HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-10-05, Page 8HENSALL AUCTION SALE Poul - Mrs. Wilfred. I�lopp of London 1 Of Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Poul - s ent the past week ;it home of.laei i ship ip, 2t miles .9; Con. f Blyth,Htnddw 3 parents. M. and Mrs: Jas, Parkins, I chiles north-west est of nes o -o, n es Orth -west of Londesboro on Miss Maude" Glenn of London vis- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12TH ited last week at the home of her at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: brother and sister-in-law lar. and Horses—Black mare. 9 yrs. old; Mrs. John M. Glenn. Bay gelding, 10 yrs. old; Grey horse, Mr. and Mrs, John Coleman of 8 yrs; Orel. London visited recently with rela- HOGS -Sow, with litter of 9 pigs, t'' a d fr9 nd he ready -to -wean; 20 shoats;, 5 sows lues n e s le Rfln'In, Norman Stanlake returned due in October. to Naniamo, B.C., after spending a POULT•PY-50 year-old hens; furlough with Mrs. Stanlake and, his 150 Barred. Rock pullets laying;, CATTLE -10 cows milking and ford, with calves by side; Purebred Stan - lake. parents' Mn and Mes. Nelson Stan in calf; 15 cows, Durham and milking, Ray Patterson of Toronto Hereford bull, 9 months old; 5 spent the weekend with his parents springer cows; 10 2 -year-old steers; Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Patterson. 30 yearling and 2 -year-old heifers; Mrs. Ted Taman and daughter 15 yearling steers, Herefords; 20 Toni of Listowel are visiting the for- yearling steers and heifers; 20 iner's mother Mrs. C. MCDonel'l. spring calves, The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter- These are a choice lot of Durham ran are entertaining. the Home Hel-. and Hereford Cattle. pers in the school -roans of the church Terms—Cash. Wilmer• Howatt, on Thursday evening at 8 . o'clock Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. . when lantern slides will be shown on the work in British Guiana, The Ar - Auction Sale nold Circle and Sunbeam Mission Of Farm Stock and Implements— Band are invited to attend. On Tuesday, Oct. 10th at Lot 22, (lessers Stan, Tudor, James Par- Con. 5, Hullett twp., 2,4 north of, bins and Milton Russell are enjoying Clinton, and t4 mile east, Sale cong- a fishing trip at Chesley Lake. menses at 1 p.m, Terms cash. Owen Private funeral service was held Reynolds, Prop., Lewis Rowland, el Auctioneer. on Saturday at 2,30 at the late resi- dence of Miss Amy Reynolds who passed away on Tuesday evening. Rev. A. M. Hunt conducted the ser- -ies assisted by Rev. J. Taylor. Three favorite hymns of the deceased were sung, namely: "Jesus Lover Of My Soul," "Safe In The Arms of Jesus," and "Peace Perfect Peace," The floral tributes were very beautiful showing the esteem in which the de- ceased was held. The pallbearers were (lessers Geo. Armstrong, Robt, Middleton, h. Lawrence, W. R. Da- vidson, Mervyn Brown, and John Henderson. Interment in Hensall Union Cemetery. Mr, and Mrs, 'Wm. Glenn are spending a week at Lake St. Clair, Mr. Fred Smallacombe returned home after spending a week with relatives in Guelph. Dr. Wm. T. Joynt of London and Mr. H. 0. Dayman are enjoying a fishing trip up north this week. Miss Maude Glenn of London vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Glenn this week. Keith Buchanan of the RCAF., of • Trenton, spent the week end here with Mrs. Buchanan and other rela- tives. Mrs. A. Lammie of Detroit visited this week at the home of her neph- ew, Mr. A. L, Case. Mrs. H. Buttery of San Francisco and son Franklin of the Merchant Marine, visited this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. Presentation.— A group of about 100 friends and neighbors surprised Mr. and Mrs. Milton Young at the home of ,Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Westlake, Cromar- ty, on Thursday evening, Sept. 28th, due to the fact they are leaving the community and moving to Mitchell. Twelve tables of euchre were ar- ranged by Mrs. Bert Riley. The lad- ies' first prize was won by Mrs. vibe at Seebach's Hill on No. 8 Carl StonemanCampbell Eyre, cake plate; gents', Highway), on Tuesday, Oct. 10, les' lucky prize, Mrs. pLloydeMacLean 1944, sale to start at 1 o'clock sharp, and gents' lucky prize, Jim McDou- the f ollowing: gall. The following program was HORSES -1 Clydesdale brood enjoyed: Pupils of S.S. 7, Hibbert, mare,. 