HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-11-09, Page 1aoncnraanonnnuu uauuuu,",,,munennuuumuuanr BREAK! BREAK! BREAK! Break, break, break, On thy cold, gray steles, 0 Sea! • And X would that MY tongue could utter • Tho thoughts that arise in me, Oh, well for the 'fisherman's boy, That he shouts with •his sister at play I Oh,: wet for the sailor's lad. That he sings inhis boat: on the bay! H U e h ON COUNTY'SLEADINGNEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES,VOL. 67, No, 45 uou,¢nn,ne,a,"uaa¢onu,u,u,o,oe"anouanuunnur And the. stately shin: go on 7'u their haven mules the hill; But oh, for the ouch of a \mei shed band, .. 111,0 i, est re volre- Mat is. still. Break freak brenk, At ile, feet of thy crap's, 0 Seel But ,.1 tender grace et. a day that. is deed.. Will never Come uacl. to mc. • fcni.y,on ","noaaunu0/111/11111111111.1111111111111111111111h1,11111111111 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, TH1JRSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1944 OBSERVED DIAMOND ~ PRESENTATION TO WEDDING ON SUNDAY SGT. JOHN HOLLAND WINS MILITARY MEDAL A. St. Colurban non-commissioned officer—Sgt. John 'Joseph Holland, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Holland, has been awarded the 1VIilitary Medal for Gallantry and bravery ill actiono overseas, it has been . announced Y the Department of National Defence, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Holland • have re- ceived the citation accompanying -the decoration. It revealed that on July 23 at Caen, France, Sgt. Holland, as a member of the 7th Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers, risked_ his life while under heavy enemy fire to remove a German mine that the way might be cleared for' the in- fantry and other troops to take up a REMEMBRANCE DAY._ PROGRAM ARRANGED Seaforth Branch of thte Canadian Legion will hold Remembrances Day Services on Saturday, November llth, at the Soldiers' Memorial in Victoria Park, if the weather is fav- arable, and if not, in the Seaforth Armouries. The Logion wishes to extend a very cordial welcome to all School Children, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Councils of Seaforth, Tuckelsmith and McKillop, all other organizations' and the general public, to spend a few minutes in memory of our Fallen Comrades and those of the present conflict. • Rest, Comrades, rest and sleep, The thoughts of men shall be position. As sentinels to keep The award to Sgt, Holland, news Your Test from danger free. of which followed that concerning your silent tents of green his brother, Pte. Stephen Holland, We deck with fragrant flowers; who was seriously wounded in the Yours has the suffering been, Netherlands causing him to suffer The memory shall be ours. the loss of his left foot, was one of —Longfellow. 75 decorations given officers, war- The'" parade will leave the Post rant officers, non-commissioned offi Office at 1 0:00 arm., headed by the cers and other ranks for gallantry .Seaforth Junior Band, to the Ceno- and bravery in action, including taph, Victoria Park. members of the Highland Light In ORDER of motion fantry of Canada, which mobilized 0zoning Service—Rev: H. V. Workman. and trained in Stratford barracks in scripture Lesson—Rev, W. J,"Patton, 1940 and which has since gained :: Hymn --"Onward Christian Soldiers." fame in the invasion and subsequent PAi cars oKevl ,W. Gardiner. operations in western Europe. Last Post—Bandmaster E. H. 'Close. CITATION Two Minutes' Silence. Reveille-Bfmdma$tor E. H. Close. On the night of 23rd July 1044 Ser jeane „God Save the I{Ing." ' Holland went forward in command of a mine 'genedietlon—Cent, (Rev.) T. P. Hussey. lifting party beyond the advanced -positions Alex. Muir, President; Capt. (Rev,) T. P. of the Fusiliers Mont Royal, The area in Hussey, Chaplain. which the Party Was operating was in an .ex - nosed continuous mortar and no,cd position under MAYOR APPEALS FOR machine gun fire. Serjeant Holland, recog- nizing that oar mines must be lifted for the Passageof tanks and infantry In their as- - POPPY DAY sanit, with the greatest gallantrysupervised and