HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-10-26, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1944. HENSALL Rinehart; 'The G. String Murders, Lie; This is murder lvtl Janes, Gar - Mr. John John D. Craig and sister, Ills ler; The case of the Snit** girl, Gar- diner; The moving finger. • Ciii•istie;. IIaiinlih Craig, have returned aft.t.r a The Devil to pity,. Queen. Non - pleasant visit in Mousejatt, Sas;r . Fiction: Since you Went away, Wild - and other points, during the pat err; he Ten Commandments, Robin- - three months. They report 1»'osperlti' son; The' Queen was in the Kitchen, and good crops in the west this year. McVickers; Aunt 'Hattie's place, Jac Jack Tudor of the RCAF 'Toronto, titles, Flistory of the Canadian Peo- spent the week end with his parents: pie, 'Lang; Pageant of Canadian His. Mr, and Mrs. Stan Tudor. tory. Peder We. stood alone., Adams„ Miss. Olive Walker, RN., of A1banY Young Lady Randolph. Kraus; Lake Hospital, New York, is holidaying Huren, Landon; Onward to Victory, with her parents, Air. and 1\li's. Geo. C'hurrhill; We live in Alaska, 1=Ie1• Walltel'. Ellei s; the great. decision, Shot - Dir, and Mrs. Norman Janes spent well* The tiiue for decision, Wells; Stat' craft, Balton & Joseph; Living Giiig'aphies of Great Poets, Thomas:; Mice, :then and Elephants, Zinn; Re rive your old furniture, Sloane; The Science of fighting fire, McCarthy; Science. Religion and the future, spent the week end at the home of Raven; Whichhind of Revolution, their parents, ;sir, and Mrs, Robert 1=terrtdge. Juvenile — Boys Book of Munn, Woodcraft. art. F rgans; Paddle to the Keith Buchanan of the RCAF., Sea, Holling; Travelling with the Trenton, spent the week end at his. Births, Boulton; Tom Sawyer abroad, home here with Mrs. Buchanan, vain; Cherry Antes, Army Nurse, Mrs. E. L. Mickle, Bobbie and wens; The Tower Secret, Garia; he Charles are visiting with 1110. and nriuisheci House, The frame on the Bracelet, Sutton; The Mystery of Pelican lore; he Mystery of Myrtle Glove, The Mystery of the Bradley Pearls, Radford; Peggy covers the news, Bugbee, Rusty wants a Dog, Gates; Tall Book of Nursery tales, Rojankorsky; W9aitefott the Wood Mouse, Old Granny Fox, Mother West Winds ,'When Stories", Bur- gess; Gale Gardner wins her cap, utton; Susannah of the Yukon, Den- nison; Soloman. Mountain; A day in tl e Brown; Squealters Pyjamas, Ttotman the week end with their daughter. Miss Kathleen Jones and other rela- tives in Toronto. • Miss Helen Munn. nursing sister, Trenton Mrs. Harald Munn of Pelts and Mrs. Gordon T. Munn of London, Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle in Riclge'town. Mr, and Mrs. Cornelius Cook spent Sunday at the home of the latter's. brother, Mn T. G. 'Hemphill in Wrox- eter, Mr. Roy Palmer of Windsor vis- ited with his mother, Mas. Parhner. Mr. end Mrs. Howard of London and lIr. and Mrs. Ray Lan -utile of Centralia visited with Mrs. Laramie and Miss Greta Lanunie. Mrs. Wesley Jones, Patsy and Larry are visiting at the home of Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Corbett this week, The many friends of Mr, Hugh McEwen Jr, are pleased to hear he is recovering from his recent opera- tion and able to return hone from 1H the hospital. Miss Amy Laramie of London I 1 r. an Hahn;The Bine Castle, spent the 'week end with her mother, M I' Mrs..Lanunie and sister, Miss Greta ( ''Iontgomery; ithout Orders, Al - rand; Early Summer, Corbett; The Moving Finger. Christie; The Case of the Absent Minded Professor, Stein; The Sea Wolf, London; Wall of Eves, Millar; The R'ock and the friends gathered in the town hall, wind, B1eth It , My Love Must Hensel', on Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Elgie who were recently married. The ev- p ening was spent in dancing to music f by Murdock's orchestra. The bride and groom were presented with a bedroom suite, The accompanying address was read by Mr. Mollis of. Kippen. The groom made a fitting reply of thanks and all joined in singing "For They Are Jolly Good' Fellows,' Refreshments were served. Keep the date open Oct. 31st for the Hallowe'en masquerade in Hen- l' sell town hall sponsored by the Girls Dance Club, proceeds for war work. Music by Russ Lansing's orchestra, formerly Ted Pudney. Miss Betty Sweitzer -visited rec- ently with Mrs. Robt. McKenzie, Miss Marion Maclaren of Godeticlt spent the past week visiting lvillt Miss June'Saonderenek. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Foster and Billie of Blyth were week end visit- ors with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster. 11Iiss Margaret Tudor of Goderich visited over the week end with her Parents, Dir, and Ml's. Stan Tudor. Miss Margaret 1lacLal•en of Water- loo spent a few days last week at the home of her parents. -lir, and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren, Card of Thanks James A. Gordon wishes to extend his sincere. thanks and appreciation to ill the relatives and _fr'iends, the Rev, Mr. Williams, also the bearers, up011 the recent bereavement o!. his. mother, 81t's. Alexander Gordon. le Jungle, Lowery; The Little Chick - u that: would not go to bed, Deihl; FOR SALE Vea'y Willie and Sunny c'..."e FOR SALE 21 pigs eight weeks old. ,Frank Fowler, phone 616r1G, Clinton central, 30q, miles west of Seaforth, FARM FOR SALE Lot 26 and. 27; Con. 4, LRS., TuCk- ersmith, 160 acres, new steel barn, cement silo, two storey house, leen house and garage never failing supply of water, most 'be sold .10 close estate o1 the late D. i.Cotheninghaut, Reason- able terms, For particulars apply to W. Fotheringhanr, Seatorth, R.R.3. FOR SALE 25 Rock pullets 5% months old. Phone 6541'11. Mervyn Lane. FOUND Two 'Durham yearlings. strayed to the prenllses of . Gilbert Min'raY• .Plicae 23r20:r Dublin. FOUND Stray clog, collie,"black Marking on back, tan head and underbody. Phone 121, Seatorth. FOR SALE Pick your own Spy apples. Also good farm wagon for sale,. and hay rack; Prost & Woocl gang plow. Fred Slavin, Phone 841.32, I-Iersa.11. FOR SALE 14 Durham steers 760 lbs.; 4 Dur- ham heifers, 760 lbs.; 1'7 Durham calves; 4 Durham cows due Dec, 10; 1 Durham bull coming three years• old, purebred. Arnold Dale, phone 8.01x3, .Clinton., f Auction Sale AUCTION SALE Of Household .Furniture in Brussels.) At the hone of the late Miss Currie, on Wednesday, Nov. let, at 1 o'clock sharp, Currie, R ttssell Ctt e Zewis Rowland, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Or Household Furniture of the Estate of the late Mrs. John Oliver, at Brussels, ori Saturday, Nov, -4th, at 1 o'clock. James Oliver, Executor. Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer, • Spy apples, Dick your own, 50c a bag, Graham herr. I Of Chattels and Live Stock,—By direction H.C.L.A. books in circulation at FOR SALE Of Household Effects, At the home of Mrs, Wit, Walsh, Walton, On Sat- urday, Oct. 28th, at 1 o'clock sharp: 1 iron bed, 1 brass bed, 1 set coil springs, 1. double bell mattress; 1 single bed mattress; 3 dressers; . 2 wash stands; 1 gateleg table; 1 library table; 2 odd chairs; 1 fancy table; 1 radio stand; 0 cane bottom chairs; 3 leather seated chairs; 1 rocking chair'; 1 arm chair; 2 uphol- stered chairs; 2 odd chair's; 1. suttee and chair' to match; 1 Hall rack; 1 fernery; 1 child's cutter; number of flower pots, 1 iron kettle, odd dishes. Terms cash. Louis Rowland, Auctioneer, Mrs. 'Stem. 