The Seaforth News, 1944-11-02, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1944
Our values for one week — For Thursday, November 2, till Nov. 6
Sunlight Soap 2 bars 1 1 c
Orange & Grapefruit Marmalade 25c
Woodbury's Facial Soap • 3 bars
Hedlund's Assorted Meat Spreads
7 OZ. TIN 21c
Sani White Toilet "Tissue 3 large rolls 19c
Munchies 2 pkgs. 25c
Princess Flakes per pkg. 250
Odex Bath Soap 3 bars 19c
Cashmere Bouquet Soap3 bars 190
Ovaltine—fon' restful sleep, med. jar -58c large lar 98c
Nutrim I3aby Cereal, 9 oz. pkg. 29c; 18 oz. pkg. 490
Catelli's Chees•a-Roni per pkg. 130
Dr. Ballard's 'Meaties or Kibble Biscuits 25c
Champion Dehydrated Dog Food per pkg. 10c
9 oz.l ar 390
16 oz.t in 23c
per tin Sc
Lipton's Noodle Soup Mix 2 pkgs. 25c
1Tabitant Pea Soup
1-T1llcrost Shortening
Lipton's Small Leaf Tea
s Pimento Stuffed .Olives, 6 oz.
nose jar 29c; ,
Superior'- Baking Powder
Brunswick Sardines
10 oz. tin 10c
1 lb. carton Bic
t/ 1b. pkg. 33e,
Mazda Light Bulbs — 25, 40, 60; Watt each 15c
Flusho — tr batht'oin necessity
Sinko — clears clogged drains
Lifebuoy Shaving Crean
Nage & Savory
Chase & Sanborn Coffee, 1/ lb, bag -25e;
Kellogg's All Wheat with dish free
Kellogg's Oven Fresh Cornflakes
Crosse C Blackwell Thick Meat Sauce
2 in 1 Shoe Polish
Big 5 Cleanser
ivory Snow
per lin 21e
per tin 25e
per tube 33c
per pkg. Inc
1 ib. bag 470
2 pkgs. 25c
—8 -oz. pkgs. 25c
4 oz. bottle 25c
per tin loc
per tin 50
per pkg. 25c
Ross J. Sproat PHONE 8
Art Wright
Spence's Produce
We will not accept deliveries
of Live Poultry unless
previously advised
until further notice
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
The October meeting of the CWL,
was held on Oct, 22. The president,
lire,, V. 3, Lane, opened the meeting
with prayer. The -minutes of the pre-
VIOh1S meeting were read by Mrs. 3'.
Feeney, Letters of thanks were read
by the corresponding secretary from
Rev. Vincent Eckert, Thomas Mel-
ady and the Sisters of the Atone-
ment of Smoky Lake, Sask., for lit-
erature received. The treasurer re-
ported a balance of $216.33; and a
voluntary collection, of $70.10 was
donated by the parish for Christmas
boxes. It was decided to send a let-
ter to Mr.- C. E. Smith thanking the
Salvage Committee for .a donation
of $20, Mrs. J. Kale, Red Cross con-
vener, reported the fall sewing coin -
plated, 40 personal property bags,
10 diapers. 20 sanitary pads, 6 pr.
pyjamas, '90 lhdkfs., 3 quilts. • A quilt-
ing bee was 'held during the month,
18 ladies being present and 3 quilts
completed, one top and lining being
donated by Mrs, H. M. Bricklin, one
top by Mrs. J. O'Hara and one top
by Mrs. Jack Shea. The League re-
cently packed and shipped 18 Xmas
boxes each box containing 1 lb.
Christmas cake, soda biscuits, cook-
ies, meat, honey, cheese, 3 chocolate
bars, soap, flints, razor blades gum,
Icdlcfs., face cloth, towel, shaving'
cream, tooth paste and cigarettes:
Mrs, Lane gave a very interesting
report of the recent business meet-
ing in London. A vote of thanks was
tendered for this report and the
meeting closed with prayer • for the
armed forces.
"Hexed,' Husband Driven to Mulder?