assisted his men In their task. Without reenact for his personal safety, be continually - Mellor John J Cluff has issued patrolled the area, visiting the various de- t'tohments and encouraging his men in it dif- ficult and if-ficult-ami dangerous task. During the course of theoperation, be found flint some mines had eo titbrtnlly under fien moved re, he searcthe hed the Although e area, a, located the mines and successfully complet- ed the clearance of the minefield. Ills 001110ge, doterminetion and leadership W000 - a, inspiratio, to bis, men, and his ef- forte Were largely responsible for the nuecess- ful completion of the mite lifting program old permitted the free passage of the :maau%. levees the following tiny. BURN COKE FOR NEXT WINTER AND BE ASSURED OF YOUR 100% SUPPLY NOW E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Mr. and Mrs. J.:M. Govenlock eelo• brated, their Diamond Wedding anni- ver sary on Sunday, Nov. 5th, with a family dinner at their home on East William street, All _members of the family were present. The colo. scheme of the dining room was ,in baby bine and whito, the table decor- ations being Chrysanthemums. The family presented the bride and groom with a pulse. Mr. and Mrs. Govenlock were at home to their friends on Monday afternoon .when they were showered with gifts, congratulations and good wishes including'a cablegram from the King and Queen, and personal greetings from the Prime Minister and Mr. Golding. Mr. and Mrs. Govenlock wish to thank all those who so kindly remem- bered them at this time, GOLDEN WEDDING OF MR. AND MRS. N. GILLESPIE On November 7th, 1804. Neil Gillespie and Elizabeth '.Laing were. married ' at Cromarty by the late Rev. Peter Scott and loaded on a farm near the village. In 101'7 they moved to Seaforth and are among the town's most highly esteemed cit. - teens. .Their family consists of two sons. James, .Principal. of .the Central Technical School, Toronto, and Thomas L., of the De- HavitandAircraft Co., also of Toronto. Their. only grandson, Gordon Neil,is in the armed forces andis at present stationed at Camp Borden. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie cel- ebrated the fiftiethanniversary of their mar - tinge by entertaining their immediate rela- ivea nt dinner. In the afternoonand even- ing many .relatives`and friends from town, Cromarty,. Hxeter and Woodbridge, called to proceeds to be used for the bcoxes. extend their congratulations, A box of useful cu•tieles will be sent to Further good wishes were expressed in "Sisters of Service," These articles to be telegrams, phone. calls, Cards cold most beau leftat the home of Mrs. 1 W. Duncan. A don- tifal flowers: - atofthe ton of $10 was made "Shooi of Christ" iiprogramie whithe chisconductedct by Rev. Fr, Flannery. n r i com- prehensive report of. the Diocesan convention n• a et . GNR. BERT McCLURE About;seventy neighbor's find friends gnth- eved at the home •of Mr, and -Mrs. Wililam McClure in MnKillop on Tuesday evening 1n honour of their son, Bert, who Is home on fuCtougb from Vietorla. B.C., and presented him with a beautiful wrist Hetet end an address read. by Mr, Arthur Anderson, The presontatt(on wosmade hY Mr. Harold Star- ey.. The following is the address: 'Dear Bert,—We, your friends and neigh. bours, have gathered' here this evening to pay tribute to ono who is serving kis WW1 - try in this worldwide struggle for freedom. We know youwill follow the straight' and narrow path and trust that inthe near fu- ture you will be back among us. So en this occasion we beg you to accept this small gift as a token of the esteem in which you are held andhope that it will bring back reooll-- oetions. of the clays you have spent with. us. Signed on behalf of your friends andneigh- bors." Bert was taken entirely by surprise but made a fitting reply, after..which all joined in singing Tor Se's a Jolly Good Fellow." Lunch was then served and dancing continued until the.wee small hour's of the morning. CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE MEETING The November. meeting of the C.W.L. was held .at the home of Mrs, S. J. Cleary on