HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-10-12, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 194n amarremmaarearrank TIIE SEAFORTH NEWS S?O. Quick Quaker Oats, large pkg. 19c Prem A. cooked pork specialty tiri 29c Quaker Muffets 2 pkgs. 19c Lily Brand Chicken %laddie tin 29c NEILSO•N'S CHOCOLATE; COCOA 1 LB.. TiN Palmolive Beauty Soap 3• bars 19c 1/2 LB. TIN 19e 29c Silvo Silver Polish smbll bottle 150 Large bottle •250 Champ—tile magic cleaner •— .. . . .. . .. . ... . . . . . ........pkg, 100 Sant -White Toilet Tissue4 lge, rolls 260 Royal York Coffee . 1 Ib, bag 430 Superior Baking Powder 8 oz. tin 13c 16 oz. tin 250 Newport Fluffs—Fruit Juice Glass FRED] 5 Bart bag 19c Newport Fluffs, Tumbler FREE 5 quart bag 260 Libby's Prepared Mustard 6 oz. jar 9c Ingersoll Cream Cheese Rideau Cheese Aylmer Fancy Quality Grapefruit 16 oz. jar (no coupons) 290 Hillcrest Shortening 1 ib, carton' 19c Post's Bran Flake's 2 pkgs. 250 2 pkgs. 250 Kelloggs A11-Wheat—one square base dish FREE 2 pkg. 250 Oxo Cubes • pkg. 4 pubes 10c pkg. 10 cubes, 250 Royal York Tea 1/ ib, pkg. 38c Crosse & Blacicwell Worcestershire Sauce 6 oz. bottle 290 Junket Powders 2 pkgs 230 illcCormicic's Fancy "A" Sodas 6 oz. pkg. 100 Lipton's Noodle Soup Mix 2 pkgs.. 25c Chan Floor Wax 1 lb. tin 590 Javex Concentrate bottle 15c. SunlightSoap3 bars 19c Stuffed Olives 6 oz. bottle 29c 9 oz. bottle .... ... .39c • Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour pkg. 170 Quaker Puffed Wheat Sparkles 2 pkgs. 170 Quaker Natural Health Bran pkg. 130 1/4 lb. jar 160 1/z lb. pkg. 22c Shreddies Ross 1. Sproat PHONE 8 Art Wright PHONE 77 FROM surpriV. STUFFY D1STRd'35 vl Instantly, relief from snitfly, sneezy stuffy distress of head colds starts to come the moment you, put a few drops of Va-tro-nol up each nostril. Soothes irritation, relieves congestion, makes breathing easier in a hurry. Also helps prevent many colds from developing if used in time. Just try it! Works lnei Follow directions in folder. VICES ATEN' Double -Duty Noso Drops Works Fad Right Whore Trouble's! DEAD or DISABLED Quickly removed in clean sanitary truelta. Phone cal,act 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM STONE . SONS LIMITED ITED Highe§t knces Paid LIVE OR DRESSED CIIIO BENS 6 lbs. and over 220 . FOWL 6 lbs. and over 20c 5 lbs, and over 21c 5 lbs, and over 19c 4 lbs. and over 180 DUCKS 20e Delivered NotePricee paid are for live weight NEW FEATHERS BOUGHT: `Duck feathers 50c ib. Goose feathers 80c lb. We buy Used Feathers as well PARKDALE POULTRY MITCHELL PHONE 152 Liberals nth ..ituron A Meeting to nominate a candidate to contest the riding in the nett Federal Election, will be held in the Town Hall, WINGHAM on Thursday, October the 12th, 1944 at 7.•30'o'clock P.M. • Our guest speaker on this occasion will be GEORGE WOOD, ESQ., M. P. FOR I3RANT RIDING All Liberals and friends should hear this outstanding speaker. THE NORTH HURON & HURON BRUCE LIBERAL ASSOCIATION W. C. Attridge, Secty. A. A.—Alexander, President TOWN TOPICS Itov, 11, V. Workman will conduct services in Listowol United ,Church on Sunday morning and will assist in the evening _ servioe at . Northside Church. 1V1r. and Mrs. Murray Savango and Mr. and Nies. Carl Manson of Toronto were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Savatige. NIr and Mrs. :Ellison Whiteford of Ingersoll and Mr, Amos Heldman and. Carman Herdman of i>;liniviile visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bradshaw. Miss Gladys 13rodliagen spent the week end at her hone near Mitchell. Mr, and Mrs.' C. E. Barrett and children Billy and Ann Louise, Ham- ilton, were guests over the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mr$. Louis Aberhart. Miss. Hilda Kennedy, London, spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Roland Kennedy. Miss Carmel Reilly, Guelph, spent the holiday week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Elothant. Mr. and' Mrs, Russell Walter and daughter . Catherine, Dundas, spent Thanksgiving at the home of the lat- ter's sister, Mrs, J. P. Willis and Me. Willis, Mr. Peter Nigh, 'Niagara Falls spent. the week end wvith his mother, Mrs, Lulce Nigh. Mr, and Mrs: Foster Bennett, Mona and Billy and Mr. John Bennett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, William Bennett of Walton.• . Misses Joan . McMaster, Dorothy Smith and Fergus Bell, Western Uni- versity, London, 'spent the holiday week end at their homes here. Miss Rose Dorsey, Toronto, spent the week endat her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Broadfoot and son Neil, Hamilton, spent the week end at the l"iome of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry .Tyndall. Mr. and Mrs. James Nolan were holiday guests at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Nolan, Niagara Falls. Dr, (Friel Stewart, London, visited with his mother' Mrs. Charles Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Austin, Strat- ford, spent the week end with rela- tives. Lieutenant Stanley Dorranee, Ip- perwash, visited with his mother Mrs. Mae Dorranee, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry and daughter Elizabeth, Stratford, spent Thanksgiving at the home of the Tat- ter's mother Mrs. G. T. Turnbull. Miss Emily Lester was a holiday visitor iii Toronto over the week end. Miss Jean Burford, Stratford, visit- ed friends in town last week. „ Miss Margaret Smith, of Toronto, spent the week enol at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mia W, Smith,. Egmondville, Miss Teresa Eckert London, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Eckert. Miss Marion Lawson of Kit.clrener spent Thanksgiving week end at the home of her parents Mr, and ;firs. Roy Lawson, Iluron Road. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Faulkner of I611eltener spent the holiday here, Miss Margaret McKellar, Toronto, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McKellar, Misses Mary Neville and Joanne McMillan were week end visitors at the hence of the latter's parents, -My. and Mrs. J. M. McMillan. Mis, Grade Kreuter, Toronto, spent: the week enol ai the home of Mr. and Mrs A. 11ern,tig, Mr. Leslie Ilogg, Preston, spent the holiday week end at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. William Begg. Mr. Edward Devereaux and Miss Alice Devereaux. Toronto, spent the weep end with their mother :Hit,. 4tatgaret Devereux. Mr. Ih',tlrcur Stevens, Waterloo, was a week end visitor at the home of pin dau,liter and son.iu-law, i4I4•. turd ilIrs, Norman MacLean. ililss Eleanor Hudson and 141fas Ilditls Wallace, who are teaching school at I3to.rt,', spent the holiday at their respective homes here. Miss M iynre Watson, lit me 111 training, Straftorcl hospital, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, i0lr.. :rad Mrs. John S. Watson. .. Miss Mande Keyes. nurse in train- ing, Stratford, spent the holiday with her grundpai'euts, MMlr. and :4Ir•s. Nel- son Keyes. Miss Lama McMillan, T'or'onto, spent 1lrr,itlt:,giving with her mother, Mrs. W. 1'. McMillan, Miss. FI'azel ' Anderson, St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, spent the -week nlnan t ,a,mum.. n..... n"uuvaunlvID HALLOWE'EN -A IN THE ARMORIES TUESDAY, OCT. 24 Music by Murdoch's Orchestra Novelty Dances, Adm. 50c Sponsored by Seaforth. W. I. PROCEEDS FOR WAR WORK 11111ne1.m1 11,111111111 1 111.101,111,1111111/1111111111,1 ,111,.1,1 of Dance DUBLIN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13 Harold Schneider's Orollestsa Adm. 50c. Refreshments LEGION Euchre & Dunce IN SEAFORTII ARMORIES Friday, October 13 8.80' P.M. sharp. Door, prize. Suter-' tainnment. Refreshment Booth. Good orchestra. Entire proceeds, Smokes for the boys overseas. • .t..