5 yrs. old, with foal by her side sang "Waltzing Matilda," aceompan- 3 months old, and supposed to be ied by Miss Edna Mills at the piano, with foal; 1 Clyde mare, 6 yrs. old; A stepdance by Miss Leona West- 1 Percheron mare, 3 yrs: old; 1 aged lake, accompanied by NIr. Nelson mare, s Howe on the violin. Mn and Mrs. CATTLE -1 Holstein cow, due in Young were presented with a hydro March; 2 Holstein cows, due in s lamp and mirror. Mrs. Bert Riley March; 3 Holstein cows, due in April; and Miss Leona Westlake made the 5 Durham heifers, rising 1 yr. old; 2 c presentation. Little Allen Young pre- Durham steers, rising 1 yr. old. rented his grandfather with a pipe HOGS -1 Yorkshire sow, due end and tobacco. The following address of October; 1 Yorkshire sow, due was read by Mrs. Glenn MacLean: Dec. 10. Dear Friends, The neighborhood is POULTRY—About 35 Rocks and gathered here this evening to honor Sussex hens, 1 yr, old. you prior to your departure to your IMPLEMENTS -1 Fordson trae new homegrin IVIare s. While it is tor, in good condition; 1 Oliver 2 - with regret we are saying goodbye to the members of your household, furrow tractor plow; McCormick we are pleased that it still will be tractor cultivator', 7 ft,; McCormick possible for you to visit in .our midst. binder, 6 ft. cut; McCormick mower, We sincerely hope that when you 5 ft, cut; M.H. hay loader; McCor- leave behind the strenuous life of a mirk -Deering dump rake; Cockshutt farmer and farmer's wife you'will 11 -disc fertilizer drill; 2 discs, one both enjoy a better measure •Of inthrow and one outthrow; 3 see - health and be able to say as the poet tions of harrows; Cockshutt manure did: "Grow old along with me, The spreader; 1 walking plow; corn scuf- best is yet to be, The last of life for fler; 2 truck wagons; 1 buggy; 1 cut - which The first was made." We ask ter; set of sleighs with, flat rack; 1 the rou to value accept altlese butg f snot express expressing •hay rack; wagon box ; colony house, our goodwill. We hope that the lamp 8 x: 10; fanning mill; set of scales, will light your home for many more 2,000 lbs. cap.; root pulper; pig happy years:and the mirror will re- crate;: wheelbarrow; 40 -gal. gas fleet the happiness every day'0£ drum; 2 wheel trailer;; beLaval your life. We have one more wish separator, 750 lbs. cap., with motor for you from the bottom of our attached; 2 large milk cans; steel hearts. We hope that your two sons, land roller; slings and chain; trip Frank and Jim overseas, who are rope; hay' fork; extension ladder; risking their lives every day in de- whiffletrees; neckyokes; forks; shov- fenee of our Canadian way of life, els; pails; logging chains, and a host may be kept safe and will be home of other articles too numerous to sooner than you expect and once mention found about the house and more join the family circle and make farm, it complete in your home in Mitchell. HARNESS —.Set of breeching Old time dancing was enjoyed _ to team harness; odd harness; odd col - music furnished by Nelson Howe and lays. • ' W. Kerslake. • To Hold Memorial Service— FEED—About 30 tons of good A memorial service will be held ht mixed hay, mostly timothy; about Carmel Presbyterian Church on 500 .bus. of nibted grain. Wednesday, October 11th, at 8 p.m. FURNITURE—Williams piano; 1 for the late Wm. Nichol of Hensall full breakfast suite, nearly new; 1 who gave his life for Ring and Conn- wooden bed with spring; child's crib; try. The service will be conducted by cradle; rocking horse, Rev. W. A. Young, B.Sc., of Fergus, Terms on Chattels—Cash. No re - a former minister of this church; serve as the farm is sold. Everything Miss M. Judd of Clinton spent the offered for sale will be sold to the Week end with Reeve and' Mrs. Shad- highest'bidder. Auctioneer's decision dick final incase of all disputes. p Mrs. Meidinger was visited on Lester