HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-11-02, Page 2SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON November 5 THE CHRISTIAN AND THE RACE PROBLEM Luke 10:25.37; Acts 10: 9.111, 94, 35; 17: 22-31, Golden Text.—Of a truth I per- ceive that God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is acceptable to him. Acts 10: 34, 35. Some seem to be of the opinion that race discrimination was a pro- duct of Hitler and his Nazi party. Others think of it as starting in the • days of Lincoln. However, as , we turn to God's word, we find it was most prevale.l: centuries ago. Israel was the chosen race, and the Israelites were jealous of their position. In the days of Christ, we remember how the woman at the well spoke of the Jews having no dealings with the Samaritans. The gospel message of Salvation through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, was first given to the Jews, who hesitated to impart the good GET THE MOON SIGN BOOK These and many other questions are explained in a simple, non- technical, yet scientific and pradtic- al manner, to help you work in harmony with Nature for good results. Why do successful farmers plant potatoes in the dark of the Moon? Why do florists plant seeds in the 2nd quarter and a certain Moon Sign? When to plant wheat, corn or any other seeds for best results? When to transplant, prune, graft, destroy weeds, cut timber, set posts, etc.? Whet are the best dates for setting eggs, hatching, breeding, fishing? Why should you plant flowers in Libra on a certain date and Moon's phase? When are the best times to buy, sell, collect, rent, travel, move, or build? whet are your most favorable and important days of the year? To marry? When to get a permanent wave or hair cut, employment etc.? Thousands- use the "Moon Sign Book" successfully because it gives bast dates (and times) for Farming, Gardening, Planting, Fishing, Poul- try Raising, Business and. Personal Affairs, etc., according to the Cor- rect Moots Signs. Postpaid $1.26. Order from Prot. Jackson, Room 3, 220 Moor St. W., Toronto 5. news to the gentiles. Because of this, the Lord gave Peter this les- son, which if practised by all na- tions, would give us some hope for a lasting peace. To answer the prayer of Cornel- ius, God moved in a wonderful way, giving Peter this revelation of mankind in the Lord's sight. Peter's Vision While the servants of Cornelius were approaching Peter's residence, the Lord caused Peter to fall into a trance. In the trance Peter saw what appeared to be a great sheet let down from heaven, containing all manner of animals. He was given the invitation to arise, kill, and eat. Peter was very hungry, and it was a strong temptation to accept the invitation to partake, but Peter's desire to abide by the Jewish Laws overruled, To impress Peter, the scene was repeated three times. Following his refusal to eat, a voice spoke to him, saying, "What God hath cleansed, that call not thou coni - mon". Coming out of the trance, Peter pondered as to its meaning. With the coming of Cornelius' ser- vants with a request for him to come to Caesarea, Peter realized the vision referred to the gentiles, not meat. It was a message to him that "God is no respecter of persons," "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." All Are Sons Of God When we came into the world we had no choice in regards to a yellow, black or white skin. Neither were we able to choose our nationality. This was some- thing over which we had no control. Why we were born rich or poor, black or white, was in the Crea- tor's hands. "Who giveth life to all". It is only by God's goodness that we are what we are, so let us not look upon the less fortunate with contempt, Regardless of our posi- tion, language, or color, we are of one blood, and it the Lord's will that we should be born into one family, becoming sons of God, through believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. May we "Honour all Wren, Love the brotherhood. Fear God, Honour the king". For sewing on colored fabric, use thread slightly darker for a good match, GIV f/TILL tS Mid per a 0' i Res sir, I've seen tires come and ace But for consistent hlah quality and Mileage Firesto,'os aro still tops. And no wonder! Look et au rh. extra valises you tet- * VUamte Rubber-Firestane's new method of fortifying robber with Vitali,' gives extra protection against weather cbeckina and wear. Gum-Dipping—Evert fibro of every cord is insulated against tnternsl friction and weer. • Sohl -Lock Cord.