Monday evening,' Nov. '615, with a good at- tendance. A letter of thanks from Pte. J. Cleary, vhs was wounded in Italy, was read by the Cor. See., Mrs, Eckert, also comes-. Pondelice relating to business from.the re- cent. diocesan convention: Miss Alice Daly, war services convener, reported her com- mittee had packed and sent the overseas boxes and also described the potents of each box, Mrs, Wm. Devereaux reported the pre- sentation of medals to successful entrance pupils at the recent parish at home. The paper, "St. James Chronicles," which was compiled by a committee from the C.W.L., received much favorable comment from the meeting. -Copies have been sent to the boys overseas and it was decided to sell copies, Phone 84 11 a year BADMINTON CLUB STAR'T'S SEASON WiTH A SUPPER The Badminton (rub started the season again with the annual pot luck supper 013 Monday night, It was one of the best we ever had. Meat and 1)0101oes were supplied by the Club and thea ice had Salads, roils, olives, pickled, 1101111 tam, pies, tarts, cakes, apples and coffee. Atter supper everyone tried 10 straighten up 00 their chairs and we, proceeded with the annual 11 'sting.' Mr. Jams Slattery gave a report c the previous meeting and the finane-1 nal report, which is very e,lcourag-' 111g for the conning season. The new officers We•e elected as follows: President, J. Slat(ery; vice presici- ent, D Parke; ectPiarytreasurer, 11.' Fennell, nl(ra11c.1 hip committee, M.! Hart, C. Reith, L.Southgate; tourna- ment Committee, 1 . Hart, L: Dale, lir' Sclater, 1. Weechnark; property com- mittee, J, 1CioKenzie; social commnit- tee. N. Jeffery G. Reith, V. Graves, M. Bays; auditors, M. McUavih. P.'. Matthews; reporters, F. Matthews, A. l McGavin, T. Milliken. Vs'e are glad 1.o see s0 manly neiv enthusiastic mein.,hers and hope they will come up real often. Don't forget that we have a; few card sharks and an outstanding table tennis player who can really ; outdo a lot. of us. Every Wednesday, is hound Itobin and a. night that you BRIJCEFIELD just can't miss. The fee for the Aldwinkle-Aikenhead- season is two dollars. A wedding took place at the Iv,. MS 1 Manse, Brucefield, on Sat. Nov. 4, The death occuered on Saturday, Nov. 4th, when Rev, G. N. Atkinson united in of a highly respected resident of Esmond- marriage Anna St. -Clair Aikenhead, vilte for many years, in the person of Miss youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louisa Toms, in her 80th year. Mies Noma -Hugh Aikenhead Brucefield, and BREAKFAST SETS We have just received a shipment of very nice Break- fast Sets in two designs, "Breach of Spring" and "Blossom •Time:" These sets are from our hest maker's and are priced at $7.95 and $9.35 per set of 32 pieces We recommend these sets and they are especialy good value, Fred S. Savauge Opposite Post Office Phone 194 Res, 10 had been ill only About a week, a4 the one of Mr. and Mrs. John Vosper in Mitchell, Yeoman Henry Aldwinkle son of. Mr. where she and her sister, Mrs. Reinke, had and Mrs. Henry Aldwinkle of Varna. The ri a wore a street length gown of Peacock blue crepe with corsage of Talismalr roses, Her acces- givon by the i e ld t, kI s C P suis. from the ny s017ea were in black. Miss '.Vier aret Miss Ahce DaIY,. who WAS elected to the of- interment in Ma1tlendbenit cemetery. Rev. Aikenhead as her sister's bridesmaid only recently gone to make their home.. Miss Th b ,d 'toms was born in Preston, Ont. and is ear vived by ,her sister, Mrs. -Reinke, She was Red Cross Notes than followed a very 1 to estnfi and The funeral was of heldtolne Monday afternoon United h White funeral chapel Sen£or•th, $ the following appeal for Poppy Day Wanted—SO extra ladies who are wining n Saturday,11th November, when to tut a ou a iris worhraoms, Our splendid etrtti Red Cross flee o£ Diocesan Secretory at the convention. A. •W. Gauline offlcated and the pallbearerschose a fusdua crepe and corsage of 0 ng committee „ise stroke briefly and gave some of the high- were J. hIligsen, Wilbur Cornish, Lone BUffanemone Chrysanthemums. Her Poppies will be sold in' aid of Cana- has ready 113 Pr's• .of bed socks, and there lights of -the national convention held in L Jack Vesper Sam Brunner Wm, , see Ona was served after the I Leader R, M, Aldwinkle of Ottawa ere meeting by the hostess, Mrs. Cleary and her "To our citizens: Pp emmon, dian Legion Branch No: 166 welfare are 459 prs. to be made, 38 gills combine-; June in Hamilton. 