Seebach, prop, Fred W. Sunday by relatives from London Ahrens, Auctioneer. - and Zurich. Mr. ,and Mrs. Geo. Hess' and Ruth Auction 'Sake Auction Sale Mr. Harold Jackson has been in- structed to sell by public auction on Lot 7, Con. 4 ,Stanley, four miles southwest of Brucefield, 3 miles north of l.'ippen, on Friday, October 20th at 1 o'clock the following; HORSES—Percheron mare, 9 yrs. ' old, Belgian mare, 9 yws. old; aged Belgian mare. CATTLE -Cow due in March; 3 rows due in May: farrow cow; 3 spring calves; 9 two year olds; 13 yearlings. They are all good' Durham cattle, steers and heifers. IMPLEMENTS. — International binder, 6 ft. cut, like new; Deering mower; International 10 ft. bay rake; International manure spread- er; Cockshutt fertilizer drill like new, cultivator, disc harrow, set 3 - section harrows, 3 -drum steel roller. No. 21 plow, wagon, 'flat hay rack, stock rack, fanning mill, bag truck, buggy, democrat, cutter, oak barrel, steel barrel, barrel sprayer, McCrary feed cooker, anvil, steel vise, cross- cut saw, framers boring machine and augers, steel sledge, one and a half set team harness, set single harness, number of horse collar's, sling ropes, horse blankets, forks, chains. 20 tons clover hay and timo- thy hay, some lumber, 200 bushels of oats. Terms cash. Duncan Aiken - head, Prop,; E. P. Chesney, Clerk; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Fawns Stock and Impleinents. Fred W. Ahrens, auctioneer, has received instructions from the under- signed proprietor to sell by public auction at lot 2, con. 1. Township of Fullerton (2 miles west of Sebring - THE SEAFORTH• NEWS In Memoriam CHIPOHASE-•-In loving memory' of a dear. brother . and friend,. Sat.. Albert Chipehase,. rho gave his lite at :Otto Ridge, Italy, Oslo- . bet' 2,.1943. To -day recalls sad memories, ' Of ,i loved .one gone to rest; And those' who think of him to -day, Are 'those who loved who loved him best. —Ever remembered by Ernie, OIga .and Beatrice: Card of Thanks Mrs. Dennis Dillon 'and fancily :wish to thank their relatives, friends and neighbors for 'their kiihd thought- fulness during their recent bereave nient in the loss of a husband and father, especially for floral and spin- teal tributes and the loan of cars. Clearing Auction Sale. LOST Of Farm. Stock and Implements Fred W. Ahrens, auctioneer, ha received instructions from the under signed proprietor to sell by publl auction at lot 21, con. 3, Township of Logan (14 miles north of Mit chert, then 114mileswest of No. 23 Highway), on Wednesday,"O'ct, 11 1944, Sale to start at 12 o'clock sharp, the following; HORSES -1 Clyde gelding. 10 yrs old; 1 Clyde gelding, 12 yrs. old; 1 general purpose mare, 10 yrs. old; driving gelding, 10 yrs., quiet in al harness. CATTLE -4 Durham cows, due i January; 3 Durham. cows, due ill March; .2 farrow cows; 2 Durham heifers, due in March;. 5 Durham' steels rising' 2 yrs, old; 5 last spring calves; 1 baby beef calf, weighing about 400 lbs. HOGS -1 Yorkshire sow, due in December: 1 Yorkshire sow, not bled, 1 Yorkshire sow with brood by her side 2 weeks old; 21 chunks, weighing about 70 lbs. POULTRY—About 65 Leghorn hens, 1 yr. old; about 65 Leghorn pullets, 6 months old, laying good. HARNESS -2 sets of double har- ness; 1 set of single harness; odd collars. FEED—About 35 tons of good mixed bay; 1 load of alfalfa hay, second cutting; about 1,800 bus• of mixed grain and 200 bus. of wheat, all 19.4 crop. IMPLEMENTS—, Etc. --M. H. binder, 6 -ft. cut, in good shape; M.H. mower, 6 ft. cut; M.H. hay loader; M.H. side rake; M.H. dump rake; Deering manure spreader; seed drill; steel land roller; stiff -tooth cultiva- tor; spring --tooth cultivator; •disc; set of 4 sections of iron harrows; 2 furrow Cockshutt riding plow; single furrow riding plow; 2 walking plows; buggy; cutter; wagon; truck wagon; wagon box; hay rack with sliding rack; set of sleighs; gravel box; fanning mill; corn cultivator; scuffles"; set of scales, 2,000 lbs. cap., cream separator, Anker Bolt '750 lbs. cap., ladders; several steel drums; chicken shelter, 6 x 10; 15 cords of good hard maple wood, 1 ft. long; milking