HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-10-12, Page 8•)
Miss. Mildred JOaes of Kitchener penl the
holitl 33th her )aleluts 7411 and Aft Nor-
ar J nes
Mt and Mrs H1d1 Coo1c and little dough
n er a Pitel o1 were weele end visitors with
theformer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius
Mr, and Mas'. Jas. Parkins. spent the .week
end with their danghter and son-in-law, Mr.
end Mrs. Cline Flynn in London.
Miss. Helen.. McNaughton of Toronto speirt
the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Lorne McNaughton,
Mr. and Mrs, Seck Fsrquhsr and Graham
visited over' the holiday with .Mrs. Farquhar -
son's mother,. Mrs. Bowden in Exeter:
Miss Helen Swan returned home after a
Pleasant visit with friends. in Goderich,
A meeting of the Public Library. was -held
on 'Tuesday evening at'8 p.m. In the council
chamber'.with all members being present,
Minutesof the previous meeting adopted.
The librarian reported 326 books circulated
during- September. 13111s and. 50,30110k read as
follows: A. Spencer & Son, material fm
cases 017.97; Wendell .Holmes Ltd., books,
5102.71 ; Rev. Brook, car, 52.00; J. Farquhar,
repairs to cases 53.50, total 6126.18.- Mova,
that we try to start the story hour again fo
the winter months with Mrs, Norminton,
Mrs. A. Joynt and the'librarian, acommit-
tee to look after same. Motion to adjourn
to Nov, 14.
Miss Dorothy Farquhar of $bronco, visited
with her sister and brother-in-law, 1lr, and
Mrs. Walter Spencer recently.
Little Joan Kerslake, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Alan Kerslake underwent an operation
for appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, last week,
Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Thompson and family
of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs.
Thompson:,s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Miss Amy Lammie of London visited over
the holiday with her mother, Mrs. Lammie
and sister Miss Greta Lammie.
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Joynt and Judith, of
London, Mr. and Mrs, Laird Joynt, Betty
Lou and Larry of Toronto. spent Thanksgiv-
ing with their mother, Mrs Alice Joynt.
Mr. and Mrs. Philips of Toronto were
week end visitors with friends 1n town.
Mr, Milton Ortwein of Landon visited his
parents. Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Ortwein over
the holiday.
Mrs. Z. Massey and son of Cadmic}, visit-
ed over Thanksgiving week end n'ith the
former's sister' and brother-in-law, Reeve
and Mrs. Shaddlek.
Mr. and Mrs. lv- B. Cross visited with
relatives in Toronto during the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Johnston of Wind-
sor, spent the week end with the former's
mother,. hire. Jas. Johnston.
Mr. Thos. Shnddick is visiting with 1'ela-
tives in Clinton this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fisher .and family
accompanied by Mrs, Ray Partner and Coe
Mine of Windsor' spent the week end 'with
their parents, Mr. end Mrs. John Fisher.
Miss Mavis Spencer of Toronto visited ov-
er the hcli1i11 with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Spencer.
Mrs. John Shepherd was visited over the
week end by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shep-
Mi. Ray Patterson of Toronto was a holi-
day visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob?. Patterson,
Mr. and Mrs. R, H. Middleton, Mr. and
Mrs. G. M. Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs. H.
Lawrence returned. home after a pleasant
holiday at Turnbull's Grove,
Miss Joyce Seruton of Toronto spent the
week end with her mother, Mrs. Seruton and
sister. Mrs. Peter L. McNaughton.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Shepherd of Toronto
spent Thanksgiving with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. end Mrs, Jas. Smillie and Mrs,
John Shepherd.
The W.M.S. of Hensall United
Church pleasantly entertained the
Band a ntheir
be • the Baby B d a d
members of
r Thursday
mothers in the church on u aY
afternoon. Mrs. R. A. Brook, presid-
ent of the W.M.S. presided. Recita-
tions were given by members of the
Baby Band and Mission Band, Chas,
Miekle, Eldora Hyde and Gwen
Spencer. Marion Pepper sang a solo.