11111 essoiies were in black, Squadron sire v of a quota of s00 • 23 boys A delicious tench Work. (sio sleepers size 2 quota of 100 44 ladies night gowns of a quota of 100, 4 boys coats, tits committge, The local branch of the Canadian will complete our quota. The commute wins ave nee so t was served by Mrs, Frank The s r if c s Day in our Cana- tt eat cent Period of time..The need is very LETTERS OF THANKS The sacrifices made by oar Cana- creat cent will increase as sunnlics are be- charge of the •Pieuclent, kits. Thos, G. B 'n. term. The rnemcling-seciettuy, Mrs. A • DUBLIN was best man. Following' the cere- A very interesting meeting of the members monye a reception was held at the Th Saturday 11th be cutting each Thursday so you see ut in LEGION RECEIVES of Dublin Women War Services Association horn e of the bride's parents: A buffet Legion has designated S Y d ur help to get the sewing o was held at the club room on Friday night. luncheon Na Cts .yes ,n First Presbyterian Church Minister, Rev. Richard H. Wil- liams, B.A,, 10 a.m.—The Sunday, School will meet. 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. --Public worship. The: Minister will preach. M. 77 1ge o tthePre de the I meeting ut- Taylor, Doris Dorland and Blanche ]nen and •91411 during the Ing sent to,the Liberated arm- Zaphe to thirty five guests. Later dianNow to our Knitters., we have as you The following letters of thanks hive been Looby, read the minutes of the previous fir, and Mrs. AldWitlkle left On A fateful year's 1914-1915 and in the know, received an urgent anneal for knitted received by Mr, Ross Street of the Canadian meeting, also cords and letters nunthe,•tntt present conflict are Again I'eCalletl comforts, and we need morn knitters to help Legion committee h about. tet of acknotaledgment and thanks 1t10tor trip t0 Ottawa and other P complete turtle neckboys in the encu Forces. vl s is for as we'observe ell ' gloves, sacks and sen Anglican St. Thomas', Seaforth -- 10 a.m., Sunday School and Girls Bible Class. 11. a.m., Morning prayer, "Lest We Forget" Being p T., Evening Prayer', "God's Way of St. Maly.], Dublin -2.30 Sinniay School. 3 Pam—Holy Communion. "God's Way of Doing Rector, Rev. C. R L. Gilbert, BA., at all services.. Egmondvlile United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, )3,A.,B.D. 10 30 a.m. Sunday School 10.30 sin., Sunday School. 11.30 11,nn, "A Time That Calls for Great- ness," 7 pan„ "A Spiritual Antiseptic" GIRL, GUIDES boots. Northside. United Church Rev. FI. V. Workman, Minister. 10 arm.—Sunday Sehool. 11 arm.—Remembrance Day Mes- sage. Subject, ``Self-renunciation.." 7 p.m.—"A Sense of.Interdepen- dence." A fifteen minute Song Ser- vice. 1 Prayer service Thursday 7.45 pm. ,(A Fellowship Mission Nov. 19-26) Welcome to these services. - sweaters, navy scarves, L o mtttee far sending smokes tote a ou . s y, b Remembrance Day, b t from servicemen over et parcels and toints. For travelling the bride chose Dear R J t line to let yon know eigantes Those Melts ds Itenneth Inti, nn 1 two piece wool in violet shade thankful people hold in grate Bazaar News; 2 weeks from Saturday, ]tow much I appreciated the gift of sun riff hank n I{rat ken f, heat coloured box Coat with black and a l P,. h Red 4 Paul Wvlm Albert \1 ful remembrance the C Society is hoklintr, their bazaar in Me - ear oss— us a n. - stardom, ClaytonLooby, Joseph a courage and Nov 25th, {e the "Big Day when t e e erette3 from Seaforth Branch of the Coad- Morrison. za . err khameie Pat- they will b g cross ty tan Legion. I hope when this Over is over Joseph Klh khan t•, Genres h n soldiers, sailors and beginning at s pan. Plans are accessories. On their return they heroism of ourTnvish's stole that ham like myself and many o}hors will rink kIaloney, Michael FheueHY iWtl�rrfi am reside on the groom's farm hear Thirteen Guides answered .the roll call at the Guide meeting- last Thursday evening. E. L. Box, coni, relief, $83.18, Lorne IVa First we had some- games and then a work' Jayson, relttiirs Moore drain, $42:00, Sinclair Period. Will the girls please remember to Drain, 527.00, salaries and allowances bring :their cardboard and'- wallpaper. We $137.50.. Council adjourned to meet :Dee. 2nd, booed with God Savo the King. . - at 2 p.m.