HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-10-12, Page 1lln,ml1n11,11111111111,1MlIll ll 1111111111111111111,1111111111111111,1,11
When the last gun is fired
And .London ,town,
Dusty - and worn and tired,
May settle down;
'When the last litter brings
Some soldier back,
And the last bombe( :swings
Low to attack ; •
p llllllll 111111111111S111011111111111 lllllllllllllllll1n111nunnnnn111
WHOLE SERIES, VOL. (37, No, 41
When- seas aresafe to ride,
Temples secure,
Nu needin cloves to hide,
Liberty buret
When, sorrow's dears are dried,
Peace ours again,
Henceforth, however tried,
God keep us sane!
11$111111.13.11111101 llllll iw111111u,11b111, 1111111111111/11111,111111
Phone 84
$1 a year
Reguiee meeting ,of the council was held
in the council chambers on Tuesday evening
at 8 p.m. Minutes of last meeting read and
confirmed. • Present were Mayor John J.
Chaff, Reeve J. P. Daly, Councillors F. S.
Sills, R. G. Parke, John -C. McKenzie, H. E.
Smith, J. E. Keating.
Wm. Ament, assessor, turned in .his roll
and made a .report. Letter from Ontario
Municipal Health Service Board, resolution
from City of Windsor and letter frdm Dept.
of Municipal Affairs were read and tabled..
Letter refire alarm box leftin the hands of
Councillor Parke. Councillor Parke reported
re siren and structure supporting ben. This
was left in, Councillor Sills' hands.
The report of the financecommittee was
passed: : D.• H. Wilson, salary, etc., $87.01;
R. Shinen, salary, $25.00; J. A. Wilson, Pen-
sion, $20; J. Currie, salary,. $95; J. Cum-
mings, $90 Thos. Storey, salary,. $70,:: Bell
Telephone Co., $5.88 John Stewart $2.65;
County of 'Huron, $28.15; Thompson's Book-
store, $8 C.N.R.. $12.22,' Geo. D. Ferguson,
$55.75; Dominion Bunk, box. rent, $6; Co.
of Huron, $857.00; Municipal World,. $1.14;
Seaforth P,U.C., $7; Public Library, y
$1220 ; high ` school, levy, $8,437.87 ; 1abl,
school, levy. :$9 053.56; separate school, levy,
81200.48;.UC -waterworks dent., local imp.
levy, $2,05.n8, H. W. Hart, acct„ $20.40,
K. M. Campbell, acct, $16.00.
The organization for the Seventh Victory
Loan, which starts Monday, - Oct 28x•0, is well
under way. •-
Lieutenant Ross Hitherto, a former Vic-
tory Loan Oreenter, now on Active Service
with the Army and stationed at Ioperwash,
has been grantedspecial leave to assistwith
the organization lnHerron County.
The County Chairman, The Rev. W. A.
Beecroft, has expressed .his gratification at
the manner In which the Committee Mem-
bers are accepting their responsibilities for
the forthcoming loan, and the Committee
.a, Members arein turn confidant thattheir re-
e-50001 ve districts will ploy their full part in
this all important Victory Loan.
Quotas in- the Seventh Victory Loan:
Ashfield Township $104,000, Wawanosh
West 69,000, Colborne .Township 06,000, God-
erioh 485,000 Wnwanosh East 69,000 Wing -
ham :191,000, Turnberry Township 76,000. Ho-
• wick Township 226,000,. Morris Township
94.000' Grey Township 118,000, Brussels 76,-
000, Blyth 46,000, Tuchersmitli .Township 101,
000, .McKillop Township 101,000, Hullett
Township 101,000, Senforth 166,000, Stanley
Township 102, 000, Godorich Township 85,-
000, Hensall. and Hay East 100,000, Zurich.
end Flay West-- 91,000, Usborne Township.
100,000, Exeter . 151,000, Stephen. East 66,000.
Stephen West. 06,000, Clinton 190,000, total
N 0 W
Northside United Church
Rev, H. V. Workman, Minister.
Anniversary services. 11 a.m. mid 7 p.m, :
Rev, George W. Moore, B.A.,. 13,1]„ of Ltsi;o•
we, Special music by the choir, special amd
verssury thankedeung, 'Welcome to these
St. Thomas', Seaforth
10 a.m., Sunder School. and Gillis 'Bible
11 n,m., Morning prayer, ""Whet 'is the
(Evening service withdrawn eh hoeeutlt 01
anniversary smolt:es at'Noithsitlo United
Church). _
St. Mary's, Dublin
2.30 Sunday 'School. 8, service, "'What
the Church:"
The Rector, Rev, 0. F. L. eneert,
at sB serv'ices. -
EgtnondeFilte 'U'nited 'Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
15 tonn., Sunday 'School.
11 •0.m., "Good- Tidings to 'the Depresseiia'
The Seafoi.'t'li' Women's Institute
met at the home of Mrs E. Pudnei.
on Thursday, -Oct. 5th, with Mrs.
Wilfred Coleman in the chair. The
;meeting opened with the opening
ode and the Lord's prayer in unison
The roll Call was hew to make Sun-
day s ..zestful day. Plan's were made
to pack the ovel'seee boxes on Oct.