Miss Greta Lammie favored with a
piano solo and a trio by 'Misses Betty
Miekle, Eleanor Cook and Bernice
Jinks. The address was given by
Mies Mattie Ellis. Mrs. Howard Hyde
supt, of the Baby Band, was in
charge of the graduation exercises,
while Mrs, Geo. Hess, accompanied
at the piano. Refreshments were
Hiss Helen Rousson and girl
friend of Toronto visited over the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. Camp-
bell Eyre and also at the home of
Mr, Matthew Tinney.
m,..dawrsm. ,., ,,,w, means „ .tea:.n.nvoram.n :,1.m.,19.26,..
Goo red Du hard cow tut 10 fre.hen middle Card O1 Thanks. I AuctionSale .
of October:' Apply : to Juba Sinclair,. phone Mrs, Lillie Bed cert end Amiily wish to
0 r 11 Seaforth central. e0pnees their sincere thanks and tlpprecinlinn
ta. the to net I b n
}. 1 H, Mends tnld relshown
CS tai
Uetr kinderss- and Y0)1)atiry. e amour them
during their recent sad bereavement, for
the beautiful floral tributes. end cards of
.sympathy• 01100• 1 thanks Yn
Gardiner, bearers mid flonerbearers and to
diose who loaned then cars.
Auction Sale
00 Papal, Farm Stock end Implements, at
Porter's' Hill. Goderich Township, on Wed-
nesday, October' 101)1, at 12.30.
IiORSES.—Clyde colt J yrs. old ; Belgian
colt. t yr. .old.
CATTLE: -00. young cons; fresh, spring-
ing, balance to freshen Pebeuaoy and March;
30 heifers in ea1f, part' Ayrshire, Holstein
end Durhapfs, will make good cows; 10 year
ling heifers; 50. steers from 400 to 800 lbs;;
1 Hereford bull; 10 young calves.
PIGS -20 shoats,. 6 sous an pig, 1 hog.
POULTRY -5e Leghorn hens.
IMPLEMENTS—M.H. 2-3 _ fm'rowed rub•
bee 'tire tractor bought fall of 411 M,H.. 3 -
furrow plow; M.H. 3 -section sprhlg tooth
harrow; M.M. 7 -foot binder, M.H.. dump
rake, M.H. 'side delivery rake, M.H, hay
louder. M,H, corn scuffle).; M.H. 700 lb.
1• cream separator;: McCormick Deering corn
bunter; McCormick Deering manure spread-
er; Frost & Wood mower; 4 section harrow,
faun wagon, hay . rack, 200 Ib- scales, 10"
r grinder, fanning: mill,set team 'harness,
quantity of mixed grain, cedar posts, a num-
ber of storm windows, timothy seed.
Farm, Lot 80, Bracefleld Line, consisting
of 109 acres, good elay land, good buildings.
Will be sold on reasonable terms.
A. E, - TOWNSHEND, Prop.; Harold
Jackson, Auctioneer.
Clearing Auction Sale
Farm. Stook, Implements, and Household
Effects. — On Tuesday, October 24th, 12 30
p.m. at -Lot 10,- Rayfield Road South, Stanley
Township, 2 miles West of Varna.
HORSES -1 matched team .of Bay Wagon
horses, 5 and 6 years old (mare and gelding) ;
1 Peroheror mato colt, 11 -year old, a beauty.
CATTLE— Black sow aged 4, freshened 4
months ago; Blsek cow aged 3, freshened 8
months, bred to freshen again March 26;
Part Jersey Cow, aged 3, milking 6 months,
bred to freshen again April 16; Red cow, dry,
due to freshen. Dec. 11; Black steer calf 4
mos. old; Black heifer calf 0 mos, old;- Red
'heifer 16 mos, old. Black heifer 15 mos. old.
SIiEEP.-10 Leicesters and Oxford ewes.
POULTRY -35 (tens (year old), 1 Brooder
Stove and canopy, 30/100313, 800,
IMPLEMENTS—M. H. hinder, 013. cut;
McCormick mover, 5 -ft, cut; 10 -ft, steal hay
rape; set 4 section harrows; Low wagon,
' steel front wheels; hay rack; riding plow;
walking plow; M. H. cultivator; long sleigh;
single horse sleigh; int of 4 sling ropes and
sling chain ; Anker -Holt cream separator,
1 600 lbs. cap.; platform scales 1200 lbs, ; set
1 240 lb. scales; wheel barrow; large grind -
1 stone; scythe; 1 old reening cradle; acuffler;
, Shur Shock electric fence controller 1 1 1ei
H.P. :United gasoline engine; large 350 gal.