pail; forks; shovels; crosscut saw; whiffletrees; neck - yokes; logging chain; 200 ft• of snow fence, and a host of other articles too numerous to mention' found about a house and farm. FURNITURE, Etc, — 1 good cook stove with pipes, new; dining -room table with six good chairs; 5 bigh- back chairs; several tables; Sparton battery radio; 1 buffet; several arm chairs and rockers; 2 bedroom suites, with springs and mattresses; 2 dres- sers and stands; 1 cot with mattress; couch; Singer sewing machine, drop - head; coal oil stove; washing machine with wringer; 1 tapestry rug, 9x10%; several pieces of floor covering; lanterns;, lamps; jars; 1 set of china dishes; odd dishes; 2 good heaters, one nearly new; kitchen table and 5 kitchen Chai A. pair of home knit sailor's socks with initials "A.N." inside, on Satur= s day in Seaforth. Finder please phone 656r2, Seaforth, NOTICE The Tuckersmith Council will nee on October 7th at 8 p.m. D. F. MCGREGOR, Clerk. Auction Sale Clearing sale of Farm, Farm Stock and Smptements, being the Estate of the late Wm. 1 MoFsdzean, lot 8, con 17 Grey, on FRIDAY OCTOBER 8th at 12 o'clock • HORSES -1 Clyde gelding 0yea's old; 1 11 Clyde mare 6 years old ; 1 general purpose m,ue llyen's old. CATTLE -5 good cows supposed to. be in calf; 8 yearlings; 4 spring calves, 9 smnl] pigs and some'poultt'y, IMPLEh1ENTS-1 Deet'Ing binder 7 ft. cut; 1 Deering mower Oft. cut ; -1 Watson. mower 5 ft, cut; 1 M.H. Hay .loader; 1 hay tedder1 1 Clump wake; 1 dish. drill with fertilizer at- tached t 1 hoe drill and cultivator teeth ; 1 spring tooth cultivator; 2 disc cultivator; 5 section harms;roller 1 McCormick mannt5. sinonder.; 1 land roller; 2 walking plows; 1, 8 furrow gas plow; 1, 2 furrow -plow; -1 double mould bored plow; 1 turnip -sower; 8 muffler ^; 1 reaper (Watson) ; 1 root pulper; 1 heavy steel tired wagon; 1 light steel tired wagon; IS wagon hos; 1 gravel bas: 1 stock rack �•, r stone boot ; 1 ton buggy ; open bug- gy; -cutters; buggy pole; 1 hay rack; 1 rol- ler rack; 2 set sleighs; 1 sleigh box ; 1 nut- ting box; 1 fanning mill ; 1 set 2000 Ib scale with platform: 1 set beam reales;- 1 cream separator; 1 circular s,nr with frame; 1--3- horse power gas engine; 1 loging - boat; 1 fence stretcher, complete ; 2 set double- har- ness; 1 set driving harness; 2 set single har- ness; 1 odd heavy harness;. 2 wheel barrows; 1 corn harrow; 1 pig crate 1 1 ben crate; 1 00001 5uiper; 1 nest hole digger; 1 black- smith forge, crowbars; doublet ees; neck - yokes; chains, shovels and other smell tools. Large quantity lumber, pine, Pine for hay rack and wagon box : 1, 1036 Buick •Coupe (small series). About 100 bushels oats and 100 bus. wheat; Quantity of hay and mtsed. grain. FURNITURE -1 good kitchen heMeCimy range. enamelled; 90001110 of household furniture. t All. will be sold without reserve •to wind up estate, for. cosh. The form will be offered for sale if not sold previous. Terms will be made known the day of sale. Jas MsFadzean, 1 Robert Mc2•adeeen, Executors; Lewis Rowl- l and, Auctioneer; Silas Johnsen, Clerk. Terms of Chattels—Cash. No re- erve, everything offered will be sold to the highest bidder as the farm is old, and to wind up the estate of the late Wesley Leake. Auctioneer's de- ision final in case of all disputes. T. Wesley Winteringhani, Admin- istrator. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. Auction Sale • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1944 x.x.:cox+acwwmmz.�,vem:aaa:..�+ee�xa:c+s,as�nvs;a.,cwx.�.:-.:u'<'na SATURDAY CASH SPECIALS Robinhoocl Oats, giant 5 1b bag Men's Black Rubber' Boots, pair Cream: of the West Flour, 98 1b bag Prem, per. tin Canned Peas, 20 oz. size Posts Bran Flakes, 14 oz. size 23c 2.15 2.55 29c 2 tins 23c 2 pkges 29c LEMONS, PER DOZEN 29c W. J. FINNIGAN. Clearing Auction Sale McConnell & Hays. Of Farm Stock, toe ImPlemoote, Gram and Barristers, .9elieitora, Etc. Household Effects. Mr.. Harold Jackson has been instructed to sen by Public Auction.. on Patrick 1). McDonnell, I. Glenn Hays nnd2 sixNma mites roof threeClintwest of Seaforth SEAFORTH, ONT, Telephone X174 FRIDAY OCTOBER .612 at 12,30 p.m. Horses -1 black mare 8 yrs. old 1 bay gelding rising 3yrs, old; 1 middle aged brown team of mares; 1 aged grey horse. Cattle -40 head, consisting of one pure bred Durham bull 3 .yrs. old ; 11 high grade 'dual purpose aows. from 3 to 9 yrs; one freshened one month 2 freshened two •months;. one to freshen time of sale; balance due to freshen from. Dec. to Aprll; ten steers from 9 to 1200 :Itis: 2 heifers 2 yrs. old; 3 yearling heifers; 2 yearling steers; 8 spring calves ; 2 calves 2 months old, SHEEP -15 Leicester' sheep; -.5 ewe lambs. 