The Seaforth News, 1944-07-27, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
'1'HI. Ali:A1'i i1;1'l l N 1:A1'S
Snuwdo, Dyes.. Pualisher8
Miss Alberta Craig of Listowel
visited her sister, Mrs. Geo, E, -Pol-
lard lately.
Mr. and Mrs, Last of Welland
spent the week endwith her sister,
Mrs. R. W. Hoy.
Mrs, l+.nr1 Watson- visited at the
Thome of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Sand-
er'son, Wroxeter,
Mr. and Mas, Hugh Sinclair of
Toronto who spent the last 'week
visiting relatives around Walton,
Seaforth and other places, left for
their hone Monday.
Mrs. H. Skinn, formerly of Wal-
ton, is visiting her sister, Mrs, R.
W. Hoy.
Mr. Thomas McFadzean of Tor-
onto' has been visiting relatives here.
Mr, and Mrs. John Bolger, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Bolger and children
-were in London one day last week,
Miss May Shortreed visited at the
home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs, D. Tohnston,
A nice gathering of invited guests,
neighbors and friends attended the
wedding in Burns' Church on Wed.,
July 19th, of Miss Margaret Beattie,
only daughter of. Mr, and Mrs. Rob-
ert Beattie, and Mr. George Nichol
Michie of Morris. The church was
prettily decorated for the occasion
with bouquets and white satin rib-
bon and pink flowers, decorating the
seats for the bridal party. Mrs. Nor-
man Shepherd played the wedding
signed Rev, Mr. Menzies tied the
wedding knot. We wish to extend
congratulations and wish the young
couple a long life of health, happi-
ness and prosperity.
Mr. Wallace McGregor, of Ed-
monton, has been spending a couple
of weeks with his brother and sister,
Me. ural Mrs, Frank McGregor, and
ivirs. 'Jennie Knox and other rela-
tives, also calling on old friends and
neighbors. We sure are pleased to
see the boys come back home again
to visit the old home places,
Miss Levirla Knox holidayed for
the last two weeks at the home of
her parents, Mr. and• Mrs. Thomas
Itnox and other friends.
We are sorry that Mrs. Thomas
Colson, who recently was a neigh-
bor, butts now living in Biyth, is not
at present enjoying good health, but
hope as time goes on there will be
an improvement.
Master Donald Watt, second son
of Mr. and Mr's. Leo Watt, who was
operated on for appendicitis the be-
ginning of last week, is getting along
nicely and expects to get horne the
latter part of this week. We hope:
Donald will soon be well and strong
1VIr. Pettman of the Nile, called
on Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox, Fri-
day afternoon of last week,
Little Elizabeth Marshall of Tor
onto has been holidaying for the
last two weeks at the home of her
grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Knox and
uncle and, aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
]:nos and other friends.
Mrs. Knechtel of London spent
haying with her brother, Mr. Reece
march and also for the appropriate l
piece which was sung by Mrs. Rev.
Menzies, while the register was being Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25e.
Seaforth Farmers
Phone 9
7 Room Frame house, Wilson St.,
attic insulated. modern in every re-
spect: Garage. Prompt possession.
7 room Brick house. West St., fully
modern, Double Garage & Hen House
an property. A real buy.
5 room Frame cottage, High St,,
Hydro, Town Water,
5 room Frame cottage, Goderich
St.. Hydro & Town Water.
Other than the above we have sev-
eneral properties luted both in Sea -
forth and l;gmondville and would ap-
preciate your enquiries.
Insurance & Real Estate
Phone 334, Seaforth, Ont. Res, 220
The harder the cleaning Job,
the .better Gillett's Ekes itl
'Gillett's .sails right in, cute
down on the elbow work,
leaves floors spotless, garbage
pails sweet; keeps drains free -
running. Use full sfrength for
drains and sink pipes, in
solution* for cleaning. Gillett's
Is a tip-top all-around cleaner
that lightens all your hard
.cleaning loads. Stop right now
working so hard. Get Gillett's.
*Never dissolve lye in hot water. The
action of the lye Itself heats the water.