10th at the home of Mrs. Raymond
Nott, There were 29 boxes packed
-veined at 55 each. Mrs, Nott then
react the minutes, of the last meeting
which were adopted as read, After
the business part of the meeting
-etre. Ale T'r'.nper thin took . over
the iilee"in,0-•, the. topic Nein' social
welfare the model. the p11 cats' life
is the child's telly boot-, Mrs, Gard
(11111', the greet. "meatier, fllnVe a- very
ini(restin; and 11010fnl address, tak-
ing the; topic ee a\ell 0(111. Keen gave
a demonstiptinn on re -milling cloth-
ing, A vote m' lh,rlks was tendered
Mrs. heen and 11;'s. Pudner,
Mr. Reg. Kerslake has been ap-
pointed chairman of the Seaforth
Public School Board following the
resignation of the former chairman
Rev. Dr. Hurford, who has moved to
Mr. Clare Reith has been appointed
to 'fill out Dr. Hurford's term' as a
member of the board.
The. entire 'commm hty Neap shocked to
'beer of. the midden do.,lth of Allen Love, son
of 0Ir. and Mrs. Joint Loye, Parr (Inc. and
floe mast sincere oympathy is extended.. to
'Mr and 111;:s. Love in their sad bereavement.
ITolidny visitors: Dr. Harvey and. Mrs.
Rohl, and two daughters of Toronto at the
former'''s mother's, Mrs. M. Reid.
and tnmil Mies
. art of Mrs. . Lethem Y,
Beatty cf Lmttlnu. at the home of Mrs: L,
Beatty and clanghter,
Mao. Sores of London tit the home of her
father, Mr, Cnultiee,
Mr, and' Maes. Herd and family of Strat-
ford et. she home of Mr, and Mrs. M.
Ma' Wm. Doweon pt the borne of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Galbraith as Sunday guests.
Rev Mr. Hicks of '.London took the sem,
vice '011 Sunday' in Bayfield, Middleton onto
Varna Anglican Churches.
Anniversary services will beheld- is Verna
United Church on. Oct, 1511 when Rev. Mr.
Bandy, to farmer' pastor•, will conduct .the
service at 31 adn, and 7.10 n,m. The service'
in St.. John's Anglican Ohnreh will be with-
Mr. -Bill Conitioe stook a holiclnyand spent.
week with friends in Toronto, Ingersoll,
Brentford and London,
Mr. and Mrs, .Harvey Ohnter of Marriston
spent Sunday rat the parental home.
Mrs. E. MnAsh is the :guest of her $on
and Mrs. MCAsh.
Dr, Reid, Mrs. Raid anddaughters of Tor -
oto. Mrs M. Reid were Sunday visitorsat
the home of Mr.. and Mrs, Widmer Reid and
Monnr .. will reside in -Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Janes T. Malcolm,
Dublin, announce the engagement of
their only daughter: Marion Jean, to
Mr. Ross A. Gordon, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Gordon, McKillop town-
ship, the - marriage to take place
later'.. in 'October.
On Wednesday evening, Oct, 4, a number
of friends and neighbors gathered at the,
home: of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brown, Egnrond-
ville, to honour their daughter, Bernice, be-
fore her coming msnringe on Sat. Oct. 7.
Bingo was enjoyed during the evening. Ber-
nice was then called to the chair of honour
and Misses Mary Sisede and Batty McClineh-
ley presented her with a large assortment -of
kitchen ware. The following address was read.
was rend by Mrs, R. Strong, Bernice: Oc-
ensiens like this usually occur mice in is
lifetime and we simply could not allow this
CW01191011 to pans without showing you in
some small way that we all join together
to cordially wish both Kenandyourself long
life, happiness and good luck. As a worker
you are one of the best we all know and as
n. 00015 you can ''hold yourplace with the
best. These utonsiin we treat will help you
in your household duties for -as the.: woman
once told .her daughter, the secret of success
in married life is 'Feed the brute.' Best
wishes from your friends and neighbors."
Bernice.. thanked everymie and invited them
to visit her in her new home. A bounteous
lunch was served by a number of ladies.
The death occurred in Toronto on October
6th of -Miss Catharine Kerr, es the result of
a. heart attack. She was born In Seaforth on
Feb. 18th, 1894, and had lived in Toronto for
some years. Surviving are one brother, Win.
J. Kerr, of. Seaforth ; a half brother, Dm,
McLeod, of Los Angeles, CnI., and an uncle,
William McLeod of Port Huron. The funeral
took place from the residence of her -brother,
Wm. 3, Kerr•, on Sunday afternoon, inter-
ment in Maitlandbani: cemetery. Rev. R. H.
Williams, B.A., of First Presbyterian Chinch,
officiated, The pallbearer's were -Messrs,
Dalton Reid, W. J. Duncan, Homer Hunt,
Wm. Smith, Jos. Dorsey, John MecKeneie,
The flower bearer's aver0 Roy Kerr, Scott
Kerr, Jack- McLean, R.Modeland.
Mrs, Russell Coleman was hostess to over
100 guests when she entertained at a trous-
seau tea, Tuesday afternoon and evening for
her daughter, Dorothy, Prior to her marriage
on Saltram", October 7th. Miss Ruth Cern-
;when displayed the linens. kitchen ware and
wedding gifts and Miss Hazel Coleman the
trou9sene end quints. Serving were Mrs..
Lorne .Ln
waon Mrs. James rs.
Johnston, Mrs. E h. Clarke Willis,issistedby
Mrs. Cecil Oke On the evening.
A pleasant evening was spent at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Norman
Carter on Friday. The farm forum;
group of Seaforth highway west gath-
ered to bid -them farewell before they
left for their new home in Clinton.
