HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-08-03, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1944. HENSALL The ladies of the Hensel]. Instit- ute wish to announce that they will be shipping approximately 50 boxes to the Hensall boyswho are over- seas, sometime in August. The fund's are very low at present: Those wish- ing to help this worthy project may leave their contributions with Miss Gladys Luker before August 21st. Donations of sugar for the provision of candy will also be gratefully ac- cepted. Anyone having e'lnpty pound boxes -suitable forcandy, and cook- ies or magazines, is' asked to leave -them at the town hall any time. Sea - forth and. Exeter papers, comics, magazines such as Liberty, Mac- Leans, Readers Digest, etc,, are suit- able. Mr, Lee Schwalm of Hamilton is man holidaying with' his mother Mrs. Pio past number of years,the deceased The fudge and cookies were swell let Schwalm. Mrs. Munn of London visited over the week end with her parents, Mr. and firs. Robt. Munn. Mr. T. C. Joynt was recently visit- ed his brother. Mie, Percy Joynt of Grand Rapids, Micb. . Mrs. Ray Parlmer and Carolyn of Miss Edna Cochrane; R,N., of To- l was very pleased to hear from you. This new tree is hardy and survives ronto,visited recently with her IL was sure a swell parcel and velY s ter Mrs F1<n1k.Farquhar. many tasty bits. As far as.telling any Molnin, sos'�iee only will as held better way, or articles to add, the in Hensall United Church during the Parcels I have recti so far from the first two weeks I'd August -when home town, which are quite a few in Rev. R. Brook is on vacation. number, have contained all . articles Rev, Johnston will occupy the pulpit which are very useful: I also receiv- on Sunday, August 6th and Dr, Hogg ed 300 cigaiettes from Mrs. Camp - on of Seaforth on August 13th, bell which were posted. over there on Mrs. Hugh 1VIcMurtrie returned to Apr. 2nd, about three months ego. I her home at Kipper, after :spending wish to thank one and all very sin - •e7 • for their good worts I as a week with her sister, Mrs. Frank cel y Farquhar. tbousauds of others, are looking for- ward to the day when our job is done The Cate Mrs. Dick:- •we return to our loved ones, our i friends and our horses, which we Mrs. Jas. Dick passed away:in hope is not so far away. Stuart Dick, Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Dear Gladys; In ant army camp on Sunday morning following: a somewhere in sunny - Italy, a lovely lengthy illness, in her 73rd year. She parcel arrived for from the 11en-i. was formerly Elizabeth Jane Esser, sall Women's Institute. The contents' ity. Although an invalid far' the variety couldn't have been selected. as possessed of a bright anti happy and all the eatables are really a treat, disposition and passed many happy as they can not be secured over here, hours making beautiful crochet and and the rest comes in mighty useful kbit articles. Surviving are three I can assure you. Although I had sons, Arthur, at home, Rex. Hensall, been away from Hensall and district en. One daughter the past several years, you still and Ross of Kipp haven't forgotten rte. I want to I ( Alice) Mrs. Roy Weber, predeceas- ' thank you, Gladys, so much for your Windsor are holidaying with the Por- ed her several years ago. A private most inspiring letter, telling mel mer's parents, ilii. and Mrs, John funeral service was held from the ' a ,bout the Institute and also passing Fisher. home on Tuesday aftel'noon, con- (events there. We chaps are always Mrs. 'Scott Welsh and Wayne are ducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. Inter- I happy to receive news from people ramping at Turnbull's Grove this rent in Hensall Union Cemetery. back home. Closing I will just say, week. . The pallbearers were Messrs. Geo. I "Cheerio" from Italy, Homer Tinney. l Mr. and Airs. Harold Hanson and Hudson, Conrad Huiser, Ernest Coo- Hello Gladys. I got your letter family of Stratford are holidaying per, Robt. McKenzie, Thos. Kyle, about a week ago but I never got l with Mrs. Hauson's mother firs, 'Via- and Wilson Allen. to write and I also got the parcel let Schwalm and sister Mrs. Robt.i Mrs. A,R. Cant bell re I fronc.the Institute and sure was glad McKenzie. I alcor and Miss Glaci •s mrs.l coped r. and