5105-1 pure bred Tam sow 514 months old; 2 pure bred York sows Sri. months old. FOWL -00 pure bred Sussex pullets lay- ing 68 pee sent; 15 rock pullets; 80 year old rocks and high bred liens laying 50 per cent; several cockerels rain shelter; coops;: small colony house feeders etc ; 2 fattening crates; 3 chicken crates. GRAIN --About 300 bushel mired grain 401; bus. Cartier oats, good for .seed. Several bags of potatoes; 19 rows of mangolds 40 toils long; 17 waxing turnips 40 rods long. IMPLEMENTS -7 ft. M.H. binder No. 5; Deering mower 1 ft. cut; cnitu pecker; eniti- voter (stiff -tooth)' 14 plate disc harrow; 4 section diamond ]arrows;- M.H. fertiliser drill; 1,0.11. manure spreader; riding plow; vniking plow; gang plow; scuffles1 hay- loader; sulky robe; .1015. sliding hayrack; 1. sling hayrack; 1 Bain wagon; one low wagon; one rubber tiled wagon wagon box; open buggy; cutter; bob sleigh; M.H. cutting box; 8 inch Maple Leaf grain grinder; fanning mill; root pallier; 2600 Ib stalest 2 stone boats; hay fork, sling and. sling ropes nearly sow; 2 trip ropes; lay fork rope, car and ;alleys; feed boxes; one Malate Electric mum separator, '740 lbs, good a0 nen ; 2 :set I harness; one single harness; horse col - ars; mess -cut saw; steel pig trough; shovels, forks, spades and numerous other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 12 bedroom suites; extension table; kitchen clan's; Quebec coo Clearin-. Auction Sale 1 stove with reservoir; Quebec heater; stove Of FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS Ib milk can; large sausage grinder; iron bed b pipes; daisy churn; lamps; toilet sets; 100 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court 'County of Huron Office In the Dominion Bank Build ing, Seatorth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30' p.m. to 6 p.m.. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m, The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Vice President, Frank Me Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and Manager, M.' A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald,. Seaforth; Frank. McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; . Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mc - Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George- Deitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R. F. McICercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhageu; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications' to any of the' above named officers• addressed to their respective poet offices. Fred W. Ahrens, auctioneer, has received and springs; wool filled mattress; .curtain instructions from the undersigned proprietor stretchers; 2 matched velvet rugs eft. by to sell by Public Auction at Lot 4, Con. 13. 121t.; 2 buffalo robes; 5 gal. coal oil can ; Township t' M hill 7t' it North f sap kettle • 1 lawn mover gone 40 gal steel Watson & Reid ownsnp o. a op, is miles or 1 0 r , ' REAL ESTATE Dublin thorn 1 mile West con Monday, 001. barrel. 