylor, Limited, 145 Front St. E Toronto. OLD BOOKS— MAGAZINES PRE -WAIT, UNITED STATES OR Englishpublications a u0.nle d. Jokes, true -type detectSb e, maHic, eplcy, privately printed, London Life, Calgary Eye Openers, any- thing unusual in books or mug- azines, Highest prices paid Im- mediately. Write listing titles to Box 178, 75 Adelaide IV,. Toronto. PORTABLE SA\V'1b1ILL WANTED.. 1. Baker, Gla yeah urst, Ontario. WANTED TO 131.1Y, BUSH LANDS or Farms containing bush lands, suitable to cut furniture lumber. Write Bogdon & Grose, Furniture Co. Ltd., Walkerton, Ont, WANTED 100 TO 200 ACRE FARM. within radius of 20 miles of To- ronto with good river or stream. ter. Most be reasonable price, State all particulars in first let - Others need not reply.. Box 180, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, I&ATC201NG .EGGS WANTED FOR 1945 hatching season: Flocks culled and blood -tested free of charge under Government Super- vision. er - Good premien) paid. For 0511 details rite 13oa Na. 181; 73 Adelaide W., 'Toronto. NEW veserrER5 NEEDLED TO 11E- wr4te Ideas in newspapers,mag- azines and books Splendid op- portunity to "break into" fascln- ating writing. stela. Fug inform- ation for self-addressed- stamped return envelope.. Factual .trent tires, 89 Lee Ave„ Toronto 8. FARM DELLA WANTED EXPER1E1NCED FARMHAND, single, any nationality, ,under .60 years of age. Good home and wages. Apply Sir. Rob Roy. Pow - memento, Ont. D ELP WANTED GIRL WANTED le 0 R SMALL home, 2 children, light dillies. Write to 578' Avenue Rd:, Toronto 12.