I metal lined tank suitable for honey; set of
1 team work hotness; 000 0Ie driving her-
• ness; 2 22inch .horse collar-; 1-21 and 1-
20 inch collars; garden sprayer; 3 horse
' dueller; neck yokes; whiffle trees, forks,
shovels, chains, pick, sledge, double end em -
1 ery grinder; Overland 26 blue sedan, good
running condition with 4 500-20 tires like
, new and 1 spare; 1 old auto power plant;
Parts for Overland cars (transmissions, axles,
' starters, generators, wheels etc,) ; 2 wagon.
wheels thin. high 2% inch tires; front axle
i for wagon; heavy block and. tackle; 1, 6 volt
De Lux Windmrger complete with wiring;
1, 45-70 Springfield 'U.S. Army Rifle and
cartridges; bunch shingles; 60 gal. barrel end
several smaller barrels; 50 gal. vinegar;
about 500 good cedar rails many suitable for
Posts, several fence posts; 3, 0 volt batteries;
some Shinn flat lightning rod fixtures; mail
box.; cyclone seeder; Portland cutter and pole
and many other things too numerous to men-
Dowswoll power washing machine and
wringer, g goadas new • Raymond sewing ma-
chine like. u
ne Aladdin lamp;
• extension table ; wood stove; kitchen drabs,couch, par-
lor chairs, tables bedroom suites, dishes,
lanterns, tubs, croaks. pails, garden tools. etc.
Terme of ale -Cash. J. E. Pollock, prop.,
HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer, E. P. Ches-
ney. clerk.
Auction Sale
Of Property in Egmondeille and House-
hold Effects—At Lot 10-11, HRS. lin Emend -
vine, on Saturday. Oct. 21, at 1 p,m.
Property—Appprorimately 1 tete, excell-
ent well. six roomed £came cottage in good
state of repair. grood basement, hydro,
frame barn and hen house, low taxes.
Household Effects -1 glass cupboard, 1
wash stand. 2 bins, 2 small mirrors, 2
benches. 1 bed, 1 Morris chair, 1 plush
couch, 1 dining roam table, 1 .kitchen table,
1 box stove, 1 sewing machine, 13 kitchen
theirs. dining room- table, 6 dining chairs,
trunks, large quantity dishes, some antiques,
grindstone, lawn mower, iron kettle, bong-
ing Income, parlor table and other articles,
three bird cages., iron pot,
Tena McNaughton, Prop.; H. Jack-
son, Auctioneer.
- I �i Gjtl
i "d 1J all t,,i .l'11 t
r,"., 71 11 rr.
,3' 1,gu
Caned •
g)..1 9O
y' 19 49
Your holdings of these
issues may be con-
verted into Seventh
Victory Loan Bonds
dated November 1,
1944. Bonds of these
issues will be accepted
at a price of 100M%
in payment for Seventh
Victory Bonds. This
conversion may be
arranged during the
Victory Loan with your
Victory Loan salesman,
with your Bank, Trust
or Loan Company from
whom details axe
Auction Sale
Lambert Sale Yards, Strathaoy, Saturday,
Oct, 14,:170 head mixed stock cattle, also 60 •
wenners and ' chunks. Sales each Saturday,
also private sales during the week. A. G.
McAlpine, Auctioneer.
Auction $ale
Mr. Harold Jackson has been instructed to
sell by public auction on. lot 25, con. 8,
Winthrop, 5 miles .north at' Seaforth, on
Thursday, Oct. 10th, at 1 o'clock. 1 Durham
cow, due March 1st, 45 year old rock hens
fromgoad hiving Strain, 15 dark ducks, 1
gunner, 2 geeee, ye110 olds, .several young
geese. Household Effects -1 'bedroom suite,
1 antique walnut dresser, several beds, wash
stands, springs, mattresses, 1 large oak
side board, 1 large oak extenslon table ex-
tends flet, ft., several tables, large and small,
2 -rockers, several- chairs, cupboads, pictures,'
toilet set, dishes, gramophone, 50 - records,.