Following a program of motion pie -
tares show by Mr, IL A. Carter, song ,
and contests, Mrs. Roy Lawson gave
an address to Mr. and Mrs. Carter.
Mrs. Effie Jamieson and Mies Joyce
Carter. Mrs. J. F. Scott and Margaret
Grummett then- presented them with
a beautiful hall mirror and a wall
bracket. They each thanked the as-
sembled guests and a delicious lunch
was served,
Wallace Watson, at present stationed at
the Groat Lakes Naval Station, Is home for
a week's leave, Having flown to London he
was met by his father at London. -
Within the short periodof three years,
the Kippen: Auxiliary, one of about +tiwenty
auxiliaries of South Huron, is entertaining
the annual convention of the South Huron
Presbyterial of the Women's Missionary So-
clety, -on \Vednesdny of nest week, the (35th,
Interesting reports will be given at the mor-
ning session, and in the afternoon the
Exeter Mission Band is presenting a short
drama andthe sliest spealte•, Mrs: Chauifey
or Godeeich, the social worker of the county,
will give her address.
The sympathy _. of the congregation and.
community goes out -to Mrs. Harold Jones
aura the members of herfamily in the loss of
her brother, Allan Love, who died of menin-
gitis at the beginning of the week, ,
Russell Moffatt :of Prince Albert, Sask.
now at the Aylmer airport, was a visitor
over the week end rat his uncle's, Alf. Moffat.
The St. Andrew's congregation Is looking -
forward to their 77th anniversary on .Sunday
first, the 15th. The guest speaker for the
occasion is the Rev. Fred Clysdale, formerly
of Exeter and Owen Sound but now of Ikl-
etton. The :choir is busy preparing the spe-
cial music for the day, Additional music will
he provided by the soloist, Douglas Gill; mus-.
tc supervisor for publle schools.
Miss Ann Domm, of Aylmer Airport, spent.
the week end at her home this'week.
Mr. and Mrs: R. D. Eigie have returned
from their honeymoon and are settled down
to the stern realities of life.-
Mr. Abe Forsyth is improving nicely after
his illness and is able to be around again
among hos friends. - -
Mrs. Chesney of Stratford is visiting for
a few. weeks,
Fiction - Towards Zero, Christie •
All for the love of a lady, Ford; Ok-
lahoma law, Holt; The Razor's edge,
Maugham;. What happened to Anna
Bolton, Bromfield; Hotel Berlin 43,
Baum; Anger in the sky, Ei'tz; My
love must wait, Hill; The Walsh
-Girls, Jamewaly; Ole married a doc-
tor, Baldwin; The night is ending,
Ronald; The Colonel's lady, Mont-
gomery; You can't keep the change,
Cheyney; The Queen was in the
Kitchen, Alloway;' The two Mrs. Ab
botts, Stevenson; While still we live,
Machines; Without lawful authority,
Coles; Arrow pointing nowhere,
Daly; The inconvenient corpse, Fen-
vecict Blessed are the sleek, Kossak;
The American House, Chase.
I Non Fiction - The hone book of
Christmas, Becker; French Canada,
Ryerson; They shall not sleep,
Stows; Fat. on the ringing ,plain;
Lake Iluron, Lan(lon; 'Whittling and
At the last meeting 18 Gnidea answered
the roll call. Was the weather too wet for
the rest of ynu'9 Will. the guides please notice I
that the next 'meeting will he en Tuesday,
the 17th, but from then onwill be on Thurs 1
'theta. Mtge new members have started and i
two old ones have returned. At the Court of
Honor it, wasdecided that some Guides were
in line for 'piroinotikn. -
° Fern„ gladioli, evergreen made a pretty
setting for the wedding. of Dorothy Mee, ell -
eft (laughter of 'Mr.. and lMIrs.. Russell Cole
men to Ernest 'William, only son of Mrs,
'Talbot and the'lete Melvin Talbot on Satur-
lay,:Odtober'7th, art high noon rat her home.
Miss Ruth Cnrnochait played the wedding
=tech and also played softly during the
signing of the register, Rev,. Melvin Keys, of
St, 'Maryb, uncle of the groom, officiated,
'The bride, given in marriage by her father,
looked 'lovely in a street' length .dress of
aqua 'blue San Chills crepe in ttivn-piece
style, With tiny covered buttons down the
front of the jacket and gold sequins forming
flowers on etch shoulder. She wore a cor-
sage of Joanna 10111 hosesand white pearl
'baby mums. Hazel Coleman, sister of the
bride, was bridesmaid, wearing to street
length dress of - gold Jerome crepe with
matching Ince inserts on Inc.. sleeves and
about the 05455.0 neckline and tiny bow knots
down the front of the bodice. She wore a
eo nee er Talisman rses. Tim' groom wee
attesiicil by his cnusut, Arnold Keys. . Tota
bride's mother received in to dress of luggage.
tali gohonline wearing n corsage of pink
nrlarehfio roses. The genem's mother assisted
in a two -niece dress ef black crepe with. a
multi of blue trimmed with hinterembroil-.
etv. onthefront ofthejaekct. Sate also w0r0
o rorsn•.e n1' ink nrinrrlide vases, Following
jthe ruremntry the sec urn pie n .oat ver 0uoss,
i ed e -w adding dinner in the -amine• re=
which ems prettily decorated In pink mrd
white. The table was centred with a tlt,ve-
ttnr•d reclaim: cake which was surrounded
s-irh piny t,pers. moil smolt losltota al. pink
and w•blt a tet'., Mise: Ruth Cnrnnehon,
i Man, tee,,,, , I,ow••ms end Mrs. J'amrs Willis
herd Tatter in rhe. afternoon the. bruinl
ale left . amid shoWere ofconfetti fro. St.
r ober 1 tt Niagara i ll, :.rad f n•ther pe mos,
T"r r1fafline the bride ,1010 a two.putre
1 .•,e NS tont,°: i '1 me weel will t'annu'te
mt,rnid ryShe olan wore 0 hiewn 0001 with
1'lvnt Pollar I 1111 1,1,11.11. , ne ea. tine,.. On
their" rehrn they writ vesicle an fho grnnm's
firm nn theeesend of Staley,
Red Cross* Notes -
District Deputy Grand Master
Ross Scott and staff, Fred Eoyce,-W.
