HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-09-07, Page 8r:
Dr. A. R. Campbell, Mrs. Campbell, Billie red yea" helfel` Witlt pig ring in
and Gordon are enjoying a week's vacation .right ear, right 1111[1 hods a. trifle en -
Frain lot 8, con. 4, Tucker, i tth, a
at Grand Bend. • i larged, white star au forehead, white
Miss Frances Carpenter' of London spent i
the week end with MINS .Margaret Glenn,, t pair. tail. Any -information will be,
Miss Margaret Grieve of Senforth visited that:] fully I eteired harry Chesney,
.reeenitly with Mrs, Norman Stonlake and
Public school opened on Tuesday with Mr:
Cowan of Dungannon as principal and Miss
Barbara Mickey of Belgrave assistant,
Miss Gladys Luker was, a week .end guest
with Dr. and Mrs. Campbell at Grand Bend.
Miss. Beryl. Pfaff and Mrs. Lawrence
Baynham, accompanied by Misses Alice
Pfaff, Wanda Tuckey and. Helen Dickson of
Exeter, spent the week: end holiday earning
at Grand .Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Manson and 'family
of Stratford spent the, week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm and other rela-
Mies Mae Schwalm and Mr. H. Pigeon of
Landon visited with Mr. and Mrs, Robert
• Mr. and Mrs. Verne Redden of St. Cath-
arines, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Redden, Betty
and Marie. of Hamilton. and Mr. Harold
Redden of Chatham were week end visitors
with Mrs. Catharine Redden,.
The Women's Institute will open theirfall
and winter meetings with a pot luck supper
to be held at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Bell on
Wednesday, Sept. 18th, with Mrs. Sohn E.
*Ewen co -hostess.
end Mrs, Roy MaoLaren and Donald
,sif0nt the week end with Mr. and Mrs.Otis
Minor, Joanne and JackieinPort Huron.
Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer returned home
from a pleasant vacation at Muskoka, Tor-
onto and London.
Harold Walker of the RCAF, Deseronto,
spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Stanley
Keith Buchanan of the RCAF., Trenton,
returned after spending a furlough here with.
Mrs. Buchanan.
Miss Lettre Love returned to her duties as
teacher In Toronto after spending the sum-
mer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake, Billie and
Joan and Mrs. Walks returned home from
a . two weeks' vocation at Port Elgin.
The many friends of. Mrs. A. L. Case re-
gret to hear she is seriously ill and was re-
moved to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, in
an ambulance early Monday morning.
Owing to the 48-hour week for employees
now in effect Hensall stores will be closed
Tuesday evenings and Wednesday afternoons
and will -close oft Saturday evenings at 11
o'clock sharp.
Mrs. Harvey Succumbs—
Mrs. Wesley Harvey, well known resident
of Hensall passed away in Scott Memorial
'Hospital Thursday morning in her 74th year,
following a two month's illness. Born at
Granton Corners, Huron county, the deceased
was the former Mary Cudmore. She was a
member of Hensall United Church, and has
made her home with her daughter. Mrs.
Harvey McLarnon for the past several years.
Surviving Is one daughter (Gladys) Mrs.
MoLarnon, Hensel, three sons. Gordon, of
Detroit: Pte. Edwin, Dayton, 0., William of
Sarnia; four sisters, Mrs. Thos. Workman.
Kippen; Mrs. Horton, Oshawa; Mra. Sey-
mour Watson, Vancouver; Mrs. E. Daley,
Walkerton ; four brothers, Samuel Cedmore,
Seaforth; William Cudmore, Seaforth, Ed-
ward. Vancouver and Lorne, Victoria. A
privatefuneral sewas rvice
home of Mr. MrHarveyMeLaoh on
Saturday at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. 2, A.
Brook. Interment in Hensel] Union Cemetery
Otto John Stephan Passed Away—
Otto John Stephan passed away at his
home in Hensel! on Wednesday in his 42nd
year following a .two month's illness. The
deceased had been in 411 health for over 20
Years. Surviving is his widow, formerly
Pearl Smola, Ave children. Ronald, Toronto;
Mervyn, Orion, Margaret and Jackie at
home. Me mother, Mrs. Stephan, one brother
Herb and two sisters, Mrs. Laura Weide, of.
Exeter, and Mrs. Len Wagner, Zurich.
Funeral service was held from the home
on Friday conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook.