Large Stock of Modern
Memorials on display at
our Seaforth Showrooms
For the convenience of our
patrons office will be open un
Open by appointment at any
other time. • See Dr. Harhnrn,.
next door
Cunningham,.& Pryde
ciinton Exeter. Seaforth
Phone 41 -
Coal and Coke
You can now secure your
complete Winter supply ac-
cording to recent Coal Con-
trol Regulations.
"Hamilton Coke" Stove and nut
"Anthracite Nut Coal" and
"Pea Coke"
First Class Clean Fuel
We have a Supply now on hand
J. H. SCOTT. Phone 336
Mr, and Mrs, D. Dignan of Hay,
in company with 2Ir. and Mrs W.
Beck of London called Sunday on
Bliss Carroll at the hone of Mrs.
Wm, Haut,
Mr, and Mr's, Argo, • of. Toronto.
and little son were week end visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. Ide-
Mrs, Herd and kiddies of Strat-
ford were week end guests at the
home of Ole. and Mrs. 112. Elliott,
Mrs. Horner of Zurich is spending
a few days with her daughter, Mrs.
A. Ings.
Mrs. Dodsworth and Mrs, Robin-
son of London spent Saturday with
the for'mer's mother;, Mrs, Smith
and Mr. Dennison,
Mr. and Mrs. McLeod with friends
from Nissouri„ paid a flying visit Lo
the for'mer's grandmother, Mrs. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Stockton of Lung
Branch, Cal„ are guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, M. Elliott.
Mrs. Montnay and two sons•• of
Tilsonburg have returned home af-
ter.spending some time with the for•-
nmer•'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Appleby.
Miss Carroll of Toronto after
spending a fortnight with Mrs. Wm.
Hart, left Tuesday to visit friends in
St. Marys prior to her return to
Owing to anniversary service in
Trinity Church, Bayfield, Sunday,
there will be no service in St. John's
Anglican Church Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Reid in com-
pany with Mrs. M. Reid, motored to
Guelph Saturday for the week end.
Mrs. Ben Keyes and son Mervin of
the RCAF„ are holidaying in Bay-
Miss Mona Reid has returned
home after holidaying in Guelph.
were as follows: Girls, 5 and under,
Grace Sieeon; boys, 5 and under,
Donald Hoimpel; throwing ball, 5
and under, Arlene Diegel; girls 3 to
7, Audrey 1Imz; g'als bean scramble,
Olive Hinz; boys, 5 to 7, Ralph Wiet-
ersen; boys bean scramble, Richard
Steiss; girls '7 to 9, Jean Simeon;
girls shoe race, Shirley Diegel; boys
7 to 9, Keith Miller; boys shoe race,
Frank Hinz; girls, 9 to 11, Madelin
Ryan; girls biscuit eating, Marilyn
Wietersen; boys 9 to 11, Kenneth
Ahrens; boys biscuit eating, Donald
Graham; girls 11, to 13, Doreen
Wolfe; girls filling the bottle, Mar-
jory Fischer; boys 11 to 13, Glen
Mogk; boys 3 -legged race, Glen
Mogk and Lorraine Rose, Willard
Bennewies and Gerald Beuermann;
girls 13 to 15, Elsie Steinbach; girls
blowing paper bag, Grace Wietersen,
boys 13 to 15, Ivan Bennewies;
(boys carrying potato, Eric Schultz;
young ladies race, Pearl Vock; kick-
ing• the slipper, Neta Beuermann,
young men's race, Harold Mogk;
rooster fight, Roy Siemon; coat race, '
Helen Kistner and Ross Leonhardt;
clothespin race, Elsie Steinbach and
Henry Diegel; ladies walking race,
Mrs, Fred Ahrens; snookers race,
George Mogk. The youngest child
on the grounds was Warren Stanek,
six month old son of Mr, and Mrs,
Donald Stuck of Kitchener; the old-
est lady, Mrs, Caroline Miller, '79
years old; oldest gentleman, Henry
Kieber, 80 years,
Mrs. Frank Cowling of Toronto
with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Eckmeir.
Mrs. Wm. Borth of Marble Rock,
Iowa, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eck-
Me. and Mrs, Clarence Queren-
gesser and Glenn and Mr. and Mrs.
Albert •Matcho of Rostock with Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Smith.
Special collection for war services
will be taken at St. Peter's Lutheran
Church at the Sunday inorniing ser-
vice on Sunday,Aug.Au0th.
Remember the open air band con-
cert on Sunday evening,
Born—In Windsor on Thursday,
July 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, Elwood
Smart (Evelyn Bennewies) 3230
Baby St, Windsor, a daughter, Car-
olyn Elaine.
Pte. Wilfred Diegel, son of Mr,
and Mrs -H. E. Diegel, has returned
from overseas on the hospital ship.
Lady Nelson.
Kenneth Scherbarth of Detroit is
holidaying with his grandparehts,
Mr. and Mrs. J'. L. Bennewies,
Enjoy Picnic at Brodha gen—
Despite threatening skies the pic-
nic sponsored by the Sunday school
and Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Luth-
eran Church was largely attended
and a splendid afternoon of sports
was enjoyed. The fishpond and re-
fres"hment booth were well patron-
ized and music by the Brodhagea
Band was greatly enjoyed. Supper
was served in picnic style with free
lemonade for the children. In the
evening a baseball game and relay
races were enjoyed. The results
NOW SHOWING - THUR. FRI. SAT2nd shiYow tarA2ayt'airts 9.15
iter Francis
Martha Raye IV"FOUR JILLS IN A JEEP" Caroltzi es Landis
Jimmy Dorsey Anil His Orchestra
MON. TU -ES. WED., Two Features -2 nd show starts 8.45
Ella .Raines "PHANTOM LADY Francirot Tone
Distinguished Melodrama! Masterpiece of Suspense !
Starring Gloria Jean
A pleasing musical introducing Ray Malone—u clever now lap dancer
"Texas To Tokyo"
with Richard Quinn, Ann Gwynne
A glorious storyof youth fighting for all they love best !
First show starts web evening. at '7,35. Matinee each Saturday nt 2.3e
Mr, Glenn Diegel spent last week
at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hinz, Mau-
reen_and Winnifred, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex, McDonald
at Hampstead.
The W.M.S. was held in the Blake
Church on Thursday evening. with a
fair attendance. Miss T. Dinsmore
gave the topic.
Mr. Dagg of Zurich gave a splen-
did talk in the Blake church on "A
Soldier of Christ.'
Mr. James Johnston is home with
his father, Mr. Ross Johnston and
feels pretty well again.
Miss Eva Baechler is engaged at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Reuben
Gingerich near Zurich,
Quite a number were to Goderich
on Saturday to attend the funeral of
former resident of this
the late Mr. Chris. Buehler. His
mother, Mrs. Baechler• of Blake and
Joseph, a brother, reside on Bron-
son line. Sympathy of the commun-
ity goes out to the bereft ones.
Mr. and Mr's. Archie Mustard of
Goderich spent Sunday with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Hey.
Miss Phyllis McBride returned
home after spending a week at God-
erich camp school,
Mrs, Elmer Desch and sister Mar -
lien are recovering after the measles
# #4,0g'pDdE''ti,
ft, O
One look in your mirror will give you the answdl , , Am I man of
mouse ... am I one of those who lets the other fellow face all the
danger, take all the risks? Look yourself straight in the eye and ask
yourself this one question ... Have I the guts? The guts to wear thei
G.S. badge ofi,my sleeve—to fight that my home, my people may be free; -
You'll need months of thorough training to make you fighting -fit.
Your place is beside ever' loan who has the courage to see it though,
Canada's Army needs you NOW, and needs you for overseas serine,
Ella Bon of Clinton spent the
week end with her parents.
Messrs. Keith and John -McBride
spent a few days at Amberley with
Mavis McBride spent a holiday
with her grandparents at Kippen.
The ladies of Duff's unit of the
Red Crosse'wis'h to thank all those
who helped to make the rummage
sale such a success. The sum of $133
was realized. Fifty dollars was given
to the Red Cross and $2,5 to the
Navy League, $25 for the linen
shower for Russia, and $33 to the
cigarette fund overseas.
needed in
the business
` .. in fact, quite a
serious shortage of bottles
Bind cartons. However, it
can be overcome if custom-
ers return their empties,
in the original containers,
promptly — to the nearest
Brewer's Retail Store—as
these can be used over and
over again. In this way you
can' help us maintain steady
supplies for you.