McLachlan, Wm. Mel envie, Geo. Mc-
Cartney, Gordon Weight, ]:Tarry Dal-
rymple, installed the officers of Fid -
d' No.A
elity Lodge, 55,Seaforth. J.P.G.
Y g,
Thompson; ; Beaton,
W. J. N.G, Bev, o
VG., C. Reeves sec., E. 13. Goudie,
F.S„ •Robert Sn'it1Y, tress, M McKel-
lar; Ward, Ed Mole; Con., Dr, Har-
burn; FSS, Reg. Knight; LSS, Chas,
CunninghaTrl; BSVG., Dalton Reid;
LSNIG, Charlie Adams; PSVG, Jack
Stevens; LS'V•G, Garnet McClinchey;
IG„ Alex. Boyce; OG., David Mot -
Lean, Chaplain, Thos. Carter. Lunch
\As served by the'members of Fid-
elity Z,b'dge.
Ilans are 001• complete fee. 0bazaar fn
be hold Saturday, Nov 3 0m• hammy
in M,Tavit?h's
store, We hops to have .015 depnrtmentS.
w. lVI wall 11. 1 lite] OS to ono end alt The'
1..,I'5n nt will be Lfne, Dept., under the
sun r% is;nn ot M.n. IVTeTavish end her com-
mittee Baby Dept.. with'M,•: lioith McLear
an charge Dome Making Dept, with Mrs.
Cries. Stewart ittMimeo; -Produce Dent,
with Mrs Ttusseil, convene(., Miscellaneous
Dept„ with Mies W. Savauge, convener;
White L"lephnnt vaunter. with Mrs. Watson
in elinree and the hints with Mrs, Mcfleoch
In charge of tickets: AC the linen depart -
meta. will be 111.1)2100 011s and many' attractive
articles nmclo from the gilt of linen to the.
Red Gress. 1u all other departments we hope
lei^•a lame display donated - by the good.
people of Seaforth and district.
This is your bazaar and with your help
and durations we hope to make it no complete
success. Any and n11 donations will be re-
ceved -by -the conveners or may of the Red
C lean ladies,
A wedding' was solemnized at the: Adelaide
Street Rectory+, London, when Miss Wilma
Bernice Brown eldest daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Edward. Brown of Egmondvillei bee»ne
the bride of Mr. ICenceth., Allan Chambers,.
second son of Mr, and Mrs. Roy_ Chamber; of
Godorich. The bride was charming in -a blue
two-piece street length dress and matching.
accessories tonct wore a .corsage of Better
Time roses. and 'maiden heir fern. She vas
attended by .Mrs. Russell Irlayier of London
w•h0 worn.0 brown street length - dress and
matching .accessories and n corsage of Bet-
ter. Time roses and,. maiden hair fern. The
groom's attendant• was Mr Russell Hayter
also of 'London, After the ceremony a wadsl"
hog dinner was held 0t the: home of Me, and
Mrs, Russell Hayter. Upon their' return they
A social evening is being held in St, Pat-
atrick's hall en Wednesday evening, Oct. 185,5,
ander the auspices of the Altar Society, with
cards, luncheon and a social evening, Admis
=ton 850, - -
Personals: Able Seaman Donald J.
MODaid, RCNVR, on furlough from
St, John, N.B., and Charles McDaid
Jr., Kitchener, with Ml. and Mrs,
William Flanagan; 0,S. Frank Evans,
RCNVR. Quebec, Joseph Evans and
Miss Mary Evans, Windsor, with
their mother, Mrs, Katharine .Evans;
1111'. and Mrs. Harold Smuck and
'daughters, Kathleen and Carol Ann,
Kitchener, with Mr, and Mrs. Thos.
J. Molyneaux; • Miss Genevieve Mc-
Carthy, Toronto; with her patents,
Mr, and Mrs, M. McCarthy; Rev,
Harry F. Feeney, C.R., St. Jerome's
College. Kitchener, with his mother,
Mrs. Kathleen Feeney; Miss Margaret
Holland, Toronto,with her Parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Geo, E. Ilolland; 'Will-
iam Verch, Cornelius O'Grady, Gordon
Keuhl and John ICeuhl, Kitchener,
with Mt•, and Mrs. Michael Mc -
earthy; Misses Edith and Margaret.
Iirauskopf, Kitchener, with their par-
'ivood ca)'ving, Langerman; Alaska colts, 112x, and Mrs. Albert Krauskopf;
and the Canadian Northwest; Whit- ker. and Mrs, Thomas Feeney and
tling and wood carving, Taneger slaughter, London, with Mr. and Mrs.
