HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-09-14, Page 1..we $ llllll ll ”1111111111110111116111111111111111111111111111111,111111.11
0 where ere the trophies we won in our
• youth,
And the cheers that we heard M cue pride?
When triemph Was nearer and clearer then
fiercely our pulsee replied!
But years hurry by and the light itt the eye
Fades away with 130 earlier zest,
And what is the gold of the trophies we Itold
When the sun sinks mway in the West?
lllllllll lllll n llll two lllll 111111111111111 lll llllll lll lllll 11.101111
1,11..11/11,1/11111111111,11/11111111111101111110i1111111 llllll I lllll till.
The tiagLIdgg our trophies? The gold is thc
Thin., dreaming or glory OE gain,
Tbo darker the outioolc the harder we fought
30. raon:te:nts of sorrow and nein.
To know at the last, looking back o'er
That we battled and gave of our best
YOH, that is the gold of the trophies we hold
When the tarn sinks awey In the West,
--Contributed by it Bowler,
Phone 84
P. a year
Wm. T. Abraham, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Abraham of Wroxeter has
been chosen as the winner • of the
Massey Scholarship for Huron County
this year. Mr. Abraham is a student
entering the second year at the O.A.O.
This year the Huron county council
inaugurated this scholarship. $50.00
is donated to the boy on entering the
college and another $50.00 is given
to him by the Massey scholarship at
the beginning of the new year.
Wm. Abraham is 20 years old. He
received his junior matriculation from
the Wroxeter High school. After stay-
ing home one year he then went to
Wingham and received his senior
matriculation passibg in eleven upper
school subjects in one year.
The Massey Scholarship committee
of Huron county felt this boy was the'
most deserving of this award. The
Scolarship committee is composed of
Warden Fred Watson, Inspector for
North Huron, James Kinkead, and
Bruce Matheson, Agricultural Repre-
sentative for Huron county.
The committee hopes that a. boy'
can be;selected each year for this
scholarship. Interested parties are.
requested to forward their applica-
tions to BruCe Matheson by the end
of June each year.
North/11de United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., Communion Service. Subjeet, "On
the Mountain with God."
7 p.m., Service withdrawn for the Haryeet
Home service in the Anglican Church.
Precommunion service, Friday at 0 p.m.
St. Thomas', Seaforth
11 anti 7, Harvest Thanksgiving. Preacher
at both services: The Rector, Rev. C. Is. L.
Gilbert, B.A.
10 wt.m., Sundae School,
St. Mary's, Dublin
w Harvest Than0t0g0v1ng-
2.30 p.m., Bible Class.
3 p.m., Service. Preacher, Rev. C. F. L.
Gilbert, B,A.
As previously announced, the Induction of
Rev. Mr. Gilbert art "Rector will take Place in
St. Themes' Church at 0 p.m. on Thursdse,
Sept. 19, with Rev. Ruval Dean Gallagher
officiating. Preaches., Rev. Canon W. A.
• EgmondvIlle United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m. "Cleansing the Soul of 5121.0'
7 P.m., '"Kind Words."
The W.A. and W.M.S. met at the
home of Mrs, Frank Johnston on Sept.
6th with Mrs. Robt. McFarlane pre-
siding. 21 ladies were present. The
theme of the meeting was "Prayer".
Appropriate hymns were sung. Mrs,
Wm. Montgomery and Mrs. Russell
Bolton were appointed delegates to
-the Sectional meeting to be held at
Duffs --McKillop. Mrs. Johnston, cap-
tain of cirele 2 now took charge. The
scripture reading from St Mathew 6,
1-13, was read by Mrs. Bolton. AU re-
peated the Lord's Prayer. The ladies
quartette rendered a very beautiful
number "Some of these da,ye. The
topic on "Prayer" was very ably
given by Mrs. P. Johnston. The meet-
ing closed by singing hymn "Lord,
while for all mankind we pray" and
A VerY Pretty weeding was sOlem-
nixed at Robinsou's Memorial United
Unveil, London, on Saturday Sept.
9th at 3.30 when Lois Marie eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rath -
well Brucefield was united in mar-
riage to Flgt Sgt. Donalcl N. Pentney,
son of lylvs. B, H. Pentney and the
late Mr. Pentney, of Rainy River,
Ontario. Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson of
Brucefield -officiated, assisted by Rev.
M. P. Smith, pastor of the church. The
bride, charmingly gowned in floor
length white satin and net with finger
tip veil of silk Illusion and coronet o
white feather flowers carrying Red
Briarcliffe Roses, was given in mar-
riage by her tatter. Miee Winnifred
Thompson of 'Winnipeg, as maid of
hononr and Miss Ruth Rathwell, sister
of the bride as bridesmaid, were at-
tractively frocked in floor length
white sheer, with shoulderveils also
carrying bouquets of Red Briarcliffe
Rodes, Sgt. Don Laidley attended the
groom mil Sgt.. Bert King was usher,
• both of Trenton. During the signing of
the register, Miss Marjorie Hunt of
Seaforth, sang sweetly "Ah, sweet
mystery of Lite". A., reception was
• held at Hotel London, the bride's
mother receiving ima navy dress with
matching accessories and corsage of
Talisman roses. Guests were present
from Trenton, namilton, London and
Seaforth. Mgt. Sgt. and Mrs. Pentney
bet by train well showered with con-
fetti and good wishes, Mr Is two week
honeymoon, after which they will both
return to their duties in the R.C.A.F.
at Trenton, Ontario,
Your help is sought for; 'the home-
less, the poor, the aged, the wretched,
the fallen, fatherless babies, the God-
less, the sick. The Salvation Army
Home Front Appeal opens in Seaforth
on September 18th.