'Walsh,Proprietress. Auction Sale of the Public Trustee of Ontario the follow -. Public Library for three ing live stock and chattels will be offered Eight good Yol'le pigs. Pllolte 14 011' Inc enle by publle auction on the premises of tionths: Fiction—Ellen Spring, Ma- Tohn Henry Lm1e, Lot 10, Con. s, hlcl illop 333, Seaforth. I Township, 0J .. miles east of Seaforth and 1t/t ion; The Golden Skylark, Goudge; north, on the 27th of October at 12,30, Lannue. Bride and Groom Honored— A large crowd of .relatives and e on• Wait, Hill; She Carne to the Valley, ] Dawson; The Stranger's Gate, Op- I Auction Sale 1 enheim• The Crimson Thread, Lan- Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, arty; There Is Today, Lawrence; Oct, 28111. FOR SALE 1 Quebec heater, 1. writing desk with drop leaf, 3 doors and 1 drawer, 1 Hoover vacuum cleaner, can be tried out; 1 walnut boort and paper holder with drawer; 1 wicker baby buggy for sale cheap. J. Pethiek, N. Slain street, Triple Threat, Christie; McNeis 150 Head mixed stock cattle. Sales Chase a Goat, DuBois; Tristram every Saturday, also private sales Bent, Safford; No Brighter Dawn, during the week, Trucks to deliver. England; The Yukon Trail, Raine; A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer, The V -Plan, Silon; Landslide, Shute; FOR SALE Whippoorwill House, Hauch; Eleven •Leicester ram Iamb for sale. Hugh mlek Deering; 1930 Ford conch set farm Came Back, Seeley; The Scarlet h slo is, root 1lulper, hay fork 'and slings, Circle, Stagg:e; Reprisal, Van Chesney, Phone 12 on 662 Seafort lawn mother rubber trio buggy row frim Vance; HORSES,—Black mare S yrs. old, general purpose; bay mare,. 6 years old, general -per puss; buy marc, 4 yeatis. 014 CATTLE- Durham , oar, fresh one month, Durham cow dile Dec, 21st, Durban, cow, due Feb. 11, Durham cow, due Feb. 24; Dur: ham cow dna Nov, lel ; Dar5am Got' due Feb, 10, Durham cow due Ainril 0th, Durham sow due Aprll .20 ; 15 Hereford and Durham steers and heifers ranging from. 800 to 1000 lbs.; 18 yr. old Hereford, Durham steers, 4 heifers, 4 Durham spring calves, 1 Iiereferd bull, 2 years old, PIGS -17 York chunks S0 lbs, York sow brad 0 weeks: IMPLEMENTS.—New Ford tractor on rub- ber, starter and pulley; tractor cultivator; tractor plow, M.N. binder 7 ft. cut; half share in 1/GE.-hat loader, half share in Mc- Cormick o-Cormick fertilizer drill, 11 hoe, 3 -furrow gang plow; 4 -section harrows end whipple- trees;.Bull's eye electric fencer, White wash machine, cream separator, Primrose, McCor- Bup More ,VictOrp Bonds Are the Canadians dians at home the "equal" of the Canadian soldiers overseas? If they are - - they will buy Victory Bonds to the limit. SATURDAY CASH SPECIALS NATIONAL PIG STARTER, 18% NATIONAL 1-100 CON'C'ENTRATE, 40% W. J. FINNIGAN per cwt 2.90 per cwt, 3.25 hes ey> , wagon, 10 ft• sliding rock, 1v. h.P. gas en - Fantasia, Deeping; Especially B Annett; Pardon and Peace, Vaugh- an; Dr. Jekyll and Mr, Hyde, Stev- enson; tev enson; The House Without a 1(ey, Biggers; The Darkest Hour, Adair; The Bradshaws of Hanes, Lincoln; White Shore of Olencla, Lear; Mur- ders Vanity, Feebler; White En- signs, Darling; Under Running Lau- ghter, Manners; Pageant, Lances , Non-Fiction—Home Carpentry, Ha- milton; God Is My Co -Pilot, Scott; The Mountain Wait, Brock; A Doc- tdr•'s Holiday in Iran, Morton; Japan Rides the Tiger, Price They Were Expendable, Whiter The Ports of Miss Esther MacIlIwaine of Gode. rich was a week end guest with Mrs) Norman Stanlake. 111 New books at I•Iensall Public Library: Fiction -- Dnnnybrook,' Carroll; Chum Brown, Sharpe; The Labyrinth, Roberts; The Bradshaws of Harness, Lincoln Girl Intern, Seifert Listening Valley. Stevenson; Peters Wife. England; The Razor's Edge, Maugham; What Happened to Anna Bolton, Browfleld; Green Dau- phin Street. Goudge; the following books by Keyes: A11 that Glitters, The Old Gray Homestead, Lady Blanche's farm, Senator Marlowe's Daughter. The Haar Before Dawn, Maugham; The heart remembers, Baldwin; The Girl of the Hills, Hill; No Stranger to my heart, Montross; Stars in your eyes, Loring; The rest of my Life with you, Baldwin; Young Widow, Cushman; Nurse- in Blue, Western Stories The Country Be. yond, Anwood; Rodeo, Bower; Two in the Wilderness, Gregory; Betty Zome, Grey; 'The Blue•eyed Kid, Mann; Justice deferred, Raine; Co- manche Kitt, Mann; Iron Rainbow, Young; Mavericks, Raine; Gringo Guns, Field; The Valley of Vanishing herds, Tuttle; Outlaws three, Field. Mystery — The Spanish Cape Myst- ery, Queen; The Case of Jenny Brice, FOR SALE 'Young bred sows From '32 to 36 dollars each. Roy Lawson, phone 667x16. FOR SALE 160 good Sussex pullets. Right in Production flow, Jas, A. Nichol, Hay P.O., Exeter, Ontario. gine, eeuliler, spring tooth cu lva r' glesbalo, tl 7th day of October, , lb. stock scale; 1000 lb. scales, fannhng milt. bast of all persons entitled to trots in the said I edAlat ilaWest Inatesn in TlFk BbClase HAY AND CRAIN--32 drifts turnips. 20 Municipal Election and such list remains bags potatoes, 125 bus. 6 row barley, 400 bus, thoro. for 3nspoction.. . 1 Companies. 1 oats, 1200 Inc. mixed grain, 40 tet mixed And I hereby cull upon all voters to take kitty. Harness—Set breeching harness, set immediate proceedings to have mty errors or light harness, horse collars, Household EU- omissions correctett`according to Law, eats—A quantity of household effects and n gated at re office this YO:h dal' Of new battery radio. Terms cash. October, 10.1.1. For further particulars apps- to Harold SAS. W Meftlnli Jackson, . Auctioneer, Seaforth, Ontario. A. ; tlerk Hallett ",vp. • FOR SALE ((McConnell & Hays pullets,' Lorne { 200 White Leghorn S. 'Webster, phone 835 r 2, Seaforth. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H, Glenn Hays Ss7APCRTH, ONT, Telephone 174 WANTED Hired girl or housekeeper'. Sleep in or oat. No small children. Apply by letter only to Box 127, The Seaforth News, ClClearing Auction Sale �, Of Farm Stook end Implements—Mr. Har- old Jackson has been instructed to sell by Public auction on Lot 5, Con, •1, Stanley Township, one and a quarter miles north 0 of ICippen and two miles west on Tuesday, Oct- ober 81st, at 1 p.m., the following: Bay .mare nine years old; bay mare 10 yrs. old,. in foal; driving hors, sicglenkoeoltdouylet; Clyde gelding 1 yr. mare 5 yrs. old. CATTLE. -Durham cow to freshen time. of sale, Durham cows to freshen in March and April ; Shorthorn bull 2 yrs, old eligible for E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office In the Dominion Bank Build, ing, Seatorth. Office hours:— Teeeday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m, Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. Officers r'eg'istration; 4 2 -yr. old steers, Aueham. President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - Durham yr. old steers and hel{ers, 4 s11rine forth; Vice President; Frank'MC- lyes Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth- Directors PIGS.—York sow due in Dee., 100 lbs. Poultry -160 light Sussex pullets, 0 months old; colony house 10x12, brooder stove, feeders, etc. IMPLEMENTS—MM. 7 ft, cut binder. W. R, Archibald,. Seatorth; Frank goad; Deerl 6 ft 1St lioegh$H. laced-drillte13 McGregor, ,Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, churn. rake 1 drum steel 'roller, spring tooth plow,Weea 1•th,b•7 J. Chris Trewartha,dt,CllntOni Born - Plate disc harrow; riding dl? tvfcCormiok Plow, M.A. .manure spree et, . Deering bean emitter and puller, set scales, fanning mill, sugar kettle, wheel barrow, farm wagon, hay rack 15 ft. gravel b ox, set of sloop sleighs and rack, cutter, cream separators, hay forks, car tope and slings, 100 cement blocks, quantity of planks and inch lumber, 6. bunches shingles, cedar Pests, 45 2" pipe, one bushel timothy seed. harness: Set of breeching harness, 1 set of back band harness, set. of light harness. 0shely and Grain -12 ton timothy hay, of grain .milted, 100 bush. wheat. Household Furnishings—Good Cheer cook stove {good), quantity of household furnish- ings including chairs, bedroom furniture, sealers, lamps and a frost of other articles, Ches. JOAN D. MMBSATIt. prof ney, Clerk, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, Notice Vote's' List, 1044. Mu nlcInallty Of The Townshin'Of Mullett, Huron County Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters' List Act anti that I have posted up at my Orrice lin•1Lan- on e John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mer Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. P. MoKeroher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurange or transact other business, will' lrq'"� promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST,, SEAPORTH, ONT. Racine, /LC.,- Public Trustee, Osgootle Ha SEAFORTH CLINIC 'Dr. E. A, McMaster, M,B., Graduate' of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with ter 12M -POR SALE complete and modern x-ray and other POR SALE A soy's heather' colored coat, That and legging outfit, size 7, and a fall coat, brown tweed size 3, and a pair of high cut boots, size 13„ Phone 32513, Seaforth. Toronto 3, Ont. , TAR 215 acres, lots 26 and 27, 5th con, Bus, up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic Auction Sale (n.ker,inith, brick house with with bathroom, egnlpment hard and soft nater, prune runs into tank. Dr. F, J. R. Forster, Speeialiat • inside„ never illbfalling spring Of two choiceat100-acre o 1'atDol AtmU farms will Senforth,rme r It together. Throat, eases it the Ear, Dye, Nose and Estate of the late Mrs. Gordon Bel - apes tong Messrs. Harold Jackson and British Columbia, Ratlierty; How to 'FOR SALE , Tuesday in every month from 3 to FOR SALE 5 p.m. d Free well -baby clinic will be held Develop al Good Memory, Nutt; City Nine little pigs for sale. T. Barton; Arthur Weber have been insttntote Frame house; Coleman St•, patent on the second and last Thursday Fn Commis- Egmondville. to sell by public auction on Monday, hill; Out of The People, shingle siding, 3 Pa bathroom up-, every month from 1 to 2 p.m. t i Furnace Editor', Walker; A Roving- sten, Chute Priestly; The Light of Faith, Guest; Pageant of Life, Thomas; .A. Prophet at Home, Reed; Burma Surgeon, Seagrave; And Beat Him Where He Sneezes, ,McMurray; Preview of His- tory, Swing; God Will Help You, Gilkey; Goodnight, Sweet Prince, Fowler; The ,Unrelenting Struggle, Churchill. Juvenile—Providence of the Parsonage, Huston; Across the Cotton Patch, Cradle; Cowboy Tom- my, Tousey; Elane's America, De Angell; Insects and Their Ways, Parker; Treasure Cave Trail, Mer- rill' Animals of Yesterday, Parker; FOR SALE 1'i h.p, Brantford engine for sale, in good shape, .at lot 4, con. 6, McKillop. Apply Jos. O'Rourke, Phone 37re, Dublin. Meeting Under auspices of the Seaforth Farmer's, Co-operative in Carnegie Library, Seaforth, t.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Sth, 8.80 P.M. To discuss present day live stock problems. All questions answei'- •ed and discussed, R. A. Finn, B.S.A., guest speaker, R. , S. McKerclier, October 3001, at 1 p.m, stairs, toilet does al , The Farm — Lot 28, Con. 14, N.E. Hydro, First class Basement under{ JOHN A. OORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Boundary, Hibbert, 4 miles east of whole house. Acre of land with splen-, Hensall; 100 acres, well tented, well did barn 50ft. x 2Sft, hydro installed. Physician and Surgeon drained; good clay loam, hood young Drilled well on property, Must bei In Dr, It H. Ross' office. Phone 5 3 orchard; quantity of bush, Solid a /z seen to o. appreciated, story brick House, slate roof, cement rick house Church St., 3 Pc. MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M• ulnace, ow 1 Physician and Surgeon coon and woodshed, Large L-shaped d Hen house double bank batt 84' x 36' and straw d house Egmou B D. ellen ah, balcony; goad haute kit- T n Water. Bathroom, F. Good Barn an . dvihe. A Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Stuccoed phone Seaforth barn 30x45with pig pen hen housed er'ty o preop and water supply; drive slled•22x38; go ` Cottage Egmondville. Priced tea- DR. F. J. R. FORSTER windmill, spring we11.,Hydro in house sonable, and barn. Twenty acres ploughed, Ail D, C. CHAMBERLAIN Eye, par, Nose and Throat buildings i 1 excellent t to of repair. I a e 84 Real Estate Graduate in Medicine, I7niQeF i s a - Insur nc University The farm, and Concession, Lot 3,1 Tueitersmith, -1e( miles east and 1/a Phone 33C Seaforth, Ont, Res' 220 O Toronto. I