—E. P. Chesney,. Clerk. airmen, who' have given their lives for a very interesting bazaar, Those whs Id the cause of freedom. have been ,nutting ori' in'epnl'ing something The Canadian Legion of the Brit-. for' this event please don't delay 1011ger, for the eonvoners with- the exception of the ish Empire Service League has con_bnmebaking and Produce, would ]i]ce nut ll dnn- tvibuted valiant service to this COull- ot o1oc 110 ah eMatore7 will reveals they assor try in helping to heal the scars made ,rant of nice things that will he on sate. n, by' the acts of war, and has brought oase you've forgotten, the conveners are: comfort, courage and practical aid many MoTnifut' art ens recta' tow ittees•IIi t0 manly in. diStreSS. M. McLean, the baby- department, the gifts The difficult conditions • existing' so Inc to this department hove boon eharm- atthepresent time offer a challenge ing; TA' ;:s ent;ehe0vvo o,havi s ¢n is e1105 - toeons den t0 us to respond even more -genet- tun;ty of making anything you think will pully than usual to the Legions sen; Mrs. J. 13. Russell on produce, how about vegetables, chickens, eggs, herbs, eann- appeal. ed fruits, potted plants, etc.; Mrs. Charles Let everyone feel it a duty and a Stowart•on home 'baking, home baking sales privilege to wear .a Poppy Ori Bre- hnvo. been. most popular and we are hoping membrane Day, Saturday 11511 No- for a splendid assortment. Mrs. Watson. in and in so doing -strep hten charge of the white elephant counter, Please the hands strenghten Mrs. Watson reporting ony gifts yeti the of the Legion in their oo y b iseinocharge of the sale o lticketsMon Geo splendid work."1 our two mats and will be on hand that day to see that you get Yours if vnu have-not al - be eneouvaged to loin VD with - the Legion, ray, IIerman •1Zache, Jan 0 1c' Varna. Guests were present front On my station here in England and also hack Melody, Herbert Brown, James Curtin,. Peter VOrnnta, Ottawa, 'S prey Clinton, lame in Canada them are literally hundreds Ci.nnano.- Following the littleness routine of fellows completing their education. through tables For bingo were arranged, the prize the Canadian Legion Educational Services. winners being: Mrs, b'ergos Stnniefen, Mrs. Varna eta Brucefield. addition hundreds are taking veva Jo`se,i. Cronin and Mrs. Frank Evans. The clonal studies, everything from f the me fees Ina ion many - HENSALL th' farming to executive would like to remind members business practices, so they won't forget the In this district of payment o . Legion . when they return to civilian life. I before the oncl of the year, into the residence . .John otheyfomoehnsel on Malin d Immo met otpfte a few chugs from Seaforth. Patrick J. O'Rourke, youngest man of kir. 1,110 titin sidek. over here and some of them Ike Frank Cas- and Mrs. 'rliomas. O'Rourke, Logm1 tmvn- Mr. and Mrs. Clnrenre Reid have moved eon who was .on his wee to India, were just shin, was a recent graduate et . McLeod, rote the dwelling they purchased from moved passing through. For a small community, it Alberta, end received his commission aa a and Mrs. wellsizard Hudson. seems as 11 Seaforth lits done right well by pilot officer. Han Mon-Martin— the armed services, it record worth boasting Word Writs received here of the death of a A pretty wedding WAS solemnized at the about, especially in the -RCAF. Sometimes former resident of Dublin; Edward Cummings 'United Church w manse, IS mole on Saturday, when I get; a bit of leave, I kick off for 900- at Blyth following a prolonged illness- The Nov. 4th, whet Rev. A. Grant united in don to visit Mersa and we have some great departed man was 0 native of Ireland and Nov. 4th Agnes Lore en, M. Gof MIn sessions' talking over the fait and friends we ha and his wife emigrated to Canada about end iage Agn, Loree and Francis o Ham. used to have way' back in '41 in good ole - 25 years ago. He was employed with James linin, son dr. r, and Mrs,dWm, Hn nem_ Seaforth. - We nee. both enjoying excellent Shea for a number of years, when he took of Cro5001 of. health in spite of the stuff Jerry is throwing up farming and tabou1tvtentyears 500 the fa- The bride wore n Boer -length our way. Thanks 05itin. 