Interment in Exeter cemetery.
The August meeting of Kipper East
Women's Institute was held at the
home of Mrs. Albert Alexander on
Wednesday evening, August 19th. The
meeting opened by singing the open-
ing ode and repeating the Lord's
prayer in unison. The minutes of the
last meeting were read and adopted.
A .poem, "The Farmer's Part," was
given by Mrs. W. H. McLean. A sing
song, "The More We Together," and
other songs was much enjoyed. Mrs.
E. Butt favored with a solo, "Mr.
Churchill, Our Hat's Are Off to' You"
and "Good Night Little Soldier." The
current events was given by Mrs.
Glenn McLean. A poem, "The Farm-
er" was given by Mrs. Wm. Kyle. The
roll call was answered by one way to
promote agriculture in wartime. The
history of the Alexander farm was
given by Mrs. Albert Alexander. Miss
Betty Moore of Seaforth sang two
solos, accompanied by Mrs, 1..Mc-
Gr'egor at the piano. A demonstration
on canning tomatoes was given by
Miss Grace Tremeer. The guest
speaker for the evening was Mrs. Jas.
Cleland of Listowel. The topic was
"Growth" and proved very interest-
ing. A vote of thanks was moved to
the hostess and guest speaker. The
meeting closed by all singing the
national anthem and lunch was serv-
ed by the lunch committee. •
Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Brickman and fam-
ily of Wartburg were visiting with Mr, and
Mrs. Edward Regale on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ellacott, Ruby and
Margaret and Mrs. Jennie Thornton of
Monkton, were Sunday visitors with Mr.. and
Mrs. Joseph Thornton..
Miss Mildred McNichol of Ajax spent the
'week end holiday with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Duncan McNichol
Mrs. Hinchley of Seaforth is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. William Leeming.
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Marshall, Mrs, Flos-
sie Thornton and Stuart Thornton of Bramp-
tonwere holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Thornton .and Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Regele, and also called on other friends at
Seaforth and Dublin.
Misses Shirley and Pearl Regele have re-
turned home after holidaying in Waterloo
with theirgreat grandparents, Mr. and 'Mrs..
George Iiistner andalso visiting with friends
in Galt. .
Mrs. Joseph Thornton returned home last
week after visiting her parents and sisters
and brothers at Waterloo.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming and fain-
ily anent a day last week with the ratter's
sister. Mr. and Mrs. W. Simpson of Fuller-
ton Twp.
Mr, Thomas Reid, Goshen Line, has
sold his farm to Mr. Roy McBride,
Mr, and, Mrs. Russell. Grainger and fam-
ily, Mao. D. H. Johnson and family and
Miss Mary Snowden visited Niagara Falls,
Toronto and Uxbridge over the weak end.
Mrs. Johnson and family remained with her
sister, Mrs. G. Hamilton..
Mrs, Margaret Err'att of Toronto is spend-.
in her e vacation with cr,
her '
, s.
e ater r
Brett, Babylon
Mr. and N1re. loved When, of Toronto spent
the week end with the latte•'s sister, Mrs.
Robert Robinson and family.
Engagement --
Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Featherston, -
Bayfield, announce the engagement
of their only daughter, Doris Irene
to Keith Arnott Leonard, only son of
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Leonard, Gran -
fell, Sask. The marriage will take
place in Church of .the Redeemer,
Toronto, September 30th,
I'ltone 6621:24, or W. 117.' Sproat, tile
Two -furrow riding plow and single
furrow riding plow, For .sale. Also
custom plowing. Thomas Nash.
Phone 852x4.
Auction Sale
The undersigned auctioneer has
received instructions from Mr, Robt.
Hamilton to sell by -public auction at
Lot 16, Con. 10, Hullett Township,
214 miles east of Londesboro on
Tuesday, Sept. 12th, commencing at
1 o'clock the following:
HORSES: 1 general purpose geld-
ing 9 yrs. old.
CATTLE: 1 cow 4 yrs. old; 2 cows
8yrs, old; 3 spring calves; 1 yearling
steer; 1 yearling heifer.
SHEEP: 7 ewes.