Ti{e "Witch wife" thrust pins into. an.
unholy image, then cursed him with
the real cloth of death. Mad with fear.'
11s' struck out in a frenzy and killed
hrr. Bead this weird real life story of
sinpen5titinus terror in The Amorical!
'Weekly with this Sunday's (Nov. 5)
issue of Tlie 'Detroit 5130(1113' .Tinges, '
Want and For Sale ads, 3 weeks 50e.
A group of neighbors and friends
assembled at the home of Mr, and
Mrs, Terry Flannery_ on Monday
night to honor them prior to their
departure for their new home in
Dublin. An address was read by
James NlcQuaid and presentation
made by Frank Bowman of a tri -lite
floor lamp and a purse of money.
The guests of honor expressed their.
Blanks graciously and extended their
hospitality to the guests. A social
evening followed, music for dancing
being supplied by the Ryan -McQuaid
orchestra. Community singing was
an interesting feature. Dainty re-
freshments were served by a group
of voluntary workers. Mr. and Mrs.
Flannery moved to their new home
in Dublin on Tuesday. It was a novel
experience for Mrs. Flannery, for-
merly Miss Beatrice Purcell, who
was boon on the farm which they are
leaving. They have purchased the
residence of Mrs, Katharine Benn-
Billy Feeney, 12 years, and Leon-
ard Feeney, 10 years, sons of Mrs
Prank Feeney, are the youngest Vic
tory bond purchasers in this district.
Their father died suddenly last Feb
ruary and the family moved to Dub
lin in March. Billy works part time
at the bake strop and assisted Hugli
Benninger during the harvesting.
T,eonard was employed at Dublin
Creamery and assists J. V. Flynn to
deliver milk every morning before
school. With their individual savings
each is the proud possessor of a $50
Victory Bond.
Mr, and Mrs. Dan Williams are
visiting friends in Pittsburgh and
Washington. D.C.
Those from a. distance who attend-
ed the funeral of the late Wilbert
Webster were Mr and Mrs Coffin
Hendry and son, Petawawa Mt and
Mrs. C. L. Bristow, Joan and Betty,
of Royal Oalt, Mich., Mrs. Alice Cud -
more, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cudmore,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore and
Corporal and Mrs, Gordon Cudinore,
of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton,
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Raymond of
Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson
and family of Luckuow, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Cantelon and Mrs. Nay, of Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. Cleadon Christie, of
Sgt. Russell Moffatt and C. Criddle,
RCAF., Aylmer; were week end guests
of Mo. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat.
Sgt. Pilot G. W.. Hutchings, RCAF.,
of McLeod, Alberta, accompanied by
Ins wife and .mother, Mrs. F, L.
Hutchings, of Anaheim, California, ar-
rived in Seaforth last week to spend
a few days at the homes ,of the fornn-
er's aunts and uncles in McKillop,
Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Hawley '. Mr. and
Mrs. Z. and W. McSpadden. Sgt. Pilot
Hutchings is on furlough and has been
posted to Three Rivers, Quebec., for
commando training.
Mrs, Flynn, Toronto, is visiting her
sister Mrs, E. Bannon. .
Miss Mary Duncan, Brescia Hall
London, spent Wednesday with 1101'
parents, Mr. and, Mrs. W. J. Duncan,
Mrs. F L. Hutchings, of Anaheim,
California, arrived in Seaforth last
week to visit relatives, and left by
plane from Toronto for her home in
Mr. and Mrs. C. PIawle • Toronto
arrived in Setilo3,
c rth last week and
have taken tip residence in the home
formerly owned by Mr. 0. A. Bal-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. McMillan
and daughter Marion, London, spent
the week cad with Ml's. H. Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Willis, De-
troit, are guests at the hone of Dr.
and Mrs. F. J. Bechely.
Mrs. P. McIver is visiting in Gode-
rich at the home of Mr. and . Mrs.
Harold Arlin.
Mrs. Wm. Ticleswell, Camlachie,
spent a few days last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bradburn.
Miss Joan 111eMaster, Western 'Uni-
versity, London, visited at the home
of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. A.