—Tightly woven, stronger cords enfti-locked togethes for extra strength. Gear -Grip Tread-Theaeands ed sbarprdge angles -.provide extra proteetlon against skiddb,g and - are scientifically designed for extra -lone wear. If ran are eligible to ba' new tires be care to aped(' Firestone ... the tires shah star infer, longer. 4Tit eswweesea.., :, ae ! to ySi u , . (48. Y VICTORY BONDS CANDIDATE Mr.. J. M. Macdonnell, who re- cently resigned as President of Na- tional Trust Co. to devote himself to public life, and is the Progressive Conservative candidate in the Mus- , koka - Ontario riding, -has an- nounced that he is resuming the practice of law. Industry Assured Banks Will Lend Aid The notion that banks would not finance industry in the west was scored as "perfect nonsense" by S. G. Dobson, vice-president and gen- eral manager of the Roval' Bank, recently, "The -banks will finance industry anywhere it is feasible," said Mr. Dobson, who was in Regina on his way through to the west coast on a business trip, As for industry in the west, he pointed out that there were hundreds of factories in Winnipeg and Vancouver. If anyone were to start develop- ing industries i n Saskatchewan, the banks would help to finance anything that was economically sound, "We do not turn down any business just because -of its loca- tion," said Mr. Dobson. —Regina Leader -Post Nazi Lunch "Hour" Cut To 15 Minutes German factory workers have had -their lunch "hour" reduced to 15 minutes. Hitler's newspaper, the Voellascher Beobachter, says there has been too Bruch idling in res- taurants and lunchrooms in factory districts, One worker must be ap- pointed a "table fuchrcr" to see that his companions do not over- stay their allotted time. Retie r1Myt =aehePj M Aigallmsmogogsgageager Aspirin Eases Headache Almost immediately Genuine Aspirin's new prices now make it easier than ever for you to get fast, effective relief from headache misery. WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST See with your own eyes why Aspirin takes hold of pain a few minutes after taking. Drop an Aspirin Tablet into a gla.s of water. Almost instantly it begins to dissolve. And thatm sa e fast action takes place in your stomach. That's why Aspirin relieves you so quickly. For years Canadians have relied on Aspirin for fast relief, for effective relief—above all—for dependable relief. Get Aspirin at your druggist's today! NEW REDUCED PRICES Pocket Box of.12:...... ...now 18, Economy Bottle f 24 " now 29c Family dm of 100. " now 79c ASPIRIN The Bayer cross oneach table) is your guarantee that It's Aspirin Headache e ' Nothingismoredepres. ( sing than headaches... Why suffer?...Lambly's will give instant relief. Lambly'slsgood for ear- ache, toothache, pains in hack, stomach, bowels, %kad LA M B LV'S HEADACHE POWDERS_ ti WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Sub -Zero Test As a result of experiments con- ducted last Winter 'under the su- pervision of Canadian scientists, the clothing and equipment of Ca- nada's armed forces will be more comforting and more serviceable in sub -zero weather. The experiments were carried out at four different points in Ca- nada in an attempt to determine the value of every possible item of equipment. About 1,000 men from the Cana- dian forces were used in many of the experiments, and in one of them a group of soldiers broke the ice on the Saskatchewan River to test what type of boot would best repel the cold and damp. The men stepped into the numb- ing water on a day when the tem- perature had dropped to 25 below Tera. They paddled ponderously about and then stood inactive on the