toanAs Anton New t nk litbalmic The Tale of the Bullfrog, Kane chairmen. f Iienll100 acres I mile south oea; The Great Story from the Bible; FOR SALE Moorefleld's Eye, and Bolden Square Notice To Creditors In the Est to of WILHELMINA Me - All persons having claims against thel Estate of Wilhelmina McQuarrle, late of the Erne of IIgmontiville„ in the County of on, Widow, deceased, who died -on or about the 19th day of July, 1044, are hereby notified tosend in to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of November, 1944, fulls particulars of their claims. • Immediately after the said hist mentioned date, the assets of the saidestate will be btstributed amm,gst the parties entitled Thereto, having regat•,ling. only to claims 4f synch the undersigned shall then havo notice, to the exclusion of all others, anti the undersigned will not be liable to any person • of whose olahn the undersigned shall not then nava notice Lor the assets so distributed or any part thereof, Dated at Seaforth this 20th day of October, 1044. •. MCCONNELL S HAYS it pee owe •lambs, ram throat hospitale, London, Eng. At choice clay loam, well drained, fie , Leicester s p, bush, some orchard; 11/2 story frame lambs, also .2 -year-old ewes. Ap 11' Commercial Hotel, Seatorth, thtid house; 1 large bank beim 36x70, J. FI, Quigley, three miles south Wednesday in each month from 2 fa: shed 18x24; hen house, windmill; 30 Clinton on No• 4 Highway. P110110 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first acres ploughed. One•11a1E mile from Clinton 916x3, Tuesday in each month. -58 Waterldo school. Buildings in good repair, St., Stratford. Telephdne 267. Stock -1 oozy in Calf; 1 cow milk'} FARMS FOR SALE The Little Black Hen, Diehl; Edra of the Islands, Medary; The Shoe- maker's Son, Burnett; Walking on Gold, Crawford; Zickle's Puppy Dog, ' Turpin; They Loved to Laugh; Worth; Happy jack, Burgess; Gin- ger Lee, War Nurse, Duping; Three Little Indians, Uprichard; Round About, O'Donnell; The Tale of Pet- er Rabbit, Potter; Easter Chimes, Harper; Susanna, The Pioneer Cow, Mason; Happy Days, Buswell; Cap- tain Bermade, Pease; The Jumbo Sabo Bamerman. Pte. Harvey McLarnon returned to camp following embarkation leave here with Mrs. McLarnon and fancily, ONE CENT SALE Four Big Days Thurs, Fri., Sat. and Mon. OCT. 26, OCT. 27, 'OCT. 28, OCT. 30 ON ACCOUNT OF WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY, WE. ARE CONTINUING THE SALE ALL DAY MONDAY, OCT. 30TH. Your biggest saving of the year at The Original Rexall lc Sale Ke�tng's p:harmacy PHONE 28 The Rexall'Drug,$tore • 'SEAFORTH, ONT. Seaforth, Ontario. the Adlnmistrmrux hall rack; 2 couches; 6 dining chairs; 10-20 McCormick Deering tractor, ing; 1 steer rising two;. 1 heifer tis -1 Fifty acre farm, WI/2 Lot 27, .Con. ing 3 years; 1. heifer rising 2 years; 5 Ribbert, frame house, haul. balm 1 steer rising 1 year; 1 calf 4 months 10101 straw shed, implement shed, old; 500 bushels seed oats, Bawler; convenient to 5011001. Fifty acre farm, 16 cords soft elm block wood; 6 elnl front half Lot 27, Cori. 4, Hibbert, tops; cedar' posts; large colony house, seeded, never failing spring. Joseph 814 x 121/2; small wholly house 6x10, Atkinson, 11.R.2, Dublin, phone 41x4. frame building 16x22. i Household Furniture — 1 DeLavel FOR SALE cream separator, nearly new; newti repaA irframe,Apply barnto 26H.x40Ivison, feet inlCtppen.good kitchen range; Quebec heater; Mc-, Clary heater; new pipes;' glass cup- •one. board; bake table; odd tables; 1/21 ' 5olleltm's fordozen kitchen chairs; camp chairs; FOR SALE, Notice To Creditors In the Estate of JAMES YOUNG. All persons having claims against the Estate of James Young, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, :deceased, who died on or about the 1th day of October, 1044, are hereby notified to send in to the {undersigned on or before the 16th day of November, 1044, full parti- culars of - their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the . assets of the Raid. estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having togard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and. the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then. hkve notice for the assets so distributed Or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 2011 ..day of Oct, .ober, 1044. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth Ontario 85110100ra for. the Executor Notice To Creditors . In the Estate of ELIZABETH NAGLE, . 10 persons having claims, against the Estate of Elisabeth Nagle, late of the. Village of Dublin, in the County .of Perth, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the .15th day of October, 1044, are hereby noti- fied to send In to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of November, 1044, hull particulars of their claim*. Immediately after the said butt mentioned dole, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the Parties entitled thereto. having regard only to Clalins of which . the undersigned shall then have -not- ice, to.. the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any Person Of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distrib- uted or any Part thereof, Dated at Seaforth this 201h day of October, 1044, McCONNELL & BAYS, 9oaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Exoeetora odd chairs; chest of drawers; mode A' essey-utlarris tractor plow, '2 or 3 ern walnut dining room suite; 4 bed- ,bottom. Also a fat ewe. Would ex room suites; .3 odd bedsteads; h'on change tractor on cattle. 'Plicae 481,9,kettle; 2 lawn mowers; dishes cook- Brussels. ing utensils and other articles; ]�nol- tlum on kitchen, PERSONAL Track, ASTHMA''SIJFFERDRs — ENJA7i GOOD and 1•opo go with farm. nigAt s l p • s • cos arms Ong r. Wm. Pearson, Seaforth, says: "I am 00 b 1 � '1d 1'k 11 people who suffer aasthma to know what et dud or h Hoflnian, BxeCutl•iCes, helped me to any extent, but your remedy touched . the spot at once and gave me hot only quick relief, but I am now free from . all symptoms. . A few month's :treatment did it." • For free information write . F. L. HOWEY, 144 Oatherine Street . South, : Hamilton. Quantity of strata. ¢'aC , see without coughing, choking. Term Chattels,, h T M from thankful'. to you for Your asthma remedy that farm -10 per cent day of sale; a -•i won e a f meI roft rice in 30 days. Reserve bud. feted for years from choking, difficult breath- Martian, reat - Mrs, J. A. Spellman and Mrs. S. H:;ing and distress of mtllmI and 710 0501041' G. A. WHITNEY Successor to Holmes & Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ss, SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adiustabie Hos. pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitolie P Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures. Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent FEED Poultry, Dairy and Hog Feed made daily Also Concentrates to mix with your own grain Oystershell Limeshell Feeding Molasses Cod Liver oil Rex Wheat Germ Oil' Wesprn Grain, Screenings, and Millfeeds. 5 X and 3 X B. C. Shingles Hydro Poles and Cedar Posts. Seatorth' Farmers Co-operative Phone 9 Chop NOTICE Wm. Bradshaw, your Watkins deal- er, and also agent for E. 13. 'Smith & Son, fruit and ornamental nursery stock, Market street, Seatorth; Ont. Phone 50. NOTICE - Frank Finnigan, your Rawleigh dealer. on Louisa St., Seaforth, has.."a line of products at the house, Phone 63W, CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large` Stock of Modern Memorials on display 'at our;Seaforth :Showrooms For the convenience of- ottr patrons office will be open on. TUESDAYS ' Open by ,appointment at any other time. See'' Dr: Harburn; next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 DEAD AND DISABLED' ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT.- SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 266' DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. ' (Essential War.Induetry)