HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-10-12, Page 3You'll enjoy our Orange Pekoe Vend SALADI 'Z'�A WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Night Sight Inhaling the smoke of even one •igarette, the Aero Medical Asso- ciation of the United States was told recently, impairs the keen eye- sight needed at night by military fliers. The eight loss is due to carbon (nonoxide from the burning tip, , This, loss is not likely to be noticed to normal life, nor does it have any known bad effects on health. But the impairment is important to night -fighting aviators working at the threshold of vision, the point where they can just barely discern , enemies or objectives. Until the discovery was reported it had not been believed the carbon 1 monoxide in a single smoke could affect vision. Investigation showed that inhal- ing three cigarettes is equivalent to the loss of vision which comes at about 8,000 -feet altitude, , The loss of sight sensitivity at this height doesn't bother air pas - angers. But it is so important in war to avoid the slight change that military aviators at night breathe pure oxygen from the ground up, the oxygen being a complete antit- dote. In other experiments, they found that the glucose from a high sugar diet partly overcomes the sight im- lairment which is caused by the ow oxygen of altitude. An Older London Coming To Light Even amid the horrorsof air raids and robot bomb attacks, now believed to be virtually over, some odd points of interest are cooling to light in London, says The Brant- ford Expositor. On several oc- essions, German explosives have torn craters which have exposed forgotten relics of the great city's past, At one place two bastions and part of an ancient Roman wall have been revealed, together with some masonry ordered by Alfred the Great. Foundations of buildings destroyed in the Great Fire of Me have alto been literally brought Into view again, To say that history is buried beneath tendons' pave- ments is no mere figure of speech. National Fire Prevention Week The official proclamation making October 8-14 National Fire Pre- vention Week urges that all farm buildings and their surroundings be carefully inspected and all fire hazards remedied. Check chimneys for loose bricks, the electric wiring in house and barn, the metal sheer back of the stove, and other possi- ble fire hazards. King George Awards Military Decorations All military decorations are awarded by King George VI, says the Windsor Star. From time to time it is mentioned that the Can- adian Government or some Can- adian general has bestowed the Military Cross or the Military Me- dal on this or that eoldier. Or, a sailor or airman has been given e decoration. These decorations may be recom- mended by a general or by the Dominion Government, but it is the Ring who gives the awards. No one else has the power to make the fi- nal decisions. UNDER NAZI GUNS German bayonets and barbed wire surrounded Analienborg Palace, Copenhagen, home of Denmark's King Christian X, above, and the royal family, following pitched battle between Danish police and German troops. Blast Precautions Commenting on the effects blast precautions have had on English civilian life, a London correspon- dent writes. "There can hardly be a home in Southern England which has not recently rearranged its furniture with a view to safety from blast, rather than decorative appearance. We have also become quite ex- pert at the technique of lying down, wherever' we may be, in moments of danger. There is real- ly an art in doing this effectively, as you must not lie flat, but sup- ported just off the ground by el- bows and knees, lest the blast tre- mors throng!' the earth do unmen- tionable things to your interior. Blast is a serious subject of dis- cussion and study nowadays," COUNCIL OF WAR ON GOTHIC LINE In this farm house is full view of the enemy Major-General Chris Vokes of the First Canadian Corps in Italy and a Canadian Brigadier make plans to drive out Nazis who have pinned down Canadians by heavy mortar and artillery fre. The action was about a mile west of the town of Riccionc. UNRRA -What It Is, What It Does An .Explanation by the Mon- treal Gazette of What 'UNRRA Stands For and How It Functions UNRRA is first of all an inter- national organization, dedicated to the task of bringing prompt aid and relief to the people - all the people — of countries liberated by the armies of the United Nations hi this war. This help includes the provision of food, clothing and shelter, aid' in the prevention of disease and pestilence, the return of prisoners and exiles to their homes, assist- ance in the resumption of urgently needed agricultural and industrial production and the restoration of essential public services, What Is Unrra? It is a practical organization based on thepractical knowledge that there can be no secure peace, ao fruits of victory for the victors, aestfl the people of these countries esn be restored to