16th, at 1.30 o'elook sharp. HORSES -1 Clyde marc 10 yrs. old. CATTLE -1 Hereford cow due in Ain•ll. POULTRY -12 Leghorn hens. IMPLEMENTS -1. M.H. Mower 51't cut; 1. mar. seed drill; 1 cultivator hay rack/ hay ralce ; set sleighs nearly 11010 1 Flurry 21 walking plow ; open buggy: 1 steel wheel wagon: ladders; several wagon poles; wheel barrow; wagon box with spring seat; Cutter t fanning mill; cutting box; harness; 1 set double harness; set single harness; odd col- lar's ; set 110001 chains ; hoes ; shovels; forks ; whiffletree , neckyokes; also frame shed 32 x 24, Fertiliser Attachment and a host of other articles loo numerous. to mention found about a Mem. No reserve as the rmoprlelor le giving up farming. Auctioneer's -decision final in enae of n)1 dlaputes. TERMS oP sista CASH. Sam Regale, prop., Fred W. Ahrens, TERIYI5, CASH. No reserve as farm is •sold. NORMAN CARTER, Prop.; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P, Chesney, Clerk. FOR SALE Car of Purina Oyster Shell has arrived. Book your orders. A limited quantity left for sale. Scott's Poul- try Farm, Phone 851r32. FOR SALE Number of young pigs and chunks. James Johnston, Clinton R.R. 4. Phone 12. on 800. FARM FOR SALE 150 acres in Hullett Township, three miles from Clinton, one from number. 8 Highway, good house, barn, garage. For further pat' - Auctioneer. treaters apply to TLC. MEM Solicitor, Setr- LOST $5.00 reward for information of strayed black heifer with white markings, Kenneth McPherson, Dub- lin. Phone 17 r 24. FOR SALE Frame house, Coleman St., patent shingle siding, 3 Pc. Bathroom up- stairs, toilet downstairs, Furnace, Hydro. First class basement under whole house. Acre of land with splen- did barn 50ft. x 28ft. hydro. installed. Drilled well on property, Must be seen to be appreciated." Brick house, Church St., 3 Pc. Bathroom, Furnace, Town Water, FOR SALE Good Barn and Hen House, one 12-24 Hart Parr tractor, to good con - Stuccoed house, Egmondville. A dation. Apply to A. B. Dell, R.R. 2, liippen. good property. I or phone 03x2, Hensall. Cottage Egmondville. Priced sea- so'nable• AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All ,kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First-Ciase' Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr, E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate: of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-tb-date diagnostic and thereuptfc equipment. forth 111111 Clinton. Dr. F J R. Forster Specialist in FOR SALE 1 yr. old Oxford rum ; 2 Yorkshire BOWS due in Oct.; 1 Yorkshire year old hog; 1 Clydesdale foal. Apply to Leslle Pepper. Pirrone 615 r 16, Clinton. FOR SALE A quantity of short .wood for sale, mostly elm. Apply to Joseph Holmes, Brussels R.R. 4, Ring 15-5, Brintssels. FOR SALE 1'00 aero form of good clary loam, wet] drained, 12 acres of fall wheat, 30 sores 19owed, rest In hay and pasture, Buildings In good state of repair. Brick house with base- ment. Barn, 56x56. on wall with good stables rad water in barn, New hen houee. Spring well. Apply Lot 2 Con. 7, Tuckersmith, Rudolph Etue, Seaforth,-.R.R. 4. • FOR SALE 12-20 Massey Harris tractor. Lot 6, Con.. 13, McKillop. Phone 24r4, Dublin phone. Of Household Effects on Wednes- day, Oct. 11, at 1 o'clock, of Thomas Jarman, North Main St., Seaforth: Three bedroom suites with springs and mattresses; a large chest of drawers; oak sideboard; extension table and chairs; small tables; leather rocking chairs; 3 oak rocking chair's; sofa; New Williams sewing machine; Easy washing machine and wringer; cook stove, burns coal or wood, also Quebec heater in good condition; fall leaf table; a number of kitchen chairs; small buffet; kitchen cup- board; Perfection coal oil stove and oven; 1 tea and dinner set of dishes, also numerous other, dishes; silver- ware and cooking utensils; a number of sealers, crocks and lamps; tubs; ironing board; a number of quilts; ftannnelette blankets, pillows and linens; 2 pieces of oilcloth; curtain frames; 2 toilet sets; ladder; also step ladder; wheelbarrow; wire stretcher; wire pinchers; also a'num- ber of garden tools and other artic- les too numerous to mention, j Terms—Cash. HAROLD JACK- SON, Auctioneer. visited in Watford on Sunday. Lambert Sale Yards, Strathro Sgt Hattie Dunsford of Chorley.'Saturday, Oct. 7th, 150 head mixed ParPark M911 recently Hospital, ital, Tsoronto, via- stock cattle. Sales each Saturday, Mrs. Milton Russell. A,so private sales during the week Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weber,` Aub- G. Mc. Aub - 11111. and Mr, and Mrs, John Doerr, of Blvth, visited one day last- week Girl wa with Mrs. Wm. Luker. Apply at LOST Curly white wire haired terrier, Reward, Phone 118, Seaforth. FOUND A roan steer strayed to let 11, con. 9, Tuckersmith, about Sept. 12. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Chas. Eyre, Phone 65ir31, FOR SALE Two large Quebec heaters, one large, ge, with two. lids for cooking. One small heater, writing desk with two drawers, drop desk and bookcase on top. John Pethick, 48' N. Main St, FOR SALE 2 girls coats, size 12 and 14, good as new. Phone 836.21. FOR SALE 1pine, Auctioneer, � 10-20 McCormick Deering tractor, Massey -Harris tractor plow, 2 or 3 WANTED' bottom. Also a fat ewe. Would ex- nted for housework, town, change tractor on cattle. Phone 48r9, News. office, Brussels E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Ree. 220 MR. RADIO OWNER LAWSON'S RADIO SERVICE moved to new location -John Pullman's Barber Shop Leave your radio there for service or earl 841 - 23, Seaforth Fertilizer Co-op and Shur. Gain Hydro Poles 25 & 30 Ft. Feeding Molasses B. C. Shingles Co-op and Shur Gain Feeds Western Grain & Chop Co-op Fly Spray Co=op Motor 011 Seaforth fanners Co-operative Phone 9 Surplus Funds ? :'Why not investigate an op- portunity P y to employ them at 6% INTEREST plus other advantages. No obligation Box P, The Seaforth News PILES Sufferers of bleeding and protruding piles should know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy, At Keating's or McKindsey's Drug; Store. FOR SALE A number of choice Oxford ram Iambs. Charles Dale, phone 61604,.Clinton, Auction Sale Pure bred Shorthorns on Monday, Oct. 9, at Lot.18, Con. 8, Hullett Twp. Three miles east' and 17/4 miles north of Clinton, at 2 o'clock. Consisting of live cows with calves. at foot, and about 18 heifers, 1 bull calf ready for service, team Clydesdale colts well. broken. W. E. O'Neil, Auctioneer. GEORGE MANN, •Proprietor. PERSONAL ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY GOOD night's sleep without coughing, choking. Me, Wm. Pearson, Seaforth, says:. "I am so thankful to you for your asthma remedy that I. would like all people who suffer from asthma to know what it did for me. I suf- fered for years from choking, difficult breath ing and distress of asthma and no remedy helped me to. any extent, but your remedy touched the spot at once and gave me not only quick relief, but I am now free. from all symptoms. A few month's treatment did 3t."- For free information write F. L. NOWAY, 144 Catherine Street South Hamilton. FARM FOR. SALE 100 acre farm for sale with good build Ingo Apply to. William Leeming, Walton NOTICE Wm. Bradshaw, your Watkins deal- er, and also agent for E. D. Smith & Son, fruit and ornamental nursery stock, Market street, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 50. Frank Finnigan, NOTICE Louisa 5t,,. -Seaforth a has s line hof eProducts at the house, Phone SSW. Spence's Produce EGG GRADING Eggs d Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth GOVERNMENT REGISTERED STATION Highest Cash Prices pald for an ,ou ry Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held. on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr, H. H. Ross' office, Phone 6.7 MARTIN W. STAPLETON, 13.A,, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. 4. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and. Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York. Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Bye, and •Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in eaeh month from 2 fo' 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo- St., Stratford. Telephone 2d7. G. A. WHITNEY Successor to Holmes & :Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTI! Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell, Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights., and Holidays 116, Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large Stock of Modern Memorials on display at our Seaforth Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons office will be open on TUESDAYS Open by appointment at any other time. See Dr. Harburn, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (N7sseotlal War Industry) •