The Chelitmas deadline dates for mailing
Christmas Mamie to our Armed Forces Over-
seas are as follows:
Sept, 15th -The Far Bast, India, 'Burma,
Ceylon, eta •
Oct. 5th -The Middle East Area, Egypt,
Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc.
Oct. 100hs-sCentral Mediterranean Forces.
Oct. 25. -United • Kingdomand France.
The Post Office Department again asks you
to observe the following: pack parcels M
strong boxes, smarming same in strong paper
using strong twine. Do not include inflam-
able substances such as lighter fluid or
matches, nor use glass containers for liquids,
jam. etc., nor mail .fresh fruit.
Custom Declaration Forms required for
these parcels may be secured at the Post
OfDee at any time and all necessary infor-
mation will be cheeerfully given we all times
by the Postmaster and staff. Please remember
the above melting &tee no that our victor -
Isms boys will have their Christmas parcels
on time.
C. P. Sills, 10,3,0.
The Oversells Committee requests that
names and addresses of Seaforth bays over-
seas be left with Miss Mice Daly In order
that their Christmas boxes may be forwarded
as soon as persible.
Doxiations or ti,, fund will be gratefully
The Seaforth end District Salvage Corps
are making plane for a monster salvage drive
to include all of Seaforth and Egmonclville.
This will be be only collection made this
$o everyone is netted to gather together
all salvage and eumrnage articles and help to
make it even a bigger success than hits been
the case with past drives. Watch for an-
nouncement of the date in next week's paper.
In the passing of Miss Susan Livingston
who died at the home or her niece, Mrs. Jas.
F. Scott, September 3th, the district lost one
of its oldest and most highly esteemed resi-
dents, Miss Livingston, who was in her
ninetieth year had spent almost her entire
life on the homestead in Mullett where she
remained after the death of her parents, to
to care for the family of her brother Thomas.
She moved with him to Clinton in 1930 and
lived there for 6 mare. For the past eight
years she had made her home at Thornton
Hall, Sonforth, with Mrs. Jos, j, Scott. Bee
whole life spent itt the eery.° of others was
an example to ail in practical christinn
She had been in good health until the last
month when she began 0 fail. Of a family
of eleven, but two survive, Mrs. Jas. Math-
ieson of Harbor Bench. Michigan, and Dr.
Robert Livingston, Jonesville, Texas. The
funeral service held on Sunday afternoon
was conducted by a former pastor, Rev. A.
W. Gardiner of .Egmondville, who these as
his text. Ter. 31, 3 "I have 'avec] Thee with
nt everiesting love: therefore with loving
kindness have I drawn thee..' Mn. Jas, T.
Scott, sang beautifully "The Old Rugged
Cross". The pallbearers were, Ross M6Gregor,
toy LaWS011, Andrew Crosier, Wm. Mc-
Dowell, Sam Scott -end Jernee M. Scott, with
interment ill Clinton cemetery. Many friends
from Constance, Clinton and Stratford at-
tended, also a niece Mrs. 0112111. Telinet and
daughter Doris of Harbor Beach, Michigan.
The monthly meeting of the Catholic Wo-
men's' League was held on Sept. loth in the
St. James' parish bell. The minutes of the
&tine meeting were adopted. The correspond-
ing sec:intim read letters of thanks from the
boys overserie. The -president, Mrs, C. P,
Sills will attend the annual diocesan meet -
lug in Lawton on Oet. 1042th. The secretive
veported a membership or 81. It was decided
to hold a euchre and sale on Sept. 20 for the
overseas boxes. The meeting closed with
prayer for the boys oversees.
The Seaforth Wornen's Institute met et
the home of Mrs. S. Brosvn on Sept. nth.
The president, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman was in
the chair. Meeting opened with the Ode fol-
lowed by the Lord's prayer in unison. The
roll call was answered by uses for stale
bread. Minutes of August meeting were ad-
opted. Mrs. Hyre then took charge of the
meeting and gave a very hopeful paper on
the motto, "First Things First." Miss Lester,
the guest speaker, spoke on home economies
and explained how it is taught 1 the schools
today which was OM, interesting. Mrs.
Ivan Forsythe sang a solo which WAS much
enjoyed and Mrs. Hoggerth gave a pleasing
demonstration on the arrangements of flow-
ers in bouquets. Mrs. Eyre then conducted a
quis 'contest end n vote of Menlo was tend-
areol Me hostess and guest smelter, also to
Mrs. Hoggarth who gave the flower arrange-
ment demonstration. The meeting closed with
Otto nationat anthem. Lunch WM served and
social half hour spent over the teacups.
On Satorday evening. about 00 relatives of
Mr. and IVIrs. Mervin Leenharcla newlyweds
of Friday, gathered et the homa of the dor-
mer's emit and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Charles
Ahrens to present them wfth miscellaneous
gilts and money. Rote Bennewies Yeast the
address. The bride was he firmer Enid
Clark of Mitchell and the groom is the son
of gr. and Tem. Christ. Leonine:sit of Boon
and is attached to the eirfone at Toronto.
Tho evenlim Wilt Silent in dancing till mid-
night with music supplied by Chas. Getke end
Art Pelestop. A dimity lunch Wing served.
Rev. Schultz preached the sermon, at the
enniverseey service at Sebastopol on Sunday.
Ma and Mrs. Chria Hcmf of Buffalo ,with
Mr. Henry Kleber Sr.