'Sours truly, ALLAN wily moved to gown of white sheer with gilt embroidery,. SMITH. (0.9. A. A. Smith, RCAF., Over funeral took place at Blyth. shoulder length veil and ea Mins bouquenuof sees). 011'loial word from Ottawa reached Dublin Received cigarettes, thank you. This 5nds yesterday that Pte. Herbert Brown, a former igon, .inter of the groom, wore an orebid me feeling fit 004 looking forward to leave resident, was wounded in action in Belgium. crepe floor length dress end carried yellow after a year on convoy escort duty: It has .Lieut. Joseph O'Connor, Barriefield, with and mauve chrysanthemums. Following the been a great year Mr all of us, butnowwe his ciente, Mrs. Teresa Eckert and Mrs. F. eenmmny a retention was held at the home he bride's Pmmnts with thirty meats MED 'ready done so. Incidentally rho draw will be. of t kaznar .took 1ortvatd to 28 days' leave 10 renoty a0- Baer.The There will be an :To meetints on uuintances, Let inc again thank. you. BU77, Mr.:anti 102,0,. Louis i{raust mof sons, 000, p, song. hose serving were were pink and TOWNSHIP CLERK room',. Nov, 10 at 4.3o p.m, in the work q FINNIGAN (HMCS Tram, Sydney, N:S.) Mrs. Robt. McCormick and Hn of FTamilton�l Elsiee1Brayss JenwilWriahF rooms, � Many thanks for the 300 lot of cigm'ettes Roberta Bergman and Miss Marie Lajoye, of the town hall, • - you sent- me. *hey were sure npnrecinted• I Detroit, with Ora and Mrs, James. Kraus- .Mrs. Ear Kinsman, Miss Jessie Hndgert. Tuckersmith council met in twat, Mrs. Ed. MaoEay and Mrs. Wilbur billing- Seaforth, on Sat., Nov. rich, for the regular SEAFORTH INDUSTRIES am working in a records office over here Me. 00)1 Mrs. rhes. Harris nf. Chiaelhnrat meeting. Bylaws 11. and 12 aD- . and am getting. along very well, I 0030 hope M. end Mrs. Basil Byrne. Detroit, with recently nurrhased the property from Mr. NovemberREACH LOAN QUOTAS Mrs, Katherine Byrne and ether relatives. Pointing E. P. Chesney as clerk and nether- I this old war mill soon be. over so we oan all I{arvey Jacobi in which Mr. and Mrs, Robt. uckersmith Municipal Telephone 1 get 'hack home for so n big 11 50 we c day. Mo. and Mrs: Daniel Williams ave spend - System the T the ViotovY loan Mr enzie reside. ng nd System to Invest $S;iubn'e in Local industries are campaign, their quotas Thanking roue Pte. It.aEeed tom Orville 1ni3 n and tMrs. Johnh in [n t Chatham Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Forrest pnu•ahrtsed the 'were given their required readings and. tin- fn the Victory Loan campaign, Mr'. .Menton Thanks wereO77tsL received Spr. C. Coombs, and Detroit. n001101117 on life highway from Mr, Doter ally passed. The Peeve 50d treasurer -chere .Reid, chairman n ofsthe Seaforth committee,hBlHildebrand,Mora fn which Moa. D. E. McKinnon resides. sized to invest $Sfi,250 of the School Announces. Oppress of employees in the Bell GPI, J. A. MCX{,uy, Pte. Wm, W. Powell, John 1,, }bouillon. Miss CA(hkirille O'- O E. Kennedy of the RCINVR, end Mrs. authorized ggg 1 Th usual grant j 0 not complete Mor° than Pte. Bohn J. MOM. Mr. 1 M s James Shea and Mrs. Joseph Kennelly, of `salon, St. John's, Newfound- Rourked ed p 1 t Seaforth Can 1 400 1 been subscube D 11 at 731yth i t 4t0 was o $ MEET with h 7 II t1 EDWIN CHESNEY NA l t the mace n rand in the Victory oan, c Eng ne. o, was r. ant .r.. • Canadian � d 'which is $1;000 land, are visit ngthelattei•'s Parents, Mr. Legion and Council pa was asked to attend ser- over the ciiioFl BIBLE SOCIETY TO Miss Genevieve Feeney.. Toronto, w er and Mrs, .ns. oggar n, vice at Viotossin park on Nov. 11th, In Ileaky Plox Products