Gritfin. Patrick Feeney; Donald Kuntz°, Kin -
Juvenile - The story of England, cardine, with his parents, Mr. and
Brown; Katy, Burton; On the banks NH's. Leslie Kuntze; Miss Ally Looby,
of Plum 'Creek, 'Wilder; Farmer Boyd Toronto, and Mrs. Clarence Trott
Wilder; The Lone Woodsman, Miller; • and daughter' Anne Loraine, Sea
Peach Blossom, Lattimore; The Lit -e. forth,,, with their mother, Mrs, A. M.
tie Aeroplane, Leask i; Biggles :sweeps Looby; Miss Agnes McGrath and
the desert, o'Jlms; The little horse in' Frank McGrath, Waterloo, with their
the big woods, Sewell. mother, Mrs. Mary McGrath; O.S.
Huron County Library Association Ted Rowland, RCNVR, Cornwallis,
books at Seaforth Public Librarye with his mother, Mrs. Winnifred
September to December, 1944: Rowland; Mrs. Frank Stapleton, Lon -
Fiction - The murder of Roger don, with Mr, and Mrs. William
I Ackrowd, Christie; Crazy weather,' Stapleton; Miss Velma Moore, Kitch-
1 McNicholl; Mother Mason, Aldrich; j ener, with her patents, Mr. and Mrs.
Look to the mountain, Carman; Hill1 Leslie Moore; Misses Mary, Eileen
Joy, ' Holding; Guns of ghost valley, and Jean Jordan, London, with their
Rist$,'; The old battle ax, Holding; parents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Jordan;
A bell for Adano, Hersey; Dawns Miss Jean Burns, Galt, with her par -
early light, Thane; Run with the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burns; Miss
pack( Frame; The Biack Flemings„ Margaret McLaughlin, Seaforth, with
Norris; Cy Whittaker's place, Lin- Mr, and Mrs, Michael McLaughlin;
coin; Gun King of melted rocks, Misses Bernice and Angela Donnelly,
Hale; Lost Sunrise, Norris; Dear Stratford, with their parents, Mr. and
dead woman, Gilbert; Drivin woman, Mrs, Frank Donnelly; Miss Marion
` Chevalier; Against a darkening sky, Meagher, London, with her parents,
Lewis; Border breed, Raine; This 114x, and Mrs. John Meagher; Mrs.
' proud heart, Buck; Thirty .acres, Kostick Sr. anti Joseph 'Kostick in
Ring7•eet; Blue mask strikes again, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. David Mc -
Morton; Gabriel's search, Lutes; Connell in Detroit; Mr. and 11rs. H.
Avancbe, Boyle; The chance of a lit;Corman and daughter Ella Louise in
time, H1111; IIrigllt to the wanderer, ami on, M1•, and Mrs. Arthro
Lancaster; Beyond the Rio Grande, Forster in Listowel; Martin Feeney
Raine There was an old. woman, Jordan n Lon
I. a o d i
n Kitchener, James J
R •s Thos, J Mol'
don; Mr. and kers, Io l 3
Nonleiotion Journey into the fog, neaux at Zurich Rev, Dr, Ffoulkes
Goodhue Your only human once, attended the re -opening of Kennicott
Moore; Road to Alaska, Coe, ' Church on Sunday evening; Mrs,
Canada moves North, Finnie; D Katharine Benninger has sold her
Day, Gunther; My life with the residence to Terry Flannery.
enemy, An gall; Chile, Fergusson; Me, and Mrs, Harvey Dantzer and
Iceland, Stefansson; Guadalcanal, son, 'IVinssor, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph
Tr•egaskis; . Russia and Japan, Him Dantzer and two daughters, Kitch-
eus; Flight to Arras, Saint Exupeny; ener, with Miss Helen and William
The slack book of Poland; Sweet Dantzer. Miss Margaret Murphy, Lon -
Thames run softly, Gibbiugs; The art don, and Miss Betty Muepliy, Guelph,
of selfishness, 'Seabiury; Trampled with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Lilies, Fortescue; Friendship, Sy- le. Murphy; Miss Geraldine Dillon,
mons. student nurse, St. Mary's Hospital,
Juvenile -Building and flying model IEitebene), and Miss IVIarie Dillon,
Airplanes; The rnlniaway horse, Stratford, with their parents, Mr. and
Thornajan; The live and a half club, Mrs. Louis Dillon,
Bianco; The Christ , story, Chinn; Rev. Joseph A. Fenney, London, witi, his
Jim Davis, Masellels; One for trete brother, Wilfred Feeney mrd other relatives.
son; Tttase; lllgh hurdles, Dun-' Mrs, Jnek Evans, flock:40h, with her bre-
' Combe; The_terti)e land, Greerkie; tier, Jolnr J. Ryan nasi Mn n„d Mrs.
Mr. Bumps ant) his donkey, DeLa Frank Evans.
Mr. mal Mrs. Ray Carter, Toronto, with
t Mare; Mother west wind why stories, (VII'. mid YR•s. Joseph Downey,
Burgess; a adv tten s Island, Coate-, Joseph Dorsey mrd Joseph O'Connell it
wol'th; The adventures Of a Brownie, : Lendun.
James 1001ey. Strnteord, with Mr. mei Mrs
i NltilOClC; From barter t0. money, lin°; I WIIY(nm Rile.V.
r NeVinterrtime, Dearbm•n; Quest in tole 1 Mfss Alicia Coyne undsrw•ent tr niajnr op
Northland, Yates( Twin deer, Hogan; eratier at St Tnseph's I1:ospitn! London.