temp', v lanterns, Inme1'ial half gallon gems,
Imperial gnarl genas, 1010 jars, syrup jars,
gallon jugs, pots and pans, kettles, pails,
tools. wheelbarrow, hoes, forks, shovels,
spade, pick, crow bar. beam scales, 40 gal.
stool, barrel, 20 _.steel traps, wire stretcher,
mongols, turnips, 2 egg crates, coal oil stove
with oven, wringers, other oracles. Terms
cash. GEORGE BATON. Prop,; Harold Jack-
son, Auotioneer; Foster Bonnett, Clerk.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements—Mr. r-
old 10 the
C1t 'has. blot instructed to -sell by
public nuetion on Lot 0, Con, 4, Stanley
Township, one and a quarter miles north of
Kippen andtwo miles west on Tuesday, Oct-
eber 31st, at 1 p.m., the following: Bay
mare .nine years old; bay mare 10 yrs. old,
in foal; driving horse, single or double;
Clyde gelding 1 yr, old; suckling coll. Clyde
mere 3 yrs. old.
CATTLE.—Durham cow `o 0aeohoa time of
axle, Durham cows. to freshen in 2001eh and
April; Slmrthovn bull 2 yrs. old eligible for
registration; 4 2 -yr, old steers, Durham; 4
Durham yr. old steers and heifers, 4 spying
PIGS, ---York sow Clue in Dee„ 4 clunks
100 lbs. Poultry --150 light Sussex pullets, 0
months old ; colony house 10x12, brooder
stove. feeders, etc.
IMPLEMENTS—M,H. 7 ft cut binder,
good' Deering mower, Al.0i. hay loader,
sulky rake 10 ft., 13 hoe M.H. seed drill. 3
drum steel roller, spring tooth cutivntor, 14- ,
plate disc harrow; riding plow, walking
Plow, KIT. manic spreader, McCormick
Deering bean scuffler and 301101', set scales, 1
fanning mill, sugar kettle, wheel barrow,
farm wagon, hay rack 15 ft. gra'elbox, set
of sloop sleighs and rock, cutter, buggy, 2
cream separators, hay forks, ear rope and
slings, 130 cementeblooks, quantity of planks
end inch lumber, 6 bunches shingles, cedar
posts, 45 2" pipe, one bushel timothy seed. 1
Harness: Set of breeching harness, 1 set of
back band harness, set of light fineness. Hay
and Grain -12 ton timothy -hay, 200 bushels
of grain mixed, 100 bush, thea
Household Furnishings—Good Cheer cook
stove (good),quantity of household furnish-
ings including theirs, bedroom fiurnitu e,.
sealers, lamps and a'host of other articles.
JO.HIN D. McBEATH, Prop. ; E. P. Ches-
ney, Clerk, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
O Chattels and Liv le —
£ t u e e, II S olliwl
Sto d )
of the Public Trustee of Ontario the folloly-
ing live stock and chattels will be offered
for sale by public auction on the premises of
John Henry Lane, Lot 16, Con, 3, McKillop
Township, tile miles east of Seaforth and 114
north. on the 2,131 of October at 12.30:
HORSES —Black mar 8 yrs. old, general
purpose; bony mere, 5 years old, general Put'-.
pose: bay mare. 4 years old.
CATTLE --Durham cow, fresh one month.
Durham cow due Dec. 21st, Durham cow,
due Feb- 11, Durham cow. due Feb. 24; Due -
hem cow Clue Nov. 1st ; Do•hom cow due
Feb. 19. Dunham roc due April 0111, Durmun
cow -due April 20; 15 Hereford and Durham
steers and heifs e ranging from ¢00 to 1000
lbs.; 13 yl old Hereford Durham steers, 1
heifere, 4 Durham spring calves, 1 Hereford
hell 2 years old,
PICS -17 York chunks 50 lbs., York sou'
bred 0 weeks.