shore for an hour before re- suming a 15 -mile trek to Prince Albert, Sask. Their reactions told the commit- tee more about the type of clothing for folks with sniffly Quick relief from tho wady, sneezy, stuffy distreos of head colds ea le what you want. So try Va-tro-nal—a few drops up each nostril —to reduce congestion, soothe irrltationi And Va-tro-nal also helps prevent many colds -from developing if used directions Tin folder. VRES VA1 •1® SPodal Dautls-Duly Noss Drops Yiorhs fast 3i1 i+►lkhorsTroutlo ls' AusrarnrE,el'rlllfex CANADA'S ONLY ALL -FABRIC DYE! s, 1 TINTEX 55 GUARANTEED ..to DYE ALL FABRICS , INCLUDING CELANESE,, ,sw�NYLON AND MIXTURES ... TINTEX THE BEST VALUE . . THE BEST QUALITY EVER! • xintex THE NEW ALL:PABRIC ;�I5 $DLO .EVERYW IIERE 140'r, INCREASE INPRICE: and equipment necessary for coral" monis conducted in an artificial ice - fort and serviceability in sub -zero Ihouse, the Army said 'in press re - weather than a thousand experi- lease. ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS INCOME -TAY REPORTS, complete monthly Bookkeeping Services, small businesses our - specialty. A. Brett & Company, 8 Wellington Street. East, Toronto. BABY CRICKS PULLETS: YOU WILL BE PLEAS - ed with the quality and surprised at our low prtoes on Burred Rocks, White Leghorns, New Hampshires and Hybrid pullets 18 to 28 weeks old. Day Old Chicks: Don't delay another day. Send, for Carly booking pricelist for 1949 chicks today, You will. not only aave- money by booking your order early, but- youwill receive chicks on the date you. desire them. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chicle Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. WANT LAYING PULLETS? WE have some ready now. And a few dayolds. Write for fiat and prices. Still have some copies of the Re- port on Ontario's 1944 Poultry Conference,' Valuable andinstruc- tive. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont, REDUCED PRICES ON LAYING and ready to lay Barred Rock, New Hampshire, White Leghorn and Hybrid pullets. It will pay you to get our prices before buy- ing. Lastyear we turned down orders for -thousands ofchicksduring peak season, To receive the breed of chicks you desire and when you want them place your order now. We give an Early Order discount and guarantee the prices against a raise or decline. Send- for catalogue, and pricellat today. Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario. - DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We "aro glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment H, Parlcer's Dye Worlcs Limited, -701 Yonge Street, To- ronto. Fon SALE "FAIRWAY" IT CLEANSI— AS IT WAXESI— AS IT POLISHES! Quick Efficient Floor Tooll Cana- dian Patent. Material, workmanship, guaranteed. Full directions with each 'Fairway," only $6.76 express Paid, C.O.D.'403 Gerrard Street, Toronto. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold rebuilt; belts pulleys, brushes, Allen Electric Company Ltd, 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto, ARMY BOOTS NEWLY RECONDITIONED BOUTS of our armed forces, perfect con. dition, $3.26 delivered Money- - back guarantee. Statesize, send money order. Rusltin & Co., Peterborough, Ont. NEW HAIR GROWTI-I, OR YOUR money back. 'hot is the guaran- tee behind Luxnl", the amazing formula for eliminating dandruff, baldness falling and thinning hairy $1.ri0 and $2.75 at all drug- gists—or direct from Luxul Pro- ducts, Windsor, Ont.> ANIMAL SNARES, (STEEL CABLE, lock, swivel). Fox 53.00 dos,.Coy- ote 54.00 doz. Prepaid, Write for free snaring Instructions and cir- culars on Indian trapping meth- ods, snares, lures, etc. Bill Hoff- man, Russell, Man. JUST - RECEIVED A FEW ALL - covered -In Laundry Sleighs and Wagons, all in good used ser- viceable r- viceable condition. o $0 each. Genuine Buffalo Sleigh Robes 360.00 each, F.O.B. on receipt of Money Order. P. Power, 800E Richmond Street, Montreal, Que.. TAMWORTH, WEANLING PIGS, both sex, Registered in buyer's name. Ready to ship November 1, 12,00 each. Wesley W. Fisher, , 6, Goderlch, Ontario. SLIPiT