Mr. and Mvs. Fred Scherbarth, Kenneth
and Earl of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. 3. L.
Mr. ancrli/Irs. Chris. Leonhaedt, Alvin and
Laumen of Doon with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Ahrens for the weelo end, IA ISO MT. and Mrs.
Moult, Leonhordt.
Mr. Carl Vega] of TOO011in With 1; LS par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Diego].
Mrs. Martha Klein of Detroit with MT. and
Mrs. Ed. Smith and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Hins and Audvey,
accompanied Rev. W. Schultz, to Sebastopol
cur Sunday morning. .
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Bern, and Mes. Grove of
Itemitton attended the funeral service of
Ides. K. Gordis°, '
Rye Elmer 'ruffle and haby Geraldine of
Dublin with Mrs. Sophie Bennewies.
Mn. and Mrs. Henry Seheebarth eunl dau-
ghter runt Mr. and Mrs. W. Stinder of De-
troit with MT. SACI Mrs. Ed. Scherbarth and
other relatives.
Ideal wetither brought. a large number of
People to the cemetery for the decoration
serviee held by St. Peter's Lutheenn Church
on "thinclay afternoon. A brief band concert
preceded the service followieg which- a short
outdone service wes held with Rev. W.
Schultz in charge. The service WAS then
continued in the church anclitorium. The
altav held linge 'Assays of white esteito and
many large baskets of gladioli anti sinnias
and other cut flowers adorned the chancel.
Rev. K. J. Kneeff of Stmt.t,1 brought a.
very inspiring message to his hearers. The
choir sang several anthems with Mrs. George
Iliogle at the organ. 'The paves in the cem-
etery were well supplied with floral tributes.
/via and Mrs. Jamee Wileon of Ridgetown
are spending this week with Mr, and lefts.
Adam Kistner.
The Seaterth town council met on Monday
evening for the regular monthly meeting.
Mayor John J. Cluff presided. Reeve J. F.
Doty and Counuillors H. E. • Smith, John
MacKenzie, Tt. C. Parke and Prank Sills
were present. Minutes of last tend special
meetings read by Clerk Wilson. Special meet-
ing had been held et request of Public Util-
ity Commission to obtain permission few ex-
nendithre of 81,200 frown town surplus to re -
Place ehe market melee at the town hall
which had been rejected by inspector. The
Ittunicited Board has authorized the expendi-
ture. Chairman E. L. Box of the P.U.C.
was present Monday evening. The council
passed a resolution authorising the comasis-
:don to purchase a new Fairbanks Morse
scales, capacity twenty tons.
.A. letter of thanks was read from Wren
Gertrude M. COM of Ottawa. The Wood
Controller's office wrote about wood for the
winter season. Town will order ten or twelve
carloads, more if obtainable.
Council WaS informed stock scales at 0.10.10
were rejected by insneotor. TheSe males will
be repaired if possible. One shipper uses the
scales for hogs.
A highly respected resident or Hilthert
townehip, John Jordan, died at his home on
Sundey following a prolonged illness. He
was a native of HIbbert and wee the eldest
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Joe -
chin, and was in his 6104 year. He spent a
numbev of years et Conner Cliff where he
sons employed with the International Nickel
Co. He was a devout member of Se Patrick's
Church, Dublin. and a member or the Hole
Name Society. Twenty-four years ago he
was married to Miss Loretta Curtin who
survives him, with one son, PO. Joists Jord-
an, RCAF. overseas, three daughters, Kath-
arine and Jeanette at home and Dorothy,
Loretta Academy; Stratford, else four Mo-
thers, Patrick and Soseph, Ooblis Albett,
Detroit, and Lyell, Alberta, and one sister,
Miss Mary, of Tovonto. A. large assemblage
of relatives and friends attended the funeral
en Tuesday morning at St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin. Remulem High 'Mises sees sung by
Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, and Miss Mary Beale
preekled st the organ. Numerous spiritual
end florai offeringswere in evidence. The
Pallbearers were: Mertin Feeney, Daniel
Williams, John McGrath, Patrick Ryan,
Petrick Maloney and Joseph Stapleton.
Among those attending the funeral from a
distance were: Miss Maly Medan, Toronto,
and Albert Jordan, Detroit.
Joseph Givlin has been edvisecl
that his son, Pte. Paul Glynn, wits 'wounded
in action in France on August 27. Pte. Giv-
lin enlisted in Jena 1943, and went over. -
seas ,In December following. His only broth-
er, Pte, joseph Givlin, is training in Brant-
folleyand he has one sister, Mrs. Daniel
Personals: Richard Holland. RCAF., Tor-
onto; with his grandmother, Mrs. Barbera.
Holland, and Mr.and Mvs. .7. V. 'Flynn
Miss Mie Krauskopf. London, with her
mother, Mrs. Katharine Kreuskopr; Dennis
Molyneeux, Chicago, Ills, with Mr. end Mrs.
Thos. J. Molyiteaux; Miss Angela Donnelly,
Stratford, and Albert Donnelly, RCAF., St.
Themes, svith their parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Donnelly.
Vit. Lieut. Charles Malone, Aylmer, with
MOS. Malone and MOS. Mary McGrath,
Miss Mare Jordan, Toronto, and Albert,
Jordan, Detroit, svith Mrs.. John Jordan.
Joseh Lorsyrnneor, Toronto, 'with his sister,
Mrs. Gus. Densime, Windsor, with bee par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'O'Rourke.
Miss Monien Byrne. in Detroit.