• 3 1 A Meeting To Discuss reditions WILL BE HELD in Seaforth Library Weds, Oct. 18 AT 8.30 Mr. A. C. Savage Treasurer of Ontario Credit Union League Sponsored by Seaforth Farmers Co-operative This is an open meeting and the public is invited - R. McKERCHLIR, Pies. FRANK REYNOLDS, Sec. end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Anderson. Misses Mary McIver, Toronto, Margaret, St. May's Hospital, Kitch- ener, and Teresa, Western Univel,'- sity, London, spent the holiday week end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Peter Mcivei'. Miss Davina Anderson was a visit- or in Toronto over the holiday Pilot Officer Thomas Sills, RCAF., Windsor, spent the week end with Mrs. Sills and son. Misses Ane and Geraldine Eckert, Chatham, spent the holiday with their mother Mrs. Joseph Eckert, Mr. Arnold Westcott, Toronto, spent the week end with Mrs. West- eottand family. Mr. and Mrs, Keith Webster and family and Mr, W. J. Nott attended the Ayrshire championship show at the Rooktori world fail•. on Thanks- giving day. -L/Cpl William Hodgert of British Columbia is spending a few days leave owing to the death of his father, Mr. Thos. R. Hodgert. Mr, and Mrs. W. Richards of Strat- ford, with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Jno. A. Stewart. Mrs. Williams of Alyfnston, spent last week with her son, Rev R. H. Williams, Miss Belle Smith spent Thanksgiv- ing in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerr, Toren to, with his mother Mrs, James Kerr. Miss Lois Whitney with Mr. and Mrs. Miller in Stratford: Miss Betty Matthews, Waterloo, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matthews. Mrs. Leo Fortune has returned front visiting relatives In Detroit. You are cordially invited to attend the ANN f SA Y S l I JCE1..i' OF Northside United Church SUN AY, CT. 15 THE GUEST ANNIVERSARY .SPEAKER WILL 13E 711E REV. GEO, W MOORE, I3,A,,I3,D., OF LISTOWEL SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR EVENING SERVICE-, 7 P.M. - SERMON Rev. Moore ANTHEM How lovely are Thy dwellings Spohr Soloist, Miss M. Turnbull ANTHEM, Lord T want to be a Christian (Unaccompanied Spiritual) Soloist, Miss Ruth Cluff MORNING SERVICE 11 A.M. SERMON Rev, Moore ANTHEM Sun of My Soul Turner Soloist, Mrs. F. J. Bechely ANTHEM I met my Master face to face Adams (Unaccompanied) Mrs, J. A. Stewart Rev. H. V. Workman J. A. Stewart Organist Minister Choir Leader Mrs. Agnes Lamont received a cable Friday stating her Husband Private Frank Lamont had been severely wounded in action in Belgium. Mr. Fred Beattie and Mrs, Chas. Holmes of Toronto spent the holid/.y with Mrs. Beattie and Nliss Holmes. Mrs. Holmes is staying for a couple of weeks. Mrs. George Stewart, Toronto, ana Miss Gladys Thompson, Niagara Falls, with their mother Mrs. James Thompson, Mrs. Archie McTavish and Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre and two daugh- ters spent the holiday in Acton. Mr. Mac Southgate, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate. DANCE in Dublin FRIDAY, OCT, 27 Sponsored by the Jr, Red Cross Bayfield valley Five Orchestra DANCE CKNX RANCH BOYS In The Armories Friday, Nov. 17 Proceeds for War Work Auspices of L.O.B,A, IO rAr r W r r '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 lames between October .14th acid Vist Distributing Centres will not, be open on all days. Make sure that you know 1 exactly what days and hours the Distributing Centre, you intend to go to will . be open. Failure to get your new book during distribution week will 11 1 13 d 1 l9 cause you inconvenience. RATION BOOKS WILL NOT BE MAILED OR DELIVERED — THEY MUST BE CALLED FOR OW la 'e SIV >Sefore you go to a Distributing Centre/ 1. Write your name and address on the front of the stub of the K coupon sheet in your Ration Book 4. The age of persons under 16 years must also be written in. 2. Fill in your prefix and serial number on the back of the stub, 8. Do NOT tear the K coupon sheet or stub out of the book. This must be done by an official at the Distributing Centre. rr' Take Your Ration Book 4 with the K Coupon Sheet Attached and the Stub Properly Completed to a Distributing Centre and Your Ration Book 5 will be given you. ARMED FORCES Members of the Armed Forces will obtain their Ration Cards from .their own units, APPLYING FOR OTHERS Any responsible persons may apply for Ration Books for outer • members of their families or neighbours, providing above re- quirements ere complied with. PARENTS MUST APPLY FOR CHILDREN Children under 16 may not apply for their Ration Books or those of others. I a LOCAL DISTRIBUTING CENTRES Addresses Seaforth Town Hall Brucefield United Church Dater Roars Oct. 20th and 21st 10 a.m. to 5 p.m, Saturday evening, 7 to 9 Oct. 19th and 20th 1 p.m. to 5 p.m RATION ADMINISTRATION rr