HARNESS DRESIOJNG. FINEST leather and harness preservative. Sliplt also has many household uses 25c up at most grocery, hard- ware and chain stores, A product of Lloyds Laboratories, Toronto. CARROT JUICE EXTRACTOR, eleget, Juices ell fruits end lev afy vegetables. Mr. Read, Rex 3 f nlernan r.n. oratorio F011 SALE 31 1301YS I SHARE ON $L2„000 VIC- tory Villa at beautiful Chestnut Hills in Islington, open forinspec- tion, Sponsored by Col. Strelght Branch, 210, Canadian Legion. Proceeds tor, a Memorial Hall now nearing completion. Send 01 to M. Evans, Sec., Islington. TWILIGHT, REGISTERED CAN- adian 16(6G, American 4055, hack- ney pony mare, 13.2 hands, foal- ed 1930. Sire Imp. Holland Mag- nate,dam imp, Trifle Fancy. Would make grand brood mare. Write or wire R. S. Rall, 21 Maple St., Galt, Ont. BOURBON RPI) TOMS, PRO M Bloodtesled stock otter November lot. 010 00 each, Sun Rise Porker Ranch, Brockville, Ont, DOGS FOR SALE FOR SALE REGISTERED COCI{ER spaniel pups, pet and show stock. Martindale 'Kennels E(eg'd., 804 Downie St., Stratford, Ont, SHEEP FOIL SALE LEICESTER YEARLINGS AND Rein lambs, can spare a few ewes all ages. Write for prices or call and see them. J, M. Chapman, Caledonia. REGISTERED SUFFOLK, DOWN Ewe and Ram lambs. Good quali- ty. Prices reasonable. Francis Powell, Clinton, Ont. MACHINERY REPAIRS MACHINERY REPAIRS GENERAL MACHINE SHOP WORK ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING METALLIZING HAVE YOUR WORN SHAFTS AND BUSHINGS MADE LIKE NEW BY THE NEW METAL SPRAY PROCESS ALL WORK GUARANTEED Godson Contracting Co., Ltd.' Union St., Toronto JUNCTION 7360 MACRINPRY FOR SALE CATERPILLAR TRACTOR. DR4; Snow Plough 'V' type with side wing; Double Drum Stearn Winch 66 h.p.: Double ,Urunt Gasolene winch -8U h.p., Winch with air cooled motor; Universal Joints for Hydraulic, Hoists, Richler Truck & Auto Parts, 874 Wellington W., Montreal. TRACTOR. GENERAL hIUDEL G.0. ONLY 4 years Old, used entirely by one Farmer during the period on first class rubber. Made by Cleveland Tractor Co., everything in perfect order. Also 4 Cylinder White En- Jlne &Chassis with dual wheels ust what a Farmer needs around Farrar for odd jobs, with a Ford Model T moulted un same form- erly used In conjunction With a grinder. Apply 1001 Duffel'in St., FORDSON TRACTOR, RECONDI- tlonetl, steel wheels, 5270, 15 La Plant Ave., Turontu, x."ntc.n:, 1,'O1t 621.1.E IDEAL MEDIUM DAIRY FARM, fenced and tiled. -Hydro and Water serviced building's, wind an d lightning protected; rail and bus 0 comtnou'elal outlets, McKenzie, Princeton, Ontario. 103 Ac.1330S, 1 211LE WEST 010 Kitchener lbulty Kitchener -Strat- ford highway'. Charles W. Moser,. R,R, 4, Kitchener. E0 ACRES, 1?{, MILES \VEST 010 Alliston, 2utl lut north of No. 89 Highway; good buildings. Charles Lowery, 06,10. 1, Allietoo. 166 ACRES, CLAY LOAM, LEVEL, all workable, good tractor farm Ideal for wheat end clover, bank barn, brick house, ' implement shed, hydro, near highway and school, 4 miles Troon CoulcatuWir. Frank Bruno', Thornton, Ont. LEEDS COUNTY ON 1IA1N ROAD, near schools, church, cheese fac- tory, 100 acres tolling land, 4 acres lake shore JU acres hush, balance cultivated gond frame, 6 bech'ooned hat, t burn and stabl es. Otvtrer retiring, o eters at reduced price. Easy terms. Rhodes - Munro and Co,, 43 191gin St., Ot- tawa. 119 ACRICS, 20 ACRES OF 130811, - 80 acres good tractor land large bank barn, 2 hot Se stone,1 furnishings optlonal; 2r,( miles from the tewll of Durham, 11 Cawthra Sc.,lToronto, - IN - VILLAGE 01" OMCDONALD'S' Corners, County of Lanark, half mile from Lake Dalhousie. Seven - roomed frame house. Remodelled recently, Electricity -Wired for stove. Three-pieee bath, cistern wood -burning furnace. Excellent hawrdwoodfloors, ed ter at door, sused alog anda rce hall, 1'A acres of good land. Ideal Property for either Sunnner home or tourist camp. Sacrifice for quick sale. For particulars apply George W. King, Tweed, Ont,. LANARK COUNTY—NEAR PERTH, 100 acres—oay loam -70 cultivat- ed -10 maple bush—attractive 4 bedroom brick home—good barns