Tends and frees, Parker; The following 09 is respl School ,Indents eat
g , 'i1 ceY; Joan Foster! Stratford at Ihuir rr.'D nc�'n homes: Misses
t -I freshman, Colver; Merry hearts and. Angela O'Reilly, Katherine Woods and Helen
bold, Nolen; Tho Zoo book; hipling's rht;f f11ir n a e
stories for children, Kipling; Sons .of a ntln y, s: ratford, 1th MI'
the Dragon, Sowers; Wings for A5(','an1R01,. Themes Coyne in London.
words, Meleartx"ie. Mleees Doris rod Bernadette Fissat-.u,, nr
London. with -their Ported,. Mr. n:d 11.'.,
J '1 llmYmmn..
CELEHPATw S $Stn BIRTHDAY 1VR Tete a Ryan. Leiden, with her 111,
Mt•, Henry Cooper will celebrateem1. Ab• a rad iln., Ptuaat•k
Ix Mins K11thhe( Rnrn , Surt fano, with Mr
j his 88th birthday an S, tunday when 1 e .rat.,, .1ti n,d len•, Fi ;,a5 rhn•n•:,
his f'tibiT will gather at the home, Mise Be me Mr, few Rt1•. 1. hltel01001
v� n bre• PL 11.et .1 Ii .,• ta,IIIam
o!' li � d:.0 later, i:lt John 1'Icllrov, sl „ley:
yI P 1.1 ,i10p. His other d tie'etei•. Mrs, M„a Ritn unify, r r l WO 11.•r par -
Aim e be Reid, will retut'" to Jones- 1 ' '1'' 11d Mr•, 1 D try.
Mee: Meier E. Moa Ch. been, eel, her
v 111 t. r:.._IC•1, �'tP,P bl7eii+'lin!;' the last pa ern Mr, and Mr,. Jell" Murree.
111 firth wlfii'. her f ithe4•,. Dublin imenmh.n• aha t tuts lust ,•,nele.t ;1
n •"0y .Ile„ ' 1:4 . .s, era,t '„eh• 21
��yD pp �;r r- p r•� n t •n , 111owe,.I it -�-i i Leith tla
Lt3 J-7 R Y" 1tl,.L
aril T 1; ht. ,t,tir•n .: I,,,, ; ,,.,.u,i.
Th„ til tzeni: of tiny$ !i{ were viurn1 , is n , incl. nn of Itrl.
r Tu r.doy n 'il5,5 u-h•in 1 liecean 111.,. n rat.t he \7 11
ih•t, At r. Brtic- la'yn,•e h d 1, ria1 ;5 in a fire , t in th, 1 , u•„n. , Tints'
ih t nam t; h e (.r c e l hi hon.,, Mr• I h . Sul' 1. '1"1 11' , 11 "1.1111..
i r
1 1 al n tad i t th.n ht. .hili h' 1 d *:, 1, ,
11-1 1 i 1 'lt n h 'opd,il . alio qr.7 h) l,. hi:•,. tar p ,,. ;: iehu•
FM, I it.fine 7, v Ad* 10 n:r raw
Mr, Mow,. wa:, 51 vont,: rho,. tonna/14A and ' 1 1. II - : I 5 •u„
a •cal by _ e brother, TJsr,v. of S, •I in. \ J. `• t -- t t, IT ,
end two sistrr,> nr CabfornPn. bot. tit G tl \.1 n n n t ::.
+eu,tn. Miss 7ceemie, 141,.., Wool- 1
•,.1,•, 0,1.111,1101i,, 1r ,i �. 'l 5
Mids D t m1. 1 1 ' • t-,
Minim ,.d Mn t%-,5 D t t .iec• of D:- ! t a -,i , _ 1' t 1 1'. „
tont fr rat the wv.1: ural rat $fins A; nuirt' 1,ih Tr of i.".s
Co1141 r.. 1.. n: I? 3111 711.,, r
briar \VoOl fondan of Detroit hos mneb.osed ; '' l ..1d vtd
the? cottage 1 :� nt1 ;c"11, n nn,. d b
r c,u ,tlm,uimg to Mrs. Cotton of �, y
London. _dt: ei'kP•ilh; 1•n•h ;Vi e.. ,lt, h,-.: l in hmi0r
Mr. Iain Airs, E. Gelder. and Miss Mary , Miss bimvlret 511,,,17., n brie r1'or
arc rn Th;m!csvt,'n mesa thio w•s.d., v Is tett 111 1ho hm,n• rt i1K,. 11011
Inrnnvm, i. p. of MTs: ?.Sat•gn,'rt Mrs. .7amr.' O'Tl .illy , P,id,p eld1o.I :\n
Mr, . i a• ' ei l cs: sans ad h,•. ,alt:. Niel, 1.•xl, end
, eymt he bond of the field ., of 1 1 ,
London, anent, the holiday in B;iYdeld ', pa -.._,forma nr !d• by :13 1 .:.�l1 it',b:lly or
Mr, aril Mrs, G. Chnr,hav»rd and Miss ram,',s s en:, 0f Ifnrn •iL--r,
Shark of Imndnn spent the week end at. , rnnney. The in•ulo to 1 r, f mal. t u tl -,1
the,U .Cottage,. ,Lit rntb+(dual donor. 7, sera I evening f.•:1 -
Mr, R. Stevens and family of London ' red, the mimic fair i cin,:• hen. unplied
Spent Thanksgiving at their new home, by Ryaan- M7Chteid Or,4,a1rn. Dni,.ty relresh-
rnent 1000'0 served by a .:roup a5 voluntary'
asst Mania.