normal and self-sustaining existence. UNRRA is temporary in tune - tion. It ceases to be with the solv- ing of relief and rehabilitation problems in liberated territories. UNRRA does not supply aid free. Any liberated nation whose Government is in position to pay in foreign exchange must pay for all supplies distributed. How Is Unrra Financed? Many people ask "How is UN- RRA financed?" The answer is simple. Funds consist of contributions from each member country of 1 percent. of its national income for the year ending June 30, 1943. The United States contribution is $1,300,000,- 000, Great Britain's is $320,000,- 000. Canada's is $77,000,000. Be- sides this all member countries contribute, in proportion, to admi- nistrative expenses as they arise. The total sum to be contributed, for what Is calculated to be the entire relief period, is $2,000,000,- 000, How Is Unrra Set Up? Others ask: "How is UNRRA set up?" That is simple also. It is a council consisting of one member from each of the 44 na- tions, This council decides policies, meets twice a ye4,r; is ineeting now in Montreal. Who Does Actual Work? Who does the actual work — the real relief? That is done by Field Missions, consisting of permanent, salaried officials under a chief officer who has broad powers and is respon- sible to the director general. Such a mission (600 people) is now In Cairo preparing to move into the Balkans ac soon as the military authorities say ,the word. UNRRA does not operate 1e- ex - enemy countries at the moment. According to its constitution it ALL NIGHT TOSSING AROUND Tonight will gas t• eke you feel breathless and methery—causing awful bloat and wake- fulness? Unlock this tight bloat by open - tart op constipation and releasing "Locked - in gas. glow digestion may keep bowels Hocked for days. Mulveney'e n'WELL opens op bowels, aids digestion and releasee sae Makes you feel tine and ready for. restful sleep. Try Mulrcney's DWELL. medicine tonight end see what it will do for you. Order large '.Y -pones bottle from TOer druggist today, BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS if your back aches OT if you have disturbed sleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a sure sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wastes. When the kidneys slow up. wastes celllect. Backache, dizzy spells, ppify eyes and rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help—and there is a time -tried, proven way to, help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, These Capsules contain care- fully measured quatitities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Dro,^s You will find their action fast and effective. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the genuine and original Dutch Drops—packed in Canada. Get a 40c package from your druggist. s Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. , Pinkhan's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings—due to monthly func- tional dtsturbances.It helps build up. resistancultdaycs," e againstMadeIn. distressCanada, of r'dfin- Pouliker of Mecca relieve win, bring out cores, hub mildly, no scar. 25c, 37e, 50r, $1.00. 'MECCA`? OINTMENT Orders -In -Council A recent survey by the Canadian Institute of Public Opinion reveals the ,disturbing fact that only twenty-two percent of Canadians know what a an order -in -council is It is part of the British and Canadian parliamentary system neat the Governor-in-ouncil, l.e„ the Government of the day, may meet emergent necessities durSng the long recess between sessions of Parliament with an order -in - council which has the force and effect of law, Traditionally, the principle involved was eventually ratified by statute. may operate only in liberated coun- tries. It may decide during this present session to operate in ex - enemy countries -- in Italy or Germany. There is some disagree- ment about this subject among the delegate.. but officials are con- fident that a solution will be worked out. UNRRA operates only at the request of the military during the military period of liberating a country. After the military period it is at the request of and in agree- ment with the national authorities of liberated countries. It procures its supplies through the appropriate agencies of its member nations. It gets its food, for instance, like everyone else through the Combined Food boards. Philosophy of Unrta The constittttion of UNRRA says that it must carry out its relief and rehabilitation program without discrimination of any kind. Its philosophy has been sums ;slued up by Director -General Lehman who said: "The guiding light of UNRRA must be the prin- ciple of helping people to help themselves." Easy to roll, delightful —to smoke FINE [UT [IGAREiTE TOBA[EO Have You Heard? "Nature," explained the lecturer, "always tries to make compensa- tion. For instance, if t man loses an eye, the sight of the other be- comes stronger, and if he goes deaf in one ear the hearing of the other becomes acuter, and so on." "Sures" said Pat, to his neigh- bor, "an' of believe he'a right, for *I've noticed that when a man has a short leg the other is always longer." —0 -- "Why has Helen broken off her engagement to her R,A,F. friend?" "She found his plans for mar- riage were all in the air." —0— In answer to 8 German's "Heil, Hitler!" a Dutchman replied, "Heil, Rembrandt! Heil, Rembrandt!" "What do you mean?" asked the German. "Well", said the Dutchman, "he's our best painter." STUFFY NOSE? Nose plugged up? Head cold threaten- ing? Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Feel clogged mucosa loosen, stuffiness vanish, breathing passages come clear. Relief is instant. NOSTROLINE clears head, stops discharge, relieves catarrh, head colds. Convenient. Pleasant. Adults and children. 50c—all druggists. MOST RSO. NG\Ee THROAT SORE? for common ordinary sort throat , u51 PSB .R is ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS COMPLETE MONTHLY SERVICE, email businesses our specialty, All Government' reports prepared. Brett & Company, 8 Wellington East, Toronto. BART CHICKS WE HAVE .FOR IMMEDIATE DE - livery pullets, laying and ready - to -lay, and also a limited quan- tity of dayolds. These should be ordered now to avoid dtaappolnte went, It will help if you niso let us have your November require- ments as soon as possible: Fal] Service Bulletin ready—have you received yours or would you like one sent to a friend? Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John St, N., Hamilton, Ont. PULLETS BARRED ROCKS, NEW Hampshires, White Leghorns, Hy- brids and other breeds 18 weeks of age and older. Send for 1946 Chick Price List and be sure of your chicks when you want them. Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario. 400 BARRED ROCKS PULLETS, some Leghorns, three months old, sell or exchange for other poul- try, Zammlt Bros., 5 Kane Ave., Toronto. PULLETS 13 WEEKS TO LAYING, Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, New Hampshires, Hybrids. Free catalogue. Not too soon' to be thinking about your 1545 chicks. Send for prtcelist today. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Werke Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto, ATTENTION FARMERS! ORDERS TAKEN FOR SHEAF Loader attachments for Corn Binders for 1946 delivery. Place your order now. For further In- formation write Peter T. Seip, Gads . Hill, Ont, FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS. NEW. (SED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd. 2221 I)ufferin St: Ti inn re-. "FAIRWAY" IT CLEANS!— AS IT WAXESI— AS l'1' POLISHES! Qulele Efficient Fluor Tool( Cana- dian Patent. Material, workmanship, guaranteed. Null directions with each 'Fairway,' only $6.75 express paid, 0,0.1D, 403 Gerrard Street, Toronto. , MANITOBA HEREFORD BREE7J- et's' Association Sale of 100 reg- istered polled and horned Here- fords at auction, October 17th, Provincial. Exhibition Vali Grounds, Brandon, Manitoba. For catalogue write J. R. Bell, Live Stock Commissioner, Legislative Buildings, Winnipeg, Manitoba. ANGORA RABBITS, FROM UN - related, pedigreed prize stock, 99.00 pair, $12.00 trio, breeding age; younger ones available. Write for prices. Box .500 Grafton, Ont. ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL pups, registered, from a Canadian strain of excellent blood lints. Price $30 each. P. 13. Hayward, Terra. Nova, Newfoundland. FOR SALE—Fnnm IN'S BOUNDS thoroughbred, seven only.. Guar- anteed to hunt. Order promptly. D• 4V, Fremlin, Bar River. REGISTERED POINTER, FEMALE, 9 months old, white with black ears ticked best hunting. stock. Ready to trait, $96. A. M. - Lear - mouth. 1233 Mereller St., Shawini- gan Falls, P.Q. ARMY BOOTS EWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS• of our armed forces, perfect con- dition, $3.25 delivered. Money - 'back guarantee. State size, send money order, Ruskin & Co„ Peterborough, .Ont. 1"OR SALE REGISTERED OXFORD Down Rams, one .two years, one yearling, also Ram Lambs, reas- onable price. Carl Gillanders, 70,R. No. 2, Harrow. FUR SALE JOHN BURR HORIZONTAL MILL, turret lathe with auto drive and motor. Madison bearing grinder, E buffers, sheet metal roll rorm- ers,.82 used Caliper thread gouges, N.F,N.S. and B.S.P. with setting plug gauges free fit go and not go, Contact. F. C. Martin, 72 Stafford St. AD, 8427, Toronto. WATER POWER, SAW MILL, Grist Milland dwelling. Good lumber and feed business, reason for selling N1 health. Spring oc- cupation, Box 172, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING — FINEST leather and harness preservative. Stipp also. has many household uses 26c up at moot grocery, hard- ware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Laboratories, Toronto. BREEDING TURKEYS — WAGON Wheel' B.B. Bronze weighing up to 88 lbs. at alx months. Parent stock personally selected from special matings In U.S. by ex- perts. Thousands of guaranteed range birds to select from, raised without loss. The