Limited, 100 Per The annual meeting °f the Seaforth ,pother, Mrs: Kathleen Feeney. Mr: and Mrs. Cornelius and with her ter standing 0 fe ordered alt O has ,. - etrire y ns (look returned The treasurer was ordered to Pay-. $6rs to cent, of .the employees here subscribed a Miss Bernice Donnelly, eney.London, hams a£ 1w days last week T k itl 0 1 beer)reached.branch of the UPDe• Canada. ABible Society M d M Prank Dannelly at their summer home et Grand Bend. snare m -vis on om e.. total etttjon nvaa resented to. council ge- and every effort is betas made to reach the kfondaY jonn. xnfl Preparatiet for the fall with their Parents, kb•. and Mrs• Joseph Eleanor' purl Mr'a, Tu nr. Sr.n r ttuesthng County f' Hmom o e over objective this week. , work. All interested fn t e goo wo ore an, Mies Mary A. Ho portion s road from the ons m the county Society are asked to 12ichard Eoilanzh ILCAF.; . Toronto, with ga lh t d the' M J V Flynn Mira Aliea Kyle, who nnderwenb an oPera- Tarvn of Clinton representing uearem u the. quota of $'3,70 pas ea. be held in the SatvatSon ray parents, r. an rs. • C rt costs to that town Th t E I quota for Senfotth IS $186,000 , i N 13th at 8 o'clock for Misses Mary and Elleet Jardnn, Landon. Mr, and Mrs, TTullo k Jr. and daughter f 7 Brides r aniza4 k with g - p of • t tk that°g h'b d rk of the J l visited this wee attend, Dr. F. Harburn rood saris ordered totfmw� same county. MINISTERIAL' ASSOCIATION ispreaidant, Mr:, nazi is. de I Peter Dill, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. tion 'fn s St, Joseph's Xlospital, London• re- d District t M• 7S THANKS ntly is much imP1•oved tnAi bras bean rm,- or $1 Seaforth, f 'Clinton,"Board, $6.00; cash- relief, y' o - Dep Town of 'Clidiv.dd.court cgs. $6.93, following member's being present: kindly attd generous receptioll, we. FepenOeYPntrick J. O'Rourke who. hits recently Dept. of Health, insulin count Seaforth ,Rept.. Gilbert, Workman and Patton, say to you a. sincere "Thank yon." I i•eeeo. hie commission gat who Ill, recenta, I." ion wreath,.. $10, . rad account .$2,754.76_ Captain S• and Lieut Waterston This week our that check (for i at his home ," thirty days leave. Account of Roll. Engine and Thresher Co. The Seaforth an Js rlc 1n - p LETTER OF JoaePt Si. le ' S min,uy 7 t the home of her nephew, Mr. 1 Dill. re 01,111.44 was passed In the amount of - - Rev. Father Laverty, I. e s e , va. esetnc n ,117.44 and insulin. chargee of $3.45 were Pres Association met in the... First . a.ve,. t0 00nr little Lon<Inn, with Rev. Dr. F. Foulkes. Wm. Itvle, KipPen, Accu paid to the passed •Health. Presbyterian November -CilUPCh vestry on 14101e , To all' those rV110 g Cannel• Leonard Steinbach; Foulkes. wn, and Accounts were Passed as 'f Clowa: Town da NOvem'ber Sth, at 2 p.m., the b Oklet "He Does Cale;"' 501017 a Mrs,. .Steinhnch, Louden, n•itlr Mrs. Kathleen 1' A pint of your blood can save a • wounded service man. Thousands of donors are needed. Call Red Cross Mood Donor Service. VOLUNTEER FOR THE NEXT Blood Donors Clime NOVEMBER 16 PLEAS13i CALL MRS. CLOSE, PHONE 186 ap ala las $100,00). vett forward to Jim Hunter.! James Cutin; R&P., Labrador, with his Telegram B.W.V. F1111d, parents, Mr. and M01. Wm, Caron. Bible 18th meeting on Mo va- Torontohu Fvg. T g The Salva- One hundred of them are going from.; Mrs. C. Maloney and son Andy, LET OUR Wounded Down. Nov. 1 at 8 p.m,. in • e meeting^was closed room to room in Christie Street Mili- accompanied. by Gar. a tt�ht�ersDlpaVitne Don't LD for Blood donations with Army. Tyntario's quota f Cap prayer by Rev, Patton and ,Initiate 1V1ilitary Toronto, and, Loudon, MaloneyofalSt.eMarys. ltspent Sunday at the 1S 12,000 per week,' but in recent Capt. Sims. Ont. 300 of them are well on their home of Mr, Peter Krauskopf. weeps we are falling short of this W.I. TO MEET • I way to (our) boys and girls on then BLAKE quota by 1500 donations. The Seaforth Women's Institute battlefronts, in the camps and in; I Many people think that the war is will meet at Mrs, Wilfred Coleman's hospitals. Mrs, Cm3sitt el Hinsgreen visited her deur nearly won and that there no longer