SMIPLDMENTS: 1 Massey -Harris
binder, 7 ft.; 1 M.H. Mower,..5 ft,; 1
M.H. 13 tooth cultivator with seed
box; 1 set of diamond harrows, 4
section; 1 M.H. steel roller; 2 wag-
ons; 1 set of bench sleighs with flat
rack; 1 wagon box with shelving; 1
gravel•box; 1 steel tired top buggy;
1 Portland cutter; 1 democrat; 2
stock racks; 1 hay rack with sliding
top; Nq. 21 Fleury walking plow; No.
407 McC-D walking plow, nearly
new; 1 Quebec riding plow; 1 Ren-
frew scale, 2000 lbs.; 2 grindstones;
1 knife grinder; 1 scuffler; 1 stone
boat; 1 Clinton fanning mill; 1 bag
truck; 1 Workman and Ward car
with rope and pulley: 1 M.H. root
pulper; 1 De Laval ??12 separator;
1 steel water trough; 1 hay knife; 2
oak barrels; 1 iron kettle; a number
of grain bags; 2 chop boxes; 1 set of
heavy back band harness; lset of
single harness; a quantity of 1 inch
hemlock lumber; a quantity of 2 inch
plank; 2 scythes: 3 horse collars;
150 bushels of oats; a quantity of
hay; whipple trees, neckyokes, saws
augers, chains and other articles too
nUlllel'Ous to mention.
room suite; 1 mortis chair; 2 beds
with mattress; 1 folding leaf table;
1 centre table; 1 small table; 1 wash
stand; 1 organ; a number of kitchen
chairs; 1 cupboard; 1 Maxwell wash-
ing machine; 1 Daisy churn; 1 coal
oil heater; lamps, dishes, sealers,
crocks, mirror and other articles.
Everything to be sold without re-
serve owing to ill health.
Terms, Cash.
Ro'bt, Hamilton, Prop.
Wm. Morritt, Auctioneer,
Auction Sale
Of farm stock, implements and
some household effects. W. E. Nairn
has been instructed by the under-
signed proprietor to sell by public
auction on lot 23, con. 13, Hibbert
1 1-4 miles south of Cromarty, anti
2 miles west, on Thursday, Sep. 21,
at 1 fan. sharp, the following;
HORSES: 1 black horse, 10 yrs.
old, 1600 lbs.; 1 bay mare 12 yrs, old
supposed to be in foal; 1 blue colt
rising 2 yrs.. old. 1 sucking colt.
CATTLE: 1 cow due Dec. 8; 1
Holstein cow due Jan, lst.; 1 Hol-
stein cow due April 15; 1 cow due
April 5; 1 cow .due April 20; scow
due April 22: 1 red cow due at ti
of sale; 4 steers rising 2 yrs.; 3 heif-
ers rising 2 years; 6 spring calves.
PIGS: 12 chunks 3 months old; 12
chunks 160 lbs.; 1 sow with litter of
13; 1 sow due Dec. 8; 1 sow due
Dec. 27.
MACHINERY: 1 6ft. Cockshutt
Binder good as new; 1 5/ ft. Cock-
shutt Mower; 1 10ft. McCormick
rake; 1 wagon and rack; 1 gravel
box; 1 set of sleighs; 1 Cockshutt
riding plow; 1 walking plow (Fleury)
1 gang plow (Kangaroo); 1 spring
tooth cultivator; 1 horse scuffler; 1
Cockshutt bean cultivator and puller,
good as new; lset of four section
drag harrows; 1 Clinton fanning
mill; 1 DeLaval cream separator; 1
hog crate; 1 sugar kettle; 1 3%/ inch
cylinder pump; 1 M.H. seed drill
with fertilator and grass seeder; 2
sets of double harness; 3 good horse
collars; 1, 3 drum steel roller; 1 log
jack; 2 Chop boxes; whipple trees,
chains, forks and neckyokes; 2 chick-
en shelters: 1 colony house; 3 sap
pans: 135 buckets and spires; 1 root
POULTRY: About 160 Rock pul-
lets: 50 yr. old Rock hens.
15 ton clover hay; a quantity of
mixed grain.
hole Royal Princess Pat range, 1
sheet iron heater. 1 couch, haneing
lama. Aladdin lamp, power washing
machine (Coffield), 2 wooden bed-
steads, 1 commode. settee, table,
kitchen chairs, a host of other art-
icles. No reserve as giving up farm-
ing. Terms cash, Milton Young,
Men Wanted
To learn Silo Building or help for
a few weeks.
Highest wages and board.