Pilot Officer Thomas Silts, RCAF.,
Windsor, spent the wek end with
Mrs. Sills and son.
Driver Kenneth Barry, Camp Bor-
den, spent last. week with his mother
Mrs. James Barry.
Mr. and Mrs. William Neely and
family, Stratford, were visitors at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R
George eeves, over the week end.
Miss Ruth Joynt, Preston, was a
week end visitor at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joynt,
Mr. Wm. Graham and grandson
Wayne, of Stratford, were Wednesday
visitors with Mr. E, Mole and fancily.
Mr. Edward Mole, Laura and Vera
and Mrs. Gordon Millson visited Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Williamson of Walton
on Sunday.
Donald Scott and Oban Mac'l'avish,
of the RCAF., are spending furlough
at their homes here.
LAC. David Grieve left this week
for Uplands, and Mrs. Grieve is visit-
ing at the home of Dr. and Mrs..
LAC Sack Dunlop, Goose Bay, La-
brador; is spending itis furlough at
the hone of Itis parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Dunlop.
Mr, WilliamWilliamFaulkner, Kitchener.
spent the week end at 'the 'home of
his mother, Mrs. F. Faulkner..
Airwoman Vera Hudson, RCAF.,
Fingal, visited with her sister, Mrs.
Scott Iiabkirk and Mr. Habkirk, oven'
the week end,
Mr. George Flunking, London, spent
the week end with his pai1•erts, Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley 'IRanking%
Mr. David Bolton, Waterloo, with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
13011011.13011011.Dr. Friel Stewart, St.Joseph's Hos-
Pital, London, _spent the week ,end
with his mother Mrs. Charles Stewart.
Miss Florence Fowler of 13luevale
visited friends here. –
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Pullman were
in Mitchell on Tuesday attending the
' funeral of her brother the late Sam-
uel Gill.
Mr. Leslie Hogg, Preston, visited,
over the weer: end with his parents,
- Mr, and Mrs. W. Hogg.
Mrs, Andrew Armstrong has moved
_ into Mrs. Herbert Whittaker's house
. on Goderich street, which she re-
cently purchased. Mrs. Whittaker has
moved to Ole Royal Apts. for the
winter, and Mr, Duncan Atkenkead of
Bnueefield will move ince Mrs. Arm-
strong former home on James street,
Misses Florence and Norah Mc-
Qnaul, 'Stratford, spent the week end
with relatives in town.
Miss Betty Matthews, Waterloo,
visited with her parents, Mr. and.
Mrs. Joseph Matthews, over the week
Miss Dorothy Smith, Western. Uni-
versity, London, spent the week end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. M,
At the Summerhill Red Cross
meeting held on Wednesday last
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Chester
Farquhar, tickets were drawn on the
Christmas cakes donated by Mr. and
Mrs. Ephriam Snell. The .first prize,
an 8 -pound Christmas calve, drawn
h' Mrs. Johnston, was won by Mrs.
Forrest of near Summerhill: second
prize, donated by Mr. and Mrs. Wnh.
Lovett, a hhshel' of apples,drawn by
Miss R. Pickett, was won • by Mrs.
Wm. Match, Sr,, of Clinton. Third
prize, a small Christmascake, drawn
by Miss Dorothy Blake, was won by
Elwin Morrell. The proceeds amount-
ing to
e boys from that115ed r1 etch
boxes for:
who are overseas,
Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect
Mrs. L. C. Jackson is visiting in
Word has been received by the
Misses 13tine that Mrs. Ted Peters of
Leanimington pasesd away ten 'days
after the death o1 her husband: She
was the former Miss Louise Punch-
arcl of Seaforth, '
Sgt. Wither A. Ccidkln of Kenore,
Ont., spent the•past weep visiting his
aunts, NIrs, A, Dundas and Mrs, Robs.
Boyd, .and also other relatives in this
vicinity. Sgt. Codicil' served in the
last war.
Mrs. F,, Geddes spent the week 13111
at W3nghiiui. "
1(Ir. and Mrs. Coulon Saunders of.
Detroit visit -ad at the honk of Mr.
Thos, Robinson on Sunday,
Miss Marie Hickey is spending a
week in Niagara Falls ' with her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Canter.
Mr. Robert MoFadzean, Walton, has
moved into the' residence on West
street which he recently pmrchasod.
from Mrs. Andrew Archibald,
DILL,ON.—In Scott Memorial Hos-
pital' on October 30, 1944, to Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Dillon, Dub-
lin, a daughter.
Thomas Gormley, London, with
Mr. and Mrs Jack McCarthy.
Mr, and Mrs Scott, Mitchell, with
Mr. and Mrs Charles; Roney,
Mr. and Mrs. A. )<4, Yeo, Torento,
with Mo, and Mrs. James T. Mal
'Mr. and Mrs, Herb Britton and
family at Grand Bend.
Mr, and Mrs: George Robinson
and daughter Gladys in Stratford.
Mrs. Borden Bayes and son Jack
in Toronto,
Patrick O'Rourke is spending two
weeks with his son,. Rev. Joseph O'-
Rourke at Tilsonburg.
Miss Bernice Manley, Reg.N., of
Kitchener, and Stephen Manley, of
London, with their parents,' Mr, and
Mrs. m. J. Manley.
Misses. Jean and Mary' Jordan, of
London, with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Jordan.
Fred White, RCAF., and Mrs.
White, St. Marys, with Mrs, ICathar-
ine Evans.
Mrs. Frank Elligson of Hamilton
is visiting friends and relatives for
several weeks.
Mrs, Harold Diesel spent several
days with her daughter, Mrs. Don
Markle at Woodstock.
Mr. and Mrs, Russell Sholdice,
Gary and Warren, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Dave Sholdice near
Nnc Mogk, M 'k who was con-
g ,
fined to Stratford hospital for two
weeks with infantile paralysis, has
returned to her home and is recov-
ering nicely.
The schools have opened after be-
ing closed for several weeks owing
to the infantile paralysis.
Mrs. Elizabeth Leonhardt is con-
fined to Stratford hospital.
Mr. Martin Kistner underwent an
operation for appendicitis in Strat-
ford hospital last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. I4illebrecht of
Cleveland attended the funeral of
the late Fred Elligson and visited
relatives over the week end.
Mr. and -ND's. W. L. Querengesser
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querenges-
ser and Ivan, Mr. and Mrs, Ed.
Smith and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Hinz, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Bode, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurdell
and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Sholdice, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Flinn
attended the funeral of the late Mrs
Frank Hinz in. Kitchener on Wednes-
day of last week.
Miss Norma Hillebrecht left for
Galt to work.
The flowers on the altar of St.
Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday
were placed there by Mrs. William.
Moreno, her daughter and niece 'ip
memory of her husband, Wm. Mor-
eno. Two baskets of flowers were in
memory of the late Fred Elligson.
Mrs. Machetski, a missionary from
British Guiana, will be a guest
speaker at St. Peter's Lutheran
Church on Friday evening. Everyone
is welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz and fa -
mily spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Con Sippel at Tavis-
The localbeet ring held its in
meeting Monday evening in. August
IIillebrecht's shop with 30 members
Present Ecl, Scherbarth presided,
9,793 pounds of beef were distrib-
uted at three prices, 23c, 22c, 21c.
It was decided to continue next year
with the same -officer's.
The W.M.S. and W.A. held their
October meeting on Wednesday of
last week at Mrs. Freeman Horne's.
There were twenty-eight present.
Mrs. Sherwood Brock and Mrs. Wm.
Routly prepared" the program, the,
latter taking charge, and opening
with the hymn "Take time to he
holy ' Mrs. Everett. Skinner read tlie.
Scripture lesson after which Mrs.
Harry Ford led in prayer. A poem
"Why" was read by Mrs, Delmar
Sk{ner. Mrs, R. E, Pooley gave a very
interesting report of the South
Huron Presbyterial held at Kippen
recently. The hymn, "What a friend
we have in Jesus," was sung and Mrs.
Mali gave a splendid talk on
!'Mothers and Education." The meet-
ing closed with Mizpah benediction.