The hookllets are still on sale at 250 Ehler and son -meow, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence is the same need for life, giving plasma. on Tuesday, Nov, be at beautiful t ginb Leach, in aur quantity You may have parks and fanny: This is not the case. The stock pile Roll call will be a bea11t1fU1 thOUght� a shale , h1 this 2 -way clan,, y. All I Miss Marjorde Heitman of Zurich spent theof in prose or poetry.. Mr, H: G. Meir recepits go to British Wal Victims weak end with her cousins, .Mr. and Mrs. beginning of thetwar, indeed since so low is t M. Elliott and Donald. k theproposed municipal d V dully YOM'S The thankoffering meeting of W.M.S. is to the supply that men serving the galls Mr. their blood for nee transfusions Mrs Thomas Dinsmore spent the week end at NinBana 'Falls, save their wounded buddies. Surely Mr.. and Mrs, Sam Hey ware visited by their daughters from London an ' Rev. R. Heat save a splendid address at additional sacrifice. It was decided to hold a united Drop In Blood Donors Is Serious will ansa on propo a Fuii Very cot centre. Please bring any unfinished JOHN BNTATTIID, he hetet on Thunder afteunoon, Nov. 9t a ill the front line areas in Italy when sewing. -. .Beanie's `tic to $1.00 Store. ,'the home of Mrs, ROY McBride. M and Mrs Roy Lamont and Mr. and withdrawn for rest. perods ere rgiving PROPERTY CHANGE B-AYFiELD The residence of Mrs. Jennie B. Hutchi- Miss Madge Houston of ` StanteY son, now of Sl Catharines, 'Ont„ and adult, ed on Jarvis sinet, occupied by Mr. Charles spent, ten days with her sister, Mrs. Baynes, has been sold' through the office of Roy Arlin, of Carlow. - - - - E. C. chamberlain to Mr. John. T. 5lgie' of. Mr, and Ml's. Roy ,Arlin •Of Carlow Tuckersmith Tovmshin, celebrated their third wedding aunty - SPECIAL SPEAKER ersary on Saturday, Nov. 4th. A din- Rev. J. V. Mills, B,A., of Waterloo, will nor was served at night t0 14` guests. be the finest speaker the anniversary ser My. Sam' Houston of •Ba.yilold is vices of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, visiting With his daughter llin'S, Win;. Rev. r.on Sundae, Nov loth. M01att, R M• MillsMrlls is an f Loudon, outstanding speaker as .well as a returned Miss Mal•ie Talbot spout the Weelt Chaplain of ATTEND SERVICE Len Talbot ate] Legion are attending rivet PresbyterianBlue W g this war, end with he` parents, Mr. and 141t•s. LEGION TO The Seaforth Brnnalr 150 of the Canadian Wedding bells are 1']ng1130 on 5110 • 11va: • • I -Ii \ y Church evening service • on Sunday for their Mra 'Fraser, Sterling and ..babe are arrnuctl church particle. All veterans and ser- vice men are requested to join in the parade. spending ' a few flays with Ml, and at OA5 p.m. Mrs. John Turner. ... t d Goctenteh, those soldiers need not make this the Blake church on Sunday afternoon. Mass An urgent appeal goes. out to all M. Hoffman of. Znrieh. 'isensted at the organ• e0 ie betrveon.. the ages of 18 and GO Mr, and Mrs.. C. Clark visited the-foemer's p p d sister, Mrs Finn i- who are DOI 110w regular donors, to a ;tion. at Mies Vena ()mall blood. the Mosson. store at Verne, Mies 'Lower has The- 1o0a1 COtnlriiCtOO in charge taken . a pasitien er the 7,urleh d0ug stere; Mr, anitMrs. Bence \Vniker of Hillsgreen +o, ,,l like t0 Semon least -200 donors at called Mr. - and Ma Harold Finley ling the next clinic On Nov, 16th, fpm mother• land brother :m s s g n come forward attd volunteer their O 1 has taken a nos b1 d lY on _ I Won't you please phone Mrs. Close i i. I�%�C}.I�-LQP 1 at 15G and volunteer for this clinic. Tho Meoiilon Farm ram.. No. 4 Square, Yon can Save a life by so' doling, wns lack] at the home of Mr, R, N. tlorrmtee Giving a pint o1 blood is such an on Monday evening,. Nov, 6111, with an at- tendance othirty. M • Der- east matter compared with the saCM- ranee, sing-- next by Mrs. R. S. Mc- flee Of those whol00' Ve . t*. Kercher: The nest meeting will be held at ' Your blood is .til gellilyneeded rt01 t Contorts by ns i it the home of Mr.: George 0mn11he11 on Nov Don't. let 01n' wotili led. clown ember 13th. • 1 y 1 1 1 1 1 4 a r J 1 tl 1 ' 1 4 1 4 V 111