The followIng are the Officers of the Jun -
ter Red Cress end Holy Childhood • of the
Dublin Continuation School: Red Cross:
President, Merle Beans: vice president, Aut.
een Moore; Secretary. Beatrice Lane; teem -
neer. Tom Feeney. Form Representatives:
Grade XIII. Eileen Evens; XII., Geraldine
7OI111 1 XT., Man/ FeeneY ; Grade X. Jack
Lane; Grade IX., JOITY Stith let011. Holy
Childhood: Preeident, Maelon Kale: vice
president, Geraldine Ryan ; secret:try, Ang-
ela Morris: treasurer, Bernice Finnegan,
Form Representatives: Grade 100II., Diteso
Evens: XII, Leona Holland. XI., Jean Costs
elle: X.. Mary Stapleton IX., Jack Malone,
Res,. and Mrs. Atkinson attended meet -
Ines of the General Council in London.
Rev, Mr. Grant of Xippen will occupy the
pulpit here et the morning service Sent. 17.
when Rev. Mr. Atkinson will preach anniv-
ersary service at Hillsgreen.
Mrs. Atkinson and Mrs. Baird were ap-
pointed delegates to the sectional meeting or
Buren Presbytheiel to be held at Duff's
.Church, McKilicm. Sept. 2e.
Rally Day services will be held on Sept.
340h it the morning service, when the Sun-
day School will worthhll with the congregue
'Mission Bancl svill be held al the morning
service next Sunday at the usual time,
Mr. R. Seat and others :two on a fishing
expedition et Algonquin Park where its
hikes and streams teem with bass and trout.
The wet weather of last week and the
early part of this week has made it hard to
bervest the been crop.
The regular meeting of the W.A. of Brum-
field' United &mei: was helot in the base -
mein on Tuesday, Sept. 5th. The first nart
of the afternoon wits spent in sewing, after
svhich the meeting vvea celled to order. 21
members answered Me .11 call. Mrs. Atkin -
eon took alpirge of the devotional part e the
meeting and 1V1rs. Scott, the president, con-
ducted the business. It was decided that the
ladies or the 11V.A, provide dinner for the
members of Presbytery on Se:Me-Mee 26 (on
Me occasion or their meeting) in 'Brucefield.
It was also arranged that Group I would
serve dinner for the Rpm., meeting of the
feldfellows Lodge on Sept. 2.70. Mist: Edith
Dewey read 0 poem, "Summer's End" arid
also coeducted a picture contest. The roil call
for October will he answered ny something
about Thanksgiving, The meeting closed in
the usual manner by God Save Me King mid
the Miepah benediction,
The annual harvest thanksgivieg serviee
of St. George's, Walton, was held on
day, Sept. 10th at 3 p.m'. with autumn
flowers, fruits end vegetables end presented
a beautiful appearance. Rev. M. F. Oldham,
rector. conducted a service for the Sunday
School at 2 p.m. and gave a brief address.
The special speaker at the service WIIS Rev,
O. F. L. Gilbert, the new vector of St. Tho-
mas' Church, Seaforth, who delivered an
appropriate sermon on Eph. 5. 20, "MAIM
thanks alway for all things unto God and
the Father in the name of our Lord Jesps ,
Christ." He enumerated the many causes of
thanlcsgiving. Miss Emma Sanderson ogle -
hued in her efficient manner at the ovgan
and the choir rendered the anthem, "Sowing
and Reaping," and "Count Your Blessings."
There was a good attendance and the ser-
vice sons solemn and impressive with the
note of thanksgiving.
A young girl, Doris Patterson, 11 -year-
old daughter of Me. end Mrs. Robert: Pat-
terson of the bound:ley west, passed away :in
Victoria Hospital, London on Monday, a
victim of poliomyletis. She attended school
the opening day, September 5011, and on re-
turning home complainM or not being well.
A consultation of doctors was held on Sat-
urday end she was taken to Victoria Hos-
Vital and placed in tm Iron lung. She is Inn-
vived by her parents and a sister eight years
old. The funeral was private and Was held
Tuesday to 13russets Cemetery.
Rev, ,Fred W. Lee or Rivers, Mans Preach-
ed a splendid 'Berman here on Sunday evening
Mr. and Ilirs. Fred Long find children of
Atwood were Sunday visitors here on Sunday
Mrs. Alice Rheirn of Toronto is visiting
with her sister, Ides, Ed,' johns this week,
Mr, and Mrs. W. .7, Cleary received word
Feiday that their son, • Ter. James Cleary,
had received a compound fracture In the
thigh about September ftt. He was serving
with the tanks of the British 13th Army in
the Adriatic section in Italy. Jiro enlisted
last September end went to Italy in April
this yeste ofterea week in England. His 21st
birthday will be on Oct. 136. Previous to
enlisting he was employed with the provin-
cial Hydro high-tension workers. His par-
ents received an air letter from him the last
week in August in which he mentioned re-
eeiving a parcel from home. His brother.
0.Sns. Jack Cleary, is with the navy at
Two other local boys have sits° been
wounded, according 00 word received on
'Friday, Donald Woods and William Wilbee,
while serving with the forces in France,
Donald WAS wounded Sept. 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Won. Drover, of the North
voad, received word Saturday night that their
eon. Sgt. rack Drover of the RCAF., le safe
back in England. He had been missing for
a nsonth after an operational flight over
Mal, W. Gibson White, son of Mrs. M.
White of Seeforth, hes been promoted
from the rank of captain while serving ove,
seas es demity assistant director of education
for the First Canadian Army In France. A
former teacher in WalkervIlle Collegiate In-
stitute, Maj. White has been with the Army
Educational Services since December, 1941,
From November, 1943, to May of this year
he was senior education officer for the Can-
adian troops in Italy.
Mn, ancl Mrs. Clutton und family of Cod -
°rich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Leming.
Mr, and lefts. Nelson Howe, Ruth and
Mildred of Cromarty thent Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mee. Edsvard Regele.
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Storey, Marie and
Junior, stsent Sunday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. Soseph Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey reecho and Douglas
EspdentRSguenteday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Ed. Regele entertained a birthday
party in honor of her daughter Shirley's
birthday on Saturday. Those Present svere
Jean Mills, Marie Storey, Cermetta McNichol
Pearl Regele, Norma Looming, Joyce Diegel.
and Donna Watson.
The W.A. of Bethel bold their monthly
meeting tft the home of Mrs. William Dennis
With a goodly number of members present.
Much -sympathy from our community is
extended to Ale. and Mrs. Robert Patterson
or Walton in the loss of their eldest daugh-
tea Doris,
Me. George Underwood of Toronto ie visit-
ing friends on the line.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Diegel and family
were visiting Mr. and Mrs. LeVern Wolfe
Sunday evening.
One of the events of the year here 'is the
church enniversery being .held en Sundae
Brst,:the 17th. The medial music for the oc-
plISIbli Wi II be provided by Mrs. 8. Butt and
Res. W. Kyle with the Zurich Octette ASEiSt-
ing the local. choir. Mrs. Walker, ATCM.
win preside at the organ. 'nhe special
speakers svill be Revs. Atkinson of Brum-
field and R. Keith Love of Clinton Radio
The continued wet weather has held trit
the been harvest for those who were not
fortunate enough to have their beaus harvest-
ed earlier,
Word of the sudden passing of the Ike
Otto Stephan came us a shock to this com-
munity as Mr, Stephan had resided here for
at number of yeare find was well known. He
teems to mourn his loss his wife and rive
childeen all under the age of sixteen, mid
other relatives. The sYmprithe of the' com-
munity la extended to the bereaved family.
Mrs. Armstrong has been holidaying re-
cently at the home of Mrs. Margaret Love.
Mr, Wesley Richardson of Hamilton spent
a week end at the home of his parents. Ma
and Mrs. John Riehmdson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Schulte and family
vlsited ror a rew clays recently with friends
In Toronto.
The school has rempened for another term
with the Wither, Miss Ginn in charge, and
the scholars are glad to return after enjoying
their slimmer vacation.
IVIr. end Mrs. James Gardiner find baby
David of Farquhar visited Mr. Red Mea. Wm.
Mrs. McLean of Blyth visited for a few
(InYS with Mr. and MOs. WM. Reichert and
other relatives,
Set. Jack Smith, son of Me. and Mrs. Or-
ville Smith, is honse on furlough before
leaving' for ov'ersees service, Sgt. Smith IR n
Wireless Air 011111101S
We are pleased to report Mr. John Roth-
well is home from the hospitstl but le still
under the care of his nurse, IIis many friends
look forward Ds a recovery.
Me and Mee, John Barnwell of Goderich
were renewing acquainteneee in the village
oe Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dowson spent Sundt*"
with the tatters aunt, Mrs. Wm. Hart,
Mr. Semeel Wiggins of Kokomo, spent o
few days last week with his sister, Mrs.
Elise Smith.
Mrs. Dodsworth, in company with Miss
O'Nbil of London anent Monday with the
former's mother, Mrs, Smith and Mr. Den-
Mr. and MI% Aldington spent Sunday with
friends 11, Hibbert,
Mr. and Mrs. ,Tolio Smith Sr. and family.
anent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Minns of
Mt, 1111d MOS, A. 1VIurray and little June
are now 'comfortably settled 0 their new
apartments in Mr. Clark's house.
The minuet harvest thanksgiving serviee
held in St. .1.01111'S Anglican °Mira flossed
off Sunday with Rev. Horace Watts, as guest
speaSer. He spoke from the 32ed Monter,
211/1 verse of Isahdi. whIch WM1S very ireines-
sive. Rev. Sohn Graham assisted in the
service. The church wits nicely decorated for
the occasion,
Rev. Ma Poster of Wrosetee, a former
easter here, was in Merge of the services in
the United Chinch Sunday.
Isle Lt. Robert Aidwinkle of the RCAF.,
Ottawa, has spent the pest week with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Items, Aldwinlole and
Pte. Horace Briitherton of Ipperwash, Ls
having a nine -day leme which he Is spend-
ing with his parents; and brother.
Miss Logan of Hensall, accompanied bY
Miss filicklevittie af Collingwoocl Collegiate,
and bliss Short of Norval, celled last week
ori Mrs. M. 0: Beatty and Miss Mossop.
The Red Cross unit will meet in the Sun-
day' School room on Tuesday, Sept. 19. Ciro.
1 has charge of quilts. We holm for a good
attendance. Will the ladies try and have the
men's ps,jsmas finished by Friday noon as
this is a rush order. -
Mr. Ed. Scoins visited Air. Barry Etta -
ems Sunday evening.
Silo filling and notate digging ere Ble
order of the clay.
Mrs, Matthew Armstrong visited her dou-
ghtee, Mrs. Thonete Pierce on MondeS.
Mr. and Wins roster Bennett and family,
Mr. and Mes. Walter Eaton 1111(1 lonoly visit-
ed Mr, and Myo. Geoege Eaten yecently.
Word has been received from Art Mc-
Clure. He is back with his old unit after be-
ing in hoepital te tIngiond der sM weeks
after being wounded in Iftenee.
Red Cross Notes
00 Monday of this week a group or wo-
men from the Red Cross picked tweets, -
three 11 -qt, baskets of plume for jam. On
Tuesday 0 group of women from the Wo-
men's Institute and Red Cross made 124 lbs,
of plum Jaen from 1 p.m, to 9 p.m. This is
without a doubt a record for one day'e work
in all our four years of jam making. When
we think of the amount itt pounds and Men
realise what. work there is to jam making,
sve do feel that these women certainly deserve
all the credit and thanks that ean be shown
them. "Thank you, ladies!"
We expect to make more jam SS fruit can
be procured and would appreciate the hells
of rnany new workers. Would any of you
ladies who are willing to help and have not
yet done so Please call Mrs. Brugge!. at 211
or Um. Cose at 136 and they will be able to
give you the time and date. Thank yom
Recent real estate changes effected through
the office of E, G. Chamberlain cancers: the
Property of Sar. G. A. Ballantyne, situated
on 'Wilson street. to Mr. C. Hawley of Tor-
onto, and the property of the Estate of the
lete Louisa Coates, Situated Oh Samos street,
to Mr. G. H. Muegge of Merrillop townshin.
Mr. Ralph W. Stevens of L01113011 hall purr
chased the lovely property, Shangri-La, of
1s11O. OlIVSO W. Mynas, and will take pm -
session ehortly, Mrs, Rhyme will be the
:meat of Mrs. Anna Brown, Briar Cottage,
before going to Toronto to spend the winter.
Mrs, Rhynas will return to the viiiiiee In
the springtime, Mr. end Mrs. Stevens and
Vivo young sons will add to the Wreath/ fine
citizenship of the village.
Dr. Alexander and hIrs. Alexander of Lon-
don, who spent the summer at their cottege.
left on Monday.
Wb welcome Mr, and Mrs, L. Stevens to
the village. They mimed up their new store
recently purehmecl from Geo, Elliott:
Misses Maud and Josie Steeling are visit-
ing Mende in Port Elgin.
Ithis. A. Porterfield of Winghern wee lt
-guest of Mrs. Jas. Ferguson last week.
Mr. Billy Elliott of Ilensell spent the
sveek end with friende in the village.
Mr. and lefts. W. H. Little and family of
Hamilton spent the week end NvIth Mr. and
Mrs. C. Toms,
Mr, Wm. Westlake, who spent three mare
with a construction company on the new
Alesimn Highway, ertived home and Is visit-
ing his parents. Mn, and Mrs. Walter West-
Mr, and Mrs, Jack FerguSon and family of
Sudbury ai•e spending two weeks with their
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson.
Fit. TA. Winter and MOS. Winter and fa -
o copied the Churchward cottage
We liave just received a
shipment of very nice Break-
fast Sets in two designs,
"Breach of Spring" and
"Blossom Time." These sets
are from our .best makers
and are priced at
per not of 82 pieces
We recommend these sets
and they are especialy good
Fred S. Savauge
Opposite Post Office
Phone 194 Res. 10
Miss Evelyn and Irene Glenn ere attending
the Loretto Academy in Stratford .
Misses Mary and Agnes O'Sullivan of
London spent the week end at their home.
Mr, end RIO. J. 3. Holland received a
cable on Saturday from their son, Sgt. Kale
Holland informing them that he Me arrived '
msrinly overseas.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O'Connor of Galt
spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 1D. J.
Miss Anne Downey, 10.20., in London.
blies Genevieve Atkinson in Stratford.
Mr. Seery Holland, RCAF., 1Vindsor, with
Mrs. Douglas was visited by friends from
London over the week end
Kr. and Mrs. James Dinsmore and son of
'Windsor were recent visitors with the I or-
mor's uncle, Islr. Thos. Dinsmore and aunt.
Miss Emma Dinsmore.
Mr. Wesley McBride left for the Western
m,Iyare 'leaving for their home on Sates asi. . Provinces and intends going to see his uncle
InivsAe 1, beeintda' sim, Harold Finlay end family'
DQINT,v1,,e1:".N3.1irlan: ‘T.,v're,°eTli"adlagiTIVSISI:1:: f Mr i el Isisds Rifled= visited friends at Hillsgreen,
mmeonitrh s Tar NI acrettetingsel.mul: fine sermon on Sunday at the Blake service.
Rev. Mr. Foster of Wroxeter delivered a
Ingle ft tflio: 1 atietwhoo
Many are }MY at their beam again after
,g„.11De:rt.hoLe.r si,mbi fei,:n0f slIonsw.doinn.tgowastovhdai. veivIni,:nzeeerl:Le,,vseinitld: W.M.S. meets on Thursday evening for
their September meeting.
Mrs. Woods, returned with Dr. Lewis. .
of Mr. and Mrs. John Tremeer. to Mr. Er -
the recent i•Mns.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clark received new.
nest Lester, son of Mr. and Mrs. Osbert
'Saturday that the. son, Belden,
'" Wh itehouse, of Argyle, New Brunswick ,
wounded in Italy.
took place in Hensell manse. on Sept. 2nd,,
London, spent the week end with her P 1,
Pie, Ella hicKey o.f the Postai Servir.,
ngth dress of beauty rose crepe
The morriatto of Miss Ida Laura, daughter
mt. Mr. H. and Mrs. McKne•
trimmed with white and matching sweetheart
151 People Give
Blood At Clinic if,ual street liel
corsage of American Beauty roses and fern.