stables — outbuildings — near school, church—etc. Aged owner retiring -- offers at attractive price further particulars -- Rhodes-Munro &' Company, 40 El- gin Street, Ottawa. -. fIA11tUEtESS AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hairdressing ut Can- ada's finest and largest schools. Refined, dignified work, Splendid pay. Write or 6011 for tree liter- ature, Marvel Hairdressing .Schools, 355 Moor Street, Toronto, Branches 44 King Street, Hamllten, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method, information on request regarding classes, ' Robertson's Hairdressing, Aced- emy, 117 Avenue Road, Toronto., MEDICAL IT'S EXCELLENT, REAL RESULTS after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and .Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 01.00, STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health In humans, all ages. No one ;m - mune! Why not find out If this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT the good results from taking' Dixon's Remedy for Rheunttttio Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. NEURITIC PAINS? I>;E12E'S HOW' to relieve that pain. take Fermol Rheumatic Arthritic Pails Tablets. At your .druggist's or send $1.00today and receive one month's supply postnald. Fennel Distributors, Box 712, London, Ont. FIG -LAX TABLETS, A POSITIVE: corrective for constipation, slug- gish liver, disordered stomach and bowels. 25e at dealers, or by mall, 2 boxes 60e; 5 boxes $1.00; write leig-Lax Products, Wood- stock, Ont. - BAUMEEICA FOOT I3ALM destrnya offensive. odor Instantly, 45e bottle, Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. MIUS10AL 1NS'r It UM 19N'1'S num A. B00D1NUTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. O PPOItTI'NI'e719 • MEN” .0 WOMEN BECOME :1 TI:Lb0G1AP1iE.rt OR station ngcnt through self- teach-ing boosts, Thon-e specialized books have trained many employees now on the railway. Purchase these boolcs and plan your 0aree' ttt small cost. Free folder. Cassell Systems, 35 Blour W., Toronto. :•RO'Tut:u n Per t TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films pl'nperly developed and printed 8 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c :REPRINTS 8 for 20c PINL'ST ENLA11'1INN SERVICE, You may not get all the ohms yon want this year, but you 'call get all the qua ity and service you desire by wild ng your Mina to IMPERIAL PHOT(/ SERVICE Station J. Toronto O'eOtRSONAL. "ELI l l' 0 )I I N G BEFORE Christ," wonderful book free. 'Megiddo -Mission, Rochester 11. N.Y. twrENTS FETIIE1tSTONTIA UGH & COMPANY Patent 'Solicitors. Established 1800; 1.4 Bing West, Toronto. IJoel:let of In forma lion on re- ollest. TANNING ,1.' IAX1DE1tf1Ey DEER 1114AD84 WANTED, will pay. good i) ire for large Buck Heade, long necks not 500 110 the throat. Write for lin rtie u I ars. , 1. DP 'iI .�1)S mounted reasonable Prices, Dl ill: 111 1'S tanned into glove leather. We also buy Deer Hides. BL'Alt 1011)E8 tanned and made into Floor Rugs, and Robes. FOX SKINS & FURS tanned and made into Neckpieces. DLT\ ER S1•A\Uilt 00, LTD. 20A Elm Street, 'Toronto WA ST1i1) WANTED TU UU0 ALL KINDS Ola hard wood and soft w000 logs, also small quantity bolts. Write )3og'don & Gross, Furniture- Co. Ltd., Walkerton, Ont. SAFES WANTED IN GOOD CON- dittol 1 & J. Taylor, Limited, 145 Front St. E„ Toronto, OLD BOOKS — MAGAZINES PRE-WAR UNITED STATES OR English publications wanted. Jokes, true -type detective, magic, ,spicy,. privately prInted, London. Life, Calgary E2'e Openers, nny-. thing unusual In loons or meg- azines. Tlighest prices paid Ira- medlately. Write listing titles to Box 178, 73 Adelaide W., 'Toronto. PORTABLE SAWMILL WANTED. A. linker, Gra venhurat, -Ontario. WANTED 7:0 I3UY, 130811 LANDS or Farms containing bush lands, suitable to cut furniture lumber. WrBgdar, rniture Co,ite Ltd„oWalkne& rtoGn,oseO nt,Fu WANTED 100 TO 200 ACRE FARM within radius' of 20 miles of To- ronto with good river or stream. ter, Must be reasonable price. State all particulars„ in first let- Others need not reply. Box 180,, 73 Adelaide \V., - Toronto.