Mr. 'and Mrs. J. J. Cleary and
daligli'tee .Nary Margaret visited 'with
relatives 'in Guelph over tllsfe 'wee
lVf'Iss°s Mary Duncan, anti. Mary
Leask,- Brescia Hall, London, seen
Thanksgiving at the home of the for
mel's.parents, Mr'. and Mats, W. J
Mrs. John Sclater and. daughte
Miss Marion Sclater visited 'with rel
sieves -111 Toronto over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs, ,T. G. Mullen are vis(
lug in Toronto,
Mrs. Gordon Rsgele and son Ger
alt) left on Wednesday to spend a
month with her parents at Calgary.
Mrs, E. 0, Case received official
wort? on Monday that her son TI•oopei
George Case had been wounded in
action in France on Sept. 20th.
Mr. a1111 Mrs..Clendon Christie, of
Kitchener, were guests at the home
of the litter's parents, Mr. and 0-Isa
Lorne Webster over the holxclix
week end
Mr. and Mrs. N. Turgeon, Montreal,
spent file Week end herr with the
former'", father, Mr, le. Tergson.
Mrs. C. 0, Sills and Miss Alice Daly
attended the C.W.L. convention in
London this week, -
Mrs, Knuekle and.. daughter Miss
Phyllis Knuckle, 'Woodstock, visited
with the former's brother Mr, John
Nash over the. holiday.
Miss Gertrude Murray, graduate of
Toronto Bible College, visited with
her Want, Mrs. Gertrude Been and
117)0, Elliott Walters over the week
end. '
Corporal and. Mrs,'R. A. Erickson,
who are stationed in Newfonndlsiicl,
left Tlnu'sday- for the'fol'mer's hone
in Winnipeg a:ftex' . spending ten days
leave with the latter's mother, Mrs.
NI, Messenger',-Egmonelville.
IIIc. Thomas Gillespie o t Toronto
spent. Thanksgiving at the home of
his parents, Mr, - and -Mrs, Neil
NIr, and Mrs. 14, A, Carter of Tor-
onto spent Thanksgiving at the home
of AI). onto Mrs. Norman Carter.
Miss E. A. Murclie, Lucknow, spent
the 'week end with her sister Nirs._
1VI. White.
Miss Margaret White,Nursing Si -
gg S,
tel' of - Christie Hospital, Toronto,
spent the holiday week end with her
mother Mrs. M. White.
Miss Teresa Maloney spent the
week end '^it1 Wal'lacebnrg,
Miss Veronica Maloney of Seaforth
spent the week encs with, friends in
We h e Just received a
shipment of very nice Break-
fast Sets in two designs,
"Breach of Spring" and
"Blossom Time." These sets
are from our best makers
and are priced at
Pee set of 32 pieces
We recommend these sets
and they are especialy good
value. i
Fred S. Savauge
Opposite Post Office
Phone 194 Res. 10
The Autumn thankoffering meet-
ing was held at the home of Mrs.
Robert MacFarlane on Wednesday
afternoon, Oct. 4th, with a fair at-
tendance, The president had full
charge of the meeting. Mrs. John
Boyd Jr. read the scripture lesson
from Luke 10:25-37. Mrs, Wm.
Church led in prayer. Extracts from
the missionary monthly program
were given by Mr's. Allen Ross and
Mrs. MacFarlane. An encouraging
report from the third quarter of the
W,M,S. was given. Mrs. Gardiner of
Egmondville was guest speaker, She
gale a very inspiring address. The
theme of her message was our duties
as parents for the new generation.
Be pioneers like our ancestors were
and put first things first. The only'
way is put our hand iu the hand of
God and pioneer back to God. She
closed with- a beautiful poem, "May
God guide us, friend." Mrs. Patton
favored with a lovely solo "Wonder-
ful words of Life." The meeting
closed with hymn "All the way my
Saviour leads are", and all repeated
the Lortl's prayer. A dainty lunch
was served and a social half-hour
The anniversary services of Caves Church
were held on Thanksgiving Sunday. Large
orowals attended both morning and evening
with Rev. R. G. :we WOO of Walton con-
ducting the services, The choir tinder the
leadership of Mrs. Frank Johnston, was
I assisted by the Male Quartette of First Pres-
byterian Church, Seaforth, In the morning
they snug two excellent numbers "Steal away
In Jesus" and 'Let the dower lights be burn-
ing"; in the evening "Somebody's knocking'
at year door" and "Bid the din of battle
Two pleasing solos wet•° also 1•enderal.
Miss Margaret Habkirk fnvoaed with Bless
this House" accompanied on the piano by her
sister Jean. Mrs. Roht. ivleRercher sang a
lovely number ' My World." Rev, Mr, Ha-
zelwood gave two very inpressive and inspir-
ing sermons. In the morning he chose as his
subject 'Abiclhng Realities", taking his text
Rem 1 Corinthians 13; 19, In this world of
I Change when so much physical torte is used
and material things valued only a pr'ofoums
religion with faith, hope and -love that points
• o s. God to whom Jesus came to. reveal is
the answer to victory: In the evening the sub.