IMPLEMENTS.—New Ford 1(08101. on lub-
ber. starter and pulley; tractor cultivator;
tractor plow. M.H. binder 7 ft. cut; half
share in 11H. hay loader, half share in Mc-
Cormick fertilizer drill, 11 hoe, 3 -furrow
gang plow ; 4 -section harrows and wbipple-
trees; Bull's eye electric fencer, White wash
mochlne. cream separator, Primrose„McCoa-
miak Deering; 1530 Ford coach, set farm
sleighs, root pulper, lay fork and slings,
lawn mower, rubber tire buggy. low farm
wagon, 10 ft, sliding rack, 11(0 11.p. gas en-
gine. smother, spring tooth cultivator, 3000
1b, stock settle, 1000 lb, scales, framing mill,
HAY .AND GRAIN -32 drills turnips. 20
bags 910ta100s,,125 bus. 0 11)101 barley, 400 bus,
eats. 1200 bus. mixed grain, 40 ton mixed
hay. Harness—Set breeching harness, set
tight harness, horse collars Household Eff-
ects --A -quantity of household effects and a
new battery radio. Terme cash,
For further particulars apply to Herold
J5,10on, Auctioneer, Seaforth,. Ontario. A.
f:ecine, IC,C., Public Trustee, Osgood° Hall,
Toronto e, Ont,
A STOPPED UP SINK is no cal-
amity when Gillett's is 5n the
house. Leave it to Gillett's to
dear out the mess—while you
go on visitingwithyourfriends!
Water'11 be running freely
again in no time.
In a dozen ways, Gillett's Lye
helps you "tako it easy.” Full
strength—it destroys contents
of outside closets. In solution"
—a grand cleaner that cute
grease and dirt, lets -you fly
through heavy cleaning. Deo-
dorizes garbage
pails. Keep it on
* Never dissolve
lye in hot water.
The action of the
lye itself heats
the settee.
Mr. Harold Jackson has been in-
structed to sell by public auction 011
Lot 7, Con. 4Stanley, four miles
southwest of Brucefield, 3 mites
north of Kippeli, on.Friday, October
20tH at 1 o'clock the following':
I HCIISFS='Percheron mare, 9 yrs.
old,' Belgian mare, 9 yrs. old; aged
1 Belgian mare..
CATTLE=Cow due. in March; 3
cows due in May; farrow cow; 3'
spring 'calves; 9 'two year olds; 13
yearlings, They are all good Durham
cattle, steers and heifers.
IMPLEMENTS. — International
'binder, 6 ft. cut, like new; Deering
mower; International 10 ft. hay
rake; International manure 'spread
er; - Cockshutt fertilizer , drill like
' pew, cultivator:disc harrow, set 3 -
section hzrrows, 3 -drum steel roller,
No. '21 plow, wagon, fiat hay rack,
stock rack, fanning mill, bag truck,
buggy, democrat, cutter, oak barrel,
steel barrel, barrel sprayer, McClary
feed cooker',, anvil, steel vise, cross-
cut saw, framers boring machine
and augers, steel sledge, one and a
half set team harness, set single
harness, number of horse collars,
sling ropes, 'horse blankets, forks,
' chains. 20 tons clover hay and timo-
thy tray, some lumber. 200 bushels
of oats. Terms cash. Duncan Aiken
head, Prop.; E. P. Chesney, Clerk;
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
Clearing Auction Sale
Fred W. Ahrens, auctioneer, has received
instructions from the undersigned proprietor
to sell by Public Auction at Lot 4, Con. 18,
Township of Me7Gllep, 71/2 miles North of
Dublin then 1 mile West on Monday, Oct,
100, at 1.50 o'clock sharp..
HORSES -1 Clyde mule 10 yrs, old,
CATTLE -1 Hereford cow due 111 April,
POULTRY -19. Leghorn hens,
IMPLEMENTS -1 M,H. Mower 011, cut
1 M.H. seed drill; 1 eultii otor t hay rack ; hay
rake; set sleighs nearly new; Finery 21
walking plow; open buggy; 1 steel wheel
wagon; ladders; several wagon poles; wheel
barrow; wagon box with spring seat; cutter;
fanning mill; eutting box; harness; 1 set
double harness; sot single harness; odd col-
lar.; set lines; elinins; hoes; shovels; forks:
uhifflotrees; neckyokes; also frame shed
12 x 24. Fertilizer Attachment and a host of
other• -articles too numerous to -mention found
about a farm. No reserve as the proprietor is 1
giving up farming. Auctioneer's decision
final in case of all disputes. TERMS of sale
CASH. Sam Regele, prop., Fred- W. Ahrens,
Pocketbook contnbn)ng army rejection slip
FOR SALE ' and other valuable papers. Reward. Aphly at
Spy apples 50e bag, pick your own. Sam The News Office.