secret of success out loss. The secret of success lies In reliable foundation stock. Your selection now from our 'stock should pay big dividends, Whaling Turkey Ranch, Moore- field, Ont. CARLOTS OP COLTS, FARM AND bush horses for sale, Write, Ti E. Murphy, Chaplin, Sask. STRONG, YEAR-OLD RASPBERRY canes. Taylor, Latham varieties, 10c each. River View Gardens, Kitchener, Ont. Men's Handkerchiefs lOc ea. WRITE FOR TREE LIST ON ALL dry goods, flannelette and small - wares.. Part time agents wanted. Orders over 92.00 sent postpaid. Goods satisfactory or money re- funded. LAWLAND & KLAN INC. Wholexnle Retail 83: Stount Royal E., Dept. WP Montreal FARM FOR SALE 193 ACRS, 1 .MILE WEST OF Kitchener l i m i t e, Kitchener - Stratford highway, Charles W. Moser, R.R. 4, Kitchener. 190 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, 7 - roomed house, furnace, bank barn, implement shed, hen house, garage, two wells. reaming water, 15 acres hardwood, 29 acres mix- ed timber. Meredith English. R.R. No. 3, 13urlceton,. Ont, HAIRDRESSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hairdressing at Can• ada's finest andlargest schools. Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free liter- ature. Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 350 Moor Street. Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. LEA 1-1N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. MEDIHAL READ TH1S—EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 395 Elgirt, Ot- tawa. Postpaid 91.00, STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the eause of 111 -health in humans, all ages, No one im- mune! Why not Lind out 1f this is your trouble? Interesting par,. Haulers—Free! Write Mulvaney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3, BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 46c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, NEURITIC PAINS? HERE'S HOW to relieve that pain, taste Fermol Rheumatic Arthritic Pain Tablets. At your druggist's or send $1.00 today and receive one month's supply postpaid. L'erinol Distributors, Box 712, London, Ont. DIXON'S REMEDY—FOR. NEUR- itle end Rheumatic Pa111e. Thous- ands - satisfied. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottnva. Poet• paid 41,00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto E. ,THUTUGRAP39T TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and Printed t OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26e REPRINTS 8 for 23e FIINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not at all the Slime you sant thle year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your - Dime to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERV50n Station 7, Toronto. PERSONAL 15)2E WHAT YOUR }IANDWRIT- Ing reveals and instructions how to read cards, 41. Madam rnoah, Sub Station 98, Toronto. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. STAMPS AUCTION SALE, LISTING B.N.A. Br, Colonials, Foreign, etc. 8,250 Iota; wholesale, retail; catalogue free now. N. Begin, Box 125, Sta- tion B, Quebec. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED MARRIED OMAN for Dairy Farm, separate house, wood and milk. Steady employ- ment, wages to suit. Apply to F. C. McLennan, Lancaster, Ont. WANTED WANTED TO BUY, BUSH LANDS or Parma oontalning bush lands,, eultable to cut furniture lumber. Write Bogdon & Gross Furniture Co. Ltd., Walkerton, Ont. WANTED, RELIABLE FARMERS, who have feed and facilities to fatten young cattle for market,' for fixed price per. pound of gain in weights. Owner will supply, meal, or part grain, If necessary, on account contract, Nearer To ronto the better. Write fully. W. Post Office, Bos 176, Toronto. WANTED TO BUY: ALL KINDS OF hard wood and soft wood logs„ also small quantity bolts. Write Bogdan & Gross, Furniture 'Co. Ltd., Walkerton, Ont. WANTED TO PURCHASE RA 17 1N CARLOAD LOTS FOR prompt 01' scattered shipment. Write Hugh M. Scott & Co. Hoy and Groin Dealers, 480 McGill St., Montreal 1, P.Q. HOTELS WANTED DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR hotel? We .specialize In the sale,. of hotels and have many custom- ers desirous ,of purchasing. It you will write or phone I will arrange to inspect your hotel, Bert Weir & Son, 156'4 Dundas Street, London, Opt, LICENSED HOTEL WANTED SMALL MODERN LICENSED HO - tel, good equipment, gallonage and furnishings, 'complete detail and photograph first lettere Principals .only—good cash pay- ment—by .private purchaser, Box 173, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. AGENTS WANTED GAS SAVER, ,PATENTED, PROV- en, guaranteed. Pita- all motors. 1f you have other full time em- ployment, write for proof, agency, propos' Hon. 'Victory Mfg, -Com- pany, Cornwall, Ontario. AN OLD ESTABLISHED HATCH- ery wants agents ineertain localities in Canada to sell chicles in your spare time. The commis- nion is good -and the chicks area well and 'favourably known. Write for full detallaBot 171, 79 Adelaide W.. ''pronto.