Mrs. frm their son, Pte. l thhithr kiem thatlieverybody inoth. I was Hensa beginning to was 3 iu almost any. climate. Venez- uelanactually produces on his 1�enez- uelan farms 1,700 pounds of natural silk each month. This is enough for the manufacture of 57,600 pairs' of stockiugs, or 160 parachutes. Despite the fact that the.Venezuel- an government has greatly aided )tint in his projects, Dr. Osigian is thinlc- ing of concentrating his greatest ef- forts in the United States. Shoiiid he receive the encourage- ment and help he is counting on from the 'United States, a native sills in- dustry will arise which will deal a deadly blow to the Japanese natural silk industry. and lived all her life in this, coo- were in excellent shape and a betted 11i Jim Campbell, who is recuperating 44air1s. , and Mr. and Mrs, R. P stead. Your reties was the only letter Biker. Zurich, spent Sunday in Au- in hospital in England following I got in 2 months from Hensen but I burn. : chest wounds he received on active got 3 from home today. I got cigs MIrs. Bertha Ortwein of London service in France in July. from home and from Jaeic Hyde, Kip - visited recently with her mother Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dick of I•Ien- pen, My mail is just catching up. to llrs. Peter Munn. sall have received word that their me as I have changed my address so Mrs. Geo, Walker accompanied by son, Tpr. Stuart Dick, 23, was often the last few months, There is Mr. Donald Walker of Toronto spent wounded in France on July 25th He not much news around here that I a pleasant vacation with the form- enlisted in the Canadian Army at can write about. Don't forget to write er's daughter Miss Olive 'Walker, London in 1041 and went overseas tvlten you get time. Thanks a lot for R.N., of Albany, N.Y., Hospital, 1 the same year. 111x, and Mrs. John Passmore, Mr,Mr. and Mrs, John Kaiser are he - and Mrs. John Elder accompanied ing visited by their son and his wife, by Mr. and Mrs- Lorne Elder of Ha- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser. mitten enjoyed a pleasant vacation at Grand Bend. ' Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt and dan- ghter Judith Ann, who were vacation -! LETTERS FROM OVERSEAS ing at Muskoka, spent the week end, Continued From Page 1. with the former's mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt, on their return to Byron. everything. Roy Kyle. Dear Gladys: Received the parcel from the Institute and your letter. My thanks to all the members and those who contributed. Thanks again ALLAN SOLDAN. HARLOCK Master Donald Watt returned Mrs. Churchill and daughter Miss 1 home from Seaforth Hospital last Elra Churchill of Toronto were the whole thing cave in Now that the Thursday. We hope he will soon be guests of Reeve and Mrs, E. Shad- the great onslaught of the Russians, I Mr. Wallace MacGregor left these BRUCEFIELD Miss Margaret Aikenhead of Lon- don is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Aikenliead. Miss Margaret Henry left last week for a visit in Saskatchewan. Sympathy is extended to Mr. John Pepper and family in the passing of Mrs. Pepper, whose death occurred at their hone on. Saturday. Dr, Letson Shipley and family of Chatham visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh last week. Mr. John.McIntosh of Toronto visited with relatives on Monday. Mrs, John McIntosh and family are visiting with the former's parents, Air. mutt Mrs. 0, Haugh. ST. COLUMBAN Brother Martin, Presentation Bro- thers, Montreal, is spending his vac- ation at the home of itis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, Brother Joseph, Presentation Bro- thers, Sherbrooke, Que., is visiting his mother, Mrs. John Dalton. Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Coyne and dau- ghter Joan, of Dundas, are visiting with friends. Miss Nell Doyle of Toronto is vis- iting her mother Mrs. James Doyle. Mr. Janes McQuaid underwent a serious operation at St. Joseph's hos- pital, London, on Saturday. He is coming along fine. AC. Jack Morris, R.C.A.F., has re- turned to camp after spending his second front is started, together with good and strong again. furlough with his mother. - In Memoriam dick following a vacation at their it is more than one country can put parts last Thurs. to go to Toronto cottage at Bayfield where Miss Jud- with ith for long I must close now f f d s when he would leave up o or ew ay ith Shaddick and her cousin Gather- and, get on with some other letters for his home near Edmonton. He ine Lavelle of Palmerston were also holidaying which are long overdue. Thank you took his sister, Mrs, Jennie Knox, 1 S 1 ours I{EN Toronto. Miss Alice Dougall of Toronto is NETH D.BROOK, We wish to extend sincere sym- again, holidaying with her mother Mrs. Wm.1 once incere y yours, -, with him as far as i e r ' pathy to Mrs. Wm, Logan of Blyth Dougall. I Dear Gladys; I received the In- Mr, and Mrs, W. B. Cross and Miss stitute box yesterday I(July 12th) and family,also,to the sisters and Goldie Cross, R.N., of Toronto, spent and was delighted to get it. I don't brothers othe late Mr. Wm. Logan a pleasant holiday last week at M of Blyth who was laid to rest Tues- an- know how the people at home are able to gather so many good things itoulin Island, t day of this week. M d M i i H , D Messrs Leslie and Watson Reid McNAIRN.—In loving memory of our1943. dear Ruth, who passed away as the result of an accident, August 2, "Till memory fades and life departs, She'll live forever in our hearts." Ever remembered by Mum, Dad, Jimmie and Ken. r, an Mrs. E g n aytet on• We certainly a nie and Baron Joan, of London, spent together. PP reciate thrashed for Mr. Bert 'Beacom on . Auction Sale their vacation ith Mrs. HaD. r' them over here, especially at hi Tues, afternoon and Wed. morning. Mr. and Mrs. R rD. Belles time when everyone is moving very Bert is a hustler, all through harvest. Misses,Vera and Lela. Welsh of of lgeallyl don't think wand e takoff enough Toronto hhave been the guests phard, I arents, Miss Annie Consitt during thes past time to eat properly or look as clean i New Silkworms week and as well dressed as we should, Mr. Thos. Shaddick spent a few Nevertheless every thing isgoing Twenty -live years ago Dr. Vartan days recently in Clinton. along very well. It was an addei K. Osman aeriyea sn Now York from Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, treat to get your letter as Pres. of Jean and Jack spent a couple of the Institute because that is one Harpoot fn distant Armenia, His bag - 1 days at Glencoe with relatives. thing every one looks for most is gage included well -cared -for silk - They were accompanied home by stews from home It is certainly plea- worms front seven different countries sant to be on the side in the war Lois, who spent the past month there and samples of fifty to sixty different Pte, Carl Schwalm and Mr. Lee that has the people behind ek,em Schwalm of Hamilton are holidaying The dampeather here but otherwise hass very nice. een abiI types of Today, Dr.bery O igian,snow a natural - Violet home of their mother, Mrs, keep looking for Hensall boys Violet Schwalm. p g ized American citizen, has succeeded Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson and wherever I go but am in a British in developing a "race of super - Mr and Mrs Clayton Smith of 'Division so I am not often in areas worms" — silkworms — which he ex - thef or spent the wank end with the former's sister and brother -in- posed of Canadians though so we do Pests to be the foundation of a glean - law, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Consitt have a good time talking about CO- tic native silk -producing industry in 1 where they are My section is com- Misses' Ruth Brook, R.N., and ada and our respective home towns. the 'United States. It he achieves his Goldie Cross, lt:N., of St. Michael's They are spread right from Victoria Hospital, Toronto, returned to their on Vancouver Island to Montreal, cotton. ilk duties on Saturday following a two so you see we come from very much l weeks' vacation at their respective different parts of the country but For Hundreds of years sworms homes. are all together for the same pur- have fed on mulberry leaves and have Mrs, W. R. Davidson who under- Pose. Thanks again. MAJ.HOW- produced white, yellow, and cream - went an operation in the hospital in ARID HEMPHILL. colored silk. But the wonderful little aim, then silk will be as cheap as London last week is much improved Dear Gladys: Received the parcel worms of this ingenious Armenian m health. last night (July 13th) and