Scott, Phone 836r11.
iWhite en°mel range, burns coal or wood,
warming closet and reservoir. Guaranteed in
perfect condition. Cheap. George Lowery.
phone 061 r 18.
1 cow, fouryears old, freshen soon, also
1i ' f 1 ' 1 t w a M. James
I Murray, 852-24, Seaforth,
Success No rRubbing Wax 'Bottle - 55c
01,1 English No Rubbing Wax, bottle - 59c
Johnson's GloCoat; bottle 59c
Johnson's Paste Wax, tin 59c
Super' Floor Wax, tin 29c
Polifior Floor Wax, tin 59c
CANNED PEAS, 20 oz. size
2 TINS 23c
Clearing Auction Sale McConnell & Hays
Mr. Harold "Jackson has been Instructed to Barristers; .Solicitors, Etc.° Lot 6 Con. 2,. Patrick 'D. McConnell H. Glenn Hays
Tneker'smitlr, half mile east of Brueefield, on
Mill Rosa, on Thu1'sday. Oct 28tH, at 1 p.m. SEAFORTH, ONT, Telephone 174
sell by public auction n
CATTLE. -5 young Durham cows due to
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build.
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
freshen from January to April, 4 DurhamE. C. CHAMBERLAIN
young cattle rising 2 to 4 years.
Implements—M.H. binder An first class
condition, M.H. fertilizer drill like new,
M,H, bean seufeler and puller, 4 section har-
rows, steel land roller, 2 walking Fleury
plows, good 'top bnggY; 1 -open buggy, . straw,
that, colony house 10x12, 10 -inch grinder,
rend cart, strong light wagon, Portland nut-
ter, sunny rake, 2 sot farm sleighs, low farm
wagon like new, 18 ft. ilei' hay rack, fann-
ing mill, 2000 lb. stookscale, goad Delaval
cream separator,hay fork andslings, sling
ehoins, forks, end whiffletrees, steel clover
table for mower, set back band harness,
pair breeching0 blharness,ons 1. light 'driving
it T
.707IN WATSON, Prop.; Harold Jackson,
Auctioneer,- - -
Purebred- work horse at Let 20, .Coit. 0,
Morris, Phone 18th, Brussels. Gilbert Mc-
Collum, .
3 young POWs due this month. Also 25
2 -year 01d wattle .from 7 to 10 hundred. Apply
10 Carl Dalton, 48r0, Brussels.
{A bunch or chunks. Lawrence Ryan,
1 210 acres, lots 26 end 27, 5th con, HRS.,
Tuckersmith,' -brick house with bathroom.
• hard and soft water, large barn with water
' inside, never falling .spring runs into taint.
These farms will be sold separate or together.
Apply to J. D. Gemmell, ,Seaforth, R.R. 4.
Sixteen pigs ready t0 wean. John Hille-
brecht, Phone 661 r 11. -
1 am reserving Wed. only for Harness
Repairs until further notice, on .
account of help
Open all day Wed, FOR SALE _.
It's a real
pipe smoker's
Following are the minimum values
of the participation certificates issued
'0 1 the following seeds:
Red Clover $1.80 per bushel
.Alfalfa $3.00 per bushel
Alsike $3.00 per bushel
We - are licensed by the Special
Products issue t d to sue th ese certi-
ficates which have the above guar-
anteed values.
Sell your seed to a dealer that can
give you a certificate, thus assuring
yourself of the above bonus.
We are also buyers of Timothy
and Sweet Clovers
Highest prices paid for oil-
Send samples, write or phone,
Frame house, Coleman St., patent
shingle siding, 3 Pc. Bathroom 09
stairs, toilet downstairs, Furnace,
Hydro. First class basement under:
whole house. Acre of land with splen-;
did barn' 50ft. x 28ft, hydro installed.I
Drilled well on property. Must be
seen to be appreciated.