Sect nes Om: Task taken from I Corin -
1 thins 8, This world is you00 to rebuild.
against the forces of evil prevailing, The
ideal plan for rite building of the Kingdom
i 01 Goti fs found In the 17ihle• Irl order to face
our task wo need first t tofut'ous'h pssies"
Stttnding rat' it, anil then the entlrusui." i 1
- I Acs. lir doing we' w•in ethers, We need to
make a nersonnl consccratlmt. 1'T that ether,. us'
his life for• my stoke shall final it. At this
us share it with
Thanbogi ing season we have so much to be
thankful -
Jeslis did,
Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Powell moved
this week to the house on N. Main
street Which he has purchased from
Mr. T. Jarman.
Mrs. McNensie and Miss McKersie end
Mrs. McClure 51 tended the funeral of the
laic Chas. Wallace in Clinton.
Mr. Blyth Stephenson end fancily of Tor-
onto were at: their cethree this - week end
closing it for the season
The fiinem'ol tnnl:. nonce from the residence
of his nephew, LAC Fred Weston, Bayfleld,
of Cinder Hager Falconer, who died: at the
home of his slater. 81x5 Margeret. Crest.
Gnderich, on Sundry. MH. Falconer twos born
In California, in 1818, son of Mary : and John
Falconer. The family returned to. Bayfield
wltmc he was Ir small childandhe had since
resided Here. He is survived 1,v two sisters,
Mrs. Margaret Green and Mao. ,Joseph Bat'
ton, both of. Goderioh,.. a sister, Ms's Wm.:
Weston and a brother.' Harty Falconer, pre-
deceased. him, Rev. Richard Stewart was in
charge of the seta'loe and interment was In
Bayfield cemetery. The pallbearers were IT,
Gilmour, C. Baird, George Lindsey, Edvarc(
Sturgeon, Robert Penhale, Herbert Mac-
miss Joy 'Whitlock of St. Thomas
spent Thanksgiving weer: -enol and
holiday ivlth )relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs,, . Kenneth Johns. ,and
family, : Mr. ancl- Mrs. Chas. Johns
have. 'moved to their' new home' re-
cently pux'chased from Mr. Saul Johns.
Mrs. Ed ,Tohns moved' t0 ,Ono of
Mr. A, O. Elliott's apartments in Ex -
et the':enc 1 of last week.
Cpl, and Mrs. Earl Parrish of Lon-
don visited a Mr. Harry Sperling on
Sunday last, -
Misses Annie and Nellie Pryce spent Sun-
day with tiff. and Mr's. John Pryce,
21r, and Mrs. Genres, P yeo Miss Mary
Ps'yee and Donnie Pryer .upont Sunday with
11r. and Mrs. Glen Pr• oe, They also attended
anniversary ry s nv at Cnvnu C hu's+
W;, are 111041,10l1 t h u Mrs. doint Metes
mer I imphaine, lttl P. ,Ort'm' (1111(-sc,
! nn h.1 the car - Itt. a -rt.:tired nutt,..•
1 r E 611 is h.1 11- an .,tetinn .0 „
1 rn.,liay. Do. 195.16 ',e ad. 3333.
Th1• 1 t.. t:,la ls. n , of u„
1 tit
I t
Lula 3. , I
r = .lt 1,1 1. ,•hitt•
.1 .1.T r f 1V,,,,,,,, I rd to..,,
1 ll l ::1 i , r.. I.,,..,
e. t
n 1 1,1
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hlr a 1 1It ,' ,
t 1 Id,: v. , and
' n t •F 1 Iet11, e ri
n aatil - lu1, 1 1 I N1. 1,P
M i tc LNt, l ,11115 1
1 1
1- ..f
Laden ..1 it n l 'VT 1:1 tinnli'1
u 1 dot„ 1 .0; 55 it r i1 t h.
`.1.101.N. hila Town M V.-mirhtee nal ?:Irv;
W', eS, Irmuit end fxs,ily dor,''. .h•• •••e:•l.
Mr ;e 1 M 1,4,. _3ahn. Mei-motet end f ally "
Toronto vi,51.rd c•ith 1I,',. Mrinto,h e ,,,rv•
:pt•. 31,',- and MN,M, i
C H :u;h end ether t.?::-
ti••es ave the d•.enl: Vila. -
Mr. and Mr,., Lindsay Eyre, Nem to,1
Verne and Mrs, 0, McTavish of Seefe•th
spent Monday and T400, d. •v .with relent, rt-
.\etn•n end C:•ol'gelew•Is.
Mr, and Mrs.. Lone Manson of Lender
visited with eelelivos over t.le' week cml.
Mr, Harold Swan n former Iluren 1 c1 -v.
I now a, teoehcr of normal sell tel in Tr ,lad.
spoke and chnwed slid or *105, a 1 n loves
1 - f Trinidad at the month.: service here on
, Sonilaywhich : were interesting and Metric-
, ;live andoffering Mr the wnrlc there was
taken... Anniversary serviceswill he held Incron
' Oct. 03. Rev, Mr. Berton of Clinton will oc-
cupy the pulpit et the morning service and
'1 Rel-. 'Keith Love of Clfnten Radio .School fn
the. evening,
The Indies. of Groat One of the Women's
, are having
a mole of home hak-
a01», fruit, vegetables; , -
etc.. yin Mr. IVtmiro's
shop In Brnoofteld, on ,ntth'day, October 14, '
commencing at three o'clock. 4.11 -members
and home helpers of this group are. asked to
whatever..th , ann.
and Leonard
t -Masa Brasil O'Rourke
Mr, std
1 spent Thanksgiving any and the week std
I with Mr. ,and Mrs. McCabe in Walkerton,