every- Elaine very scientist yield silk of eight different Elaine Beer and Marie Boyd re- thing arrived in first class condition. turned home after spending a week I might say that this parcel arrived colors and sixteen distinct tones! at Goderich summer school, .a lot faster than any previous one. Silkworms are gluttons by nature, Mr, and Mrs. N, E. Cook and When the parcel came in last night and do nothing more than eat from members of the family returned f th b tt to live there were a few o e ors sr ing the moment they have begun Lambert Sale Yards, Strathroy, Saturday, Aug. 5th. 150 head stock cattle. A choice run of Herefords, also pigs and calves. Trucks to de- liver. Sales every Saturday. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer. • Cash & Carry Specials (Saturday Only) Robin Hood Flour, 98 lb bag.. ,.. ..... ,2.69 Five Roses Flour. 98 lb -bag 2.89 Robin Hood Flour, 24 Ib bag . ...... . 75c Carnation Milk (with coupons) 6 tins 59e Tea -Bask, per. pkge. 29c Schneider's Pure Lard, 2 lbs. a 27c Stockaid Cattle Spray, 160 ozs., (One Gallon) 1.35 W. J. FINNIGAN Card of Thanks I McConnell & Hays • The family of the late Mrs, Hugh. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, McMillan wish to thank their Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays friends and neighbors•for many acts SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 of kindness and sympathy during their recent bereavement; also for the spiritual bouquets 'received; and those who loaned their cars. • FOR SALE Two young sows with 8 and 10 pigs three weeks old. Three sows due. early in August. Also 7 chunks, 11 weeks old. Phone 654 r 11. Mervin Lane. FOR SALE Two -burner electrc hot pat in good condition. Apply Office. FOR SALE Goodison separator, size 36-50,. ready for work. Apply C. J. Walker, R.R.1, Cromarty. FOR SALE A DeForest Crosley electric cab- inet abinet radio. Can be seen evenings af- ter '7 o'clock, Garnet McClinchey, Egmondville. 1 General Farman Tractor 1 With pulley & power take -off, like new, with 2 -row cultivator & bean harvester. 'One 10 -ft. Cockshutt power binder, all roller bearing & hydraulic oiling. One Allis Chalmers combine with pick-up and harvested 50 acres.aApply mOnly to t, PRIVATE SALE Private Sale at residence of John Webster, Centre Street, on Saturday, August 5th, of tables, chairs, rocking chairs, clocks, rugs china cabinet, combination bookcase and writing desk, beds, curtains ` and household utensils, etc. FOR,SALE Man's bicycle in first class shape, new tires. Apply at The News office. HOUSE FOR RENT With all conveniences, on Market St. Mrs. J. MacKenzie, phone 25. home on Monday following a month in the back of my truck so 1 opened until the time when they commence � vacation at Grand Bend. it and ,you should have heard them, ac • Seaforth Mrs. Ewan McEwen of Sarnia is The were all wishing they were to spun their cocoons. Their size de- JOhII B Y ' holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. from Hensall so they could get a pends upon the quantity of mulberry McEwen and Donna, Mr. Ewan Mc- parcel like that. It was really Well leaves they can successfully ingest. Ewen intends to come on his vaca- tion and I want to thank one and all who Dr. Osigian therefore directed his next week, helped towards it. We are getting research and experimentation toward aton and Mrs. Hum re Mrs• Hump some hot weather here now but if,s of. London and Mrs. Peck of Hann `sure a lot better than mud. It keeps bigger and better worms from ilton were recent visitors with Mr. Jerry moving and that's the main and better leaves, and Nlrs. Wm. Consitt. thing at this time,I was in the hos- After much hard, grueling M alt 0 i L d it 1 f few weeks as you likely nd pets ser- bigger Grain and Fertilizer I ani buying grain for Thompson at Hensall. Call for• information. Also taking orders for Fertilizer. Order early and be sure of yours. WILLIAM M. SPROAT Phone 655 r 2, Seaforth FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, in Hibbert, half mile west of Cromarty, highly productive, good comfortable house, practically new, good bank barn and other buildings, lots of water and good hardwood (bush. Reasonable price. Apply to T. W. Aldington, Cromarty, Ont NOTICE Frank Finnigan, your Rawleigh dealer. on Louisa St., Seaforth, has a line of products at the house. Phone 63W. Notice Township of McKillop The notice pertaining to Tractors, work forbidding steel wheels with spade -pigs to run on the highways, was istenca, lie demonstrated to rescinded on account of not being 5XB.C. Shingles Carload Just Arrived E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build Ing, Seaforth. Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday • 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7,30 p.m. to 9 p.m. E. FEEDING MOLASSES • A car expected soon, phone your orders BINDER TWINE A limited supply of 650 & 600 ft. ROPE — all sizes Co -Op and Shur Gain poultry and hog feeds mixed daily Mixed chop and millfeeds SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE PHONED 9 NOTICE Wm, .Bradshaw, your Watkins dealer, and also agent for E. D. Smith & Son. fruit and ornamental nursery.- stock, Market street.. Seaforth, nt. Phone 60. was a recent visitor with his parents, read in the paper but it wasn't Ministry of Agriculture of Vanes- able to get steel or rubber at the. Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Ortwein. ions so Int out and around onto Earl Soldan, son of Mr, and Mrs. more. 1 have never seen any of the uela that the worms raised by him present time.order of McKillop Council. Wm Soldan Highway No 4 while fellows from around home since I thre times the size of Japanese, WM. J. MANLEY. cranking the tractor on his father's landed. I guess they're all in France worms. More wondrous yet is the farm last week accidental) injured by now. Well Gladys, news is scarce weight of their cocoons. They are six MemorialHospital, aa' ort, were M 1 H t 1 S f tl h clay's leave in Rome.It is a wonder times heavier, and have a better Mr. J. D. Buchanan of London, HUDSON. ese silkworms. While 1 theapan J ese his arm. He was removed to Scott so will close. Thanks again. I had a a _ X-rays revealed a fracture ful city. Yours sincerely, LAIRDquality silk, than those of the Japan - was a recent visitor with his mother, Dear Friends: I was very pleased obtain only three cocoon yields an IVIrs. Alex, Buchanan. to receive your parcel and letter of allay, Dr. Osigian achieves six an Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hanson and May 18th. They arrived two days nual yields with has "superworme." Although the groundwork for a week's vacation with Mrs, Hanson's have interfered with answering. The booming ilk industry was Rrst laid mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm and contents of the parcel were in Per- by Dr. silk in Panama and Velaid sister, Mrs. Robt. McKenzie. fect condition, excepting the cookies Misses Edna Saundercock and which took a beating but we didn't uela, the United States has not been Margaret MacGregor enjoyed a waste a crumb as they are too unaware of his efforts. In a memoran- week's vacation at Kitchener and much of a novelty. The homemadk dum of the United States Department Niagara Pcandy was lovely and you may.+ of Agriculture it is stated that this children of Stratford are spending a ago, but as often is the case, duties Mr. and6Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Deb. the ladies responsible on our beha] bie and Billie, are holidaying with The maple sugar was a the, former's mother, Mrs. Lou Shan- home and almost made us homesick. noteworthy advances in the history of son. Around here when a fellow gets a the cultivation of silk. Miss Lois Maclaren,nurse-in- parcel he has to dig in with ,the rest Dr. Osigian encountered many dfffi training at Kitchener. Hospital, visit- or go short, as we share everything, cuities fromahe very start af.,his ex ed with freiids here last- week. The canned goods provide a problem Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius • Cook are but I think our cook will warm them perimentai research in Augusta, Geor some in Venez- vacationing at their summer cottage until my next 1 ave for us rThe tobacco and vela Lean save thern gia until seven dplaniationst. containing at BevGra. Josephd Bend. stationery will come in handy and I d Ara Taylor, Mrs. Taylor 2,500,000 trees. thank all very much for everything. As a result of his experimentation and Audrey are on a month's vasa- DAVE 5ANGSTER, tion, he finally developed a tree with long, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Sparrow of Dear. Gladys; I rec'd your .most tender leaves which the worms can Mrs. A. D. McEwen. have just got down to answering it.x, months a P bit of old endeavor constitutes one of the most Paisley were visiting with Mr. and welcome letter a week or so ago and food on of iter it is lanced. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. Officers ' President, W. R. Archibald, 'Sea - forth; Vice President, Frank Mc- Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and Manager, M. 4. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; 'Frank McGregor, Clinton; - Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mc- Ewing, o- Ewing, Blyth; Ilugh : Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F1. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications.,,,, to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. 'She Pure Bred Belgian Stallion WEST PINE SUPREME —5249- Enrolment No. 301? First Class Form 1 The ONALDTeMONCURaI (28559)fon Enrolment No. 4177 Third Class Porm 8 The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion ROYAL CARBROOK (27101)- Enrolment No. 3600 first Class Form 1 The Pure Bred d PereR bero) ,Stallion Enrolment No. 284 First Class Fdrm 1 Route for 1944zMonday and Tuesday, McICitiep, Morris and Grey Tps. Wed & Thurs., vicinity of Clinton, Colborne. and Goderich Tim Friday & Sat., vicinity of Kippen, airmail and Zurich. Terms for Donald Moneur, $18 to insure, payable March 1st, 1946. Terms for West Pine Supreme,.Refiner, and Royal. Carbrook, 515, as above. T. 5. McMICHAEL, Prop. & Manager SHAVINGS Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest 'rates in First -Class Companies. For Sale By bag or truckload FREE for for removing at once from 7 -Roomed frame house, Wilson St., premises. We are anxious to move attic insulated, fully modern.. Gar- these as quickly as possible as we age. Prompt Possession. will have a surplus on hand for the 7 -Room, frame, house, East William l next couple of months. St., 2 acres, land. A real buy." 7 -Room, stuccoed house, Godevicli John Boshart .& Sons St., West, Hydro. Garage, SEAFORTH 7 -Room Brick, house, Church St.,: Modern Conveniences with good. barn. 6•Room, Stuccoed house, Flgmond• vide. Hydro, good' well. Have other properties listed as well some good farms. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance Je Real Estate Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220 SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B.; Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic Is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic equipment Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose ap�I Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 2 to 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. Sperice's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Dash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry New Size Pictorial Review with Phone 770-W, Seaforth New Features More interesting than .ever! The Pictorial Review...starting with this Sunday's (Aug. 6) issue of The De- troit Sunday Times ,..will be in new handy form, with ;fascinating NEW features war features, short story,'' fun features, a wealth of intriguing attractions! Get The Detroit Sunday, Times this Sunday and every Sunday for the New Size Pictorial Review. ' Want and For Sale Ade, 1 week 25c JOHN A. GORWILL, O.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. 11.11. Ross' office. Phone :6 J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, O.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W Sestorth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefleld's Eye, ' and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also. at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -63 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Successor to Holmes & Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large Stock of Modern Aielnoriais ondisplay at our Seaforth Showrooms, For the convenience of our patrons office 'will be open on • TUESDAYS Open by appointment, at any other time. See Dr. Harburn, next door Cunningham & Pryde. Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 2911. DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry)