HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-08-03, Page 7r DANCED FOR NAZIS. Ginette, French dancing girl who, with her troupe, was brought from Paris to perform for Germans on Cherbourg peninsula, was left stranded when Nazis fled the area. She and girls now seek per- mission to dance for Allies. She's pictured posing before wrecked German anti-aircraft gun. GERMAN ONE..MAN `SHARK' <; A German one-man torpedo is pictured as, like a monstrous shark, it speeds toward its objective. Actual torpedo is under. water. "Driver" of the missile can be seen through transparent turret. FRONT LINE LINER Photo, above, first of its kind released for publication, shows the U. S. Navy's hitherto secret super -troopships. The ships, built at the U. S. Steel's Federal Shipyards, Kearny, N. 3., are fast, carry three types of guns, and are without portholes, 106 separate ventilating systems providing constant flow of fresh air. Note cruiser bow. ARMY'S `SUB•SEA'SOLDIERS' IJ. S. Army diving unit, believed to be the only one in France, is kept busy clearing rivers and canals of mines and underwater obstructions. Unit works from an LCVP (landing craft, vehicle and personnel). In background, diver's tender helps diver don his helmet before going down to inspect canal bed a few miles behind front. THAT HAT! - PULLING STRINGS Pte. H. Koebe, Winnipeg, found himself a new head dress when helping to clear the rubble from war -blasted Carpiquet. NORMANDY FACTORIES LAID WASTE Monty's greatest -ever aerial and ai ilcry blitz, which preceded the breaching of Rommel's line in Normandy, laid waste this factory d trict of Colombelles. Canadian infantrymen who followed the search through the still -blazing dcvaetated ruins of these factories. MINESWEEPER SUNK IN ENGLISH CHANNEL A few minutes after this picture was made, the USS Tide, which had been engaged in. clearing the English Channel of mines, sant: to the bottom. She was sunk while steaming toward the Normandy beaches. Two ships stand by to pick up surviaore. Installing a switchboard system for 17. S. First Army headquarters in Normandy, a sergeant gets to work on tangled maze of wire out- side switchboard room. COMMANDS NAZIS ON ATLANTIC COAST Field Marshal Gunther von Kluge, right, who recently replaced Field Marshal Karl von Rundstedt as commander of the Nazi At. lantic CCoast forces, discussion strategy with a fellow officer, some- where along the Channel Coast. This is thefirst picture of von Klug a released sicne he became commander of German forces on the western . front. STUDY IN CONCENTRATION This couple listens intently to liberation news in square of Beau- mont, France. Program comes front public address care of Psy- chological Warfare Division of AEF in France. It brings first good news in four years. SIDEWALK CAFE, WARTIME STYLE In a rubble -littered street of La Haye du Puits, France, three irn- aginative. Allies rig up their own version of the famous Parisian sidewalk cafe, They are seen here drinking a toast to "a short war". GUAM—ANOTHER `STEPPINGSTONE' FOR BOMBERS \ OCEAN AMMOIOCIIL Man above shows boirber-distances from Guam to such strategically important .Tap -field areas as the outlying Marianas Islands, the Bonin, Japan -itself, the Caroline' and the Philippines, YAP t s° \, PALA s