Afterothe meeting .a sale of miscel-
laneous articles was held with Mrs.
Harold Bell capably acting as auc-
tioneer, the suns of about fifteen dol-
lars was realized.
Sgt, harry Murch and Mrs. March.
Donna and Ronnie, or Woodstock.
spent the week end with relatives
Mr. Billy Brock of Crunllln was 0
visitor with his mother the end of
the weak.
'1Ir. and Mrs. Newman Baker of
Wellburn were visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ford on Thursday
of last. week.
Last Sunday Meal weather prevail-
ed for the fall anniversary scores.
which were held in this church. Rev.
Yloodger of Kirklon waa 1110 spc'.+icer
In the morning and gave 0 splendid
address, Ili the evening Rev. E. Ald-
wut'th of St, Preached a fine
sermon. The clhNlarys poir sang anthems al
both services. The floral decorations
of chrysanthemums brightened the
church with their lovely coloring.
Among the visitors who attended
these services were: Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Rundle and family, 3Ii', and
1VIrs. Jas. Cottle, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Kirkland and• Malcolm of Thames
Road Mrs. Harding, Mrs Ed Johns,
,Miss Hazel Johns. Cpl M. Marclh•
gison. Mr, and Mrs; Chas. Fisher and
family of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Art
Ford. Lois and Irwin of Farquhar;
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe; Mh.
and Mrs. Wes Veneer of Chlselhurst:
Mrs. M. Routly of Woodham; Mr. and
Mrs. Alec Crago and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. 23111is and children of Kirk -
ton, Mrs. Nelson Baker of Centralia;
Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Whiteford of
On Monday night, October 30th,
neighbors and friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Terry Flannery gathered at the
home of NIr. and Mr's. Bill Ryan to
Cardno's Hall
Friday Night
Music' by "THE CLIF
Admission, 35 cents
bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Flan-
nery before their departure to their
new home in Dublin. Mr. James Mc-
Quaid read the address and Mr.
Frank Bowman presented them with
a trilight floor lamp and a purse of
money on behalf of their many
neighbors and friends, The address
was as follows: "Dear Mr, and Mrs.
Flannery: We, your friends and
neighbors, have gathered here this
evening to spend a few happy hours
with you on the eve of your depart-
ure to your new home. We are
pleased to know you are not going
far away and it is our hope that we
shall oftenthe have pleasure of see-
ing you. It was with regret that we
learned you were going to leave
your old` home as you have always
been willing to lend a helping hand
wherever needed. As a slight token
of the respect and esteem in which
you are held by us, we ask you to
accent this gift. May it serve to re-
grind you of your many friends and
we hope that you will return to visit
us at any time. Wishing you the best
of happiness and good luck in your
new home. Signed on behalf of your
Neighbors and Friends.
Sponsored by Hullett Fed-
eration of Agriculture
Thur., Nov. 9
Rex Frost
Will be the speaker
Admission 35c
SALE! Dollars at Half Pri,
Sounds like a sure -thing bargain. But how many of us realize that in Canada
we're getting dollars at Tess than half the price of other years
..,at a
fraction the price in many. other countries to day. Here's what we mean. A dollar'
is worth as much as It will buy. And to day your dollar buys atleasttdviue
ssmuch as it did inthe last war ®y . For instance, your ® buys a boy o•r
1110 114
laundrysoapthatoost i ` inthosedays.Today, goucan buy the same lquolit
felt fedora for `gip that set you back SBso then,Truly your dollar is half
price since itbuys twice as much. Price ceilings and other anti-inflafiionargl1
measures have kept its value HIGH! And you protect your dollars worth
every time you buy a bond ?°.. pay offa debt °QPM ..refuse to hard ods
frequent black markets. That's how to make dollars count MOR E
y, evi4
I promise to give my support co keeping :ha cost
of living down. I will buy only what 1 need. T
will observe the ceiling whether huy!ng n, rete
ing goods or services.I will pay off old . is•bca,
save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and
War Savings Certificates. And I will support
taxes which help lower the cost of living,
sac'. ,.weal the day., tb.t inflationrepresents for all the people of the. Nation.