. • with Rev. R. A. Brook officiating. A grace -
It h s on der veil. Her flowers were a
Mr. and MOS. Wilfred Tremeer were in et-
tendance. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
E. Whitehouse left on a short wedding trip
to Niagara Falls, Crystal Beach, Buffalo and
St Catharines. The bride wore a green dress
trimmed with gold, brown coat and access -
odes to matet. On their return they Will
reside on a form near Hillsgreen.
On account of the IIillsgreen anniversary
the Kippen Church service will be-with-
Ttreti.es of No. 14, Stanley, have en-
gaged Elizabeth Grent as teacher to suc-
ceed Frames Elgole who resigned recently.
The school is being renovated and will be
o7ekoontinuntion and
opyietdh ptrebis,,Irr,lyen Alin
High Schools a number from here are gett-
ing bock to their books. Marine Thome= and
Ken. Damn are going to Reese. Erica
Schultz, Elaine Cooper, Alice Wren. with
Embalm and Sybil Grant ave travelling to
Rev. Mr. Foster and Rev. (and Kra)
Copeland, president of Conference, were vis-
itors nt the manse over the week end.
The Sunday School is preparing for Rally
Day on the 24th when an increased attend-
ance 10 expected.
The 11111 Red Cross blood clonor's clinic
was held hare Thursday in the North Side
United Chureb when 151 persons donated
blood. One vflimari and 12 mento ave their
eighth donation1 one woman and 14 men gime
their seventh donation. Silver buttons for six
donations were preeented to seven women
end 23 men. Bronze buttons for three clone-
vtniocn0. were presented to four women and 10
The clinic WAS in charge of Mrs. S. S.
Cooper, nurse -technician, and her assistant,
Min Winnie Flanders. Volunteers donating
their services were: iftst Ir. J. Burrows, J. A.
Gorwill, 10. A. McMaster, Martin W. Staple-
ton; nuems, Mrs. T. Crouch, Mrs. Earl Bell,
Mee. D. Wilson, Miss E. Roulston, Miss S/I.
Dunn, Miss P. Thamer, bliss }Mien, Mrs. J.
M. McMillan, IVIrs, Rowland, Mrs, Jack Crich,
Miss A. Downey, Mrs. Frank Kling, Mrs. L.
Lemke, Mrs, A. A, Moore, IVIrs. B. Sykes,
Mr, P. Brugger. Mrs. Ifarold Jackson;
asistant, Mrs. Jack Canino. Refreshments
were served by Mrs. F. J. lieeheley. Mrs. W.
Hey, Mimi J. McLean, Mvs. J. A. Munn, Mrs.
H. It. Scott, Mrs, James Barron, Mvs. .T. L.
The receptionists were Mrs. E. H. Close.
Mrs, 1, McTavish, Mrs. J. Beattie. The sec-
reters, of the clinic was Mrs, Reginald Kers-
lake and her assistants were 7vIrs. Fred Wigg,
Mrs. E. A. McMaster, Mrs. D. C. Boswell,
Following is the list of donors and the
number ef sionetions by each:
Seeforth Chin Reith 7. John Gallon
7, Ralph McFadden 5, George Hildebrinult 11,
Len Kelly 4, Alice Reid 6, Mrs, Anna Wilbee
4. Maxine Tsaweence 4, Mee, Wilinon Haft 4,
Mrs. Jock Scott 0, 11. E. Smith 7, Mildred
Sionee, blue. E. Brown,
Panel Seeforth - Kenneth L. Thompsen 2.
John Pethiek 6. John Anderson 4, Ames Dos'.
ereaux 3. Andrew Crozier 5. Robert McMillen
I. John L. Malone 6, Dennis. Feeney 4, Don-
ald Lawless 7. B. B. apatite 3. Oliver Bryce
Trwin TOSWRIAIIII R. ROBS MacGregor 7.
Peter Simpson 6, Morrie Durham S. Russell
Dolman° 6, James Is, Scott 5, William Living-
stone 4. Ruth Comedian 6. Evelyn McMich-
ael 6, Roy ITIvown 3, Mrs. ZOSellh Gr111111110tt
4. Mrs. Ililtry Milieu! 2, Sam See. 11, Jehn
Thompeon. Thomas Appleby. Leo Stephenson.
.7nlir, Nottingham, Frank Reynolds 2. Oliver
Wright, Stuart Dolman 7, John Bell, Alli-
ster Brondrent 5, Edwin P. 011CS110 S.
Walton-Barvey Crong 3, Carl Dalton 3.
Dennis 2. Archie MeCitllem 2, Do -
111i hit Murray 2, Vincent Murroy 3, David
Watson 4. Willitnn Ditnrias 2. James Hogg 0.
Marvey McLure 7 Leonard Leeming 3, Wil -
hem -Leeming 11. Thomas Shoaled .
Thomas Shortrood 2. Stanley Hilton 2,
bol] Wee 6. Mue Smith 5. Willis Demi. 7 1CONSTANCE
Mrs. JosePh Thornton 3. George MacArthur
2. Thomas Looming 0, Ruth McLuro 0, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vincent of Goderieh
nown Menke, 4. MP I.Vi 11 Manley 2. Mrs. Nettle spent. the week end with, their consiim. Mr.
qtimore. Gordon Metravie 6. Walter Shortened and Mrs. Austin Textor and Mn', And MOS.
0 Ross Lowless 7. Jerome Msnley o. Charles Dexter.
t4,usoll-T4r .0, R. el:mobs:1i 6, Eldon Jne- 1 Mr, Albeit SalltIOVS011 of Blyth, elect Mr,
,'000 7. Mr, Nellie Nre7Zwell a. Nrs.. Jeen limo) and Mrs, Robt. Smith and Mr. and Mrs,
0 mrs. ThCOPP Tseventlor 2. rnorge.TtVIIPY Amos Osbeideston and son of Clinton spent
Nrin7,;:t.00rfro Tinney. Mrs, Barry Fob, Sundey at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Austin
tiers ts,•od norithrnn ()ntylnri Compholl 7, Dexter,
IlleKencle 3, Minnie Reid, Mrs. Cheeks
Brueofield-Glen SWIM 6. Williem Pepper
,Tr, S. A. J. Mustard 7. Rine ,Wilson 3, W. D. Mr. and Mrs. J. 111. hIliler in Winnipeg:
Wilson 74 Mrs. Dorothy Itterrn 7. Grace Dal- Mr. end Ides. Norman Bushfield. Zion, with
:wimp. 5. Mayme Swan 3. Mrs. Margaret Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Sadler and Mr. and
Ma. 0. W. Reed ; Mr. and Mrs. Geo"ge
Ihnson in London: HOS. It, 3. Norris and
Ronnie have 'returned to her home in Wyo-
ming, Mrs Will Patrick accompanying her:
Rev. end 'Mrs. Riad= and family le Lon-
don ; Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Tverfey and Shirley,
Misses Gime end jean Drake, „Stratford,
Flint. with Me, and Mrs. W. O'Brien.
with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dreke and
family Mr. and Mrs. J. Aldington, Varna,
with Mr, and Mrs. F. Tuffin and Mr, and
Mrs. ,R. Parsons 1 IVIe. aud IVIrs. Russell
Weldon le Toronto ; Mr. and trrs. Leonard
Houghton and Frank in Mount Forest; Mrs.
Is. O'Brien hos retumed Crowe Rol:cleats •
Park 1 IVIst and Mrs. Is. C. 0'13rien and
'daughters, Toronto, with Mr, and hIrs. Wo
O'BrIen Mrs. ,7, McDonald has retureed
home from London Hospital and le frames,- •
Mg; Robert Sadler Tr. in Windsor and T)e-
trolt 1 LAC. . Carl DMus has veturne to
Barfly, 'B.C.. ofter spending his teem with
Mr, end Mrs, Henry Beebe.; Miss Isabel
Drake le Kitchener svith 'Miss Ila Drwori
Mr. and Mrs. 0, W. Reed in Windsor; Mrs.
Gerald Fitzgerald and children, .Stratford,
and Miss Margaret Fitzgerald, Aylmee, with
Mr, and Mrs. .7.•Me9itoneld.
Mr. and 1VIrs. Wm. Koehler, Mr. end
MOS. Hem, Koehler, recently visited Mr.
end Mrs. John Becker et Moserville.
Congratulations are whie Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Schellenberg on the arrival of a babe
Harvest Home services will be held in the
Evangelical Church here on Sunday, Sept.
17th at 2,30 p,m. Special music and . special
speaker 01.0 expected.
A number en this line were guests at the
Scherberth end Wolfe wedding and at the
reception hold at the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 7301. Scherharth, 1010, of Logan On
Pridny ovening, Sept, Sth.
Miss Ruby Steinacher of Stretford recently
visited friends And relatives on this line.
Miss Mnriel Fisher of Fullerton and little
Betty Tjoegy of Grey spent a week with
their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Meru.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rook spoilt the sveek
end with Pte. Ken Debbie end Mts. Debbie
01 Petmeeston.
Mrs, Ernest Elligsen spent several days
last wselo with her sister Fa Doom
Miss George Weitemen of Detroit who
spent some tinte Itt Coder.. called on his
uncle. Mr. Henry WeitErsen, last sveek,
Tyndall 0, Arther Welsh( 3, Ethel Wilson n.
Grohnin. Raymond Pepper 4.
Star fri-Gerold Agar 7, Milton LI1V.017 4,
Russell nVorden. Henry Rayburn 6, Robt,
Mentughey 5, Gordon I•Teggerth 7.
Cromarty - 14rilmer 11Taellonald 3, ,Trones
Hoggeelh 6. Mrs. ROY Maw:Donald, Thomas L.
Sent( 2, Oliver JPICOSIOS 4, Tisane. Laing 0.
Verne R. Reid 4, T. Steehensoli 4, G.
Johnston 4. Mervin Johnston 6, Harold Grinn-
ell 0, John Keys 6. Elmore Stevenson 6, Elmer
TI11`11P V 9.
th -111.1, re Magnin:hey 6, TjarveY KeYll
Dublin -Prank .TOhnson 4, John O'Rourke
3 Alvin Warden 3. Wilfred Feeney 7. Prank
O'Rourke 0, August Dunham -le 7, Leo Ryan. 6;
Rural' Olinton-Willism Moore • R. james
Flynn 3, -Wilbur Jewett 7, Alfred Buchanan S,
Ernest Adams,
Pitmen -Arthur Vaquair 7, Robert McLean
4, Mrs. William IVIeLean 0, Thelmrs Fide 0.
Lemicsboro-Oliver Anderson 4, IVilIlono
Jewitt S. Mrs, Betel. Taylor S. Benjamin
Rio's', .rohn Hessetwood 2. •
Blyth-liervey Johnson 0, Jack Breen 6:
Guelph -James Howitt 4, 5/111 Francisco -
Mrs. Margaret Buttery 2.