Brick house, Church St., 3 Pc.
Bathroom, Furnace, Town Water.'
Good, Barn and. Hen House.
Stuccoed house, Egmondville. A
good property,
Cottage Egmondville,, Priced rea'
Insurance & Real Estate
Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Thee. 220
10-20 McCormick Deering tractor,
Massey -Harris tractor plow, 2 or 8
bottom. Also a fat ewe. Would ex-
change tractor on cattle. Phone 48r9,
150 acres in Hullett Township, three miles
from Clinton, one from •number 8 Highway,
good house, barn, garage. For further par-
ticulars apply to II.G. MSIR, Solicitor, Sea -
forth and Clinton.
A quantity of alert wood for sale, mostly
elm. Apply to Joseph Holmes, Brussels R.R,
4, Ring 15.5, Brussels,
100 cog farm of gond clay loam, ,well
drained. 12 ocees of fall .wheat, 30 acres
plowed Lest in hay and pasture. Buildings in
good state of •repair, Brick house with base-
ment. Ban 2(1x00 on wall with good stables
and water 7u baro, New hen house. Spring
well. Apply Lot 2, Con. 7, Tucicrsmith.
Rudolph Etue, Seaforth, R.R. 4.
12-20 Massey 'Havels tractor. Lot 6, Con
13, McKillop. Phone 24r4, Dublin phone.
Wholesale Seeds
Phones: E'rc,iliton 2w, or Henson 78r16
One 12-24 hart Parr tractor, in gond cone
1ition. Apply to A B. Bell, R.R, 2, I2lppen.
or Alone 03x2, Hensall..
night's sleep without ,coughing,' choking,
htr. Wm. Pearson Seaforth, says: "I am so
thankful to you f n your asthma remedy that
I would like all people who suffer- from
3 asttuna to know what itdid for me, I suf.
_•�': c. • c m; s-,:rs.,.--m,:.ssa tc I Ing'�land for distressr of nlatttmn 1010 00 remade
hnitnee me to any cxtenrt, hat your remedy
1 teethed the slot et once nod gave ire not
only quick relief, but I am now free from
all symptoms. A few month's treatment :did
I ii,, For free information write F. L.
Will operate every day during
October and Novelnber
("Misr hill located on the street lead-
ing to the Golf Course, West Ward
Terins Cash, " Phone 181, Mitchell
Co-op and Shur Gain
Hydro Poles
25 . & 30 Ft.
Feeding Molasses
13. C. Shingles.
Co-op and Shur Gain Feeds
Western Grain & Chop
Co-op Fly Spray
Co-op Motor Oil'
Seaforth Farmers
Co-operative •
Phone 9
HOWEY, 144 Catherine" Street South,
Wm. Bradshaw, your Watkins deal-
er, onii also agent for D. D. Smith &
Son, 'fruit and ornamental nursery.
stock, Market street, Seaforth, Ont.
Phone 50.
Frank Finnigan, your Rawleigh dealer. o0
Lnuiee St Seaforth, has a' lino of Prodecto
at the house. Phone 52W.
;n.,,-.., �e,
Spencers Produce
We will not accept deliveries
of Live Poultry unless
previously advised'.
until further notice
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Vice President, Frank Mc-
Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, . Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,
Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born-
holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Me-
e.Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brimfield: R. F.
McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, vrill
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post.
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James.. Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in F il •et-
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped . with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F. J, R. Forster, Specialist in . ,
Diseaass of the Bar,Eye,
Nose and
Throat, will be at te
Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
5 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J
Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic ftret
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267.
Successor to Holmes & Whitney
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service. Adiustable Hoe -
Altai Berl for rent. Agent for Mitchell
Nmsoiy Flowers. Phone 119.
Nights and. Holidays 65
Sil n Life Assurance
Co. 'of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
Large Stock of Modern
Memorials on display at
our Seaforth Showrooms
For the convenience of our
patrons office -rill be open on
Open by appointment at any
other time. See ,Dr. Harburn,
next door
Cunningham & Pryde
Clinton Exeter Seaforth
Phone 41
(Essential War Industry)