Apply to
R -R.2, Seaforth, on # 8 Highway'
Phone 34-616, Clinton Cent.
It's a real
pipe smoker's
Auction. Sale
Of farm stock and implements.
W. 01. Nairn, auctioneer;' willsell by
public auction on Lot 10. con. 2, Hib-
bert, on Thurs. Sept. 14, 1944, com-
mencing at 1 o'clock, the following,
HORSES, Percheron, 6 yrs. old,
160.0 Its, 1 grey Percheron, rising
2 yrs.
CATTLE: 12 Shorhorn cows milk-
ing and due to freshen from Jan. to
March, 1 Durham heifer dile in Dec.;
2 Durham heifers rising 2 yrs.; 7
Durham heifer calves; 3 Durham bull.
calves; 1 good Shorthorn bull 2 yrs.
HOGS: 8 shoats 40 lbs. each; 1
Yorkshire hog.
I POULTRY: 4 ducks.
-IMPLEMENTS: 1 John Deere
manure spreader; new wagon bol;
spring tooth cultivator; disc harrow;
2 furrow Frost & Wood sulky plow,
walking plow; stock rack; 3 steel
drums; 1 hay car for steel track;.
1 hay car for wood track; rope;
grind stone; pulper; set of scales and
stock platform; fanning mill; 1 Que-
bec stove; 1 heater; forks, hoes and
shovels, eta.
Positively no reserve. Everything
offered will be sold to the highest
bidder. Terms, Cash.
Wm. Keeler, Prop.
W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy,
Saturday, Sept. 9th.
160 Head mixed stock cattle includ-
ing a choice run of Herefords. Also
pigs; 70 weaners and chunks.
Sales every Saturday. Private sales
during week.
Trucks to deliver.
A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Cattle, Horses and Implements, at
Lot 27 Con. 6 Hibbert, 301 miles South
of Dublin, 2'5 miles West, on Monday,
September 11th at 1 p.m. sharp.
HORSES -1 Blue Roan mare 7 yrs.
old, supposed to be in foal; 1 Bay
Gelding 8 yrs. old; 1 general purpose
gelding 5 yrs. old; 1 sucker colt, blue
COWS -1 grey cow 7 yrs. old, due
in March; 1 Holstein cow 4 yrs. old,
due in March; 1 red cow 4 yrs. old,
due in March; 1 Roan cow 4 yrs. old
due in March; l red heifer . rising 3,
due in March; 1 black cow 4 yrs, old
due in March; 1 red cow 4 yrs. old
due in May; 1 red cow 7 yrs. old due
in May; 1 Hereford heifer 3 yrs, old
due in May; 1 red cow 4 yrs. old, due
in May.
CATTLE — 6 steers (Durham)
weighing 850 lbs.; 12 steers (Durham)
weighing approx. 700 lbs.; 3 heifers
weighing 600 lbs.; 9 spring calves; 5
Leicester Ewes 2 yrs. old; 1 Hereford
bull 3 yrs. old; 1 Durham bull calf 1
yr. old. (Roan).
PIGS -1 sow with 10 pigs 5 weeks
old; 2 sows (2nd litter) bred.
IMPLEMENTS -1 hay loader (Max-
well) with trucks; 1 gang plow; 1
three horse cultivator; 1 Frost &
Wood mower; 1 Frost & Wood
der; 1 Anker -Holt cream separator
500 lb.; 1 T.H.C. drill, 11 disc; 1 M.H.
manure spreader; 1 16ft. hay -rack
(new); 1 truck wagon; 1 Oliver rid-
ing plow; 1 M.H. fertilizer 11 hoe
drill, like new; 1 hayrack 16ft.; 1 set
double harness; 1 gas engine, 114 h.p.,
Massey Harris; 1 pump jack.
No reserve as proprietor has rented
Terms, Cash..
Michael F. Coyne, Proprietor.
Wm. Nairn, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
some Household Effects. Lewis Row-
land, Auctioneer, has been instructed
by the undersigned proprietor to sell
by public auction on No. 4 Highway,
Lot 1, Concession 8, Morris Twp., 1114
miles north of Blyth, on Saturday,
September 9, commencing at 1 p.m.
sharp, the following:
Horses — Clyde gelding horse 5
years old; Percheron mare 8 years
old; wagon mare, 7 years old, expect
in foal.
Cattle—Roan Hereford cow due
Sept. 12, 6 years old; Jersey cow, due
October 6, 8 years old; Holstein cow
due January 12, 4 years old; Holstein
cow, due Jan. 21, 6 years old; Hol-
stein cow, due Feb. 14, 4 years old;
Durham cow, due Feb. 22, 5 years old;
Holstein cow due Marelr 23, 3 years
old; Holstein cow, due Apr. 7, 5 years
old; blue cow due April 28, 8 year's
old; blue heifer, calf at foot, 2 years
old; Durham heifer with calf at foot,
2 years old; Durham bull 1 year old;
3 young calves.
Hens -50 yearling hens.
Implements —Massey -Harris binder
6 foot cut; McCormick -Deering mow-
er; Maxwell hay loader; 1 horse hay
rake; Massey Harris spring -tooth
cultivator; 13 -disk drill; 1 team cul-
tivator; disk; McCormick walking
plow; Fleury No. 21 walking plow;
2 furrow walking plow; 3 section
harrows; 1 horse scuffler; heavy
wagon, double box, with spring seat;
light wagon; set of sleighs; gasoline
engine, fanning mull, 2 row turnip
drill, rubber tire buggy, 3 cutters, pig
crate, turnip pulper, iron kettle, Ren-
frew cream separator, Vega cream
separator, brooder stove (new); 8
logging chains, extension ladder, 67
sap pails and spiles, gravel box.
22 tons .timothy hay, 10 tons alfalfa
hay, 200 bushels of mixed grain, set
of slings, hay ropes, 5 pulleys,.2
forks, 2 gallon spray can, set of team
harness, set of single harness, 3
collars in good shape,, 21 inches; col-
ony house, 3 burner coal oil stove
(almost new); some furniture and
other articles too numerous to men-
tion. Terms of sale cash,
This ,is a cash sale as the farm has
been sold. Sherman Beninger, Prop.;,
Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer, Robt..
Patrick, Clerk.
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry.
I Phone 170-W, Seaforth
About 100 year•old Leghorn : hens:
Jlalties ' T. Scott, Seaforth, R.R,2,
Six roomed cotiage, in Egnroudville,.
one acre of land. Excellent well,.
small barn, also woodshed. Inunediate
Possession. Apply at News Office.
Fon' Egmonclville United Church,
Duties to commence Sept. 17th. Ap-
plications will be received until Wed
nesda.y,,,$ept. 13th, by
Steel range, burn wood or coal.
This' is an excellent stove. Half price,:
George Lowery, phone 661r16.
A Jersey cow due to freshen at
once. Andrew A. Moore, phone 666r3
Including good handmade hooked
rugs, crochet rugs, knitted rugs;
some have never been used. Also a
quantity of dishes and other articles.
Number of quilts. Handmade linens
and fancy work. At the home of the
late Mrs. Coates, James street, near
Public School.
Sunburst brooch on Main et. Finder
please leave at News Office,
11,4 h.p. McCormick Deering gas
engine. Apply at Ken Campbell's
Machine Silop.
Roan, weigh about 700 lbs. Strayed
from lot 11, con. 2, LRS, Tuckersmith.
Any information please phone Wm.
Green. Phone 89x21.
McCormick Deering tractor 10-20,
and a Massey Harris tractor plow.
International cultivator. Bissell pack-
er 10 foot. Gasoline tank and giunp.
Phone 880x2, Seaforth.
White enamel kitchen stove with
reservoir, used one year. 1 Durham
calf 5 weeks old. 1 black wagon horse
8 years old. 320 Rock pullets ready to
lay. J. R. Burns, Seaforth. Phone 69w
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
At Lot 30, Con. 5, McKillop, 4 miles
N.W. of Seaforth, on Wed., Sept. 13,
at one o'clock.
Horses—Bay Clyde mare 5. years;
bay Clyde gelding, 7 years; black gen.
purpose mare, 4 years, grey Perch-
eron mare, aged.
Cattle—Red and white cow, fresh
1 month; grey cow, due in Feb.;
black cow, due in Jan.; Herefor
cow due in Dec.; grey heifer, due in
Jan.; grey heifer due in Jan.; red
cow, ane in April; 2 heifers (2 years),
2 steers (2 years); 5 heifers, 1 year;
4 steers 1 year; 8 spring calves, 1
calf 1 month.
Hogs -1 sow and 14 suckers 5
weeks old, 2 chunks.
Implements — 7' foot McCormick
Deering binder in A-1 condition; 1-
3 -ft. MCC. Deering mower in ,good
condition; 1 MoC. Deering cream sep-
arator, 550 lbs. capacity, nearly new;
M. H. dump rake; M. H. manure
spreader, 1 McCormick hay loader;
1 M.H. spring tooth cultivator, 1 gar-
den cultivator, 1 disk harrow, steel
land roller, 5 sec. iron harrows, har-
row cart, Portland cutter; 2 steel hog
troughs, 1 Carrell steel tired top bug-
gy, fanning mill with bagger attach-
ment, bag bolder and truck combined,
M.H. 13 hoe drill with fertilizer at-
tachment, 1 grain pickier, farm
wagon and gravel box, farm truck and
hay rack, set of bob sleighs, set
scales, capacity 2000 lbs., wagon
jack, 1 Cockshutt 2 furrow riding
plow, 1 Oliver single furrow riding
plow, 1 walking plow, 2 wheel trailer
with stock rack, pair horse blankets,
1 set double harness, set heavy
breeching, set single harness, pair
collar tops, several collars, fur robe,
colony house 8'x12', 3 Lange shelters,
brooder stove, grind stone, shovels,
post hole spoon, crow bar., hay knife,
forks, extension ladder (36 ft.), log-
ging chain, wire stretcher.
75 B. Rock pullets,
Household Effects -2 bedsteads, 2
washstands, 2 dressers, 3 mattresses,
1 Bell organ, 1 Eaton incubator (250
egg); 1 Simpson incubator (300 egg)
both in good condition; 8 day clock,
bath tub, rocking chairs, kitchen
chairs, small tables, arm chair,
dishes, lamps, gas lantern, coal oil
lantern, fernery, linoleum, wardrobe,
toilet sets, step ladder thermos jug,
churn milk pails, tea kettle, bird
cage, chicken feeders.
Terms cash. Sold without reserve
as farm is sold.
Frank D. Storey, Proprietor. Har-
old Jao'kson, Auctioneer.
Wm. Bradshaw, your Watkins deal-
er, and also agent for E. D. Smith &
Son, fruit and ornamental nursery
stock, Market street, Seaforth, Ont.
Phone 50.
7 Room Frame Cottage, situated on
James St. Sided with asphalt shingles.
Hydro, Town Water. Good basement,
corner lot, centrally located. Close to
School and Church. Prompt possession
7 -Roomed frame house, Wilson St.,'
attic insulated, fully modern.. Gar-
age. Prompt possession.
7 -Room, frame house, East William)
St., 2 acres land. A real buy.
7 -Room Brick house, Church St.,
Modern Conveniences with good
6 -Room,. Stuccoed house, Egmond-
ville. Hydro, good well.
Insurance & Real Estate
Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220
barleys Minot al. Tonic
5 lb_ pkge. 09c
Royal Purple Hog Tonic
81,6 lbs. 1.75
Pratts Hog: Tonic, 21/2 lbs., 70c
Pratts Cow Tonic,
414 lb. pkge 1.50
Stoekaid Animal Spray,
one gal. 1.35
Dardey's Disinfectant
1b. bottle 45c
Super Floor Wax, lb. tin 29c.
Hawe'o Floor Wax, lb tin 490
Johnsons Floor Wax, lb. tin 59c
Poliflor Floor Wax, Ib tin 49c
Black Cat Floor Wax, 14. tin 29c
Spae-Naur Wonder Foam
bottle • 79c
Tea -Risk, pkge 29c
Two Jersey cows; Phone
Thos. Barton, Egmondville.e
65214, McConnell & Hays
I'- Barristers, Solicitors Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Bays
Auction Sale
Mr. Harold Jackson has been in-
structed to sell by public auction on
Lot 26, Con. 1. Hibbert, on No. 8
Highway three miles East of Seaforth
on Friday, Sept. 8th at 1 p,m, the fol-
lowing farm stock and implements.
HORSES— 3 middle aged work
CATTLE -10 Holstein cows rang-
ing from three to seven years old,
milking well and due to freshen from
February to April. 3 Holstein heifers
rising 2 yrs. old; 7 steers rising 2 yrs.
old; 8 spring calves; Hereford bull, 2
yrs. old.
PIGS—York sow with nine pigs at
foot; York sow due Nov, 1st.; 7
chunks, 125 lbs' 5 chunks 100 lb's; 8
Chunks 3 months old.
POULTRY -125 year old hens (leg -
horn); 50 Leghorn pullets 4 months
old; 1 colony house; brooder stove;
rain shelter; pig shelter,
IMPLEMENTS—Fprdson tractor in
good running condition; 2 furrow Ol-
iver plow; Bissell double disc; disc
harrow; M.H. binder 7 ft. cut; scuf-
fler; M.H. mower; sulky rake; spring
tooth cultivator; set of harrows; gang
plow; riding plow; walking plow;
seed drill; land roller; 2 farm wag-
ons; hay rack; grain box; set of farm
sleighs; fanning mill; 2000 lb scale,
new; wheel barrow; hay car; rope
slings; hay fork; sling chain; forks,
shovels, whiffle trees and neckyokes;
Delaval cream separator; milk pails;
32 ft. extension ladder2 electric
fencers, and other articles.
HAY and GRAIN -300 bushels of 6
rowed barley; 1000 bushel of oats;
200 bushel of mixed grain; 9 bags
2-12-6 fertilizer; 30 tont mixed hay.
Terms, Cash.
No reserve as the proprietor has
sold his farm,
C. P. Van Mill, Prop.,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Jos. Roach, Clerk.
Child's Simmo ns felt sib mortices, nearly
new, with rolled edge. Price $4.00. Phone
$33 r 18, Seaforth central.
Fordson tractor and International two -
furrow tractor plow. In good shape. James
Hogg, R.R. 4, Walton.
In Stanley Township 14h miles west of
Varna on Hayfield .Road,good brick house,
large steel barn, never failing well, water
in house and barn, 3 acres of good bush,
Hydro available. Pricedreasonably for im-
mediate possession. Apjtly to Louie E.
Taylor, Varna, Ont.
Grain and Fertilizer
I am buying grain for Thompson.
at Hensall. Call for information.
Also taking orders for Fertilizer.
Order early and be sure of yours.
Phone 655 r 2, Seaforth
Co-op and Shur Gain
Hydro Poles
25 & 30 Ft.
Feeding Molasses
B. C. Shingles
Co-op and Shur Gain Feeds
Western Grain & Chop
Co-op Fly Spray
Co-op Motor Oil
Seaforth Farmers
Phone 9
Tavistock, Sept. 8-9
Blyth .. ., Septa 13-14
Milverton Sept, 14.15
New Hamburg Sept. 15-16
Palmerston Sept. 15.16
Exeter Sept. 20-21
Kirkton Sept. 22-23
Listowel Sept. 20-21
SEAFORTH Sept. 21-22
Atwood Sept. 29-30
Dungannon Sept. 28.29
Lucknow Sept, 26-27
Mitchell . Sept. 26.27
Zurich Sept. 25-26
• Oct. 3-4
Oct. 6.7
St, Marys ......... . Oct. 4-5
There was an advertisement -for a
Young woman to do light housework.
A city girl applied for the job.
"I think the
. sea ala'
good," she wrote."Will won please
say inr our
Y reply where n
Y w e e
`gt D
h ir-
SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Vice President, . Frank Mc-
Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,
Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born-
holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mc--
oEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Bruoefield; R. F.
Mclieroher, Dublin; I. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest ',rates in First -Class
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of • University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped wie
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-te-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist M •
Diseases of the. Ear, Eye, Nose antes...
Throat, will be at the Clinic the firs
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
6 p.m..
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In. Dr, H. H. Ross' office: Phone 6 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 -'p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53. Waterloo
St., Stratford, Telephone 287.
Successor to Holmes & Whitney '
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos-
pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell
Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 66
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
Large Stock of Modern
Memorials on display at
our Seaforth Showrooms
For the convenience of our
patrons office will be open on
Open by appointment at any
other time.. See Dr. Harburn,
next door
Cunningham ng m & Pryde
CIinton Exeteh Seaforth
Phone 41
Frank Finnigan, your, Rawlelgh dealer, on
Louisa St., Seaforth; has a line ofproducts
at 'the house. Phone OW.
PILES Sufferers of bleeding and
protruding piles should ,
know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the
cause at its source. Money hack 18
the first bottle does not satisfy.: At ',
Keating's or McKindsey's' Drug'Store.
(Essential War Industry)